So what's your house, user?
Fire emblem three houses
Other urls found in this thread:
I literally just picked it up at GS with the pins. Is there any benefit to each house?
I'm torn between Edelgard and Blue Lions.
That said, i picked Blue to see the first actual combat and i'm literally getting endlessly rekt by the first map.
Am i bonafide retarded or are there just mechanics i'm unaware of? Every unit seems to counter-attack when struck and it's vs 8-10+ enemy units with minimal options... while each unit seems balanced, how do i work through so many enemies getting countered every attack?
Do i just sit in bushes and pray for evasions?
vulneraries heal 10 hp, most enemies hit for around 15-25. My boyes hit for 5-15.
The story and maps are different, just pick the one with the most characters you like
Black Eagles
I picked the yellow team because the other leaders seemed like boring nerds. Yellow seemed like the fun party time team.
>Am i bonafide retarded
Seems like it.
Its literally the most casualized FE to date.
Im even baffled how anyone could get rekt there.
choose my house Yea Forums i don't know which one to pick
dimitri is the complete opposite of boring
>standard FE hero route
Yea I'm sorry I'll ju-zzzzzz
Anyone got that chart showing all the characters and what houses they belong to?
Seemed like uptight holy knight guy. Yellow guy seemed fun and up to party.
your loss
I haven't ever played a FE before, decided to give it a try. It's the practice match between the three houses.
Are some units just blatantly useless/bad? I noticed the archer (Ashe?) hits for 3 damage, while some hit for over 17-18.
I've been bringing the healer girl, archer, dudue, and the two required. I can whittle through most of the enemies with only 1-2 losses, but the fact that every unit counterattacks every attack more or less means the hp pools end up the same totals.
Surround an enemy 4v1, they still take out just as much hp as they have total, repeat indefinitely, end up losing.
>but the fact that every unit counterattacks every attack more or less means the hp pools end up the same totals
That's why you need a ranger, aka a guy/girl with a bow and/or black magic because they don't need to stand next to your enemy. Hit the enemy with magic first, then finish it with a fighter. It really is that simple.
Also, don't rush, ever EVER. Put your strongest 2-3 fighters at front, and the rest follow.
Thanks for info, but attacking with magic/bows still gets countered(?) seems to me. I'll try bringing magic users instead and see how that goes.
I dont really emember that map.
But for the most part, try to pick them off one by one with your group.
So you're not getting into a constant stream of enemies wailing at you.
Especially avoid the archers up front and wait until they come around the trees to gank them.
Like, move one unit that can take it upfront to lure in an enemy, and if he doesnt kill him in retaliation, use your next turn to move in with the rest of your units as well as your healer.
if enemy is melee (non bow or magic) hit them with ranged to avoic counterattack
if enemy is magic hit them with mages so you take less counterattack damage due to high res, then finish off with your melee attackers
if enemy is bow they can't counterattack melee at all so just go right next to them and whack them to death
>He didn't side with Edelgard
Hufflepuff like the pros
Some units are kinda just ok which means they can potentially end up really shitty. Th kinda alleviates that somewhat by forcing at least two stats to increase on level up but the inflated growth rates mean the gap between good and bad is pretty big. That battle is filled with names characters that actually have high stats so don’t hold it against Ashe if he can’t do too much against them.
also, defensive wise you should use ZR to see the range of enemy attacks, then place a high defense/resistance depending on the attacker type to the most outer range where you can lure that one attacker and gang up on them next turn
post flayns
Which is the funnest route, gameplay wise?
The one where she bullies bernie is G.O.A.T
I'll try to keep these in mind.
I'm playing on Hard/Classic, because i've played tons of FFT, XCOM and the like and it's always too easy.
I feel like FE's system/counterattacking is just throwing me a curveball and it's probably adjustment and then the game is easy (So i've heard an awful lot). Hopefully not too easy.
Bernie is for ____
There's going to be a free update that will add Lunatic difficulty.
Try it when its out.
So Edelcummies want to conquer, punished Dimitri wants to stop her. Exactly what does Claude do again?
You probably know that, but if you click on the enemy you will see his/hers range. That will also help a lot.
raping until she's left mindbroken and in a catatonic state So no change
God you people are fucking useless
>playing chad lions
>part where the three houses meet
>not really against golden deer
Is he usually this retarded
I went with the deer, but I can't choose between Marianne, Mercedes, Catherine, Rhea or Manuela. Please help.
how do you romance sothis?
Go church
thanks dad
Legendary taste user. I'd personally go with Catherine first out of those but Marianne is also great
I picked black eagle first and went the edlegard route but i started a second play through on GD and honestly the team seems so much more cohesive
Black Eagles. I just recuited Mercedes, Should I just replace Dorothea with her? Her stats and seem much better. Linhardt is basically my heal slut atm so not sure. Also who should I make into a dancer?
It is hard to recruit students form other houses?
If yes it is worth the trouble?
GD is the comfy route user.
Until the end when the writing shits itself
>part where the three houses meet
On Claude path, Dimitri acts just as retarded. They wanted to force a rematch of the three-way mock battle, but BL and GD really don't have an actual reason to clash.
Not really difficult. You can only deploy around 10 units for most of the game so recruiting a few units is a good idea but recruiting everyone is pointless.
Depends on what stats they want and how good they are, I wouldn't recruit more than two or three though because you can't deploy that many people
All you need is C support and the skill level atleast D. The stat requirement drops down to like 10. You want to recruit as much as you can to do every paralouge battle you can.
I've seen a couple of these pictures, where are they coming from
Blue Lions
I'd rather her die.
Thanks, you too.
Some dude's twitter. Forgot the name, sorry.
Not really, just spam gifts to raise their support.
The cap for deployment is almost always 10 or 11, so any more than two recruits will leave you with benchwarmers/adjudant fodder.
Apparently nintendo is autistically sperging after youtube uploads of tracks, where else can I find it?
Soften close range enemies with ranged attacks (swords, axes and etc are all ranged with few exceptions). Break the puny defense of mages with your meele units or with a Pegasus knight that flies and resist magic. Most archers can’t attack at close range. It’s not hard man.
He is the master tactician
Without spoiling, are the different house stories genuinely different from each other, or are you doing the same thing with different characters?
He wants to defeat the real big bad with the powers of friendship
the second part is genuinely different, the second part was quite a bit shorter to me than the first part though, so your mileage may vary
>Inb4 cuckfag
Edelcutie for me.
We need pictures of Rhea screaming out the names of the various houses. Something akin to this
Black Eagles, but I want to poach girls from other houses and have my own harem
Can you not recruite Hilda if you're in the BE? I don't get the option to give her gifts or recruit her or anything
You should play his route after playing Edelgard's.
Other Anons have claimed you can, right before the Flame Emperor reveal, but it’s a very narrow window. Like the last month before the time skip (aka Graduation).
Why aren't these threads filled with pics of the goddess that is Manuela
She's the hottest teacher since Persona 4 what is wrong with you faggots
play beagles they have best girl petra
>how to basic FE strategy
You use strong units (and in this case, good terrain) to bait enemies to charge at you with most of your squad protected or otherwise out of range, then when the enemy has approached you skullfuck them with your ball of doom.
This game makes doing that even easier because it shows you who's going to get attacked
Is it always worth it to change the kids goals to the hidden talents with the 3 stars or just leave them as the defaults
>while you were worshiping your false god, I studied the blade
>enter her room
>step on a used needle
>die of aids
No way fag
I don't ever replay games. I might just watch the story for the other two leaders on youtube.
