Getting paid $50 million dollars just to play vidya

>getting paid $50 million dollars just to play vidya
How do I get in on this money train? I’m busting my ass working a 9 to 5 while guys are getting paid millions just staying in their rooms and playing Fortnite.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you have to get lucky

You have to be the number one in your work.

You have to be persistent in putting out content on a regular basis.

make yourself a marketing name be top 500 in the world and appeal to 12 year old instagram kids by dabbing on camera after every kill and coming up with some catchphrase
literally emulate capeshit garbage and have a name like fortnitehero

Be extremely lucky and have an amazing personality along with somewhat good looks. In other words, good luck

hes not even that good
hes all brand now
like pewdiepie

out of all things about this guy, just him having the name "ninja" triggers the fuck out of me because its just so damn generic.

are you willing to stream full time making less than minimum wage for years before getting any recognition?

Check millions streamers with sub 100views and ask yourself why only 0.01% of them make it after 5 years of streaming non-stop.
If you can answer that question. Go ahead, do it user

So many streamers crash and burn by then.

You're all wrong lol.

Ninja is really good at a game that's really popular. On top of that he already had a foothold in the scene because he was a halo streamer, similar to how pewdiepie made CoD videos before becoming a popular minecraft lets player.

>have guaranteed contacted for the next few years
>say nigger on the first day of screaming so that microsoft has to distance themselves from you
>get payed without even having to work

>Richard Tyler Blevinstein[1] (born June 5, 1991), more commonly known by his online alias Ninja (formerly NinjasHyper) is an American streamer, YouTuber, professional gamer and Internet personality.

Try to figure it out based on this.

>are you willing to stream full time making less than minimum wage for years before getting any recognition?

You will be making nothing at all, my friend been streaming on twitch for +3 years now and he barely makes any money at all, he still has to go to his job because he gets maybe like 50-100 bucks a month from donations / subs

> themoreyouknow.png
hes a jew, no wonder his star rose so quickly on fake ass social media

Same here, this truely unironically is a society

Realize that gaming is a niche hobby and that out of 7 billion people only about 6 million people are gamers.
Even out of 100 million people that means that
less then a tenth of people are gamers.

link to article?

should've fucking known

>only about 6 million people are gamers
This seems inaccurate.

It is, I was being generous user.

Mixer used to be beam and it's team of developers are a bunch of retards. Their monetization is worse than twitch for new users, you basically have to work a part time for free and apply to get partnered and they can revoke it at anytime in the future pic related.

Their metrics to do so are bullshit too. Nothing about views or hours streamed or number of followers but instead unquantifiable bullshit like "are you unqiue? Do you have a good community?"

Seriously stream for FREE for two months and get 2000 followers? That's twenty times more than twitch. I don't see them getting anywhere close to twitch's monopoly anytime soon until they change their bullshit.

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>Step 1: Leave Yea Forums

you have to have an interesting personality and know how to entertain people by talking over video games
you think you can do it until you set up your channel and everyone that joins leaves after 5 seconds of hearing you be quiet and monotone

Have rich parents

You think Ninja just came out the veritable womb with high level straming equipment?


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>Seriously stream for FREE for two months and get 2000 followers? That's twenty times more than twitch.

You do realize that for years, YEARS, on Twitch you needed to have hundreds or even thousands of concurrent viewers average just to be considered for a Sub button?

50 million isn't even that much. That's not even enough to buy two decent homes.

12 DAYS?!
Thats like a fucking 8 hour stream every day for 3 weeks.

This, I was surprised when idiots with then viewers had a sub button, it used to be a big fucking deal, and people got rejected all the time, no wonder the quality of their content has gone downhill in the past few years.


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Surely you fucking jest.

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It’s based on a tweet made by Verge’s senior editor. He’s saying Ninja was paid more than $50 million to switch.

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MS spends more on bribing streamers than developing games

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He played the game better than anyone else. Not fortnite, the 'game'.

It's basically an open secret that he used bots to kickstart his twitch career. Then it was all pandering to zoomers, keeping himself out of trouble, marketing, and then 'selling' himself to the highest bidder. The same game vidya e-celebs have been playing for almost 20 years, never been pulled of this good before.

It's Blevins not Blevinstein you fucking nigger.

I wouldn't even play fortnite for $50 million

PewDiePie pulled it off better. He's probably been offered more than this by Youtube rivals.

Right, it's kind of weird how people see streaming, specifically being able to make money from subs and tips and all that while streaming, as an inherent privilege.

When Twitch was building its market share, it was expected that if you wanted to really make any solid income from it, you needed to invest fucking years into that shit, for fucking free. No pay, no donations, no bits, none of that shit. You got your grind on and did it because you loved it, and if you were super fucking good at it, maybe one day you would have a big enough channel to get a sub button.

Now, everyone expects to just be able to do it from day 1.


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Just like how it's Portman instead of Herschlag, right? Hill instead of Feldstein?

>Richard Tyler Blevinstein

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the difference is that twitch at the time didn't have a competitor with multiple magnitudes of a larger audience
it's literally "do a part time job for free and hope we say yes after two months" and the whole time they profit off of what you do

just viewbot lmao

I've watched ninja play fortnite once and it was bizarre. I thought the stream would be super zoomer-bait cringe, but he literally just played the game and read out subs every so often. No whacky crazy personality, no direct communication with chat, no real filter on language in any way. There were 50000 odd people watching and the chat may as well not have existed. He didn't even look into the camera directly.
Wonder why kids like watching him so much if the streams are so un-twitch-like, if you catch my meaning. I understand he's very good and they like watching someone who is very good, but I thought there would be more to it than that.

>high-level streaming equipment

lmao, just work at fucking walmart for a summer and you'll have enough money for "high-level stream equipment"

they are probably just covering what he is currently earning on twitch.

Its not about playing but your personality and how hard are you willing to work on it, like even if ninja never had touch streaming he still would be succesful

You do realize that in one reply you're saying Twitch was justified at the time because they dominated the market, but in the next breath you're saying what they did was wrong because it was "do a part time job while they make money". Which is it?

Why is needing to work for a privilege a moral wrong?

>high-level streaming equipment
Literally a mic with a pop filter, a webcam, and obs. How poor are you?

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dumb retard
ninja himself is an icon which is used by the corporations first twitch now Microsoft to entice retards like you into their shitty streaming platform to "make it big"

>Why is needing to work for a privilege a moral wrong?
I never said that, it's not a good business strategy. They have been trying to get beam off the ground since 2015, it's not going to work

literally git gud

Have a niche you can cater to. My friends roomate is a twitch streamer and he's some androgynous emo boy who gets views because he looks girly as shit and wears different cosplays like catboy and Pikachu.

You have to whore yourself out user.

Pretty sure there's more streams than viewers at this point.

