According to the Metacritic for RPGs, FFXIV is the 2nd best RPG of the decade. Why haven’t you played it Yea Forums?
According to the Metacritic for RPGs, FFXIV is the 2nd best RPG of the decade. Why haven’t you played it Yea Forums?
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i am so disappointed with mmos i dont even bother
FF14 is pretty much a gay bar.
>game has a literal tranny npc
>Trans with body integrity identity disorder
Finally cleared Eden Normal today. Why is Titan the most fun of any primal before?
Theres are primals from your fucked up imagination to get beat on like a punching bag. They're not lore friendly primals with an actual purpose (outside of aforementioned reason).
Pls roll on Balmung on the Crystal datacenter to play with the friendliest players possible!
I'm malboro with the trannies because my piece of shit friend told me to go there way back in 2.0 and has since quit playing.
are there any other jackets I can use for BLM that have a high collar in the front to cover my mouth like the AF1?
>Playing an MMO for the story
Unlike WoW, FFXIV has a really engaging story that involves you as a central character instead of some nameless bystander
who's your favorite primal, bros?
>later x-pacs in wow
>Everyone is sucking your dick. Annoyingly so.
FFXIV does have an engaging story past 2.0 but don't fool yourself into making things up and believing in them.
What's the best class to farm white scrips with? Should I just do tincture's again?
Lads red mage is way too undertuned in ShB. In 449 gear with loads of crit doing everything perfectly I still fail the E2S dummy with like 3-5% left to go
MMO's are for low quality human beings
Midan I think
>u r the chosen one bro
>"""really engaging story"""
please be bait, holy fuck
i already know mmo players are retards but lmao
Sophia mommy
you being the chosen one is literally the worst part of FFXIV's story besides Lyse
How old are you?
p99 green is launching in oct why would you play any other mmos lol fucking faggots
>doesn't see the problem with "you are the most important character" in an MMO
Is this what the genre has become? Jesus christ.
the bigger problem is how he's so retarded, he thinks it's new. that's one of the biggest MMO complaints ever.
>every game's storyline revolves around it being important to relay the story of the main character, though told ultimately through the understanding it being you who is playing them, and why it is important that they do the things they do... even fucking donkey kong and galaxia do this
>massive multiplayer online game
>the massive multiplayer part doesn't matter though
This is what nu-mmo players actually believe.
it's a high collar but not high enough
and how is it a problem?
>You're important so we need your help to defeat X
>who are you again? oh some faggot ok well stand back while I do all the heroics
>chosen one
Stop skipping cutscenes
>game genre is about people working together to achieve a goal
>except within the context of the story you have repelled an army all on your own, was a key figure in not one but two rebellions, literally saved a completely different dimension, and no one else matters except for the people who tell you what to do and are still weaker and lamer than you anyways
it's funny because despite being a load of shit Stormblood is the only expansion that didn't have your character be characterized as literally Jesus and more just the guy they get to beat people up, especially because the MSQ references "adventurer friends".
>woah you are the chosen one
>and so are all of the hundreds of people afking in cities
The point of used to be that you would make your own character. You could be the notorious asshole who ganked people or become the biggest megajew on the server who controls a bunch of expensive resources. Or you could be an elite player apart of the best guild on the server that people respected/feared/hated. It's not supposed to be a single-player game that has a co-op option.
Lore wise you're the only warrior of light of the first and the 'chosen one'. Everyone else is just an adventurer, except for the final fight of Shadowbringers where contextually the people being summoned are warriors of light from other worlds.
Too busy with the other FF MMO.
rpg codex is literally the only rpg website with any sort of credibility
>Using worst P4 girl for your strawman
Yeah, I see what this is.
Just ignore the contrarian baiting retards
I meant to say warrior of light of the source, obviously. Ardbert was of the first.
>everyone is a contrarian even if they have legitimate points you can't refute
> RPG Codex fag
> Is a massive contrarian neckbeard
> WRPG-Kun is still spamming his bait images as if everyone hasn't already filtered him already
>even EQ has you defeating the most dangerous foes of the land and becoming renown for it
>implying that you can roleplay expansion after expansion having every new character forget or have no idea that you, the canonical player of the previous expansions, actually saved the realm many times over
>"naw bro im just some dipshit in a plate helmet lmao its pretty much like i'm lvl 20 storyline wise y'know i'm stuck there cause in my head i'm incapable but actually im max lvl in game and its really feeding my fantasy man you should check out graveyard of dead MMOs game number 23 where it's like you're just this small character in a big story maaaan"
You are referred to as "Hydaelyn's Chosen" multiple times.
You literally have the blessing of light from Hydaelyn which on the source belonged to like, two other people (who are now dead). You were the only one to do anything with it anyways.
Even with that I'm not sure about heroes from other shards, like did Ardbert and Unukalhai have the blessing of light or were they just the 'chosen warriors'?
Why did they make dancer so fucking boring
>spend 2 minutes hitting the same 3 buttons + dance over and over again
>once every 2 minutes you get to hit devilment and technical step then blow all your feathers
>that's the whole job
they had to make it super easy for DNC sluts
>hit your 1-2 combo and hit the shiny buttons whenever they proc
>do your simon says dance
>dance with your daddy to buff their DPS
>also they have the shittiest DPS out of all DoW
I have, it sucks just like every MMO.
>FFXIV (...) involves you as a central character
Just like everyone else playing. It certainly isn't immersion-breaking at all when 5 people are talking to the exact same NPC at the exact same time about the exact same quest.
what the fuck is the point of the class system
why make SCH play ARC for 30 levels and then lose all the skills
was it more interesting before I started playing
It had a purpose but it's long been lost. It's a relic of a bygone era
what was the purpose
It seems interesting in practice
>interesting in practice
It's a relic of 1.0 since the game still uses it as a foundation, same with elemental resistances.
From a lore standpoint, its' because many jobs aren't available to the general public. Conjury is available to anyone willing to learn and commune with the elementals for example but White Magic is deemed forbidden and is mostly a lost art of Amdapor. Within the context of the story there's only like 3 White mages not including yourself because you're speshul.
Soul Crystals, at least ones that have myriad memories etched into them aren't exactly handed out like candy to the general populace. Machinist is a new job that has fresh soul crystals but you basically have to learn to do the job yourself while putting your memories on the soul crystal for future generations. That being said soul crystals aren't NECESSARY, they just make mastering a new job easier since you don't exactly need a teacher with one. one could argue you could learn how to be a summoner from scratch but without a soul crystal that's kind of hard since the Allagans are gone.
>E2S clear group
>not even a third into thge fight
>party DPS is below 70k despite no one dying or touching the adds
Im never going to get this clear before reset.
I suppose in 1.0 they originally intended to have more jobs split from classes, Arcanist was an experiment that took them until like Stormblood to properly make the two jobs it splits into have their own identities.
Some examples would be like, Archer splitting into Hunter and Archer, or Conjurer splitting into Devout or White Mage. It kind of got scrapped and we got left with Arcanist as the only thing to do it.
>it makes sense if you pretend that everybody else hasn't been doing the same main questline that you've been doing
again i dont think you understand what massive multiplayer is supposed to do
Meant to say Archer into Hunter and Bard but I'm an idiot, don't mind me
I'm not knowledgeable enough to explain it firsthand, I've only been told by my friend who's a 1.0 player.
Something about being able to mix classes and jobs more freely. Ultimately proved to be more trouble than it was worth, people looking to go back and pick up a Tanking Job would have to level up Gladiator just to get provoke.
>It's a relic of 1.0 since the game still uses it as a foundation, same with elemental resistances.
Is that why the game asked me what member of the twelve I liked? Are there just a lot of mechanics that are completely pointless?
