Prepare for the Switch to sell 200+ million units and become the best selling console of all time

Prepare for the Switch to sell 200+ million units and become the best selling console of all time.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-02 at 3.04.30 PM.png (1912x1424, 1.44M)

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Chinks love Microsoft, doesn't mean Xbox One is selling 100M units.

>buying jap shit

lol no

I doubt it
But this is really bad for nintendo they will make their games more censored now from the get go so they can sell them in china

>21 century
pick 2 max

Attached: 070.png (633x874, 75K)

Tencent is making their own separate localizations for the Chinese versions of the games specifically so Nintendo can avoid censoring the other regions.

>Mario will be on the Epic store front in your lifetime

no it won't user

If thats true thats a relief, we will see I guess
I cant believe nips are losing their honor and selling to the chinks now though

Nintendo sold 90 million more consoles than Sony during the 7th generation, and will most likely outsell them by 50 million or more this generation.


cope. Nintendo's stock is going to EXPLODE if it releases in china.


What am I looking at here?

I dont get it they are just photos of a switch guts?

Are you stupid? No handheld or console will ever reach the highs of a PS2 or DS ever again.

how is this information in any way damaging? If anyone wanted to steal tech they'd just open up the switch themselves, there's literally nothing in those docs that's secret.

>trusting tencent

Are you retarded? It's just a teardown photo of Switch Lite and Switch 2019 with the new Mariko SoC

tencent's own announcement said that they will handle localizations and even will take care of the online services in china, will even have Tencent's messaging and payment system put into the chinese versions of the switch

Start to think when you're around the Chinks

they act just like every other chinese company, but gamers are only used to seeing Tencent since they don't know do any other activity that would have them see other chinese companies.

Does that mean chinese players stay isolated behind the wall and can only play each other? Fuck yes

What can they possibly censor from Nintendo games? Their games are as clean as they come.


around chinks, hide your blueprints

>buying shit

I find it funny that if a meme spread far and wide that xi looks like a mario character the mario games would get banned in china

Based Nintendo selling out to Chyna.

It really wouldn’t.

Attached: AD6B95BB-8E17-4523-AB6C-380EB2813B0E.jpg (2048x1536, 309K)

Doubtful. Pooh is fat lazy bear while Mario is a plumber/doctor/savior/construction worker/etc. Mario can be seen as a champion of the working class. He gets shit done. Who wouldn't want to be associated with him?

you'd have to find a scenario where the comparison would be able to be made. the pooh stuff happened because you had the easy comparison with Obama and him being Tigger and Pooh. But I don't know if there's a recent example of Xi that would be easily comparable to a mario character.

Attached: _96969502_78b75efc-37fe-449f-944e-0fa30805a597.jpg (660x371, 47K)

Better start meming, I guess. SoCa9901945f4f.jpg

>wears red clothes and overalls, always red, always ready to work
>not afraid to get his hands dirty, goes down pipes every day even though he doesn’t need to
>spits fire at and stomps slow moving, non-threatening enemies like it’s 1989
>takes everyone’s money to build his own shit
Really, Peach is the only problem here.

Chinks will buy any cheap plastic crap you give them if you push it hard enough.

Tiananmen Square, Winnie the Pooh, Super Mario