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Help these savages are raping me

are you winning son

Why the fuck do I bother maxing dodge and evasion, my effective is above 100 but I still get hit by most enemies

Fuck needing 90 persuasion to be able to kill mordre, and no placing a million traps is not worth it

I think dodge and evasion just suck ass.

dodge evasion just suck dont take them


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>make crossbow guy
>get destroyed by houndrats in the start

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>95% chance to hit a stunned opponent
>use Flurry

This shit happens way more than 5% of the time. What fuckery is going on here?

Yeah, I'm thinking Temporal Manipulation is based.

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do you use chokepoints

yeah if you stack a bunch of ap and take tranquility you can can cast distortions like 10 times.

wait if you use crossbow and stealth and no armor you need to max dodge and evasion

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Just pretend flurry is from x-com

whats a good DT for tactical vest? Mine currently has 20%/24DT, is that good enough or should I look for better parts?

Put a normie question in the OP like something about weapons or factions numbnuts.

>24 DT
that's with the bullet modifier, right? Or are you wearing an anti-rifle one?

Anyways, if you better DT vest, do the Beast quest for super steel sheets, they have best DT.

That's insane if it has low armor penalty. Bad if it's heavy.

there is literally no reason not to go psi thanks to temporal manip these days
in the next xpac Styg should introduce something that makes it less of a braindead choice
maybe introduce cybernetics, the most powerful of which interact poorly with psi skills?

I see you keep making this suggestion in every thread.

And just so we're clear I like it a lot.


>look through the wiki
>Styg nerfed all the feats by 5 points then added specializations that put them back their old strength
Styg you slavic hack.

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only made it once before, so that means there's other guys making the suggestion as well
damn shame Styg doesn't come here

It basically means you can be strong, but later and at a cost of other abilities being weaker. Which is ok.

>Sixth Shell started as a fun feat to make crazy full auto builds have an interesting payoff
>buffed to be a gigantic mandatory damage bonus
I mean, I'm going to keep using it, but I expected the other feats to be changed instead.

pretty sure that he's not going to nerf the bonus to the 6th shot

I don't see why cybernetics would harm psi. The Faceless are heavily augmented and they have one of the highest percentage of psykers.

>one enemy
>use my build
>more than one enemy
>panic, start backing up and flinging grenades
It's all so tiresome.

well...the player doesn't have access to any of the old biocorp goodies and the best surgeon in the underrail is literally insane (technically Ezra could do it but good luck getting him to give a shit) so that could be a reason?
I know it doesn't entirely match the established patterns but I was just thinking of something that could act as a counterpart to psi

besides I like the idea of unarmed going either with psi-monks augmenting their fists with their minds and cyber-hulks that use their metal fists to punch clean through an armored car

DLC 2 cybernetics
DLC 3 mutagens

Holy FUCK i just walked into a room with some Protecorate Dreadnoughts with full volume on and I fucking jumped out of my chair I thought someone was fucking screaming into my ears what the fuck is this sound design cancer

That's nothing
>Ancient rathound kicking my ass
>He's at 70 hp
>Be hammerfag
>Superslam at 95%
>>>M I S S E S
>Get fucked

And this is why kids we get psychokinesis

>Distortion works with Stasis

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how long does supersteel forging take?


Let's leave the duality to Shadowrun. Styg likes the idea of cybernetics, we don't have to justify its existence in any other way. But I doubt we'll get it before the sequel. It might be too much for a DLC and it seems like they are setting up Hexagon as its best logical introduction.

Oh fug

These games are literally 90% unfair, luck-based bullshit. What's so fun about that?

Doesn't matter. If idiot mods can't tell the difference between what's /vg/ material and what isn't then there's just no hope for this board.
What's more off topic and clear as day /pol/ bait continue uninhibited. OP could start a booru and link archives and shit every thread and underrail would still not belong on /vg/.
Dumb mods don't even know what these boards are made for apparently.

you can't expect anything else from sniper

Spells always hit so no

you could always have both of them result in a health-decrease where stacking both leaves you actually to frail

>These games are literally 90% unfair, luck-based bullshit.
A bold statement. What experience do you have that legitimizes your view?

>throw gas grenade
>spider disarms it

oh no no no

plays an rpg an instead of trying to have a good time he gets caught up in the concept of fairness while he's getting his ass kicked

Please tell me you're baiting
I got 10 gas grenades in my place, and other 10 gas grenades on my pockets

Why do I keep restarting the game? Making new build is so much fun I'm about 40 hours into the game and don't have a single character past lvl 15.

Or just simply have most of it not synergize with psi very well. That'd be a bigger turn-off.

>muh /pol/ russian spies

t. mushroom

>spider disarms it

The same feeling that gambling gives people. But at least with these games you can strategize to minimize risk and maximize success.

I've seen that bug reported months ago. Wasn't it fixed already?

TFW temp manipulation Psi monk

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Why is the Beast immune to neural overload?

Then how are you supposed to make stealth light armor build?

Beast is a brainlet, you figure it out

Tinfoil skull.

Literal rockbrain

You need a brain for NEURAL overload to work.

>wanted to primarily use shotguns
>start with Aimed Shot
>mfw get the shitty shotty
Goddammit. Is this what people mean when they talk about endless restarting? Is Suppressive Fire worth it?

The same reason why Tanner and Six are, plot.

All the houndrats in the start are free kills, though..

you can just roll with it and play sniper/shotgun
it's extremely fun

me too its so fun

>brings up /pol/ for no reason
I feel like this type of post is becoming way more common than actual /pol/ posts, which are usually harmless since it's just a "lol jews" type of thing anyways

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Best part is also how much I'm improving.
>1st char took me about 10-11 hours to get past depot a
>2nd char only 6 hours
>3rd char about 3 hours

>one enemy
>use my build
>more than one enemy
>panic, use my build which is throwing the kitchen sink at my enemies
It's all so ___FUN

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>every fight is one cyro orb and it's over
normal was a mistake even though it was hard at first

But I intended to use magic bullshit as my backup weapon. I'm curious enough about energy weapons too, but keeping a feat just for something I may or may not use later on is going to derail me.

For me its Expedition
>finish depot A
>imediately rush exped
>finish it once, feel like I didnt learn the lore, restart as a psion
>finish as psion, mild lore, dont feel like playing psion anymore, thinking of restarting as las pistol critter
Sucks. Then again, almost 170 hours since exped launched. I need a break.

>finally decide on a build
>cant decide on a character name

it never ends...

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>one enemy
>shoot shotgun
>more enemies
>shoot shotgun 4 times a round and then run around a corner
hehe haha

Right now I'm doing a gun build and god it's not fun at all.
>keep running out of ammo
>have to reload all the time
>miss all the time
I liked melee and psi builds much more.

