ITT: The greatest video game logos

ITT: The greatest video game logos

Attached: Q.jpg (630x630, 39K)


never played the games, but this logo is still really great.

You may not like his spinoff game. But you gotta admit.

Attached: symbol__shadow_the_hedgehog.jpg (250x312, 15K)

Attached: file.png (1024x1024, 95K)

Attached: product_myst_falling_poster_design_1024x1024.png (900x600, 115K)

I've always liked this one. Shame about the game though.

Attached: 300px-Black_&_White_Box.png (300x426, 18K)

Attached: Zone_of_the_Enders_Logo_by_zerocustom1989.png (3037x899, 136K)

I'll never see that logo as anything other than the emblem of Romania sticking a stake into the invading dogshit of Islam represented by the crescent moon.

I think the Hunt logo is so simple but clever. Has 2 cross for the Coop Play, has the up and down for the good and the bad in the game and on top of it it looks like a H

Attached: hunt.jpg (400x400, 14K)

Attached: b73cdf1cd2f3b6534d116a9ecd4de646643e729b.jpg (900x475, 33K)

Attached: gotcha.jpg (425x425, 29K)

>tfw have been waiting for Quake 5 for more than a decade only to have some laughs at retarded logo with nail replaced with V
>tfw this is never going to happen even if Quake gets sequel because everyone is scared shitless of non-confusing titles

Attached: 1558904563525.gif (671x673, 29K)

Attached: 11f4aac9d50733e5ad7bd1480d4fbba4.jpg (500x500, 20K)

Attached: 1556372616764.png (750x1000, 507K)

Attached: 1535224216066.png (423x350, 104K)

Logos are the stylized titles

hasn't quake been relegated to a hero shooter now
I wouldn't hold your breath

It's still arena shooter just with one extra ability button. It's broken and dead though.

black and white is great you cunt

Go to /vr/ and read the pastebin
Download and play Arcane Dimensions.

Seriously, I do not care for vanilla quake but Arcane Dimensions is amazing.