>Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes.
Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes
Other urls found in this thread:
I always talk to him and trade with him to see what little stuff he is selling then murder him for the bottle caps
the only one time i didnt kill him was because of a glitch
>Me? A collector? Nah, I just creepily followed you for no reason you can ignore that noise in my pockets
everyone you meet in this game is completely forgettable, how are you supposed to feel attached to the world it presents?
>speedrun to kill malcom homes
challenge accepted
They aren't though everyone remembers that lottery guy and you talk to him for a minute
they remember nipton, he was the guy who greeted them
He was easy to remember because of his VA and general attitude.
>Vules Uncuta
>The King
>Randall Clark
There's plenty more brother HH
I was roleplaying and I killed an NCR trooper who was mouthing off to me at prim and he came up behind me while I was hiding the body so I had to kill him and then stuff his body with the NCR guy
*activates v.a.t.s.*
*kneecaps you*
nothin personal, wanderer
Oliver Swanick did nothing wrong. when I shave I look exactly like the guy so I always have to protect my doppelganger
damn you must look like a fucking nerd basedfaggot lmfao
*blap blap*
Did you a fisto/v/? Be honest. Also how are your legs?
Fisto is my only waifu I've ever had in any video game, ever
Fuck NCR
What about Kl-E-0?
Aww shit, here we go again...
how do I do the wheel of fortune quest? when I go to boxcars there isn't any additional dialogue
Fuck that, I keep an oil painting of Fisto above my bed. Something about Fisto just makes my dick hard straight away
No I look like a fucking lottery WINNER
nearby cottonwood cove there is a town infested with radiation, go to the church and go in the cellar, then talk to the people inside.
ah yes of course, the memes
i guess easy pete (but why do they call him that way?) could also be considered a staple of literature
Just use armor piercing rounds
>the memes
Other than Fisto and Fantastic, the other characters are good and you can't refute that.
did you do Booted?
>you can take on by yourself half a regiment of legionaries with only a cowboy repeter
>trying the same against ncr troops is certain death
why is the legion a threat again? they are just larpers in a football uniform with pointy sticks
1) terror
2) beaurocracy of NCR and lack of organization
3) inside jobs
>NCR is nerfed in the grand scheme of things because of their imperialism
>Caesar's Legion is biding its time while occasionally acting as a dick-stabbing rogue - guerrilla tactics and garnering 5th columnist support from the Kahns and the Omertas
Didn't know the Switch port was out already
house was a let down to me
probably is just the fallout 3 experience that left me unwelcoming for amazon echos with a fad for conquest but he didn't seem anything special
same with the king really, some greaser speaking words bigger than him because some street gang decided to follow him
It depends on their level for both factions I've massacred the airport before using a super sledge. A group of legionnaires with ballistic fists is a threat.
Don't bully me please, my toaster can only handle so much before crashing
It's hilarious seeing legionaries getting destroyed by traveling merchants and its guards
The NCR doesn't give adequate armor or training to their troops
To quote an NCR Staff sergeant
>I don't know what else the brass expects... half these kids don't get more than two weeks of training before they ship 'em out here.
*nods head upwards, shifts eyes to the left, and crosses arms*
and the same former Staff sergeant
>Anyway, I was always complaining about the standard issue gear. The new kids don't even get body armor, can you believe that?
What a bunch of fucking DORKS! They probably sucked eachother off and assfucked eachother behind that hill to gain courage. God, the leGAYon are such faggots.
And that's all I have for my "KILL MALCOM HOLMES" folder. Also I forgot what mod I used at the time.
terror is an excuse when the enemy is in greater numbers and visibly better armed,
like if a house in some civil war ridden country where a family with only a single old rifle lives is raided by dozens of armed rebels, it would make sense if people hid or ran instead of fighting
however farmers in the falklands took arms when the argentine army invaded and that really puts to prospective even the NV Nipton invasion
this may sound like meaningless rambling but the point is that the legion is hard to take seriously when sending the powder gangers against them could be an efficient strategy
I attacked them in nipton. First playthrough was hell for me.
throw dynamite on the ground or use mines and suddenly they are nothing more than defenseless targets
The myth of the legion is damaging their morale, you know the story of the legate known as lanius? Stories like that are decimating NCR morale they don't want to fight
>tfw he turns around
also why isn't it bad kama to kill him?
Because he lied to you
Same reason Americans lost the Vietnam war. :^)
Yes, just keep walking in a straight line guys. Just let me place these landimes as you get closer.
Just finished replaying it for the third time yesterday.
I don't really know what to do with my time now.
vetnam war was fought in a jungle, in their territory
this is quite the opposite
get every achievement
>game freezes and immediately closes itself
Speaking of which:
I can not fucking understand how it is possible that only 0.4% more players got an achievement for hardcore mode compared for that extremely autistic fucking globe collecting.
If you turn off hardmode for a second it disqualifies you from getting the achievement
most people play it once and move on, playing in hardcore usually implies a second or more replays, so they fit on the same mentality of achievement hoarders
But why would you?
>autistic fucking globe collecting.
Globes are really easy just look up the list and fast travel to it
Yeah but what's the point if you're just going to google the locations
>extremely autistic fucking globe collecting
None of them are hard to find. Most of them are just laid right out for you.
>deliver platinum chip to House
>he pays me more for goodsprings globe than the chip
>But why would you?
If you were sick of being crippled and had no doctor bags
He has globe autism
Just for the achievement
>mod Fallout 4
>end with sex sim
>try to mod New Vegas
>end with Vanilla+
Am I the only one who is perfectly fine with the vanilla game? It only needs some minor fixing
is there any slavery mod?