All of that shit about soul crystals is interesting. The write-ups I've read of other people explaining the lore is usually more interesting than people explaining it in the MSQ, so thanks for that.
>b-but i single-handedly saved the universe!
No you didn't, you were apart of a large group of people doing it. This is where the "massive" part of "massive multiplayer" comes in.
Redpill me on FFXIV.
The guardian is just for flavor now, but it used to be grant very slight elemental stats which didnt have much use in the first place
It's a shame then, because more of them would be interesting. What was the reason they scrapped it? Was it just annoying?
wow with weeb skin
yeah they're basically just gemstones that have your aether signature etched into it with memories and people can learn how to tap into it by attuning to it with practice.
It allows you to learn the skills of a job without an actual master but still requires hard work and dedication, it's not as simple as "I have crystal, I am now master black mage".
Reminder for anyone new to the game, or wondering what server to roll on:
Don't get rused to Balmung or Mateus, the ERP servers. Generally stay away from the Crystal data center as the degeneracy leaks.
Play on Ultros on Primal if you wish to play with Yea Forums and are NA, there's a very large FC there, all Yea Forums players. If you are EU there is a decent FC on Omega. The pastebin in /vg/ will have further FC details if you need.
If you do not wish to play with Yea Forums, Aether is probably your best bet because of the gilgamesh PF scene.
Handy PSA for all you cool cats. Just here to help.
Job (Class) design is very good which ultimately keeps me playing. Good gameplay, okay story with good moments, amazing OST
>play DRG
>tank keeps rotating around the boss constantly for no reason
>notices dirty lie
Thats right, you better not come to Balmung :3
>play on Ultros
Just as bad
You should've told me.
>they hated jesus because he told them the truth
I dont care which server you finally choose, doesnt affect me, i'm here to make sure people enjoy the game
Use true north, you have TWO charges of it now
>Already learning a 5th opener as MNK
Jesus christ can the balance just settle on something already?
there's a community on Balmung that intentionally spams stupid shit on Uldah with the express purpose of scaring WoW refugees off
Also, there's an ERP community on all servers, including on Primal (Hyperion and Famfrit) and Aether (Faerie and Siren)
people only think Balmung is bad because they expect it to be lewdness and memes, so they act lewd and spout memes
i play on diabolos i know there are a few small rp/erp communities on there they keep quiet and stay out of everyone's way though a lot of them really dislike balmung and mateus
Not him but i've played since 2.0 and balmung has been consistently shit since then, especially the /xivg/ community which i stay the fuck away from.
T. balmung player. Only still here because of my FC
>graphics 95%
Man I like the game too but let's not go crazy
they sit in a very specific spot in Uldah. guess what happens if you don't talk to anyone sitting on the slut bench?
Is there a way to teabag or fart on other people?
Do you think with the PS5 we'll get better graphics?
not him i play on balmung and every other person i talk too always tried to bring me over to their house and fuck me xivg is shit of course but there are a lot of people just as bad as them on balmung
Bro I wana do the side quests, I really do. But they're so fucking boring and the reward might as well not exist. How the fuck do you convince yourselves to do them?
I'm surprised that RPGFan actually has diverse taste in games & doesn't circlejerk the same normalfag shit that every other journalist does
> 1. Valkyrie Profile (100 Story, 100 Graphics, 100 Gameplay, 100 Controls, 100 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 100) (Console: PS1)
> 2. SMT: DDS2 (100 Story, 95 Graphics, 99 Gameplay, 95 Controls, 98 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 99) (Console: PS2)
> 3. Wind Waker (85 Story, 100 Graphics, 99 Gameplay, 97 Controls, 90 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 99) (Console: GameCube)
> 4. Langrassier Dramatic (95 Story, 65 Graphics, 99 Gameplay, 99 Controls, 97 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 99) (Console: Saturn)
> 5. The Legend of Zelda (50 Story, 50 Graphics, 100 Gameplay, 100 Controls, 60 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 99) (Console: NES)
> 6. Lunar: Eternal Blue (100 Story, 90 Graphics, 100 Gameplay, 100 Controls, 100 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: PS1)
> 7. Chrono Cross (99 Story, 98 Graphics, 97 Gameplay, 80 Controls, 99 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: PS1)
> 8. Xenogears (99 Story, 93 Graphics, 92 Gameplay, 93 Controls, 97 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: PS1)
> 9. Sakura Wars 2 (98 Story, 100 Graphics, 95 Gameplay, 95 Controls, 96 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: Saturn)
> 10. Persona 3 FES (96 Story, 91 Graphics, 95 Gameplay, 97 Controls, 93 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: PS2)
> 11. Persona 4 Golden (98 Story, 98 Graphics, 99 Gameplay, 98 Controls, 95 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: PS Vita)
> 12. Suikoden III (98 Story, 92 Graphics, 96 Gameplay, 92 Controls, 98 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: PS2)
> 13. Star Wars: KOTOR (93 Story, 97 Graphics, 100 Gameplay, 97 Controls, 98 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: Xbox)
> 14. Policenauts (98 Story, 94 Graphics, 80 Gameplay, 80 Controls, 95 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: Saturn)
> 15. Final Fantasy XIV (98 Story, 95 Graphics, 95 Gameplay, 95 Controls, 98 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: PS4)
>World split it 13 shards
>They aren't the previous 13 FF worlds
For an MMO that leans so heavily on nostalgia you'd think they'd have thought of that
Aren't there multiple "chosen" though?
Why do you "really" want to do sidequests when you're not interested in neither the stories or rewards? I mean I agree they suck ass which is why I don't bother with them.
Just level more jobs, including DoL and DoH and you got tons of shit to do. If you've already done all of that then you should do something else outside of FFXIV.
> 16. Mass Effect 2 (97 Story, 95 Graphics, 100 Gameplay, 98 Controls, 94 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: Xbox 360)
> 17. Monster Hunter World (70 Story, 95 Graphics, 98 Gameplay, 90 Controls, 90 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: PS4)
> 18. Neverwinter Nights (90 Story, 91 Graphics, 99 Gameplay, 88 Controls, 96 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 98) (Console: PC)
> 19. Final Fantasy VI (100 Story, 50 Graphics, 85 Gameplay, 90 Controls, 97 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: SNES)
> 20. Chrono Trigger (95 Story, 97 Graphics, 96 Gameplay, 95 Controls, 99 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: SNES)
> 21. NieR: Automata (99 Story, 95 Graphics, 95 Gameplay, 90 Controls, 98 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: PS4)
> 22. Castlevania: SOTN (93 Story, 99 Graphics, 99 Gameplay, 98 Controls, 94 Sountrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: PS1)
> 23. Sakura Wars (97 Story, 100 Graphics, 98 Gameplay, 98 Controls, 95 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: Saturn)
> 24. Langrissier V (99 Story, 98 Graphics, 99 Gameplay, 99 Controls, 99 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: Saturn)
> 25. Final Fantasy X (95 Story, 98 Graphics, 92 Gameplay, 90 Controls, 95 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: PS2)
> 26. Final Fantasy VII (95 Story, 95 Graphics, 89 Gameplay, 90 Controls, 97 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: PS1)
> 27. YU-NO! (100 Story, 80 Graphics, 85 Gameplay, 100 Controls, 80 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: Saturn)
> 28. Final Fantasy XII (92 Story, 97 Graphics, 98 Gameplay, 87 Controls, 95 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: PS2)
> 29. Deus Ex (97 Story, 95 Graphics, 97 Gameplay, 100 Controls, 95 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: PC)
> 30. Grandia II (96 Story, 96 Graphics, 93 Gameplay, 87 Controls, 98 Soundtrack) (Overall Score: 97) (Console: Dreamcast)
Some of them have nice stories, like the ruby princess one and the beast tribe ones. Also they block the aetheryte when I try to teleport to a hub
maybe because that'd implicate the other games too much?