Golden Deer, it's pretty full of nice characters. By the way, when I reach Endgame will there still be stuff to do with my characters, or will I be locked into the final map permanently?
Disgusting slob.
Have fun with Edna Krabappel faggot.
Sorry lad, too busy slaughtering Adrestians
*nukes Death Knight*
Has anyone figured what engine this is on? It feels like the fe warriors engine
I havent really understood the hidden talents thing.
Is there actually something good in it, or is it just to encourage the player to experiment. Because some 3 stars classes seem really out there, and not what my units wanna class themselves
fuck zoomers
Kashiwagi and Manuela are the best
God I love cake
>Blue lions
>Make Ingrid a flier
>Get Ready Stance ability
>Fly to the commander
>Kill them
>I win
I think I found the speedrun, even if your ingrid sucks you can distract monsters while your team walks around them.
Look up what it unlocks first. Bernie gets pass which is nice but bylethe gets white magic avoid which is fucking worthless.
The parts are genuinely different though gameplay wise.
So its less "replaying" and more "playing the rest of it".
Hello, my fellow Hoe-shir-dough!
Sword Masters and Mortal Savants are so out of place in this game. I hope we get some DLC Paralogues where we go to some of the other countries surrounding Fódlan to justify these classes.
I'm so stressed out by the supports and leveling up in a game with limited time. In Awakening you could grind forever until you made your optimal team, you only have so much time before you HAVE to progress the story, don't you?
I'm in chapter 6/7 (whichever one is down in the crypts) and I still haven't recruited anyone from other houses. Do I need to get characters like Flayn, Manuela and Hanneman to like me or will they fight with me of their own accord eventually?
They're apparently based in Dagda.
"Losing" units on the first map doesn't matter because even on classic it's not permadeath there. The best tip I can give you is you don't have to attack every turn if you can't kill anything and are all but guaranteed to eat a fat counter hit, it can often be better to use the terrain to maximize your advantage for the enemy turn. Your character will ideally be full health, get attacked, maybe dodge if you're lucky then you can probably finish them off on your turn without being counterattacked. This way you'll take less hits while still killing them off. It doesn't always work out that way, but it's often pretty helpful to play more defensively like this, especially on harder difficulties in past games.
is the a place to check ingame or do you mean to google it
It gives you a special ability when you fill in the stars. Some are passives that greatly enhance the character’s usefulness. Putting a few lessons into swords on a caster, for example, doesn’t require changing their spec or anything
For professors/knights, just press 'Recruit' when that option shows up for them in the monastery. Flayn automatically joins you later.
I haven't touched this game yet, but how could anyone choose anything other than the Edelgard route?
Why would you choose to be an adherent for a made-up religion that seems pretty clearly evil?
Obviously I'm missing something.
Flayn joins you automatically for story purposes much to Seteth’s reluctance. Manuela and Hanneman just need to have the corresponding skills and/or affection.
Oh I see thanks.
So in the example you mention, I just need to make sure that weapon skill gets XP right?
She is my wife. Its funny how everyone went after the girls. But the WOMAN is one of the few females who gives you kids.
>Obviously I'm missing something.
You're not.
Edelgard a best.
Also, BE the best. BL only have like 4 interesting characters and GD exactly 1.
But none of them are gay
>highest Mag growth in the game.
>raises proficiency super fast because of her skill.
>gets two crests; can benefit from several relics including one that gives her +2 to magic range.
>gets Warp at around B Faith.
What the shit? She has to be one of the most busted units in the game.
You sound a casualfag that's playing on normal mode in which case you can grind indefinitely. Flayn is an auto recruit and the knights/teachers are based solely on level requirement which can be lowered by raising their support levels, they take no effort at all to pick up before the timeskip.
What class path did you take with her? Just made mine a Holy Knight, bitch heals across the map with Physic while oneshotting any enemy with Frozen Lance nukes.
Is Shamir the Weeb choice then? I guess I could reclass her as an Assassin then.
>including one that gives her +2 to magic range.
what the fuck
Please don't tell me it's the Lorenz paralogue, I ignored it and ended up losing it after the timeskip.
Hard Classic you faggot.
If you only do one run it should be BL.
If you didn't choose the Raiden Route you're a bitch ass nigger.
>She has to be one of the most busted units in Fire Emblem
Well, while I agree with you as someone who has played the route, people have different opinions. For starters, for people who aren't spoiled on the game none of that is really spelled out going in. You don't know Dimitri = pro-church and Edelgard = anti-church, you just know about characters and the supporting cast. So when a player goes Dimitri first, they generally have a much more positive view of the church and a much more negative view of Edelgard. It's an awesome design- although for me, I remember absolutely loathing the church from the word go, Rhea gave off so many evil vibes and when she ordered those "traitors" executed early on I basically started angling for a way to fight her. I was grateful the Edelgard route let me do just that, it felt very natural.
Just make sure she gets fed with the HP+ Items so she’s glass cannon.
>Please don't tell me it's the Lorenz paralogue,
It was.
>Ferdinand and Hubert A support and paired ending
And I thought the Blue Lions had pretty gay supports.
No, use those relics up. Just a NG+
I speared his horse in the ass with Ferdinand in Chapter 8. Rapid Strikes + Horse Slayer is no joke, killed in a single move at level 20.
same, holy knight marianne is really great, especially once u get blutgang and start to be able to take hits
Went with GD because the lord seemed like the only one that wasn't a complete fucking tool. The class is a really mixed bag though, leaves me feeling like pic related
>Lysithea is an utterly irredeemable screechbag and keeps accusing everyone of things they never said or implied. Unless you're the MC
>Hilda is successfully manipulative, but acts completely out of character during story cutscenes because Claude needed a voiced parrot to agree with him
>Leonie keeps trying to be relevant by trying to steal my role as Jeralt's protege
>Marianne is waiting for a slap that doesn't actually exist, lusts for horse cock when I explicitly told her to go for pegasi
>Glasses and Muscles are there to be abused by the girls and every support makes me hate the girls by association to how bad they treat them
>Lorenz comes off as a twat, still is a bit of a twat, but takes absolutely none of anyone's shit, wound up to be surprisingly decent
Alright, sorry for the assumption. You can still outlevel the enemies pretty easily though if you battle often enough. Grinding out every support you want needs a bit of effort though, make sure to take advantage of adjutant slots once you unlock them.
Church staff join by level requirement so you will get them all. Flayn and Seteth join automatically unless your on Edelgards path.
You also get Sylvain for free if your FeMC as long as you ask him.
My advice is to focus on 1 or 2 skills and get whoever you can with those.
EX - As Golden Deer, I went and got gauntlets and Bows leveled on my Byleth. That got me Caspar, Bernadetta, Mercades, and Felix(since he is basically free).
Why are Mekkah and Mangs such fags when it comes to the supports?
Magic is pretty OP in this game
>Pick character you like
>Have them fight with you for the month
>Make them Byleth's buttbuddy
>Every off day go and eat with them, cook with them, do tea time, and spam gifts until B support
>Make sure skill is a D and stat is not garbage
Boon new unit
>the amount of shit required to forge Hauteclere and other weapons
Lmao no thanks, I'll just stick with Training+ Weapons
where does the flayn fish thing come from
So, lets say that Edelgard hooked up with Byleth. Got married, the whole nine yards. But then found them cheating on her. How would she take it?
