Riot Fighting Game CONFIRMED!

>Back in 2016 when we joined forces with Riot I said that we were going to go in the hole for a while. I want to be able to let people in on maybe the worst kept secret in the universe which is that I can confirm we are working on a fighting game for Riot,

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Other urls found in this thread:

going to feel like a real senior citizen when I roll up and play as singed or kayle and get matched up with your korean pop stars or the harley quinn knockoff


>Back in 2016 when we joined forces with Riot I said that we were going to go in the hole for a while
in more ways than you know

fighting games were always the most boring video games

>Guy who founded EVO is making a fighting game
Well that pretty much guarantees that the game will be there

ugh, fighting to the death in short rounds, so boring. where are the RPG elements?


Gonna be just like League bullshit
>new fighter DLC
>OP as fuck so everyone buys it
>nerfed to the ground in a month

>League has a huge, huge market in asia
>Fighting games are one of few genres asia doesn't really do competitively
>Rito making a fighting game
But why

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They're going to try the same shit Fantasy Strike or Rolling Thunder did
>Low focus on combos
>Specials will be one button and on cool down
>One normal attack button
>Overheads, crossups, anything considered slightly advanced will be avoided.
>Ends up losing any audience it could of had because the game is fucking boring with a very low skill ceiling, all to appeal to casual players.

What the actual fuck are you talking about? Either bad bait or brainlet

Imagine being the first, decent free-to-play fighter on the market with waifus and skins out the ass.

>Fighting games are one of few genres asia doesn't really do competitively

retard alert

What like a fucking braindead mobile game

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DECENT is the keyword here. The problem is that Rising Thunder was pretty different from other fighting games, so if they try to make that game again but with a new skin, then it might not have the advantage of being DECENT but instead be too unique for most players to get into.

>>Fighting games are one of few genres asia doesn't really do competitively
Isn't this not really the case though? Like I'm pretty sure SNK is bigger in China than it is anywhere else in the world by a significant margin

They're not that popular in China/HK (outside Tekken I guess)

this formula is so fucking retarded
you're either forced to permaban a champion for a whole month and get destroyed by other overpowered champions or not play the game at all for a month
fucking assfaggots

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>Literally retarded
Stop posting.


My first thought pretty much was Rising Thunder: LoL edition.

he's in

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Rising thunder died for this shit

Nigga KoF was huge in China.

I can't wait for them to fuck up the code and not let Seth and crew handle most of the gameplay and balance stuff.

And nothing of value was lost. Or will be gained.

DOA style with league babes.. SOLD!


>Fighting games are one of few genres asia doesn't really do competitively

have you ever heard of Tekken?

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Can't wait for the FGC personalities to mix with the LOL personalities.
Grab the popcorn lads.

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hooray yet more esports cancer infesting the fgc
riot will run a bajillion dorra tournament series
evo will become a riot/tencent wankfest
all for a casual-as-fuck fighting game dictated by riot execs for the lol-kiddy crowd

didn't they make a fighting game already
Rising thunder: something

Attached: Rising-Thunder-hed-796x419.jpg (796x419, 53K)

but people have always been clamoring for more money in the FGC :^)

sonic fox and sneaky about to become the esports power couple


I am just happy for more Yordle porn

no, but the developers that made that game joined riot i think.

No one cares, fuck that chinese studio.

the thinking man

KwonHo was kino.

Riot bought them out, but what I'm interested in is the reason why it's been 3(?) years in development.

Holy fuck, the large influx of scrubs that are into Riot is going to be fucking yummy. We might get a spiritual successor to this wonderful video right here

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I hope the radio silence means their casual focused approach failed and they are developing an actual game


I'd imagine so. If it was a RT asset flip, we'd have gotten teasers and stuff already. Safety option would be another SF typical game, but I wouldn't be surprised at a more anime/wacky styled game.

every time blizzard dipped their toes in a different pool (moba, fps) it felt wack
I don't think riot will be any brighter

Hey, that’s awesome! Glad they didn’t just buy the company just to sit on it.

I want the one with glasses to be my bully gf

>consistently turns one shitty game into even bigger turd for 10 years
>Let's make a new game for the most niche and picky audience!

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Riot has verified fight game players/devs so their game is probably going to be playable at the least. It's a matter of the game infrastructure like netcode, single/multiplayer content, and monetization that makes the game.

Took long enough.

The absolute irony of this post is that dota was for an incredibly niche and picky audience. Riot literally caused every other companies to try their hand at mobas.

Since the game isn't made by japs for jap internet, netcode shouldn't be a problem

Wow. How retarded are you? Please hang yourself poorfag.

