Were going home soon bros
25 sleeps left
Were going home soon bros
25 sleeps left
Other urls found in this thread:
>39 sleeps before everybody quits
On no no no no no Classicbros, that's less than 40!
>Actiblizzard's Matrix
I finally made up my mind on what to play
>Male Orc Hunter
r8 my choice
Yeah, such a new experience to the private servers we've been playing for the past what, 6 years?
basic bitch
I find it unironically sad that you are looking forward to such a sad excuse of a mmo.
male orc shaman
Fuck ActiBlizzard. Everything they touch turns to shit.
with what time machine retard
this content has been done to shit by people who matter 18 years ago and been speedran by autists since then
your content will be gone in the first week and you'll be hardpressed to find something worthwhile to do with your remaining 3 weeks on your sub when the only other people playing are streamers and zoomer faggots
Shadowbringers killed any chance I'd return to Classic.
>summer 2019
We’re finally going home bros.
That's almost as many as four tens!
NPC-tier alongside Male Undead Rogue, sorry.
sup ya’ll
I luckily never spent enough time in Goldshire on roleplaying servers to want to play FF to begin with.
here is (you)
"ya'll" fuck off nigr
>tfw Classic has already consumed my life
I've reached the point where I cannot think about anything else.
When I'm at work I spend countless hours in my head analysing the most optimum levelling routes, classes, professions
When I get some I watch levelling videos from Classic
When I sleep I dream of Raptor Eyes and Murloc Fins
t. will get bored when you'll reach lvl 29
>It's not even out and it's already dead
What went so wrong bros?
I just want to get to 60 as I only got to 58 before TBC hit. Not sure if I'll play any more than that.
have sex wh*teoid
[streamer] isn't excited for classic anymore, so i'm not excited either
my alt will be an undead rogue, guess I'm an NPC
seething XIV carebear
>t. mentally disabled neet
cute undead priest looking for muscular tauren tank to protect me
This game will never give you the same feelings when you were a teenager. That time has passed. You are older. Your family is closer to death assuming they haven't died already. You can't recapture that feeling.
Zoomers: The cool stuff you see in old youtube videos will never happen. People and society have changed. The structure is not there to recreate what made this game look fun to you. Everyone is anti social, Streamers ruined everything, Blizzard pushes more censorship you won't get what you think you will get.
>only have to hide doomposters for another 25 days
can't wait for you retards to be silenced for good
hol' up
25 days left? seriously?
fucking hell i best start trying to rehype myself. i was hyped for like 4 months to a ridiculous degree, but during these past 2 months, i've completely forgot about this shit.
We're going home
I'm making a male human mage
>Zoomers: The cool stuff you see in old youtube videos will never happen. People and society have changed. The structure is not there to recreate what made this game look fun to you
I played on k2 and had a fucking blast and ive hit 60 4 times for launch practice.
Why are you guys hyped over an old ass fuck game?
>I played on k2 and had a fucking blast
No one believes you
That's just another way of saying disappointment.
This but opposite
Fuck final fantasy I want warcraft
Release: 4 million players
2 months after: 2.5 million
6 months after: 2 million
that's my prediction
because streamer said current wow bad old good
Thats a shitter on the right
have sex
hunter, i'll probably be a little bitch and choose orc i wanna be a troll but i just can't bring myself to give up the broken orc racials. shit sucks
my heart wants human priest, my brain tells me dwarf priest
armory twinstar cz/character dash sheet dot xml ? r = Kronos&cn=Gortrist
Shadowbringers was definitely great but there's aready a drought of content to do. There isn't an equivalent of mythic+ and WoW raids. I wish XIV had more end game content but now I'll just quit for a year to resub for a month and repeat.
At least WoW gives a shit about the bulk of endgame content where most people like to spend time.
Shame BFA sucks dick and Blizzard in general is going down the shitter. If we were at least MoP in quality right now I'd be subbed. There really is no good modern MMO with a great endgame in 2019 :(.
>user not found
don't let the minmaxers and the ADHD control your true feelings
follow your dreams anons
Were you dropped or did you eat paint chips?
>They had like 17 realms for the stress test
>Reduced them to only 2
LMFAO this shit is fucking doa on arrival
>phone posting
>60% battery
>shopped photo
Boy you sure showed me
He did actually, you should stop being cancer now.
Personally was never a fan of Mythic+. Asking me to play with multiple difficulty settings for a raid is tiresome enough, but asking me to do the same with dungeons isn't exactly something I'd call engaging. Challenge modes is something more I can get behind but those aren't around anymore.
>insecure about where he posts from
>acting like battery level is indicative of anything
>clearly not shopped
Keep digging
have sex
Wasn't this thing announced years ago? Why has it taken so long to come out?
Uhh, troll definitely has the best racials for hunter between beserking and bow skill. Orc only gets a little extra pet damage + hardiness which isn't as useful on a hunter.
That said just play whatever you want, it doesn't make or break a class.
I see a cancerous phoneposter lying to us. Nothing more
after 15 years... at last we have it...
the world... of GÜARKKKRAFT
but seriously, memes aside, you must be a special kind of turbo-bot to be even remotely interested in such a game.
The only fun was back then in 2005 or 2006? when you could play those 14 days of free trial for 1 euro, and you got your undead warrior to level 18 and you could explore the wonderful glades of tirisfal and then one day you got held up by the teacher, right as you were getting mastery at the very first area, and about to advance to the second, and you arrive late at home, only to discover the 14 days have already passed....
Damn, I miss those blissful days of ignorance...
