This Year's Steam Summer Sale Was A Mess, Game Developers Say

>“Last sale, I made over $2,000,” the developer wrote. “This one I’ve barely made $200. Thank you.”

>Developers are chalking this up not just to wishlist issues, but also changes in the way Steam recommends games, as well as changes to the structure of the sale itself. Nepenthe and To The Dark Tower developer Yitz pointed to Steam’s data on his games, which showed that the “vast majority” of his store page traffic came from outside Steam, as opposed to from built-in recommendation systems like the front page, the discovery queue, tags, and games’ “more like this” sections. Data from the first half of 2018, meanwhile, shows less than 20 percent of his traffic coming from external sites, while over half came from within Steam. This, Yitz says, has been an issue since October 2018, when a Steam algorithm bug caused big games to make big gains in traffic while small games lost out. While Valve said in December that the issue had been fixed and the flow of traffic re-normalized, some developers say their games never recovered. Yitz is in this camp.

>“Before October 2018 (and for a few months after that while I gave Steam the benefit of the doubt), I told anyone who asked me that Steam was 100% worth it for indie developers,” he said in a Twitter DM. “Now, that trust is gone, and it’s not because I’ve changed or become more cynical... This Steam sale was a disaster, but I’m far more concerned about the overall trend we’ve seen in the Steam algorithm since October last year: pushing unpopular (including ‘mostly negative’ reviewed) triple-A games over titles that Steam has more than enough data to know would be a better match for the consumer.”

How will Steam drones defend this?

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Other urls found in this thread: Year's Steam Summer Sale Was A Mess, Game Developers Say/ steam.png/

we needed a kotaku article to figure this out

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>How will Steam drones defend this?

By not installing a Chinese botnet

>game developers blame Steam for their own failings
Yeah, what else is new?

My game sold great.

defend what? they experimented with a new type of event and it didn't work
should the consumer be upset that developers aren't making money during community events?

why are you people so beholden to corporate profits that have 0 impact on your life?

This is his game:

>how will steam drones defend this

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based Year's Steam Summer Sale Was A Mess, Game Developers Say/

how many times are you going to repost this, phone posting chink?

why are games devs so entitled?

This fucking article again?
Like, can you stop spamming the same article, with the same pic, posting the same shit every fucking time?

What is this, an attempt to be relevant?

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>Inspired by Earthbound, Undertale, and other alt-RPGs

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You mean how will they cope

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Apparently they do

What it boils down to is to not make shitty low effort garbage. That's why more indieshit is going to Epic since they don't even need to try to make a good game.

It was pretty weird that the sale didn't encourage the use of the discover queue at all this year.
Seriously, though, I miss flash sales.

Waaah, why won't Steam give me free marketing anymore? Why should I have to work to sell my game? I'm so opressed.

Yes, it's steam's fault this didn't sell

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>Steam is killing off garbage indie games



>Game Developers Say
*Game Developer


What the fuck is an "Alt-RPG"

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>Nepenthe is a hand-drawn game made of dad-jokes and existential dread. Also cookies. Lots of cookies.
Way to convince me not to play this shit

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>shit dev of a shit game complains it doesn't sell and blames Stean

>he posted it again
When do the fucking mods consider this shit spam?

Cry more Steam drone


I know someone who was one of the extra 5000 winners and picked a game he didn't really want that much probably because he didn't even really understand the contest and he hasn't even played it. Meanwhile I am still mad I picked a game I actually wanted and didn't win.

>alt-right player games
Ummm sweetie, it’s the current year, of course nobody wants to support toxic gaming culture

It's been quite a while since he posted this.
Hey chinko, WWZ threads and pics when?

>this made at least $2200
Why the fuck aren’t I making games?

>spamming same shitty irrelevant thread for weeks
>farming clicks for cucktaku
>reddit spacing

Maybe after your delusions of Epic being a valid option instead of a chink botnet who can only stay relevant through moneyhatting becomes reality, Epicdrone zoomer.