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Its going to just be Rising Thunder with a League skin. I would hope they would do something visually that would be impressive, that is something that can easily get more attention to the game for a lot of people who don't know League or care about fighting games

>PC exclusive fighting game
Dead on arrival.

I want to fug KDA!

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So maybe Ninja Theory or something will develop a fighting game? Is Valve going to create a fighting game and then neglect it?

Zoom zoom please leave
Grab a rope and hang yourself on the Elm tree.

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>Riot fighting game.
God I hope its not mahvel tier shit.

I can't look at that image without hearing Pillar Men now.

as long as riot isn't making it, it has a chance of being good

I think the art style they choose will be a huge factor in it too. KOF 14 plays good but look like ass, SF4 and 5 have been railed on for how ugly it is.

fighting games:
Niche genre
Hard to make good
Hard to make competitive

They have a challenge ahead.

Is it like Cygames making a fighting game where it's just to advertise your characters

I think it will be 1v1. Tags, assists, the extra chaos from all the extra characters will not be what they want to market to a huge accessible League audience

I want to _be_ KDA Ahri

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They used GGPO for RT too, so that's out of the question UNLESS riot is full retard and isn't letting them call the shots.

I could see them having unlockable characters. Tutorial/story that lets you play the people in said story. Gives enough currency to unlock 4 people permanently. Everyone else is from currency from playing the game like League of Legends. Basically what SFV wanted to do but failed at doing.

If they go waifu to the 220%, hey can pull this through.
I was hoping for a MMORPG though

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Singed is based

I'm pretty sure they can do the monetization league has right now or do a better KI version. Buy seasons, a la carte, or an overall definitive bundle. I think it'd be even better to do the Smite method of having a one-time purchase but get everyone now and forever.

This is a fighter

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wonder what the """FGC"" will look like after this

On the other hand they know that 1v1 = loser can't blame others for their own failures, so they might try and mix some team based fuckery into the game

I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to pull a tag multiplayer mode like MK.

>Riot is the only company we can count on to save the genre after the mess that was SFV
Worst timeline.

>Riot and CyGames will fight to see who can be the scummiest company in fighting games

Cygames were smart to get Arcsys atleast, but who knows how the game will turn out. Great character models, ugly backgrounds. They might have also simplified it too much. Riot got the Rising Thunder guys, so you can actually play what the League one might be like. Simple inputs, cooldowns for specials on a 1 button command.

I feel like it’s Cygames because it kidnaps unsuspecting people and gets them hooked on gambling but MOBAs also change a man for the worse

I mean, yeah, they're catering to LoL players. Each character is going to have three specials and an ultimate.

why did it have to be fighting? they're all the same combo memorizing shit

Great way to advertise.

so wait a minute. We will be getting better 3d models? if so then oh baby all the SFM we are gonna get.

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Yordles in, pls.

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>Fighting games are one of few genres asia doesn't really do competitively
Japan, China and Korea are the only reason we still get fighters you brainlet.
Even during teh so called "dark age of fighters". that shit only happened with played capcom only games in the USA. meanwhile nationwide tournaments in Asia never stopped

They might have realized most of the new fighters have 3d models, and everywhere you go people keep praising 2d sprite art


You yordlebrain

>Yordlefags ruining another game
I hate you furry pedophiles. Fuck off already.

Literally best boy

This has to be bait.

Nah, have fun getting beaten up by Tristana or Poppy mains

either way more material for the gamers ;^ )

lmao where can this guy be clowned on? sounds like some sort of swede or poo.

CUMBRA!N poster cant deal with the power of yordles

Likely going to be the most casual fighting game on the market. Casuals will pick it up for like a month until they get bodied by players with better fundamentals and will still end up complaining its not easy enough.


Does her back hurt?

RT was SF but without input autism
this will be an actual popular fighting game if they do the same thing again but with riot PR and characters

>Riot thread
>barely any mention of tencent
>Epic thread
>nothing but spam about tencent
It really does make you think doesn't it?

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people don't know that Riot is owned by Tencent.

>Japan plays Streetfighter
>Korea Plays Tekken
>China plays King of Fighters
>Asia doesn't play fighting game

watch for 10 minutes.

I mean, RT was pretty fun tho.
It wasn't Fantasy Strike tier but i can't see it getting many registrations for EVO.

But im so fucking sick of dumbed down fighters at this point.

Yes they do.

