hey look! it's everyone's favorite NEET girl!
Hey look! it's everyone's favorite NEET girl!
Other urls found in this thread:
That's not what NEET means
Imagine the smell
>Edelgard uses her as a disposable pawn to lure you into a trap.
Dumb dead NEET.
honeysuckle and candy
She is a secret slut
not in my dimension
How many of you recruited her first?
they did Dedue dirty
>imagine not starting with her
why is Yea Forums so infatuated with girls?
cuz you're the only faggot here
>not recruiting virtually everyone before the skip
Loling at you
>Imagine not going with Chad Blue Lions
>another jizzbrain thread
Her outfit is an improvement in the timeskip, but I still miss her post coitus hair.
literally not a neet, she's in both education and training
>literally in training AND education
dumb Bernieposter
>had to kill her in golden deer and break my heart
doing blue lion now. is it actually possible to recruit everyone or would rhat be ng+ only due to needing the highest teacher level
She’s irritating and needs to fucking man up. Although she is the most reliable member of my team and tears enemies to shreds as a Bow Knight.
Rent free.
I only got the girls and Lorenz lol
I didn't recruit anyone because I already had Bernie
>needs to man up
>is a girl
I'm trying but they dont want to...
>Not recruiting everyone and intentionally getting them killed so you can have a depressing ending that just goes over how you got every student killed
pretty based desu, sounds like a good ruler to me
Stop changing your terms so my filters work.
See this girl right here? She's perfect. She's simply, wonderfully perfect. There's not a single flaw, and anything you could mistake for a flaw is simply an aspect of her that makes her all the more appealing.
she cute
Beating the shit out of Bernie
why is she so sad, does she get bully?
>Torn between going for S on Lysithea or Bernie
There are too many good girls in this game.
Golden Deer here, I managed to recruit literally everyone you can in NG by autistically farming and spamming gifts and getting every skill level to D. Feels pretty good, for a while I was afraid I would miss out on Ferdinand and be forced to kill him, but I managed to recruit him on the final day before the timeskip with flower spam.
Severely bullied. By her dad.
Can someone post the ending between MByleth and Bernadetta?
She has social anxiety, not a NEET.
Since she is a pretty and young girl, that trait makes her cute and relatable, if she was fat and ugly people would think she was entitled or some shit.
Technically you can but you would honestly be a tad under leveled and might miss a battle
Just plant a lot of flowers and give them to everyone
Also find their things
If you don't S-Rank her she fucking dies
I thought it was neat how her personality fit her affinity for sniping from afar. I imagine her messy purple bangs covering her left eye when she takes aim with her right eye. So cute.
How do you get enough gift items to recruit everyone?
This isn't true, she can A rank a handful of other characters to extend her lifespan.
Are there any uses for the dark seals aside from the dark mage class?
i recruited literally no one in my first game. how does it work when you meet them later on? and is the lion deer fight thing ti late to give it a try? ive been making sure to tea dates on birthdays and give lost items/gifts
I just bought her game and am downloading it now.
What am I in for?
Going with Edelgard by the way.
What is up with all the glowies?
I like her skill.
That's it
Buy from the merchants, do every special event like the fishing tournament, farm flowers in the greenhouse
You're in for the greater good
Decent to mid-tier FE from a gameplay perspective but good story & great characters.
Just ignore how casualized it is and try to have fun, even though every single addition to the gameplay is just to make it easier.
Hmm, well I've probably failed this time, but maybe on NG+ I can swing it.
You don't want to know what you're in for.
Yeah, I'm a deerchad, how did you know?
What a shame, dark mage isnt even an advanced/master class
You should play it second for this feel
I got so damn close I only missed Raphael because he's the only one who wanted heavy armour and I just didn't have the time to give him a level in that before the skip.
Should I recruit no one so that way it feels better killing them later on?
Am I missing out on anything by not doing it?
I almost did it in Normal. I'm sure if I had just managed my time a little better it would have been easy. And since it's easy you get unlimited battles when you get around to those.
Would people like Fem!Dimitri?
Enjoy your shitty ending while the rest of us have fun with our fairytale endings.
>tfw Ferdinand was the only one too stubborn to join me
Godspeed when my blade is at your throat based ginger.
There are post-timeskip paralogues that require you having both needed characters.
Caspar and Mercedes have one, as do Ferdinand and Lysithea.
Every house leader has one or two supports with people outside their house.
You should always recruit those, and maybe the one or two available for the other fixed house member, but otherwise it's not that important
Recruiting no one seems like the optimal strategy since most maps are 9-11 units max
See Velvet Crowe
How do endings go if for example you take ferdinand in a ending where edelgard and the empire get btfo?
are you supposed to be recruiting every possible student?
>she won't have byleth's kids in s rank
>she's caspar's breeding slut in a rank
>Byleth x Bernadetta
>Almost as soon as S0 and Bernadetta were\nfinally wed, the battle against those who slither in the dark\nbegan in earnest. Many were concerned that the new\nleader of House Varley would do little more than hide,\nbut she fell in alongside her husband and followed him\neverywhere, fighting to bring lasting peace to Fódlan.\nForced to throw herself into one terrifying battle after\nanother, Bernadetta developed such a tough character,\nit is said that absolutely nothing could frighten her.
what? no kids?
>Caspar x Bernadetta
>After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided\nthat Caspar would marry into Bernadetta's family, seeing\nas she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic\nreign, and a marriage to match. Each time Caspar caused\nsome incident, Bernadetta would demand promises as\nrecompense. Over time, these oaths accumulated to such a\ngreat number that it became necessary to compile them,\nand the resulting document came to be known as the "47\nArticles of Bernie." Among these Articles was the provision\nthat, when counting their large quantity of children,\nCaspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them.
Ye I'm feeling the same.
Also, I really think they should've limited that amount on many maps. Fielding all your units is just way too strong. Sure I can stop fielding the default amount, but I'd rather have the game give me a game reason to do so rather than feeling forced due to how unbalanced and easy the default makes it.
based caspar poster.