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Cry more

"inspired" meaning "copied the surface elements like epic wacky humour and memey dialogue and expecting it to catapult into relevancy"

Not even crying, just angry at retarded drones like you who keep spamming this shit just to be contrarian.

Says the Steam drone

Are the developers aware that Steam has hundreds of more games on it every single year? What magical recommender algorithm do they think exists that can just alleviate that issue without any effort on the developer's or publisher's part? Even people selling on Amazon need to invest heavily in outside advertising. This is how shit works for large online stores.

Says the actual drone who can't even come up with a better response to someone calling out your blatant spamming than "cry more".

That sale was total shit for new game discovery

what was it?

Says the guy whose only argument is chiiiiink chink Winnie the Pooh xD

He doesn't know English user, he's got to stick to his script.

>reeeeeee people didn't buy my shitty game during the sale!

>it's steam's fault that the vast majority of his store page traffic came from a vietnamese spike shitting forum

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I'm convinced the biggest problem with Steam is the "small dev" problem.

If I ran Steam:

1. Fix the Shovelware problem - this would help the smallest devs because it would get rid of the utter dogshit and give anything half-decent more attention.

2. Then put all your focus on improving marketing/discover of shit with decent production values and AA/AAA which people actually want to play - ignore the whiny tiny indie devs.

>undertale ripoff but if it was drawn by a 6 year old
gee I wonder why it didn't do so good in sales

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>How will Steam drones defend this?

I, personally, don't give a fuck about devs. I get the game, I play the game, and thats it.

Again, what magical recommender algorithm do you think should exist that already doesn't? Every Steam feature worked as intended during the sale. They're also about to release brand new features via Steam Labs, though I doubt it'll stop the complaints from lazy devs who just don't grasp how advertising works.

Says the first person even mentioning poohposting in this entire reply chain.

Based dictator

Steam sees themselves as just offering downloads and payment processing.

The problem Steam's 30% cut is ridiculous if all they are offering devs is payment processing and downloading.

Steam actually copied Epic and put only decent games on the front page. The devs complaining have no chance of getting on EGS due to low quality.

ahah funny puns!
Please upvote.

indieshitter mad that majority of people filter this kind of shit from their discovery queue

>sell shit for dirt-cheap for years
>surprised that no more people are buying your shit later on
I already got HUNDREDS of games on my Library. I bet most I've not even touched yet. Plus, most of modern shit is just that : shit.
All in all, I spent literally 0 cents this year, simply because nothing interested me.

How about showing truly random games on the front page during a fucking sale?

Valve instead advertised big name franchises like Assy Creed and Resident Evil

how about indie devs literally git gud


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Because no one likes those games, most games on Steam are shit.

The problem is that it's now incredibly hard for decent low-budget titles to stand out from Steam's piles of low-effort shovelware babby's first game.

That's not all they're offering though. Discovery queues, tag system, related games, curator system, follow / activity system, broadcasts... plus an interactive recommender, automated program, and micro trailer coming out soon.

The issue is the quantity of games coming out. Relying on Steam's systems alone isn't enough. Developers are competing with TENS OF THOUSANDS of other games. If you just hit enter in the store search and then filter to games only it shows 34857 games. Developers need to get a better grip on marketing if they want exposure.

That’s Valves fault because they used to curate

Again that’s Valves fault

If I was a AAA dev, I'd be pissed off at Steam for doing so little marketing for high-budget products customers actually want rather than Indie Early Access Garbage #232323

It's a bit like going to the cinema and find they give equal prominence to someone who made a movie at home for $500 and a $200m blockbuster. Have some fucking standards

The devs that are complaining about low sales? If Steam curated, they wouldn't make the cut. Maybe RE2 and Ass Creed are generic but I guarantee they're more enjoyable than Vulpine or whatever trash these guys are trying to sell.