Why isn't Expertise recommended more for knife builds? I can get the AP per swing down to 7, or even 6 late game.

Attached: expert.jpg (423x141, 27K)

>tfw started a ninja build built on only throwing
I'm bout to get FILTERED by the junkyard acid dogs, aren't I
It's actually gone a lot better than my TANK man so far, grenades are insanely good

What the FUCK?
Video games? On my Yea Forums??!!

If it's female Alice, Alice is the cutest female name. If it's male then fuck if i know haven't played male character in fucking years.

are there quest cutoff points? I'm about to deliver drill parts but will that lock me out of shit?

>junkyard acid dogs
>throw one molly
>close the door
>press space a few times
>go out once you can't hear the screams of your enemies
alternatively luck out and get mutated dog armor from one of the bandits and just take 0 damage

Get hollow point, restock at the Foundry with the overseer and Occulus user. Its worth it, believe in me.

Just my 2 SGS credits:
Female> Cumdumpster
Male> Faggot

I didnt take it because it doesnt work with crits

but I'm thinking of taking it with my no-bleed knife build

It's not bad if you have a spare feat point, but it's better to build up crit than bother boosting your non-crits.

Full dex, weaponsmith, critical power, cheap shots, infused rathound armor, focus stims, hardcore chips

My tank guy has gotten through the game without any save scumming, but it's been tough, he just plows through consumables and ammo and mech kits. My throwing guy takes some strategy, and I'll admit, I've had to load a save a couple times, but he usually does the job cleaner. So I'm interested how many tries the junkyard is going to take me. Have a feeling ninja is going to fall off hard though.

>restock at the Foundry
Mate I'm barely past mgs compound. I'm running out of ammo trying to kill all those rathounds on your way.

>Energy pistols
Electra, Bolt, or Zack
>Chem Pistols
Fluroic, Dime, Aqua, or Batrach.
Artyom, Artemis, or Sharp.
Scath(ach), Sasha, Nicolas, or Jarek.
Damien, Sage, Sophia, Athena, or Vivek.

>>junkyard acid dogs
>>throw one molly
>>close the door
>dog's mutant friend opens it
>bestiality ensues

Aaaah. Pro tip. Some caltops really fuck em up.

meant for

i cant sneak by the camera in the kitchen

I've went through junkyard with pure melee stealth build without any issues. Was much much easier than with psi, but I admit I fucked up my psi build so hard I dropped it and deleted the save.

Reynauld, if male metal hammer
Electra, if female spear amazon

keep lookin around

left bre. Past the locked gate.

Expertise is perfect for serrated, though. Daggers are for crit, serrated is for stacking damage modifiers.

>one (1) singular bear trap in front of the door
pshhh nothing personell mutant, I'm gonna wait here while you burn to death.

Strelok. I don't care if you're not a gunslinger.

Yeah, contanks get genuinally good after you get a full metal gear set, with a total DR above 30
So you gotta plan ahead and economize your expenses carefully
Abuse the shit outta of Pascal's free heals

Is it better to have strength of dex for a psi monk

Depending on where you get the augments but maybe your fucked immune system from the psi pill could cause issues such that the bigger augments can't be installed safely. Could also work with Faceless in that they might have better tech for unlocking psi/installing cyber

I like to keep it simple.

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>Electra, if female spear amazon
you motherfucker

You need a keycard from upstairs and if you can't sneak that far just gun them all down

>hardcore chips
Holy shit that wasn't even in the game when I last played.

there's an officer in the bathroom.
key to the warehouse is upstairs

assassin basically

In the magatzin, behind a keycardtzin gatetzin

Dont worry, you can take it, I just got 2 named characters so far, a metal hammer and a wizard

any other retard bros here?
>thought bio resist is good against acid because >GREEN
>didnt realize armor penalty deducted MPs
>explored all gauntlet levels instead of rushing

good god I need help with the fucking musical puzzle
so I understand each note is equal to a letter in the alphabet, something something 3 octaves, each octave is 12 notes, 36 total so it's alphabet plus 0-9

I gotta say, as much fun as it is to just fast tank and rapid fire into groups of people like Sam Hyde, smugly placing traps all over the place and baiting them in with frag and mollies is incredibly more fun. Expensive character though, feel like I'm always strapped for cash

How If I keep missing those 95% out of stealth attacks.

i found oculus on my 4th playthrough

>mfw when I miss cut throat

Invest in stealth, get stealth feats, invest in melee, get good knifes and knife feats
Stay lightweight with leather armor, use black cloth

Use your imagination, user

It's either what these lads said:
or the super good psi potential those creatures have that gets mentioned when you examine one of the small fries

I just pick a decade, and look up the most popular surnames/given names and go with whatever sounds Hollywood.


How do I survive on domination with crafter sniper? I'm getting raped by rathounds.

it doesn't fit

But that's what I did and I get one shotted by almost everything. It works fine if there's just one or two targets but with more enemies I just get destroyed.

Yes, you're, thats why being a tank will teach you to getting the most of every small situation

please respond

restart and go hard

i literally do this exact same thing with fallout games

not underrail though

easy mode: put like 15 points into electronics and make a taser

>I'm getting raped by rathounds.
You're never going to make it on any difficulty.

You misunderstand, my tank character does none of that, he just facetanks and wins. My ninja character who's specced into throwing does the latter.

i went with dex and it worked fine
still need some str tho

Surrender is not an option.

Bless Styg for adding all this temporary Perception in the DLC. Now I don't have to gimp my build as much to get all the secrets.

This seems good though

does dex have any like that?

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I don't feel like I know so much, but Jack Quicksilver goes to Core City after you fix the drill. I'm pretty sure you can't do his first quest if you do the drill first.

I already cleared the game on hard.

grenadier feat and grenade crafting are two of the cheapest things in the game. throw knives and spears like a man.

Still, facetanking in the early game will burn all your cash if you dont have metal armor.
I learn advanced survival tactics, but because I was dying but to save cash
Or maybe it was just Dominating forcing me to git gud

All I hear is
>>I'm getting raped by rathounds.

So you can just put a mook in stasis and stack ungodly amounts of distortion on him?

>Not a worthy name of an amazon
Hippolyte, and it's a literal amazon name, so you cant give me shit on this one

lightning punches and combo

Flares and bottlenecks

>let dogs pile up on the door
>open door
>shoot muties
>close door
>repeat until mutants are dead or have less hp than dogs
>throw grenade or keep shooting it doesn't matter anyway

>When you can literally pull a Killer Queen's stunt
JoJo is Underrail
I love it

What does the Rathound King give you if you help him?

