New Grand Prix is live now

New Grand Prix is live now
>Sewer Speedway shortcut and jump physics fixed
>all racers now match their stats
>Champion Kart is here
>microtransactions is live
>new top 5% already bugged and available for everyone
>nitro and coins afk grind is back

Welp, what a great start, huh

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Other urls found in this thread:

>all racers now match their stats
wait, really?

Yeap, it's really odd to play as accel or speed character now

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>microtransactions is live

>>nitro and coins afk grind is back
You're shitting me?!

Same as before?

What has changed, exactly?

So THAT'S why everything felt so wrong out of nowhere.

What is the transaction rate

$20 for 5000 coins?

Whelp, time to grind coins while we can before they get needed to oblivion to push MTX. Is the new track any good? Or is it very basic like Twilight Tour?

Much more narrow and technical, it's a really fun track.

How was it before? Never heard of it

Did they ever fix the slow load times for the Switch version?

No more hidden stats like in original, what you see on character screen is what you get

they've improved while docked, but not dramatically so. it's a noticable difference.

You could grind nitro on battle mode n.gin lab.

The payout was about 500 nitro an hour I think.

>added a skin to my boi Roo
Based, I will overlook this microshit, for now

Did the bandithots get any new skins?

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>Microtransactions live
I don't see them anywhere on the PS Store.

Wew, I'm currently 6th place worldwide in the Prehistoric Playground time trial on the Switch version. Great track.

Is there a reason why the weekend coin bonus isn't active?

It is on ps4

>No more hidden stats like in original
That's the first I hear of this. How did that go and why was it changed?

weekend is fucked for me too, probably because activision are greedy fucks and know MTX are coming soon.

Just google it, it was discovered at the launch

Anyone know the prices for coin bundles yet?
How much does 1000 coins cost and so forth?

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i randomly got the new champion car decal (the one with fake crash) did they just give it away to the previous gp top 5%?

Wait, what exactly did they change about the stats?


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I got it too. I assume that's a glitch.

But why babies?

Poor little bandigirl.

Jan/Homage to Mario Kart obviously.

Because fuck being original and giving you pre-Evolvo Ray Crash and Coco.

It would be okay if it was Cortex and Tropy, but baby Crash and Coco are just disgusting.

ill take it as an apology for delaying the car

So is this the worst, most glitchy dlc ever?

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>All racers now match their stats
Can I get a comparison now? I tried to compare Balanced and Accel's speed but it seems like Accel's still faster.

patch notes anywhere?
I feel like they still haven't actually fixed a single issue since the game launched

Thanks for the sad news, fren

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If the babies are so horrible redesign them

Has anybody actually tested this? Are balanced now the second fastest class?

Weekend bonus and daily bonus don't stack anymore

they do, it's since been fixed. (can confirm for switch anyway)

Restart your game

>Already have the Back N. Time decal
what the fuck

its a feature

It turned on for some reason just a couple of minuets ago, still a dick move, cause my daily bonus just ran out

Tawna got a beach skin.

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Too bad it happened after my dailies are gone, shitty beenox.

>baby crash and baby coco have booster seats
>baby t's victory animation
Ok, that's cute. The babies have won me over.

I'm finally getting weekend bonuses like the other anons. Seems like the glitch is fixed.

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>mad scientist crash bundle is 10k coins

I've felt the same way.

Will they take it away or can I just forget about the GP as soon as I get what I want from the Nitro bar?

Reporting in for weekend bonuses. It's fixed for me too.

Has anyone else noticed that the Out of Time shortcuts feel easier too? Or is it just me?

What's in it? It's 1AM here and I'm going to sleep

Jump physics was redone entirely

>Beenox literally throwing coins at the player
>"hmm yeah this is okay"
>Makes new bundle a little more expensive

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Fuck off, actishill.

who knows but i feel they will just leave it (if it is a bug)
maybe to have new people reach the 5% in this gp idk
i hope its not a bug and you get free decals every gp if you reached 5% at least once before

Tawna got a Pinstripe face tee skin

>still coming to these threads spamming the same posts
Kill yourself.

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>all racers now match their stats
i need video proof of this, now


I don't get why people are mad about the coin thing. I bought the game just for fun, I don't give a shit about flashy skins.

>"You should be thanking greedy corporations for letting you have access to content in the game you bought!"
Didn't we drive you away several threads ago? Fuck off already.

platinum relic on out of time is a laugh
and the challenge is bugged ffs

Did you do it on Medium difficulty?

>>microtransactions is live
I don't see them in the pit stop yet.

>samefag shill returning right when people were starting to have fun again

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>can finally go back to balanced characters
feels good man

Remember to devote your races to destroying all babies. Win races, use rockets punt them if you have to.

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>a little more expensive
Double the price is not a little more expensive.
What's on the Pit Stop today, BTW?

>>new top 5% already bugged and available for everyone
How much you want to bet this will happen with the Spyro GP too?

