Why isn't gaming fun any more?
Why isn't gaming fun any more?
you grew up
because you don't pay attention to more niche games
Those were the days.
It still is but only for triple A games. No multiplayer. No MMORPG grinding. No mobile. Just good good ol' storytelling. 6 to 90h.
Gamedevs have gotten lazy and greedy and probably don't even like videogames themselves.
Casuals won.
Replace the latest wojak edit with normalfags, and you'd actually be [partially] correct.
Uh is that an Ubisoft logo on the starcraft box?
As long as we have japs with god tier games and slavs with based tier games we all good.
That Steve Jobs interview from back in the day about why Xerox failed. Creative product people gradually replaced by more revenue-generating salesmen and marketers who don’t know how to make a good product. Happens in the life cycle of every industry.
it wasn't casuals ruining games, it was the hardcore audience turning into gambling and sex addicted dopamine addicts aka 'Gamers' who support the Live Service model and pay huge dollars for skins for their waifus
We’re not. Jap Devs and CDPR won’t stay on the periphery of millions of extra dollars forever.
This doesn't explain why I can pick up almost any game from 10 years ago or older and still have fun. There is a serious problem with games made today, especially in the AAA market. And that problem has to do with the core audience of video game players now being branded as "uncool". Yes, you can actually, unironically blame Sarkeesian and other shock jocks for the fact that gaming has gone down the shitter. Now that GamerGate lost, feminism is cool and gaming is not, now that post-election outrage culture is the new norm, developers are now trying to capture that new, trendy zeitgeist of "woke gaming" that will make gaming "cool" again. This is how you end up with abominations such as Wolfenstein: Youngblood. Combine this with the recent trend of microtransactions and loot boxes and you have probably the most unfriendly industry towards its core audience in existence.
Because you play shitty games.
Were you born yesterday? They are more than decade in this business and they haven't changed one bit.
Can’t speak about the japs because I don’t play their games, but while CDPR hasn’t touched predatory practices YET, their games have devolved from a thought provoking and complex RPG like the Witcher 1 to an interactive movie in the Witcher 3. They have changed their product profoundly to fit the trend and to make the experience as “on-rails” as possible. This to appeal to more casual gamers who get frustrated when they don’t have a waypoint 24/7
People still think modern games suck?
Too much money that drew in the ch*sen people.
Once something starts feeling like homeowork, it stops being a leisure activity and becomes a chore.
>wanting that much ADHD riddled shit in your room
No wonder why you fucking Doomers are so unstimulated these days
People without brain damage
Because games were taken hostage by corporate interest and normies who only care about pixel tits and ass.
>Worse graphics meant using your imagination and an emphasis on difficulty and design
>Smaller fan bases meant less corporate control and more creative content from the hearts of developers
>Game expansions full of content instead of insignificant DLC
>No micro transactions
>Barely any normies shitting it up
The 2006 shift ruined everything.
Everything's been JUSTed since at least 2010.
What a bullcrap you trying to sell. Witcher series only got better from title to title.
I still have fun playing games. Try some new genres you don't usually play and also don't take it too seriously. When it stops being fun put it down for a bit. Also get some friends to play with
Consistent failure to attain goals throughout life results in defeatism, low self-esteem or depression. In order to avoid serious psychological problems, a human being needs meaningful goals whose attainment requires effort, and he/she must have a reasonable rate of success in attaining his/her goals.
I forgot the most important one
>Multiplayer games came with an ESRB warning that said they were not responsible for content in online play which meant you could savage the shit out of professional whiners and make them leave
Shift started at the end of 2007 buddy.
It started in 2006.
The changes accelerated over the following years, and 2010 was the point of no return.
This basically. When gaming is your only hobby and youre "forced" to game to have fun or decompress it loses whatever magic it had in the first place. Instead you should be branching out to other hobbies and activities as you grow. Get outside, program some bullshit app, fail out of school and at relationships, etc. And dont bother doing what you used to like doing for work either, over time it becomes just work and you lose what you did for fun and end up shitposting on Yea Forums instead of doing anything productive or fun.