-The Sothis Shield if you weren’t lucky enough on your Amiibo scans.
-NG+ lets you use your left over renown to purchase your Professor levels, Skill levels, support levels, and combat arts and skills.
-Your desk during NG+ allows you to toggle the appearances of all the characters your have.
-NG+ also automatically carries over the statue bonuses too
-NG+ has a new area called the Holy Tomb where you can see Sothis anytime and pick up more materials.
That’s all that I know of so far.
>piratefag so rusted weapons were an actual rarity
>went out of my way to get them all
>tfw didn't even get a+ rank before finishing the game
She talks about fishing a lot.
I went for pegasus knight, it felt like they were trying to spell that out hard, sort of regretting it now because she's good for one nuke then needs rescuing. Hoping it's not too late to bail her out.
What are classes that are worth going out of your way to master?
There's a generic accessory that gives +1 range so at least there's that. I had two copies by the end of the game, I forgot where I got either of them though.
>voiced by Veronica Taylor
She would ask if they were at least discreet about it and continue to sip her tea. As long as there is no public a scandal, then it’s water under the bridge.
Edelgard is crazy for Sensei, would probably ask to join in.
The pegasus are god tier in this game if you just abuse the ability.
No memes to steal to make reading them funny.
for hanneman only
Any point to doing the rare monster fights after getting all the unique rusty weapons? Also where do you get venom stones?
Fodlan is nice setting.
Its nice that she is getting roles these days. She loved her days as ash but has since moved on. Have any other 4kids VAs found continued work? I know Dan Green still voices Yugi when he shows up in anything. Even did the voice of Tetsuya in Mazinger Infinity.
Most of them are just silver weapons, so no. You can back out of the fight so just hover the monster and check the description to see what it forges into.
So how does ng+ work?
Characters keep proficiencies but reset to lvl 1? Or only byleth?
>People think Dimitri is the generic FE Lord
Yeah I did that, still don't have enough mythril to make one and I've never seen a venom stone.
everything resets but you're giving renown right away to break the game with proficiency, professor levels, and skills.
You can also buy supports so you can recruit much easier.
so I joined the red house because it has all the best waifus and based on the first few levels I definitely didn't make a mistake. Good balance between tanky melee and strong ranged
I'm a bit confused on what to do about advanced roles, mainly because I'm not really sure if I'll be able to have the NEET archer on a pegasus with a bow and I don't really know why I would use certain weapons when the triangle is gone
Don't forget
>Nukes you with 1-5 range
Gonna have to google it sadly
Most orthodox one (in his route) story wise
I just got the game and went with the blue boys. What am I in for?
You get venom stones from the poison fuckers when you break all of their shields.
Still a drop you may or may not get since i've gotten generic forging shit from them.
It's fucking shit that so much is placed on RNG on getting a certain beast, and then miraculously getting the drop you need.
So, she kills the wench?
Character development
I can’t believe I fell for the “trainee unit with potential” meme again. The only good thing about the niglet is he has good skills for Wyvern knight which is broken.
best written lord in series
I don't think any Lord has gone as hard as him, the closest would be Leif.
The best lord of the game.
Some of the best characters in Fire Emblem.
Don't pass a final judgement on story since different paths have different amounts of info on everything.
Hubert sounds so good in English. Anyone know who voiced him?
What does the + mean next to a skill level? Should I give Edelgard a sword instead of an axe since she has a sword level of E+?
I'm retarded and misread your post, sorry.
Even if he were Donnel 3.0 it wouldn't matter because he's so ugly and uncharismatic nobody wants to use him. FE finally does a brown shota and he's fucking shit.
Thats just a letter grade
E>E+>D>D+ etc
Lornenz , Claude and Ignatz make Golden deer for me character wise. Leonie is ok sometimes, especially her Claude supports. Hilda, Marianne and Raphael are cookie cutter.
Yeah but Dimitri’s retardation is in character, Claude is supposed to be the street smart one.
I don’t even know what he looks like post time skip because I haven’t seen anybody else using him and haven’t gotten there yet.
Based Akechi Goro (Robbie Daymond)
The guy who voiced Tobin
Seteth is a cutie. I love the "Hates you at first but comes to respect and trust in you" type characters.
Prince Ares
Black Eagles.
Edelgard did nothing wrong, the ends justify the means
It takes him forever to catch up, my Cyrill didn't get good until he hit level 35 and by then all my Lion units were 40s
She was in permanent menstruation mode though.
Sword breaker, Ax breaker and Lance Breaker still exists at least.
Are you pulling my leg? None of these guys even sound alike
They wanted the Gronder Plains three-way rematch on all paths, but the only way to make it work on the Blue Lions' path is to give Claude the retard ball.
Black Eagles
Edelgard and her friend are hot
>4 routes
>3 of them are varying shades of grey
>only one which is evil is the one with the waifu character
>she's the main antagonist in all the other routes but her own
I'm surprised they had the balls to pull it off.
It feels like all the commoners get Fates/Awakening style "I have a single defining trait and will fist it into any interaction that comes up" and the nobles have a 50/50 chance of having more plot related stuff, or at least some character development.
Don't forget
>looks incredibly cute no matter what class you pick
someone post armor knight Lysithea please
How can you A Rank Sothis? I assume it is straight up impossible on the BE route.
Which are worse: Xander apologists or Edelgard apologists?
look it up if you dont believe him dummy
First Fire Emblem game, chose the red house since it was the first option when asked.
I don't remember a three way rematch on Edelgard's route
Whose worth making a dancer? is Dancer even good?
If you think Edelgard's route is "evil" you are an absolutely massive brainlet, all four of them are morally grey. If anything I would actually call the church route darker than Edelgard's route, you literally just cut down your student with absolutely zero remorse as a shrieking harpy orders you to
>Chose her house.
Am I the badguy for a change?
>It's true
Holy crap, he's got a lot of range
I made Flayn the dancer so she becomes a full support unit.
i made flayn one since she volunteered
she was a good healer/dancer and learns fortify and rescue so she was worth it
She also isn't the main antagonist in the Golden Deer route, you don't even kill her
So what're the actual chances that the DLC next year is indeed another route?
I'd say around 80%
Edlegard is horrendously evil, probably one of the most evil villains in FE. Xander was only naive and dumb. He did some stupid stuff, but I can at least let that all come out to that he was blindly loyal to dear old dad. On the other side, I will admit that Edlegard being tortured and stuff was less than ideal, but that doesn't excuse the mass murders, destroying entire civilizations and organizations, and torturing she did. Additionally, Xander may have been dumb, but he was never outright dismissive of anybody's (minus Elise's feelings.) But when Jeralt dies (under Edelgard's orders at that), Edlegard basically says to Byleth to stop mourning because it's annoying. Losing one's parent is not an easy thing, and mourning his death for LESS THAN A WEEK is more than understandable, it's encouraged. Basically, Edlegard is a evil, mean, inconsiderate person, and anyone who supports her is just distracted by how much of a waifu she is.
See above.
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed. He's perfect.
Hubert is probably the biggest surprise of the game for me.
It's possible. I really hope it isn't a golden route though. All of the routes are bittersweet and all of them have people who die no matter what, and it's cool. Fuck Claude though, why does he get off easy on every route?
>if you ignore him for a few turns up until that point his entire army goes straight for you anyway in a funnel
>hunts you down with his flier move, ends up straight in your face on his faggot wyvern
Really took me out of it.