>racers now match their stats
holy fuck, I was wondering why Crash felt so good and N. Tropy felt so shit
Crash mains rise up

Super expensive bundle, baby coco, new colors, pink wheels and some new stickers

>posting a gif of a silver man stomping a baby
>when in reality silver men are getting stomped by babies

mine too, fucking bobby "knobby the kids" kotec

oh right I picked easy so that's why it was .. easy
apparently the challenge doesn't work if you get platinum, but it does if you get gold or sapphire

>people are well aware that Activision are on par, if not worse, than EA
>mouthbreathers gobble up any game they shit out regardless
>retards act surprised and upset when game does shitty tactic

I dont know what to tell people anymore, i honestly dont.

That gif should be the other way around. Handling, Balanced, and Acceleration characters have been BTFOing Speed characters all afternoon.

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here's my theory as to why Baby Cortex and Baby Tropy are not here:
they got pushed back to near the end of the cup (one week before it ending, most likely), with a bigger WC price than most other characters in the pitstop, so it will incentivise people and whales into spending money with Wumpa Coins. i really don't want to think of this, but looking at how expensive the Scientist Crash bundle is, i wouldn't be surprised for Activision to force Beenox to do this shit (and do it again for other GPs. Gnorc and Sorceress for Spyro, Koala and Rilla for Halloween, Chick and Stew for CTTR)

>lobbies full of Crash, Fake Crash, Baby Coco, and Pura players are getting N Tropy players to rage quit before the second lap

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That sucks, I really liked how Speed felt. Not just that it's the "best" one or whatever, but it actually felt really good to drive. I suppose I'll get used to this but still

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I havent seen a baby win a single race these past 30 minutes.

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I was going to ask why you didn't put BabyT in there, but then I remembered that characters match their stats now and I haven't seen anymore Baby T players in the past 50 minutes.

What the fuck is going on? I'm already on the silver bar but when I go choose the Nostalginator, it's still locked.

>Makes new bundle a little more expensive
ActiJew forced Beenox for doing this, i wouldn't doubt on that

>right when people were starting to have fun again
All I see here is confusion and anger over the changes and bugs

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It's a feature, you have to buy the wumpa coin bundle to unlock it.

Or, or, or... its the same as last GP.
Isabelle and Liz were impossible to get until day 3 or 4 because they had to be released in the bundle first. And these bundles do not restock once you buy them like characters/wheels/other slots.
Although it is fair yo be suspicious since they havent said anything about them, could be part of the surprise though since they know people would rather get baby cortex and n tropy

Where the microtransactions ?

I think it's pretty easy like Twilight Tour. I was able to hold the blue boost on my very first lap. The turns aren't very tight so you can just slide through them all except for the very last spiral. Plus since the boot pad is right at the start, people will get a massive lead instantly if they get away without being hit


You guys do know we have a general right?

No, it crapped out on me due to some bug, I've regularly unlocked everything else on the bronze bar, including the Nostalginator's tires and color. Fix this shit, Beenox.

user, Liz and Isabella still appeared as locked on character select, and could be NPC drivers.
Baby Cortex & Tropy are dead.

What class is Baby T?
Now that they've changed the stats, does Penta feel like shit now?


baby t is speed
speed still feels fine, people are overblowing it
balanced feels insane now though

What's the link to the discord?

It's somebody's fetish

I'mma be honest, 9900 coins ain't that much when Electric Avenue is giving you 800 per win.

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Fuck off.

she was available day 1

You probably accidentally unlocked it last night. It's bugged for some now.

Oh yeah in that case theyre dead.
Dang. Oh well. These BetaM leaks are weird, if that stuff really is in the code then what the hell is beenox doing? Trolling us?

the first grand prixs over go home


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Fuck off Discuck.


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I've let Beenox know on their twitter.

I'm going through the cups right now and it seems that the single player races have the same payout for now.



>Baby Crash Dance
God damnit, why are you CUTE YOU ROSTER FODDER?

I did time trial and CTR and relic challenges on the new track with speed and nothing felt different

Can we get a speed comparison webm for proof?

>totally forgot to save cash for the new packs
fuck me

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>new top 5% already bugged
What is the bug?

>you can't anymore get nitro point or complete challenges by plugging second controller

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So how exactly did they fix balance though? Im at work but Im going to assume they gave them more speed to be faster than accel? Is the turning still the same?

echoing this

Think a little, it's not really that hard user

Works on my machine

They said the coin bundles would be sold in your consoles online store i.e e-shop/psn

Liz and the rest of the Bandihoneys will be going nowhere.

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Is there a Drawfag here?
If so, can I please get a Fake Bubb Z?

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>Balanced Characters are now the best by a landslide
Now I kinda hope Brio is balanced.

Huh? I still can.

So are speed characters shit now?

What did they do? Are they actually viable now?

Balanced is faster than Accel now??

