Why was this only considered the GOAT for one year, what made people suddenly turn on it?
Why was this only considered the GOAT for one year, what made people suddenly turn on it?
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it's been considered one of if not the best game ever made for a long time
No one has turned on it
It's not even considered the best GameCube game anymore, most people have Metroid Prime at this point
It became "GOAT" years after the fact. No one bought RE4 the year it came out.
lol what the fuck are you talking about.
t. 16 year old
lol indeed! Then it sold 1.9 million on PS2, not even SCRAPING RE2's numbers on JUST the PS1. Know what you are talking about in future.
I absolutely bought it when it was new
thought it was the hypest shit ever
Yeah and? So did i, but it failed to reach previous numbers on release.
Only contrarian faggots who love tank controls, cry "muh atmosphere" and enjoy shitty camera angles dislike RE4.
RE4 has the tank controls i enjoy. Its why i am good at RE4
You... do know how many goddamn systems RE4 has been released on, don't you? It's even on the iphone.
3 Reasons
> 1. Most people didn't play Shadow of The Colossus on release
> 2. People then decided that Resident Evil 4 was overrated due to how much more praise it recieved than other games like Shadow of the Colossus or Metal Gear Solid 3
> 3. It lead to the destruction of an entire genre & when looking back in retrospect, people use this as a way to somehow attack RE4's overall quality
Yes about 2 more systems than RE0.
RE2 is way more overrated than RE4.
Capcom made an exclusive deal with Nintendo it's their fault
Shadow of the Colossus and MGS 3 are shit though
lmao no, not even fucking close. Hence this thread every fucking day.
> This is what Tendies believe
It is what it is though. Im simply presenting the numbers, nothing more. It was EXTREMELY highly rated on relase and influenced TPS gameplay, but i wont hear of all this retcon bullshit about how we all went out and bought it, we didn't.
They are poor. Shadow of the Colossus is the best out of those three games, but the actual "puzzles" and controls of that game are shite. And in no way were SotC and MGS 3 not praised to the moon when they came out
just because one number is bigger than the other doesnt mean that nobody played RE4 you fucking screaming autistic.
Also the only gamers who experienced RE4 played it on the GameCube at the time, which didn't sell very well. So word of mouth opinion was inflated. Now that it's been on every console & everyone has played it, the opinion of it is naturally more divisive. Same with Bloodborne, if it was a mulitplatform game instead of a PS4 exclusive it would just be considered an average Souls game
who is we? just say you didnt play it till later, your opinion and experiences arent the same as the rest of the world you sociopath.
It was ported to PS2 shortly after the GC release. A lot of people played it.
That's literally the point retard. SOTC was once considered the most underrated game of all time, it took 2-3 years before people started circlejerking the shit out of it
>cant handle a bit of dramatic hyperbole to illustrate my point
>calls others autistic because im not towing the line on RE4 discussion (see felating)
Sure buddy
If you had a gamecube you definitely did if you were in the know, most only had a PS2.
I bought it one day one for the gamecube i had to buy just to play REmake and RE0. Sorry if actual facts conflict with your idealised view of 2004 RE4
I can only assume you are very young and can't actually remember the press that game received, because critics were sucking it off
Actually according to sales, less than 2 million PS2 owners played it. RE3 sold a million and half more copies than that on PS1
It is still a good game despite that. But, RE7 is better just for switching to first person instead of kiddy muubige third person.
>we didnt buy
>i bought it
you are a psycho
>If you had a gamecube you definitely did
And yet world wide no more people bought RE4 than REmake or RE0 on gamecube. I suppose we cannot track the 2nd hand market so easily though.
This is from April 2005, as you can see RE4 is #1
The PS1 also had no real competition when its games were released. PS2 had GC and Xbox eating into its bottom line.
oh no user, not my fee fee's reeeee. Keep needing to defend a video games honor this much though.
here is what sold that year btw, other than pokemon emerald there is nothing worthwhile.
sales have never been an accurate metric of how good a game is or how the people who played it rated it.
RE4 actually sold about 2.2 million units on the PS2.
woah! IGN you say? And here is Capcom announcing that he GC version didn't sell that much more than REmake or RE0. Never came close to even 2 million copies sold.
This, Word of Mouth opinion is the most accurate metric.
im just trying to pin down what your're saying and you're full of nothing but shit.
>All of those sports games
>Star Wars Episode 3
point taken
And RE3 sold 3.5 million copies, its still way less than Capcom is used to from the series.
>why did this game was considered game of the YEAR just for one year?
