>Who are you picking?
Who are you picking?
I can't believe that Camilla is actually wearing pants.
Is someone dying?
>still playing feh
Who's the one with the ghost loli?
Yeah this game.
Oh my god Micaiah is finally in the fucking game? She's the prettiest.
Grandma Micaiah.
She's been in the game for fucking ever at this point.
>camilla is shit and isn't anywhere near close to being as good as veronica, has fucking atk tactic as her C skill
>alm is yet another sword infantry and looks worse than his legendary alt
>eliwood is a >>>>>lance cavalry and also looks worse than his legendary alt
>micaiah looks underwhelming
>yet ANOTHER game mode that's more of a daily chore than something actually fun
This kusoge is fucking dying, I'm so glad Three Houses came out.
I'm honestly at just how bad they all are. They really must have brainstormed for fucking ever trying to make them as shit as possible.
>worse than the legendary alt
Conqueror and most other overclasses look like dogshit, anything is better than that. Fuck overclasses.
Marquess Eliwood or Queen Camilla
Depending who I get first on CYL 3 banner.
Micaiah for showing off her legs. Makes sex so much easier
Please don't bully!
I don't have a Switch or Three houses yet and everyone in /vg/ is intent to drop spoilers. So yeah...maybe I'll pick Three Houses up for my birthday a month from now.
That one light mage with nice hips that is also a DELETE button for armors.
Jesus fucking christ are we ever going to get another lance infantry ever again? I'm fucking sick of lance flier/cavalry
The last infantry lance that came out was fucking Shiro
Micaiah, her finally getting Kita art pushes her over Camilla for me. No contest, I want to see what her B skill does.
Kind of bummed that Camilla's only real bonus is being a staff flier though, her kit sucks fat asshole compared to Veronica. Dunno why they gave her a bland 4* common skill as her C slot.
Alm matches BCelica nicely in art but unfortunately looks to be inferior statwise to the hideous legendary he got.
Eliwood's art is great but gameplay wise he looks just as mediocre as his shitass legendary alt is. Man what a shit legendary, what were they thinking with that one anyway?
>tfw use her more than LAzura
One of the few things that can put a dent in the Idunn hordes.
>last infantry lance that came out was fucking Shiro
My lord has it been that long.
Same here, I don't have either but seeing Kronya's art has made me genuinely interested in trying the game out, I filtered Fire Emblem and 3 Houses plus Edelgard just to try and avoid seeing what happens.
Until then though I still enjoy FEH so I'm happy Micaiah looks so pretty.
>Supporting the highest ATK unit on your team with Bonus Doubler is shit
Has the powercreep gotten that bad?
Is this the best line of ever?
Why are they all so god awful?
I want to start playing, should I keep this account or reroll?
Yes. Giving bonus gubbler to 1 unit while being mediocre himself gives him about as much value as Legendary Ephraim has nowadays. I've never found a situation where I'd use him over multiple other cavs, even with my +atk one. He's in this weird role where he's easy to kill, does big dick damage, but is mostly a supprter. It's a damn shame because his art is amazing and he's a good lad.
kat is cute as fuck but she ain't going to be pulling weight without some high end fodder and merges. Re-roll immediately and summon on the new Hero Fest or Legendary banner for a proper well balanced team(s).
>BVero and BLyn
Correct picks.
Excellent carry unit for your others above
She's ok, nothing amazing though.
If you feel satisfied then keep it, LAzura is excellent.
It's a shame that Alm does not summon a giant sword of light.
damn, im gonna lose my foot queen, azura tho. what units do you suggest looking out for if I reroll?
Keep the Azura, she's the most useful dancer in the game and is busted as fuck.
Reminder the only good CYL units are the colorless ones
That's unfortunate...I still want him in my barracks though.
Sothis, Caineghis, Eir, Legendary Alm, and Legendary Azura. Almost everything off that legendary banner is good with exception of three units. After you got a decent team farm out the story maps for more orbs and roll that Hero Fest too. Some top of the line skills are on that banner.
>power creep has been plaguing the game nonstop since Surtr but first started with Celica's retarded Death Blow 4
>CYL3 is finally shown
>their sets
They're really bad.
Woodrow of course
I wish I'd have gotten more Hectors, but I only managed to get one, fixed my Marth's flaw though, and got a Byleth and Caineighis to give my W!Ephraim DC and Vengeful Fighter.
The hype for CYL units has been dying down anyway. After so many people last year got fucked after hoarding an almost year supply of orbs I just don't see why anyone would bother unless one of the four are their absolute favorite.
He's nice to look upon at the very least, and his lines are endearing. I suppose you could find some role for him with that BD3 effect, it just requires a more specific team composition to utilize.
I’m picking Alm, even if he’s underwhelming visually and in terms of usefulness.
>tfw been voting for Miccy since the start
Well I guess late's better than never, free summon here I go. Just need to avoid blue when I'm summoning and I'm good, I want Camilla and Alm because I like them as well but Micaiah is top priority.
Did you expect anything different after Brave Celica's style? Brave Alm was obviously going to be colored like his Gaiden portrait with the chunky dark blue armor.
Camilla is going to be terrible for the game. She'll wreak havoc on newer players while being completely irrelevant at higher ranks where everyone has a null C tank that can easily 1shot her.
Probably Eliwood since he's the only one who seems somewhat unique in being the best player phase lance cav, though that isn't saying much. Alm has a shitton of competition and Camilla is just awful. Micaiah is a question mark because we don't know her B skill.
Seems so far that Eliwood > Alm > Micaiah > Camilla though in terms of how good of units they are.
>It's another Camilla alt.
Legendary Ephraim is fucking insane still. Eliwood is okay.
>a more specific team composition to utilize.
I'll find a away. The man deserves to be loved.
>it's another Camilla alt that's a shit tier unit
Aka every Camilla. How the fuck does she have 7 alts and not manage to be good even once?
I see no problem with this.
It womanlets seethe.
Don't forget to pair him up with some unit that has massive stats so he gets good boosts from it, at least in the modes that allow it.
CYL often have a family theme, he could have easily been Rudolf themed.
