I can't believe it..... we're finally going HOME
I can't believe it..... we're finally going HOME
Imagine being an american
You have to share the servers with that based homelesstard
This game will never give you the same feelings when you were a teenager. That time has passed. You are older. Your family is closer to death assuming they haven't died already. You can't recapture that feeling.
Zoomers: The cool stuff you see in old youtube videos will never happen. People and society have changed. The structure is not there to recreate what made this game look fun to you. Everyone is anti social, Blizzard pushes more censorship you won't get what you think you will get.
>Blizzard pushes more censorship
oh no I can't say the n-word
so terrible ;_;
>epic games store
Can't say GG EZ either.
The moment you reply with so what validates my statement that you are not going back to what you think you are.
You guys are the only ones that talk about streamers.
Wrong thread Epic shill? You're not getting paid for this post I guess, feels bad man.
I say nigger in WoW all the time. Once called a dude in my dungeon a nigger, I invited him into my teamspeak because he said he was going to "educate me" he ended up just getting talked over and having to listen to 20 or so people laugh and say nigger constantly.
Still the most cringe thing to say about it. What exactly about an old version of a videogame that is beyond basic would be considered "HOME"? You're not going to get those same experiences, everyone will already know the how's and what's unlike back then. The WoW community will still be pure aids and to top it all off the encounters and class gameplay are simplistic by modern standards.
1. Expect to see a lot of mages, warriors and rogues and other cheesey classes
2. Expect there to be nothing beyond the raiding/dungeon grind but more grind for any sort of resources and nothing else to do
3. Expect to be forced into this grind anyway if you pvp because pvp gear is only decent until a certain point.
>The WoW community will still be pure aids
Good, go back to level jobs tranny.
>replies with tranny shitposting
Thanks for unironically helping prove that point
The point that you're some pissed off faggot with a streamer obsession worried some 15 year old game will actually dilate your games asshole with its fat cock?
And further proving the point, sorry you can't take criticism on your old version of an MMO bucko.
Does it hurt you that Asmongold doesn't play FFXIV? Are you upset he refers to you as a tranny weeb? Why so obsessed user, have you thought about just confronting him? I mean he'll probably do it if you give him a few dollars, you know?
didn't play vanilla back then but played nostalrius and enjoyed every second of it.
now go back to retail and farm your mounts and transmogs
Thank God I am a Euro and don't have to deal with streamers.
I haven't even mentioned FFXIV, lol