What's the best persona game?

what's the best persona game?

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niggersona 4

They're all shit play SMT instead

Persona 0 duology

Other than 4 SMT gameplay is shit and outdated

I've only played P5 but fell in love to the music, the game was really stylish as well. Now I'm just waiting for the Royal version and the rumoured P5 Arena.


Persona 1 is unironically the best persona game. Short and sweet. P3-5fags need to be hanged

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I bet some tertiary Smashfag made that image.

This is the only one I haven't played because I feel like I need a Vita to play Golden

Play 4 then.

Persona 3 is the best storywise but it has very terrible pace issues.


1 is plain shit. Story is ass, gameplay is ass, the social links are ass
2 has the best story and atmosphere. Gameplay is miles better than 1 since you can actually control your party members without installing a patch or by playing a shitty PSP port
3's main flaw is the shit plot. It has objectively the best gameplay out of the three, but still vastly inferior to the spinoffs like nocturne and the dark souls of persona.

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, not even close.



>1(3)'s story is ass

5 is the only one with good gameplay. The others feel like shit to play and people are only fond of them for the plots, which you can just watch the anime for

3 because Fuuka is in it!

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Is the PS3 version of FES ok?

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Best Persona is #FE.

based fuukaposter

Are there any fappable girls? Otherwise you're wrong.

Nanako chan.

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persona 3

Diamond is Unbreakable

just look for the ellie doujin

P4 is objectively the best and the quintessential Persona game.

4 > 3 >>>>>> piece of poop stuck on my ass hairs >>> 5

Play the original on a tube TV, the best way to play

For me it's Persona 4: Dancing All Night

Even as a SMT fan, P1 & 2 are fucking garbage. I'm all down for some first person dungeon crawling, but who the hell thought throwing every battle on a slow-ass mollasses grid was a good idea. Aggressive wastes of time being desu.

Should I play 3 or 4 after 5?

P3 = P4

P5 is the most polished turd ever created

If you say P3 you're either a nostalgiafag who think new bad or an edgelord who hates that the newer games aren't super srs

If you say P4 you have the least interest in the franchise as a whole and you're probably an annoying waifufag/weeb

If you say P5 you're a zoomer

P1 had better gameplay and soundtrack compared to the P2 duology (especially the arranged versions of songs) however the latter had a much better narrative and felt more unique. P1 just felt like an upgraded SMT If... P3-5 were bogged down with too much forced dating sim aspects.

p4 is closer to p5 in general, both in story and gameplay. as a nostalgiafag i will say persona 3 though.

3 will seem like a massive step backwards in terms of gameplay so maybe ease into it with P4

5> 3 > 4

5 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 1

If you enjoyed 5 you might as well kill yourself. Eating that much shit is too embarrassing.

Vanilla was more than enough to enjoy core P4 story. Golden is just adding a SoL stuff and Marie. You can simply just see the additional stuff on youtube.

P3 and P4 are absolute trite compared to P5


Anyone hated how "anime" 5 became?

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Nocturne has better gameplay than 4 (and any Persona game) you dumb nigger

P3 and Nocturne are my favorite smt games. why did you not like 3? I understand not liking 4, but 3 was great.

no, because 4 was full-blown moe anime and 3 devolved into power of friendship shonen tropes by the end. if you hate anime, why are you playing japanese games?

4 Thanks to unforgettable strong cast of characters, comfy settings, and simple but interesting story
Also 4 is the persona game who got most of canon sequels,spinoff, anime, mangas, etc compared to other persona games
Also every Persona 4 girl is the best girl.

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Why are you here if you haven't played the games?

No, because I'm not a retard. The real problem with P5 is that it was fucking boring and the party/villains weren't even remotely interesting or impactful. It's like they spent all those years wondering how to appeal to normalfags and waifufags at the same time while completely sucking out the excitement of an anime urban fantasy game with psychological/tarot themes. In the end you just have a really shiny game that brings in new players and fixes QoL issues from past titles, but is ultimately hollow as a persona experience.

i have. why are you lying about the games? is it nostalgia, or maybe you're just a butthurt smash rosterfag?

>No because I'm not a retard
>Completely goes on a tangent on why they hated P5

Here's the buzzword again. Nice job Personadrone. I don't play smash.

>cries about buzzwords in one sentence
>calls me a "personadrone" in the next sentence
like pottery.

Why are you even in this thread.

Sorry. I have to use buzzwords because your small intelligence won't be able to comprehend more complex sentences and words.

You can dislike Persona 5 while also realising it being anime has nothing to do with its flaws.


>le smashfag boogeyman

3 is far too tedious both in combat and social stuff although I appreciate the fact that dungeon crawling can be done in increments and leaves daytime free.

I really dislike 4. The story is extremely poor and I didn't care for most characters. The dungeons are just as bad, but there's less of them.

I'm only midway through 5 but loving it so far.

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Its still 4. You cant deny this

For Casuals, start from 3 then 4 then 5
For Hardcorefags who love hurting themselves start from 1 2 3 4 5
For Newfags, start from 5

3 really feels slow and shit at times and the combat isn't that interesting but it's still worth playing