>dumbed down
just cause you can get to the fun and interesting parts of fighting gamez from the start, instead of jerking the stick off for years to learn unnececary inputs to make moves, which were just a byproduct of limited controller equipment, doesn't mean its dumbed down

>I can finally play Jax and Nasus the way they were intended to be played
>Without a team

Now i have an excuse to fap to LoL girls again.
What a great fucking day.

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Nigga your opinion is retarded, i can tell because you can't read.
Don't post near my thread again.

It'll probably just be some crappy league tie-in that will be abandoned in a year or so

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damn, that game looks incredibly stiff

I hope they plan on using the LoL roster. I haven't played in almost a decade but the characters are great, I'd love to main janna or leona.

god I fucking hate league of legends

also prepare for the game to have KBD

any kaisa mains

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Korean Backdash, a Tekken maneuver, but the LoL fighting game isn't going to have it

it's surprising that this was real, because it's risky for riot to make a competitive online game to compete with their competitive online game. they have to be confident that there is a market comprised of people invested in their characters, but not their game, who will also enjoy fighting games. this might be true, since they have probably lost a lot of former players over the years that might come back to try something new.

Man riot really went all in on the waifu game didn't they?

yeah it's a given that the game will have no depth

riot runs its own esports that are larger thant he fgc
they don't need you, but obviously they'll try to appeal to fgc

no one here is trying to sell you on league of legends
instead ask yourself why you have epic threads

Are they really competing against themselves if it's an entirely different genre? They probably feel more confident doing something new since their autochess game is doing well.

Always felt like some of the champs would fit better in an actual fighter instead of a shit moba.
How the fuck are they gonna make transition the supports characters tho.

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Fuck cross ups. It's literal platformer design.

Mainly because they get lots of (You)'s from salty reddit niggers. Barely anyone talked about Epic before reddit got all outraged about it for some reason.


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they are if the potential pool of players is largely contained within their current pool of players.
i've played league of legends, and i also have been playing fighting games since sf2. if i were a regular league player, then time that i spent playing their fighting game would come at the expense of league. purchases i made in their fighting game would come at the expense of some subset of purchases i made in league.
if i already don't play league of legends, but i play their fighting game, then it's additive. the question becomes how large this second group of people is. it could be substantial, since i'm sure league has suffered attrition over the years. it might also not be, because those people don't necessarily like fighting games or care about teemo anymore.
mechnically, this game will be simpler than any fighting game currently on the market, so the big draw should be familiarity with league's characters.

Wait they made a chocolate goddess that doesn't look like a total tumblr reject?

If they implement an assist system like marvel vs capcom, I could see them putting support characters there.

Pretty sure the og devs bail out of Riot.

This is their new game.

makes me want to play league again, i stopped sometime after pyke came out, how is it now

Were they not making a csgo competitor? What happened to that?

Try that on my Kled and Skarl

the same.

It will probably have like 5% of the roster at release, or less

think of all of the job security churning out league characters for the next ten years will provide.

>It's literal platformer design.
What on earth does this mean?

Plz don't fuck my wife up Riot

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This game BETTER have female yordles as playable characters.

even a broken character can be reforged into a useless one

>wanting Riot involved in the FGC
Lmao, they're going to bribe their ways to keep opposing games out of tournaments like they did with Dota.


They'll make their own battle circuit like Capcom has with SFV and they'll buy their way into EVO every year and that's it

But we knew they were going to make one.
When they bought out Rising Thunder years ago?

Is this summer time Yea Forums?

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>cant even make decent patches of current LoL
>makes fighting game
woah im very excited OP...

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this is the developer of fucking league of legends, of course its gonna be casual shit

Knowing Riot it's gonna be a Smash clone, I don't see them doing a traditional fighter.

The question is what took them so long. Rising Thunder was fun

The only interesting thing about League of Legends was a 10 second snippet of a few minute long video.

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No kidding.
The characters and concept was cool. Art style was nice as well. I miss tossing my disk :(

Kpop is shit
All their other cinematics were better

I just assumed the project was canned, remember this is the company that's been coasting on the success of one game for a decade while having nothing else.

All I liked was the outfits.

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>not playing the op shit
>not playing it's counters
>not getting gud

mad cuz bad

No one cares. Your LoL is a mishmash of designs that belong in other games. Its what happens when you hire DeviantArtists at random and toss it into a casual blender.

Unless they can find a way to make it a team based game where people can just blame their teammates for every mistake, it won't take off. That's the only reason DotA clones thrive. 1v1 is dead because the only person to blame when you lose is yourself.

Riven is almost 99% guaranteed to be a rekka character.
Scrubs can't play those.

