Chen is still Yea Forums's favorite 2hu right ?

Attached: chen.jpg (483x512, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's Reimu now because Smashfag secondaries ruin everything.

Attached: 1561906404481.png (800x600, 22K)

Inferior jew sister

Chen will always be Yea Forumss 2hu.

Attached: 3.png (600x600, 288K)

>implying it's not the CBT queen

Attached: 1536430969850.png (560x560, 169K)

On the computer!

Attached: Chen Harsh Very Large.png (4000x3530, 72K)

bootleg mokou

Is there a 2hu for glasses girl enthusiasts? Asking for a friend.

I like her mom better

Attached: ran_41.png (1240x1748, 1.42M)

Attached: cirNO.jpg (436x348, 52K)

there is a 2hu for almost all tastes user!

Attached: Th145Sumireko.png (640x720, 320K)

Being cool and drinking!

Attached: chenshades.jpg (1280x964, 161K)

Zun's daughter

Attached: triple dong cheese borgar.png (762x1204, 1.32M)

They all look cute in glasses

Attached: nazrin_93.jpg (1134x2129, 238K)

Damn right

Attached: 1365896926813.jpg (413x550, 56K)

no, but she's plenty fun for a dead computer

Attached: 1345466193584.jpg (347x290, 52K)

good thread

Attached: chenhi.jpg (544x448, 32K)

Chen is pretty cool

Attached: chen_3.jpg (735x900, 112K)

For me, it's Tenshi

Attached: 1563491753082.png (862x600, 469K)

Flan Flan

Attached: flan flan.gif (384x509, 170K)

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does anyone even actually remember her name
I'm pretty sure we all just call her poorfag

It's wriggle.

Attached: 39100266_p0.jpg (750x700, 133K)

imagine the SMELL

Attached: SNIFF.png (838x408, 287K)

talk. about. video. games.

Attached: ANGRY.png (445x334, 269K)

Cute boy

Attached: Grab the Boy.jpg (675x1024, 149K)

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Of course not.

Attached: I am the fucking strong.png (857x1200, 405K)

Attached: 1361836250844.jpg (685x638, 60K)

We are talking about video game characters, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Attached: smugchen.png (420x247, 63K)

Attached: yakumo_1.gif (600x600, 529K)

How the hell do you 1 CC LoLK

how about i rape you bloody. time for your dirt nap, bitch.

You don’t

Attached: 1366544543939.png (1024x768, 545K)

>talking about video game characters
No, you're not. Half the posts in this thread are just images. It's an image dump thread like every other touhou thread on this board.

Even granting that, that's a fucking terribly low bar for discussion. I guess Sargon of Akkad is videogames now because some fag made a fangame for him and he's a character in it.

You pick the overpowered bunny. That's it. No wonder she's the main character of that game.

Hail Mokou, destroyer of Lunarians

Attached: 1559782123519.png (566x862, 813K)

No, but I still have Chen pics ready for the occasion

Attached: __chen_touhou_drawn_by_mizuga__25eb17be90d57c929ff8d4c861270cce.png (1800x2100, 2.45M)

Ahem, FUCK lunarians!

Attached: 18416514564.png (1600x2447, 2.53M)

Pick Sanae or Reisen

Attached: 3ospx3c9yh421.jpg (2493x3488, 483K)

Check out this fag.

Attached: ChronomancersAreTheBestFucks.jpg (593x1494, 254K)

Attached: 1536668826819.jpg (600x425, 148K)

Honestly i'm more of a Cirno man myself

Attached: 1561970112997.jpg (900x1200, 521K)

Attached: 1502661408563.png (389x468, 148K)

Attached: 1338535563774.jpg (386x530, 65K)

not anymore

Attached: 1564708296222.jpg (442x677, 265K)

Attached: chen_5.jpg (1000x1132, 274K)

i can't belive mokou got topped by a LUNARIAN

Attached: 1564702706606.jpg (2200x2219, 1.34M)

I'm thinking Tewi.

Mokaguya fags need to die
Mokeine is the true canon pairing and no secondary shitposting will change it

I'm thinking Tewi's genitals

Attached: Suprise.jpg (400x1202, 124K)


Attached: 1543703076217.png (1447x2039, 2.23M)

Chen is cute. CUTE.

Attached: 391ffc3a7ee0f2943f5631bef4a863a0.gif (547x794, 34K)

Attached: 1551548363236.png (1024x1300, 1.16M)

>all of these lewds
>instead of memes
step it up

Attached: 1263540061038.png (400x1135, 197K)

Attached: chen_swim1.jpg (800x1296, 129K)

Pretty sure they just know Reimu's most likely, I doubt she'd overtake Chen here.
For me, it's Suika.