It seems to slowly come back on.


allegedly stats are actually what they are instead of fake stats

No, but balanced isn't as slow as they used to be.

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all the positivity towards balanced is good to see, but are handling characters still shit?

I can think all I want, my question was asking why do people think balanced is fix. If they really did, I assume all that was done was that they increased their top speed to be less than speed class but more than accel. And i assume their turning angles were left untouched. Which matters to me because I dont like how balanced took corners.
Tldr: I am thinking and looking for confirmation

Well where is it then? Do you have a link? I don't see anything at the store

>Beginner: Turning
>Intermediate: Balanced & Acceleration
>Advanced: Speed
Beenox, what did you do?

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What are you trying to say?

Well thats good to see. At least it makes sense for turning to be the beginner class.

>there's a prehistoric fake crash at the start of the new map
the little details

>the leaks were fake

Why aren't we talking about this?

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Apparently Balanced is the best class in the game because of the stat changes.

They weren't displaying the characters' actual stats, which was also a problem in the original. Balanced characters actually had worse acceleration than Speed characters and worse speed than Accel characters.

>people thought the words of randoms were legit
This happens all the time its how religions started. Wont be the first instance and wont be the last.

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I've been winning every online race as baby-t. I haven't noticed a difference.

They weren't fake, just outdated. The same person who leaked it (betaM) also called caveman zem and the mad scientist skins for crash and roo.

so stats are still lying
accel is still faster than balanced
either the patch didn't hit switch yet or you all are full of shit

i'm still gonna wait for the GP to end before coming into a conclusion. who knows if shit gets shadowdropped

Ignorance is bliss, I don't care, I don't care, I do not care.

>people wait for the timer to reach 10 sec before leaving
fuck you all of you

How's the Electron Avenue shortcut for you guys? I'm having a hard timer landing on the right ramp and keep landing in the middle boost pad using speed/accel characters.

Now bring back turning at the starting line.

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they still better put in brio

They confirmed him in blog, user, so he's safe.
The characters who should be worrying are Rilla Roo, Emperor Velo, and Willie Wumpacheeks.

He's confirmed with Komodo Moe and Nina Cortex. Likely for Halloween.

Him, Nina and Mo are confirmed in

False alarm, it was bugged only for one race

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Speed characters turn so much now, it feels really awkward. I wish it was still 1/6 instead of 2

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>quick switching to plane mode remove the online multiplier

Emperor Velo still seems likely otherwise they wouldn't call small Velo 'REAL Velo.' If anything I can actually see him being the featured character of a future GP with Pasadena and Von Clutch as the Pit Stop characters.

Wait, is balanced good now? I can race with best girl Isabella?

Hm, I haven't noticed much of a difference, I still smoked Oxide's time on the new track no problem.

Velo is definitely safe. He's the only character from cnk still missing and real velo is labeled as "real" for a reason

Speed is technically the best class
A boost is a sudden burst of speed, accelerating you instantly
An example of how speed works
9/9/9 OG Penta V.S. Any speed character. 1 long hallway, guess who wins? Speed. It's 'bad turning' is it's strength, letting you get more boosts, and when you need to turn as hard as a turning character holding accelerate and brake, you can u-turn
Speed, statistically is better than 'Perfect stats'

You really notice it on wider or straighter tracks

Still weird that they'd name him "Real" Velo rather than naming the fake one "Fake Velo". All it does is confuse people who never played cnk

They will probably do both

He called most of the stuff which turned out to be real, rest is probably withheld for the future and he's leaking new stuff as we speak (the Mondelez kart).

Yeah I don't understand all these people somehow saying Speed is worse now? They still have the best drift angle for straights in the game and have access to u-turns/airbraking. If anything, now they have better acceleration which is a buff.

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Yeah, about that...
I was doing the “5 episodes of Crystal Grab” weekly challenge earlier today using a spare controller, and noticed that on the 4th and 5th runs there was no nitro payoff.
Don’t assume it is exploitable yet; they may have put in a cap on what you could theoretically AFK farm. But if it is exploitable, by all means, go nuts. Glad to see some things getting fixed by the Beenox team, but FUCK their overlord Actijewsion.

>Meanwhile, at Beenox HQ...
>"He should be named Emperor Velo!"
>"No, he should be named Fake Velo!"
>"Okay, we'll compromise."

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Yep I confirm, can't cheat the game with plane mode, now I have to suffer through endless bullying to get some coins
The game suddenly became less fun

Speed turns more now, the turning stat is 2/6 when it was 1/6 before

Speed autist can go back to their TT cuckshed
What I wanna know is if balanced is now faster than accel

They should've just called him Velo to keep us surprised/speculating about Robot Velo.

You are a man of culture, just like me.
Act as if he didn't leak anything, it goes under Activision/Beenox radar = Full GP

Baby T. has baby in his name so the rest of the characters should be babies, too.
That was probably their logic.