I really don't want to do Edelgard's path, but I do want to see all the content. What do?
>destroying entire civilizations
>Jeralt dying under Edelgard's orders
>mass murders
Nice fanfic, war isn't mass murder.
>that dialogue between Mercedes and Dorothea when you make them fight each other on edgegards route
So if Sothis is still with of us after we go SS2, does that mean she's just watching as we fuck up her daughter? Or better yet, watching as we fuck her daughter?
Don't you execute Edelgard in the GD route?
>literally says 'isnt it a waste if we fight, professor?'
>attacks you anyway
fucking cool
Funny thing, I thought that Xander Mobus would also be playing as Byleth in this game.
Make her a sword master, trust me, it'll pay off after you discover her crest.
So from what I gather I have to raise these fags in the monastery up until a time skip and then anyone I didn't recruit I have to gank
What is the optimal route to recruiting all the bitches, I don't need anyone with a Y chromosome in my hare-I mean in my army
Okay, so let's address the usual Eldafag arguments. First, the church is not corrupt. Rhea isn't the monster that Gorilla makes her out to be and she's a genuinely altruistic and self sacrificing individual in most of the routes, while Eldagard turns to demonic monsters.
Second, the other three routes, INCLUDING the Church route, have Fodlan see an era of peace afterwards. With Byleth becoming the new Archbishop of the church in two of them.
Third, she's a Red Emperor, and those guys are bad business in Fire Emblem.
It's almost as if Fodlan was a peaceful continent before Edelgard fucked everything up for everyone.
Seiros and Thales are clearly the main villains, the rest are morally grey.
How many different ways can you gain support points in this game?
>basic combat stuff from other FE games
>sharing meals
>giving gifts/lost items
>doing fetch quest
>input correct dialogue
Anything else?
Genuinely altruistic? Tell that to Lord Lonato.
Spam gifts, raise your rank in every skill to D, raise supports to B or C if you can't make it, use Mission Assistance for particularly stubborn units, use the greenhouse to grow flowers to spam gifts even more, dining hall, choir practice, cooking etc.
No, they're the bigger, background evil, but Eldegard is clearly the main villain that kicks everything over. Besides that, she's working for Thales in all the routes.
I love how most everyone says "EDELGARDE IS THE FUCK THE CHURCH ROUTE FUCK THE CHURCH" when they fail to acknowledge that Rhea is really the only real problem with the church and the rest of the organization is full of good people, WHILE ALSO IGNORING that Edelgarde's goal isn't just murdering everyone in the church but conquering the other two smaller nations that want nothing to do with the Empire.
Tea time
There's also tea time, the confession box, and doing choirs
But I don't use Flayne, is it worth making Mercedes or Dorothea one?
Leonie won't stop dick riding your dad and will only talk about him any chance she gets.
>there will never be porn of three house
Fodlan was peaceful, but the system didn't work. It needed change, and that change wasn't going to come without violence. Reformists were only able to succeed in the other routes because Edelgard began the war in the first place and reform was seen as a necessary evil. These things don't just happen because people wave wands, how new are you?
anyone who has decent faith is worth making into a dancer and mercedes learns fortify so that's fine
Best use of a dancer is simply to dance, so pick your absolute worst unit. Healers are always useful, so you don't want to have to pick between healing or dancing.
You realize everyone in the church follows Seiro' bullshit no matter what ? They'll never surrender, look at what happened in the final chapter of BE.
Edelgard = Hardin
Seiros = Medeus (except she did this because you provoked her)
Thales = Gharnef
Dimitri = Conquest Takumi
That explains SO much.
who are the best black eagle units?
No, reform was quite achievable without war. Every other route manages to get the same thing Gorilla achieved, without the millions of dead.
The so-called "good people" in the church literally burn down a city filled with innocents because their saint ordered it.
Is it true that there's no strategy at all in this game, given that the enemy targeting lines exist? I've been considering this buying this shit or Mario Maker for a few days now
where's the dimitri option
Yeah she is Hardin without anything that made Hardin likeable.
I replaced Linhardt with Mercedes becasue my Linny had like 10 shit lvlups in a row and had like half her stats. My Dorothea came out great as black mage and i made her into a dancer later.
Are you stupid? The war still happened, did you not play the routes or something? People died. They didn't manage to achieve it without war, the war happened, they were just on the "pro-church" side, and as a result of the war, reform was possible.
So Dimitri literally did nothing wrong?
What's my time frame? How many months?
That are recruitable? Petra, Ferdinand, Casper for the paralouge.
>Needs to be content that doesn’t clash with any route you picked
>It’s not postgame/sequel stuff
>New maps and characters, probably not too many so will likely reuse units and existing maps
pretty high desu
She kicks everything over to kill Seiros and Thales who are the roots of evil, though she completely fails in all routes except BE.
sometime in march or after 2/22 i think
>Ignoring the chad Lorenz
you got what you deserve
Edelgard being an uncompromising warlord with a pretty solid motive is what makes her route good. She's absolutely in the wrong though.
Yeah, but it's clear that most of their achievements were despite the war and Edelgard, not because of it.
Well no. The dude still murdered a bunch of Adrestia's generals in cold blood and set fire to empire-occupied militia camps, burning down crops and supply routes for the empire all on his own.
There is definitely strategy and the lines don't really affect anything since you can assume that big scary mage is going to attack your armor knight.
Some chapters are super hard, but late game is much easier since you have a lot more options in your disposal.
Mario Maker is what most fags will tell you since it has unlimited replayability, but the narrative and characters are extremely good in this game.
>puts the entire region's survival on a chance of a chance
>works out, gets saved last minute
>says fuck it im out, disbands the alliance and just walks away from the war
what the fuck Claude
I picked Edelgard
>Don’t worry sport, we’ll get together just as soon as I’m back from my mission
>I have something super important to tell you
>But if I don’t make it search my room ;)
My dad is going to trip over a death flag and impale himself soon isn’t he?
Wow, he sounds even more based than I previously thought. Truly Punished (Venom) Dimitri.
>Expecting a main lord dad to survive in a FE game
No. She flees and Dedue hunts her down to kill her all by himself.
Should just kill Claude when you get the chance desu. Scheming ass mother fucker.
Venom Dimitri sounds absolutely based. Dude went guerilla warfare against all of Adrestia with just himself?
Who is this breasticle spectacle?
what was he supposed to do
remember not to class as mortal savant because it has a whopping -10 speed growth
Gameplay wise which lord is strongest? Dimitri seems retarded so far mostly because of how stupid weight is in this game but I’m curious.
How much of the reaction to her is genuine hate, contrarianism, or shitposting?
I was just saying in general since I'm doing their route and had to pick a lineup for the mock fight. any recommendations for recruiting from the other houses? I've read on here that the young chick from golden deers is OP
A cult bitch who was one of the perpetrators behind why everyone that Dimitri ever loved died
This nigga a morph?
>you're giving renown right away to break the game with proficiency, professor levels, and skills.
What do you mean? I've only been using renown to upgrade the statues in the Cathedral.
Claude is retardedly good. In fact all three are pretty broken but Claude has an advantage of being a on a Wyvern Lord with a Bow
Why is she shaking like a FNAF Animatronic?
Most people who are bitching about her didn't play her route so...shitposting I guess.
