Why did Bethesda forget about Jiggalo? What are your personal thoughts a Juggleomon?
Why did Bethesda forget about Jiggalo? What are your personal thoughts a Juggleomon?
he doesn't exist as a seperate diety anymore, so they couldn't have just put him in
The strongest thought I have about him is"I am aware he exists"
>he doesn't exist as a seperate diety anymore
The fuck are you talking about? The ending of Shivering Isles severs him from the curse. He is completely free after the HoK mantles Sheogorath. What he lacks is followers, and the powers of the Gods stems from belief and worship.
But wasn't that the whole point of shivering isles? That he's now free?
Does that make his minions Juggalos?
Isnt he actually Lokrahn or whatever the fuck his name is?
It was.
I'm gonna say it right now, there's an absolute retard who spams these threads with inane babble and headcanon. Stating the book of a flaming loon is hard fact and that the Sheogorath in Skyrim isn't the PC from Oblivion but Jyggalag turned back to madness because the cure wasn't actually broken.
No? Jyggalag was the daedric Prince of order and became so powerful that the other Princes cursed him into becoming Sheogorath.
Wouldn't Jyggalag be in hiding in fear that all the Daedra will just curse him again? He's probably slowly building alliances with Daedra he can trust like Meridia, Azura maybe Malakath.
I don't think they'd want to curse him again. Imagine 2 Sheogoraths. The others don't want to deal with that.
Jyggalag is dead now, isn’t he? I’m shivering isles you kill the original Jyggalag/Sheogorath and become the new Sheogorath, who will presumably not revert to Jyggalag because it was stated that the Greymarch cycle was over.
Do you not remember the part where you defeat Jygallag and then he literally thanks you for breaking the curse before his spirit flies off to regain his power? He's absolutely alive.
He's probably going to be spending a lot of time in the Daedric realms regaining his strength, or maybe he's just in the void, or he has no presence because he has no worshipers. Maybe he's just redundant since there's already a Deadric Prince of Order (Peryite)
Daedra don't die stupid, also you don't remember the giant floating fucking head telling you that you broke the Greymarch curse and freed Jyggalag?
You can't actually kill daedra. ESPECIALLY princes.
Peryite is the Daedric prince of sickness, how is that anyway related to true order like Jyggalag?
Peryite is a little bitch. Jyggalag was so feared that he made Mehrunes Dagon piss his pants.
They tried to explain that. Apparently Peryite is natural order and Jiggy is perfect order. Still sounds like they didn't think it all through.
>Jyggalag is dead now is he?
Look at this lorlet thinking Daedric princes can die. If that were the case Merhunes Dagon should be dead after getting slapped the shit out of by Akatosh's Golden Dragon form.
Nope hes just a weak useless faggot wandering oblivion for eternity. Unless he gains lots of followers
I wonder if HoK Sheo fucks with Dagon more than anyone now.
Or the other like 3? times he's invaded and got his shit slapped in.
His Followers turn into Order Knights and he has a lot of those.
Dagon only invaded Tamriel twice.
You absolutely know the guy fucks with Mehrunes on the daily
He's the Daedric Prince of Pestilence and natural order compared to Jyggalag's perfect, rigged order.
>Hey,ya member that time I singlehandedly ruined your decades long plan to invade Tamriel in like a week?
>HAHAHAHA good times...
For you fags that don't know: you can find his sword behind the tree in the throne room and use it.
>Implying I gave a shit about the sword
The Knight of Order armor not being available in vanilla was the biggest cuckery I've ever experienced as a consolefag.
Well yeah that armor isn't armor it's the skin of a Jyggalag worshipper.
Why would I use that big dumb turdblade when I have this from like 5 quests earlier?
Doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to hack it off with a knife and wear it.
No, they threw him into a hole that was a representation of the "void" that Lorkhan used to fill and it somehow inversed his sphere.
I don't really know the myth behind that.
In the game-engine it's registered as armor.
If you use the console to remove the armor from a knight of order he'll just be a genetic imperial.
That obscure myth got replaced with Lorkhan being killed physichally as his corpse turned into Masser and Secunda but spiritually his ghost is in Atherius. In Sovengarde as the Patreon of all Nords. The true Humans of Lorkhan.