Why, yes, I do play Night Elf exclusively.
How did you discern this?
How good/bad are hunters?
It looks like the perfect class for me, especially because I'm gonna be new to the game, so the term huntard will apply to me.
Any tips?
Rollin' an Orc because I fucking love playing as Orcs or Dwarves, but Orc hunter seems more appropiate to me.
25 days left? What the fuck it was 40 like yesterday
Hunters are easy to learn, difficult to master.
A good hunter is an incredible boon and always wanted in parties.
Just apply common sense, don't fuck people over and learn your mechanics.
BC is home and I started in vanilla.
>flying mounts
>daily quests
>raid difficulties
It's gonna be a rock hard pass from me, champ.
Thanks user.
Every guide I've seen so far says that Hunter is amazing early on and then they fall off DPS wise in comparison to other classes.
I don't really mind it that much as long as I have a purpose, but how true is that?
I wanna get laid though, I just don't think it's possible to hit the rewind button on this again. I think I'd wake up in a few years and regret it.
>You have to completely poopsock/dedicate your entire life to the game in order to enjoy it
I guess if you want to reach rank 14 that's true, but other than that, I do not think you really need to play for that long to enjoy it.
Yeah, so, early on you'll be doing a lot of DPS and being able to keep up with rogues and mages in places like Molten Core, but once you get to BWL, your role will become more utilitarian.
Kiting, Tranq shot, et cetera.
That's true to some extent
That's good enough for me.
I value utility over DPS anyways, so if I can bring utility while still doing respectable damage, then that's good enough for me.
>people still believe classic will fail/die
>Grinding: The Game
yeah no. bc is known for being an autism xpac
should i play undead rouge or undead mage
I'm not sure if you're solely interested in raiding, but Hunters also have some of the best CC in the game for 5-10 man dungeons.
Kiting Drakk for UBRS is one of the most important strategies.
whoever can farm the most gold for asmon
>calls phoneposting cancer
>cant type a url
Welcome to my cringe compilation
>undead rogue/mage
Oh no, I want to do a bit of everything, I actually enjoy content with less people, usually 4-5 people content is what I enjoy the most because those are where individual skill matter the most, so having utility other than just high raw dps sounds perfect for me, even if that means I won't be doing Rogue/Mage numbers all the time.
I'm sure Hunter is right up your alley then, it's very hands-on.
That's good to know
Just one question, Am I going to be using all 3 ranged type weapons? I am not sure if I should just focus on guns, bows or crossbows or use them all while leveling up
You need something to play after capping your 450 tomes on thursday.
Be a mage chad
zoomer here. What's the easiest class to level and farm gold?
Depends a little on your race, you'll probably want to gravitate towards guns if you're a Dwarf for the added bonus or bows if you're a Troll, but generally you'll use which ever type is best. i.e If you're using ancient bone bow or rhokdelar and you get an ashjrethul from BWL, you'll make that jump from bow->crossbow, even if you're a troll.
It's at this point in my post I realized you said for leveling, but the same rule applies. Generally use whatevers better. Ammunition is cheap so making the switch and leveling up your skills will make it that much easier for you at level cap to have them all at 300, but isn't exactly necessary.
isn't exactly necessary to focus on leveling your weapon skills pre-60, I mean.
It's absolutely necessary to have your skills capped at 60, though.
I'm planning on rolling an Orc, but yeah I get what you are saying.
The thing is that I see a lot of people saying that Bows are the best for hunters later on, but then I see guides where the BiS weapon is a Gun, right after a Xbow, so I wasn't sure.
Hunter, when dm launches you have the best income in the game and mara solo is good too.
nigga i've been playing Classic all year
Playing by yourself?
yeah, but with my left hand
>Name reservation day off
>Taking a 4 day vacation on release week
Going to be comfy
I'm going back to college, so I will not have enough time to play, I will have to play a couple of hours everyday and some extra hours during the weekends, i wish the release date gave me time to at least play for a week before going back.
Remember to use avoidstreamers.com before picking a server so you won't end up in a twitch kiddie realm.
Well, the Dwarven Hand Cannon is an epic, BoE world drop so you might not get your hands on one.
Carapace Spine Bow is great and probably what you'll want to use.
Ancient Bone Bow will do slightly more white damage than the crossbow and give you a tiny more crit.
The difference between the latter two is negligible and you'll probably just use whatever you get first.
None of these weapons are better than the other simply because of their weapon type, just the minute differences in actual stats.
The damage calculation for multi-shot and aimed shot use to factor in the speed of the weapon you were using.
However, there was a patch that normalized a lot of these attacks with specific speeds based on weapon type.
Due to the speed normalization, all ranged weapons use 2.8 as their weapon speed in calculating the damage, even if it's higher or slower.
So using the crossbow over the bow won't increase your multi-shot/aimed shot damage, but will slightly decrease your white damage since the bow has a .1 dps increase as well as 7 more agility.
>This incel thinks he's good enough to get onto the asmon layer
Don't worry about it
Sounds like prime material to stomp in pvp. Too bad bg:s wont be in release phase, so instead it's going to be a gankfest. Blizzard can't even do anything about it since world pvp is going to be the only kind of pvp you can do.
even if it's faster or slower*, excuse me.
Bless you, user.
This is the kind of stuff I was hoping to read, I appreciate the effort.
Can't wait to roll my hunter and have some fun with it, I am not sure about pets, and apparently the best pets such as Broken tooth are really hard to get, but I think that's gonna be on my to-do list of things I want to do in the game.
Thanks again!