FFXIV Isn't even a good game in general, how can it be the 2nd best RPG of the decade? Who even makes these stupid fucking lists?
Why is there so much fucking Sony shit?, like almost all of them are Playstation games
Does it really matter? They never revisit the older worlds.
Maybe it's for the best if it means Lightning doesn't exist out there somewhere
Let me guess, you're a bloodborne cuck?
This is how butthurt fanboys reply.
Sony has always had the best games, this is nothing new
Scallic coat of casting is by far my favorite
Why are people crashing Zonure Skins? Why would you sell the skins for 300 per and at like 5 at a time? I just don't understand.
playstation have the largest volume of RPGs
I was forced into making a character on Diabolos and wouldnt mind getting into some RP, got any more info on it?
>that Amaurot quest you think is going to give you Ascian robes but doesn't
dont be one of these people..
>Here's the thing to make the robes, now just imagine them.
>It's so easy even a literal infant can do it, you dolt, you absolute buffoon, you literal retard
What's happening here? I get someone is rezzing people but how are they dying so quickly?
guessing its the Formidible FATE
isn't it because Dissidia is canon
Dissidia is canon is fine. The characters fighting in it aren't the original characters but copies of them
is it that hard to learn openers?
cant help you
>that involves you as a central character instead of some nameless bystander
I wish that was the case. In reality the Scions are the central characters and you're just a Deus Ex Machina who tags along. It's really fucking jarring that they want to make a storyline but don't have the balls to go all the way and make your character actually matter in it.
Because I don't like MMORPGs.
>in XIV your character is a celebrity and world savior
>people hate it
>in GW2 your character as competent sidekick that helps the actual main characters
>people hate it
can't win
Shadowbringers change that.
what the fuck do you mean, the only Scion who is more of a main character is Alphinaud and even then you do all the work while he can't even fucking job advance like everyone else did
Not by much. I just killed Hades and it was still the same Deus Ex dung that YoshiPenis has been shoveling in my mouth during ARR and Stormblood. Heavensward was far better because it didn't have Scions but some interesting and deep characters who had real motivations and reasons to travel with you, stuff that went beyond "hurr we do it just because we are the good guys".
make one urself, then.
i mean,
just look at this memelord
antman niggers btfo
Look up Deus Ex Machina in a dictionary. It may clear up things for you and help understand what I wrote.
yes you can
there is no main character in mmos
problem solved, fuck you
boss fate and a healer spamming macros in yell
It's different groups of people.
This aint a bad list.
It's just annoying is all because every time I've gotten one down a new one pops up all of this week and it makes fights feel inconsistent as im learning them
Now try and make a heterogeneous narrative with multiple points of view in a massive multiplayer online game, dumbass
Blade & Soul tried and failed miserably
Or a mistranslation.
No, all the NPCs related to that quest mention them being a her.
Just like giott. Doesn't mean there wasn't a fuck up somewhere.
Im not buying a mmo when there are plenty of good enough free ones and they are all the same shit honestly
>Unlike WoW, FFXIV has a really engaging story that involves you as a central character instead of some nameless bystander
Except nameless bystander is literally what you are. Your character just stands there not saying a word while the characters who matter do the talking.
if you actually average the numbers it's 96.2 but why the fuck would an aggregate calculate proper averages?
>what are silent protagonists
>implying we don't talk too
Should've said that you don't play the game.
>implying we don't talk too
You get to talk once in a blue moon, and when you do, your dialogue choices are basically inconsequential fluff. That's hardly meaningful.
>your dialogue choices are basically inconsequential fluff.
Because this is a MMO, every single player needs to get to the same result within the same amount of dialogue options.
almost like the two genres have different storytelling methods
>have to be asshole to get evil powers
>cant be polite backstabber or angry medic
>almost like the two genres have different storytelling methods
What storytelling purpose does it have to have a protagoniist who is an autistic mute whose main contribution to the story is simply being there?
because its easier to project onto him, which is why he's written that way
I have, started with ARR and came back for HW
I'm not into the bitchfest that is endgame raiding parties and the gameplay isn't good enough to keep me around
If there was actually a world to explore or gear meant anything for more than a week I might give a shit
>Y'all are the chosen one
>because its easier to project onto him, which is why he's written that way
Wouldn't that be better achieved by letting you choose what the protagonist says or does, instead of being forced to project onto an autistic mute?
>character looks cool as a DoW but lame as a DoM
it isn't fair
You'd think someone would make an MMO that avoided this, by making the premise a smaller scale story instead of the usual chosen one epic.
Retard. You need suspension of disbelief for that. There's no story reason for that.
Not really because WRPG arent really player expression because your skills are determined by your dialogue most of the time.
You again? Didn't people tell you before that we aren't mute at all? The game has the WoL explain a lot of stuff to other npcs. It's just not texted so the player can interpret what we say in the way they want.
just testing if there's a filter
does potd get better the later you level
no it gets worse
hoh is a little better than potd though
for fucks sake
I avoided this shit on my first job but I don't have an MSQ to entertain me anymore. I'm also not level 30 so i can't even get shit from leveling up.
To those in the game right now, how much is the Hooded Fireglass going for?
What could they possibly mean by this?
The WoL says stuff, just not a lot of times. Just a lot of *nods*.
so uh
what's the worst macro you've ever seen used, Yea Forums?
>unlocking potd or hoh and using them
>WAR least picked tank for week 1 groups
WARbros I thought DRK was in the shed? How could this happen to us. Lord Xeno said warriors were top tier and drk was a bootleg war
You still voice your opinion through dialogue options and some of your characterization literally comes across as "I'm fucking sick and tired of these fetch quests". the Dark Knight questline further amplifies this with an inner self that is the manifestation of everything in this game that pisses you off.
what would you have me do? I can't queue for dungeons because I don't job change into a class without fifteen minute queues until level 30
NA raid statistics based on Datacenter per fflogs uploads
>Aether E3S: 624 people
>Primal E3S: 416 people
>Crystal E3S: 56 people
>Aether Titan: 152
>Primal Titan: 56
>Crystal Titan: 16
Why is Crystal so shit?
I can see the healing potential on a Recited Sacred Soil but wasting Recitation on Lustrate or a fucking Energy drain is kind of fucking laughable
it's obviously ironic, I got a good chuckle
Why did you think he was talking shit of both WHM and living dead last week?
WHM benediction makes living dead a joke so he's trying to fearmong the other healers into not wanting to party with a DRK because "living dead is hard to heal" boogeyman.
>Why is Crystal so shit?
They suck dick, literally.
>Caring about fflogs or parsing
someone buy me a transfer
Benediction making Living dead suck less does not make Living Dead anywhere near as useful as the other 3.
>DRK uses living dead, doesn't trigger until he actually dies
>has to be healed up by 100% of his health but he's not invulnerable, just unkillable so topping him off still makes him take damage making it fucky even with Benediction, you still have to get heals ready
>GNB uses Superbolide
>GNB is invincible for the entire duration meaning HP he's healed by stays there and can't be touched until the duration is over
>WHM uses benediction and doesn't have to worry about healing the GNB for 8 seconds
to crystal?
>game is aware you hate doing fetch quests
>game continues to make you do fetch quests
>this is now funny because its meta i guess?
no, I joined Crystal without knowing the stigma
at least I'm not in one of the RP servers
>what would you have me do?
t. Ratonhnhaké:ton
It doesn't matter on savage content since you'll always trigger the invul no matter what.
Holmgang > tankbuster > benediction
Superbolide > tankbuster > benediction
Living dead > tankbuster > benediction
It's all the same shit when it comes to actual gameplay. The only different one is HG since it doesn't require healing.