Hey lorefriends, are Redguards a separate race if man from Yokuda or are they really leftovers from a previous Kalpa?
redguards are niggers
Seperate race from a different Kalpa. Yakuda doesn't exist in current Tamriel while Redugards claim it just fell into the ocean. Humans only come from Atmora.
It really is as simple as that
If the Hero of Kvatch is the new Daedric Prince of Madness do you think he fucked all the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers while he was still sane?
Ultimately they cursed him because his sole power nearly overtook their collective strength.
And due to Jyggalag's nature of control, that would inevitably start happening again the very moment he made any actions.
He must be in a self imposed prison in fear of the madness curse.
>His Followers turn into Order Knights
No, they turn into order priests.
The knights are his daedra.
They don't have Daedeic hearts like every other Daedra though.
They have "Hearts of Order," though.
And the Daedra hearts that you find are likely daemora.
I was literally JUST thinking about this. I'd like to think he did.
Was Jyggalag that last bit of interesting lore Bethesda ever came up with?
Not true, you find Daedric hearts on any and every living daedra from Hungers, Clanfears, Scamps and even Daedroths.
>heart of order
That's not a daedric heart user.
Nah the Thu'um and Nords yeeting on Snow Elves was.
>bitches don't know about the enatiomorph
Thu'um existed before Skyrim. I remember reading a book about it in vanilla Oblivion.
That bethesda has somehow mindjacked my headcanon that Sheogorath invented, inserted a few references into material pre-oblivion about him and then embarked on a plan to make the Champion of Cyrodil his greatest trophy in the shivering isles: The Champion who thinks he's the Madgod. A an incredibly contrived, convoluted and insane plan.
He probably did, and the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers would probably be honered that their Daedric Prince wants to stick it in them.
I imagine hearts of order are a type of Daedric heart.
Since Knights of Order aren't made from organic tissue, Bethesda had to create a new item.
It was about some Nord chick doing magic tricks with her sword or whatever for some history club, nothing like the Shouts.
Who will you worship?
Shor, Talos and Kyne, I'm not a pointy eared Daedra Worshipper.
Meridia is probably the best one to worship.
>not evil
>hates necromancers
>doesn't treat her followers like shit
Why hasn't Jig tried to take over all the Oblivion realms by now? Is he taking his sweet time preparing a new army? There's actually a quest mod where you end up in Molag Bal's realm and Jig and his army eventually show up and you have to escape.
>not evil
doesn't treat her followers like shit
guess you haven't played eso
>likes rubbies
Jygallag, least likely to kill you for some nuanced reason and would probably just give you a desk job sorting stuff alphabetically for him, and give you a simple routine schedule to live your life by.
but it is lorelet
would you a spiderbitch?
Why do autists hate ESO so much? Is this still over Summerset isles not being white marble and crystal buildings?
Don't step on anons C0DA. If he can back it up within game sources let him do him.
Its canon you faggot
I like to imagine he waited for the Dragonborn to be near death, grabbed a seat with Sanguine, and waited for the Deadric princes to have a punch up over who owned the soul.
Then waited a bit longer for them to realise the ramifications of trying to claim a Dragonborn's soul after he actually died.
Meridia isn't good either Daedra aren't that simple
Well that's a shame. Still miles better than most daedric princes. What about Azura, is she still ok?
lorefag here, I can actually explain shit with jyggalag
Does everyone really think the events of shivering isle actually happened?
It is pretty clear Sheo just decided to fuck with the CoC like just another toy.
>What about Azura, is she still ok?
Probably the most benevolent, but it's benevolence on her terms.
She's petty and vengeful but compared to the rest of them she's ok.
That soul is going straight to Akatosh like Alduin's did
Meridia blessed Umaril and his army, how can she be good, please explain?
where were you when hotcturnal got BLACKD?
>making the god of thieves black
We do not know that.
Yes, there is no reason to think that they did not and Jyggalag was mentioned in Arena and Daggerfall as an obscure deity, he was just re-purposed.
I think people are literal brainlets if they do not understand why Jyggalag is not present in Skyrim, I want people to think really hard about an obvious reason why.
That was good for Umaril and his army, now wasn't it?
Yes, and his flesh gardens and rape orgies
Nothing gets truly retconned in TeS lore. I mean yeah his body became masser and Secunda but why wouldn't there be a Lorkhan shaped hole in the meta-physics?
Shit. You are right!
