Snake was 33 and Meryl was 18
Other urls found in this thread:
>No mod that fixes twin snakes shit and restores the classic OST
it hurts
Subhuman PC faggots aside, can we all agree that MGS1 is one of the 50 best games ever?
No, the gameplay's fucking garbage.
No amount of modding could replace the copy pasted big shell atmosphere in Twin Snakes. MGS1 just isnt the same without Shadow Moses being dirty, dark and dank
>caring about who two consenting adults choose to fuck
Twin Snakes is objectively uglier than the original. PS1 graphics had a simplistic charm that no other era of consoles has gotten quite right. Everything today is just cluttered and ugly.
So is Red Dead Redemption's & everyone still considers it a top 50 game.
A spec ops veteran having to rely on help from a teen soldier is a little unsettling.
18 Polygons right?
kys resetera
Nothing wrong with using a teen soldier to vent your frustrations bro
18 = legal
may they be blessed
we need more refugees
praise Jesus
it's definitely in the top 50 games with solid in the title
Of course there is. Optimally, with the shit he goes through he should have the support of at least a full squad.
Snake/Otacon is canon. Eat it, Merylfigs. You get poopy xD fart man cucking you.
> snake was adult and meryl was adult
What's america's problem with this?
>the copy pasted big shell atmosphere in Twin Snakes
What the fuck are you even talking about? They use the same engine and that's about it.
>Subhuman PC faggots aside
Don't get snappy at your genetic superiors, consolelard. We got the best version of the game, as per usual.
So? I'm 32 and my fuck range is 18-50.
This. I'm 80 and my fuck range is 16-21.
My 33yr old father married my mom when she was 20
I'm 32 and dating a 27 year old that looks 14.
Suck it roastie.
My kind of a guy. I plan to do something similar so, with a bit of luck, I manage to die before my wife turns into a dried up hag.
>tfw 33 and dating a 38 year old
Am I being raped?
>tfw 29 and dating a 14yo
once you're 18 it fair game no?
based age difference chad
As long as it's over the age of consent and the parents allows it there's no problem.
>as soon as the clock ticks over to 18:00:00 you can rip it a new asshole and no one would bat an eyelash
dumbest law ever
her parents are cool with it
>my ex was 18 and i was 30
no one cares you retarded 90 years old faggot
as soon as i graduated it's been roasties everywhere i go. shit sucks
well we can always lower it
pretty weird m8
>Snake was 33 and Meryl was 18
>Implying girls don't find daddy figures hot
>date 18-year-old: "Oh"
I don't see the problem.
get fucked
i played the ps1 version via emulator on PC
34 year old here. You DO NOT want to date women who are single after 29.
so what is your stance exactly?
There’s 45 years old dating 18. This is nothing new
nowadays 18 year olds are "omgggggggg you're a borderline pedo"
virtue signalers belong in a gas chamber
based, schoolgirls belong to old men
>t. old man
>tfw you put your dick in at 11:59
>Meryl cucks Solid with a fucking retard who happens to look pretty
>Eva betrays Naked and ends up birthing/creating/whatever his clone babies
>Rose literally sets up a ruse about cucking Raiden and miscarrying his kid
>Quiet goes full retard with an attempted suicide and ends up having to kill herself for Venom because she refuses to even write shit
What is it with all the MGS protagonists getting fucked over by their waifus? Why can't at least one of them have a good relationship that isn't there to create drama?
That's what the old chinese guy said at the shop I bought them at. Also keep them out of sunlight and don't get them wet.
based, fuck single mothers, but not literally
I think most straight males would consider any girl roughly around the ages 16+ to look like fully developed women and it's not fair to call them pedos when they have fucking big tits and ass. I'm not saying dating anyone below the age of 18 is justifiable just saying that there's nothing wrong with men finding a girl who is young who look like adults attractive. Whenever I mistaken a girl for being 16 when they look like 10/10 instagram models they call out "pedo" like I said a bad word in elementary school it's fucking stupid.
Because there's a reason she's single, user.
So? men reach their peak around 30-50, women reach their peak in their late teens.
Consent law doesn't care about appearance
>it's legal therefore it's okay
If you think this, you are a creep
So mucho of this ir hurts
I mean my dad was 18 when my mom was born, 15 year gap isnt a big deal.
Im not a tranny, just a normie
your dad impregnated a 3 year old?
but if he has money suddenly its fine right?