What did the Boomers use to fuel their world war 2 bomber?
Because the legion spies are really good. That's their best aspect so they can ambush the enemy.
Its because most people dont do full playthroughs, its a really bad habit of mine. I get 15-20 levels in and get bored, drop the game for a month and then redo my load order entirely.
[Speech: 100] So, you related to the big dicked porn actor John Holmes? If so, provet it *winks*
probably was some surplus fuel at the airfield
Don't they have a small Bio-diesel refinery?
If there is one thing I enjoy killing, it is Talon Mercs. So, so much fun and cathartic.
You can make fuel with Maize, remember? The school I used to be in converted used oil into fuel for the buses too. It smelled sooooo delicious.
>Am I the only one who is perfectly fine with the vanilla game?
I play it on Xbox
Probably (maize) vegetable oil. They have a room with a shit load of them and also a biochemical processing building
They raided the Hawthorne Army Depot
>do Arcade's quest
>support House
>the remnants attack securitons
i think i killed him with explosive unintentionally in my first playtrough because i never met him
the radio keeps stuttering after 15 min of gameplay. how the fuck am i supposed to fix it?
All of them are in important locations out in the open you shouldn't need to
Along with what people are saying about bio fuel, not all of their explosives are from Nellis, they scavenged in two other bases Area 2 which is where they got the howitzer and Hawthorne Army Depot is where they got some missiles
Sierra Madre vending machines are the dumbest thing Obsidian came up with.
You can't change my mind.
Because I hate having to eat and drink in game. Mods that add this shit are so common but I just don't understand.
Eating is awful in real life why would I want to be reminded to do it in game.
Kill yourself you memespouting npc
But it's not that hard just keep some big horner stakes on you added benefit is they give +2 strength
shoo shoo gains goblin
Maximum nut. Still can't feel my legs.
legion is very under developed. there are several mods out there that make them the threat everyone makes them out to be.
OWB is super awesome for making money the lobotomite melee weapons sell for a lot
I always clear out the Radscorpion burrow before I meet this guy.
If he won the lottery, it shall not have been in vain.
oh god who cares what you fucking think you unfun wet blanket loser
"oh there's JOKES in this game haha it's definitely SHAKESPEARE"
fucking idiot it's a post apocalyptic game not a novel no one wants to try to change your mind and no one cares that you've read a few books
idk these 200+ stimpacks and doctors bags disagree
Monster Zero Ultra
yikes and oofpilled
Aviation fuel has a shelf life of one year at most, in fact that's true of pretty much all fuel.
how is that weird? the globes are like 10 in the whole game you sperg
>Eating is awful in real life
how much do you weigh?
idk low octane gas usually holds up a year or two before it varnishes if you store it in the dark
they don't really talk about that in post-apoc fiction but you'd have to be producing your own gasoline from petrol
are vertibirds nuclear powered?
He's right, though.
>people don't play in hardcore
lmao what
hardest hardcore is the only way to play fallout anything else is literally too easy
how the fuck do you even get 200? Most I have ever gotten is like 20
post your couriers
>are vertibirds nuclear powered?
the enclaves base in Fallout 2 was an oil refinery, what do you think?
>what do you think?
I think 9/11 was an inside job to get money from insurance (Larry Silverstein insured the buldings for terrorist attacks several months before and on the day of the attack he had a "doctor's appointment") while also to fuel war against middle east
>Larry Silverstein insured the buldings for terrorist attacks
9/11 wasn't the first terrorist attack on the buildings
my routine when i'm power-playing fallout is usually to level 1-2 dead money, dump the char stats and play a min maxed survival character, collect all the sales recipes, all the tokens, sell literally everything I can get my grubby hands on, use all the ingredients i find and craft, buy, find, and hoard all the healing items in the DLC
I usually walk out of Dead Money like level 10-12 with a pile of caps and a shit ton of stimpacks and doctors bags for the rest of the game
1) That's terror
2) That's terror
>want to replay FNV
>download, install all the mods I want/need
>turn on the game
>realize I remember about 70% of the game through and through and know the outcomes of almost all quests
>exit game
Besides Legion Quests Expanded, what are some good mods to complement a Legion playthrough?
>what are some good mods to complement a Legion playthrough?
rape mods
What the fuck? What is that dude doing there?
Even then, engines will run noticeably worse on fuel even a few months old. Having said that I'm fairly sure the Boomers made their own fuel, and I didn't always assume vertibirds were nuclear powered given even regular cars were.
>I'm fairly sure the Boomers made their own fuel
Then who fabricates the parts? I'm 90% sure most of it would have to be remanufacturing. The average person in the Mojave doesn't have access to the tools needed for certain kinds of fabrication, depending on how the vehicles worked (nuclear powered?) there'd be a lot of bypassing and they'd go through parts like no one's business with contemporary combustion engine design.
You can't just stuff bananas in the differential forever.
>Then who fabricates the parts?
which parts there is the gun runners who have an onsite place where they make their guns
based Hulkster
The quest is bugged. If you gave him five Med-X when you meet him first time, the option won't become avaiable.
Isn't this beach with these water monsters that will tear you apart? Dangerous place for a npc with a terrible ai.
FNV is the true American Experience, brother. You're not a true American if you do not say your prayers and eat your vitamins and play FNV before bed, brother. HH
It's along Cottonwood Cove and that area, and yes, I was abusing sneak (sneak crits) and high ground before I could get my bearing. Then the Courier from NV Bounties 3 came along and Malcom stopped by.
Follows Chalk is one of my favorite video game characters
I know your pain brother. But there is no other game that's similar.
