Tfw backlog full of lewd video games

>tfw backlog full of lewd video games
Games for this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>p-please don’t make me filter myself ;-;

Drink some water, faggot


uh oh resetera trannies are getting mad at the thought of sex

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have sex

>Good lewd games are untranslated
Learning nip takes its sweet time

whats this new meme?

When will onions will get unfiltered?

Kill yourself cúmbrain

based mods lol


what it is with roasties angry against boobs and ass? im a skinny guy but i dont get triggered over a masculine alpha chad male

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Why didn't word incel got filtered too?

help....please...i can't control myself anymore.....must cum to distract from my

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I don't speak whatever uses ú. Could you translate?

Semen brain

Let me translate for so a jizzbrain like you can understand

hurrrrr aguwtagn peebeee burrrzzztt huoppppp zzzzeeeeeeqqqt

Have sex.


who is this person?

Jannies gotta be really retarded tbqh. All this "dilate, tranny, discord, etc" trash being left up to flood the board, but the second a buzzword that 100% accurately calls out the state of modern Yea Forums gets created, it gets deleted on sight now?

This place is just full of low brow niggers it's not even funny. If you want softcore porn to be acceptable here, revert Yea Forums back to one site instead of this "advertisement friendly bs you pushed months back", hypocritical bastards.

back to Yea Forums gamer

Kek this actually made me not mastrubate today. Weird how this site works on me.

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>suddenly, Yea Forums is overrun by Puritans
What happened?

lol, did someone strike a nerve, buddy boy?

If even one user was saved then it was all worth it

So you had a stroke and need professional help? When why are you posting on a videogame imageboard?

But, you're not having sex. You're jerking off and shitting up this board.

Seems like /pol/ has far extreme influence than anyone ever thought.

Just finished fapping, feels good man

But i translated for you jizzbrain, thats your native language

>not wanting smutposting brainlets to fuck off to the porn boards so maybe we can talk about video games for a change
What happened?


based post
that I can still read
despite being word filtered
and deleted

very based

smutposters can fuck off to the multiple porn boards
I want to talk about video games, not titties

>dude le sex is natural what are you a Puritan xddd
Yes sex is natural but obsessing over it to the point where it dominates all discussion and your thoughts isn’t. There are a bunch of boards dedicated to porn and even an ecchi board. Unironically have sex

There are not enough good h-games to warrant a backlog.

they're not saying masturbating is bad, they're saying obsessing over porn constantly to the point you can't post anything but porn is brainlet tier

Bend over.


We haven't been able to talk about porn on Yea Forums for years now. Console-war mentality has carried over into kinks.

But either way, Cum Brian's wild ride is mainly just meme goofing fueled by Yea Forums's comedic inability to tolerate even the mildest of perceived slights.

If you want to jerk off go to a pink board.

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I was actually looking through my games today and found this, have zero recollection of buying it. Clearly I didn’t play it, but was just a strange feeling seeing a game I have complete zero memory of owning.

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Play it NOW

>post some gay bars shit
>Post a on topic thread about a game featuring a female
>Reeeeeeeeee get this shit off my board. Sex addicted jizzbranners need to leave.

>no longer creative
>posts another wojack

Porn spammers are fucking annoying

Go play Fairyfighting since you like raping yourself and probably project yourself onto anime girls. Hopefully you like what you see and therefore voluntarily remove yourself from the breeding pool. SkeetSkull is our operation as natives sick of waifuposters and fapbait derailing threads now. Trannies get out.

A pathetic attempt of a raid by some seething faggots who fear 2d superiority.

They'll log off once Tyrone boots them off the family computer.

>tfw you have a folder with 367 translated rpg maker h-game ready to play
>the folder with the ones that are completed only has 87 in it
>tend to download new ones faster than play them
I'll never catch up, all this high quality shit I'm missing out on

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You can’t stop the human sex drive. Spamming a meme word won’t make them stop. Just get over it and accept you don’t live in a utopia that is custom made for you.

i honestly dont understand, i thought Yea Forums was a nazi white supremacist website that hates women, instead its overrun by angry trannies/sjws

the left can't meme

>100 pages on smash threads, wojak, twitter posts, clickbait articles
Okay thats where we draw the line

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the left can't meme

>Okay thats where we draw the line
This is what I meant about smutposting brainlets. Just because there's other garbage-tier threads doesn't mean yours is okay.

>smash threads
i dont personally like them. but they are on-topic, titties are not and should be purged as well as clickbait and twitter posts. you fucking degenerate

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You didn't know that's userbase is committed to social justice? Of course! That's why racism and other forms of bigotry are only allowed on Yea Forums, which is the silly irony board!

I'm going to keep posting waifu thread anyway. Your spam word won't stop me tranny.


Even by some retard luck where 2d gets banned from Yea Forums, I'll still be a straight man who loves fat tits.

