3x3 Thread?

3x3 Thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:


kys gamer

Finally, someone with actual taste.

>guy tries to discuss video games in a video game board
>telling him to kill himself because he's a gamer



That's a lot of pink user, you sure you not gay?

shut up c󠀀umbrain

degenerate virgin/10

Attached: 3x3 jul 2019.jpg (1500x1500, 957K)

Good taste in DaS user

I'm mad gay for cocks.


Please play more video games.

>fucking SMASH
>calling others virgin


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did they filter gamer

based smb3 location

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are you a tranny?

>Yoshi’s New Island

>calls user a virgin
>posts anime

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nah, the super nintendo version, am i using the wrong image?

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Yeah, that’s art for the shitty 3DS game.

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Ouch. How embarrassing. I'll change it immediately. Thanks user.

how do you have 0/10 and 10/10 in the same panel user

You're literally as bad as the OP, and he was shitposting with his 3x3. Please play more video games.

It's why you should name your games, so even if the art is wrong people know which game you mean.

Have you managed to make a cute girl with dark souls 2's character creator? Please making a recording showing how this is done, if it's possible.

Also I've never played a Senran game, between it and valkyrie drive which do you recommend?

Middle Row is the most solid.

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I guess you know what you like, I respect that.
Most generic boring person on this board most likely. Your taste isn't taste, it's company fed indoctrination.
Developing tastes here, FF9 is way too terrible too be in a 3x3 though, fix that.
Mixed tastes, good stuff and bad stuff there, you a strange dude.
Best taste so far, good variety too

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Why is dark souls 2 surrounded by shit? you kuzoge lover.

>ds2 in the bottom
nice one user

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>dark souls 2

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A lot of people tell me this, but my taste is pretty limited desu.

>Implying I'm a virgin
Smash gets you mad sex, dude

2/2, +SMB3 +PM, not sure which Zelda game you mean.



>hollow knight
>hollow knight
>fucking FF VII
>not generic

1/1, just KHII

>ff9 is way too terrible to be in a 3x3
all of your games are

>not sure which zelda game you mean
the best one

DS2 is unironically the best one

I'd be disappointed if this is a joke image, this is among the best taste I've seen in one of these threads

That's a good 3x3. Don't know what DS2 is though.

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Twilight Princess?


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Is that sakura taisen 2? Which version of it is best?

Why is DS2 in there though?

Yup it's Sakura Taisen 2, and yes it is mostly seen as the best episode of the series. Better battles than in the first one, and better squad than in 3 and 5 (4 being not really a full-fledged game).

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DS2 has the lewdest armor in the franchise, the desert pyromancer

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Pretty good except for SV

help me out

>soul sacrifice delta

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>Smash WiiU

Brave choice. Honestly think it's plays better than Ultimate.

gross, try again

++Half-Life 2
++Age of Empires II, TF2
+++GTA: Vice City

Also, I just made a top 25. Should I post that here, too?

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Might as well post mine.

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yeah I'm weird

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these are all perfectly reasonable games

Based spongebro

I see that you, like myself, are a man of culture.

here's mine

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Is everyone manually making these or is there a generator?

this but completely unironically true


I manually created mine with an art program so it was easy

no offense user but you're kinda basic
>resonance of fate
you're a good person
>bloodryane betrayal
really? you're alright desu

Attached: 3x3 proper edition.jpg (920x920, 357K)

Lost Planet 2? You've got good taste and my respect.

Why? Everything I've heard about Panty Party was disappointing, Bullet Girls looks terrible, and DoAX3 is apparently the worst version in the series. And Shinovi Versus gets very dull once you clear the main story.

I've heard that Valkyrie Drive has a decent combat system if you aren't disappointed with the lack of characters compared to the anime, and Gal Gun is fun if easy with a mouse. However, you've not actually played any of those games, have you?

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there is nothing like fighting a giant sandworm with a railway gun with friends

until a game can compete with this feeling along, it can never come close to LP2's legacy

best thing with LP2 was getting four 360s together and doing system link campaign

the real best thing about LP2 is how much fun and goofy shit is hidden in co-op
like the gattai VSes and the special weapon special attacks


>Space Harrier
>Metal Slug

Impeccable taste my friend

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pls no bully

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FFXIII is a placeholder, although I genuinely like the game as an 8 hour movie on youtube
I've played a lot of games, but there's very few I'd actually call favorites. Some of these, like Nier, I'm not even sure deserve to be on my 3x3, but MNOG, MP3, and Halo 3 are all top tier to me.
A man of taste and culture
Not personally a fan of any of these games, but I respect your taste
Love Paper Mario
I like you, simply because I see you every thread (pls don't feel bullied about liking Valve games, I don't like them, but stand up for your tastes)
Like those RTSs
Had a lot of fun with modded FTL, but haven't played a lot of those games. I respect Ico
Some pretty rare and refined taste here
This is pretty cute and funny
Wish I stuck with RoF. I love the artstyle for some reason. Love Gravity Rush
Haven't played many of these, but love Ace combat. Respect/know of a lot of these games
I see you every thread too, big brained poster
Love Tony Hawk games
Cuhrayzee boi heheh
Klonoa is fucking great. Considered putting it on mine
I don't get why people shit on Halo so much. Even 8/v/ sees its a good series
Haven't played any of these, but want to get into Lost Planet games
Nice shooty games

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Really hard to narrow it down to 9x9. There's probably about 20 or so other games I'd like to add as GOATs

best ITT so far

props for Soul Sacrifice
good taste. Crystal Chronices was fun if you had all the gear for multiplayer

based, but why Spongebob?

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>people took the bait
son's i am dissapoint
based dkc, cringe mario 3 and soulless paper mario
>Yea Forums image name
atleast change the name if you want to bait

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>Bionicle and Sin and Punishment
Top tier shit user.