>pick pocket Holmes everytime
why did Holmes lie bros?
That's because it's staged and fake.
you mean the guy most people shot at the start and fucked up their dlc
>why did Holmes lie bros?
He tells you why he lied " I gave it up years ago. Too dangerous. And even if I did still collect them, I'd tell you the same."
so... who's here have done no speech playthrough? Thinking about trying something like this, getting tired of the fact that high speech is basically an easy mode. Ideas?
You could make a similar argument about ISIS. And they still took over large areas for 2 years or so.
no speech is easy to do since CHR is already a dump stat
You're supposed to go to searchlight and find that faggot Logan in a cellar, he gives the quest.
Not him but I always just kill him so I can get the axe quicker
The Legion is a fairly plausible, well-depicted light infantry army. In short, they're massively outgunned by the NCR, with even the NCR grunts having more firepower and protection (in the form of a semi-automatic 5.56x45mm rifle, grenades, and a steel breastplate + kevlar) than any Legion troops bar Vets and Centurions (Recruits are equipped with bolt-actions, pistols, revolvers, lever-actions, submachine guns, improvised explosives, etc.), but possess numerical superiority and highly skilled grunts. As a result, they play to their advantages and hark back to their tribal roots by relying primarily on infiltration tactics. That is, "small independent light infantry forces advancing into enemy rear areas, bypassing enemy front-line strongpoints, possibly isolating them for attack by follow-up troops... taking the initiative to identify enemy weak points and choose their own routes, targets, moments and methods of attack; this requires a high degree of skill and training." Vulpes' operations are classic examples of these tactics in action, as he sends small unsupported units to probe enemy defenses (resulting in some of their deaths, such as the Legionaries found between Cottonwood and Novac), and then attacks with overwhelming force on the weakest part of the enemy lines when he finds it, with either the element of surprise (e.g. at Nelson) or with local numerical superiority (e.g. at Ranger Station Charlie). The limit to this doctrine is that the Legion tends to lose badly in stand-up slugging matches where the NCR can bring their firepower advantage to bear, such as the First Battle of Hoover Dam, or (without the Courier's help) their assaults on Forlorn Hope and Camp Golf during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. As Lanius himself says: "Our forces are better equipped to take objectives than hold them." This is similar to how the Chinese operated in the Korean War, and how they achieved early successes against the well-equipped Americans.
>when the argentine army invaded and that really puts to prospective even the NV Nipton invasion
If you look around Nipton you can find several dead Legionaries and signs of struggle.
Great write up, along with that the lowest tier legion still has more training than the lowest tier NCR so that does make a difference
>enter Legate's camp with Enclave Remnants
>bunch of roman cosplayers attempt to melee dudes in power armor with miniguns
>what happens when the fascist LARP meets the real deal
I did a full retard playthrough. Only put points into melee while completely ignoring speech. It's actually more fun not being able to just take short cuts in every quest.
There's a few mods that add more tard dialogue for immersion as well.
how i install mods on fallout nv? and what mods should i have installed
Just use the steam workshop
>this is the best the NCR can do with the recovered Enclave technology
imagine being a NCR caveman
Mod Organizer 2
For a vanilla-esque play,
obligatory bugix/stability mods + 4gig patch
UI mod, weapons mod menu, weapons mods expanded, and a sprint mod.
For making the game look prettier, a textures mod, an indoor lighting mod, and an outdoor lighting mod.
the most popular ones on the nexus are fine
also one of my personal favorites for more theme friendly music
>They asked if I had a degree in theoretical physics, I said I had a theoretical degree in physics.
Pretty funny honestly
Won't let Caesar toss my salad
God Bless America.
nyehey there's the high roller
>Dust survival simulator
why would you recommend that of all things? it's terrible
and it shows just how retarded the ncr is
I tried playing Fallout 4 for the first time today and I'm finding it extremely difficult to get into compared to New Vegas. Are there any really good mods that make it worth playing?
i think there might be a mod that reintroduces gun repair and stats like the previous games
>Weapon Rexture Project
>Book of Water
>Weapons of the New Millenia
>everybody shit they pants when the remnats drop on the battle
While FO3 butcher the Enclave FO2 kill them too quickly plot wise
play the far harbor DLC, it's the best part of the game and much more immersive
the only poorly done thing about house is just how easy he is to kill. he predicted the war and the first battle of hoover dam, but he didn't think to seal the door to his cryopod just in case?
Isn't there a map on the oil rig that implies the Enclave is part of some sort of global organisation? There's definitely scope for some major shenanigans involving them in future titles if you go with that interpretation.
>NCR supplies are tight and everyone is stretched thin as fuck
>literally can't spare a trooper to walk down the road to check what the sulphurous fires of hell on the horizon are
>ten seconds later NCR big dick veteran goon squad chases you down and gives you a slap on the wrist for being slightly mean to the NCR
summn...ain't right
The NCR has orders to hold the line not advance so along with the lack of supplies they also can't check it out
They're stretched thin because of all their guys being devoted to following the player all over the place, obviously.
not to mention that they give you a fucking distress beacon just because you did them a few favors
Because no one is helping them so it's smart to protect the one guy that doesnt hate them
I like the mod that makes him a companion after you beat the dlc
Any way he can go there are NCR who will promptly shoot the presumed powder ganger
That's why you give him new clothes
i could have damn sworn there was a map somewhere but my googlefu is failing me atm. theyre supposedly in Chicago as well but have gone radio silent.