>goddess that doesn't look like a total tumblr reject
Qiyana is literaly that tho..?
Shitty phone moba slut

The other day I watched some Youtube vids without adblock and noticed that League of Legends has some cool looking ads.what's the name of the studio that makes them?

>riot ighting thread
>every brainlet thinks riot fighters gonna have LOL characters
Absolute brainlets

Well I don’t suppose Graves can be a fighter if all he has is his shotgun?

If not, I’d buy this game in a heartbeat.

>Salt of fighting games
>Children and autism of Riot's core fanbase (Read: League of Legends)
HUGE fucking no thanks.

>riot not cashing in on the cow that is the League of Legends universe.
Absolute brainlet

Like. I’d would legit pay 80$ if it means I can play graves and he gets to keep his shotgun. They even gave him a skin where he looks like one of my 2 mains from Guilty Gear.

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We shall who is brainlet vtard

is that a gravy skin
why is that a gravy skin

don't worry she was made for this.literally

Based SNK

I want to fuck the 9 tailed fox


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Fuck Akali. Overloaded broken character.

I wish the game would be guilty gear xx + sf4 combined in technicality

Riven is pretty much Marth, she'll be fine.

They basically gave up in traditional design to approach more waifu loving idiots

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I question some of their decisions but you know how "broad" their kind of audience is.

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>traditional design
You mean shitty artwork

Why isn't Riot Games an ass man?

attention everyone, please i'd like to make an announcement *ting ting ting*

thank you for gathering here on this fine day and sparing me a moment to say FUCK WAIFU FAGS, FUCK LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, FUCK REDDITORS, FUCK NIGGERS, FUCK RIOT, FUCK /POL/ POSTERS, AND MOST OF ALL FUCK JANNIES.

thank you.

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It will probably be a Smash clone.

And I'm fine with that, Nintendo has a monopoly on the genre.

I remember seeing new Kayle and thinking it was shit. Got a comparison?

fuck off tranny


Will Riots fighter have wavedashing?

Shitty artwork is always a thing in games that keep being updated after many years.

The design is what changed in a lot of characters, you can see how a lot of the old designs feature heavy armor and a more medieval warcraft type settings while the new ones feel more pandering, like how they basically turned Taric into a hot anime guy or changed Kayle's armor into a motorcycle suit.

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Thanks. I hate it..

Stop. Just stop. The old artwork was terrible, and severely needed an update. See the post i originally quoted, poppy was a fucking abortion. Old tarics face was cancer. Old kayle was fine, it didnt need to be updated. The nigger i quoted seemed like xe was saying old poppys artwork was better than new poppy. Most people dont find hamsters attractive so i doubt they were trying to create a waifu with the new poppy design. Most of the old art was shit, we all know it.

T. Old tryndameres left arm.

>Most people dont find hamsters attractive so i doubt they were trying to create a waifu with the new poppy design
But people love fucking yordles.

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Yeah, 10 degenerates out of the whole fanbase

Pic related old good new bad

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Nu-Kayle is fucking shit compared to Old Kayle
I actually like Nu-Morg outside of ther big titty goth design because it's at least slightly better than "generic pale demon/angel girl in a metal bra"


Do not get too excited for this game. Ed Ma is a lead designer who also dssigned PlayStation All-Stars and For Gonor's fighting systems. The game will be crap

He's in

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rising thunder sucked ass so if it's just going to be that but reskinned, I'll pass. I'm admitted in seeing what characters they bring to it, probably 90% waifu which ought to be funny.

maybe they'll mix it up with some BMUP and/or moba elements. I hope they do something interesting at least.

Nah that's just less new, old is the original.

first of all you're retarded

2nd of all, people who play fighting games are completely different from people who play mobas
from a business standpoint its them diversifying their assets
its not them splitting their revenue, its them adding onto it

if its any good that is

Aren't those the devs of that mediocre "let's casualize the inputs" robot fighting game?

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God I can't wait.

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>only 10
I'm not into Yordles, but you are quite optimistic if you think only 10 niggas are out here beating off to Yordles. The amount of people that beat off to Yordles could warrant it's own community, fo'shizzle.


There is a difference between thinking that they will make a fighting game since 2016 and a news announcing a fighting game in development in 2019, fucking retard.

>league of legends
>but not a shitty moba
>but its fighting
>can only just stand to play fighting games
this good news over all

especially when riot were going to make a card game, but then didn't expecting riot to release things is a fool's bet.

Free to play is the worst case scenario. Ship out a real fighter just with League characters please.

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people who always say that it's a shame X character is in a MOBA now have games to play


This is your EVO 2020 LoL versus champion. Say something nice about him.