>Have 25 persuasion
>Synergy lists it as 22
I don't have any gear that reduces persuasion and I need 25 to convince the guy in the gambling house to go outside. What gives?

do you have 3 will? if so that reduces it

3 will or rathound armor

flares, molotovs, fences and doors, dip 25 points into psichokinesis for forcefield, git gud is also a good option

Reminder that Infused Pig boots are another portable source of carry weight.

Don't quite have the crafting yet, still very low level and just started. Mostly throw knives.
Already got metal armor on my tank guy, he's pretty indestructible. I play on normal though, it was my first character.

Yes, I figured that as well but thought I would ask just in case. Thanks

Don't worry, i struggled on dominating at first too as a sniper with 5 con and psi empathy.
All you need to do is buy vigorous belt to get you through the first levels and abuse beer traps, chokepoints, molotovs, caltrops and doors. Keep believing jack.

sick tip
just kill him in the hallway between the two rooms before anybody can witness it

looks like a kids game with edgy cartoon graphics

Yes. Distortion is the ultimate single target damage ability. I'm pretty sure not even psychosis crit can compare to 15+ 300-400 damage ticks.

I got the key to Magatzin, but when I click the electronic lock it just tells me I gotta hack it
The fuck do i do? i have the key

you can also mental breakdown him and save the stasis for yourself, it only breaks when distorsion explodes and if you stacked your max then it will die

his virginity

Or if you want gibberish

You are welcome.

Furry dick

Wait what?
The fuck?
You got the keycard from the second floor, right? The floor full with officers?
Is it's in your inventory? Does the description says 'magatzin'?

Are you sure you're on the correct gate?
The gate is on northwest part of an area, closer to the left corner, near barrels, a truck, boxes and a patroling guard.
The same area where you can ambush an officer in a bathroom, the same area with the huge ass blocked entrance with dobermans

>you can also mental breakdown him
>it only breaks when distorsion explodes
Um sorry sweetie, that already got patched

all games are kids games, sorry you had to find out this way. You're surrounded by little kids and teenagers.

I REALLY want to have no psi run this time. I've been doing exactly this until now but it's just not always an option. I've been savescumming for 30 minutes against bandits on the road to gms compound because when I throw flare into them it aggroes 20 rathounds from the entire location so I had to do fight them with pistol and then stealth through.
Hope you're right.

mental breakdown only stacs 2 turns while with stasis you can stack 4 turns worth of distortion on him
the point isn't just to immobilize him, it's to maximize how many distortions are on his arse

wrong gate, you are at the gate in front of the offices, you need to open the gate north of that one, the one next to the camera and before the stairs

go around the right side, there is another gate behind that can be unlocked, the first gate is a troll

in the CITY
the city of Foundry

It got patched so it breaks when the distortion explodes. It used to never break.

>90 year olds playing checkers and cards at the park and nursing home

no it didn't you tard, you should learn how to read, they patched that distortion would not break mental breakdown when it exploded, but you can pile up any amount of distortions without breaking it

>edgy cartoon graphics
is this you?

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sure, but you never really need that many distortions to kill a single enemy

is the dragunov good enough to use the whole game or should I eventually make my own sniper?

Alrighty then, thanks sweeties

Where can I find high quality tungsten?

sometimes you want to show a lunatic what REAL psychic power is

Hey, I'm a pedophile so it works out, I love vidya.

Beast keeps it rock'n
Beast keeps it rock'n

You can make your own with less AP cost and heavier damage but you can stick with it if you want to.

Crafted weapons will eventually surpass unique weapons
But if you dont have crafting, or dont have enough crafting, roll with them, better than a pea shooter

the foundry metal merchant sells high quality of all metals

Im gonna do it im gonna dump all my level up points in dodge and evasion.

You should eventually make your own spearhead with a rapid reloader, it's only 24 AP per shot. Also Anatomically-Aware Scope and Smart Module.

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Foundry, nex to the entrance there's a metal vendor
After killing the Beast, she will sell even higher quality metal, reaching 140 quality


classic bootlicker throwing skills

odditycuck posting skills

Next time add fire nades and gas grenades
You wont regret it

You don't even understand why he threw that molotov, do you? Not to hit them. To lit up the room and trigger ambush.

Just buy mutant dog leather armor from Blaine.

t. virgin "friendly fire" drone

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How important is the happy merchant skill?

Can anyone touch this?

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Very if you want to buy jet skis.

I took Free Drones since their base is next to rail crossing and oculus so I can pawn shit more efficiently. Does fort Apogee have a rift?

bang on bangas

>Does fort Apogee have a rift?
No, but univeristy does, which is literally 5 seconds from a metro station.

Banga. Straight banga.

>coil spiders
>tfw have to drop all my electronics and EMP myself to discharge my shock melee
is there an easier way?

Even as a Protectorade tin can, I don't really empathize with the CAU, they are vicious, smug assholes
The only one 'tectorade guy I genuinally feel and could relate to, was Holloway

I'm just about to go to DC (no exped) and want to finish craft up the best gear I can. I think with the workbench bonuses I can make just about anything, but where do I go to find the best ingredients?

I keep trying the shop keepers in core city and tchort but the highest they go is around 110/120 quality. Where can I find these mystical 150+ quality components? I'm talking about gun frames, paddings, clothes etc.

so for a way to give a power up that's mutually exclusive with psi
what about perks that make you better at certain things while drunk?

>Drop all electronics
>EMP yourself
Oh my god
Why I didnt think of that before

What difficulty? You get less money the harder you play at

Why did you name your character Feces? Is it self-loathing from playing on oddity?

Where the fuck are the other quests in expedition? I gave the doctor the Acorn and Todd (I suspect I can take Todd to the Ferryman, I'll do that next run), the expedition is now gone. I keep hearing there's some quests involving natives but I can't find it anywhere.

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>wanted to rush huxkey early
>apparently Nosek will not react until you know his assistant's name which is behind joining the fucking coretech

Somebody help my dumb ass. I can't figure out how to get back to the base game.

>(no exped)
You only get 130 max. Quality is upped with DLC since it also ups level cap.

Foundry metal vendor sells high quality items, doesnt go above 140
Marty in Upper Underrail can sell Sturdy Vests at around 120 quality, among other components
Fraser in Fort Apogee, Buzzer, Blaine, Kevin will all sell good shit, but usually dont go past, if you're lucky, 120 quality

150 and above quality components can be only be found in DC

>I gave the doctor the Acorn

>Wondering when/how I get to the expedition stuff
>Forgot to install it

Attached: one yike.png (300x345, 24K)

The main function of mercantile is expanding inventory of some merchants allowing you to buy higher quality crafting components. I believe some merchants also start selling things that you normally can't buy like craft only medicines.