Killing every last one of them
Maximum strength
He’s the grandson of the King to that one country in the north east of Fódlan.
dimitri has the best strength growth out of all of them i believe
They give you a place in your room where you can buy these things with renown only in NG+
You can even buy crests for other fags only in NG+
Cathedral levels stay and they give you like 6000 of it right away so you can max out your professor level day one if you'd like.
Bern is pretty trash. Get Mercedes to replace Lin.
>just did the GD chapter where we kill Ferdinand and take the bridge
>completely forgot to have Dorothea fight him for dialogue and saved over the file
>Thought "Oh man this guy is totally a member of the evil Those Who Slither faction"
>Nope he's just an insanely dedicated right hand man who handles all the shadowy shit
Dude's based as fuck.
>tfw coming to realize I don't actually like any of the girls I've recruited
All of them act so much bitchier when talking to another character who's not Sensei/another authority figure, and it's a real turn off.
help us take down cresthitler obviously
then he can fuck off to wherever the fuck he wants
so is edgelords route the best and most canon route? other than literally not fighting anyone that was evil in the first part of the game, there were a lot of revelations about the church and rhea that i'm guessing you don't figure out in the other routes? plus MC actually got a heart and was normal for once.
If I make a character focus on only one skill do they earn double the exp for it?
Say Hubert asks if he should focus on becoming a Warlock and if I change his focus does he get 2x exp in Reason?
why the fuck would he help the empire
Where have I seen this before?
What hairstyle looks best on Edelgard?
They get 1.5x exp for focusing on one skill
Yup, dude was going apeshit before you find him at garreg mach
Anyone got the paralog with Linhardt and Leoni? The giant turtle seems nearly untouchable, how do you kill him?
The hime cut
Hm doesn't seem super worth it then unless you really need to unlock a job or something.
Who is this? Dorothy?
>When you hear that teacher is taking someone else to bed
Petra may be struggling with the language but she sure knows how to suggest illicit relations with her professor.
>He thinks the turtle is an issue
It's just a game of attacking the same place over and over again while making various characters that can tank do their gambit to take off the pressure from your damage dealers.
Remove shield and just keep going at one spot.
>the amount of seething Bernadetta causes
>Mekkah's 10 second rage in Edelguard/Caspar's C support
Fucking kek
I mean sure edgegards route was alright since it resolves a lot of her goals but it doesn't exactly help that she hates the clearly evil fuckers yet has no story expanding on what she does to them after the war. Like you won't even know who death knight is if you do only her route.
Pretty much. It's only useful if you really need to increase a skill fast. Otherwise you're missing out on 1/4 of your weekly training exp
Have you tried gambiting the shit out of him? Like just break all his armor and he's easy.
Yeah. Thanks for telling me. Luckily only missed out on one character for a week or two then.
tfw i made edie the dancer as a joke. WHAT A WASTE!
motherfucker who's initiating blitzkriegs and blabbering on about how the (((elites))) and the church use crests to oppress the people
I don’t know, is there no strategy because of the danger zone?
As someone focusing on swords and reason, is there an alternative?
i don't remember if its r or rz but if you hit it, it will show enemy move range and you can see aggro arrows from enemies so you can tell who they will attack.
There's dark knight and the MC's special class.
Edles is my main waifu, but Shamir is a close second. That deadpan attitude is fucking sexy.
They don't like outright say it but it's extremely obvious it's Jeritza... like, several side NPCs explicitly speculate this pre-timeskip and then everyone is still going "wow I wonder who it is"! You also get some interesting dialogue from Manuela about him, so there's that.
I had Ingrid fight Sylvain on BE. Ingrid really hates him doesn't she.
She's kind of a cunt though.
i thought speed doesnt even fucking matter in this game because attack speed is determined by strength
Felix and Sylvain fighting tore my heart out
She's fantastic.
It’s like speed-(weight/(str/5)) or something. Speed is the baseline so it obviously matters
Sounds perfect for a DLC villain route romance.
What if you let Dedue die?
>Lysithea is an utterly irredeemable screechbag
Shamir in her supports with you is unironically a lot nicer than in most of her early monastery/story lines, which is like the opposite of Catherine. I guess because Byleth inuniverse is competent and no-nonsense like her.
Plot armor
Well she kills them, like she already did with Kronya, Solon and Cornelia. Thales was the only one left.
Let's destroy the church user. You're not a coward, are you?
Despite the colors, the Blue Lions are Gryffindor. The Black Eagles are a fusion of Ravenclaw and Slitheran.
lol, if you play Black Eagles that's actually kind of amusing, she really does kill all of them
I her a Wife Knight.
But seriously, she was made to be a Holy Knight.
>standard FE hero
Thats yellow, though. Theres a war going on - take your crew and go avoid major battles while finding the magical macguffin that lets you teleport into the enemys base and kill their general and leader, and somehow the entire enemy army goes home after this and doesn't just have a high ranking officer that takes over.
Nah she was made for handholding
Anybody know where the fuck I got the Axe of Ukonvasara from? I just noticed it was in my inventory at some point.
Hey edgelord! Your precious teacher is fucking Rhea!
Insecure virgins will pussy out.
how dry do your tastes have to be to side or romance Edelgard
Not everyone or everything has to have a singular purpose, my friend of esteemed taste.
Is this the real reason Edelgard wanted to destroy the church?
first post timeskip map for me, it's in one of the chests
That's not even her you fucking retard
As she sees it, Byleth is HERS! tfw with Dimitri walked in on Edie drinking professor's milk right from the tap.
They should have put some fucking limits on recruiting people, I’m never going to see any of this because after I found boots in Ashes paralogue I started autistically gathering everyone. I think I only don’t have Raphael, Hilda, Ferdinand, and Marianne and Lysi whatever the hell her name is.
I romanced Edelgard because I'm based and canonpilled.
>Protip it is WAY faster to just support with the student youre trying to classnap, unless the skills they like are something MC is already working on
How accurate is this? I'm always wondering what's the best way to use activity points.
Stop siding with the church.
>went into the game expecting Edelgard to be just generic waifubait
>she's actually the best one
drink water
Still on my first playthrough, chapter 16 of Golden Deer, but would I be correct in guessing that Rhea is (You)r aunt?
I think she just might have the biggest tits in all of Fire Emblem.
its some weird ass formula with skills and support levels
but yes in general you just need B support to yoink them or like E+ with their skill as well
I'm really close to the end, so my personnal views on GD characters, stat/utility wise
Claude 9/10
Hilda 8.5/10
Lorenz 8.5/10
Raphael 9/10
Leonie 8/10
Marrianne 8/10
Lysithea 8/10
Ignatz 7.5/10
Everyone was usable. Claude + Hilda in pegasus were a solid 1-2 punch to go to remote areas or mop up ballistas, Raphael is both a tank and a monster with 78% crit chance. Lorenz + Leonie are the cav squad, lorenz low speed was not problematic due to solid magic and leoonie sky high pseed ensure plenty of damage. Lysithea as gremory is really slow to reach the line but solid nuking. Marianne end up physic bot but can handle herself with blutgang and Aura as a holy knight. Ignatz is weird. lowest strenght in my team but as an assasin he does well
Now that i've been spoiled by Claude i'll make sure to make Bernie a Pegasus with bows when i get around to Be and Church playtrough. The mobility + range is too good.
Leonie is best girl don't (you) me
Just got Marianne's sword, should I bother training sword levels or is her default enough since the sword is E rank?