I wouldn't say he's really insane, just that there's really not that many other good lance cavs to push him out of the way. He's got good killing power but he's literally nothing to put down, his defenses are so worthless his healing signature skill is practically useless. I have a +Atk one (58 atk) I used to clear the Valter GHB cav quest when those were around, he did fine but he was always the most fragile non-ranged cav I had and struggled with some units. If I need a blue cav I just use shithardt and protect him with physical cavs, he's fragile but at least he's ranged and doesn't have a condition on his doubling.
>How the fuck does she have 7 alts and not manage to be good even once?
I find Camilla Emblem appealing because of this actually.
the only 5* cumilla I have is the shitty bathrobe one with the fetal alcohol syndrome face.
The beach one is good. Summer Laegjarn powercrept her (as well as every single other tome flier in the game) but that doesn't make her a shit unit. The rest are crap though.
Eliwood. HM Farm his feathers, do the Dragon Scale BS and all the other mandetory shit, then fodder his Swift Sparrow 3 to my waifu since I couldnt pull a S!Laegjarn
This one's theme is Rulers from what I can see.
Even so, I think they just wanted him to match Celica, the dev team has a ton of Gaiden fans and the Echoes director even illustrated some units apparently. Still looks better than his ugly ass legendary, I like Alm and the brave one is the best looking one so far here. First one was Zaza-tier and the legend one is a poorly designed overclass alt that doesn't even represent a class 90% of players even see at all in any iteration of his games.
I don't know why you retards always say this when summer Camilla is very much a good unit. As is Adrift Camilla who has a good prf and can hit really hard.
>Hinokafags still exist
Shouldnt you be a Leoniefag by now?
There’s tons of good lance cavs, but the best way to use a melee cavalry unit will always be galeforce, which Ephraim does the best hands down. His defenses are fine, but even then they hardly ever come into play because he never enemy phases anything.
Dunno man, Jagen can be a RES monster. Sully is unsalvagable.
Not really, they have a few better ones than axes but lance cavs tend to get the short end of the stick like Quan.
And Ephraim doesn't do Galeforce the best, especially considering how he's not something you'd use in arena because of his cav BST and every GHB/LHB has units that he can't just heavy blade out of the way. He's just average in a meta filled with units that have stupidly high defenses, especially with one of the most common ones being a Green one. Eirika's legendary is better.
>Speed tier: Always doubled
>Res tier: one hit killed
>Def tier: barely survive one hit tier
wow, those are some fine defenses
Also no, the best way to use a melee cav with mediocre defense and great attack power is Firesweep, which Eph can't reliably pull off because of his shit speed.
Excited to finally get my Miccy that I've been waiting for since she won. Will probably stop caring after that.
I can't get my LEirika to be any good. She dies to just about anything I try to use her against and her A skill is difficult to play around. Are merges required or something?
You can run her with Firesweep, her speed is excellent and she takes a fat dump on everything in her way with Lunar Brace. Lunar Brace is the key thing, since it blows apart high def units that most other physical ones have difficulty with.
Arena isn’t relevant here. You aren’t galeforcing things in arena. As someone who uses him for the hardest content in the game, like abyssals and AR, he’s definitely the best. His condition is the easiest to fulfill, he’s got top tier attack, and he’s not being one shot. Eirika relies on her speed stat and doesn’t have big dick attack. Both are big weak points.
>enemy phasing with a player phase cav
>walking into 60+ attack dragons
>not even being able to read what his defense stat is
I don’t know what to tell you other than to rethink your bad opinion.
Well sure, if you have a +10 one then fine. His speed is bumped to a level that prevents doubles when he receives a buff and his defense is passable. I'm talking the one with 33 Def and sub-30 natural speed though. Eirika's key point is that she runs Galeforce flawlessly when paired with a single speed buff and Firesweep Sword. She can punch through 54 defense Abyssal armored units with primed Ignis specials that Ephraim cannot. He's just not that good a unit mate, unless he's +10 like yours. He's sort of like Legendary Robin, he really needs the extra stats from his merges.
AR is a fucking joke.
He can't handle everything on his own man. 33 Defense with no speed is useless on abyssals, don't kid yourself. The ridiculous amount of reinforcements makes it impossible for a unit like him to manage without a dancer, and he relies a lot on the buffs he gets to get by. Don't just "oh here's my +10 Legendary unit he's pretty good" no fucking shit he's good at +10 when the big issue he had was being just below par in some stats.
>+10 legendary unit with +5 Dragonflowers
wew lad
no wonder you think he's good, you have him at a level that 99% of people who use him will never reach
I would say try using Firesweep cavs, they're intoxicatingly powerful, but not in comparison to a damn +10 legendary
Any tips? I tend to fall just short of hitting the cooldown requirement for heavy blade on abyssals even with my +atk one, usually when he's facing wyvern riders, dragons, or armored units. I use a similar build, minus Pass and he has atk smoke for trying to help out with heavy blade.
I’m not understanding firesweep eirika. What’s the point when her prf gives cool down reduction? How is she doing anything to units with high defense when you aren’t using her b skill? How are you reliably procing galeforce when it has 5 CD, Eirika’s attack stat isn’t that great with heavy blade, and she isn’t being counterattacked? It seems really, really bad.
Remove her prf. She NEEDs the B skill, what are you talking about? And have you ever heard of a seal called Flashing Blade? She doesn't even really need it, her special just needs to be minor cooldown so she can shit out damage with Lunar Brace. Sure she's not going to be pulling off flashing blade against say, a thief, but almost no one in the game can do that and those tend to be ones you bait with DC high def units that the game shits all over the summon pool or even the grail shop.
Does anyone even have any orbs left to roll this shit after Sothis just dropped? C'mon IS give me a break.
cavalry can't use flashing blade retard
Brashhardt is the best blue cav for abyssals.
>That feel when I considered rolling for Sothis more after the first circle gave me Legendary Alm
>Couldn't decide, ended up not doing anything
>Woke up to Hero Fest and CYL3 stuff
So when's the CYL banner? I really wanna get Tiki from the Hero Fest, but I also like the CYL3 heroes.