No, I meant Snake and Meryl
No he waited until she was 9
>console pleb calls others subhuman
"Imagine a woman as a man who inherits $1,000,000, but he loses 10% of it every year no matter what." - Stefan Molyneux
A woman's sexual market value is directly related to her fertility, which declines slowly in the 20s and quickly in her 30s. Everything that's beautiful about a woman's body is a reflection of her fertility.
If all of this is true, which I think it is, one must wonder why a woman is not married by age 30.
you're a fucking moron doesn't know how to read
What are you going to do about it, call the cops?
*inherits it at age 20, fuck.
The age of adulthood should be upped to 25, entirely serious.
People under that age are fucking morons who can barely make their own decisions.
tits or gtfo
No. Seinfeld is also a creepy kike.
I think school should end at 18. Locking someone in a classroom delays adulthood.
Just force 2 years of military service upon reaching 18, and you'll solve 90% of the youth's problems.
Why do women get so mad when older men date younger women?
>my daughter
*hits pipe*
No, the military dulls people's senses. Vets have shit understanding of how life post the military works and are by far one of the most common victims of scammers, after the elderly.
Its even better, the day before of your birthday you can have a set full of guys ready to gangbang you as soon as 12 am hits, be recorded and earn money by doing so legally
What's wrong with it?
Would a woman date 30+ year old male virgins? There could be a harmless reason why they are still virgins over 30, but more likely it's a red flag. Same with single women 30+. Might be an acceptable reason why she's single at that age, but more likely, there's something seriously wrong with her.
...you're joking, right? If we were talking about someone in the military for 10-40 years, sure, but we're talking about 2 years. Use your skull-meat before posting, user.
>Would a woman date 30+ year old male virgins?
Yes. As long as you're not living at Mommy's house unemployed girls are versatile and will date anyone as long as you're a fucking responsible adult and not a manchild. They will literally suck anyones dick.
>He has shit tier universities who treat students like children instead of adults
A short amount of time in the military is enough to rewire your brain, sometimes it's for the better yes, but most time it's for the worse. Speaking as someone whose family is pretty much all military.
Kek. Nothing is better than seeing washed up women seethe
Mandatory school should end at 17, then you can go to college, and after university if you so desire.
You should see the assblasted replies he got.
Yes I do.
Suppose it should be something gradual, then? You sound like a complete moron
Better than the situation at hand.
are you blind?
He wants to fuck 4 year olds without the repercussions, so he's using the end of the scale to compensate.
>adds additional standards
>yes, they would, with these additional standards
Might as well say men would date 30+ single women if they still looked 18 yo and weren't hysterical or full of hate
Could you crank up the alpha channel a bit more, pls, I don't think your screenshot for ants looks doctored enough.
No shit? It tops every top 50 list along with the rest of the series. Only brainlets disagree.
>hurr durr it looks like Y so it's ok
Fucking retard. Never reply to me again.
Just type the top line from image into google.
>Rewires your brain
It's painfully clear you have a warped misconception if what goes on in the military.
People have standards the horror. Are you stupid? The point of dating a 30+ yo is that they have more experience, and are well established.
Both able to produce healthy children. In case you're too ignorant to understand why you see older men with younger women so often.
just admit you prefer younger guys already
it's not the end of the world
>trust us, we don't turn your youth into mushbrained retards, we swear!
>what is that? homelessness, poverty, mental illness, suicide, and financial ruin are all considerably more likely to happen to someone of military background? Just ignore that, it's all in the name of Isr- whoops- I mean, in the name of your nation!
Women are fucking seething
Vet here. Two years is more than enough time to fuck your head up and brainwash you. I only did 6 years and it took nearly that long after getting out to re-adjust.
probably because kojima is a dork
Only brainlets think it's good.
The human mind doesn't become capable of giving consent over one second tick, roastie.
Not one thing wrong with that. That's what alphas do.
>17=pedo, 18=fine
>18=pedo, 19=fine
>19=pedo, 20=fine
>79=pedo, 80=fine
great argument you there
>"I received therapy to make me not attracted to men"
>In both of her appearances she falls in love with a man
Are you stupid? If you tack on additional standards, then you're not judging by the original standard anymore.
>The point of dating a 30+ yo is that they have more experience, and are well established.