What does the beenox devs look like?

I tested it after I heard about stat changes, accel is still faster, but balanced isnt as slow.

Still much better drifting angle than everyone else's, though.

Who 10K+ Nitro here?

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So stats are still lying.
How big is the difference between them?

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Instead of being four stats behind in terms of distance like in those old Webms, balanced can now follow close behind accel.

See and

What the hell is up with the drop rates, there are constant orbs now. I got hit by like four orbs in one race, and then there were still two more

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They didn't fix shit. Just did a splitscreen test. OP is a liar.

Even at 10 wumpa Balanced still lags behind

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Sure, but it's worse than what it was before

No one cares about the easiest and most broken class in the game.
I welcome this nerf to their straightness

>Fake Crash didn't get a prehistoric skin

People are getting assaulted with Clocks on my end, I had one race on the new track where we got at least 2 clocks per lap.

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Alright, just as long as you know who DNFs you, we souldn't have any problems. SHOULD WE?

>I welcome this nerf to their straightness
Balancecucks confirmed literally gay???

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what if baby cortex and tropy are in but secret


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Oh boy, I sure am enjoying Prehistoric Playground for the sixth time in an hour

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But of course they are my based bro!
Have a (You), on the house!

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>people are in a tizzy this much over "classes"
Just play good and race for fun.

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came here to say this. the warp orb rate is astronomical. no joke, at least 20 of them in one race of back in time

Beenox really needs to post patch notes.

Make that seven

the NPCs would still race as them

Can you actually buy coins yet?

It's not. Not even close to 'changed'.

>Prehistoric Playground
>DNF the entire lobby
>They pick it again
>This repeats 2 more times
>Host leaves
>Next group proceeds to do the same

>Mammoth Brown is literally a fleshy skin color.
>Makes your kart look like it's wearing skin.
Fuck me and I thought the dinosaurs were creepy enough as it is.

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there should be a hidden buff where people who don't use weapons get +100% coins

I need your help!
My general has been overrun by Gayposters! Won't you help me Crash? I'll even give you a Power Crystal.

>Log on for the 1st time
>no daily 5x wumpa coins anymore


Kek this

Make sure to buy our wumpa coins bundle!

This is such a shit track. You get the blue boost right at the beginning, and then you're gone. The main group is miles behind and maybe two guys at best are going around the track twice as fast as everyone else. Beenox sucks at designing tracks. I'm totally done with that circuit and it's only been two hours

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Works on my machine

fuck off Discord Tranny

Guys, Gladiator Tiny is in.

I'm all for shitting on them, but stop falseflagging. Apply the Brio method instead.

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>Spyro GP starts
>the new track is ANOTHER USF focused course

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Kek it was deleted.

I can see them putting Baby Cortex and Baby N. Tropy in the villains GP with Brio, Koala Kong, and Komodo Moe. Or perhaps they were just scrapped.

It's not a false flag, people are really getting screwed out of the multiplier bonuses.

Can confirm, orb drop rates were definitely buffed. I was in the lead for the entire race but my opponents got like 7 orbs as well as two clocks. It was fucking madness.

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They just need to make the layouts more difficult. On these Beenox tracks all the turns are so gentle that you can just drift through them with no issues. And if you're not going top speed, they're even more boring. Cortex Castle is fun whether you have the boost or not, and it's actually difficult to maintain it. If they're going to make these tracks like this, they might as well just make everybody automatically go faster on them

Does accel gain any distance on balanced or are they even out?

The Nostalginator could actually be ok if they didn't go full retard with the eye lashes. The back is pretty nice looking.

will this patch make the time trial ghosts easier?

I really like Thunder Struck and it's basically a Beenox original. Blue fire tracks need to be more like that, and we need more "pure" tracks like Tiny Arena and Slide Coliseum.

if they're gonna put in microtransactions anyway then can they also add an ability to use coins to re-roll the pit stop if there's nothing in it we want

>My general has been overrun by Gayposters
so, /sthg/?

>brainlets using the championship kart online

No. They do not gain.

Is anyone able to get the game to register the relic race challenge for out of time?
I've done it twice on 2 difficulties and still nothing

>speedway levels in Spyro 2 & 3 give you permanent supercharge
>Spyro's track will have permanent blue fire

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Yo, what the fuck is this? How can this be "Coming back soon!" when it was never fucking offered? People were even pointing out that her unique paint job was missing.
Where was this for the entirety of last month?

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I sort of feel the same way. Its original design was already fitting for the Baby Grand Prix since it was purposefully made to look like a Barbie doll car for young girls (hence why it was Coco's car).

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New track reminds me so much of this

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Does unlocking the pink car not give its wheels? Or is this more bullshit?

>chads using the champion kart online
no one targets me any more or less than usual

didn't unlock for me either

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the new map sucks

terrible collision and lots of pads at really narrow parts of the track making it easy to lock down blue fire for yourself only

You mean waifuposting?