>Lysithea 8/10
>He doesn't know
60 hours in. Ch. 14/15, BL. is Dudue really dead? What did i do wrong?
my ashe was garbage until i got him crit skills/ critical ring
then he became my long range boss killer to finish maps in 6-7 turns
Started with Blue Lion and managed to poach all the girls with more than 1 month left.
Buy all the gifts monthly and eat with them. don't forget to invite someone to help for the month, every heal the helper does to any student will increase his bond to Byleth.
>never finished that supply run quest in BE because I couldn't get my hands on any Zanado fruit even though I planted all of my fucking seeds
>have like 10 of them before I even hit the timeskip in BL
It's just a minor quest but I'm still so triggered
Well, after recruiting 3 and realizing that there's only so many people you can deploy I just stopped doing it. Felix comes free though, kinda regretted doing it because I didn't really use him and didn't get to see his conversation with Rodrigue (not sure if there's any, but I assumed there was one). Apparently you can still recruit people post-timeskip because I was given the option to persuade/kill Lysithea after killing her on Claude's map.
Who do I need to steal to get Lorenz's paralogue?
>Marianne 8/10
>Lysithea 8/10
You have to gift him a hunting knife on the last month before the timeskip. Restart your playthrough now before you waste any more time.
I know fully well, i almost finished the route
She was my main source of damage pre-timeskip. But with everyone else beeing 1-2 move faster than her as gremory they almost always mop up everything before she get's in. Especially since she CANNOT take a hit from a paladin or other fast unit in the later mission. Guess i could give her an extra .5 for Warping Raphael into a thicket whenever. Still, Gremory is just slow, even with march ring.
At least on Edelgard's route she's the only one I had that option for. Sort of weird.
>Lysithea taking a hit
>When she ends almost every battle in the game in 1 turn
I don't know if you know my man
Golden chads. My mortal blade Lysithea is so fucking strong holy shit.
Yup. In case you missed it, it's Stat/UTILITY wise.
Sometimes you need a good healer with physic or silence to save your ass, not a nuke.
>church kills people in hopes of creating a utopia
>this is bad
>what should i do
>kill more people in hopes of creating a different utopia
Oh, she's the only one too for me. I thought it's because I was qualified to recruit her but didn't do it pre-timeskip.
First Playthough
Golden Deer
I'm fucking scared that i will not recruit enough student. I'm trying to raise my magic to recruit some desperately needed Magic dudes
Finishing my first playthrough soon. How different are the routes from each other, story and gameplay wise? Seems like the maps are all or mostly the same, so I just want to know if it's really worth doing another apart from filling in story gaps about the world. Probably gonna do blue lions from golden deer, as I like their lords.
Everyone not Cav feels bad in this game, whoever decided 4 base move needs to be slapped.
I like her utopia more than the churches. FUCK dragons.
If you liked the game and want to keep playing it with a different cast, you can play a new route. If you're satisfied with the game for now you can not play a new route. The game is long even on the shortest path so like, do whatever, just don't burn out and have fun okay?
I do know, once you reach post timeskip you'll realise that most enemies group are tight 3-4 man group with an archer and cav, so if you send lysithea forward to nuke 1 the rest are gonna get you. Then, you can also have 3-4 other units ready to just take on the squad, but seeing as she is MADE for gremory while almost everyone else is cav/fly you have to slowly waddle forward. Meanwhile i can just ride lorenz forward and he will tank the hit without trouble and pull the group forward.
Again, it's just my observation. Missions where you have to be aggressive really are hard for Lisy because she is paper thin with low Mov. Claude Hilda and Raphael just bring more to the table for me.
>tfw DEFlet
Wish i knew the font of this damn thing
I've got 2 stats on almost every level up and I'm trying to figure out why the RNG part of leveling up still exists.
>Standard FE hero route
oh sweet innocent user
That,s just lysithea. She will gain like 5 def bonus when she class up to warlock. but don,t expect her to actually raise her def or hp from level ups.
Mine has less than 40 Hp (and got a seraph robe in there) and 13 ded. Easily 15-20 under everyone else
For me it's fish
Hunting knife? Wait what?
Seiros punished humanity with crest long ago, all Edelgard did was liberating them from the false goddess so that humanity can finally move forward.
Playing blue lion around chapter 17 and I play with 5 gremory. Never struggled so far.
Flayn rescue + Lysi Warp and Annette's incredible nukes make things so easy
>Oh well I guess this all seems pretty generic
I played BL's route first and despised Rhea and the church, so I was happy she stopped showing up after the time skip. Anyway, I wanted to play BE's route and side with Edelgard but I ended up siding with the church accidentally, what do I need to do to follow Edelgard's genocide route?
The empire is shit and everyone hates it for a reason. The crest/nobility shit is entirely the fault of the empire, was inhereted by the kingdom, and held temporarily by the alliance as they try to move away and form their own governments. The church just wants to hire crests to use their prf weapons, they dont care where they come from; its the empire that made the class nobility system.
Can you make her this good if you recruit her? I went Edelgardo route, but this cutie is one of my main focuses I want to recruit.
Also about how far in do you have to be to start being strong enough to recruit all the bitches?
Lysithea is the most broken unit in the game. She comes good by default.
NG+ or new save file for another route
Need to have support with Edelgard so she reveals her fire emblem, need to talk with her before the mission to the Holy Tomb, need to agree to go to the Empire with her, and finally, need to not follow Rhea's order to kill her obviously
NG+ so you can poach everyone.
I just was shoehorned to the church route because i missed a single event with edelgard the game doesn't tell you about.
Fuck i wanted edelgard, and she was my best unit as well
She didnt punish humanity you autist, we are talking about a single nation surrounded by other nations. Edelgards story completely collapses when you realize that the fodlan has neighbors which it shares a land border with, and particularly the kingdom on crest users using god weapons in order to stop raids from an otherwise superior military neighbor to their north.
Well I'll probably at least see if anything in the blue lion's hooks me story wise, but the game's easier than I'd like so maybe I just wait until they (hopefully) add lunatic before doing another route.
I'm confused did you build an S-link with Edelgard?
Because I straight up executed her on the Golden Deer path. I wanted my boy Dedue to get the honor but he didn't
I'm not dissing gremories, far from it, but i'm spoiled by cav and fliers ridiculous mobility.
Not sure how it's determined, but I didn't kill her on my route
It's the same for me too. On one hand I want to see the dialogue. On the other I don't want them to die. This is especially true for the black eagles since you can ONLY see what certain characters say when they fight one another on that route. I forgot to make shamir and catherine fight to see what they say, and I'm not going to see that unless I do the same route again in NG+, which is just a waste of time. Same with the teachers.
>why does Claude get off easy
He's not evil or insane.
Just make Dorothea your dancer and set Mercedes up to be your gremory if that's the case.
Im hoping its slitherer route and you get to recruit the qt assassin
Dimitri is the best.
>try to save ferdinand from dead
>he never speaks to me for his rank b
>chat bubble never appears on the map
>timeskip finally happens
well i guess i have to murder him now
Get the students you want to recruit up to a B support, it lowers the requirements to recruit them immensely.
I'm partial to dancer and cavalry.
Dear God it's such a stupid combo.
Claude special classes give 15% str so he probably isn't far. Also give speed growth. Barbarossa is imo the best class
Tfw if you go Golden Deer Edelgard is completely fucked even if you fulfill the conditions to spare her
>cant decide to do church route or edelgard route
>dont want to waste 30 hours on something i wont like
Someone help me choose, which is better?