>WHM uses benediction and doesn't have to worry about healing the GNB for 8 seconds
Not true, there's no reason to use benediction before ~2 seconds on the living dead timer so it ends to be exactly the same.
Do I want to Google whatever that is?
If you have the first Hell Wind, do you need to stay close to the other Hell Wind person (for heals or whatever) or anywhere will do? because standing perpendicularly to the eye still gets me petrified 25% of the time and i'd rather stand behind that nigger
It's the main character from Assassin's Creed 3. He says that phrase so many times.
It's only 18 bucks. If it means that much to you, don't play the game and come back once you have 18 bucks from not subscribing.
I'd say superbolide is better because the faster you cast benediction the faster you'll get it back
Just turn away when the eye timer is on 2-1, but dont do any GCDs for that second because you will auto-turn for those and stone yourself
Hallowed Ground wins again.
I see. Also i'm dumb and forgot standing behind them means i'm looking at them. Guess I'll just suck it up for a gcd
I play in Hyperion and have come back from not playing since Midas came out in Heavensward at least. Don't have an FC anymore unfortunately but will probably join one at some point, I would probably be ok playing with any of you fags from here but not going to make the effort to. Got to grind through Stormblood to make it to the good stuff.
Benediction has 180s cd.
Living dead is 300s.
Holmgang is 240s.
Superbolide is 360s.
There's no reason to rush when it doesn't align with 1 hp mechanics.
I thought that guy's name was Connor, but I guess in hindsight native Americans aren't named Connor and it was probably so the AC audience knew who he was.
If you carry me, I'll whisper you fun facts for XIV every hour.
Connor was the son of his mentor. He uses that name to help blend in.
Makes sense.
What's the best way to find an FC anyway? I don't want to join some sperg shouting at Limsa or Gridania recruiting randoms that never talk or having to join some discord server.
I'm 2 1/2 expansions behind, sorry I can't carry you for shit user.
>I don't want to join some sperg shouting at Limsa or Gridania recruiting randoms that never talk or having to join some discord server.
Apply to a FC or advertise yourself on social/forums
What's the best title in the game? I didn't know these existed until I stopped being a sprout like last week
The Legend.
Heart of the Party.
Inquisitor Legacy only
The Strategist
The Reaper
>The Ultimate Legend
I use Sky Pirate
Either get a rare or infreqently used title or just stay title less I'd say
Haha most of the time people wear those they're shitters who bought their clear. Heck if anything all that wearing the title is going to do is make me look at you with suspicion.
Lonely Explorer
Lord/Lady of the Fetch
Maker of Mountains
That's a thing? What the hell is wrong with people.
Grandmaster Caster, Necromancer, Ultimate Thrillseeker, Wings of Fire
Besides dailies, what's the best way of getting the top-end Tomestones (Goetia/Phan)? Is it more profitable to do gathering instead if I want gil to spend on crafted gear? Have all tanks and healers at 80.
Walking Dead ends when it heals 100% of your max HP, not when you are topped..
No shit user only degenerate retards use the legend and ultimate legend title with the burger king crown. That's why I used greentext for the TUL title
They want the bragging rights but are too shit/lazy for the effort I guess? And people buying shit like clears are usually whales anyway so for them it's a drop in the bucket I'd say.
Mahjong Master
Excited for 5.1's 5-man BLU instance? That's also Heavensward content and Heavensward primal skills to learn, and possibly Stormblood content and primal skills as well since they haven't said how high they're raising BLU's level-cap.
The Azure Dragoon, Bolt from the Black, God of War/Magic, The White, Deep Canal Raider
spamming expert is the only efficient way to get current tier though, if you do normal raids once a week and a couple other side roulettes you should only have to do expert 3-4x weekly
Reread his post or just don't post if you don't play a healer
>Excited for 5.1's 5-man BLU instance?
So this wasn't a meme and is actually happening? I've been out of the loop but man if that is true I know for sure it's going to be an elitist shitfest. I can already see pfs kicking and excluding people if they don't have the right skills and/or setup. And funnily enough didn't yoshi-p himself give a similar reason as to why BLU is limited in the first place?
Ok, thank you.
ex leviathan is not really fond of BLM's
I'm starting to get frustrated with FFXIV threads.
I actually don't think it'll be too much of an issue, if it starts getting bad enough you'll genuinely be able to report people attempting to gatekeep a limited job for harassment. Assumedly you'll have all the tools necessary to complete the instance or instances on a basic level from the time you're first allowed in; might be you need to complete Masked Carnivale to progress BLU's story and move on to the instances, which would solve a huge amount of the potential headaches in not having certain utility skills.
Haha I can't imagine how it would be like to live 24/7 for someone or somethings approval like you faggots this. Follow you're own advice and grow up and let people do whatever they want faggot.
Truly Unobtainable.
You will never become female.
die on 2nd flares
people keep getting knocked off and forget their spoits for cleave
about 10 stacks accumulated across the whole party just from the first Cycle of Chaos alone
Im about to give up from three days straight of this bullshit, but I also know that it will be impossible if I don't clear it before reset.
>full of weaboos, trannies, pozzed to all fuck faggots, tismos
Nah, bruh, just, nah.
Sounds like every online game. What makes XIV so special?
Where? I don't see me (him) saying tranny.
I'm sorry but you're pugging (for some reason) and you expect better?
And you will never be an "adult".
The overwhelming percentage of them.
Once you hit the age of 18, you become an adult. Did you skip school?
Rule of thumb is get your clear within the first 5 days or you're fucked.
I like this guy becoming the total poster-boy for obnoxious faggots in high-end play ever since it happened
My static is already falling apart so I'm doing as much as I can on my own before it's officially called off. Also, as bad as it is now, it's only going to get worse after all the decent pugs get their clears this week
I was not expecting E2S to be so damn tight, I feel like I already missed the train to clear it even though it's day 4.
They why the fuck do come here lecturing people and tell them what do in a vain attempt to show of how adult you are? Stuns me that you can say you're an adult when you're 18 and subsequently deny it as well.
Braindamaged retards like you should be hanged.
>Once you hit the age of 18
Only for Trannies.
>champion of crystal
lmao you're mad.
What do you have to do to get a GM to actively remove you from an instance?
Hope the GMs nuke every douchebag streamer. ;)
anything that breaks the terms of service and they drag you into gm jail
And we're done here I see if you're taking out the big guns like that stunningly intellectual post you just made.
For a GM to be online and for you to be enough of a headache that they have to do something about you
Being a complete cunt to someone in a public chat.
Give me a quick rundown
In that guys case, someone accidentally pulled a few seconds early so he ran off the edge and refused to be rezzed and afk’d the whole fight.
Imagine being this guy
yeah it's more like first 2 days. i've already given up
Follow a fem roe in Limsa
>He never played past ARR
The game has heavily relied on dialogue choices since Heavensward.
What'd he do, follow her and /tell portions of the "OHHHH YES MY DEAR THAT IS A PUNGENT ONE" copypasta?
dialogue choices that do literally nothing
Fetch-quests start getting way more sparse after they directly shine a light on it for DRK and even later on in Stormblood and Shadowbringers they have some goofs about you being an errand-boy, I remember there's the elezen woman on board the Prima Vista for the Ivalice quests who you can tell "Do not use the "F" word with me" as the "I'm not taking this quest" option
>he didn't do Eureka
Wasn't he, it was me. And no. I just followed her. Eventually a GM put me in jail and gave me a warning.
>next savage tier comes out
>last fight has a total of zero (0) mechanics, just tank busters and a bunch of raidwide damage
>but the DPS checks/enrage are so insanely tight that only the parties full of orange parses clear week one
Your reaction?