First Post Shittiest Post
combination of boredom of a hobby that comes with age and awful game design over the past decade.
Because every single game made in or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters who don’t know any better. Vidya is dead.
Lol no it didn’t. Maybe the production got better and the dialogue quality, but the game itself is literally a movie where you don’t have to think. I just played through all three Witcher games last month for the first time and it was disappointing to see the series become more and more casual.
Nobody had a Commodore 64 casually sitting around on their desk when fuckin' Vice City was released for PC. What a retarded zoomer picture.
In 2006 we reached peak in 2007 we noticed stagnation and then downfall.
Oh fuck off Quentin.
Because it no longer quells the roaring emptiness inside you.
You played a lot of shit games when you were younger and can't appreciate good games now.
Unironically saving this image. I relate to this image so much. The sun coming through the shades like you've just spent all night playing vidya just adds to nostalgia. Gaming before casuals and politics got involved was fantastic. I really dont know where gaming became this ultra serious entertainment medium that must be policed. Modern gaming journalism has really set the industry back by trying to progress it forward.
e-sports cancer and natural capitalist growth.
I only spend about 10 hours gaming a week. They’ve been getting worse and worse.
2007 was the peak casual AAA gaming.
>Halo 3
>Orange Box and Portal
>Mass Effect
>Super Mario Galaxy
Been downhill since
Forgot to add Modern Warfare
Because you used video games as an unhealthy escape mechanism instead of dealing with your problems.
It worked for a while, but now you're trying to find that same peace and it's stopped working. Like an addict who needs more to get their fix now.
So now you looking for that same escape you had, and it's not cutting it anymore. Instead of dealing with that yourself you've decided it's because video games aren't good anymore.
While that's easier than accepting responsibility, it's short sighted and only hurts you in the long term.
Find a different hobby, do something that enriches your soul, and then rediscover how video games fit back into your life. That's the only way to have 'fun' with them once you've used them as a unhealthy coping method.
>all the fantastic indie titles
>Japan is still producing actual good games
>even enjoy a big AAA western game like Prey
Yep I'm sure you relate to the image of the loser with old donuts and pizza boxes sitting around with his 30+ year gaming hardware alone in his room.
Because games are less about fun and more about making as much money as possible.
I felt the same way when I was dick-deep in my depression. I do think there was a genuine drought of good middleware games in the late 2000's and early 2010's, but that's largely been remedied by digital distribution of smaller budget games.
Now I feel like I have more good video games than I can ever hope to play.
2007 games were good stfu
Do you know what stagnation means tard?
>Worse graphics meant using your imagination and an emphasis on difficulty and design
Even the worse graphics weren't all that bad. PS2 graphics looked good.
>PS2 graphics looked good.
They still look good
bohoo, fuck off
>fail out of school and at relationships, etc.
Already did that. Well, I didn't really fail out of school, I just got so mentally ill that I couldn't go to school, and I didn't know why I was going there anyway.
2007 was a good year idiot
Go fuck your nan.
>Because you used video games as an unhealthy escape mechanism instead of dealing with your problems.
Yeah, I did, because my problems couldn't be "dealt with". They were (and still are) things I can't change. What the fuck else was I supposed to do?
I still have fun with old games. The new games are boring and too easy. I've played probably 10 new triple A games in the last year and I'm having more fun replaying donkey Kong country on my snes emulator because it's challenging and satisfying.
Because you still buy triple A
Because games have gotten shittier to appeal to a broader audience aka normies who don't actually play games for more than an hour a week. Game developers also turned into turbo communists and think its ok to police their games and ban people who wrongthink in something that they paid 60$ to own.
That's true. Good point. I wouldn't mind if games still looked like PS2 games and used modern hardware for things like better gameplay, bigger battles, and worlds that are more alive.
I know you retard.
Nah. New games are just shit and you're not deep.
Stop playing games from western studios, MMO's and anything from publishers like Rockstar/EA/Ubisoft etc
Congrats now gaming is fun again because you're not confusing gaming with a skinner box.