I cant remember that, I definitely would have noticed. Maybe it got patched in or out
Crappy combat
Crappy lore
Pushed the "Squeeze every pennyout of the sucker" mentality at Zeni into overdrive.
The only people who like it is the C0DA crowd because it makes veiled references to the fanfics.
That is not how Sanguine looks.
His soul goes straight up into the sky when he dies so either Shor absorbed him or he went back to his creator which is more likely.
I hated how they gave him a generic dremora model in Skyrim
Nope, it's always been like that. Nocturnals ESO model is a redguard for some reason.
Taking the prince of darkness literally
No, nothing got retconned or removed fucking retards fuck. Sithis shaped hole (fracture in Aurbis) was formed when spark of creation (Heart of Lorkhan) was removed. Lorkhan is the unstable mutant of Sithis, his presence disestablised the endless stasis of Anuic Aurbis and created change and imbalance, which in turn made both good and evil, madness and sanity etc. since before that none of that was even contextualized.
The Sphere of Lorkhan was ripped in half forming two planes of Masser and Secunda, and also arguably the third moon which appears during the eclipse, but since Et'Ada are part of creatia and are subgradients of Anui-el or Sithis, they can not be erased or actually die so his spirit is cursed to walk for ever on Mundus.
The Daedric Princes used the Sithis shaped, the fracture in reality that was created bringing ultimate imbalance and chaos to Aurbis to turn Jyggalag insane, since he is the ultimate Et'Ada of pure order, thus through Enantiomorph Sheogorath formed.
Because he's weak and needs time to reform and also has few followers?
>buy 2 play, like guild wars
>penny squeezing
oh boy, brb uninstalling a fun game right now and replacing with a gacha
Don't Daedric deities have no dedicated form and can change it at will?
Maybe it's like someone dying their hair.
>The only people who like it is the C0DA crowd
Bull. I like it because who doesn't want to explore all Tamriel provinces on a whim? I skip basically all the dialogue because its boring as fuck. Important lore from ESO i'll find elsewhere.
i find that the dwemer turning into a god more interesting
His soul went straight into the sky, full stop. We do not know anything else after that, no matter how likely what is.
All other draconic souls lingered infinitely in stasis until their bodies were resurrected.
In addition to that, souls in TES are tied to body with at least "three" knots and are made up of at least two parts and most likely three. It can be that Dragonborn has a mortal Anuic Remnant and Memory but Draconic Animus, we do not know how much of his soul is Draconic.
Yeah they can look however they wish. Boethiah switches between male and female quite regulary.
Daedric princes are living ideas, of course they can change how they look at will
That too, but the most important two reasons are
>He has no plane, so he has to find and conquer a small random demi-plane and grow from there
>There is no way for him to get on Mundus unless someone brings in artifacts related to him to increase his link to Mundus. Barriers are permanent now and there is no way for him to just show up as an avatar and preach.
Basically the only way for his cult to spread is for someone to accidentally stumble upon him in Oblivion, start following him, come back, convince more people and then form a cult.
> I don't play it for the lore
Now one could surmise this is a true fan and not a C0DAfag but then they add.
> I also follow the lore from ESO just not in game.
Whatever C0DAfag
who else but daddy molag?
>Next TES game has Sheogorath's quest have you go out to try and find an old friend and make his day more exciting to cheer him up
>End up stealing some of Jygallag's stuff and making a mess in his room for giggles
Probably be cheaper
Only people who dislike C0DA don't understand C0DA
brass daddy
Miraak's dragon cult was dope.
So was the Great War and all the political stuff post-Oblivion Crisis.
Oh, and the Red Mountain explosion and the fallout from that.
Is Sotha Sil the most in-game fuckable god? Like you keep meeting NPCs that want to fuck him.
>Clavicus is just a jew with horns.
I said important lore of which there is very little in ESO. Based on what i've seen. Preparing yourself for references in future games = C0DAfag. Fair enough
Daedric Prince of Rape, what a incel
Tell yourself what you have to.
The stuff they added with Sotha Sil is some of the most interesting, well written ES lore in a long time
Also Summerset had some good shit particularly the nature of the Crystal Tower and its metaphysical importance
Oblivion mods were my reason to go pc
funny how the nerd of the tribunal ended up being the chaddest by far
>the Daedra are afraid of him because he reminds them of Jyggalag
>Jyggalag's servants were originally going to be robots and he was going to have much more of a technological aesthetic
>technological aesthetic
That would've been shit.
