Guilty Pleasures allowed
ITT: Tropes you like
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jumping on enemies kills them. i like that one.
>enemies react differently depending on where you strike/shoot them
Encountering powered up versions of enemies later in game that are just pallet swaps.
>Game let's you play as the bosses
>Rivals with similar powers as the mc
Hell, even just having rivals to begin with seems to be a rare thing in most rpgs these days. Best part is when they have their own amazing soundtrack when fighting.
Time travel, but the type where it's a single timeline
so the characters from the future show up earlier in the game before their future selves travel back to the past
Playing as the villain
> boss re-fights are random encounters
>60 and up playable characters
name 1 game thats like this that isnt a fighting game
i only ask because i like a few games like this type of trope
>boss doesn’t want to kill you
>you don’t want to kill boss
>you both have to fight to the death anyway
Chrono Cross has 45 potential party members. Not 60 but still a massive amount, especially for a JRPG.
Also technically Pokemon Mystery Dungeon does this. once you beat the game, you can switch to playing as any Pokemon you recruited, including legendaries.
good fucking series
there was that teen ttians game on the gamecube which was more of a beat-em-up, but I guess that's similar enough to a fighting game to not count
>Enemies become more afraid of you as the game goes by
Suikoden 2
>boss' attacks are stronger versions of your own moves and/or boss uses their own version of the player character's main gimmick
>boss is an old party member/clone of the old member
>only uses the attacks you unlocked for them
>can use OP attacks if you were able to get them
God this game was so good.
Iji has this
>you don't actually have to kill anyone
>main character is silent but starts speaking at the very end
>losing to the final boss
>get a new power-up
>theme song plays
>final boss cast fist
Any game done this? Sounds cool
Saints Row 1
FPS characters looking at their hands
I dunno. Just something about it
>enemy pins you to the ground and succs you dry
This. Bosses becomes regular enemies and you destroy them.
>final boss of the previous game joins your party
>he's just as broken as before
God Eater Resurrection.
Aw hell ye, father gascoigne filtered the shit out of me on my first attempt at playing bloodborne, came back months later and kicked his ass, learning parrying in the process. Same shit with gehrman, it felt like the two of you were worthy opponents for each other.
Shit im gonna have to try these out then
>Rather than have multiple stats/skills with only one way to optimize them, you have few stats/skills with different ways to optimize them
>MC can take drugs in game at any time that have psychological effects
>Base building where its not the main focus of the game
I love shit like delivering the happy boxes in Mother 3 or burying the soldiers' bodies in DQ Builders 2.
They're long moments that just let you think for a moment before continuing the game.
I love it when a boss doesn't attack a character because of relations.
Easy cinematic boss fights like the end of Super Metroid or Vaas from Farcry 3.
>play the whole game as the main villain who has entirely different mechanics
>you are temporarily given an insane amount of power and can destroy enemies you normally struggle against like it's a musou game
You mean stuff like Giants: Citizen Kabuto, or a game where building is the actual core mechanic, like an RTS?
>enter dungeon
>it's fucking massive
>it's so massive there different biomes and even are small villages on different floors of the dungeon
i love it when certain mechanics/concepts are rarely used. makes the game feel more fresh when you finally get to use them
I like when areas wrap around on themselves. Where the beginning, middle, and ending are placed nonlinearly but can only be accessed through linear progress. I especially enjoy it when games other than Metroidvanias do it.
>villain becomes a party member
>you can combine classes/abilities
>you can hybridize your units
I mean more where base building is a side thing you can spend time on like Fallout 4s base building as a more recent example
>final boss theme has motifs from the main theme
shining force
I love it when the players power progression is tangible like with monster hunter, you start out having real trouble with low level enemies then as you get stronger and better equipment those enemies became a hoard of mooks for you to slay on your way to the real challange. Oddly another good game for this was the first Risen.
Gen 3 pokemon
I don't know why i liked it so much and remember it still
Literally why so many Kirby final bosses are GOAT, on top of being epic as fuck
metroid does this. things aren't necessarily difficult early on but the obstacles can be annoying. as you get more powerful you come back to old rooms and can speed through them like nothing.