What I want is just the WoL to make decisions by himself. We're always left with someone else deciding what to do for us. We may feed them information for them to come to that conclusion, but we're never the ones to say "Hey. We're gonna go here and do this." it's always someone telling you "Hey WoL, can you go to blah blah and do this?"
skip the tier because the dps players in this game are totally braindead and get away with it because it's harder to notice their fuckups unless you're parsing
Are max potions gonna come back to the meta?
Ahh! Thancred help me!
Holy shit I thought Giott was a girl
They actually finally explain this in Shadowbringers and they did it in the way that I've been predicting was the case since ARR. Other Warriors of Light are shards of the whole you from alternate realities.
yeah yeah, cool story, now give me the regen for my opener, u glare spamming whore
she is, people freak out because she's a male body in the code on account of the dark ears. if we don't want to take the game's own direct statements on what giott is then emet-selch is an elezen because the game's code uses an elezen body for him, or varis is a roegadyn
She is you dumbass, the male body/emotes are to fool the player while she still has the helmet on
She's trans
Tomboy characters using male features/animations is the oldest trick in a book, I'm not sure why this is new to people that a character with her features exposed for 99% of your time with her would have a GOTCHA
get out.
It's fucking boring.
Potions and food are the best aside from playing the market board with or without server visit.
materia is like 5-6kk per hour though? decent money, and basically effortless
You mean mass crafting with spiritbond potions?
>To touch on the second part of your question about gender restrictions, first and foremost, I think there should be freedom in your values when it comes to the different genders. We don’t want to restrict attire and clothing that you wear based on characters’ gender or sex.
This explains Giott
Any answer you get for this question is useless because nobody making good gil is going to give out their secret.
It's a Final Fantasy game, not fucking Mass Effect. You pick the response that bests suits the sort of hero you want to be, and get a unique response in kind. The point is, the WoL is far from some useless mute, and hasn't been for years now.
also, according to the game's code Lyse is a shapeshifter
"c umbrain" getting filtered taught us nothing about trying to force epic new memes, I see
What was it filtered to? Test gamer
>Called the accursed horde but most stuff in it is confetti
They're accursed cause you get shitty loot most of the time
Edda Blackbosom throws parties that would raise the dead.
Thank god it got filtered. Let me see what it is gamer.
Since the seven other heroes summoned to fight Hades alongside you also have the Blessing of Light, it seems safe to assume Ardbert did too.
>get a unique response in kind.
you dont even get that half the time
Housing items and glamour gear will always be big sellers. Now is a good time to play the materia market too.
>clear the story in a day
>hit gear cap in the next
>wait 2 weeks doing nothing until eden normal
>get weekly cap in the first hour and do nothing for the rest of the week
>repeat for 2 more weeks until savage
>clear it in a day
>do nothing again
Why is there never anything to do in this game?
>Japanese game
>trans character
You almost got me
"We purposely designed the game to be this way because we may or more not actually care for people to come back every few months and sub once in the duration" - a loosely accurate statement by Yoshi.
>Be on Crystal
>Someone cosplaying as Emet.
Is that even possible?
>clear the story in a day
even with skipping cutscenes thats gotta be like 24 straight hours of playing
no shit you ran out of content
You could probably get semi-close with some clothing options but his face (even not accounting for the Garlean eye) and I think hair are unique
What's the point of Squadrons?
easy afk leveling to 50-60
GC promotion criteria that isn't "go do a thing and have enough seals to pay for it", easy way to level alternate jobs by going on squadron missions
It's an MMO, the gameplay is inexcusably bad.
>play on PS4 on small ass TV
trying to fiddle with HUD options is suffering
hm. I guess I'll do it. Finding out there's a limit on how many people you can recruit is dumb though
user are you 15?
Is there like a content guide for grafting/gathering? I've played only combat classes the whole time and got no idea how to craft/gather or go about leveling them
If I was then i would've posted something from BNH or some new shonen dont you think? Naruto is older than the average Yea Forums poster
>Naruto is older than the average Yea Forums poster
this hurts to think about
The fuck is bnh?
That reminds me when an user posted a fake "smash" leak and one of the live chat comments was from a guy named Deku Midoriya and I called him out on the thread. He "claimed" to be over 18. His liked videos were all minecraft related stuff. They were recent too.
boku no hero or whatever its called
Ffxiv story sucks dicks. Anime was a mistake and playing this game for the "story" is too. Running back to the shimmering sands for 30 aint a story. All the characters are insufferable and easily forgettable. Gay fuckin game and the trannies that defend it will defend it to the death and deny all the faults like the nonsense shit story and terrible gameplay.
Oh I play it. Why haven't you cleared E4s week 1 with your static user?
oh I was there
My BLM theme
Are you Deku?
>DNC outdpsing me
>GNB outdpsing me
I might be a shitters bois. Time to go back and learn my Aoe rotation.
>Get to the first dungeon where I can use NPC party members
>Can't bring Alpinaud because playing WHM and have to settle for bad voice acted bunny
This is the real reason for the healer shortage
The 6 of us all work during the way and we get together to prog with 2 randoms at night time, we're working on clearing e2s now, that phase before quietus is rough
No. I'm trying to remember who the fake leak was for.
I always find this happening in lower level dungeons with AoEs. Not sure if it changes at level 80 but I get butthurt seeing the DNC always outdpsing me.
GNB never outdpses me though.
>bad voice acted bunny
Which language?
Phoenix Wright for Smash.
I wonder if Deku ever went to the gym like he said he would.
Yeah, this was in antitower.
Eng. I know she'd supposed to have an accent like Fran does but a lot of the time the way she says things sounds off to me
Least you're not this guy. DNC did 13.7k, MNK only did 7.5k total in the run.
Can we get a dungeon where we have to use our Chocobo
Remember to make sure Jinpu and Shifu are up. They're not positional anymore, so there's no excuse to not have them up during aoe rotations
I'm partial to Monster Hunter, but some of the ShB job titles are pretty cool
So I am a massive shitter and have only beat titania ex a couple of times. Should I wait until 5.1 for better gear to really farm her so it gets easier?
Content has been same thing since 2.0.
FFXIV content will always be evolutionary rather than revolutionary. Change a game too much with every expac and you become WoW.
I'm just happy we finally got back interesting boss arenas, and attacks that rely on paying attention to boss movements instead of waiting for an aoe telegraph.
Speaking of that, what does the Exarch do in all 3 roles? I assume DPS is BLM and healer is WHM but how does he tank?
He's a PLD
Oh, is he just not a tank? Why is he the only one who form switches?
because one of my tank is a literal ape
is it against the ToS to kick someone from the PF because they are French
There's no tank available at that level unless you take the spot and there's no second DPS if I'm remembering right, and Exarch users Conjurer/White Mage animations when using magic anyways. I guess they figured it'd be simpler if he could fill in for any of them
Thinking about it, isn't Thancred the only Scion with a tank role?
He's a PLD if he tanks.
I can't beat the SSS dummy for e2s. What the fuck do I do now? I even redid my gear to emphasize crit and still failed with a few percent left
>Just beat the Qitana Ravel Dungeon
>In the processing cutscene, Y’shtola asks Urianger to describe the night sky for her and then after, she slaps his ass
Excuse me, what the fuck, did I see that correctly?
Yup, if you're going as a trust the only tanks available are yourself and Thancred after Holminster Switch. I imagine the conflict between Urianger and Alphinaud both being Arcanists (Alphinaud being a Scholar in actual function doesn't mean he isn't summoning a carbuncle as an Academician) was probably why Urianger shifted over to being an Astrologian as well, and Thancred being a Gunbreaker to avoid conflict with Ryne/Minfilia and to shill the game's newest tank job.
It's been a long time since she's seen a man that wasn't a Slitherbough lemming, user. She threatens to take you over her new and spank you later if you mouth off to her back at the Crystarium
There's a second DPS, Alisae is there as well as Exarch's surrogate daughter. It's a weird choice, but I guess if they wanted him to be all three I can't complain.