Or readily signifies that there is an actual reason why they are still alone
age/2 + 7
Some people say 21-23 is the optimal age to start college since the age of teenage bullshit is over with.
The cock always wins baby.
>no u
Typical low IQ response.
>ywn fuck the dyke out of someone
>rejecting women is treating them badly
>"Why do men feel so entitled to women?"
Projection, every single time.
Legal so why not?
>implying you wouldn't
It feels really good desu. She started where her hair down, lost weight, and is enjoying more girlie stuff. Turns out whe was dyking because she was self conscious of her weight.
I didn't play TS until 2017, and I was surprised on how cheap everything felt. The biggest offender was the Metal Gear REX fight, where the original showed this really big scale monstrosity, TS felt like one of those cheap Windows 98 games. I'm probably choosing the wrong terms, but TS's graphics don't have any "weight" to them. The textures are rather flat, so although it runs at 60fps, it looks rather cheap in comparison to the original.
I've got laid with +30 years old Japanese ladies whose bodies looked like 14, no wrinkles, petite... and moaned with voices like 6 years old girls.
Seethe harder.
Nice arguments, cockbreath. You really changed my mind about the subject at hand.
Yeah and he still pounded that tight ass.
>+30 years old Japanese ladies whose bodies looked like 14, no winkles, petite
Shit taste
in a row?
>whose bodies looked like 14, no wrinkles, petite... and moaned with voices like 6 years old girls.
Based. Roasties are overrated
How to meet women in Japan? I am assuming there's no tinder.
Use tags. Yuri, netorare, tomboy. You'll find it easy.
She was just trying to virtue signal. Low key telling Snake that she's a virgin
Train Simulator still feels cheap. They really need an engine upgrade.
I already found it, I just wanted someone to jokingly post a sadpanda link so I could say "too soon"
You just grope them in the subway, trust me I'm an expert on this subject.
I.... what?
Well I'm 43 and my sister is 16, nobody had a problem with that
You're a funny guy!
>looks like a tomboy because she's insecure about her appearance
>make her confident enough to start looking feminine
>end up with womanly gf with tomboy personality
Literally the ideal woman, which is why all those movies have "nerdy/tomboy girl ends up looking hot after makeover" trope. No one wants the whore personality that gets cultivated alongside the beauty.
English, Paco. Do you speak English? Please respond.
He's right but please stay away from trains meant exclusively for children or you'll get in trouble.
>Shinkawa: The decision to put Meryl in MGS was already made when we were working on Policenauts and her age was already decided too. But after Mr. Kojima saw Leon: The Professional, he remarked “Natalie Portman was really good in that movie, but is it really such a good idea for a young girl to be wielding gun?” (laughs) So Meryl was originally going to be around 14 or 15 in MGS, but in the end she ended up being aged up to around 17 or 18, while her counterpart in Policenauts was 24. (laughs)
Would a loli Meryl had made MGS better?
that's correct
It was a low-budget side-project that Konami outsourced to Canucks because they were busy working on MGS3 at the time. They weren't even supposed to re-record the voice acting until they realized the existing voice recordings were unusable on the new hardware.
It's not dumb, despite the fact it is arbitrary. People can mature mentally, emotionally, and physically at different rates, but it is entirely impractically to throw a fucking full court examination on every single child who insists "I'm all grown up now!"
That is why there is an arbitrary limit. It is an acknowledgement that by this arbitrary point the majority of people should have reached a level of development that they can be treated as adults.
Just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it stupid. What would be stupid is trying to accommodate every single individual and trying to determine if, yes, they actually are developed enough to be treated as an adult.
>I'm 26 years old and I have 18 year old bf
>Subhuman PC faggots aside
what does this even have to do with MGS or OPs post?
Yeah. I lucked out. Luckily she wanted to get healthy as well. She had a pretty face, she was just on the bigger side.
"sometimes people get killed but no big"
It's supposed to a dig at Thieffags I think.
Why would you even put that in your profile?
They know they will get betabucks
Can't even tell if thats chad as fuck or weird
I haven't been to Japan... yet.
I meet the ones who come to my country to learn the languageAKAa month or so away, paid by the company, for doing fuck all and travel around as much as the time constraint allows them to.
Tinder works there from what I've heard.
If you don't get it user then you don't want to know.
33 to 18 is a perfect ratio. Redheads were designed for breeding
You save those profiles and get angry at them because you wish that were you.