Yeah, that's how any general works. In fact, that's when it's working WELL because most Discordfags are gay and/or trans and would probably fuck off the moment they see it.

I was thinking that since we first saw this track.

go look at the grand prix page a little harder
focus on the nitro bar

You need to buy the bundle for it's wheels

Same, I told so to a friend of mine as well.

As soon as we got full gameplay footage of the new track I was getting flashbacks to playing Baby Mario and Baby Luigi combos in Double Dash.

Damn why couldnt they just get some generic baby sounds for the babies instead of the chipmunk'd voices

Me neither

>Used to leave the lobby every single time Sewer Speedway was picked before the patch
>Sewer gets picked now
>Seeing all those people make the shortcut instead of crashing into the wall
>Drifting on walls without losing reserves
It's fucking beautiful bros. It's beautiful.

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I haven't been into Mario Kart for a long while now and haven't played that one in ages. Double Dash still hold up?

Precisely! I tried to reason with them, but to no avail..."gay posting for the sake of gay posting is dumb!" I said... "It's not Pride month!" I said, but you, you can fix this right?

That would take effort. At least more than what they did.

That's the problem, They start gay posting with waifus as well! All is lost!


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Why the fuck does Speed characters feel so weird now

It's different for me. I was able to get the game to register the "Complete a Relic Race challenge for Out of Time." However, it didn't register when I did the challenge for "Win a race without powerups in Out of Time."

It won't register if you get platinum. Settle for sapphire or gold.

Has there ever been an npc penta?

I liked it more before. The shortcut was fun because you never knew if you'll make it or not. Now it's just a standard track

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They changed everybody's stats, now they match what the game is showing. So Speed characters turn more now and it feels awful

*Fucking disintegrates*

So they definitely changed jumping now right?
It feels like you get generally less air now, both on standard jumps and from ramp jumps

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>Now it's just a standard track
Now it's actually a good track like in the original game

It's a boring easy track with nothing special about it

Why didn't they just patch this shit in for everyone that unlocked her?

It's not even a difficult script

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>I liked it before because it made never squeeze my pee pee when I could get it and no one else
Sorry baby now you have to actually git gud to win races

Is this dare I say, cope?

>second and third place right behind first
>absolute brainlet second place bombs third place instead of shooting the bomb forward
Who are these people

I keep having trouble starting drifts, so maybe you do jump less now

It's still missing the old halfpipe mechanics.

>the track sucks because a glitch is gone
you want some rng shit, go hang in the back and get your items

>Who are these people
people who are not obsessed with winning and just want to have fun

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>I liked it more before because now more people can beat me

Ah, since the kart in the bundle is a hovering one, I guess they made the price come up to 9900 coins because you're technically getting tires too even though you aren't. Every other price hasn't changed so it doesn't seem to be a calculated strategy.

>going so fast that bombs and missiles are worthless.
>throwing a potion forward is more of a self risk unless you're already inside of their asshole
Excessive speed was a mistake to pair with weapons.

>couldn't make the shortcut before
>talking about getting good

I just got baby coco
her 3rd skin reminds me of something

Attached: 400.jpg (383x400, 195K)

Same, feels like if you drive on an upwards and try to jump into a drift, it just doesn't give it to you sometimes. Also some shortcuts feel really awkward now

Lol how insecure are you. If anything, now it's easier to win just by driving around the track. Before you were always taking a risk going for the shortcut. Now it's totally basic

does baby crash and baby coco have legendary skins?

Do the tires on the hovercar work on other karts?

There seems to be a time limit. I don't seem to win the +7 nitro on less than 30 seconds games.

>using the money I had in the bank + the earning's from today's Wumpa Time, buy the two packs and Sabertooth Pura
>already completed all the Dailies and a smattering of Weekly/Monthly Challenges
>in Top 5% for both leaderboards (even though I don't even need to since I already have the kart & decal)
>free to take a break and watch Evo until 5


Attached: ajfoap.png (500x630, 194K)

You're still taking a risk for the shortcut. Admit it, it's entirely because it's possible for everyone to follow you up now.

>Nostalginator engine sound
Think this one'll take some beating as the worst kart in the game.

Attached: 1547935050132.png (456x465, 444K)

No. They're a part of the Kart.

How exactly do you do the TNT Drop challenge?

Just hop until the TNT falls off, like always. Do that 25 times.

OK I just finished playing a few hours with Tiny and Baby T.
The Speed characters do have wider turns now and feel a bit more slippery.
It's not too bad, you just need to time turns and drifts a bit earlier now.

Attached: 1493070322499.png (292x419, 188K)

Drive through a TNT and hop until you shake it off, repeat ten times.

It's just like Oxide's Hovercraft; wheels cannot be changed.

Everyone was always able to follow me up, I don't understand your point. I would fail the shortcut half the time anyway

Oh. I thought it meant like throwing bomb or ramming it with a mask.