I'm glad Bethesda decided against.
Lives in the universes basement.
Never finishes what he starts.
Story checks out he is the best of the tribunal.
It has been overdone but it would be better than what was in game.
>or he has no presence because he has no worshipers.
This is probably it. Not a lot of people in-universe know about Jiggy. And the one guy who could tell everyone else about him may or may not have turned into Sheo.
His insanity is just a mask, in my headcanon the HoK is still his normal self but puts on the crazy act when around other people.
Not canon
I fucking love TeS lore threads
I don't know shit about the background, so all the debates devolve into what looks like someone stroking out
that bitch did best boy dirty
Nords are. Redguards are a sophisticated culture reminiscent of ancient Persians. The only connection with real blacks they have is the skin tone and facial features, they act nothing like them.
Will we ever get another DLC as kino as Shivering Isles?
He is going to come back in VI as the main bad guy. Calling it now.
I'd love this
I'm glad they gave him time (both in game and real) to feel set up. His rise to power would take at least a dozen hundred years, but I did want to see the fall apart of the empire.
Would it be best for Mundus if Jig took over all the daedric realms? If he did the daedric princes wouldn't be able to fuck around with mortals anymore but would Jig try to spread his order in Mundus as well afterwards?
He would inevitably try for mundus. If he takes all the daedric realms why would he not want more?
>Getting a daedric artifact in the new game will involve going into a prince's lost realm to find it
Wouldn't all of Oblivion be enough for him? Has he ever even had any interest in Mundus and mortals? Also with the barrier being permanent he wouldn't be able to reach people since he doesn't have any shrines.
He wants order everywhere right?
I thought that was the whole reason the others cursed him was his need to order their realms as well.
I don't see a reason he wouldn't at least want to order mundus.
If Sotha Sil (who is now linked with Jyggy and both linked with Anu) is any indication, he'd want to enforce things everywhere.
ShyggyJyggy - because bipolar disorder.
>even just a few years ago Sotha Sil was mostly unheard of
>now he's one of the most popular TES characters
Feels good
What? Is that some crap from Online?
Sotha Sil is now extremely Anuic. Read Truth in Sequence, it's a good lore book.
I always forget that piece of shit game exists
Are the Tribunal actual gods? I've never played Morrowind.
They are mortals leeching off of the heart of the universe essentially
they can fight real gods though because all of creation is tied to said heart
Yes, but their godhood was stolen.
nope, Jygg is Anuic.
also the Thalmor are his Followers, said thalmor are Ayleid survivors
what does he do besides always being right?
They're fake gods
make crystal swords and armor to soothe his autism
This. Also Dagon should have been killed long before Oblivion since in Battlespire you went to his own daedric realm to kill him.
The only thing you can do to a daedric lord is banish them for a time.
Here's a question, why don't the aedra appear as much as the daedra do? Are they drained from making the world or something>
Why is TES lore so underwhelming in game?
Is it from online?
Found the wagecuck
it's not if you know where to look for it
Et'Ada are living concepts, their power is agency via their spheres of Influence.
Agency as a "currency" got converted into existence of Mundus and agency of mortals, thus Aedra are comatose and can not act freely. Daedra on the other hand are isolated and egotistical thus they did not spend any of their agency on anything but their own realms and themselves.
I thought there were Daedric princes that completely ignored Mundus entirely that we don't know about. Why should he appear in future games even if he is confirmed to exist?
there are Et'Ada we don't know about, but I doubt there are princes like that
>trying to find fanart and have to struggle through cringe fanfics of self-inserts getting impregnated by him now
Feels bad.
Ahh, I see. So if you were to blow up Nirn they'd wake up? Or die, I guess. Anyway, that's pretty interesting.
There's always demiprinces.
They'd fully die if you blew up Nirn, they're Invested in it.
I remember the Nords in Soltheim talking about shouts way before in Morrowind. When someone was talking about the greybeards. He said they lept from mountain to mountain by shouting at the ground. I thought that was the coolest shit ever for some reason and was excited as fuck to do it when Skyrim rolled around but it never was a thing.
Call me a piece of shit, but the more I read about The Elder Scrolls Lore the more I want to see what the world would be like in modern times. Like like how Shadowrun is. Except Shadrowrun is in the future, but that general idea, though.