Oh shit we share birthday. I like him already, based gemini brother

>mfw /pol/ is always right, it's always the jews

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>have rich parents buy you all your equipment
>have rich parents support you so you don't need a job
>have enough lack of self awareness to confidently pull off the childs entertainer persona (screaming, saying things as they happen with no actual commentary, adding things like "boom gotchu sucker" and "oh geeze im actually scared lol")
>have rich parents buy you view bots to start showing up on feeds for a self sustaining viewership cycle

But Microsoft isn't jew-owned, is it? Gates wasn't a jew.

imagine being a company spending 50mil on what is essentially advertising on a platform only used for jackbox games and people who own xbox ones that don't know how to stream to anything other than mixer instead of investing into actual games

>struggle to pay bills
>meanwhile some lucky faggot gets $50 million dollars
fuck this gay earth

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and walt disney hated jews
look at disney now

eggs. Have to actually be likeable and friendly enough for people to watch you, nobody on here has the personality for it.

how redpilled is vergil?

>Everyone expects to be able to do it from day 1
Blame the quality of the content, not the quality of the people who see that content and think they can do it.

Most streamers don't do anything the average teenager couldn't do, and that's a big part of the trap. You're kind of just grinding away at a lot of low-effort work, knowing you can be easily replaced by literally anyone, and most of the famous guys are mainly only well known for being famous.

Like tell me one thing Ninja has done that is quintessentially "Ninja". It's not like Robert Downey Jr's role in Iron Man, or Patrick Stewart's role as Jean Luc Picard. Rather, you just know Ninja from Ninja. You know he's Ninja and he professionally does Ninja every day.

>Most streamers don't do anything the average teenager couldn't do
By assuming when you say "most streamers" you mean "most successful streamers", then I would say you're entirely wrong. Grinding a stream from 0 to major success and supporting yourself from it is not "low-effort work", it's years of not getting paid, networking, hustling, trying to convince people you're serious and worth investing in, doing your shit with no support and no profit from it, not getting discouraged, and putting way more time into your channel than just the few hours on stream, with scheduling, graphics, keeping your uploads going, editing, social media, and working with other people for promotion and projects.

Most of that shit is behind the scenes, you don't see it but you just assume it comes out of the ether.

I don't know Ninja personally but the dude is literally famous because he made himself the best in the world at one specific game, and that game had a major audience. He was known and shared and supported for his skill, and he spent years on that shit before he exploded.

Also $5 says a response to this post is
>Lol streaming
>Hard work


nah he got big since he stuck with fortnite back when people ignored it for PUBG

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"Low effort content" doesn't generally refer to the amount of struggling it takes to produce the content every day of your born life - I get that having no separation between your personal life and your work is stressful, even miserable. But what I mean when I say "low effort content" is the type of thing where you sit in front of a webcam and play video games.

You didn't write a script, you don't have to think about scene composition, or story, or even necessarily being that funny or charming. A lot of the promotion is algorithmic, so you're just playing the right games at the right time, or are being promoted on Steam or something not everyone's going to luck into.

The actual "hustle" isn't a major part of what gets you noticed in these environments because everyone's hustling and nobody has time to be hustled. This shit is automated and low effort content rules across all these sites. Nobody even seriously tries to do something challenging or interesting anymore, because that dream is dead before it begins.

And you can't blame kids for seeing such easy content and thinking they can do it. Yeah, they have to stream until their soul leaves their body, and deal with your actual person being criticized because the stream is just you - it's not a character, or a project you worked on, it's you, every day, playing a video game for eight hours. You can't blame the kids because the kids are right, they CAN do what Ninja does. At least for a while. The real question is would they get burned out doing it for as long as Ninja has? That's not even asking if Ninja himself is already burned out.

You have to look Microsoft in the eye and give them a firm handshake


He's like some savant of tower building. It was stunning to watch the first time I saw him. I don't understand how people can watch it every day though.

I don't want to seem like a fanboy but I think PDP is not playing the same game. After all he hasn't 'sold out', and he definitely has not kept himself out of trouble. He's still fairly successful at what he does, but it's not what Ninja is doing.

Every fucking time

yeah faggot
by your logic every germanic surname is jewish


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>Pewdiepie never sold out
I mean how do you sell out when you were never the product in the first place? His viewers are the product. Them, clicking the ads - that's what Youtube sells. Pewdiepie was just a convenient placeholder to direct traffic to.

Then what's right?

Halo Infinite will sell buckets.

>You didn't write a script, you don't have to think about scene composition, or story, or even necessarily being that funny or charming.
That's literally exactly what I did on Twitch for years. 6 shows a week, as writer, narrator, producer, graphic designer, and agent.

>A lot of the promotion is algorithmic, so you're just playing the right games at the right time, or are being promoted on Steam or something not everyone's going to luck into.
No, it's not. You have no idea what that word means and you seem to think that Twitch does your promotion for you. It doesn't. You have to do that shit yourself. Choosing what to play and when can be a small part of it if you're a variety streamer who does all kinds of games and shit, but even then just picking a bandwagon for a little while isn't any sort of guarantee. You still have to market your content on social media and go to your audience to find them, they don't just magically find you. Also all actual promotion, front page and Steam and all that, is negotiated before hand with reps. I've been on the front page of Twitch many times, I know how it works.

>The actual "hustle" isn't a major part of what gets you noticed in these environments because everyone's hustling and nobody has time to be hustled.
Bro you're literally talking out of your ass. I don't have time to explain all this but I'm telling you, TELLING YOU that you're making this up and you have no idea how the industry works. Please, do us the favor of admitting that and we can move on.

Yeah, because the jews somehow tricked a million of kids to watch his streams everyday. The jews gave him his audience. It's all nepotism, right?

>You didn't write a script, you don't have to think about scene composition, or story, or even necessarily being that funny or charming.

I think improvisation is a lot tougher, especially when its done for several hours a day every day.

>where you sit in front of a webcam and play video games

It's like saying the NBA is filled with guys who throw a ball back and forth. What ninja does takes a lot of skill.

>I was a writer, narrator, producer, graphic designer, and agent
Look, man. I don't know how to tell you this, but if you did all that within a 40 hour work week you weren't a full time type of any of those things and were only meeting those job capacities at the lower levels of their definition.

A good ten minute script should at least take two days to write and revise, never mind all the other shit you listed.

I mean honestly, what are you, some fucker from a Youube MCN that tricks kids out of their ad revenue or something?

>thinks basketball is literally not throwing a ball around
how many levels of retard are you on??
it is LITERALLY throwing a ball around.

I would of gone for Shroud and Tim desu. They are both Top5 and heavily liked in the community

So Twitch is gonna be just softcore camwhores and every big streamer will switch to mixer? All top streamers know about their bias against male streamers.

inject onions, import somali cum, drink the cum and then make a twitch account
alternatively say bruh a lot if black or have big baps if female(female)

Getting good at video games takes practice and knowledge about the meta, yes, but since Ninja plays that game every day from 9-5 I'm not surprised he'd pretty good at it.