Attached: 244197f168230028435c1e43d59ef07e.jpg (1000x1402, 111K)

Attached: 4fa9c8f0.png (242x256, 110K)

Attached: Patchouli is a cuck.png (573x647, 392K)

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Momiji is about as much of a character as the giant glowing ball of light right before fighting Byakuren in UFO. Not a single line of dialogue, spellcard, nor a portrait. She might as well just be a nameless Tengu. You can cry all you want but she is entirely made of fan culture and nothing else, just like Koakuma.

what was her name again?

Attached: 1496961610806.jpg (1000x894, 157K)

>the giant glowing ball of light right before fighting Byakuren in UFO
But that's a character. With two game appearances.
You did pay attention to the dialogue right?

>Talks about every touhou thread is image thread
>A see a thread, actually a image one.
I hate ignorants like you, the true reason why the world is shit is because the fucking ignorancy and hypcritcy.

Attached: here chen!.jpg (949x1024, 110K)

Attached: 1365896415461.jpg (300x902, 99K)

We need to hire her for a better offense

Attached: 1527887173626.png (522x580, 232K)

Attached: 1492243181047.jpg (451x558, 82K)

Chen! Don't play with your food!

Attached: nazrin_45.jpg (1920x1440, 593K)

She does at least have her own article in Symposium of Post-mysticism

But user this is a gamer thread.

Wait lads, I think there's something wrong with this Chen, I just can't quite place it.

Attached: 1556072185267.jpg (1280x1790, 292K)

just talk about video games instead of spamming hentai. it's not hard.

Attached: 1353708042791.jpg (400x1168, 276K)

I've masterbated too much to this

I think the guys trap stuff is better.

>A thread about characters in a video game franchise

>the giant glowing ball of light right before fighting Byakuren in UFO
>Not a single line of dialogue, spellcard, nor a portrait
oh user

nigga u gay

Wanting Reimu in Smash doesn't mean she's their favorite necessarily, just that she's the only 2hu that would stand a chance getting in

If Chen is so great then why is she still a slave?

>When your favourite touhou has almost no art

Attached: Kagerou touhou.jpg (500x739, 87K)

Attached: 1535061489720.gif (620x620, 1.37M)

one would think Catgirls would be more popular

Is this what comedy looks like after it's been folded 1000 times? I don't get it.

What are you smoking
Kagerou has shitloads of art and plenty of dedicated artists, she's easily the most popular char out of DDC.

>almost no art
>5300 results on danbooru

The classic

Attached: 1236133508497.png (400x1178, 160K)

Attached: 1544426741167.jpg (600x503, 66K)

dumping hentai is not video game discussion. don't be disingenuous, you little bitch.

It's a thing to knock on watermelons. If they sound hollow it suggests they're ripe.

>any of the dogs
>no art
fuck you nigger, MY favorite has no art, consider your several thousand images, and dozens of doujins and fuck off

Attached: __sariel_touhou_pc_98_and_etc_drawn_by_speckticuls__3ea5b0b76deeccc0c7a145d555714e8a.png (1400x1050, 131K)

Not sure if this negro here is baiting or legitimately a 15 year old who found Yea Forums from reddit

shes a dude in this one

>tfw you posted the wrong image

Attached: 1342967213911.png (300x902, 130K)

Attached: 1511815049446.jpg (384x448, 49K)

Attached: 1546200391602.jpg (1200x1725, 550K)

Wait what??? I noticed she was flat chested but she got the pussy, right?

Attached: bukkit.png (400x1202, 259K)

Attached: f1ddb35f2749491749259e3c722a6b0f.png (400x1203, 172K)

holy shit chen is awesome!

This is my favourite for some reason. I don't know why but it just gets to me.

Attached: 1345466949736.jpg (1705x2034, 836K)

Attached: 1520913548615.jpg (500x408, 63K)

Only I, the true husband of Alice(MY very cute wife), am able to experience the act of of sex for the sole purpose of procreation with MY cute wife Alice(MY very cute wife). Therefore, any other individuals who claim that Alice(MY very cute wife) is their wife in this thread is obviously lying and therefore his/her claim will be made invalid since Alice(MY very cute wife) is obviously MY wife.

Attached: file.png (280x280, 149K)

You got a license for that boomstick?

Attached: 1381826341579.gif (264x224, 67K)

ok marisa, go back to stealing stuff

Attached: 1563607295858.png (259x219, 101K)

Attached: efb.jpg (864x730, 183K)

My favorite 2ho is Cirno because she's easiest to molest

Attached: 1563629517586.jpg (1500x1388, 478K)

No Chen, stop!

Attached: 1557836318292.jpg (300x442, 47K)

your wife is Marisa's mating press slave dude


I keep the AC off so cirno has to run around topless in my house!