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Can I main best girl? Is it even going to be a LoL fighter?

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It was assumed they bought it to try but the fact that it was so long ago, people thought the idea was canned and it was buried. Its nice to know that the project is real and alive even if its far away

He will go back to NRS kusoge like he always do.

this is a hard pass

I really hope muh waifu Ahri makes the cut

Jinx and Ahri will obviously be in if it's a LoL fighter.

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I'd take Cygames over Riot. Both are making baby games and will want it to be a huge eat sport. But Cygames at least seems to like fighters going off just how many references and crossover events they have done. Riot are just bloodsuckers, I can't see them bringing anything positive with them.

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What a faggy video. That pajeet sounding baby sucks at fighting games. Imagine losing to fucking basic fundamentals like cr. K > Fireball or jumping in and getting hit with SRK > Sweep. lmfao

It’s the most brain dead scrub fightan ever. That’s why it died so quickly.

Quite a secondary compare to mobas.

>ninja theory
>fighting game
Are you fucking serious retard? They only make cinematic brainfart action games.

theyll get the casual crowd for sure, but that wont ensure longevity

So did anything come out of this all evening or have you fags been posting softcore porn the entire night?


This looks like Academy Graves skin. Is there such a skin?!

post your NEVER EVER

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It worked pretty well for leeg.

>you counter picked your opponent and you aren't following the meta

if its good and does something to standout it'll find its audience
i mean Under Night was typically lumped with your "anime fighter" but it built a respectable following in the FGC

but they got the fucking Rising Thunder guys to make this?
should have gotten the Fighting EX Layer or Killer Instinct guys. maybe then you would have gotten people who have an idea of what they're doing

different genre, different circumstance around its creation

>top tier color palette
>absolute trash tier hair style, clothes and weapon
Back to Riven for my caramel skinned, white haired waifu needs.

Poppy's getting ready for her fighting game debut!

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>aka6 picture
>girl doesn't have a dick and isn't getting her asshole destroyed

Fucking end yourself my man

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Didn't they buy a fighting game dev? Wasn't it rising thunder's dev team?

Rising thunder had 3 attack buttons and a dedicated crossup button, which you could use to fake jump in attacks

The fannypacking image with Ahri that he did is top tier

This one?

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...yes, thank you for your sacrifice user, i did not mean for you to post it

cope harder

huge how? no way a fighting game can draw in the same crowds as everything else.

does she get naked, before i look it up

I know I'm going to be disappointed. Riot can't help but fuck up everything they're involved in, and Rising Thunder was okay at best and hella slow and basic.
But then I think about the potential for stuff like Poppy wall stick combos and despite my best efforts a tiny ember of hope flares up

You have no excuse, Yea Forums.
Bully the fuck out of people

Wanna see gameplay before i judge.
But it'll probably be casual trash.

Good, hope theirs equalizing mechanics to help bridge the gap between newer players and older ones, as it should be

>hope theirs equalizing mechanics to help bridge the gap between newer players and older ones
Like that ever works

>it doesnt work if i dont like it
Sydney sleeper set worked just fine in team fortress 2 :^)

Meant for

If Poppy is not in I will riot at Riot

Funny enough I said that about Poppy just yesterday

Unless it's like Smash, it's not gonna last long with casuals.

Yeah but where's that Brawl mod they made.

Looking forward to the porn once the models are ripped.

>still no good sfm of them

As someone who has never touched an ASSFAGGOTS game but has been playing fighting games since Street Fighter 2 I'm looking forward to picking the most annoying character and curbstomping zoomer cumskulls playing for their waifus

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Just so we're clear, they are developing a fighting game, not a LoL fighting game. At least, not that we know, might be an original product. Control the hype.

he deleted everything after that video went viral


I just want to play as Kayne or Akali. No way this shit could be good though. They would need to take some very heavy inspiration from japan if they want it to be good and fun.

Riot owns GGPO. in fact they might even have a better version considering the canon bros work there.

costumes are gonna make up the bulk of the monotization and making the infrastructure for that comes first. don;t forget this is gonna be the first F2P fighting game that evolves over years and years. adding to the roster constantly.

>don;t forget this is gonna be the first F2P fighting game that evolves over years and years. adding to the roster constantly.
Brawlhalla already did that, and it made so much bank it got bought by Ubisoft. It's about time other corporations copied the formula.

>Doesn't finish Rising Thunder
>SURELY they'll finish this League fighter

Which K/DA girl would you fuck?

womanlets give birth to manlets

kaisa or eve