In terms of the actual effort going into the media production, however, it's not even on par with a reality show.

i really hope mixer crashes and burns right away.

MS smartly wants the normie audience, because mass casuals = more money

however, MS is still being stupid because twitch is literally too big to fail. it's the youtube of game streaming. waste of money to be honest. MS is going to bank on halo infinite being an absolute GOTY but ninja will get tired of it

You have no real-world experience.

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You need charisma for the target demographic.
You need to be confidently above average, and that means you win almost every single game no matter what game it is even if your team is absolute garbage, being truly above average means you can carry them to victory all by yourself. Some might say you need to be meme material, but people like Soda or Ninja himself don't get memed on or have any notable memes within their community. Basically charisma is the hardest part. Just because you think you're funny doesn't make you popular. Ray from RT for instance was very popular, but he's not a popular streamer. He may be funny and a memelord, but he doesn't have the charisma to feel like a familiar friend to his entire audience, to get them actually invested in his being both in-game and feeling giddy whenever they learn new information about him outside of the game.

the hard part is you have to play Fornite

You do understand Microsoft is not just Xbox, right?

he's getting paid that money to attract eyeballs to products, which is a bet that may or may not pay off. his value relies in his capacity to perform the coordination of consumption
get a lot of people invested in you or some persona that you craft and you could likewise

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>but if you did all that within a 40 hour work week you weren't a full time type of any of those things and were only meeting those job capacities at the lower levels of their definition.
Wait what, who the fuck said anything about a 40 hour work week? Dude, producing 5 shows a week and one talkshow, plus commission work, plus side streams and appearances on other channels, that's way way more than 40 hours a week. I don't know how you came to any of that as a conclusion.

>I mean honestly, what are you, some fucker from a Youube MCN that tricks kids out of their ad revenue or something?
No you fucking tard, I was managing a channel that turned into a brand that ran RPG content on Twitch & Youtube. Each show had a cast of 4 to 6 people, which were other content creators and streamers, and keeping that content coming meant working on future shows while running the ones on the current schedule. It means working with brands and companies for product and sponsorships so your cast can get paid, which is no easy feat and no simple one-email thing. It means running a social media package, it means making sure every show and stream has unique graphics for promotion on social media, it means reaching out and booking celebrities and big names for talk show appearances weekly, usually a month or more in advance. Also cutting and editing content and clips for Youtube, keeping on top of that, making sure that anyone who reaches out to you gets answered, making sure all the merch you sell and giveaway product you're handed gets shipped out on time.

And that's all outside of actually getting people together at the right time, hitting the Live button, and running a show for 4 hours a night.

I know in your head none of this is real work, but I'm telling you that you're just making shit up.

Good for Ninja, but it amazes me that dumb brute force approach of MS to business
"Lets throw enough marketing money unto it untill it sells"

Can't wait for m$ to start preventing people from playing their games on anywhere, but mixer

It's kind of the only way these big game publishers know how to solve problems. Epic seems to be the same way.

You should wait to have the full pay check on the bank and already moving it to bahamas before atempting to do that to microsoft. This people dont fuck arround.

It works though.

I blame the kids more then him personally. When you have shit taste enough to play Fortnite let alone watch someone playing it that is just pitiful. The only clip of Ninja I ever saw was when he reeee'd at some stream sniper or claimed he was a stream sniper because of a timed taunt.

Didnt worked for Kinect

Worse. CEO is a poo.

Kinect was garbage and chasing after a dead gimmick.

>My videos became a brand!

Alright. First. Drop your childish marketer talk. I made a living in online video as well so I know the environment and all this nonsense about Youtubers or Twitch stars being brands is just cheeky bullshit. Ryan from Ryan's Toy reviews is not a brand, he is a little boy who will one day kill himself. Ninja is not a brand either - he's a person. Building a brand is a complex and long-running endeavor that requires, among other things, brand-recognition - that is, people must see that thing and associate it as a brand and recognize it without thinking it's just a guy or some guys.

Your show is probably not a brand.

Second, I know you probably didn't log in exactly 40 hours, but the point is, if you were a professional writer, you'd be spending most of your time writing. You wouldn't be writing six shows per week AND starring in them AND working as an agent. Basically you're like one of those Hollywood scrubs that sends spec scripts to networks and also drives Uber, except Google or someone pays your bills instead of Uber while you stretch yourself over a bunch of other job descriptions.

I never once accused you of not doing "real work". In fact I know exactly the work you're doing, and all I see is someone who hasn't yet accepted how minuscule and unimportant he is to these web giants. How fucking meaningless and inhuman all your effort is, because at the end of the day an ad click is just a fucking ad click and nobody at Youtube or Twitch cares why it's being clicked.

is this the power of ESL?
you need to stream on 12 days out of a month, with 25 hours total of streaming a month.
>3 days a week
>not even a full hour of streaming each of those days
>a part-time job
that's going to be a yikes from me NEETs

wow what a faggot
whats his twitch?

>it's not even on par with a reality show.
>He thinks reality shows are low effort to produce
Do you think they just film some cunts and put the footage on tv? Its insanely edited to make a story out of nothing

becouse he does what is spected of him.
people dont have such a low of a standar has you think.

I have never heard of that faggot, is he related with picture related?

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>didn't even win the fortbowl
Why do people still watch this hack? Or maybe they don't and that's why he's selling out in the eleventh hour.

Think they will do the Epic strategy of paying for exclusives? Like paying for the exclusive right to host streams of a game for the first month of its release?

>playing Fortnite.
That a curse.

based /pol/tards falling for fake news as always

No, that's the point. I'm well aware that reality shows create scenarios to produce drama and make the show actually watchable. I know they write scripts, edit the footage, and even doctor the footage to make it look like things happened even if they didn't.

Nobody on Twitch does that. It's just a long, uninterrupted recording of someone playing a video game. Maybe they're playing it well, maybe they don't - it doesn't matter.

wait till the news breaks he stalks kids on xbox live

If you don't remember Twitch streamers paid for a program to get bots in his streams. He faked his way to the top and since Twitch change the policy nobody has a chance. Plus his celebrity dumbass Drake boosted his popularity.
Celebrities ruined everything.

>Drop your childish marketer talk. I made a living in online video as well so I know the environment and all this nonsense about Youtubers or Twitch stars being brands is just cheeky bullshit.
I never implied I was the brand, I'm saying I built the network.

>Ninja is not a brand either - he's a person.
That's...really stupid as an attempt at dismissing the concept of brand marketing. Obviously Ninja is a person, but he also has a brand. The companies that hire him aren't just hiring him because he's a nice guy, they're hiring him because his brand is fucking marketable.