Attached: 0D532C2D-33ED-4515-AA57-20B59C7A077E.jpg (1066x1165, 200K)

Good thread

Attached: comfy chen.png (426x364, 29K)

>t. patchouli

Attached: cuck2.png (274x286, 117K)

somebody post the chart

Here's some real 4d humor for you.

Attached: 1353705054912.jpg (800x1130, 347K)

Based user.

Attached: mokou no.jpg (460x339, 54K)

WBaWC soon fellow anons hope you fags actually play touhou

I can't even beat EoSD

Attached: 187882f8c22cfe4184c3ee04982c8ffd.png (300x902, 97K)

>t. Alice

Attached: 1547672148474.png (1472x6354, 3.94M)

Attached: 1558206762299.jpg (1920x1051, 530K)

mion is better

Attached: 1353705519209.jpg (400x1170, 101K)

Attached: 1366544654309.jpg (774x1000, 259K)

Attached: __chen_hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_yakumo_ran_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_profitshame__sampl (850x1009, 1.54M)


Gb2 to reddit, you faggots.

Attached: m8q2dgwhAx1rr0fwjo1_1280.jpg (800x600, 914K)

I love Yakumo Ran

Attached: 74865134_p0.png (812x1040, 730K)

Attached: __chen_yakumo_ran_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_yukizen__531e69f7d8d1c6f6ae2ed026a7db61ec.jpg (537x893, 320K)

>You’ll never be in a yuri relationship with a cute daughter

Attached: (1100x1300, 1.49M)

Attached: m6idklwJcy1qhzz9ho1_1280.jpg (550x550, 313K)

Attached: 1353705633791.png (400x1170, 96K)

She's great.

Attached: m5nzjj6C9g1rxop2so1_1280.jpg (600x750, 101K)

how did yukari get back to tanuki? her word's first kana should be ă‚ł, right?

>Why yes, I do collect Fumos, how could you tell?

Attached: 54.png (687x768, 196K)

Because you look like you're 100% homosexual

>implying there is any degree of control

Attached: 48c51bebfcd882e33c30a8c5ee6a11cc.jpg (300x893, 90K)

Attached: 1346519393168.jpg (691x1023, 244K)

Attached: ran_34.jpg (900x1026, 130K)

Attached: 1541973729248.jpg (850x820, 165K)

Chen looks a little different there


>Peso made two new doujins.
>Sadpanda dies, hope lost.
>But then sadpanda revived.
Thicc Nazrin and Youmu here I go!

>Open thread and try to post
>Duplicate File Error

Attached: 1534993446500.jpg (550x761, 49K)

i still dont get it, what game made kaguya look like this ?

Why do you fags have to force this shit in every thread

>TWO spacejin posters

Attached: remi.png (600x550, 34K)

Because it's funny and I like the art.

Attached: 1534732985180.jpg (700x800, 73K)

Attached: 1557610339542.png (1280x960, 1.33M)

I need more, for research purposes

Attached: Joon.gif (286x281, 34K)

Attached: Doremy dab.png (350x374, 8K)

chen the accomplice

Attached: prank call.png (800x2373, 1.39M)

fuck off alice

Attached: 64050568_p0.png (1500x500, 323K)

Dude just take Eirin's dubious drugs lmao

Attached: buff patchy.jpg (317x700, 53K)

Attached: 1557491407921.png (190x184, 7K)

Attached: 1488824555441.webm (800x600, 744K)

she's cool

Attached: 1428677442942.png (221x221, 46K)

What the FUCK was ZUN thinking when he made Marisa's spellcards in Double Spoiler? I'm about to kill myself very painfully.

Attached: Th125SC095.jpg (384x448, 176K)

Ran was cute too when she was young

Attached: ran_11.png (877x620, 452K)

Ran is a slut for fried tofu

Attached: 1515172009_Yukari_playing_with_Chen.gif (1024x728, 1.67M)

How many you got faggot? I have eight.

She didn't get back to tanuki, she interrupted the game with her interjection. Since Ran (kitsune) said kitsune and Chen (neko) followed up with neko, following the pattern back could imply that Yukari is a tanuki.

So many of bkub's punchlines are non-sequiturs, it feels weird having to explain one of his logical jokes.

It's yummy and filling

Attached: ran_36.png (1229x1684, 1.94M)

wholesome thread

Momiji is the third most important midboss in canon after Tewi and Lily White

fuck, i'm retarded. thanks.

I don't have a favorite 2hu

Attached: e8f7bfb8d9ad1a8e491c757a19541389adf9c3193bfa1bd3b398c6cb778d3397.jpg (1819x1786, 507K)

I want to try playing 2hu. Where do I even begin?