Because we live in the age of beta providers and men with no fucking standards which granted we never really had any because we have preferences, not standards, but holy fuck we need some standards especially in the US because women are getting fatter and more bitchy while demanding mr sixsixsix
who cares? she is 18 retard
She's a girl so it's chad.
I mean, if he got an 18 year old to jump on his dick, more power to him. But I'm pretty sure he just fingered her a bit on the snowbike ride and died a virgin.
>be decent looking
>be a gentlemen pervert
>say herro
true, pic related is even chadier
women are irrational beings
man i don't get it either
>my romantic experience boils down to speedrunning cock
>this obviously makes me an expert on romance
>in fact it makes me the perfect choice for a stable relationship
>also I am extremely high maintenance and flirty
I don't mind promiscuity at all but this seems contradictory to a confusing degree
The look in the kid's eyes says it all
The only people that think this are roasties mad nobody wants them after 30.
holy projection batman
2 is
can i get the rest of this convo? im curios to these whores responses
snake... had a hard life
I don't need nor am I interested in changing your mind. Yorur IQ is clearly below 90 and it would be an absolute waste of time.
meant for:
b a s e d
Women my own age forced me to date girls younger than me.
I am 25 and would love to date girls my own age but they don't want to know me, they are all seem to be dating guys in their 30s.
My dating pool ranges from 20-22 and it can be great but sometimes the age gap is pretty noticeable.
It can get awkward and I feel like an old man when they talk about shit I have no clue about or how when they talk about when they started secondary school at age 13 I was basically heading to college.
I can see why girls that age find me attractive, I have a career, lots of cash, a nice car, a house and I am a lot more mature then the college guys they hang around with.
There is tons of guides on the internet on how to do this.
There is tinder but the written language barrier will be a pain.
Most of the guides boil down to.
Go to certain night life spots where Japanese girls looking to sleep with foreigners gather.
Speak a little bit of Japanese but not a lot, the girls who go to these places have decent English.
Being an English teacher is suppose to be a turn off.
I wouldn't be expecting anything long term from them, these girls are like white girls who sleep with black guys.
You would be basically a fetish.
>t. roastie just hit the wall
good job pedo
I would support it but not with the israeli-cock sucking military we have now
This. Relativistic morality is a meme that needs to die.
Honestly man at this point just enjoy what you got. I mean just remember that women never really mature mentally so really a 20 year old is the same as a 14 or 29 year old.
Women only truly get some ascendance into maturity when they start a family
t. Immanuel Kant
Nah man, the Greeks
Technically, it's hebe. And thanks.
It can be tiring though, I want to have a serious relationship.
But it seems I am nothing but a notch on a bed post or an experience to them.
My date next week seems promising.
>I want to have a serious relationship.
It'll only get serious when you start pushing for the kids mate
People in Yea Forums seem to hate muslims way too much to love girls being virgins over 25 yo
Yeah but thats about step 5, I can't get to step 2.
whoops, thats me pushing the steps too far again
there's a reason for that
>27 years old
>Probably around the 5-7 years married mark
This is peak moment for all women to start thinking about sleeping behind her husband's back. And yes, ALL women will at the very least start thinking about it (even if not all attempt it). The problem is a "mid life crisis" event that happens to women near the late-20's, and again even worse during the late-30's, where they start becoming uninterested in their husband as a sex partner, and like a literal bitch in heat, have to go out and find sexual stimulation elsewhere to "meet their needs". They convince themselves this is to save their marriage, because they don't want to leave their spouse, but once they start sleeping around and getting that chemical fix, they are hooked to it like a drug. Eventually, they might even confuse this feeling for love, and be torn between leaving her current husband for the other man.
The fucked up part? If she does leave her husband for another man, the cycle will repeat again, but even worse this time, since she has already convinced herself this is the only outlet to make herself happy.
Main reason I can't find a girl is cause everything just says go to bars to drink to meet women and I don't drink due to crippling alcoholism. Seriously, finding women when you don't drink is hard.
it isn't a blissful state?
Then smoke weed. Bitches will literally suck your dick for weed if you lend some out from time to time.
Do you have any proof besides your feelings and maybe 3 confirmation bias screenshots like the one you're replying to?
I refrain from all drugs and alcohol.
I wish I was you.
>this is what incels actually believe
Please just put a bullet through your own head so you don't further poison the world. We'd all be better off without you.