I don't know. I don't like any of them enough to choose just for the character, so I choose the best one for any content or just best skill to fodder
Hm, I forgot. Still, like I said, she doesn't even really need it. Literally the only skill she needs on her whole build is Lunar Brace, it's like a better version of legendary Alm's special. Use any CD A skill.
Last week of August most likely.
Alright so you’ve actually used Eirika, that’s good to know. You literally know nothing. Flashing Blade can’t be used by cavs. Lunar brace doesnt work with galeforce, it even slows her proc by starting it at 6 CD.
You can stop replying now because I’m not even sure you play feh.
I've never used Flashing Blade on anything, let alone Eirika. Never even upgraded the seal. She works fine without reduction because nothing can counter her.
This isn't even about her, I had a passing mention that she's better than Eph because of Lunar Brace. Stop trying to pass off your +10 +5 Ephraim as comparable to a regular one.
Also I didn't mention using Galeforce on Eirika, just that she kills shit better than Eph does.
I guess Camilla was bound to win eventually.
I want null c disrupt for this build.
Or special spiral, works too.
>mediocre 5* unit is good
>shows said 5* exclusive unit at +10 with maxed dragonflowers instead of arguing for the one with 5 less in every stat that everyone has
every time
Only thing missing is the summoner support.
Go back and read your posts, if you can read. “She runs galeforce flawlessly.” And in a discussion about galeforce cavs, I feel like Eirikas ability to run galeforce is critical, don’t you? Seriously, fuck off.
Cumilla and Eliwood
I'm really losing the drive to play these days.
As someone who actually uses her with a firesweep kit, I just use her default kit with the weapon replaced, and if the map is more cramped then I just replace it with Atk/Spd Bond 3.
Ignoring that guy, she does actually help quite a bit, she replaced my Sigurd as the go to Sword cav. I don't know how useful she is compared to Ephraim because I only used my Ephraim on Grima's abyssal, but don't discount her because of one dude.
I'll choose Eliwood.
I lost it long ago. There just isn't enough shit to do in it.
We could argue about how each hero performs at 4* without SI, but it just feels pointless. Of course if you take steps to make any hero more powerful, they’ll get stronger. But there is a cap to their power, which is where the discussion has more meaning for me.
I'm not that retard, I'm this guyAnd I wanted to shit on you for trying to claim that Eph was good by showing a fucking +10/+5 one, like no fucking shit. Don't try and use that as an example.
Oh I know she’s good, I have her as well and use her in AR when I can’t use Ephraim. Because despite this dudes idiocy, I do believe she’s a pretty good galeforce cav. It’s just that given the option during water/fire seasons, there’s no doubt I’m using Ephraim over her.
So you mean just your personal +10 legendary hero is "insane" then. No shit, I can't disagree with that garbage. Don't make a general statement on their use then when the post was discussing unmerged general use of Eliwood compared to him you retard.
I know how you feel. At least the Mythic Hero battle gave me some fun for 2 minutes.
I try to use them together but I usually only run one melee cav at a time on any given cav team.
And usually Fallen Berkut is my lance now, I waited forever for him to get an actually decent alt so I can't help it
Then make him stronger. Almost no unit is exceptional at anything in feh without merges and some SI. You can shit on almost everyone. Pulling for single copies of legendary units is pretty fucking stupid anyway.
>make innocuous post of "legendary Eliwood is about the same value as legendary ephraim"
>sparks big fight between other anons while I'm passed out from staying up til 5am
Idk I just don't find his effect that good
He's not bad, I was just trying to compare Eliwood to a cav of similar caliber, which I consider him to be.
Alm, I've two of him with shit IVs, so this will be a fresh start for me. Then Brave-Vero- I mean-Camilla if I'm lucky, but these GHB revivals have got me all giddy.
Still- I'm so fucking angry that I have a 5 star Lyon, and Sophita is literally him but better + IVs, Merges and a Refine- Despite my lil necro-boy being the Demon-kang.
If Lyon gets a refine- it'd better make him fuck Dragon-ass and only gets fucked by non-falchion divine weapons- or basically makes him a beast unit- fuck if I know.
Oh yes, because legendary Tiki is TERRIBLE if you don't merge and SI the hell out of her.
No, Ephraim just came out when legendary units were alright, but not OP as fuck, i.e. before the whole game ate its own asshole with powercreep. He's about as good as LRyouma, who isn't horrible, but isn't amazing either. He's thoroughly average as far as Legend/Mythic banner units that weren't freebies go.
The fact is, he's not "insane" for the average player. Every unit is good when you SI the shit out of them and give them full merges and dragonflowers, even garbage like Odin is good when you do that. Fuck, even Raigh is passable now. When you judge everything at +10/+5 level then it's a completely different discussion.
If I stick LEliwood with +10 merges and +5 flowers, he'd be a great cav too. His speed would be bumped to an excellent doubling threshold for Hone, his defense would actually stop attacks and he'd not get doubled, and he'd do absolutely buttfuck insane damage with his innate DB4 and higher speed, and it his BD effect would be amazing because instead of just denting something heavily, he'd clear it and make a path for other units. He'd be fucking awesome. But as he is, he's mediocre. Tons of units are great unmerged, like Sigurd. Eph and a lot of the legendaries are not them. Not bad, but not great.
Wow. It's almost like the game is designed to make you roll for copies of units you like to make them better.
I don't usually bother with abyssals but I really wanted the glasses
It's almost as if we were discussing units at base potential with only SI between them instead of rolling up 10 copies of the same rare limited-time unit on banners that often fuck players over by giving them 5 of the same color unit they didn't want instead of the one they were gunning for. Greetings from my fucking +4 Spring Catria and +2 Micaiah I got while trying for a single legendary Tiki with over 1000 orbs total.
>Micaiah's thighs
I've never wanted to fuck Micaiah more bros.
Then why even bother discussing it at all if they can all be good if you roll enough of them
If everyone's good then what's the point?
Yeah that's why people with self-respect don't play it
Are these official Micaiah panties?
>but still playing FEH
I have no idea what it's from, it's just one of my favorite Micaiah pics because she looks like she's from an old LN.
Was hoping that wordless namefag would come around to drop a few Miccy images for my collection actually, I don't remember his name but I got a lot of my collection from him, he might know what it's from.
