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Is there finally going to be a tourney this friday?

Vegeta is the embodiment of "Talk shit, get hit."

>picks Freiza

There was one last friday and saturday what are you talking about
Broly beat Baby

Thanks, doc.

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>that sound buus make when they charge their ki
always thought it was real neat

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the saiyans really are a broken race when you think about it

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Anyone can do Kaioken and anyone can use god ki though

Where does Ultra Instinct fit into this?

It's own line is just perfected instincts

Ultra Instinct is mastering the angel technique of letting your body defend on autopilot.


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Ultra Instinct is it's own branch, Mastered Ultra Instinct being the end of it.

Vegeta has gone beyond Super Saiyan Blue, too.

you have a point with the kaioken but jut because have god ki that doesn't mean you can transform into a SSG/SSB. You can have the ki but no forms themselves

Remember back when BOTG first came out and everyone thought accessing God Ki meant non God Ki users couldnt hurt you? Remember when people thought it would put you on a stronger than Z but weaker than Beerus level, meaning humans accessing God ki would allow them to compete with the Saiyans again because everyone would be starting off at the same tier of strength?

Remember when everyone thought Goku and Vegeta using God ki in their base forms was really fucking strong but it turns out they werent because Super shat over everything and make them in to super jobbers?

You have your own form like the fatty did

>back when BOTG first came out and everyone thought accessing God Ki meant non God Ki users couldnt hurt you?
Why wasn't it this way from the fucking start? This still makes me mad

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Yeah I remember when people were retarded


Because otherwise every enemy barring Zamasu and Goku Black wouldnt have been a threat at all I suppose.

Even if that was the direction they took we both know Jiren/Broly would have been so overwhelmingly strong that they'd have brute forced past the god ki anyway.

Ultra Instinct isn't a species thing. Ironically Roshi is actually the person who is the closest at mastering it next to Beerus. Goku and Vegeta have more than proven themselves to be UNGA BUNGA ME GO SUPER SAIYAN OR ME CAN'T THROW PUNCH against Moro. Twice.

you could've just written Jiren to have god ki (dunno about Broly), hell you could've just made most villains have god ki anyways

Goku and Vegeta after accessing SSG are so strong in their base forms, immediately after getting the form, that their punches can destroy the 3 universe sized domains that make up their complete universe. Just think about that.

On top of that, when they transform, those multiplies stack onto that god essence base form. This means that when goku goes into JUST SUPER SAIYAN in Super, before any of the training to get super saiyan blue or kaioken or any of that bullshit, he is FIFTY TIMES stronger than someone capable of destroying three universes with a punch.
Just god damn

Moro arc is shit. How do we go from ToP where Goku was a swiss-army knife of pulling out old and new techniques (like the energy landmines in the anime) to being complete idiots?

the only Saiyan who is strong in their base form is Gohan right now but it isn't a surprise when that is his gimmick, I doubt base form Goku or Vegeta could even handle Cell

since this is a DB thread I might as well ask you guys if you are glad that global Dokkan finally arrives with DBH units.
while I don't have any stones left since I wasted them I feel kinda sad that I won't be pulling unless we get some stones.
seeing the units in the general pool feels really damn good, though.

Bro I am telling you, look into it. Once you go god, you don't go back; it's absorbed into your base. Granted, this means Gohan's base form is absurd but still

thanks doc

> Gohan right now but it isn't a surprise when that is his gimmick, I doubt base form Goku or Vegeta could even handle Cell
The fuck? Base form Super goku and vegeta demolishes anything from Z and gohan isn't the strongest in his base

What hour is the tourney usually

we both know that's a load of bullshit if you've seen the ToP.
everything's a mess and no thought should be given in regards to power.
just turn off your damn brain and conceive DBS.
it'll help you big-time.

Gohan's dealt with Kefla without transforming who was a fighter that Blue couldn't scratch. Gohan right now is absurd

>without transforming
Even though it's non-canon this is STILL false as he used his mystic or ultimate form, kefla is just weaker in the manga

That's why Goku got grazed by bullets and it hurt, right?

