Imagine being obsessed with race.
whatrya going to do about goy
Right? Imagine demanding every show change the canon races. Truly obsessed.
Master Chief without the helmet should happen at the end of the last Halo game. Not in some shotty TV show aimed at people who think they're smart for watching the television equivalent of eating a big mac with fancy silverware.
Wasn't his face shown in the animated movie? Was it just as a kid or was his adult face shown too?
Im sure itll be a black guy....
I'm curious how many people actually went for the Halo 4 legendary ending and saw the face reveal. Not that it would stop them from picking someone completely different for a movie/show to earn good boy points.
Yeah it was him in his teens and childhood. John’s always been a ginger ever since the first book, before that kids tried to call him a fuckin robot n shit.
Is there anything worse than a non-white racist? Like you're too fucking stupid to be that racist. Know your role.
chief is a white dude with brown eyes/hair, his skin made even paler on account of being in his armor for most of his life
He's a pale white guy with sandy hair and a gap in his teeth. And more scar tissue in his face than skin. He is the walking definition of "old war horse."
Wow I can't wait for a Halo TV series that explores Master Chief's emotions and his love interest who is another spartan.
if master chief is any race other than caucasian Yea Forums will scream "white genocide"
...Because his appearance is already clearly defined by official sources.
rent free
oh no he's not depicted as the same race as the "official sources"?
when will the genocide of whites end?
Because he’s white you limp wrist faggot
I'm sorry your people keep getting genocided by video game characters not being the right race.
I’m sorry non whites are so insecure about the “lack” of representation you cry and shit your pants whenever a white is on screen. You’re only 13% you’re not a majority
go cry and shit your pants about black people kissing white people in films you rotten nazis prick
I hope your graphs and charts about jews and IQ by race are able to bring some solace into your miserable existence.
>Care enough about race to change it
>Call them out
>"lol why do you care?"
Keep whining fucking loser lmao
call them out on what?
but he's already canonically white
This is because the actor they're going to hire states in his contract that he needs to show his face for an X amount of time, isn't it? They might as well just hire a stuntman and a voice actor an call it a day.
>By the end of the MCU, everyone spends more time without their mask on, ruining the entire point of having a costume with a mask.
>Multiple scenes where CGI model flies around, only to cut to a scene where the actor takes over and immediately has his mask come off
Imagine being this much of a demented faggot lmao
>boohoo! don't these evil sjws know that master chief is white?
Pretending to be clueless isn't an argument.
3/4 of the avengers never wore a mask
He is though. I don’t know what argument you’re trying to make. That you’re such a passive aggressive limp wrist that you change stuff just to get a rise out of people?
Come the fuck on guys I clearly already told you he was a white ginger, I wasn’t lying. We also see his face around his eyes in the Legendary ending of 4 and he’s clearly white as hell.
Did they not learn from Halo 4?
crying about perceived white genocide isn't either, nazi.
if it gets a rise out of nazis then it's worth it.
anyone trying to argue in this thread has never played a halo game
The only person that has mentioned white genocide is you.
So we’re back to what I said, you’re a fucking loser. Maybe put that energy into not being such a miserable incel
You know what you are right. If not a single Halo Fan will have the balls to go shoot up/assasinate the cast if (((they))) SJWfy Masterchief then they are just as much as a faggot as whatever LGTBTQWTFBBQPEDO Kike Director/Producer came up with the idea...
make him trans then, that'd really get a rise outta them
you aren't transphobic, right?
idris elba chief confirmed
>everyone talking about race and not the fact that they are obviously turning it into a needless drama with an emotive protagonist so they can capture the middle aged mother demographic
TV is cancer
fuck dude they’re gonna make chief be a melodramatic bitch like 4 or make us watch characters like lasky fuck around for hours
Seriously this.
i am
I dread the day they reveal Master Chief's face and ruin search results for him forever
>another ginger to be replaced by a black
they're gonna get the blackest giga nigga to play him
If the helmet comes off, I'm not watching it. The point is that he remains faceless.
>written white
>pale as fuck white even
>helmet already came off at the end of halo 4
>It better not be a white guy
ITT: Twitter literal who posts their own bait on Yea Forums
>fat mother with niglet
>everybody is fat, even the dog
>that one guy on the top right that just wants to play videogames
this image is perfect
Guy is Pablo Schreiber
>pass user since 2013
Although Idris Elba as Sgt Johnson I could get behind.
Could be worse.
Glad this shit is non-canon.