Very good points. Adding on to that is the element of morale: NCR units are largely made of poorly-trained conscripts who are occupying unfamiliar territory in a land that doesn't really appreciate their presence and are plagued with supply issues and political bullshit. Most of their leadership are REMFs to a T, excepting people like Hsu and Major Dhatri. The Legion is made up of tough tribal slaves who are fanatically devoted to their leader, can subsist on minimal supplies, and have a large network of spies giving them intelligence on NCR positions all over Mojave. The spy at Camp Mccarran is a captain who was embedded in the army over three years before the events of New Vegas. Its easy to say that the Legion is outgunned in a straight fight, but I would definitely say that a lot of NCR troops would probably either surrender or retreat without putting up much of a fight unless they've got senior officers egging them on. If the war on Mojave went sour for NCR, you could count on massive further losses occurring as a result of desertions.
I don't think there's a Fallout npc that's been killed by as many people as this guy has
The first radroach you kill in 3?
NCR is already having desertions since you find some in Primm and the policy of merely holding the line and not taking out the fiends is demoralizing the NCR could easily surround the entrance to Vault 3 and just starve the fiends out so that's one further thing to show the incompetence
Human npc I mean
Moira brown?
museum of freedom crew would be #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 if bethesda werent spineless pussies
I stopped investing into speech a long time ago. There are only a few quests in the game that speech is basically required to get the good ending anyways.
>he doesnt side with the NCR for the ranger armor
Anyone know of any good mods for an Enclave-based playthrough?
who need ranger armor when you have Joshua Graham's armor
>not man enough to kill a ranger deathsquad and shoot Boone when he acts like a crybaby
That's brotherhood tech you fucking moron
He's not. Stop with this OLD GRAPHICS GOOD, IMPROVED GRAPHICS BAD memeshit.
b-but muh lottery meme
For The Enclave
>free caps literally running towards you
I thought the Legion hated me but they keep donating me high end weapons.
Get fucked
What's your pic about?
Follows Cock
Cringe tier villain that the mod author thought was the most bad ass villain ever.
>tfw used mods to turn his corpse into a lobotomite
ok gamer
What does he do?
>when I shave I look exactly like the guy
Im sorry user, life can be so cruel
The only one life was cruel to was you for not letting you be born looking like a lucky chad
user just cause you have Alzheimer's at 24 doesn't mean everyone else does.
What an asshole
What kind of spastic would shoot the guy who kills your enemy? Oh right
>has the Mad Science mod
My nigga
real shitbird move, shitbird
Man this guy's voice acting was bad.
not necessarily
"Critical Strike on Malcom Holmes" should be a reaction image
The Enclave Remnants are the best part of New Vegas
I love villains teaming up with the protagonist. Or at least the initial team-up, since it usually ends up with them being the protag's bitch eventually (DBZ).
because he looks the same as the tribal fucks
Post characters who should have been companions I'll start.
>slaughter the whole dessert before entering Nipton. including the scorpion cave
>Oliver walks up and tells me about the lottery
>let him roam the desert to be killed by critters
>hunderds of hours into the playthrough decide to check if the radscorpion queen ever respawns
>suffer a minor heartattack when entering the hole and finding he is still alive inside
I just love New Vegas
god I always fucking hated her
I killed him for the trader gear.
free legion coin for coin shot for more legion bois, a self-perpetuating cycle
Victor is an obvious choice.
Lucius because the Legion needed a companion.
Red Lucy would have been great.
Sunny Smiles is a main character who finished her quest and has found a place to settle down she is if Ulysses found a community to settle in and it wasn't blown up
I use the mod that makes Ulysses a companion after lonesome road he even has voiced dialog since he says so much fucking stuff they cut and mixed it into working
She's actually 17 and is just handy with a rifle.
That's why she's an adult but also smol
>The limit to this doctrine is that the Legion tends to lose badly in stand-up slugging matches where the NCR can bring their firepower advantage to bear, such as the First Battle of Hoover Dam, or (without the Courier's help) their assaults on Forlorn Hope and Camp Golf during the Second Battle of Hoover Dam
To add on to this, another allusion to the Chinese in the Korean War. When Matthew Ridgway sacked half of the Eighth Army's incompetent officers and retrained the men in basic soldiering, the Chinese light infantry, which had achieved success infiltrating and flanking the U.N. lines in the First and Second Phase Offensives, started getting slaughtered. During the Third Phase Offensive, their thin logistics broke down barely a few dozens miles into South Korea, leaving the Fourth Phase Offensive to accomplish jack and the U.N. counterattack routing them. During the Fifth Phase Offensive, they were able to bring more men to bear than ever before, but it didn't matter because Ridgway had managed to get around his army's disadvantages, and the Chinese were often left attacking secure American hard points that were nowhere near as vulnerable as the Chinese thought, and where the enemy had several times their effective firepower thanks to a shitload of artillery. The result was pic related and another counteroffensive that threw the Chinese across the 38th parallel, where they made similarly futile attacks until the end of the war.
This pattern repeats itself in New Vegas. Firstly in that, as the Courier can point out to Lanius, the Legion's foot-mobile logistics (the NCR has trucks) will see their offensive break down if they go too far west and spell the end of the Legion. Secondly in that when the NCR can manage to force a pitched, static battle with the Legion in a similar manner to the Fifth Phase Offensive, like in those three instances at Golf, Forlorn Hope, and Hoover Dam, they end up wrecking them. The second Hoover Dam also may go this way.
Westside and the sewers are the most pointless locations in the game
He is such a bitch
>hey bro dont go north, you got some nasty shit there
>turns arrounds and runs away while two cazadores spawn
>since I blasted Vuples into the moon with mines and explosives I got legion assassins
>they spawn right outside from Old Gibson house
>run towards Novac and Victor does jack shit while Manny and No-Bark kill the legionfags with me
Follows-Chalk, if you convinced him to see the world
Maybe a member of the Kings and Great Khans
North Vegas square is worse, Westside is OK.
