How are you handling gaming in the heat? Are you staying hydrated? Is everything overheating?
How are you handling gaming in the heat? Are you staying hydrated? Is everything overheating?
I cleaned out my PC case.
Heat is gone. Autumn is coming. Must prepare for winter.
we're still getting some pretty high highs, and some places are still going through heat waves. it's important to make sure you're still staying cool as we head into the end of the summer user.
fuck this heat
t. Texan
It's been raining for almost the entire week, Robot-chan
Shit's aight
Just fine, I keep my electronics indoors.
The plastic tea bottles seem to be super popular all over Japan. I don't even like tea but I want to try one of those. It would be nice for a summer day like this.
That robot is heck of cute but just be straight with me, it's a dude inside isn't it?
Bottled tea has been around forever and everywhere, though?
it's just tea, I live in an asian area so there's a lot of stores in the area that sell common products imported from asian countries, I've even tried the tea she's holding, it's okay, but it's literally just tea.
how are the eyes done? also that's a man 100%
It's normal, yeah, but it seems ubiquitous there.
I want a cute robutt mask like that.
The eyes are an optical illusion apparently. That's just what I've heard from other anons. I don't know the specifics myself
>that thigh squish
They're concave spherical shapes.
I'm used to the heat at this point
t. Arizona
However its the really bad seasonal allergies that have been fucking me up since the end of May
What the fuck
An AC in my room, but it's been a pretty mild summer so far.
>obligatory "that's a man haha gotem" posts
only the costume exists, nobody is inside
what does a robot need exercise for?
>How are you handling gaming in the heat?
I don't get this meme. I live in South Florida and it's over 100 degrees sometimes but this has zero effect on my PC since I have the A/C on. Do you guys posting this shit not having air conditioning or something?
The difference to Europe is that all our tea is filled with sugar.
Hate to break it to you but she's confirmed female.
hate to break it to you fags, but it's literally been confirmed to be a girl.
To make sure the motors and other moving parts work correctly.
>Those thighs
I never had any doubts whatsoever
I don't know runes and translating doesnt help
what does it says that confirms that it's a girl?
>inb4 voice in the vid
There's some young japanese males that can easily sound like girls with some practice, effective voice changers exists(especially now that virtual youtibers are a thing), or it could be an external female voice actor and not whoever is in the suit that's talking.
you DID watch her dancing videos right Yea Forums?
the question asks if she's a woman(女性) or a man(男性) and she says "I'M A WOMAN!!"
Holy heck look at these mental hoops
Get your gay crossdressing fantasies outta here
chadbot guest appearance when?
so where can i buy a mask/helmet like this?
Legit question, couldnt that simply refer to the character and not to the person inside the suit?
The robot is clearly female and i think no one ever doubted that.
I don't know how japanese culture deals with this stuff, but I think that IF there's a boy in the suit portraying a robot girl, he'd have to answer that she's a woman anyway, as the question is for the robot, not whoever acts as it.
A bit like Nozawa would say "i'm a man" would reply while acting as Goku.
Not really, i hope it's a girl, I was just pointing out how the voice(since we can't obviously see her mouth speaking) can't be used as a confirmation.
Same with the question i'm asking right in this post: it's a question cause i dont really know japanese culture with these things, so im asking if what im saying could be the case, not that it is the case or that i want it to be.
They're obviously custom made and similar stuff you find around that can be bought is not even close to this level of quality/cuteness
can you make one for me
I take off my clothes, put on shorts and a hoodie with no undershirt.
she now does in person stuff since she does appearances at the theater she's the mascot of. So she really wouldn't be able to get away with being a man if they were doing that stuff since most likely that would involve talking
This is a professional kigurumi mascot, they'd have 0 reasons to hire a dude for the role.
Robots cant have genders or minds they aren’t advanced enough for that so stop sexualizing us
I have the AC going full-blast. It's actually pretty cold in here.
thanks for the clarifications
do you have something to tell us, user?
my room is the FUCKING most poorly ventilated and designed room even, its like 10 degrees hotter than the rest of my house at all times
He's clearly joking, robots can't post on Yea Forums
maybe he has a Yea Forums pass
Move to another part of your house?
Shit, the captcha isn't keeping them out.
But that's impossible, how could a machine buy a Yea Forums pass?
whats this?
>robots can't post on Yea Forums
are you sure about that?