>character enters a berserk mode
pyre sorta
>Green Greens during Void fight
Fuck, it's so good.
>character enters a berserk mode
The best trope.
That looks kinda awesome
>enemies are rip-off of mythological figures, monsters, gods and etc.
>bonus points of they have bible stuff in there too
Kamen Rider Build, if you want to check it out.
>Joke weapon is actually viable and good.
>The old, frail and withered character suddenly becomes lucid and unimaginatively strong even at the lowest point in life when roused by his one obsession
>Kamen Rider Build
Thanks mate
>secret bazooka in medieval games
>Villain teams up with the good guy to fight a greater power
Always been my favourite. Specifically love seeing Mario and Bowser team up.
>Game breaks all limits and logic is thrown out the window during a one-time power up near the end:
>Guns keep shooting when empty
>Normal one-target attacks blow swathes of enemies away
>Magic attacks are in complete overdrive
>Enemy grunt attacks ricochet off your armor
>Strong melee attacks displace areas of the battlefield
>Keeping combos accelerates your every action
>Nothing stops your momentum
>Bosses come back for that one-time powerup and you just one-shot them
>the comic relief is actually a badass fighter
>Different factions of AI can start fighting each other
No Bruce Lee archetype?
Also, best Lee clone.
>Final level uses same music/tileset/setting/ect as the first level
Third options, defiance of expected fate, massive gambits.
God I loved this. Why couldn't more games do this?
>final boss theme is a orchestra cover of the main theme
>pick up new weapon/upgrade
>music gets all pumped up
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, but only for one of the endings.
>The further you progress in the game and more famous your become from all your deeds the more terrified the enemy is of you.
>Rival fights where you both have more or less the same abilities and power
>The final boss theme being the main/intro theme remixed
>get boss to half health
>he means business now
>starts new phase
>You take trophies from the bosses you defeat/other accomplishments and display them in the hub world
Visiting failed timelines where the big bad has won and everything is fucked up.
Pairs nicely with having to take extreme measures to save the world from a threat and being villainized in the process.
i love that shit.
Stupid fucking retard
>final blow to the final boss is a special over the top team attack
Happens in Dragon Quest I
It was so good though
all three lines made me laugh
I prerer 2
Chorus/Opera music for the final confrontation.
God I love nuFE.
>The bad guy that has been an asshole to you for most of the game teams up with you to fight the final boss/greater evil
>An antihero
Maybe Bi-Han. Kuai Liang is a chill dude and has done nothing wrong.
It requires a degree of effort in designing the levels as well as genuine interest in the game you are making
Two aspects rare in game development these days
>protagonist from a previous game reappears as a boss
>they use all their best equipment from that game
>you can recruit them after the fight
>main characters from first game show up in the sequel, you can fight them and have them join your party, you also see what they've been up to since their story ended
>you can get bosses to join you and they have all their broken moves from when you fought them
>game company has all kinds of other IPs and spinoffs where characters from the series show up in as bosses as vice versa, creating a whole web of extended canon
>characters have unique special attacks if next to each other
>while everyone has a chance to combo attack when near one another, some characters have a 100% chance to combo based off of plot
I fucking love Disgaea, fuck.
I don't know if it's an actual trope, but the plot twist is actually shown on the box or even in the title.
>multiple games in the series
>you get progressively more broken and OP in each instalment
>People who were hyped up as being legendarily powerful and impossible to beat eventually fall to your insane power creep
Trails in the Sky did this wonderfully
>Boss is just a dude
>Boss is on the same path as you
>Has similar powers as you
>people don't fall down instantly and stand up after death and bleeding mechanics
>character offers to fight you before they join your party
>if you opt to not fight they're disappointed and pissy but join anyway
>Comic relief is actually the mastermind
>near the end of the game party members sacrifice themselves so you can reach the end
gameplay aside Super Paper Mario had some good shit in it