Stop playing video games.
Stop watching porn.
Start lifting.
Go to church and find a nice girl.
Start a family.
Stop playing video games
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You're right, Pepe, but it's hard to find the willpower to do so.
do you want to know how i know you're american
Why would I want to go LARP at church
you first, frogposter
>Stop playing video games.
>Stop watching porn.
>Start lifting.
>Go to church and find a nice girl.
>Start a family.
No thanks frog
sick funny frog post man really good job you are doing great
why is this stickied?
do cute lolis go to church
I'm gonna jerk off and play video games all day every day and there's nothing you can do to stop me
>frog post
>it’s good
>infact it’s based
Videogames and porn are much more fun.
Why would I do something that isn't as fun?
>stop having fun
>orbit a girl until she's off the cc and lets you betabuxxx her
>have a sexless marriage
>wait 3-5 years for divorce
>give her half of everything you own, pay child support for another decade and alimony for life
Stop playing video games.
Stop watching porn
Go into the military.
Love WAR for what it really is.
Start a war.
Fan it's flames.
Create victims.
Save them.
Train them.
Feed them back onto the battlefield.
Join Big Boss at Zanzibar Land on his quest to take control of the world for the purposes of making sure that conflict never ends.
I would only go to church to burn it to the ground desu
No me and my bf are into chubs and church is boring.
imagine having this little control over a girl. stay free, cuck
Doing things I like is more important than doing things I dislike desu senpai
under age AND homosexual
How about this, become a chad and pump and dump.
Focus on getting money and having active lifestyle, sounds fair?
Oh right, this isn't about roasties, it's the
>Stop playing video games.
>Stop watching porn.
>Start lifting.
That scares you.
Nice sticky jannies
Based Big Boss
I SHOULD do a lot of things with my life. Doesn't mean I enjoy them or really care past a certain point.
Prove to me Porn is bad, otherwise get lost.
Lifting is boring, I´d rather do Martial Arts.
What does going to church have to do with finding a nice girl?
I already have a family, I am not in any hurry to get another one.
No thanks, I'm devoted to my waifu.
Play videogames
Watch Twitch thots
start donating
go to gaming conventions and find a nice gamer girl
start a family
>Stop watching porn
I just got sadpanda back so no. Fuck you.
Based and Vargpilled
>he actually thinks that has anything to do with the guy
Yeah bro!! Guys like Brad Pitt get divorced cuz they aint alpha like us!!!
In jail yes
Yeah this, stop lifting, do boxing
or better, kys op
>Having children/wife
I am curious if 2D porn affects the brain differently than 3D
right after you stop spamming frogshit
so neither will ever happen
>go to church
no thanks I'm not a christcuck
>long lasting happiness
kek, spoken like a true failure wannabe
Why would I listen to some dumb frogposter?
smegma brains seething
If I ever set foot in a church I'd probably catch fire.
>Stop playing video games.
>Stop watching porn.
Porn and masturbation have been scientifically proven to improve your health
>Start lifting.
I'd rather work out my intellectual capacities with such works as the bibliography of Neil DeGrasson and Richard Dawkins
>Go to church and find a nice girl.
Oh, you mean worshiping an invisible sky magician? If i were to find a significant other, the last thing i'd want is a nimrod who believes in such fairy tales
>Start a family.
In the age of global warming, doing such a thing is irresponsible and stupid
You will be happier
I was a literal incel, masturbating 7times a day to a point where I couldn't get erection and I played vidya all day leeching off of my parents.
I live active and physical lifestyle now and play only vidya that is good on weekends if I have free time.
I actually have sex, and it's nice to feel that someone of the opposite sex likes you to the point that they want to stick your peepee in them.
I am infinitely more happy now and most people will be happy this way. Please explain to me what are the negatives of trying to become a chad?
>dying alone good
>Stop playing video games.
But I like them and I find them more and more interesting as time passes.
>Stop watching porn.
I already barely watch any thanks
>Start lifting.
I have absolutely no interest in physical strength and I don't want to be muscular, imposing or manly
>Go to church and find a nice girl.
