Last played 25/11/2012

>Last played 25/11/2012
Should I reinstall TF2 or would I be crushingly dissapointed? All the buzz from the Crate Depression hyped me up but now its dying down again. I sold my backpack before quitting so I've got absolutely jack to play with, basically starting anew.
Also, has the crate business just been swept under the carpet by valve or is something actually happening in response?

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Other urls found in this thread:

you don't need a backpack to play, so you should just try it yourself

Games still as fun as always.

You're a retard for selling your common weapons. Even if you plan on quitting, you should always keep at least one of every weapon.

To answer your question, it's still TF2. Things are a bit different with the way matchmaking works, and many weapons have been buffed/nerfed so many times that they barely resemble their original versions. Bu,t it's still TF2, and it's still fun.

>yet ANOTHER tf2 thread

Update never bros, haha


No one cares sissy.

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>no one cares, posted by a persona avatarfag in a tf2 thread

lmao irl

>How dare you talk about video games reeeh

reminder to everyone that valve's playercount has a huge discrepancy with the amount of people actually playing the game. see:

this shitty video game thread is taking up valuable space that could be used for another smash thread!
Yea Forumsintenbros rise up

that's from SMT, dumbfuck



dont re-install. the game's gone way downhill ever since 2012
>runs worse than ever before
>matchmaking that replaced quickplay is fucking atrocious (no map votes, no scramble, you cant even pick what fucking team you want to be on or spectate)
>every game in said mode is a stomp in one direction
>autobalance is still fucking terrible
>the official """comp""" mode is dead and requires you to cough up $5 or a phone number if you want to play it
>the comp mode even if you find a game, still has loads of bugs
>all the community servers have devolved into cp_orange x10000000 weapon stats or 24/7 2fort
>hit registration is somehow even worse now, even with networking configs
>all the fun weapons are trash now
>even more cheaters now somehow
its just depressing

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>caber is gone
>no more scramble, no more spectating, no more picking teams
>community servers are shit

That's chie and yukiko.
From perona 4.

Persona is a spinoff of SMT, therefore Persona = SMT. The first one was even called "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona" (on the PSP, at least)

>wont have fun sandman bonking ever again
>my toaster cant run the game at 60 fps anymore
>community servers doesn't consists of fun and wacky servers with neat plugins and fun custom maps
>all people care about is competitive, trading and idling

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>ywn plant 8 stickyjumper stickies and suicide bomb the nest of 5 snipers ever again

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Oh look, it's a retard.

ironic coming from you lol

>at some point they just nerfed the stickyjumper and took it down to 2 stickies at once
For what purpose? It wasn't even that OP.

>TF2 General
Nah. Everyone there is fucking retarded. They don't even know how to use the reply function.

Persona is not SMT. Persona is not even a spinoff of SMT. Both SMT and Persona are series in the greater Megami Tensei franchise, also fitting into this category is devil survivor, soul hackers, and devil summoner. You absolute retard.

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I fucking hate zoomer memes so much

Wasn't TF2 just the first zoomer multiplayer game? Or was that MW2?

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>Literally has Shin Megami Tensei in the title
>Isn't an SMT game because anonymous cum guzzler says it doesn't fit his arbitrary rule set

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This. I sold every hat, killstreak, whatever cosmetic but I kept my basic weapons because I might want to go back someday

>in the greater series
>but not the main series
Yes that's called a spin off user

That is entirely because of a marketing call in the west, you dense twat. "SMT: Persona" is just called Persona in the original title in Japan. And since that is a remake, the first name was Megami Ibunroku Persona, or Revelations: Persona in the west.

Genuine question, are you retarded?

Are you? You can't seem to grasp that your misunderstanding is coming from a change in the marketing title and was never supposed to have the SMT title on it.

That's not point you little braindead monkey, the point is persona is a spin off from main line SMT, having SMT it's fucking title drives the point further, I'm not interested in hearing your made of rules and regulations for what constitutes an SMT now please off yourself

They aren't spinoffs of SMT, they are their own installments of the MT franchise.

>They aren't spinoffs of SMT
yes they are. IT'S IN THE FUCKING TITLE, you dumb shit.

hats are fucking stupid, but tf2 still holds up as a video game


alterations of western releases don't count, you dumb shit

tf2 is still unironically the best fps
nothing has topped it since it released

The title that was changed for a western release because of marketing decisions? That title? The title that I've pointed out several times was changed as a localization? Are you fucking stupid?

many fond memories of playing balloon_race_v2b with demoman and being able to blast jump to the enemy airship from spawn instantly

It's made by the same company, with similar gameplay, and a similar demon-catching feature, of you seriously don't think Persona is an SMT spinoff series, then you're a fucking retard.

>community servers doesn't consists of fun and wacky servers with neat plugins and fun custom maps
Try They have 4 servers: 2 are just random game modes (not the normal crap, custom stuff like boss fights, wacky races, etc.) 1 super zombie fortress server, and a combat surf server. I find it to be pretty good. No ads too.
Also, their name is a MGR reference and all their servers are named after MGR characters.

Because it isn't a spinoff of SMT, it's its own installment.

I had to do some black magic shit to make it run on my pc and yet new releases run smoothly fine at 60fps at minimum.

Gameplay wise, it's still pretty fun. I just wish TF2 was on the same engine as overwatch since OW's gameplay is dogshit.

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But it's not that, you retard.

it literally is, explain how Persona isn't a spinoff of SMT, then, when it's also an RPG with a central demon-catching gameplay mechanic by Atlus. Persona just swapped out the law/chaos dichotomy for the anime life sim thing.

Because it isn't.

on what grounds?

I'm sorry for your retardation.

Persona is its own thing and completely removed from the setting that SMT takes place, nothing from persona leads into SMT. the only similarities are the demons and turn based combat and half of persona is a life sim, which is not what SMT is about. It is a MT game, not a SMT spinoff. How do you not see this?

>How do you not see this?
because I'm not a drooling retard?

Your posts suggest otherwise.

>mountains of evidence for Persona being an SMT spinoff
>lol no it don't count
the only retard is you, buddy

>Persona is its own thing and completely removed from the setting that SMT takes place, nothing from persona leads into SMT

Nice try

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thanks chief

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you'll prob get owned and turn out to be another "post 12 tf2 sucks" poster so no.

>It is a MT game, not a SMT spinoff.
It's both, Persona is directly inspired from if

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why are you faggots debating whether or not persona is a spin off, theres no arguing over a fact you fucking retards, its a spin off.

>its a spin off.

>its a spin off.
Yes, you're right.

way to shit up a perfectly good TF2 thread, ya dummies

Blame user for being retarded.

If you enjoy braindead players and unbalanced matches, sure.