Also, how come nobody ever posts anything about the other houses characters? It seems 99% of posting is just about BE characters. Except for maybe Dimitri posting, but even then, the other students get like one mention now and then.
Should I not being using Edelgard and Hubert too much if I plan on doing the Church route? Seems like it would just be a waste of exp.
majority of players picked BE first time
>seething this hard from the truth
Depends if you plan to use the church units or not
No, it’s very difficult to recruit everyone.
>slightly awkward girl is automatically a meet loser like you
The only real incentive to take certain units are the types of field but you can just turtle most sand maps, i wish they added some kind of fatigue mechanic like the xcom 2 DLC
I did. Her and Lyns were my first recruits.
Yea Forums is full of plebs who picked the house with the pretty girl, you shouldn't be surprised by this.
lysithea and flayn are best girls lmao they don't fucking cuck you man the other fucking girls are all fucking whores that cuck you hahahaha
i'm not actually trying to actively recruit anyone cause no one has any real cosmetic or personality appeal but is it better to hoard students?
Punished Dimitri made me swap from GD to BL for my first run. He's comedy gold. Not for anything he says or does, but just standing there in every cutscene after 5 years of murderhoboing while everybody else looks pretty sane/fresh is funny every time.
Also this.
>Caspar and Mercedes have one, as do Ferdinand and Lysithea.
They must be not available on BE route because I had all four of those characters and didn't get the paralogues.
And yet all the women on Yea Forums cry all day long about a couple innocent sacrifices for the greater good
>house of pretty girls all cuck you
hahahahaha shoulda picked flayn or lysithea lmao
her schtick gets old after a while. shamir is best.
She's not neet, she is literally going to school and is employed as a solider.
You can only get the Caspar/Mercedes one on routes opposing Edelgard as it deals heavily with the Death Knight.
>her entire route is telling you bout a guy she used to fuck
hahahaha what the fuck lmao
No, she knows she's too precious and I simply let her shoot me with arrows the whole map as I didn't want to hurt her
>finally first battle with former student
>one shot Ashe
>"I don't want to die.."
Shit, now I feel bad for not recruiting him before timeskip.
I'm so glad recruiting becomes way easier ng+
I mean, if you're playing on perma death and you manage to do it it just means you have a shit ton of backups.
Where can I see the endings like this? Where are they all posted?
Only if he looks exactly the same and is a reverse trap.
>too precious
>won't give you kids
>pumps out babies as caspar's breeding whore
Ashe is probably the only one I feel bad for killing. Nobody else really has that "commoner roped into helping" vibe going for them, even the other commoners.
But deers have the best girls?
>self inserting as byleth
Does buying back B supports still cause them to ask to join your house?
>all byleth's endings except flayn and lysithea are cuckshit
hahahaha what the fuck is s rank even for hahahaha byleth is a fucking bitch ass cuck lmao
What makes her so good? Just recruited her, Hubert is better so far.
It's just cuckschizo
Man Caspar looks so cool in time-skip compared to his normal look. Made such a difference.
I made him shoot his dad to death
you gotta learn this the hard way kiddo. Sylvain's brother is apparently on this map I'm on and he's going to learn to not to hesitate with that trigger
>s... self inserting as the self insert
fucking cope hahahaha you got cucked son holy fuck ferdinand and caspar impregnating your waifus bitch damn son lmao
Look at her crests and then look at her personal skill. She's a gamebreaker
Byleth isn't canon.
Gimme some advice
So, I'm on chapter 7 of Blue Lions
Pegasus has not been working out for Bernie
Too many fucking archers
Should I change her to a Cavalier? (with the final goal of Bow Knight)
She has a budding talent in riding
>byleth isn't canon
She gets exceptional effective skills, huge MAG growth, and warp.
Yes, her budding talent is pass which is good. Make her a cav who uses bows and then a bow knight
everyone who isn't a magic user should go for cav or flyer desu the movement is OP and movelet classes can't keep up.
>byleth isn't canon
start over as a new game and pick best house so you start with Bernie
she gets warp. Hubert is one of the worst mages because he doesn't get warp or seige magic.
>Mercedes has Bolganone in like Chapter 3
I thought she was supposed to be my healer? She makes Annette look like a chump
>or flyer
does the archer problem lighten up in later maps?
Why yes, I do think Edelgard is the best written character. How could you tell ?
Mercedes vs. Flayn
Physic vs. Rescue
She just one shot everything in my team and give her the gloucester relic to make her even more broken.
tomboy a best
So she levels up fast and deals double damage randomly? I've been keeping her as an adjacent to level up because she sucks right now compared to my other mages.
you can dismount and the game tells you who archers will target. It's a non issue. You can usually tank a hit worst case scenerio and pegs like ingrid have such broken avoid they just miss.
>wont give you kids
>wants you to wreck her pussy, not children
I dont see a problem here.
she's not bad hahaha won't give you kids but won't fucking cuck you hahaha she doesn't give kids to any character lmao
But then you have 4 mov for a turn, negating the reason to be a flyer
>too ashamed to bear your children
>nonstop fucking and breeding with caspar
hahaha cope lmao
Casper is based and makes Bernie into the daughterwife she was destined to be.
tradeoff for covering your defence for a turn
did you want it to be free or something
Based Dimitri parading his Archbishopwife and having children.
The tradeoff is sometimes you have to sacrifice murder for a turn to heal somebody on the other side of the map. Her physic range gets ridiculous.
I went into this game completely unaware she existed and she stole my heart.
caspar is a fuck machine lmao byleth is a fucking cuckold bitch hahaha why the fuck did japs make byleth a fucking cuck haha what the fuck is s rank even for man damn lmao a rank endings better than byleth's fucking s ranks hahahaha
>negating the reason to be a flyer
For one turn, and that's only if you really want to move in range of an archer for some reason and don't want to just tank/dodge the hit.
>playing Blue Lions
>recruited Bernie, not because I want to romance her but because her whole schtick tugs at my heart
>might make her shack up with Felix after that cute C rank.