You can tell all these people pushing the meme don't know a single thing about how Yea Forums works, because every time there's some kind of conquest to try and change a board, most of the posters here will do the exact opposite of what you want out of pure spite. So keep spamming it, friends. You're doing us a favor.

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Discord organized brigading by Summer underages. Honestly also probably KiwiFarms eternally asshurt their efforts to get SadPanda nuked failed, and the site is already back up thanks to 2+2+2+1+1Chan

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people are finally standing up against all the nehtai spam and all the waifu bullshit. there are 6 boards dedicated to that crap. this board is for video games now.

Post new Sadpanda link pls

It's the same one.

they don't hurt anyone, while bait threads actually make you lose braincells

is this site entirely infested with election boomers now?

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op is a cumbra|n and mods are faggots

Give it a week, up to a month and it'll be like nothing ever happened.

Fuuug I can't get in
It's the meme al over again

panda is dead, long live the 4 sluts

posting waifu is ok as long as its related to a videogame, pointless porn posting is cringe and H games belong on /h/ faggot

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There he is, the man with the big brain.

>IT MUST BE /pol/
Imagine freaking out this much over getting called out.

Literally a raid. The c word wouldn't get filtered after just one day of spam if there weren't at most 5 people posting it in every other thread on Yea Forums.

It's never going to stop being retarded that people get upset that an imageboard is being used to post images.

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garbage threads are garbage threads and shouldn't be made

actually, we're being raided by Yea Forums

wait hold on i get behind on my narratives

so now the trannies that are obsessed with sex are mad at Yea Forumsirgins for obsessing over images of sex?

I want to feel Senpai.

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yeah it's this thing they do IRL

i think it's called have sex

based mods dabbing on normalfaggots

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Cunnybrain chads keep winning.

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It's never going to stop being retarded that people get upset that a discussion board is being used to discuss how 13% of the population

Yes because they want to be treated like those anime girls instead, and those images get in the way of that.


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So the trannies are mad at Yea Forumsirgins for not fucking their boipussies, so mad that they spam cumbra|n?

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There's a game called "Go Outside and Have Sex" that you'll like, its a must have.

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>Literally any costume is better than the default
What's her name Yea Forums

>agehao shirt

muy bien

I chuckled, here's a (you)

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the left can't meme

this kills the weebincells


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Are DSLR's a popular thing now?

it doesn't, really
any more than the epic owns of blumpf and his orange skin have eliminated the republican party, or the biting satire of twitter wits have eliminated woke capital
you're just being a faggot and annoying everyone

this is the most wearying thing about Total Activist Culture: it's full of mongs who believe that loudly claiming victory over whomever is identical to actually achieving victory
this frees them from having to comprehend what "victory" would entail, or understand anything, or do anything but make endless "our team yay their team boo" shitedits of ancient memes

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Why are all the /pol/babies so anti porn recently?

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most of /pol/ is composed of unironic reddit refugees and other undesirables who basically don't give a shit about Yea Forums and just post here because this is where the le wacky trump memes are

shit in the water's interfering with testosterone production
it's a crisis on the level of the lead thing, but no one cares

sir, this is video games

I understand that but why the anti porn sentiment now?




What dumb garbage are people pretending to be angry about today?

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that's just a commonly held sentiment held by the facebook and reddit boomers who now infest our site
as well as some of the "anti-degeneracy" types

i love porn but we have boards for that, this isnt one of them

absolutely kino


Is that Jill?

you want it to be one way
you want the epic greentexts for reblogging on your social media platform, the hot takes, the stuff you can mine for shit to share with your pals, but you don't want all the other shit that makes it possible
so you whine about "off-topic" and about "porn". you want a single-dimensional cow you don't have to feed that provides infinite milk. and when anyone explains to you that this is impossible, you call them a retard, because "well, I can IMAGINE a cow that I don't need to feed that produces infinite milk, so why can't you just make the thing I'm imagining?"

life is a burden


no i just want a board where i can freely and anonymously discuss vidyagames and not which character i want to fuck

Blue board you retard

you want a board full of people who will use their freedom to do exactly what you want them to do

The 2016 election is the worse thing that has ever happened on Yea Forums

by that metric any topic is valid on any board

Yea Forums meetup

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talking about how you want to fuck annie mae has nothing to do with the game

apply to be a jannie if you care so much about what is and isn't posted on this board

if it's on Yea Forums it's because it's a garbage thread retard

Based mods and jannies fighting the discord tranny menace


Play Girls Frontline, theres a crossover happening in a few days. You too can have Jill as a waifu.

"on-topic" got us "/pol/ with [topic]"
perhaps you should stop goodharting the living shit out of the board content

by that metric there is no such thing as topical discussion


testing to see what happens when posted pls dont ban


me on the left


me on the left

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me around her neck

Man-milk noggin

panda is back

I love how hard the word made Yea Forums SEETHE.
they hate it because it's 100% true, and cuts deep.
This board is more obsessed with porn than talking about video games.

>implying mods and j*nnies aren’t he discord tranny menace