Open epic games launcher

>open epic games launcher
>claim free games
>repeat a week later

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>free game is something that has been dirt cheap repeatedly or given away already

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you could just pirate the games, boyo.

I don't know

this is how you play games on epic launcher

>claim free chink spyware

But pirating is bad! Getting games for free legit and installing spyware to play them is so much better!

Online games are hard to crack

Literally, everything spies on you nowadays.

>download botnet
>claim free goycoin

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Can you repeat the question?

Don't even need the launcher, just go to their website

you can claim them from the web

I defy Epic to stop me from pirating everything they want to sell me.

Does this mean EPIC is buying games from developers so they stay on platform?

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>claim games you already own both on steam and gog thanks to gog connect
yeah no, I'd rather suck cock

giving your data to winnie the poo

Yes epic is a pay pig for developers.

So, this could actually be good for us in the long run, right? Once EPIC finishes hemorrhaging all their fortnite bucks to other developers the circle of entropy is complete.

>open computer
>Launch game from your start menu or desktop
>Play the game
Why do I need 10 fucking launchers just to play my library? Stop encouraging this shit. Sell me a game, sure. But don't make me user your fucking launchers just to play it or keep it updated.

Please delete this post.

>Open Epic
>Two free games!
>Claim one
>Claim two
>banned from Epic for abuse because there is no shopping cart
Lol, the state of e*icfags

This literally costs Epic money though.

Exactly, if its free on epic store, its double free on pirate bay, you don't even need a launcher.

>he doesn't have Gog Galaxy

Fornite revenue is down 30-something % from last year, as I recall.

>adds value to the company
yeah u sure showed them damn

>open epik launcher
>launcher mines all the date you have on your pc
>epik now knows you download gay, eyebrow fetish porn on the low
enjoy your games fag

lol. No. The deal was made like how humble does it. A price upfront for unlimited downloads.

Dunno what you're talking about. I've never had to use a launcher for any game I've acquired.

quite the business model. i wonder how many billions they are pumping into this

What is blizzard, what is Ubisoft, what is Rockstar, etc etc.

It was Randy Pitchfords goal all along to leech those fortnite dollars.

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>3-4 epic threads suddenly appear at almost the same time

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> installing chink spyware


Not even making this up.

>Decide to pop in after some time of inactivity
>input the proper password
>get this error message

>turns out chinks have been bombarding my account with attempted logins this entire time

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Best case senario is that the free game already dropped today and it reminded people that EGS is bad.

Also, 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre

I havent seen one free game worth my hard drive space yet, not once.

its because it doesn't even have a captcha system, even steam has that if you try and brute force.

Did he actually do this? I remember something similar when he insisted Battleborn going F2P wasn’t actually the game going F2P.

>buy game on launch because I wanted it
>pirate it
I stopped claiming free games on humble bundle and steam when I realized that their only purpose was to clutter my library. If I didn't pick up a game by the time it becomes a part of these free promotions then it's because I'll never pick it up even after I have it on a random library

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>I stopped claiming free games on humble bundle and steam when I realized that their only purpose was to clutter my library.
Fucking this, can't even bother to idle cards from all that trash. Every time I take a look at my library I keep asking myself "what the fuck is that, when did I buy this shit?".

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>can't even bother to idle cards from all that trash

Download idle master.

Didn't idle master stop working like half a year or so ago?

I use it just fine.