Who should I make shag her? Also, is it me or does the Blue Lions have the best guys? I might work on Caspar and maybe Ferninand but Rapheal weird me out
Yeah, I can imagine. Does anyone surprising get Physic or is it just the designated Faith unit for each house?
What does Marianne's Crest of Maurice/The Beast do?
How do you unlock her paralogue? I want to cleanse her worries and burden once and for all.
>bernie tells me her mom will be in the city and she hope she channels her inner bernie and stays inside in dimitri second to last chapter
>edna can visit the ophera house
>can't find any houses for Bernie to visit
>wiki doesn't have her moms portrait anywhere
fucking ISIS are hacks.
Second month post-time skip
>Blue Lions have the best guys
All the guys on BL look boring but are secretly the best house for boys overall once you dig in to supports. DOODOO ended up being one of my favorites in the whole game.
and she protects you in the golden deer ending
People with it are said to have misfortune filled lives and are rumored to turn into beasts.
It's post timeskip.
The most surprising was Shamir. Here's a list: serenesforest.net
WIth enough levels you can mostly fly in, kill the archer and canto out, very easy if the unit has a ranged weapon.
If you max out flying you get a ability that remove flying witness
Not mentioning childen doesn’t mean they don’t have them though.
Deerchads have best girls but with the exception of claude and hubert BasedLions have best boys by a mile.
Does it have any gameplay significance? Does she ever start to use it afterwards or is she permanently never using it even though several supports encourage her to try and study it.
Is it always worth it to wait to master intermediate classes before promoting?
>people upset about not being able to fuck claude as a dude but all i want to do is dick the despair out of dimitri
depend if they got good mastery bonus. Pegasus has darting blow, and bandit has deathblow, both are worth waiting imo.
So I'm going Blue Lions, who's the best to romance? I'm thinking Shamir, Flayn, Catherine or maybe Mercedes or Annette if I have to pick a student
>Join Black Eagles
>Don't recruit anyone
>Go the Church route after time skip
>Every other student in the game is MIA accept a few that I have to kill because they're my enemies
>"I wanted to walk with you..."
>End boss made it feel like the whole war was pointless
This game fucking blackpilled me, man.
I swear if my strength dudes get any more magic and not strength, I'm gonna have a stroke. Also where do i get bait from?
>won't mention children for byleth
>explicitly mentions children for other men
>"u... use your imagination bro"
hahahaha fucking cope
You unlock a vendor (IIRC it's the "Eastern Vendor").
She gets her Divine Relic from finishing the paralogue, but it's a goddamn sword so it's not likely she'll be using it much.
I'm on Chapter 7, I recruited Shamir and Catherine, is there anyone else I can recruit in the faculty?
For the BE route do the students you recruit stay with you or do they leave? I can't imagine some of them being ok with joining the empire
Just give em a Levin Sword
My Felix wrecks ass physically and magically
You lose Flayn (and Catherine if you recruited her).
Everyone else, whether they were originally BE or were poached, stays with you. They trust Byleth's judgement and will side with whoever they side with.
Your students stay in every route, as far as I can tell, with only a handful of exceptions.
>Only 25 speed
No, you can get that 1 kid though
It's really low rank sword, so she can use from the start, and if you use her paralogue battalion (Edmund Troops) they give like 40 hit so she always hit. It's also magic based, so it's 100% made for her. She's surprisingly strong with it in my game, anyway
oh baby, going to make that bad boy a magic knight for sure
She is surprisingly good at sword and magic despite being perfect holy knight material so i guess a spell sword relic makes sense for her.
She gets goddam Cutting gale and Fimbulvetr in reason.
It's also worth noting that Felix with swords + magic makes him a pretty good candidate for dancer.
>At a school
>Not in Education, Employment or Training
>At a school
>Not in Education
>Not in Training
I read last night that normal is easy and hard is normal in japan? Is that shit true? I played like 6 hours yesterday.
>picking male Byleth
They are planning on adding lunatic which will be hard.
they planning on changing the fucking cuckshit hahahaha
How can you recruit everyone, or is it RNG based?
Why are people hyped for this game? It looks awful
I wanted to pork Catherine, what can you do
Right here, buddy. I really like their death quotes in the timeskip.
No but it is needed for dark bishop
This thing is hungry for my dick, and I'm not even trying to win her.
Oh my god just dismount, fuck
I'm planning on not recruiting anyone outside my house, how boned am i?
Fair enough. I picked Female Byleth for the Black Eagles route. Should have built up my S rank support with Ferdinand but instead went with the ??? support
When are they gonna add harder difficulties? Hard is to easy, Magic is still op as fuck even tho they tried to limit it
>recruited everyone as a golden deer
>Ashe is missing after the time skip
I never leveled him up so that's fine, but what happens to the gentle lad...
Her timeskip veil/shawl looks ugly.
But I was going to put my sword of creation in her
Are you playing on hard difficulty. If not, you can just do as many auxillary battles as you want and grind levels. My Byleth was a monster in end game. She probably could solo the final boss if I didn't have to worry about all her weapons breaking because of how much HP and defense it has.
ah fuck cyril has aptitude... i dont wanna use him though... i don't like his design
what about shamir
>tfw almost as old as mercedes irl
Oh okay, I'm just on normal (But keeping Classic) so I guess I'm fine with the Black Eagles then. I'm trying to keep everyone's levels even, but it is pretty great so far.
it was a crush she had when she was 15. she's even bashful about holding hands in s rank
The war is pointless. Be glad you could end edgelord's pitiful existence.
Do people unironically enjoy this game? The animation and dialogue is so cringe it's inexcusable. It's like the game was super rushed.
she doesn't cuck you in her ending haha but her entire fucking route she tells you bout a guy she used to fuck lmao
His natural growths are fucking garbage and aptitude only brings him up to just below par for everyone else.
Don't bother with him.
she's shit
it's fucking shit lmao that's all she fucking talks about with you hahaha
He's worthless. A wasted slot in Hilda's sidequest.