Thanks for the protectorate boat.

Also, subtler than just naming her Scathach.

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Hard. Part of the reason I'm even considering putting some points in it.

D-Do I?

It's hard to sympathise with them since they are all psychopaths, but you can't deny they get the job done. Only reason they got involved is because the higher ups decided enough is enough after Epione Lab got blown up. And while using mutagens is cruel, it saved lives that would be lost in a frontal assault. Not like there's a Hague convention to protect drones from that.

And there'd more relatable characters. Cathcart seem like a pretty good guy, doesn't like that CAU got involved either, will look into what Holloway says, etc. The cantina cashier, too.

>STRchad hammer metalfag
>Use Psychokinesis
>Level up Strenght
>Take 'Corporeal Projection'
>Now both hammer and mind punches hit like a fucking racing burning cargo train with its brakes broken

Ahh I see. I have a couple of 120 components to use then. Got lucky with a 124 quality supersteel plate which I plan to make into a decent leather armour. Infused siphoner leather is still the way to go right?

How is this game in terms of quality of life features?
I enjoy old school isometric RPGs, but I am often turned off by the apparent need to stick to old school clunky controls and menus.

>Where can I find these mystical 150+ quality components
Oculus guy, and having high mercantile to unlock special merchandise with certain people.

I'll be laughting at you from my Devastator, poorfag.

i'm pretty sure the only thing you need to do to know about his assistant is to go to panchea or whatever the lab was called and i don't think you need to do any coretech stuff for that

The thing is, they really aint wrong. The protectorate aint sunshine, but fuck me bre, the Drones stole a lotta food, ammo and shit needed to defend an entie fucking new station and to try and keep themselves protected. They get harassed constantly by bandits too and they aint Foundry so shits kinda fucked, yknow?

They could be out there, aiding new station and smaller things to resist, but what the fuck do they do? They dont slowly leak in the supplies to keep them independant, they dont offer a hand, even if shadowed, they dont do dick. They take your shit. They murder your last canteen of water as you die of thirst in the desert. The drones are scum. The protectorate atleast halfway tries to get shit done, you only ruin things as the drones.

You won't like it.

Supersteel can roll up to 160 so 124 is must middling as far as potential goes.

It was disgraceful for Fort Apogee to recieve the CAU, while it's truth they are efficient and saved many lifes, Cathcart could simply send a huge squadron with a Dreadnaught spearheading the charge
Less efficient, maybe, but you dont get humilliated by these northener psychopaths
And although I dont love the Drones, I must admit gasing with a mutagen is crossing the line

If you have sure set you should have an issue with acid floor, the only acid entanglement you will find is while fighting Tchort

It's a little clunky for the first hour or so, but it can pretty much all be done with a mouse, so I'd say it's pretty ok in that regard. It's turn based.

>I'll pick my own name and my own life. I'll find something worth passing on

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That sounds a bit more interesting and useful than what I assumed it'd be. Oh well, I can toss some points into it till I figure out what crafting skills I want to focus on.

>roll supersteel
>only get below 110
just love my luck

What with the spoilers?

Also, lol, "crossing the line"

Free Drones are literally terrorists, not rebels.

Yeah, pretty much. Protectorate is some good, some bad. Free drones are literally just another flavor of bandits, but with an agenda. Also the North is literally a 1st world country with a high stadard of living while the South is a 3rd shithole and hell on earth.

Cathcart couldn't do shit, they were sent by the higher ups, he had no say in the matter.

and protectorate are literal nazis

um sweetie? go back to your bethshit?

But that line wasn't edgy at all.

Practically the same thing depending on optics

There's not a single piece of nazism in Protectorate's agenda though. Also


I don't see them putting Southerners in camps but okay.

Nobody deserves to be gased by a mutagen and get turned into hideous monstrosities
I rather end their lifes myself than let them suffer like that

Nope. You need the name of assistant.

Nobody deserves anything. The Free Drones earned their fate fighting a fight they could never win for a cause that has never been plausible for humanity.

kill yourself

>he puts stock in the holohoax

nice, keep it coming


>When a 'tectorade tin can feel more empathy than you

Um, they don't seem like socialists to me

Here we go!

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>muh empathy
Oh please, if I cried over the retarded I'd be crying all day for the rest of my life.


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I just can't do anything against the drones
they're like puppies man, wide-eyed puppies with scavenged guns

I know, next time I'll probably give it to Tanner and take Todd to live with the Ferryman, going to side with pirates too, fuck Northerners. Anyway that being said HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THE OTHER QUESTS INVOLVING THE SHADOWLITH?

I want to know this too, I couldn't get ferryman to talk to me about the monolith and I don't know where to take the spike fragment I got from the frozen guy

>take Todd to live with the Ferryman
Why would you sentence him to life with a senile old man on a sea full of dangerous fauna, pirates and savages while he could be living a comfy 1st world life as a celebrity, user? Why do you hate Todd so much?

The only time I actually I mentally struggle to kill a Free Drone was when I needed to kill a Cat and Laser, the guardian dog
The latter hurted the most because I did Free Drones quests before and know what happens with his owner. This kills the dogfag.

You didn't have to kill the cat you fucking monster

>needed to kill a Cat
You didn't NEED to kill it, you're just a degenerate.


They're horribly written anarchists that just "LMAO SABOTAGE THE PEOPLE WE DON'T LIKE AND DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE LOL", completely divorced from the reality of revolutionary groups that have to embed themselves in existing groups/populations. Their entire questline should involve helping them curry favor with/help/become allied with other factions/stations like SGS since they only have a small foothold in the south. The failure of the drones to be a worthwhile choice is one of the big writing failures in the game.

bros i fucking hate water. I don't want to play the dlc quests. lemme just be bros with faceless and ufck the expedition

>Fallout created the NPC meme decades ago
Bros...? Can you 'explain' this???



You do realize most revolutionary groups weren't the ragtag bunch of educated heroes you think they are, right?

Yeah yeah but why are cats immune to mutagens?

What a crummy opinion

>Rationalizes his actions by blaming the fucking victim
Next you're going to tell me you're an oddityfag

Fuck off schizo.

They are already the ultimate lifeforms.

Please tell me you're baiting

styg didn't want to make a unique model for something that only happens on-
i mean uh
their dna is uh
the toxoplasmosis absorbs the mutant juice

Let's not go that far and start throwing the O word.
You know how they get...

it's not a meme, it's the obvious truth
npcs are real and they're disgusting

>the toxoplasmosis absorbs the mutant juice
Styg confirmed for a toxofag?