Yeah but how old was the fallout 3 dude
Hey Yea Forums GET FUCKED
There are sewers?
north vegas square literally 1 little area, with 1 ok quest, and 1 npc that can teach you something. And they act like its a full on independent. Don't know why they just couldn't make the entire area freeside
>he doesn't start with maxed out int and luck
>he doesn't btfo every casino in the strip by doubling down on every deal
>he doesn't level up every twelve seconds
>he doesn't fill out the rest of his stats with the implants
the fallout 3 main character wasn't that old
>Needing casinos when Caravan exists
I feel if the devs had more time and maybe modified the related quest, Silus could have been a companion. If you help him escape, he just leaves and never talks to you. Problem is he knows the Legion won't take him back and assassins are out to get him so the Courier wouldn't be able to take him to Legion held areas in the game, similar to Boone
Always killed this guy until I knew he just runs into a pit of radscorpions and dies. I follow him there every time and enjoy it every time.
>you will never have your own comfy ranch raising brahmin growing food to sell to caravans
Fuck NCR brahmin barons, I'm supplying the mojave the meat and cargo transport it needs.
Caravan is for fun, casinos are for bullying.
Because it's the full strength of the Legion against a NCR outpost in Vegas.
very smart and based
is there a mod that lets me use a PS4 controller?
>my toaster can only handle so much before crashing
I know this feeling user until recently I was running this on intel graphics.
What's odd is even with a new rig I can't get lodgen to work so it looks like ass past a certain point anyways.
das racist
The Toaster
>new vegas thread
Sorry I'm saving my shit posting fuel for the outer worlds, also we discussed this game to death 1-2 years ago and beyond
I don't really get how caravan works, why couldn't we have a poker minigame instead?
So how much of a bitch was Carla Boone really?
Did she deserve what happened to her?
vulpes for a legion companion, i like the mod that makes him one
>doubling down on every deal
>not trying your luck on slots
I managed to get over 11,000 caps at the Tops before getting banned. Shit's cash son.
Can't really blame her, Novac is a shithole. Even Nipton is better
No but that old cunt Jeanie deserved to get her head popped like a balloon.
Novac is full comfy though and has lots of potential as a developing settlement.
Sure it's no Goodsprings, but it has its charm.
>dude is too op for my plot relevant revolver
>pull out my OP sniper rifle and blow his head off in one shot
fun mod
Correct but still it's fun to buy from a merchant then win it all back
>I used to kill him until I found out he dies a horrible death otherwise. Now I just follow him and watch him die said horrible death
You dirty motherfucker. I like you
>he didn't kill Marko with Sweet Revenge
Install Realistic weapon damage mod and do it again with Sweet Revenge.
This. I was so confused why there wasn't any friendly NPCs.
>Cazadors north of your town
>Threatened by powder gangers
>Have to constantly clear out geckos from their water supply
>Basically no security
Yes Goodsprings is better than Novac
player.additem 00015169 200
Are you playing on Steam?
Steam automatically recognizes PS4 and Switch controllers and you can play with them, and many games even have secondary UIs for if you're using a Dualshock, although NV was made a bit too early for that so you're going to be stuck just using 360 button prompts.
Is it ok to play NV first instead of 3? I know they're not connected story-wise but it is the same era engine.
I don't even know what normal mode plays like. I always have this on
Jsawyer however, is the one I haven't tried much
NV refers way more to Fallout 1 and 2 than 3 does.
It's a nice transition point to go from the two styles of game.
>scared of giant insects
>fuck it I want to finally play New Vegas
>buy it on steam for $5
>start it up
>see big mantis
I've always had a phobia for bugs and flying insects. Even in movies and video games. I remember a long time ago when i played Donkey Kong 64 i remember the Bees flying up to my tv screen and me screaming like a little girl only to shut the game off right afterward. Unfortunately, i can't play any games that have huge flying insects and bugs in them. It's sad, really. It's probably the only reason why i refuse to play this series. I love open world games and these games would probably be some of my favorite games of all time if i had the courage to play through them. Anybody else have these types of phobias or were terrified of having to face something like that in a game that you couldn't face again?
Yeah, 3 feels more linear and doesn't really encourage you to explore unlike New Vegas.
there's so much wrong in this, but WRP is the one that strikes me the hardest
I JUST fucking realized the quest name literally describes what happened to Boone's wife. I had to pressure this guy countless times and do his companion quest just to get this answered, only for it to be right in front of me
I do. The only way to get over it is to keep exposing yourself to it. Eventually it'll only make you feel slightly uncomfortable instead of shitting yourself. You didn't even see the scariest insect in the game
anybody got that video where it said "Oliver is the only NPC programmed to feel pain"?
Sleep is the only pain to deal with and even then there are usually beds everywhere not to mention good ol coyote tobacco chew and nuka cola. What I usually do in hardcore mode is get my survival skills maxed and heal with food. Food stacks not only with stimpacks but also with other food and so you can easily clear out quarry junction just by taking like 20 of each food and drink you find throughout the game at once. Even at a low level on very hard difficulty.
Which is...?
More memes please
>Sleep is the only pain to deal with
Really? I always play on hardcore and h20 is the only thing I find tedious to manage.
Maybe this?
i hate pipe weapons so fucking much aaaaaaaaaaaargh
They travel at light speed, can notice you quickly from long distances, come in swarms, do high damage, and make very little noise so they can easily sneak up on you.