Unironically wish the timeskip had been closer to 10 years. I'd kill for more games where most of the cast is 25+.
So i need some more magic dudes in my party, So do i just study and get teached by the magic teachers right?
>literally a student
>Not in Education
But I wanted to walk with her too, man. Why did I let this fucking church pit me against her? FUCK ME!
I'm 23 so when I found out all the student characters are younger than me it made me feel old. Then the timeskip happened and it wasn't so bad.
>Girl cute so I follow her
I wonder what would've happened if every house leader was a girl.
what the hell do I talk about Marianne with to get her nips hard? every time I try to share some squirt sip plant juice with her she just talks about one option if I'm lucky
also does my character need the skills people ask for or is it my class in general?
I do, I enjoy the dialogue.
F!Byleth would be the objectively best choice since they would all have S-ranks
>try to weaken enemy to give experience to lower level unit
>unit doing the weakening gets a crit
>do this as Byleth with a shitty weapon
>crit kill
I thought Dimitri was the boar. Stupid deadfaced bitch just siphons all the exp.
>unit is too strong even with a broken training weapon
Yeah for me that motherfucker was critting as much as Petra somehow.
>21 results
Why is he so autistic
Cuckolds are generally autistic or self loathing.
Because he's a shitposter.
the the non cuck option are lysythea and catherine?
I married him to petra and they made her homeland rich as fuck.
>C and B support have nothing to do with it at all
>A support is the only one where she confides in you about it
Wait, how do I teach Lysithea Warp? She's sitting at Mortal Savant now and never learned it.
lysithea and flayn bro
B Faith
>forced to bring him along to Hilda's paralogue
>he's locked into one of only four slots on the eastern side of the battlefield
Fuck Cyril, I hate that little shit so much
Nice, thanks.
Time to make my little nuke even more gamebreaking.
>tfw missed out on Lorenz's paralogue and only heard about the reward it gave after it vanished
>He hasn't been double training his mages in faith for healing and utility
Do you get to kill him on Edelgard's path?
>Made her a dancer without knowing this.
>That accidentally synergy.
She's the canon dancer fuck anyone who disagrees.
I was told Hilda would be stronger than Raphael I think I've been lied to.
Yes, twice.
>at what I can only assume to be the last chapter before the time skip
>only have recruited Marianne, Ignatz, and Dorothea from other houses
I don't want to kill the rest of them
Are you the dude who was mad about cyberpunk not showing straight Male MC yet? Because you sound a lot like him.
I'm on Deer, sitting at 50 hours at the Battle of Garreg Mach because I autistically recruited every single character. Don't plan to kill him but he's definitely perma-benched.
Am I the only one who enjoys killing the students from the other houses?
You DID train her for Heavy Armor, right?
Dimitri deserved better
yeah but I killed flayn
>he says this after 2017 April fools
He is a joke in every route but blue lions.
>recruiting ignatz
Being a cuck for following a stronk womyn
Just make her an armor knight, give her a shield, and watch her choke every point in the game.
Using both I've found that Raphael is the better physical tank while Hilda generally hits a bit harder and has slightly more speed.
Did it on accident by going through his dialogue too fast, but now he's part of the crew
Make sure to have Dorothea kill Ferdinand for unique dialogue.
Well he's actually rather sane in the Black Eagles route
I enjoy it, too.
I can't bring myself to play the other routes after finishing Blue Lions first
Raphael is a fucking wall. I had him go Brigand instead of Armored Knight and he still tanks hits like they're nothing
>game has been pretty easy so far outside of chapters and paralogues with a lot of Demonic Beasts
>reach first chapter post time skip
>every fucking enemy unit doubles and hits for about 30
What in the actual fuck?
>hits harder
My Raphael has 24 str and he's only level 14. Hilda is level 10 and only has 12 still.
>Unlock soulblade
>Give her a Levin sword
I swear, her real name has to be Tsar Bomba.
It's true though.
>got Thyrsus from Lorenz's paralogue.
>Lysithea can also use it.
>got her Faith high enough this time to get Warp.
What the shit I thought she was broken enough already on my first run.
>muh shy introvert nerdy girl
lol @ incels
why not just cast spells?
Not that user you replied to, but my ralph is about the same str-wise, but has like 10 spd and 12 def at level 22 while still being a punch class. Hilda is sitting at 23 or so while boasting that much def as well.
RNG is a bitch.
Hilda's A Supports are all so flirty. I kind of regret giving her to Claude instead of Lorenz, but then I gave Lorenz Marianne, so I guess it works out. Hope their endings are good.
Anyway, marry le nuke girl, Bernie, or Shamir?
I don't understand, does soulblade mean the damage from swords comes from her mag stat?
That's why I gave him an axe and am going to put him on Wyvern.
RNG is a bitch to some, what else can be said? Hilda is slightly stronger and much faster, but lacks Raphael's durability.
All of you cuckfags are pathetic.
Why must you put children in Byleth's endings ?
Some wouldn't want it, some would.
Let imagination work.
>dance competition
>Send Eld since she has the highest CHA
>Winner gets dancer class
Fug, should of sent Dorthea. Is dancer worth save scumming back 6 hours ago?
Lysithea is so tiny holy shit
Just for you.
Yeah, Soulblade does magic damage. It's great when you need a single hit, accurate nuke, since spells aren't always reliable, and swords like the Cursed Ashiya one give good benefits.
Lysithea unless you want her to die from crest aids
The little nuke will die unless you give her to Byleth, or Hanneman.
Goes off of Res IIRC
meant for
Did you guys make Lys a Mortal Savant or a Gremory?
chad claude can save her though
Pretty sure she survives with Lin as well.
She already got A Support with Hanneman though. Do they actually marry in their ending? The old man offers to make her his apprentice in their A Support, but marriage between a 60 year old geezer and a girl under 20 seems a little weird.
Gremory. My Bylrth was mortal Savant because fuck faith.
You can be with Hanneman as Byleth.
But Lys is just an apprentice.
Bernadetta's pretty tiny too.