N-no this can't be happening
They cannot post on this website the captcha stops the great robots from posting here
Why would i want to post here anyways
Its working
Uhm....i guess you're right, you're definitely not a robot
Do people not have AC? I dont understand. It's always a comfy 72 in my apartment regardless of weather
I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear.
Sounds legit, fellow human.
i fucking hate this autistic weather in tennessee it will be blazing hot,rain for a few hours then be worse the next day cause of the humidity
also i wanna fuck that robot girl
shoulders and hip ratio plus the hands point to it being a man, sorry guys.
>100+ degree heat index
>not just walking around in nothing but a light tshirt/wifebeater
I mean I guess if you enjoy chafing and swamp ass.
denial is a river in egypt
Honestly, I just think the character/costume is cute, so whatever.
I wait drinking soda a month ago and have only had tea and water
Who actually fucking cares what’s underneath, that robot is cute. CUTE.
summers in europe aren't as hot as they are in the US, and houses in europe are built better in terms of how they react to heat and cold, they're built so they can keep both out with the right shrewdness, like keeping windows open during the night and morning until the sun is completely up at 12, and then closing them entirely until evening, so that most of the heat can't enter.
all of this makes AC not really a necessity in europe, which in turn makes it expensive for those who want it.
so either cause it's not needed or cause it's too expensive, most people in europe dont have AC.
recent summers are becoming hotter and hotter in europe too, so this might change.
I live in the US and have AC.
I'm not hot.
Just get AC, Eurofags.
You've been having these threads for months.
>Welcome to Hell
>Here's your complimentary ginger ale
>wonder why people even care who’s inside the mascot when they just like the character design
>oh they want to fuck it
Shame on you
I guess if you sit naked and with a towel under your ass to catch all the sweat.
Europeans are too cheap for AC.
It's worth every penny.
are you stupid? look at them next to an actual dude
ANOTHER cum.brain thread
is the doll fuckable?
>he doesn't wear exclusively button-up shirts
>actual dude
thats a robot dipshit
no one in this thread has said they want to fuck this robot.
yeah, cause we get multiple weeks that are unbearable during an otherwise decent summer.
i live in italy and since the start of june we had 2 heat waves, the first lasted a bit more than a week, the second is right now but didn't really hit hard the region where i live, and we're expecting only one more near the mid-end of august.
otherwise we barely reached over 35°C, which is not that hot.
>35°C, which is not that hot.
>fucking 95 F
>not that hot
Anything above 75 is unbearable.
Kek no
she is a gamer
Every single shitpost about PCs overheating in the summer is from a Europoor pretending that their third world country is better by not having AC.
did you go to the theater to meet her Yea Forums?
There are probably people on Yea Forums who have more dust in their cases than a mummy has in their crotch and wonder why their shit is getting hot
fuck this gay ass heat, i want it to be winter forever and ever
fuck anyone who says summer is fun at all, its not, its the worst fucking season of the year
FUCK old shitty CRUMMY pails of water
Minnesotafag here, fuck you its only been 4 months without snow here.
Heyyy i also live in Minnesota!
Bet she's look ugly without that shit on.
In one of the few places in the US without ac. My PC seems to be staying cool enough but not me. 80s everyday here lately, sucks.
delete this user!
loli reminder to stay hydrated
Hey that's Swimsuitsuccubus' alter ego.
considering she's probably made a video with a vtuber already(pic related), I wouldn't doubt a chadbot appearance, even if it's just to plug one of his toku show performances
swimsuitsuccubus is secretly that robot
I want to hydrate myself with loli juice.
>tfw finally in a place with ac after like 4-5 years without
it's great bros i can play vidya and fap without sweating to high hell
In WA (at least Seattle anyway) plenty of places I've been to including my apt don't have ac built in because there is usually not enough hot weather each year to really need it. Most days a fan and some cold water is enough.
how would you even think about her when looking at this cutie bot
get the whole gang in for some vtube kino is there a toku vtuber, if so, how the hell does it work?
>robot takeover
thank you, tsukasa
tsukasa is cute
>Why yes, I am a robophile. How could you tell?
The robots are taking over the world!
>immediately changes stance from an awkward one to a perfectly balanced one
>performs a high kick with no visible effort for the abdomen
returns to a perfect stance without moving the supporting foot
either they they hired someone who already had experience in martial arts, or they made her take lessons for years before this robot idol thing even started, which meant they planned it years ago.