It's a good death though, way better than Byleth killing her (which is fucking dumb)
Church route is almost the exact same as the Golden Deer route except for the last few missions. Don't bother
I made her a Holy Knight, it's really fitting for her, she a healer who loves animals, her passive ability procs when she's nearby Mounts, her budding talent is Lance, and she's an amazing healer.
I spent most of early game trying to recruit mercedes because of her passive, i figured she'd be best healer, but so far Marianne is my best support unit
>Church route is almost the exact same as the Golden Deer route except for the last few missions. Don't bother
I was afraid it was just one of the other two routes reskinned or mixed, thanks for answering.
Save before you pick and copy the file.
Try one and if you don't like it them go load the save and pick the other.
When i do Blue lions ( i've decided they'll be my last run) Dedue gonna get first dibs.
What the fuck are you talking about. Seiros was butthurt that Nemesis used the crests (which are literally made from her comrades) against her so she created a world centered around those to take revenge on humans.
i love her, but i feel like i kinda ruined her focusing on sword so much, someone told me she's best as mortal savant, but after finally unlocking it she doesn't seem that great as one :
No I think it's perfectly fitting, Edelgard ignored basic humanity and she meets her end because a Duscur is not gonna let a good man die unanswered.
I just don't know if it's true or how to trigger it, I guess my Byleth just really fucking hated Edelgard since he just struck her down
pretty fucking useless since they will syphon exp
>peoplr hate rhea
Shes just a cute girl lashing out because she wants her mommy back. Are atheistfags this petty?
>Dorothea and Manuela can pair together as lovers.
>No option for Femlyth to scissor Manuela, though, despite her clearly being open to fucking girls young enough to be her daughter, if only just barely.
>No way for MByleth to enter into a three way poly relationship with the two big titty opera thots and pump them full of seed, which we know will take to both because he already knocks up Manuela in their ending and Dorothea is 24.
It's not fair.
You betrayed Edelchad and weren't devoted enough to her.
>tfw no evil mommy gf empress
>you didn't tard wrangle the tard hard enough
How does she die ?
Which chapter are you on?
She got executed by Byleth on chapter 20 for me.
I honestly don't know who can use Mortal Savant efficiently. Even Felix is better as Dark Knight
>do one of those paralogues
>6-7 monsters with double hp bars appear
ive yet to fully understand the mechanics behind those barriers and monsters
I made her tower knight because it's hilarious to have a loli in gigachad armor
Yeah, I finished it. She ran away.
Dorothea I guess. It's kind of pointless though. Why focus on both when you can just focus on one? Hybrid classes always have this issue.
She shouldn't have genocided the slitherers.
>do Sothis paralogue as early as i can
>monsters everywhere
>clearly underleved for this shit
>finally kill most of them
>a bunch respawn close to you
Don't forget how she and Hubert are the only units that can use Dark Magic beyond Miasma Δ.
taking final class growths into account
dimitri has 70str, 60 dex, and 50 spd
claude has 55 str, 60 dex, and 65 spd
>Launch game
>Load screen
>Most deployed units
>Dorothea has unseated Edelgard for first place.
Based bi-slut opera tiddies.
If you manage to break all 4 yellow squares aka armor, they will break for a full turn and become permanently vulnerable. Also they drop rare materials only if you break all squares
the fact that Dimitri has been demolishing imperial troops like a dog would a bunch of stuffed toys is cool and all but what i find even more amusing is how IS went the extra mile and made all of Dimitri's animations brutal as fuck
Did you have any support with her?
I know I didn't even have rank C so that might be why she got executed.
Also, Byleth was the unit that defeated her during the fight and Dedue got slaugthered by her three mage guards, maybe that matters too?
Ashe is a shit unit, bench him immediately and give his bow to Felix.
Blue Lion #1. Black Eagle is at least honest about being evil. Not sure what the point of Golden Deer is
Edelgard says her strategy was to confuse Claude so that he attacks Dmitri even though they have no beef.
You can assume what she actually did happened offscreen or something but Claude got played like a fiddle.
Damn, why did I not know that before. Guess I'll have something to look out for in other house paths.
He is mad that he cant have his daily professor milkies
So blue lions is the obvious canon route right?
Don't compare Hubert to Oberstein
There was no need for the three kingdoms to even conflict with each other, all he did was cause a needless conflict that should have been stopped.
just make ashe a sniper and he carries
So is Yea Forums on census that BL > Church > GD >= BE
No it's 100% one of the two Black Eagle routes; probably the Church.
both solid, i guess.
Cracked barrier tiles blow up to anything that deals damage to that square, such as an attack or the aoe of a gambit. Full yellow tiles will break to either a crit or being the direct tageted tile of a gambit, and otherwise become cracked. Depending on monster type, they will either not recover barriers, heal only cracked barriers, recover broken barriers, or full reset on their turn (assuming they are not stunned).
Some monsters have a mark on the status effect bar on top of their status menu, that gives them a weakness to a specific weapon type, which will deal full damage to barriers and double damage to broken barrier tiles.
>violently threatens 99% of the class including blyat
>cares for bernadette and tries to protect her
what a weird guy
Eagles is canon.
>Not training Felix up to kill his own father
Also keep an eye on rare monster spawns. They usually carry Rusted Weapons which either contain crap gear, silver gear or legendary weapons. Which require break drops from flying monsters or Golems
That's just it. Black Eagle aren't even evil. Just Edelgard and Hubert.
The rest of the Eagles consist of
>A self-loathing stacy who just wants to get married and make life less shitty for orphans.
>A pacifistic healer who hates fighting and would rather spend his days napping and doing research.
>A shut in NEET who wants to lock herself in her room and do arts and crafts and otherwise not interact with anyone.
>A loud shonen protagonist manlet who gets is quick to get into fights with bullys and likes to fucking punch people.
>A political prisoner who sounds like Starfire and just wants the war to end so she can go home and hunt and fish and swim in the sea.
>A Noble who genuinely tries his best to follow noble ideals. He's a bit of an arrogant shit sometimes, but he's also genuine in his desire to be a good person.
Aside from Edelgard Targaryen and her beta orbitor Orochimaru Snape mother fucker, the rest of the Eagles are largely a harmless bunch.
Oh please no, I can't stand Rhea.
it should be, it had that fire emblem good guys win feeling
lmao literally stratholme 2.0 how can people hate this kino game
Yeah, I've had those piling up and kept wondering where the fuck the materials to restore them were, since I kept bursting down beasts by attacking the same one tile.
Do we know exactly how many chapters each route has?
xenoblade 2 is shit
It’s just personal drama: the route. It has the least amount of relevant things happening.
>first map post timeskip
>just Claude and Byleth
>clearing fine because Byleth can solo most of the map
>suddenly Ignatz and Lorenz, my most easily killed units, spawn into a giant group of bandits
>literally nothing I can do can save them
What is this fucking bullshit and why do my benched fucking units come in holding literally no items outside my control
When will they bring back flying beast, it's always fucking wolves or poison ones. I need fuckign mythril for my god damn Prf weapons.
what route are you on? I remember seeing the flying beasts in a map a total of two times on blue lions and one was on the red canyon paralogue
>Dedue is absent for 90% of Dimitri's edge phase
Kind of lame to be honest
Based Ferdinand is honestly my favourite character. Recruiting him on my Blue Lion run just felt right
Edelgards has 18 chapters. Dunno about the other 3.