I hate dorothea so fucking much
I just B-rank everyone by spamming flowers, list items, and specialized gifts for them. As long as I had a C in the corresponding skills and high enough stats I was recruiting them all left and right. I pretty much cleared out all of the the BL and DD houses. Now Claude is all by himself and Edelgard has nobody but Hubert with her. I even took every single Faculty member too. Rhea and Seteth might as well make the Head Master at this point.
He just becomes her new dad. And she even gets to keep her old one.
On chapter 17 of Golden Deer, went the super vanilla route of Merc -> Enlightened One -> Mortal Savant for my Blyat. Any interesting recommendations for my next play? Going to do Blue Lions.
>person who scanned this forgot Ingrid
>some wouldn't want it
Yeah and some people have shit taste, evidently you.
>Does Casper get taller?
Flying witness?
I recommend ending with the blue lions
black eagles isn't really last route material Imo
also how do you feel about the cast of the GD?
Not there yet but probably gonna go Gremory. I like the look on her better than the other but I'll admit Mortal Savant fits her strengths well
Don't matter, I went yuri with the Empress.
>Going with Edelgard by the way.
make sure you fuck Edelgard otherwise you will miss your chance
>black eagles isn't really last route material Imo
Oh, ok. What about the church route though? I heard that branches off from beagles, so I was planning to make multiple saves and just go GD -> BL -> BE -> Church.
I like the cast a lot. Lorenz is a chad, Hilda ended up being surprisingly based, Marianne's post timeskip supports are a lot better than before, and of course Lysithea is best nuke.
>Bow Knight's stat growths are worse than intermediate classes
Literally why?
Is dancer worth et?
Uhh, okay.
Because Bern is a shit tier unit. Name a worse Student unit.
I really don't care about Bernie unless I go shit Eagles. This is for Leonie and it pains me to see such a solid unit with good growths go to shit because of a """"master"""" class.
everyone else
haven't done church route yet but from what I heard it's not that great either
What do the weapon skills do besides the occasional ability?
>not wanting ugly rugrats ruining your nice married life is shit taste
Ok cuckfag, enjoy your delusions
>everyone stays
>even the ones whose life was destroyed by edelgard
dayum blyat has some sick charms to convince them
you get bonus exp when they have a goal
make Bernie your dancer she's so kawaii
is the 10% less speed growth on ms worth it?
nothing but the expertise skills is what matters
most later game stages that require high weapon skill also has a "x faire" class ability that's a flat +5 damage increase with that weapon
>it's this guy again
You can tell them no and they'll keep that specific goal saved if you want to go there later
>failing at literally the only biological imperative you have beyond existing
Your rugrats are only ugly if you're ugly, if your wife doesn't want them it means she's cheating on you or isn't attracted to you and I'm saying that with 100% honesty
I wanted to like her but her first support paints her as just crazy. "I know we've barely said anything to eachother, but I feel comfortable around you for no explainable reason despite my extreme neurosis. I will act this way in none of my other supports and exhibit a completely different personality towards you in specific!"
I've dated girls like this before. Lusting for you doesn't supersede their issues like that. Something kooky is going on here. I'm usually not much for the outgoing girls, but fuck it, Hilda or not-Chie are gonna have to do.
If I am to believe what happened in the Blue Lions path (within the 5 years) was also true for the other paths, Dimitri would have killed at least well within the thousands by himself seeing as he managed to kill multiple Adrestian generals and their platoons by himself as well as setting fire to almost a hundred militia camps.
>these gundam references
my sides
>Yea Forums would also defend this fucker if he was a girl
Cumbrian indeed
You missed the point.
He wasn't happy with his current double Bow focus and wanted double Bow focus instead.
Should I do Sylvain's paralogue or Alois/Shamir's?
On Chapter 7, just did Ingrid/Dorothea's but still have a point left
Also that paralogue was a fucking waste because I don't even use Ingrid
flying weakness.
They do that all the time.
she died in my first battle :(
>Dedue and Lysithea
god the game even tells you her likes and dislikes and you cant even woo her?
how will you ever have sex user? apply yourself
>Using leonie
>Not using her as cavalier or flying unit
What the fuck is wrong with you
>edgelord is a womanlet
No wonder she's so angry
the absolute state of caspar
fucking spoilers in this thread btw.
everyone of you needs to kys
I don’t like her face, it just doesn’t look right
Bow Knights are cavs you dolt AND it plays into her strengths.
>10% total growth
>meanwhile the magic cavs sit at 50%
It’s like they forgot to add in the growths
its been a week. Pretty much everyone has finished at least 1 route.
fuck off neet.
>shorter than Lysithea after the timeskip
When will they learn?
So can we all agree that Authority is absolutely fucking useless to have as goals for literally everybody and you should only RARELY put points into it?
Like I barely used gambits and that was only on the big monsters.
They just feel useless, having the stat boosts is the only reason to have Battalions.
Does anybody else just feel Battalions are fucking useless and just there for the stat bonuses?
>he's not a neet
Caspar turns into Chad McChad after the timeskip
>ferdinand randomly started dodging everything
>no way.png
>launch him as cavalier in a room of mages
>starts flipping with the horse then countering with a double hit that always kills
oh god what the fuck
As a neet obviously i can't fuck off, retard
Great, isn't it?
Way to ignore the items from the monsters.
Gambits are a great way to break their shields.
Also, Stride and Retribution are fucking OP as shit.
Reminder that Lorenz is the true virgin becomes omega chad story.
Yo where can I find the scans?
Please don't make me go to the general for it.
Is Lunatic actually available in NG+ or is this a meme? I've yet to actually see any picture proof.
Battalions are almost like second weapons even if you don’t use gambits, the benefits they provide are huge and you’re retarded if you ignore it in favor of something stupid like raising riding past the minimum requirements or trying to s rank multiple weapons in the triangle.
Puberty gives him a major growth spurt after 5 years.
if you like kids so much then fucking have sex and breed with a roastie but the dont bitch she fucks tyrone while you take care of them
Authority is the most mandatory extra skill because everyone should have a battalion.
