>eight songs
>no remixes
>all MIDI instead of orchestral
>music from the trailer isn't even in the game
We waited a month and a half for THIS? Not even an extra mode, just this dumb fuck? What a fucking waste of a slot.
>eight songs
>no remixes
>all MIDI instead of orchestral
>music from the trailer isn't even in the game
We waited a month and a half for THIS? Not even an extra mode, just this dumb fuck? What a fucking waste of a slot.
Other urls found in this thread:
But Japan likes him.
what they did with te songs was awful, but i love the character, it's fun and different
>Use hero is teams. Play like I'm drunk and still win teams match without losing a stock.
this made me laugh but I also felt bad about it. This really kills Smash.
Can't wait for Banjo to get ten songs directly ripped straight from the N64 games. And not a single boss theme
How do you play like you're drunk without actually being drunk?
I was playing more like a cat, actually.
Japan legit doesn't care that the music is MIDI and not orchestral. That's why.
you're conflating something that requires negotiations with something that requires development time to try to make your point look more valid
Well the thing with Banjo is that they've already posted an actual remix on the website. This DQ debacle is just Square being Square again. This is exactly why people didn't want another Square character in Smash. At least it's better than Cloud's 2 songs. But it's not much better.
>Awful Frame Data
Let’s look at and compare some of the frame data Hero has, to let’s say, Captain Falcon, who has far less range on his attacks. Hero being on the left, CF on the right
>Jab 1: 6/3
>Ftilt: 9/9
>Utilt: 8/17
>Dtilt: 6/11
>Fsmash: 17/19
>Usmash: 13/22&28
>Dsmash: 9&20/19&29
>Grab: 6/7
>Nair: 8/7&20
>Dair: 16/16
>Side Special (Fully Charged)/Falcon Punch: 50/57
>Up special (minimum charge for Hero): 7/16
For supposedly a slow range attacker with awful frame data, he is pretty close to Captain Falcon, a speedy rushdown character, and who can be slow/weaker than The Hero with Acceleratle, Crits, Psych Up, and Oomph
>want to take advantage of all the neat defensive stuff Hero can do
>nobody will approach ever in quick-play so never get to use it
While we're responding to old posts I want to point out to the guy who complained about DQ spell names that the Japanese spell names are literally just sound effects and Horii specifically requested that the localization team change the spell names to be more in line with the Japanese ones, which is why we now have spell names like Kafrizzle. Honestly the only real loss is Thordain which was the coolest spell name ever, but none of the others were that cool.
>6frame jab 1
damn thats bad
Just because he got a remix doesn't guarantee that there will be more remixes. Even Persona only got a single lackluster remix while the remaining songs were imports
Persona got three remixes, you fucking retard.
Eh? Wrong. There was a remix of Behind the Mask and a remix of Aria of the Soul.
>all MIDI instead of orchestral
I was wondering why his music sounded so fucking sterile and boring compared to everyone else's. I just figured they made shitty picks or something, I dunno I'm not a DQ fan.
What does that mean?
Behold how they ruined War Cry.
He means he was playing like a pussy.
Three remixes and the rest aren't shitty midis of the originals.
Thanks for explaining. What an overdone joke.
To be fair it took me a while to figure it out too.
I'm kinda glad I'm not an SE fan. I wanted to complain when they didn't include Life Will Change on Mementos but that's nothing compared to this embarrassment.
It's not Square. Square has their balls in a literal vice by the DQ composer because he owns exclusive rights to the music and threatens to revoke access to the main DQ theme if square doesn't submit to whatever he wants. So he only shits out remade midis unless you pay big shekel to go to his concerts where THEN he will do orchestral.
Similarly the original Banjo-Kazooie music sounds pretty damn good to this day so even if it was in Smash that wouldn't be a problem. That's why they put the original Termina Field music in Smash. Because it's fucking good.
Well, their games are certainly worth being a fan of, it's just that you should never pay for them. Still, it's weird now that you mention it because Life Will Change was even in the trailer, it seems like trailer music is not guaranteed to be in the game.
Stop being gay
Slow for a jab, but still completely unreactable.
12 frames is the fastest a human can react to the startup animation.
It will get stuffed by faster options that were buffered in anticipation of a jab, but don't pretend like you can see a frame 6 move coming on reaction.
Anyone who thinks BK isn't getting any more remixes is retarded. Grant Kirkhope is nothing like the DQ music guy.