>this drops after I use up 100 of my F2P orbs on sothis banner, only getting another Eir and Lyn
>CYL coming up
>Next legendary banner leaked, it has Ike on it, and I really want one more for that +10
not enough orbs for this shit. Glad I didn't go all in on Sothis, still have 115 left and time to save.
>tfw trying to break 4.5% on the Summer Lyn banner
I want Brave Camilla and Alm too but I think I'll just pick up my precious Micaiah and then leave it be.
>still no lingerie banner
I miss FEH threads
>same inane arguing about the meta potential of some unit (remember Tiki wars?)
>same "oh shit unit is in"
>same reroll advice posts
Sad that so many people left, I usually hear it's Aether Raids that tipped it over for former players if it wasn't some powercreep unit.
Can Reinhardt kill Nino?
When is timeskip Edelgard coming out? It's the only thing that could make me give a fuck about the game again at this point
I miss when tinyhands was just for hard maps and stuff. AR reminded me how annoying he is to face.
>add Kronya to heroes
>she's a oneshot 10 minutes boss in 3H
She is? There goes my excitement for 3H. Are there at least more characters with the purple skin and tentacles?
just wait for the dlc where shes recruitable
>recruiting the girl that killed your dad
Something seems wrong with Alm's face there
cummies are cummies and he was asking for it for being a father in fire emblem
>not stopping her from killing your dad and then fucking her good
Nope, all that cool design with scorpion tails is wasted on that oneshot boss
They recruited Gangrel in Awakening and he was technically responsible for Emeryn's death (or rather brain damage) even if she dropped of her own accord.
Black Knight was playable in RD despite killing Greil, even though he was on the other side and never allied with Ike himself.
Fucking Ashnard was unlockable for play after an insane amount of shit even though it's noncanon.
Doing abhorrent things does not forbid a character from playability. Not even outright death does.
fucking lame, the fuck is this garbage
if they were going to kill her off at least make the other characters look cool too
>not helping her do it and fucking her in the blood puddle
I don't mind thundercock so much in AR, or just about any cav unit that realistically appears there. It's the Ophelia/Azura pairing that really bugs me. Usually backed with another dancer in summer miccy and some other cancerous stuff like two mythics of whatever season it is.
I'm grateful for Nailah, because I'm a huge brainlet. Most of my AR battles are buff the cinnamom wolf with tactics skills, move kaden nearby, and tank nearly everything until I can clean up the stragglers.
spotpass characters in FE13 aren't canon anyway
Yeah, they're recruitable but not really canon, just bonus stuff
Ophelia and Azura makes it near impossible to finish a map without losing at least one unit. Sometimes there's multiple dancers just to drive the stake in even further. I'm more of a brainlet than you and I don't even have Nailah or anything with NCD.
Idk about that and I couldn't care less but it doesn't matter if they're canon or not, no named enemy character is truly impossible for playability unless IS simply decides not to make them playable, not even main villains. The closest I would say would be Ashera since she's got unique unit mechanics. None of their deeds or affiliations, no death state nor spirit floating in the air matters in regards to playability.
I choose to consider them canon just for the sake of marrying Em. Not like they contradict the story anyway, it's all side material with plausible explanations and it's all official optional content. It's funnier to consider Gangrel and Aversa canon anyway.
Regular Camilla is great with the refined weapon and goad fliers. Turns any other flier into a monster.
Remind me what's wrong with Camilla given she appears to have a much stronger offensive statline and a kit more heavily based around heavy offense
I'm still waiting for them to introduce the 'turn 1 special' counter, just like NCD was the counter to veronica and razzledazzle staves.
Special smoke kinda works, but not really. Need something like 'negates skills that accelerate special in cardinal direction if Foe's hp
Never going to happen (at least in an inheritable format, it might as a signature skill). Auto-ready specials are how they make a lot of the GHBs/LHB bosses harder.
Why does IS still have such a massive hateboner towards cavs, this is getting ridiculous how much anti-cav heat PVE maps have when they stopped being the number 1 cancer a year ago.
It's absurd, there's no way to make them good. The mobility (lack thereof in most maps) would suit them towards player phase, but you can't do shit in player phase. And of course you can't really do enemy phase as well as other units.
There is just no reason to use cav. It's sad since it's completely different in actual FE games, cavs are fantastic.
Cavs are the best units in every single Fire Emblem game ever released. One game where they suck won't hurt you.
Could work if it was conditionally tied to HP, or something. Bosses tend to have inflated hp pools to prevent that sort of thing.
That might work, sort of a special panic ploy type of thing?
After years of this game I finally decided to stop playing this game. It feels too much of a chore now. I feel really bad about all the time I invested in it though.
Micaiah obviously
>open a new map
>6 anti-cav tiles 5 forests and 6 wall tiles
>begins with one enemy wielding Ridersbane then another one spawns in on the second turn wielding a Zanbato
thanks IS
So this year's e-sports pick will be Micaiah right?
I'm not even a cav emblem player, I use fliers almost exclusively. I just think it's really sad that every cav out now and in the future is going to be bad just by merit of being a cav, since not only do enemies have absurd amounts of anti-cav weapons, most maps are now designed to hunder their mobility as well. Like Dimitri and Claude are automatically not worth trying to get by default.
Aren't fliers better in a few of them?
Julia also got leaked for the next legend banner. I'm trying to save for Deirdre merges for her repeat banner in a few weeks but they are not making it easy.
I have to forsake Laegjarn and that makes me sad. I just can't roll her.
Only if you don't have her other versions
>literally the only one of these banners I was actually really looking forward to
>decided that this particular banner shouldn't be dumb powercreep units
>in fact none of them are really useful at all
Don't pretend. You know exactly why they hate cavs.
Camilla at the very least is a 33/37 flying staff that comes packaged with wrathful staff and a prf that gives dazzling.
The atk/spd push 4 skill works on Eir, I guess
She'll have amnesia so it's ok.
based aceman. i dont have anything I can post that wouldnt get me in trubble
Rein and lyn/vero to a lesser extent are shits but is it really worth neutering the entire movement type?
dude FUCK bait banners. I actually got a +atk sothis while trying to get fodder for red and gray for only 25 orbs
I hate Tellius with a passion, but I am a legsman so I am going MIcaiah
FEH unronically has better gameplay than 3H.
