Why can't female humans be real?
Also, are we still excited for Classic WoW?
Why can't female humans be real?
I'm worried about the state of your brain, OP.
>Also, are we still excited for Classic WoW?
Yes, not lime we started being excited for female humans. Beta was a hype killer but lauch will stir discission and hundreds of thousands of players.
>heh you call that an ass humie
>hmmmm that was a good hehe human beer gets me that way;)
>hmmmm that one tickled my pussy
>you think your humie cock can handle this ass, don’t worry I don’t wipe;)
Hmmm, you may want to rethink your decisions on how you make threads user.
Unless you want to end up as one of “them”
It’s a shame I’m gonna have to sage what could’ve been a good thread
I want to lick her armpits
Can you imagine a female human haha. They would have body hair and probably be smelly. Fucking gross.
Humans IRL would so hot. I doubt they would date me though.
Why do we need porn to have a thread about WoW? If you want Wow-porn I'm sure /aco/ have a thread up and running.
How bad are hunters overall?
Is Hunter the kind of class that has a strong start during the early game and then after 20 levels it gets outclassed by everything in every aspect of the game?
You should be more than your dick
You should stop resenting everyone who doesn't have a mutilated cock and an even more mutilated sense of sexuality.
No one would resent you if you didn't shit up Yea Forums in the process. See:
>see: more of my spam
Kill yourself, tranny.
>if you didn't shit up Yea Forums in the process
take your pills
This entire board is nothing but redditors, trannies and cum.brains.
As bad as some other boards have become over the years, I can feel my IQ drop whenever I visit Yea Forumseddit.
go back to r*ddit.