Oh, I'm sure it will, I'm just saying that it wouldn't be bad if it didn't, unlike DQ where the MIDI music is an abortion.
Thanks for making me feel a bit better :)
We're sure to get tracks from BK, BT, and N&B. Do you think we'll get anything form the GBA game, Pilot, or Diddy Kong Racing?
I kind of doubt we'll get anything from N&B or Diddy Kong Racing and most people forget that the GBA game and Pilot even exist, not to mention they don't really have any notable music in them. I think it'll just be BK and BT.
>music from the trailer isn't even in the game
Wait, seriously? That's a disservice, even for fans.
Then again, I heard people say that Japan prefers the MIDI versions for some asinine reason.
I had zero interest in DQ before hearing this track, but now I'm thinking I might try it out because of this. Thanks friend, even though they did neuter the song.
CF spikes
CF has strong kb and sends at a very horizontal angle
Hero has a good one
CF can hit in front
CF gets multiple hits from it
Hero has shit range on his, unlike CF
CF combo tool
completely different. Hero's are ridiculously strong and kill very early though
now post the faf data
We've gotten tracks from unknown/forgotten games before.
They don't prefer it, they just resigned themselves to to it because the composer is a genuine dicksucker.
Holy shit, that's as sterile as bleach.
Yeah, it is a pretty godlike track in its symphonic version so I'm glad it made you interested. Keep in mind that only the PS2 version has orchestral music though because Sugiyama hates Americans and took it back out for the 3DS version. You can mod it back into the 3DS version if you have it set up for piracy, of course.
>because the composer is a genuine dicksucker
For someone who acts like such a dick, the quality certainly doesn't match. I'm not bashing the man's songs, but at the same time, they're awfully generic as well. There are composers more composed than this old git that make far much better work that don't get as ruffled as this over giving someone the right for them to use their songs.
Who cares, he'll always be remembered as the one who made the DQ soundtrack in Smash sound underwhelming as hell just because of his pettiness.
I FUCKING hate the midi versions of the orchestra songs. Fuck Sugiyama for being a jew and not letting the orchestra versions be in Smash.
This doesn't "kill smash" because playing smash like you are is WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO
hero is the greatest character to be added to any smash game
Sugiyama is an enormous bastard, he's one of those old-fashioned Japanese people who still denies to this day that the Rape of Nanking ever happened. But his orchestrated music actually is genuinely great. It's staggering what a difference MIDI vs. orchestrated makes with his music. So it's a shame they didn't at least let some other composer do arrangements, so that they wouldn't be this MIDI crap.
>We've gotten tracks from unknown/forgotten games before.
Such as what? Anything that's associated with a major series and not some song tossed into the Etc. category?
Super Mario Land Underground Theme
I wouldn't call Super Mario Land a forgotten game, it got multiple sequels and is well known as the game Daisy is from.
>all MIDI instead of orchestral
the composers are up their own ass. The English version of dragon quest 11 has midi music but the Japanese version has orchestrated music
Because orchestras always makes even the shittiest of songs sound grandiose. He's a composer, not the entire orchestra.
That probably wouldn't be possible. Sugiyama owns the rights to his music under his own company, so would have likely refused. He can't have his CD soundtrack sales go down.
On the bright side they are bringing the orchestrated music to the Switch version so the people who play Hero in Smash and think "This guy is pretty cool, I think I'll buy his Switch game" will get the good music.
>music from the trailer isn't even in the game
The fuck?
I’m pretty sure Kirkhope would still make multiple remixes even if you didn’t pay him. Dude fucking loves Banjo.
You know what is fucked up, is "Adventure" from Dragon Quest III was one of the songs in the trailer, and that actually IS in the game, but even though it was orchestrated in the trailer, it's MIDI in the game.
Trailer: youtube.com
Game: youtube.com
Can you believe this fucking guy.
Music aside, I think Hero is the only Smash character with a two-part f-tilt, or am I wrong? There are two-part f-smashes but I can't think of anyone else with a two-part f-tilt.
snake has a two part f tilt
I prefer midi over orchestral since it fits the source materials better. Many of the orchestral versions are excessively grandiose and IMO never really fit Smash.
That said, Fountain of Dreams has a fantastic orchestral version.