>Building a brand is a complex and long-running endeavor that requires, among other things, brand-recognition - that is, people must see that thing and associate it as a brand and recognize it without thinking it's just a guy or some guys.
No fuckin' shit.

>Your show is probably not a brand.
You literally skipped over everything I said. A show is one thing, one 4 hour block of time in a weeklong schedule. Each show is different with a different cast. That entire schedule, taken as an aggregate, is the network and the network has a brand. My network has a brand the same way fucking Comedy Central has a brand.

>Basically you're like one of those Hollywood scrubs that sends spec scripts to networks and also drives Uber, except Google or someone pays your bills instead of Uber while you stretch yourself over a bunch of other job descriptions.
Wow, people work a second job why they build a business or career of their own. You don't fucking say? Shit bro, you've got this stuff nailed down AND you're so far above it that you get to look down on it like it's fucking beneath you. You sound like you have it together.

>How fucking meaningless and inhuman all your effort is, because at the end of the day an ad click is just a fucking ad click and nobody at Youtube or Twitch cares why it's being clicked.
Thankfully, I don't work for Twitch or Youtube.

>it's not even on par with a reality show
Reality shows are still on? Who watches that crap?

Obviously that's not how Microsoft sees it, since Ninja represents something very similar for twitch/mixer.

How many years does he have to stream on it?

Retarded people? Same as whoever is still watching Youtube and Twitch programs.

All I see here is a lot of damage control. I mean, when you see Ryan Toys Review surprise eggs at Target, do you say, "Ah, shit, this Ryan kid makes the best surprise eggs!"

Or do you say, "Man, I wonder when this is all going to blow up and ruin this family's life?"

I always do the latter. I don't see a brand. I don't look at Ninja and see a brand.

Nobody is buying Ninja or Ryan for their "brand" - that's just delusion, you poor fool. These companies are buying their audiences. Ryan and Ninja get a lot of viewership, even though a lot of it is bots, and companies want those people to see their product. They don't care if it's Ninja, or Ryan, or you. The viewers are the product. You are not selling anything. You're just getting a cut, and you can be replaced if these sites come to feel like they have a problem with you. Nothing you produce is meaningful or important to them, and the audiences - they'll move on, because you're likely not a whole lot different than the next guy over. That's the scam, son.

>drunk guy in the background yelling at him that he's fucking trash

Ninja represents nothing. He himself is not important. His viewers are all they want. They just want his viewers to see THEIR brand.

television is the domain of boomers, blacks, and wine aunts
it'll be dead before you are

I fucking hate this planet and all you faggots on it.

>invents the let's play genre
>gets nothing but haters
>in his worse financial situation
>some muppet with colored hair gets millions for streaming
it's not fair bros

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>Definition of entertainment sports
>lol u have no experience in real lyfe
ok bub.

>Good for Ninja
It's good for everybody who likes video games too. There are at least a million threads here every year trying to make people feel bad for playing video games instead of watching soft-core porn or political soap operas on HBO or Netflix or steroid monkeys throwing a ball around ESPN. Now a gamer is richer than most people working on those channels.

Good job! You understood how it world by yourself! Its a single word :

Just a side question, but I'm gonna guess people tell you you're retarded a lot in your daily life, am I right?

I would guess you hear it a considerable amount.

lol. barely knowing anything about this homo I was going to say he must be a relative of some connected jew.
Low and fucking beholdberg.

>implying Ninja doesn't put in the same hours or more

If streaming is so easy, why don't you do it, user? Even two hours a night would get you affiliated in a few weeks and then you could get sub bucks.

Or stream to Mixer where you can earn money from the start.

Didn't he spend all his money on some european escort or something?

In five years you'll be one of the sad fucks posting on the Youtube product forum about how you don't get viewers anymore. Shit talk anons all you want, it won't make Youtube and Twitch any less vapid and exploitative than it really is.

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Yeah, these people are ridiculous & show that spending too much time on Yea Forums is unhealthy.

Remember: The average user

>Hates streamers and how they get rich off just playing video games, and any faggot can do that because it's not real work
But also
>They won't do it because streaming is for faggots and they're too good for that shit. They don't want to just be another asshole begging kids for money.

actually it's probably quite shit that consumption is directed by bandwagoning, and there is nothing for anyone here to gain from a large pool of people trying to get rich quick from video games
better that they go kill themselves playing handegg and take all of the social behavior that follows with them tbqh

>why don't you do it, user?
I'm a sysadmin, I don't need to beg kids online to pay my rent.

>not living in parents' basement
>not an incel
>not fat


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Ninja is literally THE reason Fortnite blew up. Microsoft paying him to make their streaming platform blow up isn't a bad idea.

Twitch needs competition anyway, they're fucking garbage.

>In five years you'll be one of the sad fucks posting on the Youtube product forum about how you don't get viewers anymore
I walked away from active content creation and gave management of my network over to people who get paid to run it right now. These days I consult with big companies on livestreaming and live events. I don't rely on Twitch or Youtube or any of that shit because I built something and then used that to springboard into a career.

>Shit talk anons all you want, it won't make Youtube and Twitch any less vapid and exploitative than it really is.
Sounds like you're one of those sad fucks you hate so much.

Maybe the average user hates streamers because they're attention starved losers who make their living by catering to the lowest common denominator.

drake is jewish and his collaboration with ninja resulted in this rise in fame
ethnic nepotism confirmed

Sure, maybe. But it's still an easy way to get rich with no effort, right?

Are you saying the average user has such stiff principals that they hate streamers for being rich, but can't break their personal ethics to do it themselves? That'd be a fucking funny hill to stand on.

Why are you complaining about your life then?

they shape public perception aka reality.
propping up an internet personality is no problem.

>I made an MCN, I'm set!
Nigger, look at the other networks and see how they're doing. Do you notice most of them have crashed an burned at this point?

Youtube does not like you. They do not like someone who seeks out their own brand and doesn't give Youtube their cut. In fact, YOU don't give Youtube a cut, they give you a cut, because you're their bitch and they own the platform you live on.

This is only making you angry because you know it's true, and you've watched plenty of your competitors die to exactly what I'm prickling you about. You're in a little niche where you can be hot shit right now, but if your niche fills out your money and your career are going to slip through your fingers because you have no control, no influence, and let's be honest - probably not nearly as many skills as you've led yourself to believe.

the entertainment business is like this in general. the wild inequality in outcomes motivates a lot of people to try to break in and get exploited for very little in return
it's funny

he said my name on stream after i did a $5 dono bomb, i like him

Its the same thing for any new successful business : it gives ideas to tons of people, yet not many realize the evolution & are willing To suffer during the process, they want shortcuts.

Respect is a type of currency, user. Not everyone wants to cash in their social status for the outside chance of making it big in an over-saturated market of retards.

that's nothing. i'll name a star after you for $5

And I would get it if it was a sexy womyn every guy wants to watch, but no, its just an average male getting the money

Yeah, no kidding. The thing that really gets me about Youtube is that they've automated it. There's no unions, and not even any protections for kids. All the laws and things they put in place to make Hollywood less of a hellhole don't apply to Silicone Valley.


