Name one reason Yea Forums shouldn't get a temporary shut down for one year so all the severe shitposting can be stopped in one decapitating move?
Name one reason Yea Forums shouldn't get a temporary shut down for one year so all the severe shitposting can be...
So you're saying you want the severe shitposting to spread to other boards?
There would be thousands of suicides within days
that's a funny way of saying /pol/ should be wiped forever
some men just want watch world burn
All we really need are mods who do their fucking jobs
It would have to move to Yea Forums, [s4s], trash or /pol/. Which are red boards which is way more suitable for the shitposting.
All the more reason.
This. The whole Yea Forums will suffer. Imagine some other board, like /his/ is flooded with our shitposting.
>shitposting on shitposting board
Seems legit.
close it for one month and take everyone who has ever posted on containment boards like /r9k/ or /pol/ and permanently ban them from posting on any other board.
Video games are an extremely broad topic that brings millions of different people to one disorganized forum. If you kill it for awhile the faggots will leave because everything else is actually focused on specific shit they dont like.
Ban this guy for a lifetime
Why stop there? Shut down all of Yea Forums for a year.
t. crossposter
We should delete all the smaller boards for a day instead and make a fourth new Yea Forums afterwards
It's funny how you think this will be the result, shitposting across all boards will increase, everyone won't just funnel into Yea Forums or [s4s]
It wont, history will repeat itself again because retards like you don't lurk enough
It needs to be shutdown every August. Always the worst month for Yea Forums.
Good. /po/ could use some activity.
I was actually gonna make a decent response but its being called out as spam so all the more reason to fuck this site and shut it down
all of Yea Forums's """""humor""""" is stolen directly from twitter now so a shutdown for however long would accomplish nothing
Ask yourself why it's funneled on Yea Forums and why it won't just funnel somewhere else where the habit of the posters are to shitpost to an extreme? Youre imagining as if we're breaking a glass tank full of sewage on to the street.
OP is a faget
Which 2hu wud u fug
because it's just gonna start up again when you reopen the board
If Yea Forums gets shut down I'm going to shitpost in Yea Forums immediately
This is retarded. Yea Forums gets too much shitposting because it's too popular. Shitposters wont fuck off to some smaller blue board for shit they dont like to do the same shit they do here. That would already be the case if it were true. Nothing inhibits them from shitposting on Yea Forums as it is. Theyll leave for plebbit or twitter.
Yea Forums needs shutting down as well, it's just edgy twitter for mexican teens anyway
my bat wife
Because it is you fucking retard, it won't be the first time a large board would be erased temporally
>Reopen with IDs and needing exhentai style gating
Gg ez
If Yea Forums went down for a year I'd spend the time making the most high quality shitposts and baits.
>Youre imagining as if we're breaking a glass tank full of sewage on to the street.
Exactly, perfect representation.
Why contain it?
Lmao who gives a shit about beaners when they now allow naruto threads
You're a fucking doofus, kindergarten dropout. 2019 Yea Forums isn't the same as previous iterations of Yea Forums. They wont just spread out.
>make multiple accounts to spam and shitpost on
>>exhentai style gating
that would only stop underage
>guys, where did Yea Forums go and why is there a picture a little girl saying waha?
>that would only stop underage
Bro thats like 80% of the fucking problem here
Name one (good) reason lending to the belief that this would ever work even slightly.
you're seriously deluded if you think underage are the biggest issue with the board
Look you fucking tween, Id rather have you and the rest of underage gone. The final 20% of shitposters are easier to deal with.
>shut down
Yea Forums should be text-only for a period. That one time when images malfunctioned was magical.
yep confirmed delusional
Remember the time image posting went down and the board was infinitely better because there was no retards forcing their wojak of the week, no twitter screencaps and no "what are some games that" threads?
We need that to happen again.
Lmao you're a deluded, retarded or someone who has yet to see dumb posters shitting up a board just because they wont bother to lurk.
Fuck off faget
the drunk one
>implying they wouldn't just take the shitposting elsewhere
burying nuclear waste doesn't make it disappear
Will literally never happen thanks to glowniggers waging their faggot ass psyops 24/7
Just use filters.
Why stop at Yea Forums? Let's nuke the whole internet and go back to dial ups and chatrooms
Yes actually
Imagine /pol/ collapsing in on itself, those retarded faggots take any kind of bait no matter how low quality it is
/pol/ would fucking implode
Alright, time to get my cyber-ing back on in talk city chatrooms.
just shut down all boards permanently
we don't need to keep this place going into the 20's
I mean... Other imageboard sites exist with a board called Yea Forums they could go to if people are really that in need of their fix.
I'll come back and shitpost harder
Either Kanako or Ringo
>old internet comes back
stop making me dream
It would just start up again when it went back up, so there's no point.
the only way is to make me a mod
I'm the only one who has anything like a complete picture
you other fags would just screw it up
I'd rather we take down Yea Forums as a whole down for a year or two. Plenty anons would find their ways to new shitposting sites, others would go back to r*ddit and some would just stop altogether and get their life under control. Then after Yea Forums comes back again, only the anons who really want to come back would come back. And I don't get how this post is spam.
It would make headlines when it comes back. There would need to be gore, scat, and /d/ posting every day every hour for weeks to scour the normie filth off.
fpbp, remember when pol was removed for a day? OP doesn't seem to.
Just do what moot did to /pol/ before he left and remove captcha and board rules for two weeks so it gets nuked by shitposting
>He thinks pol isn't rabid shitposting of a different flavor
Go outside.
>Go outside.
Where do you think you are pal
Humanity will not change within a year.
Yea Forums shitposting is not the disease; only a symptom.
How did gamer suddenly become so big in one day? Just couple days ago you saw the picture getting posted everywhere sure, but now it's the new cuck.
Continuing on my post
>already got filtered to fucking gamer of all things
Mods sure have a wierd sense of humor. Wonder why this one got dealt with so fast.
most shitty buzzwords around here are forced by underage discord kids
somebody explain this gamer thing
where did it come from? what does it even mean? i haven't been on Yea Forums for a while
>People will stop doing X completely if we just cut the immediate means to do it
Oh OP.
You can apply it to just about any Yea Forums thread, since we're at the point where even a lot of the on-topic threads have lewd OPs and people baiting out porn discussion. I see it as chemo for the /e/ cancer Yea Forums's flooded with and evidently I'm not alone
Because that shit has been tried with other problems and it doesn't work also the shitposters will just flood other boards
naive child
>Nothing inhibits them from shitposting on Yea Forums as it is
You're kidding. Yea Forums's babysat 24/7, it is by far the most moderated board on the site
Doesn't help, it's rotting from the inside. These unfunny reddit niggers are mods now. Hiro will never get involved, and doesn't understand this place even if he wanted to. They're on top. This is never going to change. Not until they grow bored and quit and we get some new form of cancer that makes their faggotry seem almost quaint. They're f5'ing til their fingers bleed trying to stop anyone talking about the greatest porn site on earth dying, or stamp out any OC should they come across it, while letting a dozen eceleb threads slowly march to bump limit and archival, carefully pruning them as they go and protecting them from any form of self-moderation, as many blatant generals, and more twitter screencap, reddit, resetera, kotaku, fucking facebook screencaps and other clickbait bullshit than their stupid, faggot ass american idiot brains can even count to.