Making problems by working with the slitherers and having them "betray you" (does it count if they said they would but you went with them anyway?) Isnt real problems. Its just being a blind fool who cant see past his retard waifus many flaws.
I can confidently say that if you want materials to polish legendary rusted gear, get your professor level to A+ and collect those Mythril. Remember, you need to break all 4 squares from bird monsters and golems for the Mythrils. Other monster either drop venom something and steel for poison weapons and upgrades.
Does he actually have an innate chance to doge shit that isn't shown to the player? He keeps dodging attacks he has no right dodging and I'm not the only one who experienced this.
Thanks user!
Yes. The Blue Lions walk the true path of justice!
his passive makes him dodge more when he is at full HP, if you teach him heavy armor he will also get -weight which also raises his speed further making him an insane dodge tank that keeps counter attacking any nigga that tries to fuck with him, it's amazing
>Personal drama: the route
So the canon route then? That pretty much describes all fire emblem plots
Not recruiting him gives you kino dialogue however
The time you'll waste babying him is better spent on Felix, who'll actually contribute since the very first chapter.
I went Church because I wanted to wife Bernie and not romancing Edel on her route seems like a waste.
blue lions has 21 or 22 (i think the latter)
>death knight appears for the second time
>any unit that tries to approach him gets instagibbed
>send ferdinand
>lmao dodge
>lmao dodge
>Poke poke poke
>literally fucking soloed a fucking death knight by himself with counter hits while being 6 levels lower than him
absolute fucking unit
except they don't. Units come in safe spaces where no units are, you have to move them to make them vulnerable.
For fucks sake calm your tits, I don’t even like Edelgard and prefers Dimitri over her. Stop being such a defensive otomefag. But his route deals with the least of the continent’s problems while all the other routes delve better into Fodlan, religion, cults and political issues. I don’t consider any route canon, and BL especially has no reason to be considered one.
Okay so that's 2 out of 4. Surprised BL has more.
Golden deer post timeskip. I had flyers in Sothis paralogue and maybe another map.
I think there were some too in Marianne's paralogue but i didn't see them until it was too late due to fog.
>That pretty much describes all fire emblem plots
Not at all, all FE games have some dragon or god at the end.
I think BL have the longest route in the game.
They do start from the worst position
What the fuck am I supposed to do with the Dark Seals I get throughout GD path? The only dark magic user I have can't even use them because woman.
The shit he does with spears reminds me a little of Trident Dorfs moveset in HW. Understandable considering that KT developed it.
My Wifu review (still playing before Time skip playing black eagles)
-BLACK EAGLES (Hottest chicks)
>Edlegard is hot but up tight 8/10
>Dorethea is top 5 hottest, cool, but kinda a slut 9/10
>Bernadetta is perfect as she is skittish and scared to leave her room... except no lez option 9.9/10
>Petra is the hot foreign chick 9/10
>Mercedes is everyones best girl so shes overrated. 8/10
>Annette is barely legal but has room to grow 5.10
>Ingrid is hot but no real personality 8/10
>Hilda is a jailbait cunt 0/10
>Lysithea looks weird. 0/10
>Marianne is got but never says shit. 9/10
>Leonie is questionably hottest in the game. 9.9/10
>Manuela is hot but useless, 7/10
>Cathrine is hot but I worry she'd overpower me 9/10
>Flayn is shit -5/10
>Shamir is tied for hottest chick in the game but she can be bitchy cause of her bluntness 9.9/10
>Anna is the only 10/10 choice. She's been there for you since day one.
So how do S rank supports work? I have 2 of them, but do I get to choose at the end of the game or does the game decide for me?
>38 hours
>just up to the ball
This can't be right. Does the game timer still continue when you suspend the game? I can't have wasted that many hours running around the monastery and looking at inventory, classes,etc.
It's a slight exaggeration, I can't move Byleth within range to protect them before the bandits move in unless I restart the map entirely. It's extremely frustrating and kills the big reunion moment.
at least no one dies on that map if you lose them
>the only route with secret branching path and true final boss
>the only route where blyat regains heart
>the only route where humanity is back where it belongs
>the only route where the church is exposed
>the only route where the dick cures crazy
>Anna sin Alt
oh my bad i thought you were talking about the other reunion
>FE music will never reach this peak again
>Aura Knuckles
>magic based fist weapons
Holy dick i can actually make a Fist Wizard
Actually, I think it's not BL having more, it's BE having less than the others for some reason.
Don't forget his victory quotes
>See you in the eternal flames
>Too weak for this world
>Some day, I too will fall
same song
same fucking guy* what am i saying
>but she can be bitchy cause of her bluntness
literally the best part nigger
she doesn't beat around the bush and it's satisfying to break her mask to uncover the cute beneath
>village chapter
>death knight shows up
>thunderbrand his ass
Catherine STRONG
You can't on BL either. Unless the church route or the GD route let's you support her, it was either scrapped or is being saved for DLC
I'm really not sure why. Shes decent but she isn't crazy good or anything.
>tons of beast
>magic don't work on them
>continuous pegasus rider arrival
>church embuscade
I'm on chapter 8 and I can't view any of Byleth's new support conversations, what gives? Are they post time skip only?
Punishing you for picking shit over best boy.
most A supports are time skip only
Play faster to get rid of them before they transform. Use a brave weapon to delete Rhea. Breaking the barrier on a monster will expose them to magic
>>Anna is the only 10/10 choice. She's been there for you since day one.
Anna has never been there for you. She's been there for you wallet.
user. You DO realize that Edelgard's route IS the secret path, right?
The default route for BE is to side with the church.
By your own admission, Edelgard is the true final boss.
>People complain about characters teleporting away in cutscenes when it's a thing you can do in the game
>be 15 midget
>reee Death Knight with 1 spooky dark spell
Why is she so perfect?
How far am I to the time skip anyway?
Certain supports can only be done during a specific route and/or after the time skip.
>Originally plan to play all four routes
>Start with BL
>Fall in love with Dimitri
>Now I don't want to play the other routes because I don't want my husbando to die
but that's wrong you fucking retard the secret path is always the true end for visual novels and strategy games, most autists will go church because EMPEROR BAD
what month are you on? the timeskip is somewhere in march or february i think
>the church can't lead the world to peace
>so i'm going to declare war
okay edelgard
>The default go to pick for BE Dancer.
>Of all your students, the one non-lord that seemingly looks out for you the most during exploration dialogue and shows the most worry.
>Can S rank both protagonists.
>Can A rank romance multiple women, like Petra and Manuela, that FByleth can not.
>Pretty and stylish.
>Basically becomes the main Black Eagle after Edelgard fucks off.
>Pretty solid spellcaster and fits a number of classes well.
>A lot of her supports are pretty good.
>Has great hair.
>Has a pretty damn nice rack post-timeskip, only beaten out by Hilda and Manuela.
Not hard to see why. Give it a few months. She'll end up being the new Camilla.
>but that's wrong you fucking retard the secret path is always the true end for visual novels and strategy games
No it's not.
>Professor is mine, stay away from them, Dimitri
Pretending anna isnt perfect.... for shame
I couldn't even figure out where it says what you need to deliver, but I always managed to turn the quest anyway so...
blue lions final map theme sounds the most canon of them all desu
Nice GMOD waifu image.