Oh I like that, that's neat.
If you unbound nirn they would regain power
An Et'Ada can not fully die, at worst they become a revenant spirit like Lorkhan
Whirlwind sprint allows you to sprint over big holes, so there is that.
I see what you're getting at, but it's just not the same as screaming at the ground so hard you end up flying through the air.
I thought it was one of those fun things like how Thor can't really fly, he just throws his hammer really hard.
Please post more my good man
Downtown Battle Mountain III lookin tite.
Is this fanart or official concept art?
it's fan art for a project of ex-official writer
so it's not really official but it is art for a text written by the guy who wrote a lot of TES lore that people love
It's fanart
>CoC became Sheogorath
If that's true, why can you only exert your powers on the Shivering Isles when Sheogorath was shown to be able to affect Tamriel with his powers in the quest where he makes it rain dogs on the Khajiit village?
They all pretty much regret it. Turns out being a god is stressful.
Because you're bad at being Sheogorath
Haskill tells you that you will slowly grow into your role.
Souls are concepts filling spheres/holes. Over time you will fill the role of Sheogorath fully, to the point where you are not even CoC anymore.
Think about it moron. By the time we sit on Sheogorath's throne we're still some stupid mortal Imperial/Breton/Nord who has absolutely no idea how to properly do godhood or even tap into the plane of Oblivion. In 50 years when Skyrim happens the energies of the Oblivion realm will fully take hold which is why CoC morphs into another Sheoogorath looking guy complete with the same voice of the old one.
If he completely turns into Sheogorath, can it then even be argued that the Sheogorath in Skyrim is the CoC, or even formerly the CoC, since the transformation is absolute?
Pretty sure that's implied in the game.
Yes the Sheogorath in Skyrim is the CoC while the one in Oblivion was a cursed Jyggalag. Even in the quest there's some snippets of CoC previous mortal life.
I'm sure the blowjobs and the prayers keep them going.
>Even in the quest there's some snippets of CoC previous mortal life.
Such as?
The only thing that people use as proof of the link between the two is Sheo recounting the events of the Shivering Isles questline in Skyrim. But that's flimsy proof at best, since Daedric Princes show signs of limited omnipresence/omniscience all the time anyway, so it's not a stretch to assume that he simply could have kept an eye on his champion during his shenanigans on the isles.
>You know, I was there for that whole sordid affair. Marvelous times! Butterflies, blood, a Fox and severed head... Oh, and the cheese! To die for.
it's irrelevant actually and you are correct
CoC is lost to history, Sheogorath remains, that is all that matters
it's bittersweet
But you ignore the fact that the sheogorath in Oblivion was a cursed Jyggalag and at the end of the questline the greymarch curse is broken with CoC becoming the new Daedric Prince of Madness.
Sheogorath in Skyrim mentions how he was there when Martin turned into a dragon, even as a mad god the CoC is still a good person because in Sheo's quest in Skyrim he makes you help a mad dead emperor become sane again.
He mentions he was there when Martin turned into Akatosh.
Have no doubt though, Sheogorath is the mantle now even if CoC is wearing in
He totally has done horrendous inhumane and lovecraftian horrors to minds of thousands of mortals, even though he might be a bit "nicer" about it now
The only thing that is canon about Sheo is that someone went to the isles and dealt with the Greymarch.
Whether it was your character depends on you.
> But Sheo knew stuff.
Daedric princes tend to.
Isn't there a case to be made for CoC simply going insane during his visit in the Isles? The guard near the door says that everyone who has gone in has come back "wrong". Why would the CoC be an exception? Coming out claiming that you are Sheogorath now would be part and parcel, don't you think?
The entirety of Oblivion was part of Sheo's ruse and the player is still locked in the starting cell.
Your talking about a man who went in and out of Oblivion multiple times. He doesn't easily go insane like the peasants and low iq mercenaries that went inside before him.
Yes, you can interpret it any way you want, that is the beauty of it
He went into the realm of Mehrunes Dagon, the most generic of the princes with no corrupting influence to speak of. The Deadlands are dangerous no doubt, but they do not pose a mental or spiritual threat like the Isles do.
you didn't steal everything not locked down in oblivion. that is pretty crazy dude. or those thousands you murdered throughout your play?
Fen's furfag writing has really gone to shit.
Majority of the people you kill in Oblivion are in self defence or to protect your Empire.