>It's a bit like going to the cinema and find they give equal prominence to someone who made a movie at home for $500 and a $200m blockbuster. Have some fucking standards

Valve already did that when they stopped curating the fucking store

the thread should have ended right here
indie devs have become entitled pieces of shit

>hey look at me I made a shitty game can I be the next notch now?
These people need to fuck off, if this game was on EGS or origin no one would buy it either, for some reason steam is supposed to be some kind of welfare state where you shit out a game and receive money

Kek, should have done Peep/Creme/Peanut Butter/Chocolate/Mini

That’s like letting in immigrants and complaining when they want rights

If Valve decided to curate their streams again, want to know what would happen? They would ban all these shit sub

Steam's role isn't to market your games, their role is to sell them, they're a store front not a marketing firm. You don't know jack shit about business. Someone like you would put your product on amazon and then cry about how jeff bezos doesn't market your product for you.
Look at this way, AAA companies pay millions and millions to advertise their games right? Why on earth would steam or anyone do it for free?

We have this thread everyday.


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They have no chance of getting this on EGS or Origin anyway, because those stores actually have standards.

Getting onto Steam used to mean something. Valve instead turned the back catalog into the equivalent of digging for gold in piles of shit

If that's a serious problem then devs would go the minecraft route and skip steam and go solo, or they would use discord or They won't do this because having their game on steam is worth the 30% cut, this is how the market works.

Who cares?
I'm getting everything for free.

They really need to have a team that plays every game and sees if it has basic production values.

Get rid of utter shit like this:

Browsing the new list, I've discovered MIGHTY GUNVOLT BURST was released 3 days ago that got buried by the above.

Why do Steam drones think curation is so bad?

Nigger what the fuck are you even doing, posting the wrong Tamamo like that?

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>steamdrone is a wojakposter
you can't make this shit up

But Amazon is dogshit too. Amazon has prices and service but god the store is dreadful.

And Amazon is far, far better at giving prominence to stuff that isn't garbage. And Amazon's website fucking sucks.

Yeah this sale was done extremely poorly, whoever came up with the idea for the racing incentive to buy game is a fucking retard lol.

I don't think it's Steam drones that do. I think it was indies who originally did, because they thought it hurt their sales. Now Steam did away with their own curation methods and the same indies are still complaining. They'll never realize or admit that their games just suck and people would prefer to play other games.

>They won't do this because having their game on steam is worth the 30% cut, this is how the market works.

Apparently not as more and more indies are going Epic exclusive, but Steam drones HATE that

>epicdrone is an obvious redditor newfag who can't even quote other people's posts properly
No surprise there

It’s Steam’s store and they fucked up their reputation to “own” the indies

Who's going to do the curating? Valve already said if they did curation like people want games like VNs would never be on steam despite people having a great desire to buy and play VNs. Can you trust a group of people with tastes that aren't similar to yours to curate for you?


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>they fucked up their reputation
Their reputation is still good with me since I'm not an indie dev.

It's a game that sucks, but you're not allowed to say that because it's 'art'

Here's a nice timeline I slapped together

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>linking directly to kotaku
Stop bumping this, retards.

Why are we having this shitty thread again?

Because OP is a titanic faggot who decided that he didn't get banned hard enough.

A first step would be Valve hiring someone for $10/hr that goes through the New list and remove anything that's obviously trash. I mean, that's far less than what MS/Sony do.

If they wanted to invest, they could get a small team to actually play the games to see if they work and are more than asset flips.

I fucking hate indie devs

I'm not a indie game developer so I don't give a fuck

I don't disagree that those games are trash that no one would miss if they were removed from steam but you just know indie devs would complain that their dream game wasn't allowed on steam just like what happened here

Why did they kill Greenlight again? Is steam now open for any and all "games"?

Here's some

- Make better games so people want to buy your shit. Also, no, we don't give a fuck about your age old "roguelikes" "metroidvanias" and "spiritual successors"

- Allow higher discounts in sales so people want to buy your shit. Your two years old shitty game will not sell sell if you refuse to go below -40%

- Stop blaming gamers for everything. Don't write retarded shit like "manbabies hate my game" on social media. Start looking in to the mirror. If you are being review bombed, you probably did something really fucking stupid with your game. Also, nobody wants to see your try hard pseudo-intellectual college writing, wannabe deep & progressive storylines or pretentious "innovation" (aka carbon copied mechanics & elements applied on games where they don't fit)

-It literally does not matter what your game is, all that matters is that you make a good fucking game and ADVERTISE it. NO ONE WILL BUY YOUR SHIT IF NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT YOU FUCKING INDIE RETARD IMBECILS GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. Either rely on social media, streamers or word of mouth

Also I can see how transparent your epic shilling is, faggot
Even if you don't mention it, it's really fucking obvious.