It's ok, took me a minute too.

Attached: 1552327774768.jpg (1646x1457, 276K)


Attached: To the rescue.jpg (659x541, 410K)

Attached: 70842369_p1.png (1060x1060, 1001K)

Post more of this mommy Ran

Most of her spellcards are fine, "Oort Cloud" was quite easy



Attached: 1e1e2394ed27194f960b0413e009354a.jpg (1104x1400, 1009K)

6/EoSD is a good starting point if you find it too hard you can start with 7/PCB or 8/IN

Nice flat chest, dude

Attached: 0278c8a0516e20520f673c7c6f7464f307d1a0e964131f7a23be3409d57482cd.jpg (1024x1024, 647K)

Attached: hyyyedwjq5vz.jpg (875x717, 198K)

Hot Damn, Funky is still the best

we need more autistic gardener

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Attached: 1557537240543.png (979x1427, 827K)

That's a lot of nuts

Why didn't you go to her party Yea Forums?

Attached: 1503526234617.jpg (673x525, 51K)

im sorry yuuka

ah yes, embodiment of scarlet devil... those were the good old days *sips*

Attached: 1.jpg (420x448, 120K)

No, that's the frigg*n law.

Attached: shiki_eiki__black_version___objection__by_scooble_dapzccb (1).jpg (850x1100, 380K)

For me it's Shinmyoumaru

Attached: 1535716006581.jpg (667x702, 137K)


Attached: 1532646066443.gif (512x383, 256K)

I love Reisen!

Attached: DqWhqgyWwAEqNJ3.jpg (909x1200, 399K)

If she's the law how come she's so flat?

Attached: dbbed44e133b12c88e45b3a6be17366c.jpg (990x1290, 172K)

eh? it looked like a girl with a vagina in the one I just fapped to

6,7,8 are the easiest/most accessible, also 12.
I recommend 7, the border mechanic makes it very easy to get into if you haven't played a bullet hell game before.
still the best chen video

I love Marisa Kirisame so much I want to hug her and pick her up shes so cute!!!

Attached: 1538579107509.jpg (819x1200, 119K)

alice stop shitposting

Attached: 1557344739658.png (512x512, 198K)

how do they stay on if her ears are up there

Rubber band

>ZUN calls himself the head priest of the Hakurei Shrine
>made himself an official-looking Hakurei-Shrine's-Head-Priest seal to stamp things
>he calls his Touhou convention the Great Annual Hakurei Shrine Festival
I'm pretty sure Reimu is his daughter.



TWO spacejins
TWO testicles
TWO scoops
TWO terms
and a TWO at the end of this post

Attached: 05c4da426a8e97c8760c3e21874871e2.png (500x384, 74K)


ZUN probably should've thought that one through but I'm not sure he gave a fuck back then.

ZUN is fucking Japanese. A swastika isn't implicitly about nazis and alt-right hitlers in asia.

Attached: mx27yd[1].png (533x424, 76K)

stop posting hentai and discuss video games

Here comes some hardcore hentai right here, boi

Attached: e9dce6b1d36833d0d92ef997b10d6381.jpg (500x550, 116K)

Oh yea that's the good stuff

Attached: 1551684180569m.jpg (768x1024, 87K)

Attached: 1352593803575.jpg (300x881, 99K)

Attached: Affection.jpg (1000x844, 750K)

Then host dat PoFV bitchboy.

Have sex, Incel

Attached: 1555153611357.png (1469x2048, 1.81M)

>double spoiler out on steam
So is the tengu game worth ten bucks? That's a whole five bucks per tengu, it's a lot of bucks

Same, there's something admirable about a little fairy who claims to be the strongest. 9 was my favorite number for a little while with my autistic ass.

I like Momiji

Attached: 8a00314446bf47cd4f767905db38e96907f8f492.jpg (711x821, 75K)

Attached: Eternal_Girls-20.jpg (1124x1600, 387K)

Let's try some heavier shit

Attached: momiji_13.png (1962x2066, 3.62M)

Hold Hands, gamer

Attached: 1365896595082.jpg (400x1154, 131K)

Attached: momiji_26.jpg (578x678, 63K)

I'm going to drop this mouse ITT!

Attached: 70891592_p0.jpg (524x584, 176K)

>touhou still doesn't have mouse support
what did ZUN mean by this


Attached: nazrin_91.png (1100x1700, 725K)

Attached: 006E9198-EFBD-436B-93E2-C8A3B8B9BA89.gif (500x279, 330K)

this is my favorite mouse, thanks friend

Cute rat dude

Mouse girls are great. Why aren't there more of them?

Attached: nazrin_86.jpg (1536x2048, 312K)

Cool people.