>still haven't rolled edelgard
>100s of orbs down
>with over 1000 orbs total
Being a hordefag is suffering.
Guess when I eventually got her?
Months later when Naga debuted and I had long given up on the Tiki hunt with over 1500 orbs used over the course of all banners she had been on with not a single copy to show for it, a +Res/-HP one jumped me when I spent a few trying for Naga.
I haven't saved much in terms of orbs since then.
>it's ANOTHER Camilla alt
Didn't a brand new game just come out? Why are we looking at Camilla #7 and several other characters rather than characters from the new game?
>we never got summer camilla's rerun banner
Wtf, bros?
These characters won the 3rd player-decided vote of who should get a special alt version. There's one every year. Camilla is the 2nd place unit on the female side.
Last winners were Celica, Veronica, Hector, and Ephraim. First winners, which the free pick is now being removed for, were Ike, Roy, Lyn, and Lucina.
This is CYL, dumbass, people voted her in.
There is no way that banners rates are not a lie.
I lost my enthusiasm when user mentioned some posts later that Kronya's an extremely minor oneoff villain and nothing else in the game uses similar aesthetics. I'll still try it because I've been waiting for the next FE for a while, but the presentation of the game looks horrible. Good music though.
Ah, so it's just reflecting the bad taste of people still playing FEH. I guess that's more understandable.
>that shot where she lies on the ground
>those fat fucking tits
>kill her off
>dislikes camilla
>calls anyone else bad taste.
It's kinda obvious they're planning something for her in the future DLCs.
Actually if you were there for when the voting was on, Camilla was partially voted in out of spite for the people shitting on her and trying to force/entice people to vote for other characters, and shaming ones who did vote for her. This got a lot of people who don't even play FEH to go on the website and vote for Camilla in retaliation for being shit on just because they liked a fictional character, and even some who didn't like her voting her in just to see the butthurt from all the people who hated her.
Personally I threw her a vote because I like her hair, but Micaiah was my first choice because I've been voting for her since the first CYL.
my queen
Tell me when they do because she was one of the few things that genuinely grabbed my attention, and it wasn't because of her titties. She looks fucking cool with the devil tentacles, and purple skin, like a witch from the other games but also some sort of alien.
Camilla, duh.
I mean, just enjoy the game as is in the meantime. It's actually pretty fun and there's NG+.
Well as I posted before I don't have a Switch yet, but I filtered most terms I could associate with the game to avoid most spoilers I could, as I do intend to play it.
Just really disappointing that she's not more important and she's the only one like that.
Weren't they just people upset that everyone had ganged up on them to pile on Veronica to steal second place from Camilla last year after the midterms revealed she had a decent shot at that.
Ah, alright. I guess I can see that. Camilla hate is a bit overdone but it's more about FEH's overuse of her. I mean, she isn't a great character in Fates (which is why Lyn doesn't get the same hate) but if people are enjoying their floating garden Camilla teams, more power to them. It's more asking IS why they are producing so many seasonal alts for that one character when there are probably hundreds of options that haven't even made an appearance yet.
Honestly, you need to be kind of dumb to complain about Camilla being voted in when worst non-customizable lord was the most voted female.
I mean, it's kinda obvious the students are going to be the main focus. Still, I get your frustration but it's just a very minor part of a very great SRPG. You'll absolutely love it if you're a fan of FE.
Well, she did get voted 7th, 6th and 3rd most popular character in all of fire emblem for three years
There was a bunch of twitter shit as well as a billion reddit screencaps of people screeching about her. People got pissed and it the backlash spread back onto twitter, and then some random ecelebs joined the fray (I recall one YT guy telling his fans to go vote for a specific character, don't remember who) and it got ugly.
She's certainly got good stats in Fates at the very least, a pretty good unit overall. This was decided after all the alts though as far as I recall. Maybe 1 wasn't? Idk. IS just shits out the ones that make money, hence why Lyn just got another alt as well (a summer one with a blue bow).
Ironically, had they let her win, Camilla wouldn't even be a factor anymore for any future CYL polls, which would have cut down on the butthurt.
Year 4 is going to be Marth's year, I can feel it.
The only correct answer is Michiah.
>green flier
>gives my main team perfect coverage
>but also invalidates Lyn’s need on my team
>meaning she’s going on an all-summer theme team
>now I need to choose who out of my swimsuit sluts to team up together
This problem wouldn’t happen if IS jacked up the team count to 20.
Gonna roll for Camilla since i don't have a flier healer and Micaiah since she is pretty good and i wanted her to win
Depending on who i get, will pick the other one
If i get both i'm picking eliwood for fodder
Yeah I could tell from the occasional thread about prerelease material I saw over the past few months, which I generally avoided so I could see the stuff in game (since I already experienced what it's like to know everything already before a game is out with Gen 7 of Pokemon). The art's ugly but eh, I already decided I'd probably gun for Mercedes or Marianne, they're alright. Timeskip trailer was good.
The only things I've been spoiled on is that if you support Edelgard she refuses to live with you until her throne is taken by another and Kronya looking fucking awesome. I've even skipped the Forging Bonds stories so I know less about the characters, even though I somehow managed to free roll Edelgard herself and Male Byleth.
The smart way to do it is how this user is doing it.
Never pick before you're done rolling, pick after you roll one you want so you don't get a dupe if you want different ones.
>inb4 Dimitri and Claude win and cuck marth for another year
I blew all my orbs on the summer banners instead, and got my favorite dude & an Ursula out of it, completing the Muspells & the FE7 sluts. Wanted Lilina too, but I can wait til January.
I just can’t bring myself to give a shit about this Hero Fest banner, nor do I care much for Sothis when I’m getting Kronya tomorrow.
Spent all my orbs for 3H banner
I still have a bunch of shit i haven't completed but i don't care about this banner
>Camilla is actually covering everything but her face and breasts
Why did reddit and twitter have to win, lads?
Camilla being here at all is a loss for those two.
>Imagine banging Micaiah and you have Yune watching you.