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Remember when begging was frowned upon? Now beggars are getting millions. Clown world indeed

>Respect is a type of currency, user. Not everyone wants to cash in their social status for the outside chance of making it big in an over-saturated market of retards.

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I didn't make an MCN, I don't manage multiple channels and allow them to join group negotiation for ad revenue from Youtube (which is what an MCN is). I built one single network of content creators that all work for the same channel and brand.

>Youtube does not like you
That's cool, I don't like Youtube.

>This is only making you angry because you know it's true
Lol I'm not angry that some rando on Yea Forums is telling me that Youtube hates me and I'm beholden to them. I'm laughing at the fact that you're so indignant, and so wrong at the same time. You're self-righteous and stamping your feet and it's about a topic you literally know nothing about.

But yeah I guess keep being mad at streamers and companies like Youtube because you tried to be a creator and got shit on and it didn't work out and you didn't get rich like Ninja or Toy Kid or whatever the fuck.

Don't be mad, guy. Just calm down. It's not that big a deal, you can get a real job.

>Respect is a type of currency, user.
Nah, I don't buy it. I don't buy the concept that the majority of Yea Forums whines about streamer money and how easy they have it, while also having too much self-respect to do it themselves. That's bullshit.

>all this da jooz posting and no one noticing that he's been streaming since like 2011

it's busking not begging

Okay, then what you're describing sounds like a sole proprietorship that contracts out to other people to make content for you, which is less significant than a "network". Again, I know the business, you can't call yourself a network and then backpedal to, "Uh, well, actually all I ever file is a 1099-MISC".

That is, if you even do have to file those forms, because lord knows you don't if you aren't paying your guys more than $600 a year.

You get really, really, really, really fucking lucky.
He's famous as a Fortnite streamer, yet he didn't even qualify for the world championship so evidently he isn't that fucking good, so his draw can't be his skill.
He's also an absolute cretin, he has the charisma of the rotten underside of a louse-ridden-log, so that can't be his draw either.
Why the fuck do people watch Ninja? Do they just watch him because he's popular? Is he just another PewDiePie? A lucky fucker that managed to ride an algorithm that was not yet fully formed all the way to the top, simply because he just kept putting out content?

t. the guy at Lollapalooza yelling fuck you at him on stream

welcome to people being famous for being famous
the good news is that this mixer thing will probably hurt him, but on the plus side he's going to cash in

>You get really, really, really, really fucking lucky.
>He's famous as a Fortnite streamer, yet he didn't even qualify for the world championship so evidently he isn't that fucking good, so his draw can't be his skill.
>He's also an absolute cretin, he has the charisma of the rotten underside of a louse-ridden-log, so that can't be his draw either.
>Why the fuck do people watch Ninja? Do they just watch him because he's popular? Is he just another PewDiePie? A lucky fucker that managed to ride an algorithm that was not yet fully formed all the way to the top, simply because he just kept putting out content?

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He's probably burned out on it and gong to retire within the year.

his view count isnt any different right now

Is that Kuroky?

This is correct, there most prestigious worker get paid the big bucks.
If you're known for building mansions in Hollywood then you get paid more because your product and work is premium.

the terms of the contract probably make him microsoft's property for a while

Ninja is unironically based, i gave my stepson permission to subscribe to him
I'm not a sucker who wastes money on streamers tho, so i limited his monthly bit donations to $40

>the guy at Lollapalooza yelling fuck you at him on stream

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there's some drunk guy who was yelling at him that he sucks because he didn't qualify for the world cup, there must not be any security or something because nobody did anything about him

Sure, but whatever program they've roped him in to probably has pretty limited network utility. The viewers are all on Twitch, they're not really there for Ninja. It's like when Nickelodian bought Annoying Orange and Fred, and then the kids didn't watch either.

If Microsoft can't really make money off him anyway, they'll probably be content to let him quietly die, and that's how the retirement will occur. A year of exclusive streaming on a platform with no people on it, and at the end of that year, Ninja will be forgot.

I can't believe we live in a world where a literal fascist wins against Clinton and this dudebro makes hundreds of millions while children in africa dies of Ebola???
What the fuck is wrong with society???

this is where the ninja defense force steps in and doxes the guy and gets him banned from twitch

None of these replies even bothered to check to see if this was true. You dumb niggers just take some faggot's post as absolute fact.

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>how do i get in on this
you don't. the elites only allow a few of us through the gates to keep up the illusion of opourtunity. the rest of us must stay embarrased millionaires.

It won't be long before he divorces his wife for a mossad agent.

the only thing ninja has is the first one faggot

Something about the fact that he owns the domain "" is funny to me

it's indeterminate how successful this gamble will be, but he'll be around for at least a few years, even if this hastens the loss of his fifteen minutes.
when my partners and i sold a business, i ended up agreeing to stay on for three years, despite spending most of that time just chatting on irc. it was terrible but the money was good.

I bet he has some rich ass fucking relatives who pulled some strings and made his name known

Yep. Identity politics is the most effective tool (((they))) use to rot brains. Left or right, it doesnt matter. Every retard on /pol/ is a victim to the jewish agenda and the more they think they're fighting against it, the further in they fall.

This. It's kind of like winning the lottery but you have to entertain children on the internet for a couple of years before you get to retire with your millions. There's absolutely nothing special about most of these big streamers, they were just in the right place at the right time.


>It's indeterminate how successful this business will be
Sure. I mean, maybe Microsoft will dethrone Google. We don't fucking know.

But more likely, all signs point to Microsoft's unheard of streaming site remaining generally unheard of, and Ninja's viewership will vanish because nobody is going to sign up for Microsoft's program.

Maybe he can come back and still do some video. But the peak of the hill is crested and in all likelihood the deal's just going to hurt him - remember, Google also owns the search results, and it's not like they'll be super driven to keep him at the top of the results while he works for their competitor.



Having never watched him I think this is what he was talking about when saying he wants to go back to his roots. It's impossible to engage with the community when there's 50.000 fuckers in the chat. Normal twitch chat is already 99% worthless foam, now try multiplying that 50x.

haha funny joke, grandpa, did you take your meds?

>>invents the let's play genre
imagine being this much of a zoomer that you actually believe this

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Look at that yo yo. That's the way you do it. Play the vidya on the that ain't workin' that's the way you do it. Money for nothin' and your games for free.

just be ytouyrsefl

ITT: Wageslaves harp about men who have made it.

You have all been baited. Ninja is a gentile like most streamers/youtubers. Jews are most in HW due to nepotism but they can't survive in the wild.

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>guy who started LPing ten years after it was a thing invented the genre

It's not fair that your parents dropped you on your head as a baby bro.