Your damage sucks with battalions because your authority is so low. In many cases they are free retaliateless damage, enemy reposition tools and allows non healers to heal.
>So can we all agree that Authority is absolutely fucking useless
No we cant because with authority gambits become game breaking OP.
>fucking useless
>just there for stat bonuses
geez anonnette
Lunatic will come with an upcoming update. They didn't give us a date for it yet.
I thought it was cool that he has your dad's haircut
The area bonus movement battalion is sick.
>28 posy timeskip
Why would you make Bernadetta a Bow Knight when she can be a Falcon Knight and enjoy good growths, best movement, best personal ability, best hidden talent ability, no penalties to her preferred weapons, and still great combat artes? The only downside would be limited battalion options
Is there some personal history you want to share with us?
>Way to ignore the items from the monsters.
I literally never used the materials I got from the first one that forced you to kill the monster to get the materials.
>Gambits are a great way to break their shields.
I usually just broke them with two physical attacks and they they literally get one shot by magic users. It's pointless
>Also, Stride and Retribution are fucking OP as shit.
I literally just bought every one a battalion as soon as I could and then just replenished and never payed attention to them ever again
I'm not saying the bonuses aren't useless it's just that that's all, and I rarely needed to use anything else.
>>fucking useless
>>just there for stat bonuses
>geez anonnette
Maying saying fucking useless was a bit too much, but there was absolutely no use for me when I could just use normal weapons and do just as much or even more.
The stat bonuses are the only thing I used them for.
You're actually garbage if you aren't using gambits. They're an incredibly good tool that's only undercut by the fact that the game is easy enough now that you never strictly need them. Any serious play going forward is probably going to involve a fuckton of gambit abuse.
>Felix's father says he said something terrible to Felix and he is not surprised he hates him
>Felix reveals what it is in Seteth B
>he died like a true knight
holy shit how can one character be so much of a fedoratipper
>no use for me when I could just use normal weapons and do just as much or even more.
Free hits user. No retaliation. Stop playing on easy mode and its use will come to you.
>I literally just bought every one a battalion as soon as I could and then just replenished and never payed attention to them ever again
Thats your problem not the game's. user is right. Those two are the most OP stuff in this game.
>The stat bonuses are the only thing I used them for.
Then they're obviously not useless
she is the best!
Because I’m on chapter 16 GD and too deep to backtrack and make her a Falcon Knight now
You post this shit in every FE thread. Go be an incel somewhere else.
I'm not saying your wrong, I did overdo it in my original post, and I'm definetly not saying they are completely useless you make some valid points especially with the no retaliation.
I just never felt or was needed to use them in my run.
I'm happy that there are more ways to battle in the game than just the same way we've gotten it and if other people enjoy it then that's good, I just never used it and I don't really care about it that much.
I did like how they didn't force the player to absolutely have it at all times though, they even said it's a new thing but if you don't want to mess around with it too much you really don't have to.
From what I'm hearing from you user, you didn't play on Hard/Classic.
What's the point if I finish the game before then?
>puts on a dumb hat and cuts her good hair
So what's the difficulty like, anons?
I played on Normal/Classic, like I have since I started at 7.
What do you get from maxing Mercedes's budding talent? Not sure if I want to train her in bows
Doing NG+ or the other routes? Waiting for the dlc maps and side stories? That's what I intend to do at least.
>I just never felt or was needed to use them in my run.
Of course not, and I agree with you here.
The game is so easy and casualized you could stop using half the mechanics and still steamroll it.
>no gambits? Sure!
>no adjutants? Sure!
>no assists? Sure!
>no supports? Sure!
Literally all they did with the new additions and tweaks of the old systems is make it more and more easy.
Iunno. See a route for yourself and get a grip of the general game?
Also, considering how ng+ works in this game, you might wanna have the currencies for jumping into Lunatic to speed things up a little.
Disappointingly easy, harder difficulties are locked in the game's code for some reason
When I say finish the game I mean all the routes.
>ilya kuvshinov
based, so I'll answer: easy as fuck.
game is the most casualized FE to date.
you literally cannot make wrong moves anymroe either, because they added red lines showing how the enemy will react next turn.
Also she shares the same VA as Jenny
Kinda fine, but really trivialized by the lack of triangle.
Fuck. I've only played five chapters and now I find out I have to kill everyone from different houses. Guess I have to recruit everyone then.
The only problem I had was keeping my mages was from getting gank by flyers from across the map. If didn't care if anyone died I could have just murdered everything. Edelgard alone can literally kill like 6 units in one turn.
Then you have NG+ and the side content.
>Am planning on doing three fucking runs for every possible ending
Am I doing it wrong? I started with the Eagles because I couldn’t choose and Eagles was the first option they gave you. How much does the story change?
Also I fucking hate Edelgard holy shit I don’t know what it is about her
>not use JP voices
what's wrong with you people?
NG+ just makes the already easy game easier. I don't want to replay for a couple shitty new paralogues either.
Way too easy. The gameplay is pretty fucking great in most regards, but the title is pretty trivial. A numbers bump alone might be enough to salvage it in later difficulties.
A lot like Sacred Stones thinking about it.
That rocks
What about post-ts ? Is Edelgard the smallest character ?
Hubert is fucking WHAT
He’s been wrecking whatever I throw him at, though so far
I hate Bernadetta and Hubert in JP. Rhea and Jeralt sounds better in dub and so does Felix and Dimitri.
To someone who hasn't played FE: perfect.
To people who have played FE: disappointingly easy.
Allied moves during the combat forecast have letters on the left, what does that mean?
It gets a little harder by the end of the routes but by that point you have at least 7 killing machines doing over 130 damage each
We heard Japanese Bernadetta and our dicks shriveled back into our bodies.
Also, you're still gonna read Treehouses terrible translation either way, so Jap voices are just weeb enabling.
>A numbers bump alone might be enough to salvage it in later difficulties.
Oh no it won't.
the game has way too many abusable mechanics for players to simply circumvent a numbers bump.