Attached: 75823070_p0.jpg (661x911, 415K)

Not enough cheese in this world.

Attached: 74805215_p0.jpg (2894x4093, 2.03M)

Because god hates us all

Attached: 62cb43adf78135c21af4120968d73803.jpg (566x800, 101K)

Is the mousepad included?

Attached: 32043244_p0.png (1440x1080, 1.44M)


Attached: 9439759_p0.jpg (909x1100, 788K)

What are they looking at?

Attached: momiji_27.jpg (1800x1313, 1.55M)

Attached: 1414070590630.png (359x414, 150K)


Attached: 1346054514423.png (200x200, 39K)

Attached: 1353707105924.png (750x1095, 390K)

Hot dogs

Attached: 2hu_doggos.png (1323x945, 1.44M)

Attached: 1461329554733.png (1298x631, 105K)

Attached: Byakuren shitposts on Youtube.jpg (1298x1047, 273K)

Attached: fifty percent.png (580x1500, 504K)

Attached: Aunn doesn't know how to walk up escalators so her owner Reimu has to pick her up while they go (800x1200, 809K)

Funny dog

Attached: momiji_5.jpg (896x716, 242K)

She's in a band

Attached: 1360430768916.jpg (1024x768, 388K)


Cute thread

Attached: 31a5883d6f026641f12a11ca5ced4a06.jpg (1500x1125, 1.04M)

Now it is, since Futo has arrived

Attached: 6f2deb55da6ea33c4d7573d98e12419f.png (817x1091, 692K)

How would Yea Forums rate Ran's parenting of Chen on a scale from 1 to 10?

Oh, man. I miss the times when people posted this pic

Attached: you're pretty gutsy.png (247x363, 109K)


Chen isn't homeless, nor is she subjected to drug abuse. She's at least better off than most kids in my town.

How do the other kitsune feel about Yukari enslaving the strongest of their number? Isn't that like the equivalent of Junko traveling to the moon and kidnapping Chang'e?

the first one

Attached: the black cat of ill omen.png (1280x1579, 715K)

Attached: 1499477_674616619227801_1074551022_n.jpg (896x960, 106K)

>no Ran
>no Junko (her name is literally Pure Fox)

If Junko was pure fox then how come her husband left her?

user, all those you see on the pic are dogs


Attached: 1492692562227.jpg (1023x1246, 527K)

Attached: ac8b.jpg (398x1167, 230K)

kyouko isnt a dog, she's a yamabiko

>no Sakuya
I guess everyone finally forgot or milked dry all the dog and occasional cat metaphors going on there.

What did she mean by this?

Attached: 1365895920434.png (400x1199, 118K)

this is the only one you'll get

Attached: 1516748815724.jpg (1614x1000, 967K)

Jesus h christ, what can I do to improve things?

So let's take a look at the situation at hand
>We have a population of 6 objects
>Of these 6 objects, three are "winners"
>Chen selects a sample of 2 objects at random
>She does so without putting the objects back into the general population after selection
>what is the population that she randomly draws two "winners" in this option

So this is a textbook application of the hypergeometric distribution, which describes the odds of randomly drawing "k" winners within a sample of "n" objects, drawn from a population of N objects having a total of K winners, with the drawing being done without replacement

P(X=k) = [(K choose k) ((N-K) choose (n-k))]/[(N choose n)]

P(2 meat buns) = [(3 choose 2) *(3 choose 0)]/[6 choose 2] = 1/5

P(2 meat buns) = 1/5.

Similarly, P(at least one meat bun) = 4/5.

Applying conditional probability, we can describe the problem as

P(2 buns | at least one bun) = P(2 buns AND at least one bun) / P(at least one bun) = P(2 buns)/P(at least one bun) = (1/5)/(4/5) = 1/4

Having drawn at least one meat bun in her first draw, the probability that Chen will draw a second meat bun, at random, from the original population of 6 mystery buns (without replacement) is 1/4.

Attached: big think.png (680x680, 59K)

B-but I don't want to fuck Cirno, I want to fuck Yuugi, Mamizou or Mei Ling

Attached: ad5572fef52e94ed38e3dc896246605e.jpg (1228x868, 205K)

Do bkub still draw touhou?

Attached: dabchen.jpg (1048x1200, 100K)

Geee Chen, how come Zun lets you have two mommies?

next thread, bud bud


Attached: m3jxgiCo6S1qzr745o1_1280.png (600x570, 181K)

Attached: 1353704688726.jpg (800x1130, 416K)

However she's picking from the same box which had at least one meat bun so it's 50/50 if the other one in the box is meat

Attached: 1353704547839.jpg (800x1130, 405K)

You can't. Just look at this happy 2D family and try not to think of all the 3D kids who are suffering at the hands of their meth addict parents.