Sucks, and yes I agree. All of my successes have been under more or less influence. Then again I do have the autismus
>pic related
guys ps1 is superior twin snake sucks because the controls are good the metal gear solid experience is with a broken menu and a shitty translation that we take 100% and not the action schlock its meant to be
Twin Snaks has uncanny models, even more retarded cutscenes, phoned in voice acting, and worse music. Does not even have the Encounter theme you dumb sixth gen baby.
No, it's more like you get small happiness boosts from time to time, like when she says she loves you or when having sex, but thinking it's a miraculous drug that will make you feel happy forever is wrong, even more, the more you are with a girl, the less common those moments of happiness become, as they become the norm and start losing its magic or just out right become rarer. If you are unable to transition from the infatuated stage to the normal relationship one, your relationship will most likely fail.
Has anyone actually done this?
I imagine it would be hard for your average jewish porn director to orchestrate since they could get charged with "corrupting the innocent" or something.
Not that hard, but definitely is not common as soon as 12 am starts, normal porn directors wait a couple of months, that's why you can find easily lots of "amateur" videos where the guy asks the actress how old is she, and then asks how long has she been 18. From what I've seen, answering from 2 to 4 months is the standard
This dude is right though. Why date or be with women that had more partners than you? If women really cared about the quality of a man and not just for having flings. They would be more choosy. Not to toot my own horn but I've always been faithful and do the best I can and also to be honest. Yet every experience I had been a decent man I was either pushed into a situation I did not want to be in or cheated on behind my back because we were "only dating" So now I'm coming into my own again I see no reason why I should not pursue women younger than me that don't have kids yet or too many sexual partners.
Women need to learn to deal when they lost their shot.
accelerated aging
>work in an industry completely oversaturated by dudes
>the only young girls i even see around are wagecucks working at shops who don't give a fuck about randos anyway
My age_difference quest is a rocky one
Seethe twin snakes is not good
Does Snake even have a dick?
A dick?
That is a bullshit formula created by worn-out thots that are ready to settle. All them "girls gone wild" sluts need a good cuck boy now.
This is all true speaking from previous knowledge from other normalfag friends.
It's not his biological daughter but rather an orphaned demon loli he finds in the woods
sounds hot
Then he ultra cucked the demon lord, noice
All the Snakes are huge cucks. They all get pussy thrown at them but are completely passive with it.
Because there is a REASON they are single.
Know it's bait but still you're an awful person.
Didn't big boss at least fuck eva? or get /ss/ by the boss?
fucking 56% american mutts and their artificial restrictions. 100 years of feminism and race mixing really did its damage to you. I'll fuck any female who looks attractive and is sexually aware and wants sex, no matter the age.
>The point of dating a 30+ yo is that they have more experience, and are well established.
Which doesn't really matter for a male.
More /s/
There's nothing relativistic about that, adults have the right to enter any relationship they want.
1 2 and subsistence are in my top 50
Wasn't Snake a fucking vet of a metric fuckton of missions BEFORE Metal Gear 1 and 2? I thought he was pushing 40 in MGS. Hell, he comes out of retirement in the prologue.
I'm analyzing your behavior, nice attempt at deflection, though.
It's even worse, leo dicaprio is basically being called a pedo for being with a 22 year old
No he isn't, every guy wishes he were him. Stop infatuating yourself with feminist blogs, it's rotting your noodle.
age= 8 to 12
I wish that everyone over 25 weren't morons and were capable of making their own decisions but that really isn't the case either.
Stop assuming your opinion is the same as anyone else. Half of the people attacking him are white knight dudes trying to get woke pussy
>That moment you realize someone you're talking to has the mental capacity and self-management skills of a child, and you realize the "age as number" concept is just an idea, a basis of framework and that in truth, all humans are just children that either learn the skills they need and become productive, capable beings; or they don't and become literally babies in big bodies that know only to fulfil their basest desires on a daily basis and wonder why they're """depressed"""
I'm not assuming anything, if you get your idea of a general consensus from raging dykes, it's always going to differ from the actual consensus. It's common sense.
>i'm not assuming anything
>except i'm automatically assuming these peoples opinions are universally agreed against
in the exact same breath, truly unbelievable
blinded retard seething boomers
blinded retard seething boomers
blinded retard seething boomers
blinded by nostalgia, boomer power
18s fair game buddy
I'm 29 fucking a 19yr old so