Stop replying to yourself

yes, socialists are always nigger-tier retarded violent shitbags

Based schizo

>sending him to a city where he'll be lavished with attention initially and then will be mostly ignored once attention dies down
>this kind of thing can have catastrophic effects on well balanced people
>he's been a hermit for potentially decades, was recently suffering from multiple personality disorder, suffered the trauma of losing his wife and child, etc
He's better off living a simple life with the Ferryman, as far I can tell there's no option to take him to SGS, it's Dis or the Ferryman, and the Ferryman wins every time.

you are aware that the very first modern socialist revolution, the Paris Commune, failed in large part because they were not violent ENOUGH?
That had they been willing to completely chimp out they could have actually won?
But instead they stuck to their morals while the French army was exterminating civilians


kill yourself


>he didn't choose coretech
lmaoing at your unshielded life


>sending him to a city where he'll be lavished with attention initially and then will be mostly ignored once attention dies down
>as opposed to a fucking deadly sea even seasoned sailors are afraid of with an old man that is going to kick the bucket anytime now
the horror

what's the matter? Is it so difficult to accept that socialists were violent, because the very first lesson they were taught was that reason and restraint don't work?
that they were not born in that form, they were created?

Did coretech in 2015. This is a thief char so I'm going JKK.

what's the matter? Is it so difficult to accept that socialism has failed every time it has been tried?

>embedding self in existing group/population and making allies means being an educated hero
Nigger it's just fucking stupid that they're apparently so big in North Underrail if they're this goddamn incompetent. You don't need to be a fucking philosopher to know that a group like that can't gain power just by blowing shit up.

Pete, Larry, or Joe

Is a sniper build viable? feel like i'm going to get gangbanged every hard batlle

What was the Taliban?

the current socio-political order of Europe owes as much to Socialism as it does to Capitalism
both absolutes eventually failed and were synthesized into a successor

Fuck off back to /pol/ with your armchair american politics, both of you

yes, it owes the death panels and muslim invaders to socialism

Not for long lmao everything good socialism gave us is being destroyed for profit. Enjoy becoming the same shithole as the usa soon.

yes sniper is awesome for one-shotting just about everything in the game, great for taking out priority targets, just carry a backup weapon for when you get swarmed or use restealth tactics


It's extremely viable with an AR, pistol, Shotgun secondary

Muslim invaders are a cheap labor force enduring labor becomes cheaper and cheaper. Thanks capitalism.

what lvl should i be to try and get the metal figurine from the lunatics
theres so fucking many of them and their PSI is OP as balls, and I'm not fast enough to just run and grab

remember that getting a rapid-reloader spearhead is an absolute necessity

sniper only not really, it's more of your main piece in a general stealth build. snipe is pretty much a free kill at the start of every encounter

>importing millions of people who don't work and never will work because they receive lifetime benefits at the expense of the taxpayer

>implying the taliban wasn't initially supported by america
>implying terrorist groups aren't still getting bankrolled by god knows who

Socialism vs Capitalism is a false dichotomy. Neither truly exists as conceptualized by Marx. Learn economics.


You have to kill them all.
And it's not as hard as it seems
I cleared the whole mart in Dominating difficulty
Want to know how, little grasshopper?

Try reading again and you will understand why doing it helps the rich. Now fuck off back to /pol/.

>approach dude as a female
>ask if he's seen visions of you naked when he talks about them
>says no but mentions something about a siphoner
>fem char has the option of saying "You did not. You did not."
oh stygg, you dirty motherfucker

try killing yourself useful idiot
now fuck off to your funeral

Why cant I decide on a build holy fuck!

>stack every single source of psi cost reduction on a tranquility build
>can cast so fucking much that virtually nothing survives first two turns
>even have enough psi for luxury like dilating and disrupting faraway lone enemies that don't get under my locus of control initially, making them essentially impotent
>stasis doesn't stop psi regen and shaves off 2 turn cooldown from psi boosters
I legitimately feel like a god.

Attached: 1563899232953.png (445x394, 361K)

actual schizo

their tongues have to have a lot of suction to take the blood out of you


idk man shitton of traps thru a chokepoint?

Yes I'm a useful idiot for being against mass immigration and bending over for the rich. Fuck off back to /pol/ schizo.

>massive projection
kys kys bang bang

>massive superiority complex
Six is a space elf.


take your meds

Great game, but like Age of Decadence it failed to come close to tactical excellence of XCOM / JA 2/ TOEE. Perhaps because they're both single player - single character wRPGs?

Oh yeah, Dungeon Rats was basically really close to those games in terms of gameplay.

>kys kys bang bang
actually schizo i can practically hear you hitting your own head and yelling

Because this game's build system is horribly interdependent with stupid stat dependencies. The fact you can pretty much only use Persuasion/Intimidation as a psion unless you're autistic enough to carry a ton of intimidation boosting items with you is really dumb, and they should have alternative scalings such as Int for Persuasion and Strength for Intimidation.

My choices are basically:
>use psi, which trivializes the game and makes you feel like a god
>can actually use speech options to resolve things, etc
>despite being an asthmatic, clumsy lanklet I can apparently intimidate everyone
>use anything else for fun/novelty and more of a chellenge
>have to murderhobo/bribe my way through everything if bribing is even an option
>despite being a meatwall wearing armor heavy enough to crush a lesser man, and carrying a hammer that can crush a skull like a grape I can't intimidate an old woman

Despite this I love the game but fuck I hate those two skills being psi-only.

>you have to have stats that fit what you're building to build it
>this is a bad thing

Warning: Contains PSI

Chokepoint, the best one is the room you enter the area
Place burrower poision caltrops on the chokepoint, some burrower poision bear traps if needed
Throw Gas grenade on the chokepoint
Attract their attention, Electric Imprint the door, Force Field myself away as they come, let them bunch up, affected by the toxic gas
Cast Proxy before Force Field expires
Throw EMP grenade
Throw Magnesium incendiare grenade
Move Proxy in, Tele Punch a scanner/psychopath
Use sprint to move in and out of cover
Keep the front guy stunned so he blocks the mob out of the room
Keep moving proxy through the mob
Active shield, prepare to hold the line
Keep up until they are all dead

t. metalfag psychokinesis sledgehammer

I also wiped the Mart as a pure wizard in Dominating too, it's slightly different

>doing the musical puzzle
>re-reading all the notes for like 2 hours and feeling like a brainlet
>mfw it all suddenly clicks and I solve it in 10 minutes

Attached: u697lb.png (268x226, 153K)

Its not suppose to be at the same level of tactical experience. Its in the wRPG category and should be compared to those games. Same goes for AoD.

officer's quarters on the second floor is the keycard

warehouse room on the west side of the entrance level

there's uniforms you can find in the barracks you start out next to that you can wear, just don't get too close to any of the NPCs or you'll get spotted and have to find them

you need a fuckton of lockpicks to loot the barrack rooms, and they're all level 50 locks

The fact certain stats fit certain builds isn't the problem, it's the set of skills which are tied to those stats, as I said, any build that doesn't have at least 7 or so Will has to use a literally (actually literally, not this dumb shit the kids are using) crippling amount of skill points to keep Intimidation/Persuasion at a useful level.

who sells smart modules? I've got a 114 quality spearhead frame and while I could build it now with a 60 quality smart module I sorta want to wait for a better one.