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>indie devs bitching that their shit games aren't selling again
How is this news?

Every dev who thinks their amateur hand drawn trash is cute needs to be thrown off a fucking bridge.

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>he's posted this six times now
It's ok, user. We all manifest our retarded facets in one way or another.

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>this copy/pasted thread again
Wow shills are going all out today, huh?

It's much much worse than that, user.
The faildevs bitching in that shitaku articles tried to sell "visual poetry"

we've had this thread before
the games developed by that guy complaining are actual sewage
indies that are capable of making actual good games aren't having any problems with Steam

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This is the natural conclusion of Steam's policies that were driven by indie dev clamoring. Specifically, Steam Greenlight and Early Access. Both of these policies led to an overflow of indies onto the marketplace who came up with an idea, made a proof of concept that appealed to people, got voted onto Steam or even just allowed outright via Early Access, and then realized development is hard and quit. Now Steam is filled with trash games that aren't even finished on the indie tag, and because of that, customers are disinterested in the tag itself, leaning towards bigger games instead of risking an unknown game because it is a safer investment of their money and time. This creates a feedback loop on their recommendations that stays within AAA games, since it sees that as their taste, and so the indies dont get pushed.
The only salvation for people like this now would be for Steam to manually sort through indie games, find ones of quality, then artificially push them to the people, but that won't happen because it will inevitably lead to taste conflict.

>This trash wasn't recommended to enough people reeeeeeee steam

Sounds like a good thing, thanks gabe.


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>"visual poetry"
What the fuck does that even mean? "artistic" walking sims?
Shitty VN's?

it means 'don't question my vision sweetie just buy my game you entitled loser'

>unapologetic megaman rip-off
give me one reason why anyone would buy this instead of a megaman game?
first look impressions are that of a chinese bootleg.
Still, whether it's good or not is irrelevant if the game has no fucking exposure.
Yea Forums isn't a good place for it

>people who make garbage game want free promotion so its highly visible to people who don't want to pay for garbage games
Maybe EGS is more your speed, they seem pretty keen on promoting shovelware considering that's the majority of the 50 games they have.

Okay I’m not normally one to put on my tin foil hat, but it can’t be coincidence that these types of articles keep getting made post epic store and shilled everywhere. Epic, who have established they are willing to pay any amount to force them to have a place in this industry.

I’m not crazy right? I don’t doubt this dev or others had a horrible sale, but come one. It’s too convenient.

>linking kotaku
hello jason

Jason couldn't browse Yea Forums, he'd be too scared of seeing big anime boobs.

At least he's not a cum.brain

And Valve/Steam never paid for good press, right?

that's the thing that blows my mind
it's like we see lots of games being discussed on Yea Forums and basically none of them are EGS exclusives, those games are actual garbage and they're displayed prominently

look at genesis alpha one, it's literally just some survival crafting shit but it was one of their first early access games

Fuck Valve. They're all a bunch of amoral scum swines who need to die in a fire.


Valve fucked up yet people want to blame indies steam.png/
What the fuck is with you shills and your obssession with this game?

>low effort undertale

It's a miracle it made any money in the first place.

this. quitting my job to become a gamedev
wish me luck, boys

It's the best example of how shit Steam is for indies now. I couldn't imagine games coming out on Steam in 2010 and selling only 300 copies.

Problem is that you end up back at square one with lazy developers whining that their games got filtered and customers crying that games they want are not getting in.


If you make a game that has to compete with these for sales then it's the same kind of trash.
And if it took you multiple years to get your game to that point then you seriously need to reconsider your life choices.