My logic is that Blevenstein is his true Jewish surname that he shortened it to "Blevins" like many other jews do. You got played.

Geek and Sundry?

see the little faggot with the earing and the make up
yeah, buddy, that's his own hair
that little faggot has his own jet plane
that little faggot, he's a millionaire

Take a long hard look at that nose and eyebrow area.

it's true and you know it cucks

I don't but it understandable because he doesn't add any real value to society. No one would complain about a doctor or engineer coming up with an innovative tech patent making a lot of money because they add value to society. Ninja, if anything, destroys value. The same goes for football players and so on. This is the problem with a completely free market. Markets are great but they need to be guided by legislation so that they produce outcomes that leads humanity forward.



DSP himself said it, why the fuck would he lie?
You retarded or something, son?

he provides value to people selling products by organizing consumption. his "value" to society is largely irrelevant

What makes you think streamers aren't wageslaves?

they are worse than wageslaves, because most of them aren't guaranteed pay

Shoo, shoo JIDF

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I don't think he cares. Like Pewdiepie he's set for life and will always have at least a few thousand viewers no matter what. I think they both want to get less viewers so they can actually manage the chat and engage with the people. Looks like pewdie is doing just fine on that other streaming service, dlive is it?

You got me there, i'm jewish
But my point stands

typical dumb ass /pol/tards, believing anything on the internet without verifying sources simply because it goes along with their idiotic views.

>he provides value to people selling products by organizing consumption
He does add value if you use a purely economic definition of it. You can say that drugs add value using the same definition and Ninja is just like a drug. He distracts kids from pursuits that actually will make them happier long term and will push humanity forward. Streams, professional football players etc. would be banned in a sane world.

italian rape babies go home


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underraged kids should not be on this site

nah fash you need avenues for disseminating information about products, which is what these are. you can't have markets when people don't have information about products and services. this is why so much indie shit goes into the bin, because they don't tackle the problem of establishing channels for enabling customers to discover their products.

the hecklers in his stream right now are pretty great


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italian rape babies shouldn't think they are jews, but here we are. you being underage, and you thinking you are jewish.

Just sign here.

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>you need avenues for disseminating information about products, which is what these are
No it's not. What streamers and youtubers do is mostly earned media. They play games for the enjoyment of other people. It's entertainment not disseminating information about products and you can have that without streamers.

Pewdiepie would have been worth more than Ninja.

Ninja has lower views than Pewdiepie.

Maybe he sucks?

If I name my nigger son Goldenberg McSilverstein, as opposed to say - Tryone, what are the chances he'll grow up to be succesful

And I can add this. Should these products even exist in the first place? China is in the right when they regulate video games.

Microsoft definitely overpaid for ninja if the 50M number is correct. Pewdiepie would have been worth that amount but I guess he's seen a controversial by corporate types. That being said good for him.

them playing video games is literally advertisement. they also intersperse ads on top of this. there is also the parallel business of taxing tips given to streamers, but the less said about that practice the better.
you have a variety of advertising channels, but streaming is popular with the underage. it's part of what made fortnite, along with ripping off pubg.
feel free to live in china bro i'm not going to stop you

This world has truly gone mad.

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Your arguments are not convincing. You're saying that streamers help to get more people addicted to video games and waste their time. More reasons to ban streamers.

>feel free to live in china bro i'm not going to stop you
Too bad I'm white. Chinks will outcompete everyone in the west because people have your mindset more than mine.

>Twitch staff didn't know until everyone else did

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>anytime a white person does something you dont like they are a jew or retard basedboy


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>from pursuits that actually will make them happier long term and will push humanity forward.
you realize you are on the video game board right

Describing the exact fucking thing again with more words is not what I was looking for.
What I was looking for was a fucking LINK, NIGGER.

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>gave Notch 2 birrion dorrah for a dead game
>now this

Microsoft have fallen off the deep end

Ninja only got popular because he already had a small fanbase and was the first person with more than 5 viewers to stream Fortnite. naturally as the game got popular, everyone went to twitch and watches the largest stream.

Anyone can do this but the hard part is finding what's gunna be the next big game and getting in there first.
t.when I used to stream went from being nobody to somebody by being the first person to stream a major Dwarf Fortress update. quit streaming since though.

>e-celeb shit
in to the trash it goes

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is that a boy or a girl

No wonder he got a good deal

Who the fuck even watches this faggot besides 12 year old kids

I sometimes watch it with my stepson and can't really complain, it's better than the last season of GoT


Kids are functionally retarded and watch whatever the algorithm tells them to.

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nice bait

don't worry. he will be amongst the ones murdered in the upcoming 2020 global financial crash

>Microsoft reportedly paid $50m+ to Literally Who to stream on Literally What

Poo CEO's are just a smokescreen for hand-rubbing Jews that hold the real power.

a lot of people seem to think ninja blew up out of no where. No.

Ninja has been in the gaming scene as a pro gamer for a long time. He got popular in fortnite because before there were big name tournaments, no one could really tell who the best was, and the dude was fucking GOOD, good enough to win multiple games in a row.

But outside of this he built a brand up from other games, then became briefly known as the best fortnite player ever.

This isnt just some magical stroke of luck, dude's been grinding and entertaining people for years (whether you like his content or not)

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Pull that shit on ms and bill will personally sodomize you

>Richard Tyler Blevinstein

im calling bullshit. the little faggot just got ahead via bots, and then after the recent twitch purge his viewer numbers went to a reasonable 15k or so. at least thats what i get from seeing his faggot ass under streamlink top streams.

You have to be willing to act like a complete faggot for thousands of people. And you have to be fucking good at acting like a complete faggot.
Most of us on this board, weirdly enough, aren't particularly good at this even when we're willing to try.

does it matter *zip*

not really

To be fair he did alot of that shit to himself

A generic name just means that you fought hundreds of other people for the right to hold that title, and won.

Sorry it was a one-of-a-kind, completely unannounced train with a seating capacity of one and you missed it. Tough titty, better luck in your next life.


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You sound like the stereotype of a black radical
>Shieet, we'd be kangz n shieet again if the Jew-man wasn't holdin' us down

Can you coping brainlets stop making these retarded excuses? there's no luck about it ninja got as famous as he did because of how good he was at the game compared to almost everyone else, I never played fortnite nor do I like or even watch ninja but I really cringe when people like you try to undermine and downplay people's efforts.


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Hes maintained a lot of his independence and integrity, but he sells out a bit. DLive kind of has him as a poster boy, and there was that sketchy data collection service that sponsored him, and he vehemently defended it after criticism, but he hasn't had anything as bad as Ninja's time square thing recently.

ask whoopie goldberg how it worked for her

Who did he fight user to hold that name, user? Obviously not Japan.

