make another fucking game.
Make another fucking game
no thanks
>makes battle royale game that barely works and shits all over the HL world
but user they made artifact
>makes another card game
Want some more hats?
Gabe.... Is money so much better than HL3?
>makes another dota/portal 2 spin-off
With how much money and time Valve is dumping into VR research you can bet their next games are all going to be in VR
I fucking hate Valve, I hope Gabe gets cancer. A game dev that don't develop video games deserves to die in a fire.
VR are not video games.
>wanting nu-valve to make another game
enjoy your half-life card game
I fucking hate valve cucks who defend Steam despite them surviving off percent cuts, microtransactions and not making a new game for over a decade. God fucking damn it, I'm tired of only multiplats being playable on PC. I want some actual good games from old Blizzard or old Valve, not some garbage like League of Legends, Knights and Horses 2 or Field of Tanks.
What the next genre could they possible ruin?
Fuck Valve.
C' something.
Neck yourself valve drone
I don’t want to flail my arms around in a room like a retard I want a good traditional game.
If TF3 is not made by the same artists who put tender love and care into the world like TF2 I will rage.
But user what about Dota underlords and Artifact? :^)
fact: you will never stop saying that because you literally can not accept anything they make anyway.
No. Modern Valve couldn't make a good game and you know it, I know it, we all know it. What they SHOULD do, is sell off their IPs to a company that will actually take care of them. My only issue is, who could do that today? Everyone would butcher the series and pump out games for a cashgrab. Valve knows what they have, and they're waiting to hand it to someone who can prove themselves. I'm willing to bet they'd hand it over to the Crowbar Collective, before even considering anybody else.
Not video games. They're more akin to glorified cookie clicker clones.
It will be awful.
What if it's better?
>mfw if they were to make another game it would most likely just be Portal 3 because that's the easiest shit they can churn putting in the LEAST possible amount of effort while turning a massive profit
You really think they care to make HL3 or Episode 3?
I would honestly be ok with just a battle royale mode for tf2
They've released three games in the past three years, and have at least one more coming still this year (maybe two). CS:GOs 'Danger Zone' mode is practically a whole new game, as well.
None of these are genuine video games.
Don't make me remember Danger Zone. Too much needed to be fixed and they decide to do that
>thinking Valve can even make a passable games since all their good devs left
Why don't they just let Gearbox make HL3 for them?
>Wanting another Colonial Marines fiasco
newsflash: HL is mediocre, stop crying about it
Fuck off Gabe and die in a fire.
>valve haven't released a real video game since Portal 2
I'm glad. Single players are good for 20 hours, while fake video games are good for thousands
I genuinely love that this is what the anti-fanboys have come to.
Danger Zone is the only good thing to have ever come out of Counter Strike. Being built on top of CS:GO is its one critical flaw.