Attached: yakumo_sweater.jpg (600x888, 142K)

>hey there, user, just happened to notice that you through the Bunbunmaru subscription offer in the trash. Again. Mind explaining yourself??
How do you respond?

Yeah, once in a blue moon.

Attached: 1353704771817.jpg (800x1130, 394K)

time to wake up

Attached: __chen_yakumo_ran_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_moyazou_kitaguni_moyashi_seizoujo__sample-6bc662 (850x1312, 346K)

It's funny how the Girls Last Tour guy and BKUB both got their start as touhou comic artists

Only she can't see inside the boxes, so from Chen's perspective it's an identical situation to if you had them all lined up behind 6 individual curtains and told her to pick one at a time. There's an equally likely chance of her picking any of the 3 boxes and of her picking either bun from the box she does pick, because she has no foreknowledge that the meat buns are structured the way they are, as opposed to something like each box containing one meat and one natto. So the hypergeometric distribution still applies.

Attached: 1365896449135.png (466x367, 201K)

But it says "the next bun Chen takes from the box", where's the phrasing "the box" implies she's taking a bun out of the same box she just pulled one from.

The Glass is always 100% full, cause it'd be 50% water and 50% air.

What if the glass is in a vacuum?

Well, then it'd be full of nothing, of course!

Why the fuck would someone's perception of their own likelihood to meet a set of conditions influence the actual outcome of those conditions in a completely random situation?

Attached: MIKO SENPAI_by_shan.jpg (1250x1000, 305K)

Bkub has done so many things I'm not sure Touhou was the first but it was certainly a big part of his start. There's probably a lot of artists who cut their teeth on Touhou comics, like the Ai Mai Mii/Somera-chan artist, or the Daily Lives of Highschool Boys dude.

that depends... do they know kung fu?

>Soga has legs
>bandages on her legs
Should I be happy or concerned?

I prefer her grandma, Yukari
Her powers are so cool


Oh well in that case the probability is 1/2

Assume that Chen picks either Box 1 (the box with two meat buns) or Box 2 (the box with just one meat bun) during draw 1, in which she selects a meat bun. For obvious reasons, this rules out the possibility of her picking the third box. Assuming she chose the box at random, P(Box 1) = P(Box 2) = 0.5.

By considering the boxes' contents, it is clear that if Chen chooses Box 1, the probability of her choosing a meat bun on her second draw is 1. Similarly, if she chose Box 2, the probability of getting a second meat bun is 0.
P(meat bun 2 | box 1) = 1
P(meat bun 2 | box 2) = 0

Therefore, by applying conditional probability,
P(meat bun 2 AND choosing box 1) = 0.5
P(meat bun 2 AND choosing box 2) = 0

Because these are mutually exclusive events, the odds of either of these things happening is simply their summation:

P(meat bun 2) = P(meat bun 2 AND choosing Box 1) + P(meat bun 2 AND choosing Box 2) = 0.5

If Chen makes her second draw from the same box that she made the first, her odds of getting a second meat bun are 1/2.

Thanks for finally catching up with the rest of the class, do better next time.

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This thread is full of dorks!

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Because unless otherwise specified, Chen will take her second draw at random just like she took the first draw and therefore cannot take advantage of the biased structure of the meat bun positionings. If her second draw is random then there is an equally likely chance of her drawing from the "two natto bun" box as there is her drawing from the "2 meat bun box," in which case her odds of failure just increased dramatically. Saying "Chen's second draw is taken from the same box as the first" specifies that her second draw is not random.

Did bkub die after the popteamepic anime?

Write the problem statement more clearly.

leave this thread lest mine hand be pimp slapped cross thine face

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Ha ha her hat looks like a dick Taoists are silly

No, thank goodness.

I like her hat, and if your dick looks like it you should probably see a doctor

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Attached: bestgirl.png (300x336, 107K)

I'm sorry Chen.

Attached: happy oni.png (669x572, 440K)

>that tea tray
In retrospect Alphes was always a little overboard on the lighting/shading.

Attached: wife's arm.png (669x572, 350K)

ZUN drawing and Alphes coloring was an interesting combination

Attached: Th09Cirno.png (247x283, 85K)

I want her arm to punch me and her mouth to call me garbage.