Which is why I'm pessimistic towards Lunatic. They have to rebalance every part of those mechanics.
But then again, maddening and infernal are in but locked out, so maybe they're doing just that.
I’m playing on hard/classic and I rarely use gambits as well. I know they’re blatantly strong but I still refuse to use them because WHAT IF I NEED THEM LATER?
just use training swords as disposable nukes with that gambit nigga
>this game is too easy!
>spam divine pulse
I mean the red lines were an understood thing, weren’t they? Usually I’d just lure enemies in with someone and if that guy wasn’t able to kill I had other guys that could because the units were always super predictable
Its my first Fire Emblem and I also find it dissappointingly easy.
Granted, I had to use divine pulse once or twice due to crits but I'm in october now and its been smooth sailing.
Get C in every skill type and raise everyone's relationship to B with gifts. The main thing people miss are the skill types since people usually stick to one type.
There are random spikes I’ve noticed but outside of these situations it’s really easy.
I really hope one of the harder difficulties being added disables the rewind.
>literally only meet her because she's a student at an academy
Retard. Just because she was kidnapped and forced to go there doesn't mean she's a NEET.
>last day before the big invasion
>trying to recruit bernie cause she left flowers for my dad and I like her now
>get her support to B
>still can't recruit her
Curse you having an E+ in bows. I do not want to kill this smelly hikki girl
I haven't seen any obnoxious memes or dialogue that looks like it came from AIM messenger or something so it seems passable so far.
Bernadetta is cute.
Sure, but most people don't like the automation of that process.
Plus, sometimes you'd make mistakes in positioning. You can hardly make a mistake like this, when you get a big red warning on the screen.
Also, sometimes the AI would behave out of that characteristic and surprise you. Not much of a surprise if you see it upfront.
At least give us an option to turn them off.
Just limit to the default three, enough to fix one or two bad calls but too little to allow you play horribly.
>Catherine in the Warlock outfit
>not liking JP hubert
>thinking EN Rhea is better
I knew nuFEfags have horrible taste but holy fuck.
When the maps have too many demonic beasts and you're looking to get the drops from them in does get somewhat tedious. Death Knight early on is pretty bs as well, but do you really need more than 1 or 2 Dark Seals?
I don’t agree with all those points because usually I account for that but yeah there should be an option to turn it off
>Syl and Mercedes' A-rank convo
I wasn't ready for those feels
>that one user in all 3H threads who keeps shitposting about Shamir calling her cuckbait
What do you have to gain from this my dude
P-plz respond
If one of the characters in their range is weak enough they will go after them. Have you never noticed that?
They all get +4 I think in height.
Yes, you're doing it wrong because there's four routes, not three.
I played on hard through the BL route. It wasn't that hard but I still had to pay attention to what I was doing most of the time. The last few maps were pretty tough, but mainly due to the fact that they both had like 50 enemies on the map against your 12.
Marianne's Asupp with byleth or dmitri too.
Both of those hit like a truck.
There are four routes, and some people suggest Beagles first because it's the shortest
I don't care you dumb weeb. Konishi is terrible as Hubert and Seiros/Rhea in JP isn't nearly as crazy or pulls off that anger and despair enough
*eats your Smoked Meat*
>because usually I account for that
And that's exactly why they're a bad idea. YOU account for that, not the computer. That's part of a strategy game and doesnt need to be handled by the CPU.
Also, we all make positional mistakes user. Everyone of us. Not that it costs us a unit but that we're getting surprised because we left a gap in our defense.
Its also part of strategy gaming. F3H doesn't let you make mistakes.
And to elaborate what I mean with the second point in my previous post about uncharacteristic behaviour:
I had wounded 5HP Petra in range of an enemy soldier in the first DK map. She was cut off from the main group that went along the sides.
Normally this is a grave situation and I need to pull of support to help her.
But in this case I knew she's not in danger, because for some weird reason, the AI showed chose to move in on full HP Byleth instead as indicated by the red line.
This kind of reading enemies before its their turn, isnt good for a strategy game, since you only react to the turns they're gonna make and not the ones you make.
I thought the red lines just indicated what units they were in range of, not who they would attack
>Liking JP Rhea more than EN Rhea
>Defending how the director specifically made Hubert slow and monotone in Japanese
I don't care what you say, your hearing is terrible
Making dorothea a dancer kills her growths but dancing is just too good
It's less the number of enemies and more that there's like half a dozen siege mages on every map for the last few chapters.
The voice fits the character perfectly, especially post-timeskip. He's supposed to be a calculating creepy fuck. EN Rhea is literally just some angry roastie they pulled off the street.
>i-i play the weeb game but i'm not a weeb if i play the shitty dub so it's okay
Ironic weebs fuck off forever.
Am i thd eonly one dissapointed that some post timeskip maps are reused between routes?
I'm in all the threads and I have never seen him.
All anons I know who appear on the regular are
>Edelgard cuck-kun
>that one dude who always posts its the best game ever in the first five posts of a thread that asks if its good
>that one user who calls all criticism shitposting
May I ask how you finished time sensitive missions like Hanneman/Manuela's Paralogue without using Stride for example? Or were your units so overleveled by that point you could just park a flier to where she was and be done with it?
Nah thats the movement range you can see when you highlight the unit and also lock in by clicking on the enemy.
The line is the unit's target for the next turn.
I'm talking about this guy
You can even look in the archives and you'll see a bunch of "hahaha Shamir cucks you bro all she talks about is some other guy haha lmao" type posts
what a stupid design
Special dancing and that dance battalion is just so worth it. Dancers were already a must have in terms of utility, the previous just made them have tertiary importance to the MC and your house leader.
>Ironic weebs fuck off forever.
Unless you can read Japanese you're the worst of them all.
>Ironic weebs
What does this even mean?
Wow that's actually really disappointing
Lunatic can't come quickly enough
Oh man yea I know what you mean.
He sounds awfully close to Edelgard cuck-kun tho, maybe he switched his targets?