I really hope this thread doesn't turn into a Super v GT shitfest again

The manga's canon

Literally everything before and after that universe moment shows that was just a bunch of power level fag pandering. The Zamasu fights weren't even Vegeta level collateral.

manga =/ anime
how are there so many people here right now that still don't get that the manga, as well as the anime go to complete different routes within the same story?
is it spics again? Jobhan is still Jobhan by the way. he ended the fight with Kefla in a draw in the manga while in the anime hebsacrificed himself with Dyspo.
I don't know if you people are joking or not.

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he was suppressing his power so he wouldn't kill the robbers

Toyotaro in charge of the story.

Freiza is pretty cool, but his brother is Cooler

Goku in Dragonball before learning about ki could take a bullet, although it hurt him. Are you telling me during his day to day business Goku suppresses 99.99999999999% of his power so much so that a sniper round could KO him?

no it isn't mangatard

Toriyama forgot

>Pick Cell
>Half of the voice clips are from his 1st form

It literally is, as it always was.

The DB super manga is not canon and it never was

says who? (You)?
keep up the good work!

yeah. If you sneak attack a saiyan, even the godly dragon ball Super saiyans, they get fucked. there was an (admittedly hilarious) plotpoint where future Mai used a regular ass sniper rifle to try and kill black because of it

Yes it is

Double Sunday
Saturday Crush
God i miss silly translation names

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delusional retard, last you from me spic

No you nigger
If you have low to no ki around you at all times you can get hurt by weal shit like lasers and bullets

In the Dragon Ball franchise the manga has always taken canon priority over the anime, and now it is no different

It annoys me so much when the games screw up Cell and Frieza's voices in their different forms.

Is the Moro arc getting animated? I thought a new season was going to be announced back in July

there isn't collateral damage because the characters are controlling their ki. Think about it.
When goku fought beerus and they nearly destroyed the whole universe, he was desperately trying to suppress his power. When Goku and Vegeta fought Black, they were all trying not to destroy the planet. (Goku Black wanted to preserve the universe and just wipe out all mortals)

That's due to the limited space available for voice clips, because that is determined by the Japanese VAs.

it's different this time toriyama is not even drawing the super manga retard

It is the canon adaption

Yeah, you know what I mean. If their guard isn't up they can get fucked. Apparently frieza and other species don't have this problem. Though I'll admit, I forgot where I heard that from.

not him but
>anime, including movies came first
>DB manga is the first to come
>DBZ and DB anime get greenlit and produced after massive success of manga
it shocks me quite a lot how much ignorance some fans are emitting. it makes me actually mad at the same time.

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>(1st form voice) KAMEHAMEHA

He is directly informing the artist of his canon plot ideas. Toei is only informed indirectly

What comes first doesn't determine what's canon.

>*Final Flash*

and yet Toyo adds his own bullshit.
Toriyama only creates a raw script.
it has been established already, spic-kun.
there's already a lot of proof.

The manga adapts the anime. THe manga is the noncanon and secondary medium

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I need a full dose doc, partial doses don't cut it.

That's not how it works. Neither the anime nor manga is the true canon which is why the Broly movie didn't use anything from either. The true canon was Tori's original outline.

>is it spics again
Pretty much. They're the only ones that actually like Toyo's ToP arc.


I hate everything about super so damn much
the whole series should've ended after ssj3. Even that was too far

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watch as he's about to say that you're wrong because the characters from the ToP were there and aren't totally from Toriyama's personal imagination that Tori and Toyo borrowed from.

>Tori and Toyo
fuck, meant to say Toei and Toyo.

The manga adapts Tori's outline, are you crazy

give me the full dose doc

now I am convinced that you're a newfag.
get niggered faggot.
fucking kill yourself.