I’m so glad they screwed me out of Camilla and created the cancerous ass Veronica that plagues every player made team mode.
>This kills Armors and Cavs
At least Vero helps a lot in stuff like LHBs.
I hate AR though.
not like cavs need the help getting offed
She's so damn useful on anything with 99 HP armors though.
Why does Micaiah have a ghost?
Because they needed to add a second character to her so that anyone would want her.
The ghost was with her all along
In Radiant Dawn that's actually the only way Yune physically shows up when not possessing someone or being a bird, although it's mostly in a talking scene with Ike. The colored one we see in FEH is only seen that way in the character art section of the menu in game.
user pls. Year 4 will be utterly dominated by 3H characters. It's going to be a fight to the death between Edelgard and Lysithea for first place.
Well she is a fanfiction character.
She must be special.
They do all those characters clearly died, just look at the death quotes of Gangrel and Aversa, they clearly did not survive.
>death quotes
>meaning anything
>that PoR bitch
>Fates tutty titty monster
I'll go with the titty monster, though Alm is a close second.
I wish Micaiah was my unreasonably young/hot looking grandma....
If only Reinhardt made it in Smash.
Micaiah and Camilla are the only good looking ones. They dropped the ball on Eliwood, and Alm a shit.
Micaiah came a long way.
Remember her Awakening art?
They're too retarded to make things for melee cavs but at the same time giving it to range everything else. So yes on their part
Keep for blue azura alone
>save up about 90 orbs
>lose all sense of control and roll all on summer laegjarn
>now have no orbs, and a summer banner with sunken cost on it.
>get SLaegjarn
>spend feathers giving LnD and a Bladetome to Summer Camilla instead
Idk what the fuck is wrong with me I guess I just like her better
Also I've never rolled a Sothe and now I'm wasting all my orbs on getting the lyn alt because I'm mad the male prostitute version of Mamui blocked me
Can't wait until Choose Your Legends 3 when the winners are going to be Dimitri, Claude, Edelgard, and Sothis
Camilla. I have all of her alts so I might as well complete the collection
we just did 3
Alm of course.
Those dragons must remember their place.
I haven't touched this game in a while. Who are you picking for what? Is this one of those battles where you support a character with flags and go through a tourney?
I got spooked by Thea when I was at like 7 percent earlier and I was about ready to kill someone. Getting spooked in general sucks but units that are also at 5* hurts even worse. My hatred for subhumans grows with every off banner pull I get.
the community has a poll to decide who gets a special variant character each year; the top 2 of each gender get one
then, on release, you get to pick 1 of the 4 to have for free
>(I recall one YT guy telling his fans to go vote for a specific character, don't remember who
Oh that was Mangs.
He wanted everyone to vote for Louise.
I've gotten 3 offbanners on it, a dupe -Atk Nah (nice), my first Maribelle and she has +Spd (excellent) and male prostitute (anger).
Every time I see Mordecai or Thea's silhouette I am tense as fuck.
Ah, ok. Well at least she's a good girl.
>Vote for another man's wife
What a cuck.
Camilla is a staff. Fuck. And Veronica is better. Fucking cunts.
>spooked by Thea when I was at like 7 percent
Jesus Christ!
And the other 3 you have to roll for, I assume?
Alpharad also pushed for people to vote for FRobin, while I'm pretty sure he also admitted he doesn't even play FEH. That was pretty shitty.
Post the units that have carried you through hell and high water
>Miccy has Yune as her Persona
> Ahh...finally... Sweet...death... Finally...the pain... F-finally...it ends...
Clearly she lived
Her and Micaiah are going to be good friends.
I don't know why you expected any better, Camilla's power level is directly tied to her exposure.
How long has a while been this is the third year in a row they've done this exact same thing
I played when it first came out then stopped shortly after. I can't even process what all these systems and knickknacks they've added to the game are now.
Many such things have been said by characters falling into unconsciousness.
I have an unmerged +Atk Lukas I got a long time ago that I built to have 51 Def. He sort of helps, not even Black Luna can crack him.
This Neph is it though. Don't remember what this image has as her kit but now it's double Brazen Atk/Def as her A and S slots, and she has Noontime as her special.
It may sound counterintuitive but it works well in practice, better than actually just letting her keep Brazen on at all times.
Well looks like I can safely skip out on that and just blow everything on the brave banner I guess.
wew that's fucking terrible nevermind, this is the current build she has
>have 2 dupe nephs
>don't know if I should keep for wrath fodder or merge.
Someone in the dev team must really love Celica, because holy shit, 78 ATK and 63 SPD is the definition of overkill, and that's not including buffs
>finally got around to building mine
>lmao brazen atk/spd 9
With Gangrel at least, Ylisse would definitely check if he was good and dead.
I just want Alm to not suck.
>blue dong armour
He sucks
Who do you think Phoenixmaster will pick ? I want him to pick mommy but I'm feeling he will pick Mica since that's what s.o.y likes
His twitter poll is going towards Micaiah so probably that
Have you never seen a movie where a character falls unconscious and wakes up later or proclaims death is upon them at last but is denied it?
Anyway Sephiran, he says "At last... I'm dying." when you defeat him but if recruited he'll get healed and decide not to die. The quote was meaningless because Fire Emblem is a world of magic and bullshit.
is ninian eliwood canon
Probably Micaiah.
Wouldn't even make sense to pick Camilla for use in his guides because Veronica is usually super central in them anyway and having an inferior staff would make it less easy than having Veronica plus a dual effective mage flier.
They're all so boring I have no idea and none of them are groundbreaking to the levels of Lyn or Veronica, it feels like they lazied out and instead of giving them interesting weapons, they just slapped a Lv4 skill and called it a day.
Also, funny enough Camilla appears to be the worst of them all.
When is CyL banner dropping?
I'm about that point too. All those resources I spent time for for nothing. I guess it was fun for the first year..
I was pretty sure Oliver was dead
Alm seems like the worst one
You can never go wrong with a gravity healer and her stat spread is really good
Alm is just another sword infantry
Eliwood, easy. Wada is a god send.
>Nini's ice lance
>flying staff
Shittiest skill kit though.