Actually. I sent him with the professor because I figured he could find himself a new family there.
Turns out it's a total shitshow, the northernes don't even treat him like a human being, and he eventually runs away.

So I reloaded and sent him with the Ferryman, and the guy raised him like his own fucking son until his death.

hey anyone knows how fishing works? It literally seems to me that the first time you come to zone and start fishing you get a lot then you switch up places a bit and you still get some fish but then it just stops and you have to wait like 10 minutes before you start catching something again. Also many npc have more than one rod when i place more than 2 i get absolutely nothing on any of them

Not all water areas have fish
And you can actually exhaust the fish in an arena, you will have to leave and wait, the fish will eventually respawn

it just makes reaching thresholds lower, the max persuasion check in the game is 100 and something by the time you reach lvl 20+ you probably have enough base points into it so you won't need attributes, you just need to wait a little bit longer before you face those checks if you do a low will build

How did you find this out?

electronic merchants, erza, the one in core city, buzzer and more

really? Do you know any area where there are a lot of anglerfish and plantypuses?

How does the smart lens work exactly? lets say my gun hits with an aimed shot for 100 damage, it's a critical for 100% bonus damage so it's 200, and the smart scope increases special attack damage by 50%. Would it just add the 50% on top of the 100% from the critical hit for just a 150% increase for 250, or would it increase the 200 by 50% and be 300 damage?

No thanks. Sounds too much like that other autismo game

Ending slides.


Persuasion/Intimidation are mostly role playing stats, they generally have limited benefit to the player, and since murderhoboing provides loot could even be seen as detrimental. The fact I can finally use it at level 20 after I'm most of the way through the game doesn't change this.

currently at the grey army base, can I return there when the quest finishes or not?


Throwing the links because I never did the fishing quest before, so I dont know shit

Yes, all of the rifts are linked, you can travel to any rift from any other rift, including the Grey Army Base.


buzzer doesn't have anything good at all what the hell. Idk what's happening but during quests i find stuff that is 20 quality levels higher than what anyone in core city/rail crossing anywhere sells also fuckin blaine doesn't sell anything good at all when i waas doing depot A he was selling 90 quality black cloth now he doesnt sell anything better than 80

the first. It's additive I think

ah thanks, there's a shitload of loot inthere, it should be safe if I store it inside of lockers

can you even save Todd if you odn't have persuasion? I needed it to get through his mother's dialog

devs really want you to waste a lot of time on this game
it's like an hack&slash except with none of the visual appeal
I sure hope you enjoy tunnels and caves because oh boy that's all you gonna get from this game

It's just random, I got some really high quality psionic parts and regenerative vests from buzzer in the past. I've even gotten a ~150 quality laminated fabric panel from Harold in SGS once. Meanwhile the Coretech trader has has total shit every time I check him even with special merchandise unlocked.

>people who don't work and never will work
it's really like /pol/ completely brain washes these kids

Who's Todd? I just started expedition content and I have 90 effective persuation, but I'm worried it might be not enough

>tfw Carnifex resisted like 500 damage so you two shot him instead of one
My purple flying fist has never let me down until now

BASED samefag

keep investing into it

ching chong chang chang, bugman. You mad that this thread is still here? Cry for me, slant.

Hol up
Metalfag hammer fist wizard here
Proxy punch was a good mini nuke against Carnifex, among other things
What difficulty?
What what build?
What level?
How high is your WILL, STR and Psychokinesis ability?
Do you got Force User? And Corporeal Projection?

You're in every single one of the threads about this game you dislike so much psycho.
Re-assess the situation. And yes it's painfully obvious who you are, no one else dumb enough to make the hack and slash comparison while also complaining about how the setting is somehow a huge problem.

How much? I was thinking on going up to 130 effective persuation

where did you get that tifa avatar?

when do i stop levelling up crafting skills?

normal, full psi meta + PK, stopped at 75 on TC for now and 70 for TM, level 17.
Yes Force User, and using Proxy. Will is maxed for my level, don't recall off the top my head and my game is closed (14? 13?)

I do want to point out I regret normal now but I'm not restarting. It was tough at times early on, but now I dickslap everything with ease with my 1k shield.

Where is this frozen guy?

adobe photoshop and 3 minutes

that sounds hella gay

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When you are happy with them. Seriously. Getting very high quality components is complete rng, don't sacrifice points in advance for something that might not even happen. See what you can buy/find and level your skills accordingly.

>user discovers RPG wizards
Thanks Gygax.

isnt it just moving it up and down the scale? I just cant be bothered bre, seriously fucking hate music and my autism prevents me from caring in the slightest.

up on top hammering the monolith, you gotta go through some caves in the pirate area near the monolith to get up to him

>got gunslinger and rapid fire because i want to go chem PISTOLs
>realize 3 hours later they don't even work

I just killed Carnifex at level 18 in Dominating
8 Will and around 105 Psychokinesis base skill, around 150'ish Psychokinesis effective skill
11 Strenght, 12 at Carni's fight with strenght boosting food, took Corporeal Projection and Force User

My Proxy Punch combo did around 150-250 damage per punch
While I'm not sure, I think your proxy punch combo was somewhat weak

anything I should change or is this good
crafting can go past 100 but is generally pretty rare and your house can give a 15% bonus to your skill

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yup, here it is, just make the 50x50 one yourself

Attached: tif_l.png (100x100, 54K)

t. VaultDweller

you could use it before if you had invested in will, just like you can get to open containers sooner with hacking and lockpicking if you invested in INT or DEX, that is part of creating a character, you need to have attributes that match the skills you want them to have, you can't expect a person without INT to be good at hacking, at most he becomes decent at it with practice but the lack of intelligence will surely mean it takes him much more time to be able to learn that kind of shit

so I just turned the light for that fatass. Now should I use all my rat leather to craft some armor so I can sell them to merchants?
I noticed these fuckers tend to stop buying shit until I've wasted some more hours of my life in the tunnels but still is it worth it?

Also best blueprints to get early on?

fucking sickening

>Carnifex at level 18
Carnifex should be done at level 12 or so

this time didn't go as well as the first, but you can see the hit from the first one.