I'm actually curious about the difference of opinion between West and Japan when he dies
In the West we have people dislike him due to the music controversy and certain other reasons to the point of people ready to celebrate when he kicks the bucket
In Japan, he's admired and revered due to his history in music
He's composed for Cyborg 009, Godzilla vs Biollante, Space Runaway Ideon, etc
Smash has been all about the grandiose music ever since Brawl, if anything it's unfitting to toss this MIDI music in when it's surrounded by stuff like this: youtube.com
dragon quest songs sound like shit in orchestral form
midi is the only option
it plays as the victory theme
>Smash has been all about the grandiose music ever since Brawl,
You're not wrong, but I never liked the direction it went with it's presentation from Brawl on.
are you trying to make a case FOR the midi version or against it? because that sample of the orchestral is awful, that cant be the best sample available, can it?
Oh yes, I'm the contrarian here and not some random who just heard DQ songs for the first time
If you were a true Dragon Quest fan you would want the NES music instead of this ugly MIDI stuff.
So I watched a side by side comparison of the Ridley buffs. They seem kind of like minor tweaks. Yet when I play him things like his up b just feel like it comes out much faster. Is it placebo? Any other Ridley mains able to comment on how they feel the buffs help him? Like he feels better but again I don't know if that's just me hoping he does or what.
I mean in the comparison his up b seemed like it was just changed a tad. Could a small tweak really make it feel that much faster?
What do you mean by sample?
I think having only old original music is rather dumb but are people upset at any old music showing up? One of my favorite Zelda tracks in Smash is the original NES theme. I enjoy new tracks and remixes too but I'd never want classic music to be removed from Smash.
>Godzilla vs Biollante
The entire soundtrack, or just certain pieces?
That's fair enough. I can understand why you'd be happier with this DQ music with that being the case, though I'm sure you can see why it's unfitting for Smash in its current form.
That's the thing, it's not even the original version of the music. This would be the correct version of Adventure to use:
Surely with only 8 fucking tracks they could have thrown this version in as well.
>using the corrin of dragon quest to represent dragon quest
The Luminary is the default for a reason; he's the Cloud of Dragon Quest. Use Luminary to represent dragon Quest from now on.
Pirahna Plant also has one. And a couple of the Links.
The fuck? The Corrin of DQ would be like, the DQ6 guy or something. Erdrick is like, the Cecil of Dragon Quest.
Not if the composer doesn't want it used. The only reason the orchestral versions of his music are in the trailer is because of all the sound effects making it pointless to record and keep them.
...But the orchestral versions in the trailer are literally just the Symphonic Suite versions which are very easy to find. He didn't even compose new orchestral versions, it's stuff that's already out there.
Goddammit I was afraid of this, I was specifically on board with Hero because of the guv and the potential to get War Cry in Smash
Eight's voice is really annoying too, which is disappointing because it's Yuki Kaji who is usually pretty awesome. But he's just like GUWAAAAAH HWAAAAAAHHHH in this game.
Hero is perfectly balanced. I don't know what you are complaining about.
Of all things to use as your online username, you pick the dickgirl from Nier?
>we got Koichi is smash
>his voice sucks
No dignity
Banjo is confirmed to have multiple remixes being worked on in addition to the one we've already heard. Expect 3 remixes.
I'm just hoping that we get the original version of Clanker's Cavern. That song is too good not to have in Smash.
Original Treasure Trove Cove and Mr. Patch are my wants.
What's really infuriating about the DQ music being bad is that the actual Yggdrasil's Altar stage is gorgeous and it's just a great stage with no annoying hazards. So it would have been really nice if it had good music.
Ah, the Danish.
>Use hero is teams. Play like I'm drunk
and type like it, too
I just checked and you are correct about Piranha Plant but none of the Links have a two-part f-tilt, you're thinking of the f-smash for them.
Grant Kirkhope already said that Nintendo's composer team are making more Banjo remixes, of music from individual worlds. That's why they wanted his big remix to have a medley of different worlds so they didn't overlap too much.
Well, I hope they have Yoko Shimomura do a remix because her remixes are always the best.
>It's staggering what a difference MIDI vs. orchestrated makes with his music.
MIDI *can* be good. The thing is DQ MIDI is all purposefully mediocre.
He's so fucking OP, he may be even better than the best characters like Joker, K Rool, Ridley, and Cloud
Diddy Kong Racing definitely has a chance. Hell, it'll be cook if it actually counts as a DK song as well and plays on those stages.
This is true, actually. This song is MIDI and it's amazing.
Sugiyama is just a jerk.