Because greenlight was just a matter of getting enough positive votes to get into the store and you could buy those from russian bot farms.

>It's the best example of how shit Steam is for indies now
>Sold 300 and got hired at fucking Capcom as a result
Why is every example used by epic shills fucking wrong

Off my chair, jester

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>Posting cringe

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a whopping 2 grand?! his game must've been really good!

Clearly they don't considering how much the press seems to side with Epic in this matter despite how much the consumers hate them.

Indie devs were crying that they couldn't get into steam with green light.

>How come my game made less money a year after it came out than the year it came out?????
God I hate indie devs.

The guy and his game may be a joke, but there is a valid point to be made that Steam's UI for finding games is fucking garbage.

>Stop bumping this, retards.


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Steams curation is shit though. By now it should know i like 3d platformers yet it keeps recommending me fps games. Nevermind spyro and crash are now there and i love those games but steam never bothered showing them to me

Quite literally nobody but you cares about it or its shitty Dev and Kotaku articles are fucking shit.

>Apparently not as more and more indies are going Epic exclusive, but Steam drones HATE that
I mean, wouldn't you go Epic Exclusive if you knew Epic was going to give 200k sales by default?

It says less about Epic being viable as a competitor and more to say about indie devs only being in it for the money for the sake of earning money, not delivering a product that people enjoy.

>this sale was so shit people are still complaining
proud pigbro here, i didn't get shit for free and i'm still salty bros.
thinking your game is going to sell 2000 units next year because it sold 2000 units the previous year is dumb, though. not unless you're very aggressively self-advertising your game on reddit and Yea Forums as a Hidden Gem. thanks Brigador dev, I literally never heard of this game but bought it and it's preddy okay.

Did epic pay for this article like they paid for those exclusives?

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just stopping by to shill jimmy and the pulsating mass, an "earthbound-inspired" (not actually inspired by it from dev's words, but he copied the art style because it as easier to make) rpg which does it right (except the art)

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>It is always the devs with shitty looking games with next to no appeal whatsoever that complain no one buying their games

Reminds me of that guy who made Thomas was Scared or some shit like that, and how Steam fucked him over becaue his game wans't in evidence. His game is just a bunch of fucking cubes. Even after he bitche and I searched what was his game, and was totally underwhelmed, no one no one would buy that shit, it doesn't look like any effort was put into it at all.

It's hilarious, they call us entitled brats for choosing where to buy our game, yet they feel like they are entitled to our money, like it is our obligation to buy their fucking shitty games.


No, they don't have to. As of 2019, game developers fucking hate steam. Only 6% of developers belive that steam deserve their cut.

I don't think steam care about it to be honest, they are aiming at hardware now. Once it will work for them they will abandon steam like they did with game development.

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>It's hilarious, they call us entitled brats for choosing where to buy our games.

You are not choosing, you demand something and you can't stfu about it. Big diffrence

How should I go about shilling my game here? Be upfront or go guerilla?

Is this how kotaku gets their clicks? Or is epic paying them too?

>Indies bitch
>Valve hears them
>They bitch more even though it's exactly what they asked for
>Valve hears them again
>They continuye to bitch

At this point they're literally just looking at Valve and Epic and getting pissed that Valve isn't shoveling money in their faces just because they made a game.

Neat, put it on my wish list for now.

Don't mind me
I'm providing informative education about minerals and videogames

OP works for Kotaku

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>devs hate steam
Ha ha ha good joke

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thanks bruv

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OP spams the same OP post and is a direct shill

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OP spams and is a direct shill.

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>one guy as an argument

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>indies who think they deserve good money for subpar crap like OP think they deserve more money.
Wow, what a shocker.

>random members of the top three teams receiving the top game on their Steam wishlist for free at the end of each day. Valve didn’t do the best job of explaining how this worked, leading to a situation in which thousands of people deleted games from their Steam wishlists in hopes of upping the odds that they’d receive their preferred game when in reality, they would’ve received whatever game they put in the top spot on their wishlist no matter what.

lol. Stupid redditors.

>you demand something and you can't stfu about it.