Yeah, I tried to experiment with Trusts during the MSQ but was stuck with Thancred the whole time
There's Hoary Boulder too.
Is this autism? She jokes about doing that to you, just as you joke about calling her your mother.
For trusts. Hoary's also too busy to help you out since he's nuts-deep in the archer Scion along with his brother
Thancred became gunbreaker because he makes the most sense out of anyone to be the designated tank.
It's actually less autistic than the people that think Runar and Y'shtola are an item solely because he initiates physical contact when glad to see her still alive
you aren't even the main character in 2 of the 3 expansions you fucking retard
if you go by weapons Arenvald is a gladiator and Moenbryda was a marauder
wait, what? Hoary Boulder does things after ARR?
Is this bait
>ARR is about you becoming a hero
>Heavensward is about you becoming/being the Azure Dragoon and solving the Dragonsong War to bring Ishgard back into the Alliance
>Stormblood is about you pretty much singlehandedly liberating Ala Mhigo and Doma
>Shadowbringers is about you piercing the heavens
>interesting and deep characters
I must have missed them all somehow.
I don't understand how people can't realize that Y'shtola treats Runar more like a manchild and has no interest in him.
Is it still doable to get the eureka weapon now oe should I just give up?
Try replaying them? Estinien is the main character of Heavensward, and Lyse is the main character of Stormblood. You're just a tag-along deus ex machina with no relevance beyond saving everyone. The story however is not about you nor does it revolve around you at all
Don't make me laugh you zoomer.
you are absolutely not the main character in Stormblood although you definitely are in HW and ShB. Lyse is the main character in Stormblood although there's an argument for the patches.
He should be a good tank then. No better tank than a silverback.
Background dialogue, the ARC in the Waking Sands/Rising Stones has a thing for roegadyn and repeatedly lays Hoary and Ocher Boulder. Her CNJ sister is completely revolted by the size and race difference, and that they often went at it not very far away from her while she was sleeping.
You are an actual retard.
One is more of a vegeta style antihero that you soften up as the story goes on, and the other is the very literal definition of a hanger-on.
Calling Lyse anything close to a "main character" is the pinnacle of pure bait.
No, but I've noticed that people that praise FF14 story usually haven't read or experienced any actually good story ever, and think "generic good vs evil" and shallow characters to go with it is an amazing feat in story telling. Hell, just seeing people saying the Scions are interesting characters gets a laugh out of me. They're as interesting as wood planks. Literally 0 conflict between them, the character interactions are all "yeah i agree with you!". There's no interpersonal dynamics whatsoever. The same goes for most of the villains, who are generic overreacting power-hungry bad evil dudes with the exception of ShB.
>Estinien is the main character of Heavensward,
Estinien is the deuteragonist and in all thematic respects is just Kain, up to and including acts of treachery while brainwashed. You're still what gets the wheel turning throughout all of Heavensward and Estinien sure as hell couldn't have dealt with the Archbishop.
I always thought the dialogue only updated when I went back there for the MSQ. I made sure to talk to everyone then. I distinctly remember four women fighting over Thancred because of the Pugilist Formerly Known As Yda
You seem to think that whoever gets stuff done in a story is the main character. You are an actual retard.
whats the final solution to the streamer problem?
Seethe. Cope. Dilate.
Yeah a lot of the main characters are just shallow.
Don’t watch them?
No, Lyse is a hanger-on that the writing-staff very desperately wanted to be the expansion's main character because Amano put her front-and-center on the splash art. Lyse herself doesn't accomplish anything of note and very often causes more problems than she fixes by sperging out or trying to take charge at all (comes close to souring relations with the small Resistance branch by setting impossible expectations on them as a complete outsider, allowed tempered ananta into the throne-room with "completely innocent" jewelry gifts, etc.). There is a difference between a prominent side-character and the main character, please swallow cyanide if you cannot tell the difference.
closing the tab
A character's effectiveness does not determine whether she's a main character or not, dipshit. The entire Lyse arc is her learning to be a leader. Hell, she's LITERALLY the only character in the entire expansion that gets a fucking arc.
>The exception of ShB
Gaius, Nero, Elidibus, Varis, Lolorito, Nidhogg, Thordan, Ardbert, SLOPPY, Yotsuyu, Fordola, and Zenos would all like a word with you.
The only one dimensional villain I can think of is Lahabrea, and he was retconned as a moron.
>tfw Emet was just lonely and bored and just wanted to have some fun
Bitch never wanted to ally with you. The whole you cant contain the light so you arent worthy is just an excuse to quit the game and get back on track before he losses himself in the fun.
>ARR patches: Alphinaud
>HW: WoL
>HW patches: WoL
>SB: Lyse
>SB Patches: WoL
>ShB: WoL
any questions
>we purposefully designed a shitty knockoff of wow that has less players than fucking destiny 2
yeah I could tell
no one fucking plays the game except you trannies and spammers
>The entire Lyse arc is her learning to be a leader.
She does not accomplish this, she has leadership positions given to her because of her family's clout and all actual power and authority is abdicated to Raubahn as soon as he elects to become part of the Ala Mhigan restoration effort.
>not shallow and one dimensional
seriously? he literally wants to burn the entire world for some stupid as fuck shit. his entire character is "edgy revenge". as shallow of an antagonist as you can get.
I felt bad when it started stating you're several shards of his best friend and he still makes the association. You don't remember him and you're not quite all there, but he remembers you.
>A character's effectiveness does not determine whether she's a main character or not
GW2 sucks because even the main characters don't actually do anything. Look back at the battle with Zhaitan. Everyone else just stands around on the deck of the ship doing nothing. From the entire campaign up to the actual battle you are the one doing absolutely everything and constantly saving people like Trehearne, yet everyone acts like he and Destiny's Edge are the real heroes. I'm all for not being the main character but at least make the NPCs useful and believable as heroes.
Almost a million "active" trannies strong now.
HW: Aymeric
HW patches: Estinien/Alphinaud
Other than that pretty spot on
Why is mirage dive even related to jump? In addition if I have a section of my hotbar for jumps limited to four, should the level 80 one or mirage dive be moved somewhere else?
Neither does saying she is over and over but there's more people that disagree with you in the thread than there are that agree
It's not impossible but it is very time consuming and you HAVE to get a party going for it since you need NM fates. I would use the PF before going in and get 8 people that want to spawn nms while trying to get other people in the instance to help out as well(There will probably be no one else in the instance). As of now an instance of less than 10 people in Eureka only requires you to kill 30-50 mobs to spawn NMs so it is actually a bit fast. Just need to get the people into eureka and it is a real shitshow.
Aymeric would be the MC of HW if he did anything.
nice to see you ran out of arguments.
>Critical direct hit! Leviathan takes 105064 damage.
>Constantly want you to remember the good old times
>Ardbert literally stated how shit it must have been in Emet's situation
>Shows emotion in front of you
>Plays the clown
>Helps you out
>All the while wanted to sacrifice you anyway
>Talks shit even after you exceeded his expectations
>Knows you have plot armor and would beat him like you beated Lahabrea
>Fought you to the last anyway despite realizing you have the advantage and he couldve ran like all ascians do
He really just wanted to die
>Burn the entire world
Pretty sure he just wanted to burn Ishgard. You know, the Acian allied pricks who betrayed him, killed his sister, stole his fucking eyes, and used them to help commit ongoing genocide, and who he was completely right about being the real villains. Nidhogg did absolutely nothing wrong. He only gets one dimensional in the post game patches, where it's not even really him anymore but a shade.
edgemaster drk
Dont wana say Alphinaud, Estinien twice. Ysayle had half her arc in ARR patches and dont have enough impact to be MC anyway. WoL just kinda kill shit the whole time though. Didnt really grow at all.
