What if wiifit trainer became president?

What if wiifit trainer became president?

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Nothing changes since the position is worthless.
Only uneducated people give any credence to the position at least when it comes to USA's system.

cum.brain thread

Not saying I know a lot about politics, but I wouldn't say it is a "worthless" position.
People just think the presidents have power of everything and can do everything they want, and in reality, it isn't like that.
So in comparison to the general idea of what a president can do, I guess you are right.

Numb skull with a cum skull

>Nothing changes
Every household will be required to own a copy of wii fit, and use it for at least 30min a day. Failure to do so would result in jail time.

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>sex appeal is now a legit presidential campaign strategy
nice civilization you have there, amerikeks

>mommy makes you workout if you want your cummies

it's not fair!

No thanks, I don't need any wee shit.
I'm perfectly fine with my two pairs of kettle bells, a sandbag, and a pull-up bar, and the occasional olympic swimming pool.

Better than our current option of everything skyrocketing in price, due to everyone choosing goods from China. The American businesses that stayed are even hurt because their materials are provided by cheap Chinese mining.

>have a hot mom
>deal with the neighborhood kids saying they want to fuck your mom
>have a hot president
>deal with the other countries saying they want to fuck your president

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what the fuck is this dumb bitch doing? this shit is useless

Says the fat lazy chair scum with bigger tits than most women

Do you have a hot mom, user?

Don't project your nu-Westcuck lardwhale society onto this part of the world user. Keep your stereotypes within your own pool of nu-Western shit please.

It's called exercise, lardbrain.

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regardless of what the consitution says. america has one of the strongest executives in the first world. tons of conservatives adhere to the unitary executive philosophy including supreme court justices like Scalia. The US president can literally start military conflicts at their leisure without congressional approval and appropriate money through executive orders

After the ugly bloated mass of flesh that Trump is, any one who is even slightly better looking than him will be marketing their "sex appeal".

No, but my friend did.
>sleep over
>play truth or dare
>naturally this ends with us all comparing dicks
>lol you're getting a boner? what a fag
>It's cause I'm thinking about your mom
>everyone laughs but also starts getting boners too, obviously now thinking about his mom too

oof. what a faggot.

After what she pulled in the latest debate, I'm convinced she's the only one who stands a chance of beating trump.

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t. fuccboi with a hot mom who got teased about it.

>meme-spouting retard thinks putting a period will bypass filters that people are using
You know regex is a thing, right?

>watching everyone scrambling to shit on Tulsi because she was the only one with the balls to call out Kamala's history of bullshit
fucking hilarious man, the smear jobs you see on twitter

t. literal not so closeted faggot who wants to see boy dicks so posts his weird faggot fantasies on Yea Forums instead of keeping them to himself

oof. Big yikes, ya seething faggot creep.

t. chaircrusher

The hilarious thing was Kamala calling Tulsi an Assad apologist, as if there's anything to apologize for when the over 7.5 emigrated Syrians escaped because of Assad and not ISIS/ISIL. Kamala truly is a dumb bitch.

Remember to periodically stretch your muscles anons!

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>entire nation gets tulsi pilled
>somehow she isn't trending on twitter at the same time
It's gonna be 2016 all over again but this time with kamala and tulsi instead of hilary and bernie. I'm looking forward to how it plays out this time. No way tulsi will just cuck out and endorse kamala like bernie did hilary.

Attached: democrat-debate-tulsi-gabbard-search-statista.jpg (1600x1200, 210K)

It's called crossfit, fatty.

Attached: crossfit.webm (638x360, 2.95M)

>only one to stand up to (((them)))
DNC sure isn't going to nominate her, they're going for Biden.

I was thinking that long before the first debate. She's easily the biggest threat to Trump since she pulls liberals, conservatives, and libertarians; is well-spoken and unflappable; and comes off with a sense of integrity that only Yang can match.

Unfortunately the DNC and Dems would rather lose with someone who can't attract conservatives and moderates than win with one who can.

has anyone here actually played the real Wii fit game?

I played wii sports. That's basically the same thing.

21 seconds in. I did NOT just see a pregnant woman doing that. Nope nope nope nope nope. I have reprogrammed my brain to not remember that. I only have a tiny amount of faith in humanity left. My brain(and yours, too) will not accept that.

who gives a shit.

what's wrong with a pregnant woman staying fit?

It helps that she's smoking hot.

I think the grey streak in her hair is cute and she shouldn't dye it.