He doesn't look like that, only in the books which are already sketchy when canon is concerned.
Just to let you guys all know, this series is not canon and Chief doesn't look like Pablo.
This pile of shit is non-canon so who gives a fuck about it, it can do whatever it wants and hopefully fail.
Why would you want it to fail for no reason at all? Wouldn't it be cool to finally get some nice Halo kino?
This is going to be shit.
>You are now tasked to make a Halo TV Series while keeping Master Chief a stone cold bad ass
What do you do? Saving this shitty thread
i'm worried bros
inb4 he's a black tranny
It's not canon so there is no need to worry, if it was, I would be very worried right now.
Most certainly but why wouldn't you want to be wrong and actually end up with a good show?
Just looking at it tells me it's going to be shit, they're throwing away Halo's action for drama.
Why can't we just get an extended, fleshed out adaption of the first half of Fall of Reach with the S2 kids in boot camp with some political/espionage drama/thriller shit on the side with ONI
I dont care if he's Hispanic, Asian, Slav or Turkish.
I'm very open minded
I don't care as long as it's not a black or a jew.
OP made this post on twitter just to screencap and shitpost here.
This comment made me lol
I like Halo but I always thought "the chief" was kinda cringe as a character. I just think of him as the guy who holds the guns for me and I really don't give a fuck about his name, feelings or anything else they've been increasingly shoehorning into the games.
>anime poster
Wow didn't see that coming.
Jesus Christ, is there are more cucked mutant than white gingers? Their characters are always replaced by a person of color in later adaptions.
50$ says it's a nigger.
>takes helmet off
>he's a black midget in a wheelchair
meh, could be worse, im okwith this,
Smells like bait but I'll bite. Chief being an emotionally stunted tool of war can be interesting to explore outside of the context of the games. Even though he's cold on the outside, the books help flush out how intelligent and thoughtful he has to be in order to accomplish his missions. Most of his humanity comes from his bond with Cortana and his comrades in arms, specifically Blue team and SGT Johnson.
There are things you can do with the character, it just has to be really subtle.
how does it feel that every country in the world hates your nigger race? even in third world countries like mine blacks are third class citizen as they should. and even in countries where they're equals society as a whole hates you.
based but also cringe
Man, I havent played halo since 2 and even I know its an alien under the helmet.
You make our race look bad and I get tired of you faggots going for white women when you can find a hot black woman, you're a literal fucking liberal puppet, you know that right?
I hope it's a mexican and the show explains that the helmet has a built in voice mask to hide his identity.
i hope he's a white blonde aryan that kills aliens
John was totally into Linda in First Strike
The mere fact that books, multiple!, are written about him baffles me. Not that I've read them or ever would but trying to evolve a faceless guy in an epic space suit, originally made instrumentally to be the guy you control in a video game about shooting aliens, into an actual person seems to me like it should be a gag in Family Guy, not an actual unironic thing.
Nothing wrong with the themes you're telling me it explores but does everything need to be, well, everything? Can't he just be the guy who holds my guns?
They already revealed Chief's actor.
he is in the games (excluding 343's), bungie kept it this way on purpose, there was a reason they kept his personality in the books.
No because his backstory is interesting, he's not Gordan Freeman, who literally only has one locker worth of backstory
>Asuka as Windy's girl
Why did you make my dick hard, user?
That fucking sucks. I can't meme this shit.
>, before that kids tried to call him a fuckin robot
Is it because of the whole "gingers have no soul" thing or is it he's really weird?
canonically master chief is a gap toothed freckled ginger and no 343's rendition doesn't count
Games > everything
>It better not be a white guy
343 is a meme and not canon lmao im just ignoring it
Reddish-brown hair doesn't make you a ginger.
>he better be a white guy
343i's canon is the same as Bungie's
Games > everything
in canon
>It better not be a white guy
But wasn't Chief revealed to be a wh*Te in the comics?
>leftist memes
pure cringe
dont care
I don't understand why hollywood has to have peoples heads to have no helmets at all during battles. I get its for "seeing emotions on their faces" but there's a thing called body language and tone of voice that can also convey emotions instead of solely relying on facial expressions for the driving force of having an emotional battle.
GoT and the Expanse got fucked hard on that. Lannister soldiers by the end of the series were always fighting with their visors open, which looked absolutely retarded.
Isn't he canonically a white guy? Is Fall of Reach canon or not?
>Fall of Reach canon
user, I...
has there been a successful tv series based off of a video game?