Which HoH floors should I be spamming?
FC omnicrafter
>Why haven’t you played it Yea Forums?
I have, fun game story is recycle shit though.
HW doesnt have a main character. Alphinaud, Estinien, Ysayle had the most character growth. Aymeric is a critical link to how the Dragonsong War played out for his decisions, just as the WoL was for getting the actual shit done.
But that's the literal canon, (you) are the Warrior of Light and everyone else are adventurers with the Echo.
Catboi cope
Just cus she doesnt see Runar as a husbando doesnt mean she wont use him as a dildo
Get used to more trannies in games and never having any power to curb it
The OG PS1 and early in the PS2's life had a lot of fantastic RPGs.
He fears the katana because he used one
Got a link to the VOD?
Uh.... kupo?
>say 14 is better than wow
>blizzcucks crawl out of the woodwork to shriek
Is this, dare I say, kino?
actually, fuck this, can anyone who plays PS4 on anything that isn't a gigantic flat screen post their hud? Preferably SCH/MNK but anything works.
New thread when? This one is slow and shit
Just buy a big TV mate.
I don't care how well they perform, if I'm in a party with a fem Highlander they always get my Comm.
don't fit in my armoire
this but femroe
You're alright my dude
why the fuck can I only have eight people in my squadron
I don't want to turn them all down
Fem roe is the hottest female prove me wrong
I did but I got bored of it at some point in the first expansion. Just endless shitty quests
I'd like femroes more if they didn't have the worst asses in the game. Like, I get that no one has a great ass in XIV, but the ones on femroes are exceptionally bad.
Put Mirage Dive somewhere more accessible since you use it every 30 seconds as opposed to Stardiver's minute or so
I imagine the lore behind it is you jump so fast even your afterimage deals damage
They're muscle asses so they're on the Hank Hill side. At least they're not emphasized like viera's and their racial gear while not being impressive enough to warrant it
>mfw first time hitting quietus
I've never played a final fantasy game.
>Yea Forums FC
I'd rather become a full time ERPer on Balmung
>Yea Forums FC
Based and Mhigopilled, strong women are the best
Knight of Glory
Frontline Forerunner
Drone Sniper
Temptress of Fate
The Invisible Hand
Living Memory
Looks like a clown with all that makeup
>commending greys
HIghlanders can look cute if you have a hint of creativity.
By creativity you mean try as hard as possible to make them look like a midlander?
way too fucking late to get into this game.
>have to buy base game and all 3 or 4 expansions
>have to play through all that fucking content
>if you don't play all the story of the first games you won't understand most of what's going on in the current one
just seems pointless, especially with how busy adult life is. gachashit is all i have time for
I used to play this just because all my friends did. I never really got into it and just kinda stopped.
But now it's all they do, and hang out with the guild they found there, our old chatrooms have went dark as they're only ever in MMO chat now.
I don't know how to feel about this. Like do I hate the game, them, myself?
Are any of the FFXIV podcasts good? I need something to listen to while I grind PoTD
You're literally telling lies by the first bulletpoint. Try harder next time.
i'm just posting uninformed shit, dude. even if the complete package is only 60$ plus a monthly 12 bucks for sub, i'm not gonna have enough time to play all that shit. if you want to influence me, go for it, because i've been interested in the game a few times, but ultimately the issue of "not enough time" is just gonna stay a problem. how long would it take to play through the complete story of all of ff14's currently available content?
Knight of Glory
The Hand of Mercy
Of Unyielding Steel
>parsing dungeons and expert roulette
>how long would it take to play through the complete story of all of ff14's currently available content?
too long, I'm not him but I just went through it and I totally understand why people are out off by it
>have to buy base game and all 3 or 4 expansions
>not parsing everything
so it comes with the expacs before it, how about the base game?
Base game is usually cheap, sometimes handed out by Squeenix for free, and comes with a free month. Free trial extends up to lv. 35 of permanent play-time, you can stay at 35 forever completely free if you feel like.
you will never clear titan
world's first for ultimate had a drk
I suggest you try the free trial first get 1 heal 1 tank 1 dps to 35 to get the feel for the game and get all the craft job to 15 for cross class skills then i thunk you can make your decision to buy or not
WF for Titan had DRK
>try xiv
>why do I need to deliver orange juice to some fuck this is retarded
>I'll just grind fuck the "main" quest
>have to do main quest to progress
>have to be a slave to the retarded machinations of npcs
ah yes truly the pinnacle of MMO genre.
I'm now a weeb and almost every character design for males(and I don't play females) looks like a faggot.
>Never gets out of the tutorial
Elzen is peak male masculinity
so what tank doesn't bring any rdps, sb drk wasn't bad only boring
>if PoTD wipes you don't get XP
>tfw the dancer ditched raid night to lose his virginity
Can I even be mad at him? godspeed little man we'll clear voidwalker tomorrow
>just keep playing bro it gets good 200 hours in
I think I might be gay for Hrothgar.
You can green text all you want mate. The game just isn’t for you and that’s not going to change.
>You cannot receive any more Allagan tomestones of phantasmagoria this week.
Oh my god I'm free
I played it for a few days. It's WoW wearing FFXI's flesh like a costume. Normalfags calling a normalfag game great is honestly meaningless.
How have pugs cleared E2S? 70k dps seems like a steep bar for pugs, did a WHM carry with gorilla damage or something
>finally reached 70 on BTN
I've done it boys, now to get another crafter to 50.
Ahhh shit the Ravel Keeper's Blade is a great katana, it's not a Zatoichi cane-sword but it's close enough
You think square will ever make a masterpiece like TWEWY?
So raid buffs are no longer a thing in FFXIV? Seems like you can no longer rely on getting any buffs unless you're a melee and black mage in which case it seems like parties just shove all the buffs onto you. is that the new meta?
>playing an MMO for a mediocre Single Player game
Is this really what makes you think you're better than the burning garbage fire that is WoW? If I wanted a story I'd go play an actual Single Player game with actually fun gameplay and a supplemental story, not a sub based story with supplemental WoW-clone game system. Actually thats another thing, the only praise this game gets is the story, so what? Undertale can get away with this shit cause of it being a Single Player game but XIV cant. What about the MMO gameplay? What does it do gameplay wise that sets it apart from WoW, GW2, ESO and EVE?
Raid buffs are still a thing but they're nowhere near as consequential as they were in Stormblood. Still present, still helpful, nobody's gonna turn down a Bard or Dancer or Dragoon (especially Dancer where their buffed DPS is expected to make up the gap for their poor single-target DPS), but not as important since Square was sick of the WAR/PLD/AST/SCH/NIN/BRD/DRG/SMN speedrun meta and its presence on the party-finder.
I've liked things Square has made since then including FFXIV but nothing will ever be as ludo as TWEWY
bait bait go away, shit up the thread another day
Yeah SB meta has pretty much died and moved onto new things. Raid buffs still exists like TA and litany but are less useful than they were before.
You think any game studio will make a passion project like TWEWY was?
Probably not any time soon, TWEWY is a masterstroke and attempts to rerelease or port it have just cheapened it.
so instead of a meta based on party members helping each other we have a meta based on privileging selfish DPS and forcing every other player to cater to their parses.. nice job square. They could have just given more jobs more buffs or done other things to shake up the meta without this bullshit.
>calling an MMO that is a glorified Single Player game that can't stand on its gameplay is bait
Well tell me. Outside of a mediocre story, which I will admit is subjective and will vary among person to person, what does FFXIV do thats astounding in the MMO setting? As far as most of the genre is concerned its nothing more than a WoW-clone that just happened to have a story that would have been better off on a Single Player FF.