Eliwood looks pretty underwhelming as well. Alm also is just another superpowered sword in a living sea of flesh that does the same thing.
I actually been dropping all my orbs to get more Genny orbs but my luck has been absolutely abysmal, only one merge after almost 400 orbs, with one Velouria and one Minerva pitybreakers and currently at a 5.33% pity rate. It honestly pisses me off so much.
i cant believe ninian gave her precious inherited lance from her mother to a human
She's got the powercreeped versions of one of the few offensive A skills healers can use, and an offensive statline to really work with it
>things have gotten so repetitive
>rolls have been so shitty which is pretty much the only thing worth doing nowadays
>Lost Lore gets announced
>we can't even play it
>treasures recovered are even more badges and crystals
>Aether Raids is still absolute fucking shit and they still are unable to limit teams to one dancer per team
I'm surprised the game still makes profit, things have gotten so dull yet IS doesn't do anything to actually improve the game.
Probably Camilla.
>want to build regular camilla
>to this fucking day, have not found a camilla with +atk or +spd
It's not fair.
Micaiah deleting armors is too good
But her mom is also a degenerate human fucker.
I'm glad Alm has dong armor though, the only reason he deserved getting an alt at all desu.
How are the skills of them all btw? Not that my choice would be affected, don't give a shit about Elibad, Miccy Sue or Alm.
>Yea Forums is discussing gatcha shit unironically
>FE fags give a shit about autistic gatcha shit even though they have brand new game to actually play
Is the new game that bad, or is fagbase of FE this autistic? This is more autistic than Pokemon + Smash fags combined. Absolutely embarrassing. No wonder why everyone calls Nintendo fags autistic unironically.
Playing gatcha and being proud of it is like playing legos up to this date and trying to discuss train models with your co-workers.
im playing both fuck off with awful posts like this
Have fun complaining, I'll have fun not complaining.
Based. /vg/ autists need to fuck off from hole they come from.
how can you be so wrong
We used to have daily FEH threads during the whole first year, not like a filthy newfag like you should know, ironically they were some of the best and most civil threads in all Yea Forums and for anything FE related. And discussing Heroes is completely different to 3H discussion.
Explain yourself.
Playing with Lego is extremely common among adults and is often used even by homes for the elderly in day programmes.
Where is she?
Is she not cumming back?
I knew an 87 year old man named Frank who had an entire garage of Lego he made massive cities and such with, they met at the senior's hall with other collectors. He's gone now but Lego is one of the few all-ages things I've seen that no one really has an issue with. It's nothing like playing a titty gambling sim on a phone.
Why are you all not taking the Pokemon Masters pill yet, it's pretty comfy albeit lacking in a lot of content to do?
Sounds like he was a cool dude.
I'm just avoiding the new game because I have no switch and I don't want to be spoiled on it. Micaiah over there is from my favorite FE and FEH is relatively safe to discuss.
The threads are also less full of insane and mindless shitflinging like normal FE threads. Some of those are impossible to discuss anything in because FE has a horrible community.
waiting for it to come out here
I care so little about the trainers I forgot it released.
they did camilla wrong
atk/spd push 4 instead of atk/spd solo 4
her staff is also mediocre and she didn't even get the full swift sparrow 2/3 effect, imo even if they stick with a gravity staff she should have been the first healer to get wrathful and dazzling effect within the same staff. gravity by itself is useless, her most ideal prf is gravity and pain combined, along with wrathful and dazzling effect and they can even axe the swift sparrow effect to compensate
she didn't even get a healing skill and only gets restore+
her getting atk tactic 3 is just insulting and taunting camillafags
Not out yet and I want to link my account instead of futzing around with a singaporean apk and vpn.
I did so for DL and ACPC already and ACPC was shit. DL is good though.
I plan to play the shit out of masters though.
Waiting for the global release, but the fact it currently requires 64bit OS to run is hightly worrying because it limits it to almost nothing but new phone models.
He was, I met him at a garage sale.
I regret not calling him more.
Bets on what Miccy's B skill does?
C looks like air orders
>quickly approaching 400 orbs
>still nothing to spend them on
Does august get more than CYL alts or am I gonna have to wait another month for Peri's alt?
>Does august get more than CYL alts
There's another (surely 3H) banner coming up.
>(surely 3H)
I know why they're shilling it but boy, is it hard to give a fuck about a game I haven't played.
Hopefully they'll have good fodder like the first one I guess.
Plus there's still halloween and christmas.
I believe her best chance would be at Halloween, but IS will be pushing 3H so hard that probably even Fates alts will suffer from now on.
It fucking sucks.
I wish I didn't have hope for the game because odds are I'll probably be playing whenever she does get one.
Also have a non-tiny version of that pic.
Three Houses is out. Who still plays this garbage.
3Hs isn't free.
Aside from that why would I suddenly cease my bus-ride game just because a real game came out
ah fuck dude where'd you go I haven't seen you in ages, I wanted sauce on this image since I saved it from you
yes it is
Well I wanted to learn more about the three houses via the forging bond before I made my choice.
I don't believe you.
Hello user.
Look up Hirokore + Ragan it's part of a set
I'm not that guy, i've got a +1 Ephraim and he's an absolute monster. 59 attack + Deathblow means he always gets heavy blade so the only time he doesn't get galeforce off is when he oneshots the enemy. Unlike that user though i just run the desperation set even though it does make Galeforce spam a little worse.
I'm picking Micaiah and not spending orbs on the banner. I don't have a single green mage flier so that's a big incentive for me.
It helps that CYL banners are cursed as fuck. I'm not spending an orb after last time.
Some sort of fancy debuff
Maybe Aversa's night but as a B skill and it compares Res instead of HP.
I have 1,900 F2P orbs in the bank, and I'm still waiting for Rinkah.
Once she comes out, I'll probably quit this shitty game desu.
I saved the image from a Yea Forums post.
>wait for a hero you wanna roll on only to quit once you get her instead of playing with her
I cannot fathom how your mind works. It's like saying you'd save up all your money just to buy a lambo and then leave it in a junk yard.
it's pretty simple, they've long given up on the game, but they resolved to save for rinkah, so now they do the bare minimum of logging in out of habit to increase their orb stash while waiting for the rinkah reveal. once they actually have her they no longer have any goal in the game.