OP you're the biggest fucking retard in Yea Forums, congrats.
what are you argueing in the first place? nobody liked re4 or that nobody played re4? because you are jumping around like a little ballerina here twirling and pirouetting through a maze of dicks.
op is indeed a large sized retard but GOAT stands for greatest of all time.
Its literally here and all fact
As far as RE games tended to do before it, RE4 underperformed. You should be making MORE sales on a game in 2005 than in 1998, not LESS.
It wasn't just considered GOTY, it was considered the single greatest game of all time. It's like BOTW when it came out
It was very polarizing at release with long time series fans but it's overall critical reception peaked around 2009-2012. Zoomers are the only ones who bitch about it because it doesn't control like CoD or Fortnite.
Im not arguing that at all, i liked RE4 as did many others, but im fed up of these threads were everyone circle jerks about how it "saved the series because EVERYONE bought it" and thr truth is it sold less on launch year than the classic games before it. People's revisionism on this matter is a jokeZ
just saying your numbers is wrong. RE4 still sold 5.6 million at that time, which yes, is more than RE3. It's also VERY close to RE2's sales PS1 and 64 combined (around 6 million). Comparing RE4's sales on one console to a game's sales on all consoles doesn't make much sense, user..
>SOTC was once considered the most underrated game of all time
No way buddy, every magazine gave it a "9/10 MASTERFUL" "I'VE NEVER CRIED SO HARD DURING A GAME OMG" type bullshit, then you pop the fucking game in your PS2 it ran at a standard 15fps with constant dips into slideshow territory. The PS3 HD remaster fixed those problems, but that came out way later.
>5.6 million
wot? You mean 3.9 million copies between Gamecube and PS2.
Because REmake got a port, and all the zoomers who's first entry was RE4 on the PS2 got to play an actual Resident Evil game for once in their lives.
RE4 is a good game, but it was literally the Apex Legends to classic RE's Titanfall.
Wrong, Critics loved it & gave it near perfect scores. The only reason it's metascore is so low is because of the PS2's horrible Hardware. It didn't become popular among normalfags until they replayed it on a Emulator
>but it was literally the Apex Legends to classic RE's Titanfall
i liked REvelations 2
Did you genuinely think that comparison wasn't cringy as shit?
The extra 1.7 million comes from the Wii, which is the next point I want to make. The game continues to be sold on modern platforms to this very day, and it still sells well. RE4 is more profitable than RE2 was.
Just speaking in terms the zoomers would understand.
RE4 is better than REmake. 2 (original version) and 3 are the best in the series, though.
I'd say REmake is more interesting from a design perspective. Just a shame its puzzles are so poor
True, but answer me this user, WHAT is the biggest running joke on Yea Forums about RE4 ports? Do you know? Itd oretty specific to RE4.
Is Wii the best console to play on? I only played on PS4
Wii is pretty good but PC is best
No its just memes
PC and PS4 are the same. He has already played it.
I don't know, the only problems I have with the ports are how they fuck with the graphics
No user, as in the injoke is that all RE4 fans buy every port that comes out. When PS5 get's a 4K port we will all buy it. Now, considering this is an extremely common trope, and that no single copy of RE4 sells more than 2.3 million copies, is it not reasonable to say that most of the new sales of each port are just us fans buying it AGAIN? I myself have owned RE4 on GC, PS2, PS3 and PS4.
In what gayass dimension is op living?
if you played this on anything other than the wii you are a retard
>owning a wii
>not a retard
I bought it on release day for PS2, pirated the Wii version when it came out, pirated the HD version on PS3 when it came out. There's no reason to keep buying it.
The controls are fucking garbage.
>HUR HURRRRRR BASED tank controls!!!!!
Fuck you faggot. Game should be redone like RE2
>he didn't own a CFW wii
oh wow it's like you really hated video games
Got mine for $5 and then modded it. Cope harder though
>A decade-worth clones and only Dead Space managed to reach its level
Baffles me.
I dunno. it's honestly pretty shit.
RE4 literally has tank controls
I played the shit out of this on the Wii.
Wiimote + Nunchuck is godly.
Cause their favorite e-celeb said so and only agreeing so they can remain friends with e-celeb
Only faggots think this game is the GOAT anything. it's a mediocre action game that influenced the 3rd person shooter genre for the very worse. Also it's hilarious how everyone unanimously bitches about the controls in the original RE games but give this one a pass for some reason.
Only trannies like you hate this game. Also your argument that this game somehow is bad because it influenced other developers who could not capitalize on it is pretty retarded. Which leads me to believe that you need to dilate.
This game would be literally perfect without the garbage island.
Aside from the forced waggle quick time events, RE4Wii has the best feeling controls of any game, ever.