It's ok DQbros, our GOTY just got translated gbatemp.net
I'd be all for it, I just don't think it's very likely because they apparently didn't see having a Persona character as an excuse to put in some SMT music so it just seems like they limit themselves to directly relevant games. And yes I know Banjo is in Diddy Kong Racing but Jack Frost is in Persona and SMT, so yeah.
Holy shit, really? I bet they were done with this for months and they were just saving it so they could release it at the same time as Hero.
Guys, I'm looking at the Smash Bros. wiki and it says Erdrick's other name is "Arusu", but I thought his Japanese name was supposed to be Loto. Where the heck does Arusu come from?
>all MIDI instead of orchestral
How is this a complaint?
>In Japanese, Hero has a chance of calling out a spell's name, excluding the Command Selection spells. This makes him the fifth character in the series to have specific lines in the Japanese language track of a game replaced by generic grunts outside of Japan after Fox, Sheik, and Falco in Melee and Mewtwo in all of its playable appearances.
So they cut out the Japanese voice acting despite Cloud having Japanese voice acting. What the fuck is up with Square? At least you can hear it if you switch the language, probably. I wouldn't have been surprised if it turned out the Japanese version of Smash Ultimate actually had the orchestral music in it, though I'm sure I would have heard about that if it was the case.
I don't understand why you can't put JP VA on specific characters like in SFV, honestly. English FE niggers and Ken/Ryu sound so bad.
Arusu Is DQ3 hero’s canon name.
Erdrick is a title given to the legendary hero. Loto is just the Japanese name of “Erdrick”
Sugiyama is a spiteful old man with dusty old bones full of green dust.
Ah, I see. So he doesn't have a canon name in English?
Is he still viable if you ignore the Menu? I can't multitask and look at both things at once
Why doesn't the menu show up in front of you anyway?
his regulars are mediocre, but his non menu specials are pretty good.
No you miss understood.
think of Joker from P5 for example. His real name is Ren, but “joker” is his title.
Arusu= Hero 3 real name in all versions
Erdrick = his title in English
Loto = his title in Japanese
Most people just press it immediately and take whatever random spell it gives you. It's like Ogre Magi. Pure skill.
Yeah, and I hate how you have to set the entire game to Japanese instead of just being able to flip an option and change the voice acting like most normal games do.
I don't know if Street Fighter has some patent on doing it or what, I've never seen any other fighting game let you change the voices individually even though it's a great feature.
Ohh, that makes sense. I'd just never heard anyone say he's called Arusu in the English version so I didn't know if it was only used in Japan. I understand now, thanks.
Whole thing
So did Grant just do one piece?
>8 is better than 2
>midi has soul (some songs in general are 100% in midi like one winged angel)
Fuck off
MIDI can have soul. This MIDI doesn't. You don't have to defend bad MIDI just to be contrarian. All the music in this game is just some garbage they pulled from Theatrhythm Dragon Quest.
No music from the other games is what steams me. I wanted Endless World from 2.
GIF related depicts MIDI versions pretty well.
>Expecting music from square enix
I'd laugh at you if I weren't so mad
I'm already surprised with the 13 spirits we got.
I feel like if it was any Square franchise other than Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, we would have been able to get more music than we did. The problem is, those are their two most popular franchises.
They know if Nintendo really wanted it they would pay.
Nintendo is fucking paying for the new soundtrack for their release of DQ11.
You know what else is fucked up about DQ11? I just read that it originally didn't even have voice acting in the Japanese version and it's only for the Switch version that they're adding voice acting. Japan is so fucking weird when it comes to Dragon Quest.
People in Japan didn't care about voice acting, they are giving you an option to turn off VA in the new release and an option to turn off battle grunts as well.
dq music is boring in every form. every other big-name jrpg series has way better music than dq.
>At least it's better than Cloud's 2 songs. But it's not much better.
No, it's literally not. Every DQ hero gets only their overworld and battle theme, just like Cloud did.
So Hero gets 8 songs and Cloud gets 2?
>No remix that blends Adventure and the dungeon theme together
I fucking hate you Square Enix.
Each separate DQ Hero gets only two songs. It only seems better because they're all lumped together as one character.
Its even worse since Cloud only gets 1 song, one for Cloud and the other for AC Cloud.
Reminder that if you unironically complain about Hero's RNG beyond MAYBE Hocus Pocus (and even that is a fucking stretch) you are living proof as to why nobody takes your party game seriously as a competitive fighter
Yes, he is pretty solid even without it because his other specials are still pretty busted.