Not sure if it's supposed to be doing MORE damage, but I actually don't use fist all that much since orb usually erases the screen.

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depends on your luck and at what point of the main quest (or your level, im not sure which one is the one that triggers it), but buzzer is a pretty decent shop further in the game, there are still much better electronics shopts but you get them latter in the game

thank you kind user have some anime titties in hope that it might ward off the /pol/tards

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What is the easiest and earliest way of getting a staff-spear in Black Sea?

best blueprints for early game are taser, molly, googles
on normal maybe

max hacking check is 135 in DC so it can't be more than that, its probably around 120 or something, you could just get 115 and carry the officer armor from the grey base for +20 to persuasion if you want to save on points

You don't need much persuasion. But yeah that's how you save him because you need all of them to agree that its ok to let Todd help you.

There is another option if you have high strength, you can force him, but he won't talk to you after that. I don't think he can be brought to the surface either.

there is absolutely no reason to do that

>Double punch crit
Oh man so juicy, but yeah I think your proxy punch combo is somewhat underwhelming mostly because you have to overextend yourself over all psi-schools, while I was super commited to psychokinesis.
Still, thats a lot of damage you just pulled.

No, Carnifex kicked my ass around level 15
Remenber I was on Dominating, not normal

>armor from the grey base for +20 to persuasion
Dafuq Styg. Stop powercreeping just to sell more janky DLC you greedy jew.

>dude just apply 2.7k damage at level 12 lol

kill some psy-nigger during the initial native invasion if one spawns?

im doing a no psi thing so i just laid down a shitton of beartraps and naded them

>needing persuasion to save todd

Just use crowd control lol
A pure psi is invincible in a one v one fight

>psi can now miss
What changes? Is it useless?

Hahahaha, no. Not even on normal is beating Carnifex feasible at that level.

Enlighten me on how you can save him and bring him back to the surface?

No, you're brought back in line with the rest of us instead of being a free ride.

Not really, it just doesn't make sense.

is psycho/electrokinesis any good? will I be able to attain UNLIMITED POWAH with it?

Attached: powah.gif (400x171, 2.35M)

All psi is good. Its been OP consistently ever since this game got released.

Bear traps, Frag nades, incendiary nades, caltrops, gas grenades
Success, user?

That's kind of what I thought, though I haven't even tried it yet. My friend keeps yakking on about it, how op it is and shit.
This is what's kind of killing the game for me right now. I don't want to play a "mage" build to be able to efficiently use shit like persuasion and intimidate. At least intimidate should be tied with a different stat.

Just sift through all his personalities and talk to him after you get the Acorn.

but how much lightning can I shoot at people?

not much

Do you want to be a muscle wizard, user?
Do you want to be able to cast F I S T and punch people to oblivion?
Want to be a big guy, completely ironcladed swinging a huge ass hammer?
Do you want to cast LIGHTING from your fucking fingertips?

So, in other words, forcing him works?

>intimidate being WILL and not STR
yeah, that's kind of dumb

it makes it pretty garbage really, in dominating on a well optimized build psi is not that strong compared to other well made builds, its just more simple, psi gives you tools for all situations but you aren't really much better than other builds in those situations, its strong but it will never compare to some other builds where they shine, a good sniper can literally one shot Tchort and other bosses without even entering combat, a good grenadier will shit on well armed groups much faster and safer, a good melee will deal with melee ambushers much better

No, if you dealt with all his personalities, he'll already be in the submarine.

If you want to use electrokinesis i actually advise you to go Tranquility. You will cast more of it and thus stack Psychostatic Electricity better. With Tranquility you can easily reach base ~30% crit chance, plus Psychostatic Electricity on top of it, making over 50% of your psi attacks crit, and tranquility can spam that shit into oblivion.

Cryokinesis could miss, that would just make it similar to orb and pyrokinesis. For the rest missing really wouldn't make much sense, and there already are save rolls against the non-damage dealing ones.

is there a reason to save buzzer?
I don't really care about lore right now

Wait what
There has been an update?
Today? Did I miss something?

yea yea they all blew up with like 1 mk2 frag nade
havent even seen gas nades yet

i'm pretty sure you get more charons from the quest

he's also an ok early game electronic vendor but mostly no it's fine to let him die

its a decent electronics merchant and its a shame to lose a charon dispenser

Buzzer is a good trader, sells top quality shit
You should persuade the mind reader to let him live if possible

I don't get it, then. How do you make him open the door without either forcing him to do it or using persuasion to convince his mother?

user asked a hypothetical question.

>havent even seen gas nades yet
Because nobody sells them
You have to craft them

You should REALLY craft some of these bad boys, these are really fucking overpowered

Uhhhh bros? first supersteel plate i got made is 150 quality lmao. fuck now i can't make anything out of it cuz i need better other materials god damn

Oh, well then
Fake alam
Now if you excuse I will bury my head into the ground in shame

A guy with it appears after you clear the Security Station in the north.

What do you plan to craft with supersteel anyways?

so after slaughtering a shitload of grey army guys I just realized something
I have not yet seen them do anything resembling evil
am...am I the bad guy?

My first three were 160, 151, and 73. Not bad.

By getting her to talk about the painting.

I remember when nobody had a clue that helping the faceless would serve them in DC. Most people just wiped out those faceless.
Then they got stuck in DC because they couldn't kill faceless.

Kind of sad now that everybody knows the secret.

Don't act like you don't know.

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high threshold tactical vest. Im doing high treshold west + high/medium shield for tranq synergy

Well he did make much better version of classic Fallout combat.

How do I get to level 3 of GMS compound? The stairs are ruined and elevator doesn't work. The only thing left is trap door but it requires 50 lockpicking.

I've seen both paintings and still couldn't figure it out without persuasion. Maybe you are actually force to use it if you have it, that is, it shows you what to pick. Or maybe I was tired.

the trap door can be opened with a key
the key is found on a dead dude in the middle of all the bots


>lying on the intertube

Key on a dead dude in the storageroom opens the trap door

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i was told to rush main quests to get the best catalyzing belt
I just made the faceless leave rail place and now tanner doesn't have anything else for me to do
what do

GMS is a main quest, main quests can be done with any build.
If it looks like a dead end unless your build has a certain skill/stat check, it's not.

Damn thanks.

Man fuck that guy I just shot him and took his arm

there's another faceless mission. If you completely fuck up and don't get the info needed on them there's a datapad somehwere in the metro that tells you about the acid hunters

i think that happens when you don't talk to buzzer and find out what the faceless were after

which is fine. go to core city and do the arena and then one of the oligarch questlines if you're trying to get your belt asap

Glad I kept a save before I made my armor.
Not everybody is a liar on the interwebs.