>>invents the let's play genre

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Getting lucky, having the right connections, establishing your fanbase in a game before it gets huge, having a personality and there's more factors. I think ninja was on twitch when it was called too. You already know the answers to this so why do you ask? If you didn't know then you lack the common sense and you're never going to make it. You shouldn't aspire to be a streamer anyway.. do something better with your life. Even if they make millions, they aren't respected figures with their fanbase consisting of manchildren and middle schoolers. They become screaming retards and walking advertisements for the companies that sponsor then. Pathetic if you ask me.

Shoulda pumped stats in charisma, bro

yea but the joos. how else can i explain my own personal failures if there's no one else to blame?

every single time

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how can a 28 year old man have such poor facial hair?

does he make it look shitty on purpose to look younger?

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He came out of nowhere on Twitch and had tens of thousands of viewers instantly. Very advanced viewbots.

luck 60%
connections 20%
promoting yourself to family/friends 10%
consistency 5%
personality 5%

these are my analysis

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40% of wealth of the richest country in all of human history goes to the wealthiest 1% of it's population. If you think those people are doing anything but cashing checks from the stocks they inherited from their great grandfather who was the last person in their bloodline to sweat for his money, you're fucking delusional.

I fucking hate that Ninja faggot, but even I know he works a lot fucking harder than nearly every billionaire.

>There's nothing wrong with watching twitch streamers. It's a new entertainment format just like TV and radio were when they were introduced. People against twitch streaming fail to understand that every format was once disapproved of.
How true is this argument?

mostly true. when tv came out people in radio were really mad that it might kill them off and i imagine when radio came out newspapers were shitting their britches

not at all. just that its the same low brow shit as reality tv is all.

not at all wrong*

CWC was unironically one of the first LPers, not phil.

so this is glenn beck and shit 2.0? yikes

Be really good at a video game and have a good personality

At least DSP was the number 1 ranked Street Fighter 2 Turbo player in 2006

Now Yea Forums gets the red pill too

>6 million
Gamer holocaust when?

Isn't this a proof positive that capitalism and success within it has nothing to do with merit or personal effort? The free market literally just up and decided that this faggot's gonna be popular based on luck and now he's financially successful from it.

Actually, is this real capitalism? Has *real* capitalism ever been tried before?

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>Ninja/Full name
>Richard Tyler Blevins

but all these dumb niggers still replied. incredible how fucking dumb /pol/ really is lol

>Isn't this a proof positive that capitalism and success within it has nothing to do with merit or personal effort?
Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system and competitive markets.

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So, capitalism is not free market. Much less a fair one. How degenerate.

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A free market can be capatilist yes. How isn't it?
>female "gamers"
how do you cope with their existence? for each girl there's probably 100'000 thirsty guys and she just chooses the top 0.1% /bernie

how is this fair or reasonable, these sluts basically get to cuck each and every one of us while discarding us when our RP is over and done. It's like we're batteries for them

>luck 60%

Id put more into luck and promoting yourself.

The luck to be able to stream consistently at all is one of the biggest factors.

Like i live in an area where weeks ago we only just got decent enough internet for me to even be able to stream. From twitch's creation tot he point its at now ive literally geographically been in an area that prevented me ever even getting that opportunity.

When you consider how many people globally can get decent enough download speeds to watch but not to upload and stream themselves there are so many people who could have ended up in Ninjas place but couldn't because they literally can't stream.

You cant unless you are really good at the next hot game. Also mixer hopes it will grow and compete with twitch so they would pay a big streamer with mainstream recognition big money to draw viewers and new users.

Lirik is popular and he doesn't stream with face cam

his name is Blevins and his family is Welsh.

How fucking retarded is /pol/.

What the fuck? Give me 50 millions if you don't think that's a lot?

Well, resetrannies? how long will you go denying the coincidences?

Ninja doesnt have a good personality.

Best post.

boomers with less than 20 years remaining on suicide watch

shhhh user, it's always funny to see poltards go absolutely apeshit over someone's heritage (even if it's fake)

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>How do I get in on this money train?

Success = Luck(taking opportunities either by yourself or by life giving them to you) + High IQ(accelerates workflow and gives you an edge over competition) + Being Industrious(Busting your ass 60 hours minimum per week)

So Ninja was a halo pro I think that streamed frequently and then jumped on the fortnite train

Look at TFT, more recent example, Hearthstone streamers jumped on it and if you got lucky, put enough hours, were entertainiing and also good at the game, you'll have success

So there's the formula, go for it, but starting is the hardest part because it basically means you'll have no hobbies

behave in a way that appeals to autistic children
play shitty arena games


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Actually his equipment is fucking trash. You'd imagine he's got the money for a high-end gear but he uses a mediocre cam and mic. There are many smaller streamers with higher production values.

This is such a cancerous and pathetic outlook on life. There's a little girl being raped to death right this very moment. You're lucky to be living in a country advanced enough to have internet. You're so fixated on the good luck you don't have that you aren't thankful for the good luck you DO have.

There will always be people better off than you or luckier than you, who you won't feel deserve it. But there are countless people who are envious you live somewhere where you won't be killed at a moment's notice, cursing your existence because you don't even have to suck a dick to get a stale meal. You just wallow in self pity. Pathetic. Your floor may be low and your ceiling as well but if you never reach for it, it may as well touch the sky.

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He should change his name since ninja is a racial epithet for black people and also traditional asian warrior.

Silly user, you just don't get it huh. He's not being paid to play vidya. He's being paid because of who he is. He is paid to continue to exist, being himself. It applies to all jobs out there in fact. A coal miner that's good at what he does isn't getting paid to get the coal to the surface, even if his pay depends on the amount of coal he mines. He's paid to be a coal miner, he's paid because of who he is - because he is a good miner. If you think this is a retarded idea imagine that a robot brought that coal up instead. It wouldn't occur to you to pay the machine even though the individual actions performed, and amount of time and energy spent are the same. Now some humans are worth more than others. It's just a fact of nature - some humans are better than others. This one is pretty good, apparently.

because he helps to make much more money for the ones who use him

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You have to be good at the game. I'm 22 and don't think I can keep up with these 14-16 year olds. They are on an entire different level.

Look at Bugha played 6 hours+ a day won world cup made 3 mil and now gets 50K+ viewers on twitch. He's already made more money than most of you will in your life.


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This is the first ever Let's Play in the world

>all these retarded /pol/mutts thinking he's actually called Blevinstein
Are americans too retarded to do a little research? Why do they always believe that they read without questioning if it may not be true?

You can't look at this picture of some video gamer who has made millionos off of daddy credit card bucks going on stage and giving a conference and not think something might be wrong with the world.
>meme replies are not an argument

>paint your hair a stupid color
>act like a retard while playing vidya
>become millionaire

Attached: honklhonk.jpg (800x450, 47K)

>good mic
600 dollars
>good pop filter
100 dollars
>professional webcam
1500 to 2000 dollars
>professional setup and double streaming\playing computers
around 20k to 50k dollars
>production quality and dedication
around 5000 hours of work + 3000 dollars
man i'm so poor!