I can't just start believing like that, it's not like I'll suddenly find faith in my desk drawer
>Start a family.
no thanks
now that is something i can deal with
Being free is good
Follow your own advice and stop posting here.
I haven't met anyone real that I've been really attracted to and wanted to spend 60 years of my life with.
I should probably start lifting though, I don't see the downside to that.
i thought masturbating at least 1-2 times a week was good for your prostate
You forgot Bill Nye the Science Guy
>going to church to listen to fairy tales as a grown adult
>starting a family when the world is going to fall into chaos within your lifetime
Stop watching porn
Don't be a christcuck
Find a nice girl
Start a family
Burn down all local churches for being a Jewish plot to replace your local religions
Kill your bandmates
Regret nothing
based and Diogenespilled
>still posts on Yea Forums
Get a load of this retard
>doing things you don't like creates long lasting happiness and fulfills your goals
>Go to church and find a nice girl.
>Start a family.
I think you're right, Pepe. I'm finally going to be on the right track.
>durr everyone are exactly in the same situation as i am
Nigger stop being stupid, everyone has different live circumstances.
I already lift and there are no nice girls in my church.
>still posts on Yea Forums
>give up the one thing I enjoy for a bunch of shit I literally give no shits about because you took it to an extreme an your redemption story supposedly means shit
Take a look at the divorce statistics, soon-to-be cuck and tough shit if you're in a country with cohabitation laws
>find a nice girl
Thats whys I gave up that life and pursued hedonistic pleasures. All women are some combination of whore, fat, and crazy nowdays.
>being free means you can’t ever have relationship
Absolute kumbrain. Get off the computer then and stop talking to anons. Be “free”
>keep playing video games
>stop watching 3DPD porn
>got to the gym
>joined mil active reserve
>single and not planning to get anyone
happiness is found within yourself, not in an internet post, now go back to dilating and quit posting
It is
But it's bad for your brain
rage harder faggot, your beta ass can't keep yourself in check let alone another human being
>these threads are making me laugh at work
Guys please stop I'm not getting paid to laugh while shitposting on Yea Forums
>Prove to me Porn is bad, otherwise get lost.
Long story short, there are a lot of scientific articles that find direct relation between loss of dopamine receptor sensitivity and masturbation/porn addiction. It becomes harder for you to be happy because your dopamine receptors are dulled out from constantly fapping and orgasming 20 times a week without any risk reward.
This also breeds lazyness in your mind since why would you want to compete and strive to achieve something greater if you have an easy way to release dopamine.
>Lifting is boring, martial arts
You are doing neither, and to be an effective martial artist you need to also lift/train. But sure, start with martial arts alone, go ahead.
Why? What happens to your brain?
>I was a literal incel, masturbating 7times a day to a point where I couldn't get erection and I played vidya all day leeching off of my parents.
Sounds like you're just a pussy, senpai.
>I live active and physical lifestyle now and play only vidya that is good on weekends if I have free time.
Cool, I go to the gym and play video games as much as I want in my spare time, and I have a lot of it because i'm not concerned about what people think I should be. Are you supposed to be special or something?
>I actually have sex
Imagine being so fucking pathetic that not having sex matters to you
>I am infinitely more happy now and most people will be happy this way
Whole lot of assumptions there, faggot. You don't belong here.
try again with no memes this time
You can actually do this in real life, join ISIS
A relationship you don't actually want is imprisonment.
>I have absolutely no interest in physical strength and I don't want to be muscular, imposing or manly
don't go to the gym, jsut do simple push ups and squats, enough to keep a muscle mass otherwise you aren't going to age well, unless you want to be one of those living vegetables
Eat my ass kid
I don't care about real life
Why do jizzheads hate religion so much? What did it ever do to them?
>Stop watching porn.
>Start lifting.
Already did
>Go to church and find a nice girl.
Pretending to go to church to get a girl is more degenerate than being an atheist.
Even if I was that degenerate and churches with more than a few old women, half in the grave, still existed where I live, how would I arbitrarily decide which type of religion to pretend to be a part of?