>a warm, inviting mommy-tier voice doesn't fit this literal mommy character, this boring middleaged woman that can't act does though
>wtf why is this cold calculating smug vampire-looking dude using a monotone voice
Protip, just because you like the sound of the voice doesn't mean it fits the character. I'd tell you to eat shit but you've already got that covered.
Why did Edelgard start a war with the rest of the world rather than reform her own country?
why do neets always look sad and have low confidence?
I don't frequent these threads much but I assume you're referring to someone who shitposts about the Byleth/Edelgard ending vs her ending with Ferdinand?
I just put her in the Jungle and she never got hit
And then once she was out of Nosferatu I just warped one person over there and they babysat her.
That and she never got hit and the mages did literally nothing to her.
Also to end that map the boss is on the left side where all your students can actually go.
Not being mean, but did you actually think that that paralouge was difficult?
I didn't even have flyers and if I did I would just send them over and it'd be even easier.
I think weebs use it as a defense, like "if you play a game made in Japan but don't like its worst and cringe inducing aspects then you are an ironic weeb"
For example
>man this game has way too many anime cliches in it
>lmao complaining about anime in an anime game. ironic weebs are the worst!
They dont even understand that they're basically saying, anime games cannot NOT be shit, because they're shit by default.
Is it possible to recruit anyone else in part 2? Can't find any concrete info on this.
Dunno man, I'm not the one who's mouth is spitting out dogshit.
I'll tell you you're a faggot but not even gay people are as homosexual as you.
Whats the appeal
He means a person who wants to consume Japanese media without the stigma of being a “weeabo”, so to compensate for it, they rag on Japanese stuff a lot.
Or at least that’s what the literal definition of his words are. I don’t know if they apply to you and they probably don’t
Ye exactly. He was in every thread during the intital release days and his posts looked just like that.
She goes to school. You're thinking of "autistic introvert".
Single Christian Girl Lovin’ Life 2019
>44 Chad points
What a beast
You can enjoy japanese media without being a weeb you dumb fool.
Basically a memespoutingdiot who thinks they are a weeb for liking japanese shit at all while simultaneously treating it as a guilty pleasure, demonizing many more bizzare elements of their culture. They will still hate on their own culture just to fit in.
Effectively, ironic x are the worst kind of bandwagoners in any media.
She wants to destroy the Crests, because despite the fact they are not inherently evil they are too easily abused. She wishes to end the current system that relies on these things so that evil men will not have a way to access such power. To do that she needs to destroy the main party that manages them, which is the Church.
>inb4 the many crest experiments are done by those ties to the Empire
Crest experiments were done by everybody especially the Dubstep guys. She is going she can eradicate both parties completely because of their reliance of Crests.
Because she has a budding talent in Riding
I don't even rag on Japanese stuff and I'm probably considered a dumb weeb anyway since I listen to seiyuu radio shows and events.
I think that one white haired chick with the twin crest can be. The others I’m not sure.
rotten fish
>just because you like the sound of the voice doesn't mean it fits the character
Why does she look so nervous?
I was pretty over leveled pre timeskip from doing paralogues and quests as they showed up. Bernie as a peg was able to distract the people near her so she was never in danger.
because she's a loser and a misfit.
>Liking bernadetta on JP
Do you love having your ears pierced?
Is the church route unique enough to be worth going down? I chose Black Eagles but it sort of feels like Edelgard's route is more unique whilst the church/resistance route is just Blue Lions/Golden Deer mixed together.
Which you raise to get her Pass and never worry about again
Edelgard is still 158 cm post timeskip.
Please reread my post, I clearly said I hate how she sounds in Japanese
>not picking best girl flayn
Ah so a character I've had the entire game. Well hopefully there's at least one from each house then. Thankfully I've only killed off characters i wasnt too interested in at this point.
there is no bmw
So whats your take on battalions?
A good mechanic or a shit one like Partnering?
1000 year old saints are not for lewding
>battalions and canto away
yeah, totally balanced
>best anything
should be easily fixable by making not all gambits stuck units
Stride is OP as fuck.
The english voices are good, though.
It's a cool mechanic. If they balanced it a bit more, I would love it to return in another mainline FE game. Heck if they remade FE4 with that and reworked them a bit, I would be so happy
>apparently Lysithea gets Warp if you train her in Faith
>was training her in Sword for Mortal Savant
>just hit the timeskip
Is it too late to rectify this, I trained her in Faith a little bit I think she's at C rank
Good idea but badly executed because they are overpowered as fuck when you use them and comically bad when enemies use them
how can one grape be so cute
>The Chalpy Knights
>Emperor's Flame Corps
>Friege Thunder Corps
It's too bad the third person mode is so useless because it does make the battles feel massive if you actually peek into it.
Doesn't she have absolute garbage str and def growth? is Sword even worth it?
That's some good-ass way to do world building
Who makes a good Dancer?
So like Pair Up?
there's a lot of lore but if you were spoiled on it then there's basically no point imho, especially because rhea is probably the objectively worst person in the entire game
Soulblade has been pretty good when she comes across a high-res enemy, since I usually send her to deal with big sections of the map with just Dorothea to help her as Dancer
I share this same sentiment. I think only newcomers to the series would actually use it, but any prior player already familiar to the series need to see the whole battle field.
It’s not worth it at all. People will say soulblade is good but the only things you’d need the marginal boost in power from soul blade gets destroyed by spikes and seraphim. The only reason you should raise swords is so you can go mercenary long enough to get vantage.
>Rebel Guard Battalion
>Leonster Knights Brigade
>Blue Mage-Knight Corps
>Loptous Sorcery Brigade
I would love this
>second playthrough on normal and just lost the practice battle
guess im retarded then
You can grind on battles that don't use activity points.
I'm new, what happened there?
It's fine if you're new to the series user. Fire Emblem takes some adjusting to and honestly most SRPGs lean way harder into the RPG side so pretty much everybody is effectively coming into Fire Emblem blind.
>dimitri's finally fucking gone insane
Well it was kinda sudden