That's one gorgeous enb holy fuck
Its alright user, radscorpions till make me feel uncomfortable after all these years. Fuck
Another satisfied customer.
yeah but they have like two spawn points
>Cazadores after doing OWB
No. Boone knows what happens to legion slaves and unborn child would be brainwashed to be a soldier or a breeding cow
>press button
>obsidian gets the Fallout IP, but New Vegas is erased forever
No fucking thank you. I'll just keep replaying New Vegas until we get another CRPG renaissance and Fallout is revived again.
It amused me how people still play this unfinished game
Hi Todd
It amuses me how people still play 76 and defend it.
This guy scared the crap out of me the first time I played the game, I still remember it.
Now I hope you don't mind but I had to go rootin' around there in your noggin to pull the bits of lead out. I take pride in my needle work but you'd better tell me if I left anything out of place. How'd I do?
>"I fought a ranger in the middle arizona"
>"A real ranger?!"
>"Yeah! Didn't end well for him!"
All factions are shit, independence is the only correct choice.
I didn't mean in a bad way, what I mean is that a game which wasn't finished, which developers only got 15 months to make it, which is full of bugs, has a lot of more fanbase than Fallout 3, 4 and 76.
>mr house is the only correct choice
House is basically turning the Mojave into AnCapistan
Ave true to Kimball
All I need is her
It wasn't event the first terrorist attack on the towers
>and fucked up their dlc
does it really?
if you kill him you just get a quick fetch quest to get a map and the dlc ends
made this the other day
First time I tried Honest Hearts I mistook him for a White Leg and didn't know what happened after fetching the map and leaving. Now I know better but it left me a disappointing taste when I didn't know.
>The virginstitute
>Chad Mt.
In games with character customization I always end up making gods
>if you kill him you just get a quick fetch quest to get a map and the dlc ends
huh, interesting
France lost to Haiti.
USSR lost to Afghanistan.
What's your point?
Wasn't Horrigan a prime example that FEV actually works?
Here is the way you beat the dlc
>Start DLC
>Kill any quest-giver in Zion Valley, such as Joshua Graham, Daniel, Follows-Chalk, or Waking Cloud
>Retrieve the map from White Bird's cave.(Place where daniel is at)
>Escape Zion.
>the PAVN and VC were the same thing
Easiest way to spot a brainlet.
>Fallout 76 introduces Cryptid monsters which look and sound fantastic, world looks pretty nice and general new design of stuff is on point
>Fallout Monster design was already pretty Cryptid, giant scorpion, giant molerat, big horned larger-than-man creature with sharp claws
>New areas which could flesh out the different environments capable in Fallout
>Fallout 76 is a dumpster fire at release and panned as the worst Fallout Game to date
I really wish 76 wasn't an online game, all those new assets could have made a cool spin off game.
Still infertile, completely worthless for the enclave's plan to recolonise the US
Edits already?
Perhaps. Most forget FEV was originally designed to produce super soldiers to combat Chinese insurrection from the New Plague. However, it was not the virus alone that turned Horrigan into the Enclave's secret weapon; his transformation was closely monitored by Richardson's scientists, who repeatedly "tweaked" his physiology to such an extent that he needed heavy life support to prevent his body from tearing itself apart.
I do not feel the Enclave saw Frank as an individual at that point. He was the prime specimen of warfare for a post-apocalyptic world; the equivalent of a walking nuke. A living weapon, nothing more.
This. From Fallout Bible 0
>Horrigan is a mutant, but Horrigan was a monster before his exposure to FEV in the military base (he had many psychological problems which may be included in a Horrigan psychological profile in the future)."
>"It's important to note that Horrigan has never considered himself a mutant; only the scientists at the Enclave would consider him one, but they mostly referred to him as an "experiment," and even then, not to his face. Most soldiers considered Horrigan a walking nuke, something the tech boys built, and they were not generally aware of his mutant status. Most did consider him a freak, however, and there were few soldiers who wanted to accompany him on missions."
>"Horrigan has always been loyal to the Presidency, to the Enclave, and the armed forces - this loyalty was present before his exposure to FEV, and it was reinforced by Presidential Directive through various conditioning and testing programs developed by the Enclave. Horrigan's low Intelligence (which was further damaged by the FEV exposure) made these conditioning programs take root easily.
It's still weird to me some people think of Frank as the "Villain" of Fallout 2, when he's just the final boss.
The Enclave as a whole are the villains, maybe the president specifically, Frank's just their number one hatchet man.
He's more like the Lanius.
could frank take on legate lanius?
Name a single Npc from fallout 3 that isn't your dad.
three dog
Yeah, and I wouldn't call Lanius the "Villain" of New Vegas either, that's Caesar.
Frank could individually shred every single final boss in any of the games. Hell, he could probably have fought his way through the Cathedral, down the LA Vault and still beat the Master to death if he wanted to.
Why is Joshua Graham the best character?
>hurrrr fake duuurrrrr get real bro
fuck off
>weapon made from scrap shit has no aesthetic value
Its almost like it was made to allow someone to survive, soulfag
There's a limit on how much Frank can take.
based and redpilled
Why would they feed the camera down the tiny hole when there's a bigger one right next to them, retard?
it's literally a 3 minute run. just find the first blue star cap (iirc there's one in Doc Mitchell's house), go outside and wait for 24 hours and he'll approach you.
i think i might do a run of it just for kicks.
What's the most remote place you can get to in the game? Is it possible to thwart Malcolm at all?