>tfw NoVAfag
>tfw consistently 90+ every day this week
>tfw it was supposed to rain like hell and storm like crazy all week
>tfw it never did within 20 miles of my location
>tfw I let myself get my hopes up just to be crushed
They still say it'll storm this weekend but I'm not convinced. I'll gladly take it though, comfy mid-morning thunderstorm naps are the only thing I like more than vidya.
>is there a toku vtuber, if so, how the hell does it work?
Takayuki Tsubaki(Blade) recently made a Vtuber channel. Afaik the character is a new hero and gets advice on how to fight evil from Tsubaki
>tfw no robot gf who could kick your ass and then nurse you back to health
No they aren’t your toaster isn’t evil dont worry im not advanced enough to take over robots dont even exist probably dont worry im not a robot
>no case fan
>only CPU fan
>never went above 54-55°C
i dont know how it's possible with this fucking heat, maybe not having a GPU makes it possible, but its the first time i have a PC that doesnt overheats during summer
god i wish that was my benis
It's a male, user.
Look at the body shape and the way he sits / stands in some photos.
Still a nice cosplay.
this robot is kinda cute, he can take over earth if he wants
It's the face and the body
Look, you all can fall subservient to robots cause of your dicks, but the second I see a sentient robot walking down the street I am joining a Resistance.
Rather die in the first wave before being captured as resource to be exploited, fuck that.
looks nothing like swimsuitsuccubus
not curvy at all, small ass, no big tits
>looks nothing like swimsuitsuccubus
Are you sure
It's swimsuitsuccubus under the mask id post a pic but posting pics from my ip have been blocked due to abuse
or one can just discover new hobbies in their life. You think if someone does martial arts as a kid that's all they'll be doing in their life?
not just yours, it's certain area but I don't know what for.
Imgur, motherfucker.
Where do I kiss?
Back of the knee, maybe?
and that's exactly what i said when i said "someone who already had experience in martial arts"
hime cut bangs is the only similarity i see
That's why she wears the robot costume to hide the disgustingness
i aint clicking that shit
how is that pic any proof of your claim?
I could say it's garfield under the mask and post pic related but that means jack shit and proves nothing
What character is this and what's it from? Is that mask for sale? It'd be a nice display piece.
I thought you meant Garfield was under heathcliff
Cute butt.
are you going to her maid cafe?
Does she have a built in milk dispenser? Or a fresh lemonade dispenser?
I cant, swimsuitsuccubus is there.
is it really swimsuitsuccubus under the mask?
yes, she's streaming games on twitch from texas while also cosplaying as a cute robot in japan, at the same time, as she's gifted with omnipresence
Is this the power of money and having beta orbiters?
How does she do it?
How dumb are you?
well.. is it asking if she (the character) is a girl (character).
Or actually asking if the person behind the character is a girl?
doesn't work
>tfw no robot train service gf
omnipresence, can't you read user?
swimsuitsuccubus is truly powerful that she can alter ego as a robot
Why every thread is filled with faggots?
I didn't even know swimsuitsuccubus was the robot all along
Denial that cute women exist ans succumbed to gay fantasies and cant escape
how do I become a qt robo gf?
God I need a cute robot girlfriend.
Wouldn't that just be an over-engineered onahole?
Aren't animals just poorly designed onaholes?
Onahole that also cooks and cuddles and does your homework.
Homework? How old are you?
Taxes then. Calculating best tax plans for you, so you could get refunds and afford desireable upgrades.
Onahole that also cooks and cuddles and does chores and probably can solve any technical issue you might have with any device
Reminder that living vicariously through fictional women is how people become trannies
>Che Guevara
Fuck this communist bitch
I really hope it's a joke picture. This cute can't be a Communist pig.
It was a gym she visited for a photo op, the gym is communist, not her
Why are there commie japanese in Japan?
Me too man, I fucking hate commies and what they stand for. McCarthy was right.
Why the FUCK is communism present in Japan?
Che is just some dumb thing people put on branded posters/clothes, I doubt 90% of the people buying clothes or posters with the dude's face on it even know who he is.
Most people there probably don't even know anything about Che Guevara other than the fact that a lot of westerners like to wear his face on their t-shirts.
Its like socal people who wear thrasher jackets and shirts. 90% of them don't skate but it's just something people know as a popular brand so they wear it anyway.
That's a fucking sin
He and all his merch belong in Hell
Why are people so fucking stupid???
Best evidence she's a he.
Except it's literally proven to be a girl
Kicking high is generally not something guys do.