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i enjoy it for the head tilting appeal it brought

Attached: __mononobe_no_futo_touhou_drawn_by_chamaji__sample-454a3e2f092a26fa204bbc9a774d7fd5.webm (774x665, 770K)

i think the bigger concer here is the fact she's married and yet she seems to go to high school

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>saucer eyes

12, counting my 2 custom made yuugi fumos, that were made from flans

Oh hi Yuugi-user


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Yukarin so young

Attached: yukari.jpg (759x1792, 369K)

my wife alice... I WANT TO FUCK ALICE
please alice is so cute my wife alice is so cute alice chan sex alice sex with alice i'd like some more kafuu alice sex with alice kafuu alice my wife cute is so alice wife

Attached: file.png (473x621, 366K)

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I love Reisen!

Attached: 59135216_p0.png (2104x3439, 2.37M)

Cute 1700 year old!

Patchouli, marisa fucked your wife over 25 times this week

One more week

Attached: stole my hat.jpg (669x1024, 75K)


wtf how's this thread still up

Chen threads are an honoured Yea Forums tradition.

Attached: D-ss7UoU8AAkiL6.jpg (720x800, 103K)

Where's the lewd chens though

that's what you get for stealing momiji's hat, fuck you patchouli

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Attached: file.png (284x227, 134K)


Attached: Alimari.png (575x478, 648K)

they just slept beside each other nothing else happened because alice is actually MY cute alice wife

Attached: file.png (254x283, 160K)

she might be your wife but marisa still fucks her user...

Attached: marisa orgasm.png (223x204, 91K)

Did that turn out to be real?


Attached: file.png (279x350, 153K)


whatever you say man, now go back to reading books and fucking your succubus friend

Attached: Patchouli2.jpg (680x631, 28K)

The biggest thread on earth

Don't worry, Marisa is just going to borrow your wife until she's dead
you know what to do

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is reimu the second sluttiest 2hu ?

Attached: 1564615945265.jpg (1200x900, 1.19M)

The twelfth if you're lucky.

>they just slept in the same bed!

I don't think there's two beds at Marisa's place, poor girl didn't have an option.

have you never kissed your homie good night and slept while cuddling with him when you came to his house ? what is your problem ?

if you dont do this, you gay

Attached: MARISA NIPPLE.png (469x634, 259K)

>all of this shitty images
>and not a single one is chen getting abused.
fuck off Yea Forums

Remilia was always my favorite 2hu.
Or is it Reimu? Both are good.


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blessed bkub posters

The ending of WaHH was so fucking bad that I've already forgotten what happened

>ZUN in charge of writing
It's a good thing the fairies manga is wrapping up so the artist can go back to churning out fairy doujins.

Nah. Kyouko is the cutest.

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It's obvious that ZUN doesn't care about endings, he just wants to write some sweet SoL until the last volume. That being said, Forbidden Scrollery handled the ending much better.
FYI, WaHH is not really over. There is a tenth volume coming out in september.

user? Volume 9 didn't go up to the end, volume 10 is just gonna collect the remaining chapters.

Blow some bubbles with Tewi

Attached: tewi bubble.png (1920x1080, 364K)

>Forbidden Scrollery handled the ending much better.
>Yukari, solve everything

Attached: 0F2675B2-92B4-4DB0-954E-2ED2675CF439.jpg (1650x2150, 594K)

All she did was talking to Kosuzu

that glowing ball is Nue, nigger.

He hasn't 1cc'd UFO

Based on what??

WHO are you quoting??

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hahaha epik meme bro I too browse jaypee

Attached: 8c054dedd3ad74256f4ce76b21c76850.png (1100x625, 519K)

kys Yea Forumsnigger

Nah, vamp sisters are superior.

Attached: vamps.png (1600x1160, 1.83M)

what are those?

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Attached: 1.jpg (400x400, 12K)

thanks for the black bars Japan, I would've been offended otherwise

>Yukari is so lonely that she mindrapes two other youkai into thinking they love her just so she can have a family
Why is this allowed?

She's probably done worse.

They're my personal censor. Couldn't post anything lewd to a christian image board.

Hello, aunn is cute and deserves headpats.


Attached: 75641261_p0.jpg (604x1088, 617K)

Dude there's a sharp object on her head


Attached: D_5kmFKUEAYm-Fs.png (800x743, 465K)

>implying you can control Chen

Attached: fishchomp.png (700x989, 216K)

Wow, Chen is hardcore!

Attached: 1544444551856.jpg (1157x1488, 269K)

Umm but isnt Rin one of Satori's wives?

Gensokyo is sexually liberal.

Attached: 1513722894719.jpg (1000x1000, 575K)

Attached: 1540463664706.jpg (850x752, 102K)

They are not actual catgirls, just lame-ass cosplayers.

I don't remember Chen having ears in the official art.

Why does Ran cover her ears with her hat?

her ears are very sensitive

Attached: ran chen ears.jpg (640x480, 189K)

I personally prefer the Ran x Rin doujins.

Ran has no good doujins

I love them too. With futa of course.

Being caught by Yukari was part of her plan.

