What am I in for?
What am I in for?
obsidrones and bethesdrones fighting in your thread failing to realize both games have their merits
A garbage game that people only like because they grew up with it, same with Doom, Skyrim, Twilight Princess, COD, San Andreas & Half-Life
install mods
Morrowind. haha
jingle jangle
big iron
My Johnny!
lots of random crashing
Just play Fallout 3, it has the better map.
>Yea Forums hates "forced" political messages in games
>everything in New Vegas is a political message forced in front of you
Seething tod pretending to be a centrist
>>everything in New Vegas is a political message forced in front of you
Citations please
Not at all user
This thread smells of baits.
Are you baiting? How is New Vegas not political at all? Every quest and faction is an allegory. I mean, you may be a brainlet and think it's subtle but the political messages are pretty blatant for most people.
I never said it wasn't political you baiting strawman faggot, I was asking for quotes relating to your hypothesis, and since you don't have anything
I'm done here
If you install FotNS mods, you're in for one of the greatest rides in vidya
“Patrolling the Mojave Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter”
“Patrolling the Mojave Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter”
“Patrolling the Mojave Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter”
"Don't worry sweety. Grandma just needs her medicine"
“Patrolling the Mojave Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter”
Yeah but its not modern day politics.
So... Benny has been handled and you've recovered the Platinum Chip. Lets have it.
Invisible walls and terrible interior/cell design
A great game. Only low IQ plebs disagree.
An alright game with some good writing.
I hope you made the right choice and exterminated all of the White Legs instead of running away from Zion like a pussy, you wouldn't want to disappoint Randall Clark would you?
politics in games isn't inherently wrong, it becomes annoying when it is blatant modern biases and in your face talking points.
ex. Xer is a strong shemale with xe/xer pronouns, marxism slay lmao, damn whiteoid nazis.
Heartaches by the number.
what's a good game according to you?
Are you talking about Caucasians when you mention White Legs?
this, it's disingenuous to suggest that politics aren't sometimes forced in games for brownie points. deus ex is basically entirely about politics, but it would be jarring if in the middle of the argument about wealth inequality with the NSF commander he suddenly went
one of these statements advances the theme of the game and one of them is blatantly out of place
I disagree. Typically when people complain about overly political games they mean forcing modern politics into situations/time periods where it doesnt belong. New Vegas has factions with very different political ideals, but none of them are overly "modern", and all fit the fallout universe well. The politics in New Vegas are more timeless ideological conflicts rather than pandering to current political fads
anyone has a list of recommended mods?
Clunky as shit combat and dialogue dress, but amazing story, characters and atmosphere.
>[speech 50] No.
A thread full of shitposting that you should ignore and just play the game instead
Nekomimi mod
Are you really so much of a retard that you can’t find and install mods you want on your own?
niche style of game from a bygone era made for shooting and looting with fun writing, broken mechanics, fantastic DLC, and just pure aesthetic
there's not much else like it, it's ugly as sin but I love it like a mother
10/10 writing pasted over a 6/10 game
Fuck you pay me more
Never should have come here
A reddit neckbeards RPG of choice. A massively overrated title.
Asking a question equals to being a retard?
Nice one dude, im asking for recommendations on mods, I already have a ton installed.
Excellent game that would have been even better if the developers had gotten the time to finish it.
Also the last hurrah of a dying kind of rpg, big studios and publishers won't develop this kind of game anymore because it's not where the big bucks are.
his blood sugar is low don't mind him
CTD's every 15 minutes
>bro the games story is so good
>every ending is literally the same copy pasted battle of hoover dam quest but you pick a different side
worse than mass effect 3
A good game plagued with random crashing. Get that one mod that gets rid of ash/goo piles.
If you mean the game is filled with propaganda attempting to get you to side with one side, like the Legion being called brutal animals or the NCR being called filthy degenerates, then yes the game does have a lot of political messages.
A pretty good RPG.
Great characters.
Ahhh, console targeted design concessions.
lolwut? fallout 3 didn't have as many invisible wars and that game was more consolized
Yes, but its never forced like at all.
A lot of the places they had designed as single cells had to be chopped up because the consoles couldn't load the whole thing, and since they found this out after designing them, they had to hack them up in inelegant ways, leading to ugly designs and invisible walls.
Essentially, they designed for PC, but then had to chop everything up to get them to work on consoles.
If what you say is true, it's probably because Fallout 3 had console designs in mind from the start.
Did you do the right thing?
>replaying NV
>enjoy the main quest, side quests and the first two DLCs
>get to old world blues and immediately drop the game
Every time, what is it about this DLC that immediately sucks out the enjoyment for me?
punched him in the dick lol
I'm gonna do a Jsawyer playthrough, what else should I tack on while I'm at it
big load of cringe, walking, talking and loading
wearing spurs that jingle jangle for +5DT
having a big iron on your hip in combat
seeing blue moons and stars of a midnight ranger every night in all its gamebryo glory
Massive tone shift and bullet-sponge enemies?
This is the worst bait I’ve seen all day
>no response
like fuggin clockwork
NVAC and un-official patch user
>what am I in for
So I'd describe it like, have you ever seen the movie "Twins" with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito? Well take that movie, and add in a dash of Soundgarden's first album, so think like 1991-92 Seattle style grunge music, and top it all off with the 1960's hippie era in San Francisco, you know like tye-dye shirts and frisbee on the grass at Berkeley University, free love, gas, grass, or ass no one rides for free. If that all sounds interesting to you, then you'll love this game.
Crashes every 30 mins. Get the mods to fix this or you will go insane.
The fuck? This is some low level bait.
I remember when these were first posted here and everyone lost their shit.