>DNF more than half the lobby on Prehistoric Playground
>Shitposting in the meantime, not paying attention to the next tracks
>They pick the same track again
>Do it again, but even harsher this time, literally dnf-ing the whole lobby

Attached: 8a6.png (247x302, 31K)

>playing as Professor Crash
Maybe stats correction wasn't so bad after all

>Who are these people
Smart people who know to get rid of the ankle biters who have a better chance of getting offensive items

the weekend bonus is back

>Already have the Back N. Time decal for the Champion Kart

Attached: 8bc[2].png (500x560, 372K)

It's a damn shame, I'd really like to make the Rocket float, but I understand them not wanting to make a whole new set of animations for each kart.

>>Sewer Speedway shortcut and jump physics fixed
>>all racers now match their stats
doubt X

>liking glitched physics and gimped collision detection
>disliking consistent physics and collision detection that allows for more movement

Attached: 1446271061001.jpg (320x320, 17K)

Beenox will take it back tomorrow

>people still using the bandithots and racer crunch online

What changed for speed I thought they were only characters with accurate stats?

you don't understand it was more fun

Can personally confirm for Sewer Speedway, it's free as fuck now

Maybe you should play the game, Brazilian gook

Attached: 1561867393164.png (1970x1404, 1.03M)

Two guesses whether or not he came in first after that

More turning

Sounds pretty smart to me. After playing this game for a while you should know that upcoming racers could be holding a dangerous item or getting ready for a trick skip.

>Pura actually uses his Cheetah skin for Sabertooth
Glad to see them mixing and matching



I'm at work. Provide webm for proof

Have you considered that people like the bandithots and racer crunch?

The collision is just as bad as before though

No it wasn't.

>Back Into the Race
>Zero to First
>Points are Precious
>Reverse Speeding
Guess I'm doing the airplane mode shit again

You shouldn't need a 5 second boost to beat someone

I don't think the one for last to first specifies it being online

Does the change to stats only affect online? Because I just played a bunch of offline challenges and Speed felt more or less the same. Then I jumped into an online match and I REALLY felt the difference.

Attached: 1562449050545 1.jpg (1970x2538, 890K)

Fuck off nigger, do it yourself then you back

Reverse Speeding can be done offline

They technically got buffed again to have more handling (even though this makes them worse) because that's apparently all Beenox can fucking do is keep finding ways to tweak Speed and ignore the other classes

have sex

I'm not sure the stats actually match now because Accel is still faster but there have definitely been buffs across the board for Balanced and maybe Turn (but I never really played turn so I dont have a super solid point of reference) so maybe Accel's speed is improved too?

I would understand this talk if it was a difficult track but you just drive around it like normal. I'm genuinely confused. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't

>right behind first
>can't overtake without items

Everyone's going the same speed down a straight, what magic tricks are you going to do there

Attached: gdbny-01.jpg (200x375, 27K)


>speed can now turn more reliably, will take a while to get used to, but it's a general buff
>average maybe got a small speed boost
>accel is still the king accross the board
meanwhile turn characters are still in the dump, I JUST WANT TO PLAY MY BOI RIPPER

Attached: 578214533.jpg (337x340, 31K)

Wtf 5 seconds is a huge gap are you serious?

Accel feels the same.

>speed can now turn more reliably, will take a while to get used to, but it's a general buff
I would consider it a debuff. You were always able to turn fast if you needed, so having the normal turning be weaker was just a good thing

Sewer Speedway is night and day, can confirm. I've been able to fail it in testing different approach angle, so it isn't too casualized, but overall it works most attempts with SF and angle also affects entry properly now.

Attached: L64324.jpg (301x337, 30K)

I'm surprised that they didn't add this skin to go with Gladiator Tiny.

Attached: 0802154524.png (549x323, 264K)

Am I supposed to assume the situation you're talking about is at the very end of lap 3? Take tighter turns

turning types have always been for babies and beginners in every kart game

This argument is out the window now that beenox nerfed speed.

it's all kind of intentionally incompetent

I'm surprised they added gladiator tiny at all

it's just a matter of getting used to it for straight boost, you have now a larger margin when you turn, it means you're a bit more accurate now and can play with the wheel a bit more to get a better angle
true, but still

Too similar to pharaoh Cortex

It was Prehistoric Playground, the turns are nonexistent. And anyway, first place picks up a crate and hits second. Then he drove away

Attached: 1370432803275.jpg (752x590, 199K)

Not.. Really?


Attached: mr.caffeine.png (425x437, 432K)

I think Speed feels like what Acceleration felt like before. I haven't actually tested Acceleration yet, but Speed is way more jittery and you can't drift as straight anymore

They made the characters stats accurately reflect what they say on the character select screen. Turning characters are and always will be the slowest and the worst overall.

>blue shield
>warp orb passes by
>five seconds later get sent flying by something that shocked me
>this happens twice in the same race
Fuck off.