>Gal*Gun 2 instead of Double Peace

>no spongebob the move the game

There's literally nothing wrong with the Mystery Dungeon spinoffs of Pokemon.

ill give it a lol

why not just play shiren, or does it have to be poke related

Kingdom Hearts is a mess and I don't like Sonic very much
This is offensive
You god damn philistines always play Medieval 2, but not the far superior first one
Patrician taste
Not a fan of GTA, but at least Vice City was one of the better ones before the franchise died
WiiSports bro
Bionicle and WiiSports is highly patrician, but Nier:Automata is anti-patrician so I am neutral on your choices

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Because it's actually better? The gameplay is essentially the same but the OST and especially the production value is better. Nothing stops you from playing both, which you will do anyway if you a fan of the genre.

what do you have against mario 3 man

1/1 I hope this is a troll






1/1 very original

6/6 spectacular taste






5/6 nice taste

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>which you will do anyway if you a fan of the genre.
pass. Next stop one way heroics.

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I bought Moero Chronicle H the day it came out on Switch for the memes but I actually started playing it the other day and really quite enjoy it.

Feel free to skip Shiren, but I wouldn't skip Mystery Dungeon Sky if I were you.

why my peepee harrd

>why not just play X??
I played Shiren and I played PMD too, what a retarded attempt at an argument.

The OP is unironically more interesting to be honest, even if it wasn't bait.

Don't worry, I never planned to touch it to begin with. I grew out of the pokemon aesthetics by 3rd grade.

I hope you play it maybe 10 years from now and realize how retarded your excuse was to put if off. Until then, your loss.

What led Yea Forums to not like Nier Automata? Is it because it's a waifu game and China doesn't like those? Is it because it sold well? Yea Forums loved it for at least a year after its release.
I think everything about the game is great, but just because it's so new I'm torn about having it on my 3x3 ... it hasn't stood the test of time yet.
...But Yea Forums is also butt fucking retarded when it comes to people liking anything remotely popular, even if it's objectively good.

Mario world blows it out of the water

2/2, interesting chart and seeing eichhof is hilarious
6/6, I like that you've gone so contrarian you've gone back around and eaten yourself like a
ouroboros by putting oregon trail/, minecraft and wii sports on yours, I admire that
6/10, it's okay. you'd probably like parasite eve, play it
6/6, good play front mission, you'd love them
3/5, is the bionicle flash game there because you have nostalgia for it?

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There's nothing contrarian about good games. Oregon Trail is a classic.

I genuinely like the Bionicle flash game.

I know, it's why I gave him a 6/6, pong is also a classic, as is asteroids and zork. but can putting them on your 3x3 make you "contrarian"? I'd argue yes

why is that? sell me on it, I like bionicle so is it worth playing as a casual bionicle fan?

I was considering Tempest as well, but I haven't played enough of it.

Attached: Tempest_arcade.png (222x287, 38K)

Different user here. You get to explore the different villages on the island, there are a lot of varied minigames to do, the lore is really awesome and it has a good atmosphere.

Here's a link to the game:
And if you poke around on this site you can download it too

It's just great man. Whether or not you like it might depend on what era of Bionicle you liked. The game is based on the first wave Bionicles and the Bohrok; but if you liked those, it's a must play. It's incredibly comfy and the art is quality for a flash game.

Now that I think about it, Tempest is definitely better than Pokemon.

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thank you both, and thanks for the link, I'll check it out tonight and enjoy the comfy flash visuals.


Godspeed, Bionicle bro

>based, but why Spongebob?
some of his games are really good

>getting bullied into changing your favorites

>getting bullied
What are you talking about? Nobody has mentioned Pokemon, and I brought up Tempest myself.

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Dangerous levels of autism, careful to not become a tranny or furfaggot.

>he bullied himself

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You can't bully yourself, neger

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This man is too powerful He must be stopped

I remember enjoying MediEvil but I don't remember anything about the game.

Me on the left behind the pole

Just noticed there's 2 threads up. Fug.
3/3 (Sonic Advance, Smash, SMB3)
5/6 (+Yoshi +PM +DKC2 +RCT +SMB3 -FFIX)
3/3 (DMC, GnG, P4U)
5/5 (Wii Sports, Dig Dug, SM64, Crazy Taxi, Vice City)
5/5 (NGB, DMC3, Bayo, X4, Revengeance); we don't overlap with our action games but we have similar taste. X5 > X4 IMO
3/3 (Lost Planet 2, Emerald, Dragon's Dogma)
3/4 (+SF64 +Outrun +NMH -Space Harrier); I'm an Afterburner guy, SH does little for me. No offense.
1/1 (Punisher); I'd like to know about 2Spicy, PIGOUT, and Magic Sword.
2/2 (X4, Medevil)

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Bump faggots

There's 2 threads, just let it die.

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Klonoa is kino, good taste

Please give me the reasoning behind Taboo The Sixth Sense being one of your favorite games, I'm not joking

fortune telling is fun

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I find it to be a therapeutic process desu senpai, all about what you can personally relate from the vague tidbits it spits out. Having it on my grid is like an affirmation to myself of something I want to actively learn more about.

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I got a Thoth deck on my coffee table. Useful.

I did grab a deck because of this, but haven't messed with it much yet. Instead I downloaded a mass of decks and cross reference what I get in taboo with a different theme every now and then.

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Sorry for party rockin'

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Fucking gamers

Based sunshine and colors faggot

Gamers, amirite?

He cannot be stopped

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Weak bait

played both Dungeon Keepers?
which one is better?

I skip out on a lot of my favorites because I know they're likely better represented elsewhere anyway.

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huh wha?

good question.

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persona 4, good man

dead island is purely nostalgia, loved that shit when i was younger

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