>party member dies
>comes back almost immediately making all the mourning cutscenes irrelevant
Party member dies
What games even have playable pandas?
I know one of the Beast class skins in EO2 is a Panda.
well the obvious one is wow
Tokyo Jungle
Pedo panda is back? I hope not for much longer.
OP is a faggot
Good question. I made a thread asking what vidya is good to play while drinking alcohol and it got deleted asap. They are especially triggered on any threads about weed too.
The mods have been subverted with reddit and discord fags because we're too lazy to apply for mod roles ourselves.
cümbrains actually care about this sort of shit
stop fapping ya cunt
NOT video games
Try it out yourself
Kung Fu Panda games.
is gamer wordfiltered?
okay this is epic
>it's real
fucking based, trannies on suicide watch
>when panda proved that /lgbt/ and /pol/ are the same board
Horseshoe theory wins again
Fucking die pedophiles
pretty sure it's at least PART video games.
>entire meme decapitated by a filter
How nice. Same thing happened with onions, hope it’ll quickly die
>no visible butthole
>vagina just keeps going
I wish more artists with good hands studied more anatomy
well you can see her butthole on the next page alright
epic post!
and definately not off topic!
so epic bro!
kill yourself dumb pedo