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>go to core city and do the arena and then one of the oligarch questlines if you're trying to get your belt asap
you need to have heard about the acid hunters before your oligarch gives you the mission

>All these times I rolled 70-90 quality supersteel plates
Lucky bastard

>tfw you kill a naga protector and it drops 120 supersteel

That seems like a shoop, i can tell from some of the pixels and seeing quite a few super steel plates in my time..

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really? that's weird as fuck. i know they all ask you if you've heard of them when they're about to give you the details but it's the first mission they give you when you get called up so it'd be strange to just be like "nevermind."

either way to continue the main quest from there he'd just need to go to the foundry. the bloody PDA is around there as well as the other faceless mission.

>30 impure chromium
lmao is styg fucking serious?

Most of what I roll are in the 90 to 110 range, those two in one batch are still my best to date.

It takes like five minutes

Well duh.

Attached: biocorp is back bitches.png (1137x518, 291K)


get a jackhammer and call the minecart next to you, takes 5 min tops

>Bring jackhammer and batteries
>Recall cart
>Kill bladelings
>Repeat 30 times
it aint that hard desu

>Takes like 3 overloads to kill a rat
>Very small and squishy

When do I become a cosmic god with my psychic powers..?

>Damage is increased by 10% for every target's point of intelligence above 5.
Rathounds and many other critters have rocks for brains
Overload wont do shit to them.

But you will become a gawd, later in game, wizards get a slow start

>plays oddity
>have to pick every lock and hack every box just for another bar

and here i am missing 3 95% shots in a row while a furry fuck rapes my face over and over, should i just take the PSI babbypill?

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>tfw when you're a chink and bad at shitposting and nobody replies to you

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I don't play Oddity. At least not yet.
Sorry to disappoint you, friend; it's real.

Daily reminder:
Dont feed the trolls.
Ignore the guy

I killed them all, the lunch lady too, all for a bottle of gun lube.
Sometimes science goes wrong and you're locked in your military base with some sort of magic ghost that burns, freezes and bear traps everyone around you and there's nothing you can do about it, just the rules of nature.

How do I fucking infiltrate the tchortist university, there's a lady that keeps questioning me and it always ends in them aggroing

Look at the odditytard, look at him seethe!


>*snort* time to *crunch crunch* hack this box for the 5000th time maybe ill get 1 exp for it *wheeze*


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I'm actually playing classic to try something different after 3 runs on oddity

Shit man, I don't even know if I can kill M'lan Ratula or that area to the east with the 6 or so rats as I am right now. Gonna have to get creative.

Rook mom I postered it again!

Bear traps

Not that hard

Hey I understand that you enjoy being insulted and replies mean a lot to you but could you please pick a different thing to shitpost about?
What if a new player picks classic for their first playthrough thanks to your shitposts? Be considerate and start sperging out over something else, like the merchant system for example. You'll get the same attention while also being less obtrusive.

as long as you're not a shitposting loser who is in these threads literally 20 hours a day, you're all good.

Classic is fine. I do wish Stygmeister would balance it out a bit because I prefer it and would use it if I didn't become a demigod so quick.

>playing oddity
>no hacking or lockpicking
>levelling up just fine, level 23 after Black Sea
Classicfags are really trying this hard to justify their decision, they're so insecure and emasculated that they can't just be happy with the decision they made, truly I pity them.


to be honest, all hacking and locking picking get you are a handful of unique oddities and then you end up with 3493939595 duplicates. I think I've picked up like 20 fucking pamphlets past where they gave me exp

Stop. Stop. Stop being an autistic fuck who likes ruining discussion and these threads. Just fucking stop. Stop. Stop, motherfucker, just stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.... Stooooooop.

>*tries to lockpick way out of your asshole*
this ones based

it's literally just 1 dude shitposting. I'm pretty sure he hasn't actually played the game and just shitposts because he's mentally ill

Well, glad the thread is about to reach it's end then


Ho and how?

>paying it a (you)
You have already lost.

I said this in another thread, and this is all I'll say about the retard, but look how it types.

Doesn't it look like an AI? It posts random Yea Forums memes but wildly out of context and in nonsensical ways. It's like a neural network trying to learn.

Lockpicking gets you vents open if you're a dyel build.
Hacking can interact with terminals, which is always nice.

Imagine being this autistic about a choice.
A choice in a fucking RPG.

Zoomers were a mistake.
Humanity needs to die.

You understimate the power of autism, user.

>Imagine *snort* * crunch crunch* being this autistic about a *brappp* *tries to lockpick a footlocker for one bar* choice

That's how all these lonely types do. 0 personality translates into this thing. Yea Forums is full of them, pretty much one in every thread.

Just look at him, ladies and gentlemen, reduced to talking faster than he can think, frothing at the mouth, a pathetic boner produced by the meager trickle of endorphins he receives from pestering others. God's mistake: The Classicfag

Reminder that there's barely any unique oddities in locked containers while picking locks gives XP in Classic.

can't lockpick your way into having sex, oddityfag

I don't need to, your mom doesn't wear a chastity belt.




Is there something in this pool or i'm getting bamboozled?
Fishing gave nothing.

Attached: 1553861104025.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

Call your parents, see a therapist, go outside.
Not fooling anyone with the "having sex" thing you're the biggest virgin in the thread by far.

have sex

god damn that evelyn sequence was pretty fun

You can actually skip the whole chasing secuence and give her away without any fighting
Hint: Under the bridge

no, it looks like an autist, this site is full of them and if you been here for more than a week you should be able to identify them easily, just ignore him, ultimately he will just keep samefagging himself (you's) and when nobody responds anymore hopefully he will neckhimself

Seek sunlight.

>he doesn't pound evelyn's ass to death when she tries to pull that pull out shit on you
fucking Yea Forumsirgin

>telling jacks in underrail thread to seek sunlight

Attached: talking to rocks again.png (936x936, 49K)

Thats a new one


top jej

>and when nobody responds anymore hopefully he will neckhimself
Oh no. What they do is they start making the threads themselves and then they reply to themselves forever. Since Yea Forums has so much traffic somebody eventually comes in and throws an insult their way and I guess they enjoy that?
Worst case of this that I've seen is a particularly obsessive individual in Yakuza threads. It's the most pathetic thing I could ever imagine someone doing.

>The sun is crawlers
>One day, the sun stops shinning on the sky
>*Distant, omninous Stealthing sound*
>You feel an eerie sensation that something really bad will happen to someone
>Really sun

Should I just throw all of my money into the melter to make super steel?

Attached: ayy.gif (480x480, 687K)