Because you aren't playing EDF
Yeah. MegaMan x is as fun as it's ever been but I can't get through ten minutes of nudoom
Not even worse exactly but more casual, something that old Yea Forums used to rage about. Take Horizon zero Dawn. Not strictly bad overall but the game takes a million ideas and throws them all into a single game. Each mechanic takes ten minutes to master, tops, but there's a lot, so people think it's deep while they're playing it. But it's just a bunch of casualized garbage
God what a fucking lovely suprise this series was, thanks for getting me into it.
Yeah man. I built a brand spanking new high end pc in 2017 and was excited to play new doom. Bought it, it was the most boring shooter I ever played. It took me months to finish it because I didn't really want to play it and the multilayer was laughably bad. Meanwhile when I jump in half-life deathmatch servers or quakeworld or any of the old shooters I use to play they're still pretty much just as fun.
I kinda felt the same way. The death of "middle game" is what kind of did it for me, made it feel like there was less coming out as a result and what was being made was just "BIG NEW THING". Though kinda like you said. I got my Steam, Switch, and PS4 filled to the brim with all sorts of new games now, and I haven't even beat half of the excellent indie titles I've gotten over the last two years. I keep telling myself I'll beat Battle Brothers one of these days.
This. Just look at Blizzard, theres fucking no one competent left.
Too much time on the internet.
Because you have to check your privilege white boy.
November 19, 2007 - Unreal Tournament 3 released. This marks the beginning of the downfall.
Man that was a pretty good game and barely anybody played it. Graphically it even still holds up today.
Reminder this will kill games or saves them all. But I think it will kill em.
it was alright
yea it looked pretty but I agree with op there. It was about the time I realized "hey wait these games sure look nice but where's the substance?"
Because they're made for zoomers with 5 minute attention span.
You will never find enjoyment in games the same way ever again. Find some other hobbies.
games are now made with social justice as the priority, not fun
becuase you've done nothing with your life and you are depressed.
Hey now, thats only true for some of us.
Casual mouthbreathing gluegobblers become the target demographic. People that buy the same game with a new coat of paint every year. FIFA 23, Madden 439, Call of Battlefield: Warfighter 17. People that buy every DLC and season pass. People who spend $5000 on lootboxes. As long as vidya is relatively unregulated by how much they can fuck over the consumer, practices just get worse and worse until we're left with literal Skinner boxes charging $25 a pop for a dopamine hit straight to your system for "immersion".
games are better than they have ever been, get over it.
Name one game from 2019 that is literally and objectively better than any game from any year before 2019.
It's kind of shocking how watered down gameplay has become over the past decade. I legitimately wonder if we'll look back and say cinematic games were "better" in comparison to what the next generation will bring.
I just keep trying and trying but I can't get into games anymore. Tried Rage 2 just now but I just can't...
I love my life and you have objectively shit taste. Games are made for retards and addicts nowadays.
It failed like everything else, the video game market became too big for its own good
The video game market became huge, attracting a majority casual audience that eats up everything if its marketed enough (i.e. people who think that playing mobile games makes you a gamer or that always buy the newest Call of Duty) which is now exclusively pandered to
Video games tech progressed too quickly, making development prices skyrocket to the point where normal development is unsustainable and they needed to find alternate ways to fund the game, basically killing all the individuality, creativity, passion or fairness in the AAA gaming market, while sadly the AA market is basically non-existant and the indie market is flooded by art hoes and nu-males who try their hardest to be modern art instead of actually just making something they're passionate about. Still, the indie market is your best bet if you want to find games that are actually fun.
This. Yearly fifas, call of dutys, mobile shit games have all turned gaming from a relatively esoteric hobby into something the average person can jump into. They're appealing to a wider base audience so unique games like planescape, freelancer, whatever, are stripped to the bare minimum and sold to everyone. Graphics are better but everything else is worse
>you have objectively shit taste
how can something that's subjective be objective?
fucking retard