Sounds retarded. Just quit and download the pngs when she comes out.
One-shotting the meta since 1999
Basically what said
I'd enjoy playing with her for a week or two, but after that I'd have nothing to look forward to and no motivation to continue.
Alm is shit.
The only thing saving Eliwood from mediocrity is his dual effectiveness which will become more common soon anyways.
Micaiah is literally Micaiah but green, nothing special and even worse than her red version unless her B skill turns out broken.
So Camilla it is.
Because the Goddess of Chaos was her fucking bird all along and only revealed herself when shit hit the fan and the Goddess of Order decided to wipe shit once she got reawoken. Which she intended to do whenever she was reawakened.
Sad, Yune was actually pretty cool, too bad she mostly deferred to that piece of shit Micaiah.
Even with that, I have a hard time believing Aversa would come to after the battle and there was no one to heal her considering the Grimleal was done with her anyhow?
The Japanese version of her backstory never even explained why Validar brainwashed her in the first place, showing how little thought was put into the spot pass recruitment.
2 years and a half and she still Mvp
It's amazing how IS released all the GOAT mages early and can't even powercreep them because they were just that good.
Hoes Mad
>He spends money on gacha
XD KYS loser
Can't be assed to screenshot it, but reinhardt is still useful years later.
I'm normally a tits and ass man but i'd kill to see some doujins of micaiah's small frame getting manhandled
Brave Micaiah is literally her 3rd class design draw by her original artist. She didn't come a long way, she went back to square 3.
it's likely IS didn't want Camilla to win CYL3 to begin with. They released an alt for Eirika right as CYL2 started or during it and it killed her, so then they do the same for Camilla right before CYL3. Even worse, it was a budget version of Eir, who was already free. And then Camilla won anyway. Her prf just screams laziness, like they didn't even want to give her one but were obligated to. Hell she didn't even get a full swift sparrow 2 effect for no apparent reason, and throwing the worst A skill and fucking attack tactic on her is practically a middle finger to those who voted for her.
Also fits with how SLaegjarn and SLaevatein were direct upgrades to SuCamilla and SprCamilla, or how Adrift Camilla hasn't even appeared on a banner since her own back in November.
Nino is so cute, I want to bully her.
Very cute!
They didn't want Lyn to win CYL either, yet that bitch came out of the gates demolishing Lucina's alt, who they were expecting to win. I think it's just someone on the dev team has a hatred for her and nobody else wants to die on that hill so they just let it go.
Quite frankly I'm just glad she has good atk/spd spread and comes with wrathful staff as a skill and has dazzling staff in her prf, nothing is more of a pain in the ass than trying to get one of those for fodder and it makes pulling 5* healers that don't have it feel so bad. I was about ready to strangle someone when I thought she only came with that A skill before I noticed the layout later.
Except BFjorm has a better prf that is actually unique in it's effect, and BVeronica is just straight up superior. Give any other staff user a refined Gravity staff and you've just invalidated BCamilla's whole existence.
Lugh and Lewyn are both powercrept versions of Nino, she just came with a blade tome by default and the returns on +1 atk or speed on a blade set are minimal, so people just stick with the original tomes for the other two.
Celica and Reinhardt are really the only early mages that haven't been outclassed. Blue have all been powercreeped by Ophelia, flying red mages didn't exist until Nowi, flying blue gets powercreeped every summer, and flying green released quite late and continually gets powercreeped. There's only one of each armor mage so I guess they didn't get powercrept; and cav mages that aren't Rein were trash until G.Olwen.
>6 alts
Nice victim complex
Maybe some people would rather have a genuinely good alt rather than a ton of below average alts. Ever think of that? There are three Leos in the game but all three are piss tier. Doesn't help that she's a Brave unit and they didn't even try to make her good.
She's never disappointed.
>6 alts
>all of them but one (adrift) have been straight outcreeped and even were mediocre on arrival bar Su!Camilla
Micaiah is best girl
I don't disagree.
Why would they hate Camilla?
Camilla is one of their major cashgrabs and she's actually a draw.
Every Camilla alt makes them millions of dollars in revenue since whales love to +10 her.
Sabotaging her on purpose makes zero financial sense.
It's not a dev who hates her, she has 7 alts
She's probably disliked by some higher-level manager that even devs who like her wouldn't dare cross
Probably out of jealousy too, Camilla in 2019 got sabotaged to hell and back
>Sabotaging her on purpose makes zero financial sense.
Not true. If they think people will whale for her regardless, and they clearly do given how subpar her alts come in at previously, that means they don't have to make her pushed to get that whale dough. This means that they can then make a relatively unpopular unit pushed as fuck, so then people will have to whale for that unit as well.
Had a Camilla alt in question be pushed to, say, Ayra tier, then nobody would whale on the other Ayra tiers when those come out since they have a shiny new busted +10 camilla alt, especially if they aren't as popular.
Most Camillas have been mediocre on arrival
>the biggest joke in the game on release; became slightly better after SI and after her prf got a niche as a buffbot
Spring Camilla
>only really useful for raventome memes which have long since been kind of crap, had a rather poor statline on release and SLaevatein is strictly better
NY Camilla
>worse than Elincia on release and has been shit compared to every sword flier since
Summer Camilla
>only truly good Camilla till she was strictly powercrept by Summer Laegjarn
Adrift Camilla
>worse than Summer Tana and arguably Aversa on release
Spa Camilla
>a worse version of Eir on release
Basically half of the Camillas at that point were just worst version of another on release. As it stands the only truly decent Camilla is normal Camilla, oddly enough, and only because she can do something no one else can, even if it's not much.
Now that fucking Camilla is over with, its safe to say best Fuhrer is winning next year, right?
Adrift Camilla, Summer Tana and Aversa are all different red tome fliers
Adrift Camilla is basically flying Lilina without Prf DB3+Chill Res while Summer Tana is basically flying red Nino and Aversa is a debuff queen with unremarkable offenses
Adrift Camilla will also get a refine since she already has a Prf
The Wood. Though Camilla is tempting.