Thats how you know its fake? Were you dropped as a child or something, and if the camera fits the smaller hole what does it matter the slab looks movable so even if they drop it in no big fucking deal. Fuck off
I like Ulysses despite his autism
Just eat some juicy fruits growin in the desert my man
What makes more sense, dangling a camera through a tiny hole, conveniently restricting movement, or using a hole large enough to fit your entire arm and camera into, allowing maximum range of motion.
Come on man, use your brain, it's clearly a fake video
He'll follow you to Utah, the Sierra Madre, Big MT, and the Divide and there's nothing that can stop him.
how the fuck is the legitimacy of a video based on the size of a hole, you know something youre really unfamiliar with?
I'm just wondering why he wouldn't feed the camera through the far more obvious, larger hole. Surely not because this video is staged!
>avoiding the question
>clearly making an illogical decision means that the video is fake
Ah so youre retarded, gotchya
Grenade rifle utterly ruins them, and you pick one up before the 1st ambush
You're right, a random black guy hiding in the sewers just waiting to for someone to notice him before scurrying off is totally legitimate, I should have never doubted this random video
>black guy
>scurrying off
Oh so you didnt even watch the video, cool thanks for outing yourself as a retard thanks for playing
>NCR """Power""" Armor has all that shit ripped out and is nothing more than a hunk of metal
Absolute state.
Stay mad
LMAO sick come back bro
The Lone Wanderer is 19 at the time they leave Vault 101.
>play this fight without any damage mods
>solid five minutes of blasting the fuck out of each other with peashooters
>"Default template NPC"
That's Idris Elba
is- is that Mr Brittlesworth fanart?
Cut content in games makes me so very sad.
This game and MGSV hurts so fucking much.
He's angry all the time just like (you) or Kazuhira Miller
>Want to play it again, for one last playthrough with all the DLC
>Always get bored because I've done the Goodsprings to Vegas content about 100 times.
>Vault Meat icon
Any list of things that got cut?
needs an update or something because everything outside of NVSE, 4GB, and YUP is obsolete or has much better alternatives. Plus formatting is absolute garbage. JSawyer is debatable as an "essential" mod, even though he designed the game.
i don't know whats wrong with my game then, the legion complete genocides everything in their way, i saw them taking out caravans, those merchants near vegas? they decapitate them all, i tried to run away but one shoot me in the head making it explode, it was legit the most violent death i had in the game so far
I have 600 hours into vanilla New Vegas on my Xbox 360.
>being enemies with Legion
unbased and degeneratepilled
New Vegas threads are the best threads :-)
Possibly the most cringe inducing thing I've seen today.
not autistic enough to fill out the template so fuck you
>favorite characters
ranger ghost, the king
>character defining perks
wild wasteland, cherchez la femme, cowboy, whiskey rose, bloody mess
>personal alignment
yes man
>sworn enemy
the Omertas
>outfit of choice
space suit, lucky shades, party hat
"what's in it for me"
Ed-e, Cass
New Vegas
>favorite quest
A Valuable Lesson
This Machine
>favorite edibles
brahman steaks and whiskey
>favorite faction
the Kings
>misc items you always carry
sentry bot toy
And to think that Jimmy was getting his guts rearrange by a centurion everynite.
there's some mods that add in a bit of the cut content nexusmods.com
but it's still small potatoes to everything that was scrapped
>not autistic enough
I just think the template the absolute ass. Those boxes have so much width and so little height that they must be for... wait... Only someone with slits for eyes could properly use them. It's chinese communist shit. I guess the bombs weren't enough
>(Optional) Inform Mr. House that you've negotiated a peaceful solution with the Brotherhood.
not counting companions:
colin moriarty
three dog
alistair tenpenny
roy phillips
flak and shrapnel
abraham washington
mayor maccready
john henry eden
colonel autumn
>new vegas
>VAULT meat
not necessarily calling YOU out user but someone somewhere messed up
I remember trying to pickpocket his star caps the first time I met him and was like "uh, how about no?" ... I got caught and had to shoot him the face. These things happen.
Sigh. It's never as good as the first time.
>JSawyer is debatable as an "essential" mod
Literally fucking how? It's worth it for the simple fact that you don't get the tons of DLC starting items that completely fuck the early game out of any sense of accomplishment, and the rest of the gameplay changes all make sense. At this stage I honestly can't think of playing New Vegas without sawyers mod.
Power Armor maintenance costs money, and the NCR is dirt broke after their war with the BoS
>step five meters out of town
The Caesar has marked you for death, and the Legion obeys. Ready yourself for battle.
...wouldn't it be incredibly painful to fire a gun like that?
it would smack her in the face.
though it wouldn't be different from all the dicks that she went through.
I think it's decent commentary on the misuse of technology because a super rich resort owner funded the development of what are essentially universal constructors just so that he'd be able to maintain a pachinko scam at his resort without needing personnel to restock vending machines?
I finished DM yesterday again and I had almost 10000 SM chips and I exchanged everything for stimpaks to sell a bunch of safe and clean healthcare to the people of Nevada. If you get the jackpot at the casino you can get much much more out of there.
huh, what's wrong with Weapon Retexture Project??
most of the retextures are awful and not consistent with the lore
The best character in the game doesn't even have a model and just exists as text on computer screens.
Unfinished and outdated. Has a lot of misnamed files.
>tfw you will never hang out with the whole gang in Lucky 38
>Ulysses hates House
>House duster is the only one that looks identical to Ulysses
Well shit, it's the only weapon texture mod I found that covers a lot of weapons and is somewhat up to date. Do you recommend something instead or should I just stick to vanilla?
There are reskins for individual weapons, use that to replace the weapons with broken/missing/misnamed textures.