Wrong, but I don't care enough to bother.

lmfao get fucking rekt then bitch shit nigger.

>good mic
~$100 on sale
There's always a good mic brand on sale somewhere.
>pop filter
Comes with mic. Also just don't speak directly into the mic, retard.
Use fucking anything, you're not streaming 4K or with a recording-level high bitrate.
>professional setup (lighting and soundproofing)
Like $80. My advice is to get one of those foldable screens and just nail a bunch of eggroll to it.
Yeah pretty expensive. Need something good. Don't need to double up, though.
>dedication being $3000
What, you hang that on the end of a stick?

The real pain in the ass is shilling yourself and breaking into a hypersaturated market, all for the chance to be the right guy at the right time, riding the right trends, when the first place prize was grabbed already.

>Use fucking anything, you're not streaming 4K or with a recording-level high bitrate.
Not even him but you have clue of what you're talking about.
Please don't talk if you are an ignorant fuck.
t. /p/



How many weaboo games could that amount of money fund?

>bunch of insults instead of an argument
I'd sooner believe that guy than a "pro" like yourself.

I love that song

>Reddit spacing
>Unironically praising someone for being good at a game that's heavily based around luck
You disgust me

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>kids are retarded
>accepts a lie without verifying it

I like the fact that if you search that name Ninja is nowhere to be seen meaning that Yea Forums didn't even do the most basic research and took shitposting at face value this hard.


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You also weren't born with rich as fuck parents like his either. Dude was loaded before he even started streaming. Now he's just even more rich.

Just because it's incorrect doesn't mean it's not true

Of the hundreds of thousands if not millions who tried to be streamers only a tiny fraction of that actually made any income, and an even smaller fraction made this sort of money.

Comparing yourself in any shape or form to someone this lucky is moronic. You have better odds on a lotto.

Omg that img ^_^ xD

Looks like a polish nose to me desu. I would know, Ive got a honker myself.

Pure autismo

Pewdiepie openly admits to mass shilling his channel back when it was really tiny and paying people to shill it. He'd email spam game journo's and be like "check out this d00ds channel" no fucking joke he even admitted to it.

He has a much better personality than you, I', sure.

>if you ever become a paraplegic, you aren't allowed to be sad, because there are quadriplegics out there
Sorry I'm not a robot.

>guys are getting paid millions just staying in their rooms and playing Fortnite
like any entertainment busines, an astronomically miniscule portion of the people trying to make it actually do; 99% rarely get over 100 viewers and even the ones that get a couple hundred thousand viewers dont necessarily make bank off of it

He will be paid 934 millions of dollars over 5 years

>1/512 Chickominy Native American

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We live in an era where billions of customers are at your fingertips yet all the average person does is shitpost and watch porn. Don't hate the player, hate the game or your dumbass team

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he got paid $50m because he's friends with ACTUAL celebrities, who are undeniably an enormous draw to his streams/content. He has like 500-600% more views on youtube videos playing with marshmello and other celebs than anything else. It's hilarious anyone thinks this is about skill, or even luck. It's the real world people, not some fucking made up fantasy. literally everything is about connections and networking.

>*destroys your career*
This alone convinced me never to be a streamer/YouTuber. Once you’ve peaked, it’s a slow decay into irrelevancy.

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No luck, just hardwork, being good at games, and force of personality that makes people want to watch you. Being likeable and popular is a skill like any other and he's currently the top of his game in that field.

It's only luck you think the only factor in his success is rolling a nat20 in charisma at birth.

doesn't this guy have like ZERO charisma?

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t.12 yearold american spic

yes, that autistic faggot in your image has zero charisma

He's also decent at the game.

>of course donations will still be active

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>but even I know he works

No. Gaming isn't working and never will be.

Because he's good at playing the video games and also he has charisma. Shut up, yes he does. Even if you personally don't like his behavior, it resonates with a lot of people and makes him more enjoyable to watch. If I tried to make a streaming channel, I'd be dead on arrival because I have no charisma and can't talk to people.

Hyperthetically speaking, if I'm a crossdressing femboi, what games should I play on stream to attract viewers?

Dark souls worked well for onlyafro.

Why do autists think he has charisma, jesus christ is that what passes now days.
In which case, everyone ive ever known is charismatic.

Good point, I need to break new ground though.

Have you ever tried streaming? Putting on that persona, while playing, while trying to manage your viewers, while trying to fill every moment with something to say, it's actually quite a difficult ballet to pull off and most fail miserably at it.

This is why traditional media is so afraid and willing to throw millions at these people who do it well, you can't get a normal celebrity throw him in-front of a game and a camera and have a pro-streamer. Think about it like this 5-10% of people who play games can be pro, most even if they train day and night will never be pro because they just don't have the reflexes for it, then of those 5-10% maybe .1% actually have the dedication needed to train and become pro, then of those .1% only 5-10% have the charisma to play while also being funny and entertaining at the same time. So we went from billions down to a couple thousand people who have what it takes to be the next Ninja. A pro-streamer is an incredibly important talent in a tiny pool, now that watching streamed games is quickly replacing watching tv as the dominant form of entertainment for people under the age of 20. Twitch is big business, Microsoft wants a piece of that business, this one just one way to do that.

Don't be jealous just because you aren't talented like they are it's no less a legitimate form of money than any other. It can be disheartening that this guy who plays video games better than you ever could and entertains children while he does it is valued by society several thousands times more than you, your friends, and your loved ones will ever be but that's just how the world works when you have millions of viewers and international prestige.

>watching w*stern streamers

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Ninja doesn't get paid for his playing video games. He gets paid because he has a highly magnetic personality to millions of people while he does it.

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>Right (Retarded) audience group
>Right game
>Right timing

I don't understand why Microsoft did that, but that pull a lot of aggro on an innocent kid in his dream. On one hand I admire this guy's vidya skill, and I'm glad he made it. But on the other hand it's sad to see how corporations bandwagons work, and how it's going to ruin a kid's life in the long run.

That being said, NA's fucked. You know your next generation is gonna be shit when your kids aren't motivated to learn any practical or social skills, and their only dream is to become a streamer.

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He's pretty fucking good at Fortnite and streaming in general.

That has to be the biggest waste of money microsoft has ever done.

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What is The Zune

Money doesn' t bring you happiness.

Not entirely true, if you're making less than 250k annually the easiest path to more happiness is just making more money.

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Play on demand. Go ahead. Do it.

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As it turns out, acting like a faggot anonymously doesn't translate to acting like one in front of a camera.

literally who??

make sure to shill your channel here, I want to watch

Have you tried being yourself?

Wow, if they'll pay that much for a muppet I wonder how much they'll pay to have honest content from a true gamer.

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