Defend it then you faggot. Calling something bait doesnt make it bait.
>single player FFXIV
Only in my wildest dreams.
yeah sure just not square
Anything out there that catches your eye? I honestly don't think anything can be as amazing as TWEWY was. How all the little systems connect together, how the gameplay fucking felt great to learn. Nothing will ever be like it.
An indie company probably will. Definitely not Square Enix thats for sure. They're the Japanese EA and have got idiots like XIV-fags tied tightly to the point that they'll defend monetization of their game cause its "optional". Better off looking at promising startups.
Imagine if we got FFXIV's story instead of what FFXV gave us.
>what does FFXIV do thats astounding in the MMO setting?
So far XIV has not attempted to reinvent the wheel as far as its core gameplay loop with each expac the way other MMOs (and WoW itself) have, so you have a rough idea of what the content-model will end up being for each expac. Some people hate progression and raid make-up not changing expac-by-expac, but not messing with it has gotten them up to around a million active players, so hey.
>As far as most of the genre is concerned its nothing more than a WoW-clone
Who cares that it's a WoW clone? It's in a better spot than WoW, its encounter design and class design isn't a total mess, new expansions don't totally invalidate the old ones because the story's completion is a requirement to reach endgame, and it has the best musical score of any MMO on the market, probably only second to its predecessor XI.
You're being dense on purpose if you go into an MMO thread, post I THINK THIS GAME STINKS, then wonder why somebody thinks you have the fish-hook laid out.
>Defend it then you faggot.
>if you see bait argue with it
Neck yourself
I don't even think an indie company will be able to create something like it.
Buff meta sucked ass. This way is better for more varied comps.
Toxic elitism of course. AKA leaders who aren't afraid to kick the 8k dps dancer and the samurai that fucks SOMETHING up every run
so instead of requiring people to play 8 specific classes we have a meta based on people getting to play what they want
you can't have identity and balance, and they don't spend any time trying to please raidfaggots, which is what makes them head and shoulders above other mmos
It was fucking painful being a buff-slave job when by all rights throughout the series a Dragoon should be a selfish DPS, get lost.
>reinvent the wheel
It never made the wheel to begin with. It's just a clone of modern WoW down to the letter. Just because you repeat that you know what to expect from the gameplay loop doesn't mean its doing anything unique in the MMO space. As it stands it follows the same formula as WoW especially at endgame with grinding rep in the form of beastmen, doing your raids and capping your dailies for gear.
>Who cares that it's a WoW clone?
>encounter design and class design isn't a total mess
Encounter design only shines in the raids. Everything else is faceroll to the point that the game has an issue with people knowing how to play their class at cap for 3 expansions in a row. That's a failure of game design right there.
>and class design isn't a total mess
Which is why they're sadly going down the WoW-route and continually culling and casualizing the classes for the 2nd time in a row right?
>new expansions don't totally invalidate the old ones because the story's completion is a requirement to reach endgame
Except content design invalidates the previous expansion as a whole.Just because you're forced to do a set of Story quests doesn't mean the expansions were invalidated. Old content is forgotten due to the iLvl system that this game runs out, a result of following WoW's modern setup. Once again at this point you're further reinforcing with this fact that the game is a glorified Single Player. A game that didn't invalidate past content was FFXI given the nature of its gearing system.
>best musical score
Soken is alright
>It never made the wheel to begin with. It's just a clone of modern WoW down to the letter. Just because you repeat that you know what to expect from the gameplay loop doesn't mean its doing anything unique in the MMO space.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the sentiment of "if it's not broken, don't fix it" and the rest of your post ought to be pretty promising if the very first paragraph is a non-sequitur. "Modern WoW", no, even White Mage is more complicated than a great amount of WoW's current classes and class specs.
>Everything else is faceroll to the point that the game has an issue with people knowing how to play their class at cap for 3 expansions in a row.
Harder content is off in its own bubble for people that want it while the mouthbreathers get normal-difficulty, this isn't bad game design at all unless you're Tigole.
>continually culling and casualizing the classes for the 2nd time in a row
The only job meaningfully culled and casualized was Scholar which recently got its big problem, nothing to spend Aetherflow on that isn't a heal, fixed. Every other job is at worst as complicated as it was in the previous expansion, and Stormblood already was an expansion upon or movement away from the expanded job-designs from Heavensward, for good or bad.
>Except content design invalidates the previous expansion as a whole.Just because you're forced to do a set of Story quests doesn't mean the expansions were invalidated.
No, you absolutely must experience the absolute baseline of content in previous expansions to continue the story, between this and daily roulettes old content is always kept at least semi-relevant. Savage and EX primals are a different story, but they're hardly relevant to the average casual player anyways.
>Once again at this point you're further reinforcing with this fact that the game is a glorified Single Player.
No, I'm not, stop taking what I say out of context so you can pretend I actually agree with your premise.
this. Fuck dps shitter garbage who can't even do their rotations, meanwhile I've got a while rotation, tanking, and off healing.
>unless you're Tigole.
it's true though. raiding should have an immense social barrier. instead xiv copies post cata wow formula with its auto queue and difficulty tiers. players shouldnt be entitled to see all content in the game.
>we have a meta based on people getting to play what they want
LMAO considering people have already started leaving classes blocked off from joining their parties no. We have a meta that encourages selfish DPS elitism and the exclusion of any and all support classes that don't give enough to selfish DPS parses
and you're acting as if that didn't happen before?
Toshimichi Mori just said on stream that Naoki Yoshida was a big influence for him. Your game is officially influential beyond its genre.
>That has absolutely nothing to do with the sentiment of "if it's not broken, don't fix it"
Except thats what WoW has been doing for years and XIV's community loves to shit on it for just that [/spoiler] and I'll agree to especially since WoW brought the era of stale and safe MMOs [/spoiler] but do you think XIV hasn't tried to "experiment"? Thankfully for XIV it has hidden most of its RNG gearing shit behind Diadem and Eureka.
>Harder content is off in its own bubble for people that want it while the mouthbreathers get normal-difficulty, this isn't bad game design at all unless you're Tigole.
Harder content in any game is generally in its own bubble like competitive matchmaking or even shit like "Master Mode". Just because this is true for most games with higher tiers of difficulty doesn't invalidate the fact that FFXIV as a game fails to even teach most of its playerbase their basic class functions. The fact that they had to casualize the game further to shorten the DPS gap as Yoshida himself stated in Stormblood is indicative of the fact that FFXIV's game design fails to address the core mechanics of each individual Job.
>No, you absolutely must experience the absolute baseline of content in previous expansions to continue the story
And thats generally where it ends. Content that is continually done by the majority of the playerbase tends to be just current content as nothing else offers any relevant rewards. To make it worse content doesn't tend to last long even during its patch due to the nature of having 2 gears to choose from which is easily answered with "Do you do Savage? No then just get Tomestone and ignore the stats"
>No, I'm not
You're the one using the Story as the reason for keeping past content alive. Being forced to do something once doesnt keep content alive. Interesting rewards and gameplay does.
Fuck off with your streamers and E-Celebs faggot
>"if it's not broken, don't fix it"
I love it, you idiots actually defend WoW's influential design and then shit on WoW while repeating their cycle. I wonder if this is what EQ fags suffered when WoW came onto the scene with the "Our game is better" mentality.
Anyone here have a MNK glamour regarding fists that look like actual gauntlets? The leathery kind if possible.
I honestly believe vanilla wow was the perfect mix of solo and group content in mmo. you could level to cap without grouping once but it was much faster if you did the elite quests and dungeons along the way. there was a clear incentive to work together while not totally hindering progress if you were playing solo. xiv has no such incentive at all. even in raids youre focused on your individual effort and then bitch about sone other player doing less damage than you. it's sad to see this is now normal design.