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It's not about staying fit, those kind of excercises are rough on the abs.
She's literally crushing the baby.

I did but it was too much of a hassle to set it up and get to the next exercise.
If I ever move out I'm just gonna keep a Wii Fit corner with the balance board and everything ready.

God I wish that were my mom. Being born was a mistake.

It's the only reason she's even polling 1% famzilla

Tulsi, despite literally being a veteran, is too weak to beat Trump. Nobody has challenged her on her own faults and blind spots (economics, finer points of US foreign policy, and torture) and she's got to ditch the weird stilted cadence and just talk like a normal person. Populism > acting like a queer politician.

Bernie and maybe Yang are the candidates to beat Trump. All the others fail because they get bullied or lose the Midwest.


Sure. It's not that she utterly DESTROYED the DNC's golden girl with LOGIC and FACTS on national television.

It was hilarious seeing that battle of SJWs.
In a just world, all those nominees would be dead.

>lil'l seethin' virgie

no, it's not. I'm glad you agree. If she wasn't attractive no one would think about her.

Jealous no one can say the same about you, idiot?

Dodger you're a repulsive goblin

>Populism > acting like a queer politician
People just want someone who cuts through the bullshit and appears to have principles. Both tulsi and trump fit that bill.
>Bernie and maybe Yang are the candidates to beat Trump
lol no. Maybe 2016 bernie, but not current timeline bernie. Yang is a meme.

They are going to lose because their plan was impeaching Trump, and that failed.
Now they have literally no one.

Considering what Bernie did to the corporate democrats in the last debates, and he still has the best cross over appeal, don't count him out either.

Given how he called out that one wall street crook's ill gotten gains, I wouldn't be surprised if Sanders just outright says he will investigate and prosecute Trump's crimes after he's voted out of office right to Trump's face.
Extra intimidate if he says he'd prosecute his kids too.
Fun fact, Trump personally blocked a review of how is daughter got approved for top secret security clearance after it was initially rejected.

I wish I could lick her sweat

>elect president because she makes your pp hard
>her foreign policy is to fuck other world leaders to get her way
Is this ntr on a national level?

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Wow, you SJWs still are unironically trying the impeach shit?
That's laughable.
Better just start preparing the 2024 elections.

>Plan to impeach Trump failed
Have I got a nasty surprise for you.

what happend to yanggang you fucking gamers

That it's 5 shills got tired of pretending he's relevant.

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>Russian puppets think this is about impeachment
Naw, we're just going to wait until he gets voted out and then prosecute him and every co-conspirator he had in the government.
Cry more.

I thought her shirt said Chaturbate for a split second

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>what Bernie did to the corporate democrats in the last debates
bernie is a corporate dem now, you dummy. He's drank the koolaid. His cucking in 2016 broke him.
> I wouldn't be surprised if Sanders just outright says he will investigate and prosecute Trump's crimes after he's voted out of office right to Trump's face.
Yeah, because if there's one thing the mueller shit showed us, it's that the average american totally still cares about finding a GOTCHA on trump.

It's amazing, the CIA has finally managed to convince all Americans to side against Russia.
I mean, sure, 30 years too late, but hey, amerimutts don't dissapoint.

>this is your brain on cum

Yeah, that's totally not going to fail.
Again, should have focused on finding an actual candidate instead of the bunch of literally who's and has beens you have.

Cool, who will we get as another president

Hopefully not Hillary

>muh russians
It's amazing how we have big tech like twitter and google actively trying to effect the elections and dumbasses like you are still on the russia shit. Just let it go, man.

>Russians in full damage control

Can someone explain to me why would a white person vote for an anti-white party who wants to pander to filthy trannies and fill the country with spics?

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It's too early. 4 more years of disastrous trump policy and grandpa bernie being aged out of running ability will prove that Yang just makes more sense. He just needs to bide his time. Don't worry user, we are all going to get our freedom bux

I wish Russia interfered, not with elections, but by simply nuking the US.
Europe should be allied with Russia at this point due to the anti-west and anti-white behaviour of the USA.

Everyone knows at this point the only reason for the war on the middle east was to push muslims into Europe.
And then, when that happened the Americans started pushing propaganda about how great diversity is.

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>doesn't do anything
Id like to see your fat ass try that shit.

Cry more Ivan

>will prove that Yang just makes more sense
How, by legalizing ilegals?
By giving them healthcare for free?