Try again but address my point this time
church is fine, if you don't let yourself sucked in the nonsense
about finding a girl, i did already, plenty. And i simply do not have patience to deal with their bullshit
>All women are some combination of whore, fat, and crazy
this is so much a fact
>posting at work
git fucked
Who you tryin' ta mess with ese?
Don't you know I'm loco?
To da one on da damn
Boy I'm soft
I just post some THICC, something from Japan
Like spam
It's starts when I come in
Damn, I feel like watching another man
libido is wrecked - hectic
Blacked got me goin' like hitachi - Electric
The lights are blinking I'm not thinking
Dopamine only when I go out drinking
Makin' my mind fuzzy,
That's why I don't fuck wit da big jann-ee
I got ta' get leavin'
'Cause a nigga like me is blowing semen
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
>Go to church
I'm bringing kerosene with me
ironically all the chads are gamers who are sex addicted as fuck, literally spamming all day porn photos and getting laid, they don't even lift hard at all, just do some pullups and drink beer postworkout but because they are tall and skinny and use jocky clothes they get laid
meanwhile /fit/ christ cucks are manlets who use baggy clothes to hide their gains because of "humbleness" while looking like literal shit thinking every woman out there is checking on them because of the inherent validation seeking behaviours from nofap that sublimate the sexual desire through the societal goodboy points desire
OP is not a faggot
I dunno man, let me ask this pile of billions of bodies
Why this is a very accurate depiction of a redditor such as yourself, yes.
ask the estonians
>Stop watching porn.
suck it, reddit
>Go to church
Sorry I don't want to worship a dead jew on a stick, gramps.
>Start a family.
1. My genes are shit
2. The planet is fucked, its not fair to bring someone into this world.
Stop posting frogs
>all the chads are gamers
wtf I'm a chad now
>how would I arbitrarily decide which type of religion to pretend to be a part of?
If you're only pretending, then why not try them all out and see which ones have women you might actually breed?
>Start lifting.
You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza
Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing".
Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE.
Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either CHAD or NOTHING
Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet?
Face it, face is EVERYTHING. HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME are literally ALL that matter.
>i'd like you if you were more muscular!
Gymcels are so fucking stupid, seriously.
You can gymcel your ENTIRE LIFE but it won't change these SET IN STONE, GENETIC factors that MATTER THE MOST. Really the only way working out will make you look better is if you're already overweight and losing weight reveals previously hidden cheekbones/jawline, and therefore improves your FACE. Thinking women like guys with autistic bulging muscles is stupid as FUCK.
STATUS and MONEY may make women want to DATE you, but literally the ONLY THING that matters in terms of SEXUAL ATTRACTION are ALPHA LOOKS which means a good HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME.
Oh, and as for personality, just fucking LOL. Personality is just another word for looks. Chad stands in the corner of the room and says nothing. Women go crazy over how "mysterious" he is. You do the same and they call the police.
Seeth more christcuck
>he doesn't pick the CHAD Mormon religion that admits the Jews are the devil
>Gamers think it's impossible to enjoy vidya without it taking over your life
I doubt it. People who jack it to hentai arent getting laid to begin with most likely.
>What do you mean I have to actually put in hard work to get the things I want? It should be like my virtual toys where I can press a few buttons and get dopamine fun points.
Typical Christianfag.
It destroyed our untainted native practices
Christcucks are pathetic
whats this pasta
unironically if you visit /e/ chances are you are less pathetic that the guys who spam the self improvement threads, luckily we are all anonymous here
>implying you can't have a job and still do the things you like
I swear people here have no sense of time management.
The most reddit post of the century
>implying bad guys don’t always use religion as a pretense while being transparent aetheists like winston faghill
>over 100 replies in 15 minutes
>still up
Sasuga mods.
So adorable. I wish I was still this young and inexperienced.
>Nice girl
You clearly never interacted with women if you still believe the "nice girl" meme
Cum Brian erupts from your scull like an adolescent xenomorph bursting from a chest, it's dainty, half-matured fingers frantically posting Yea Forums threads about the rich storytelling and character growth in Nier: Automata.