Excellent bait
he's a self-loathing autist
Just quickly pick up the Elite Riot Gear in the Divide. No need to even play through Lonesome Road.
then go play the lottery
>there are people on this board right now who don't max out the Luck skill in a Las Vegas-themed RPG
What was that relatively new and huge New Vegas mod called?
There is New California which was released last year, and The Frontier which will come out eventually
new commiforna
There's, count it, TWO LEGION CAMPS like ten feet away from the outskirts, a GIGANTIC ghoul infestation, and a t-rex. Does that feel like a safe environment that you'd raised your kids in?
New California (formerly Project Brazil)
The Frontier has been in development hell for nearly a decade now.
I miss the Chinese Stealth Armor from Fallout 3 that gives you a mini stealth field.
>why is the legion a threat again? they are just larpers in a football uniform with pointy sticks
They aren't the strongest faction but they are on the verge of winning the dam during the events of NV
The south-east areas have already been captured up to nipton, they have spies informing without much effort and the NCR is on the verge of pulling out due to the casualties over the years.
Without the courier, the most possible scenario is the legion taking over most if not all of the mojave, then preparing for a much harder battle against the inner areas of the NCR.
The legion also has the numbers, while the NCR is stretched thin.
Doesn't matter because the game is complete and rife with non-essential content to explore. While MGS5 basically drops mid part 2.
That kind of tech should be impossible to use by anyone, the BoS knowing how to use it is basically a miracle.
i remember that cartoon
>So... you resort to trickery. You were hoping that you could deceive me, reveal that somehow I can stop all this.
>The West will burn, as intended, and Vegas will follow. The last words of its messenger, were not for the people of the city, but lies and deceit.
Wasn't he a frumentarius? Lying should be his bread and butter.
From the trailers the problem with The Frontier is that the devs for the mod when to do lots of scripted action sequences, which the game isn't really good at doing.
>Vanburen (Cancelled Fallout 3)
Because tribalism is the crimson redpill. You are nothing without your people.
by how you responded to a fucking template makes you look even more autistic, dipshit
>gets tied to a cross
>gets set on fire
>gets thrown off a cliff
>lives on as a living mummy in a cop outfit and uses his churches favored gun
i have no idea
That's his point he is a frumentarius so why are you trying to lie to him it would be better to be truthful because that's all you can do
His reply in that post results from being truthful and saying that you just don't want him to nuke the Mojave.
Doubling down on the lie actually makes him team up with you.
Ulysses is the kind of character you can never take too seriously. Beneath his faux ideology about symbols and roads are the ramblings of a mad terrorist blaming everyone else for his actions. The best part is you can spit it all back up in his face.
Cass lived to see Hoover Dam in its Old World glory, humming with power the likes of which the Mojave had never seen. Vegas burned brighter than ever, securitrons filled the streets, and Cass's heart skipped... just a little. Her last words were to the Dam - and to herself. "We were going full speed ahead... but facing backwards the whole time."
>Van Buren
I will never not be mad
Modern day militant guerrilla Mormons is a great concept for another story
Wasn't that what Far Cry 5 was about?
Fuck off back to facebook, you fucking embarrassment.
you can say the same shit about every character in the game. half of them let you walk right up to them with a gun in their face. caesar doesnt even bother to check on you when you use the chip.
>Official patch reduced her from motor-mouthing sly and sardonic remarks about everything and everyone all of the time to a fucking shrinking violet that rarely go a sarcastic comment out
literally just disable the dlc esps lmao what the fuck
Hunting shotgun with choke feels orgasmic to use. But they had to make it a very high level weapon for that to be possible.
Actually nice
>House is basically turning the Mojave into AnCapistan
>implying thats a bad thing
I wanna start a hardcore playthrough
Is Survival an useful skill?
i think hardcore is the only case in which survival is useful
Is Mike Courier 6?
with or without the skinvelop?
i played hardest on hardcore. No.
Survival at 50 lets you convert dirty water to pure water. It also allows you to craft natural anti-cripple meds, the most powerful one being healing poultice which completely heals your limbs as well as regenerates some health.
Autistic female scientists are so fucking good.
I'm not an expert at ancap but isn't House violating the non aggression policy by ordering the eradication of the BoS?
justified since they're an invasive terrorist group and a direct threat to his interest
first time i played NV i saw this fucker come at me and i blew his head off with the .357 revolver without even using VATS, i was really wondering why he was a named npc but didn't think much of it
a few days later i saw in a playthrough that he won the lottery..
>The Think Tank's endgame was to re-implant themselves into human bodies to leave the Radar Fence.
How would Dala adjust to being human again? Would it even be possible after 200 years?
I just finished NVanilla
What are some good quest/location mods?
Or bad mods I don't fucking care I just want more content
Every neighbor settling in is an invasive terrorist group and direct threat to your interests. Isn't the NAP specifically about letting people do as they wish as long as they're not having a negative impact on your bottom line? Nothing that the hidden valley chapter has done has ever had anything to do with what House does in Vegas.
Victor won't let me enter the Penthouse. I don't want to kill him. How do I fix this?
before you start any new playthrough, get Easy Unlocking because playing unlocking minigames in a RPG is a waste of your time and directly against the concept of character skill
>Easy Unlocking
git gud
I have. My skill is 26/100 so I'm 100% likely to unlock every very easy and easy level lock and 0% likely to unlock any average level lock. Out of character I also know how actual locks work and it has nothing to do with turning a slot with an angled pin and a screwdriver.
it takes only 3 seconds to unlock them wow man you really are shit if that's giving you issues
Complete whore, she'd fuck anything that walks
user no
sex is too foreign for poor dala
start with breathing, then to tactile contact and finally handholding