>we are all going to get our freedom bux
It's $1000.
The only people who think $1000 is a meaningful amount are high school dropouts and niggers, people who deserve to be poor.

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Democrats are currently in a civil war. Independent thinkers like tulsi are being painted as not real democrats.

>He doesn't know the plan.
Your 4d checkers is poor.



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You can't prove me wrong though.
America is a traitor of western civilization and of whites.
It's a nation where even the far right is anti-white and does nothing but attack other whites.

America is right now the biggest threat Europe is facing.
In an ideal world, Russia, China and the US would all nuke each other.

Whatever, fag.


*drops pinkpill*

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I'm not ready for a president that makes my pp hard.

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>le reddit asterisks
Do SJWs really think this is going to achieve anything?


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They only betray racists like you who are the true enemy of the west. Cry more.

>that pregnant woman weightlifting
What a selfish, self-obsessed bitch.

>implying presidents are elected by the people
>implying if the first statement is true this person would ever become popular enough
>implying women are competent leaders
lmfao imagine being this guy

>>le reddit asterisks
people have been ironically using asterisks on Yea Forums for literal years

Let the spics do their work in the US. If the US mongrelizes faster than Europe you all might still have a chance to break away and actually take care of your sand nigger problems.

>bernie is a corporate dem now
This is your brain on Trump.


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Well america literally is a nation of immigrants.

They have been fully brainwashed to hate white people and worship anything African or Hispanic despite being white themselves. They live in a culture where the "cool" thing to do according to mainstream media is to compete over being the most tolerant and the greatest sin you can commit is to be "racist", which really just means acknowledging that you're being attacked.

For points, user.

Yeah, nothing says "traitor" more than not wanting to fill your country with terrorists.
The good thing is that America's days are numbered.
By 2050 south americans will have turned you into a country-wide favela.
The US will collapse, and Europe will finally be free of all the cancerous leftist push all over it.
Not to mention Israel, the mastemind of the USA, will also die without America's support, which means no more war in the middle east, no more radicalism, no more refugees.

Trump must be stopped

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Bernie "white people don't know what it's like to be poor" Sanders.

>not including the insane amount of likes and retweets in the picture

Yes, America is living proof that multiculturalism is a failure, just like how South America is the proof that racemixing is a mistake.
The American continent in general has been a fascinating experiment to see what NOT to do with civilizations.

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sounds like a great shota setup

Those are called white supremacists.

FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told lawmakers Tuesday that the bureau has recorded about 100 arrests of domestic terrorism suspects in the past nine months and that most investigations of that kind involve some form of white supremacy.

The figure, which Wray conceded is imprecise, is similar to the number of arrests made in international terrorism cases and represents an uptick compared with the prior year. He revealed the data at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, seeking to assure lawmakers that the bureau was aggressively pursuing cases of racially motivated violence.

“Needless to say, we take domestic terrorism or hate crime, regardless of ideology, extremely seriously,” Wray said.

At a congressional hearing in May, the head of the FBI’s counterterrorism division testified that the bureau was investigating 850 domestic terrorism cases and that of those, about 40 percent involved racially motivated violent extremists. Most in that group, he said, were white supremacists.

Wray pointed to several recent high-profile arrests, including that of Coast Guard Lt. Christopher P. Hasson, who prosecutors have alleged is a white nationalist who stockpiled weapons in a plot to target journalists and politicians, and the men accused in mass shootings at synagogues in California and Pennsylvania.

>Well, we looked everywhere but didn't find a single jew. Safe to say this place is clean. All that searching got me thirsty though. Hanz, get me a few ice cubes from the freezer so I can chill some water.
>jewsicle falls out as hanz opens the freezer and breaks into pieces on the floor
>laugh track plays

It clearly got an emotional response out of you

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oh no

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>literally 3rd world-tier

>What if wiifit trainer became president?
80% of the entire US population (all the fat people) will all be sent to the chambers to be gassed.

Not video games at all.
Fuck off with politics that don't relate to video games.
Fuck off Canadian scum

>America is living proof that multiculturalism is a failure
America is proof democrats are the enemy of mankind and must be stopped. Too bad the republicans are all pussies.

>Corporate Dem

>Those are called white supremacists.
How many massacres have they caused?
Not that I care about the crimes commited in the US, the more dead Americans, the better.
America is a traitor, you always kill traitors before an enemy.

>when your district votes democrat

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europoors cherrypicking videos of LA and san franshitsco is probably the most tired meme on this website right now