>do Relic Race on new map
>get the challenge of beating the Platinum time
>don't get the challenge for completing a Relic Race on the map

Attached: 1238358473873.jpg (512x383, 22K)

Just like how speed will always be the best.. Oh wait they nerfed it kek.

>play a speed character for Android Alley
>feels like the ice sections in Polar Pass and Blizzard Bluff
I'm gonna have to get used to this

Attached: C46EC27B-4082-472D-8AA6-012A2C9E2E1F.jpg (500x561, 89K)

>>accel is still the king accross the board

Attached: 695A86B4CBFBE78AE8309A0C0406DC737794560B.jpg (268x268, 26K)

Any tips for hitting it? That SS shortcut is the only one I can't do

it's not that bad, it sounds like a toy, probably because it is one for babies

They literally didn't though

I keep getting hit by something, and I have no idea what it is. It gives the effect with the feathers when you get hit by a mask, but the people behind were too far away for it to even be lag. I don't know if they just shot me with something and it gave the wrong effect. Either way it's really annoying just suddenly getting hit by something

Where can i buy coins?

Attached: huh?.gif (430x408, 908K)

Why would you?

because the 9k pack is in the pit stop and i have 800 and want it now.

I sometimes get hit by something that has blue fire effects, I don't know what I do.
I also get beacon'd out of nowhere, I initially thought it was good players throwing well, but now I know that invisible items exist online.

Pink Tawna skin is Microtransaction only.

With any purchase of wumpa coins.

Not sure if they are up yet, but your consoles shop. Nintendo eShop, etc

You've got four weeks and it'll come back in a few days, you impatient child.

>"The characters have different stats than what the select screen says! Beenox has lied to us! Characters should match the stats shown on screen!"
>Patch changes characters to match the stats shown on screen

Attached: db39fe16-a66d-4969-864b-af2a7ac4b02b[1].jpg (960x882, 59K)

>what magic tricks are you going to do there
You don't know how to snake?

Attached: 1556471589218.png (1496x1370, 1.27M)

any of you have issue with that level with the turtles you bounce off. They used to just stop me dead if i approached any way other than parallel to their facing.

In the old game you could hit it from any angle and get good air. My line counted on it infact.

You are what's wrong with video games.

>Default Krunk in the lobby

Attached: 1438896701825.jpg (200x255, 13K)

A few weeks ago a bunch of Brazilians made a couple of their own online CTRNF tournaments and every player was using USF for nearly every track. There was a Polar player that was getting tied for 1st palce against a Dingodile player and an Ami player. People have proven that you can make Turn characters work. You just have to put more of an effort in maintaining speed.

Attached: vihsosin79x21.gif (377x450, 2.34M)

I couldn't play the last few weeks. Can I still unlock the trophy girls?

Everyone else knows how to do that too, that's why they're in first. When all of you are driving top pace, it's pretty pointless to not try and slow first place down, you're not catching him just by driving


Attached: 7106a34e0343fd503aa8c3eb76b24ae0.jpg (236x135, 7K)

To anyone else with a bugged-out Nostalginator kart, I contacted support on twitter, was asked for my platform and username and this is the exchange. They'll fix it.

Attached: capture.jpg (741x344, 104K)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the last patch was a real sweetspot and all they needed to tweak at that point was the items themselves.

Rates were perfect.

Attached: Liz4.jpg (352x362, 14K)

Yes but they will be buried under the new GP content

Wait so does this mean Balanced isn't totally shit now?

>people play shit baby characters
Of course they'd be Brazillian to add onto it.

Attached: IMG_0104.jpg (229x220, 24K)

Who are you quoting?

>surprised shitters look for any excuse
Bet all these fags are Painter Dingodiles and Musketeer Puras

You hardly ever saw clocks before.

Yeah, sorry. How dare i spend my money how i want to. Won't happen again, comrade.

>never considering the consequences of your actions

Imagine thinking being against corporate greed and exploitation is communist.

I know it's possible, but they are slow and if the player used any other class he would DNF his opponents even harder

Go waste your money somewhere else and stop paying publishers to jew the rest of us out of content

Krunk has a Nitro bonus

I’m honestly surprised that I’m not seeing more people complain about the “win a limit battle in online matchmaking without being hit” challenge.
I’ve done all the others and this one is making me hate children and robots.
(Almost had it on Desert Storm by guarding the lone pillar and hitting the box which activates the crushing mechanism, but somehow someone got a missile up there from God only knows where.)

shows nothing in psn

more leotard coco please

Attached: 1564373223089.png (528x849, 185K)

Attached: into_the_tube.png (499x499, 150K)

>don't have reasonable "Pro" challenges like "hold a boost for an entire lap"
>instead have absolutely pants on head retarded shit like "finish crash cove in every standing online" and "win a game of limit battle without being hit onine"

Why are these people so dumb.