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i just wish ssj3 could've been better

well, aside from the magical clothing SS4 is the best thing to happen after SS3 while non-canon.

>literally no wins
It's a shame but it must be an animation nightmare

Agreed. I wish the Saiyan characters (maybe aside from Goku and Vegeta, but still) had transformations as a sort of uniqueness to them as a character so there wouldn't be a bunch of them using all the same forms. Like for example, Mystic Gohan not needing to use his Super Saiyan forms, Future Trunks peaking at Super Saiyan 2, etc. It would be pretty shitty if the hybrid saiyans wind accessing God Ki and the Super Saiyan God forms eventually.

I've always liked this idea too. It could give the other forms a time to shine, but then again it probably wouldn't matter much cause only goku and vegeta get to do anything

user they're retarded redditniggers

>tfw teach won't wake up in time

so far it seems like it won't

>aside from the magical clothing
are we gonna pretend clothes beam wasn't already a thing?

Legit one of my favorite lines.

>gloves power down when they exit SS4


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I'm the first to post it today get fricked retards

the clothes beam is literal magic while powering up shouldn't give you any new clothes at all.

not the shitty vocalless version.

Dragon Ball anime essentials pasta

>Classic Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball (Dragon Box Remux 720x480 MPEG2 MULTi)

Dragon Ball Recut!wixRFaYD!cMFTr3WJYFiL-jnscuw7Lw


iKaos is working on a “perfect” version of DBZ by combining the best quality video with the most American English and Japanese dub options available, for both nostalgic and completion purposes.

Dragon Ball Kai - Dragon Ball Z with most of the episode padding and filler content (scenes not present in the original comic book) removed.

>DBGT - Begins 5 years after the 10-year time skip at the end of Dragon Ball Z. It follows the events at the end of Z, but it is the only series not based on a story by Akira Toriyama, and its continuity has been overwritten by Dragon Ball Super.

If anybody wants Dragon Ball GT: Grand Tour (Dragon Box) synced with English audio along Dubbed Next Episode Previews here you go!xjQRyYqJ!UjdPuB35nI1VX5-OrPMGxw

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When did Super Saiyan God become the jobber form?


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GT Trunks and Goten > Super Trunks and Goten

>73498734 gig downloads
Nigga it's 2019 give me some streams.
Was it kino?

VeGTa is great

Enter CHADren.

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Looks like he's trying to practice gurning.

I would argue Frieza's race is the most broken of all.
>only slightly weaker than a Super Saiyan by default
>able to ascend into further forms as well, notably into Golden form that rivals godly power

Super gave us the second best villain though.

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The thing in the chest is red fur and the pants are the same as base Goku

There are two kinds of saiyans:
The suicidal retards that win shit because pulled something out of the ass, and the ones that always make everything worse.

They should redo Baby and have him take over Broly instead

That's barely scratching the surface, HERE'S A TRUE SAIYAN'S POTENTIAL!

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Heroes will probably do it at some point.

All Saiyans are bad and should die.

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Humans from planet earth are probably VERY dangerous as well.
Give em a bit of motivation and they do a fucking machine that can easily kill lord freeza.

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What if Cell absorbed 16 instead of 18?

Not possible - 16 is a pure machine, Cell is designed to absorb humans and modified humans.

Of course, that doesn't make any fucking sense considering he absorbs the mechanical parts of 17 and 18 too (that's where all his strength comes from), but that's the explanation.

what if cell absorbed yo mama!

that feel when you realize Vegeta and Captain Falcon have the same voice.

He'd look a little something like this

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Baby arc sucked but he had a pretty based design.

we dont know if all of freezas race can go golden. I believe it they said freeza is some sort of prodigy so he can train and rival the god form so fast (but we all know thats hack writing for freeza to fight a god tier character)

Don't ruin my dreams, user.

haha Hoku lookd likr d gublkuin monrdfgybmjnk

Super needs to bring him back

>Best executed cutscenes
>Least faithful models

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