Breastfeeding is now vidya
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breastfeeding is the new vr
>boomers still think twitch is only about video games
>breastfeeding is not sexual
that's not accurate according to my japanese etch a sketch drawings...
So could my fiancee let me suck her nipple on live stream? Its feeding me
>does not violate the company’s guidelines.
how is nudity not against twitch's guidelines?
Twitch thots: what will they think of next?
What if we replace fiancee with cat? Am I still covered?
So we can expect breastfeeding exclusive streams and milk pumping streams from the well known whores? It's not like they're going to prove if you're lactating or not.
What if the breast was my dick and the feeder was my gf?
Cant wait to get home. Gonna be a good stream I'm starving
I wish women would get off the internet and get back to the kitchen. Dumb bitches need to stop ruining everything they cant even raise normal kids properly without mental illness. Her dumb kid is probably going to grow up to be an incel.
Not sure I have no cats. You can milk them though gaylord
Why are Americans so afraid of human anatomy, especially boobs?
or a literal mother fucker
Wait is she doing breastfeeding ASMR?
That literally might just be the god tier way to open all us twitch incel wallets.
Typically incels didn't get enough female attention from their single mothers when growing up. This is why when they met other we seem clingy and needy which repulses them from us more.
Something like that could make big bucks on Twitch.
Not sure how I feel about monetising the baby though.
There is already a cat breast feeding stream. It is just that the recipients are kittens.
it's "different" nudity like how youtube has like gynecology videos and shit of fully nude women and it's "educational" or "art"
why are yuropeons so obsessed with Americans?
No, but it should be.
We need a twitch gynecology exam
Mommy feed me milky
Me want milky gib bob
Literally raise your camera so it's out of view you lazy fucking thot
We're not. We're just pointing out hypocrisy. If a guy got his dick out to show how best to shave your privates, he'd be banned on site, but women can do whatever the fuck they want because money.
Don't confuse obsession with interest in the absurd or grotesque, like being intrigued by a large zit on someone's nose.
Those kids are going to have serious problems.
irl streams are far and away the worst thing to happen to twitch
>If a guy got his dick out to show how best to shave your privates,
Which you don't need to do at all and is a completely voluntary decision, unlike feeding your kid.
Breastfeeding has always been a grey area because society and the law decided that letting there be some public nudity is better than letting a baby starve.
>linking the verge
i am so sick of these kutaku polygon verge marketers always posting their clickbait articles here
You don't have to breastfeed either.
So with Ninja leaving for Mixer, will basically everyone who plays games on Twitch just up and leave it for Mixer and Twitch will just be a poor mans Chatroulette?
You also dont have to flop them tiddies out to feed a kid you fucking idiot
>thots are going to trot out the fake babies as an excuse to whip 'em out on stream
>guys will continue to be banned for the slightest thing
how about checking my prostate for cancer? that's like super necessary or I might die, cancer awareness is a good cause
how about having a kid in the first place
>you don't have to feed your child
Your mom obviously didn't.
You're fucking retarded.
I know you're purposely exaggerating to make your point but there is a difference. She's not doing it to titillate the viewers, she's doing it to feed her baby. If she was doing it for any other reason, she would have had her nipple out for longer than half a second.
And as I said here, it's purposely a societal grey area. You can feed your baby in a public setting, you can't do the same with basically any other form of nudity.
only if there's a cam feed of the prostate
You can induce lactation without needing to have a child of your own. It's tedious and you need to massage your boobs and nipples in certain ways multiple times a day for a month, but you can induce lactation that way. Foster mothers of infants do it, for example.
>She's not doing it to titillate the viewers
Then why do it on stream? Why not wait until you're off stream?
mixer will be the main vidya stream place soon
twitch will be for irl streamers, cumbrains and thots
I mean, it's unsightly but you actually might be able to get away with it if what we see if the camera view and not your asshole itself.
Seething babby formula victim. Probably a "MOMMY" poster, too.
Welp, time to hire a semi hot foster mom to host a permanent lactation inducing stream, otherwise her adoptive kids may die from starvation and we don't want that.
Nigger, my mom died giving birth and I turned out fine.
>Then why do it on stream?
Because baby hungry now, and babies are very fussy when they don't get their milk right away. Have you never had a baby around, even in the form of a sibling?
no wonder Ninja jumped ship
Mixer is actually gonna be about Video Games, holy fuck.
I believe you.
I feel like body paint would be really itchy and uncomfortable when it dries.
UFFFF MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's literally just Twitch's rules more or less copypasted
feeding your kid is necessary, but doing it on stream is a convenience. pissing shitting are also necessary, but people don't do them on stream and are inconvenienced by not being allowed to stream it.
>how do i get people aware of my channel?
>good content?
>no no no
Is this the 19th century or something?
We've invented baby formula like 80 years ago
Why would you be streaming at a beach for a video game site
The way you think right now is wrong, think about your life
Why can't mothers just use a bottle/baby formula?
Isn't this World Breastfeeding Week?
Yup. They have rules about titty streaming that stronk womyn are already screeching about. Twitch is just a softcore camsite now.
Twitch isn't fully vidya and it hasn't been for a long time. Stop being stupid OP.
i dont give a shit about this stop posting it to Yea Forums
What if xirself identifies as nonbinary presenting?
so, if it doesn't violate the TOS, how old can the child be? can it be a literal manchild? can we show a bald dude sucking on some big ass titties?
I agree about in public, but here they are at home. Why can't they just turn off the camera for 5 seconds?
Do they include max age of "baby" in their TOS?
Can a man suckle his wife's breasts on stream?
How is he not the hero again?