>Not Reisen

Attached: 53.png (425x347, 326K)

*ahem* FUCK lunarians and FUCK moon rabbits
20 July 1969 best day of my life

What goes through the fox body's original consciousness when it observes Ran using her form to mother Chen and help out around the house?


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It all comes honking down

chen thread? this early?

Attached: sleepychen.jpg (413x364, 39K)

That ending is better than the original.

Which faction of youkai are the friendliest?


Attached: chenbite.jpg (534x1142, 202K)


Attached: 1560137854474.webm (640x360, 2.17M)

cute and mildly disturbing

>decide to give Touhou a shot
>spend hour patching shit because windows are fucked and art work has to be change
>get into game
>Oh boy keyboard menu in 2002
>Get into game
>Cant fucking move
>Even WASD doesnt do shit
>It dawns own me, its fucking >< movement scheme
Wat the fugg :DDD What kinda autist plays this?

Attached: 1564750226481.jpg (2480x2480, 1.8M)

So pure

download a prepatched megapack and use joytokey or something similar

Retard lol

>taller than anyone
Oh no no no

For me, it's Yumemi.

Attached: okazaki_yumemi_touhou_pc_98_and_etc_drawn_by_ponpoko__fbaa5f0a8ccaf92a2ba862bb38fd960c.png (692x600, 434K)

lol who cares

Someone please post the "yeah I'd fly too" 4koma

For me, it's Utsuho

Attached: 1543523009173.jpg (1753x2480, 1.35M)

Why didn’t she just sneak a couple Youkai or magic shit out of Gensokyo?

Do not lewd the bird

But she is already super lewd

Attached: 1536435960073.jpg (1024x768, 362K)

Please do not sexualize Satori's wife.

Attached: 1358100364463.jpg (400x1140, 116K)

Well she is my wife and she is sexy and cute af

Attached: 1537642752390.png (1060x1500, 1.3M)

No one is posting lewd Koishi images though

Where is all this "wife" shit coming from and what the hell happened to waifu?

don't be a faggot user

motherfucker you leave the birds alone

Attached: 1536504966368.jpg (1052x744, 381K)

oh I have many waifu's but only one wife

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Remove this dumb slut

Attached: 1516825322341.gif (154x180, 305K)

Stupid bitch nearly nuked Gensokyo?

Remove yourself

Attached: 1564841175210.jpg (1200x1200, 315K)

she didn't mean it

Attached: 1558208286044.jpg (934x856, 159K)

>muh secondaries

>Images: 253

Tewi for last image

Attached: __inaba_and_inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_bebeneko__a904bbf4e220390efd24b959e0f9f616.jpg (640x640, 89K)

waifu means wife in japanese

The Moriya Shrine are ultimately responsible for giving her the power which explicitly made her go mad.

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Attached: d1rcc4xy9g831.jpg (3472x1437, 294K)

she is a good girl who only do good girl things

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Image limit is gone?

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its 300 now
even on /trash/

It's Reimu. I like Alice though.

Attached: Alice.gif (110x104, 9K)


Attached: 1550094748124.jpg (1280x1107, 425K)

wtf i love hiroshima now

Attached: D5C74D62-E327-47C5-962C-E4E722BF4D6F.jpg (614x1600, 220K)

delete this

Attached: 1564139390793.jpg (450x331, 60K)

i too love this little blue ice thing

Attached: 1536492938072.jpg (438x600, 107K)

tumber gtfo

Don't tell me you wouldn't want to be in Reimu's place.

I"d rather die than having Seija as my mom

Fucking schnozzes so large they can sniff out a shrine maiden's pits from a mile way.

Attached: 1564533518167.png (557x680, 550K)

She never was, I always liked Keine.

Why is Aya still allowed?

why is remilia so cute?

Attached: 1536435822081.png (1144x1600, 1.78M)

bayes rule

thank you

dumb Kyouko poster

What about it?

What is the appeal of Keine?

this but without the ball crushing

Attached: 1552946921156.jpg (902x1200, 174K)

is this a troll?


it's relevant to the original problem
also the problem isn't a hypergeometric distribution, as that requires all the samples are taken from the same source

Attached: 1492322713736.jpg (750x1100, 269K)

no, it's maths

How is it not? Chen takes two random draws from a sample of 6 buns

chen takes one random draw of a box from a sample of three, each of which contains two buns

baka baka

Attached: 1561969263221.jpg (508x604, 29K)

seems like an overcomplicated manner of solving the problem tbqh

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Attached: 1353705715041.png (342x988, 227K)

this is so good

i wanna make soft love to chen

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user no

Attached: 1503487838620.jpg (773x865, 85K)

then what else can i do to that qt?

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