So i guess you refunded your game? I mean if you still play CTR after they added microtransactions, you are everything wrong with video games.

Micros aren't actually in yet

just go on pixiv dude

Don't tell that to the braindead outrage culture sheep.


Attached: 1564768634579.jpg (295x259, 24K)

Filling Liz's womb with hot creamy love.

Attached: Waifu Liz 5.jpg (231x264, 26K)

The online shop cost Activision literally nothing to implement.
It doesn't matter if 1000 or 1 people use him, it's free money.
If you wanna try acting like some sort of gaming activist, you have to refund/resell your game.
Everything else is hypocrisy.

Attached: ann.jpg (411x550, 63K)

I'm not giving acjewvision anymore money than what I paid up front and I'm not staying quiet about my disdain for their actions. Go shill for your jew overlords somewhere else fag

I you want to be scammed and support anti consumer practices, by all means go ahead. I'm just telling you how retarded you are.

how is polar a baby character retard

>a good amount are completely luck based thanks to the retarded item distribution

To follow up:
Just had a match where 2 of the 3 opposing players quit, and all of the items were masks somehow.
Also, somehow the 2 retards on my team let themselves get hit after we’d taken a lead, meaning we lost by one point on the first match in which I came out unscathed.

>speedcucks seething
>accelgang untouched
>balancedbros buffed
>turningsandbaggers eternally butthurt

When can I get the trophy girls ? I had no idea they were restricted to the event so I didn't buy them yet but now it just says "coming back soon"

It has the best engine sound in the game, of course I'm picking it.

Attached: 1561931363547.jpg (480x480, 62K)

"Soon". I'm waiting to see if N.Trance is available again since I missed him in June and it would mean that characters go back in rotation one Grand Prix later.

>6.0L V12 low rumble

Attached: M1557351597695.png (218x244, 108K)

>I won't support these greedy fucking jews anymore
>well, yes, of course i will continue consuming their product
Based 2 digit IQ poster

Is AFK farming still possible now that they have gone full jew mode?

>shit taste in karts
>shit taste in 2hus
Like pottery

what's AFK farming?

>infant polar bear
>turn class
>is known for forgettable vehicular levels and not an actual character the games

Attached: IMG_0021.png (254x261, 9K)

Nope, still playing, just never buying Coins. These companies would have no reason to add things like this if people had some self control and didn't buy them. Activision got my $40 for the game, they aren't getting another penny out of me to line Bobby's pockets while the Beenox devs are probably paid like shit.

He's a cub, so is Pura
If Polar was an adult he'd look like the bear from Crash 2

The money I'd get back won't come out of Activision's pockets. They already made their profits. Try harder shill, I'm doing more than you just by not being a mindless drone shilling for their kike masters as they rape you in the ass

Beenox actually deserved the $40, that I will not regret.

You realize Activision delayed the microtransactions right? They did the same thing for CoD. They already got the your money for the base game that had no microtransactions.

>I had no idea they were restricted to the event
You fucked up. Have fun waiting another month.

>$0.005 has been deposited into your bank account

Did the put my boy N. Trance back in the Pit Stop?

>These companies would have no reason to add things like this if people had some self control and didn't buy them
Again, if only 1 person on this planet will use that feature, they will continue adding it. It doesn't cost them anything.
You literally use the arguments of militant vegans.

I just liked that image. Suika is my favorite.

Attached: 9284973632e8d72251212c6fcfebf0f6 (1).jpg (700x900, 96K)

>I'll never get N. Trance
Fuck how these Prix are paced, seriously.

Attached: 1529799282229.jpg (480x261, 5K)

Go fuck yourself, faggot.

Attached: 1512068116962.jpg (640x426, 43K)

The hair
The eyes
The body

The queen

Attached: L11.png (971x486, 587K)

I paid for the product that didn't have microtransactions. Try harder shill


No, see, we had no idea an Activision title would have microtransactions. YOU'RE the idiot here.

Can confirm N. Trance is available as a single unlock in the pit stop. Had to purchase Baby Coco to get him to appear though

Jewtivision delayed the microtransactions, Beenox stated before release there would be none. Jewtivision already got all of our money for our initial purchase, any refunds will not come out of their pockets. Not playing the game does nothing to them, refunding it does nothing to them, people being vocal about hating MTXs can do something. EA already suffered for it.

Thank god, cheers. I'll get on that.

>Why yes, we did buff the drop rate for orbs, how did you know?

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190802232432.jpg (3840x2160, 1.07M)

>cab't grind battle mode anymore

where the microtrans at?

big yikes

Attached: 1564358865968.png (605x610, 721K)

On Discord.

Console store. Not in the main game.

>the fanboy shill comes back just when the CTR threads start having interesting discussions again
Go away.

Attached: 1562062005439.jpg (540x500, 67K)

Imagine the sound

at PSN bruh, those crackas even forced me to read their new policy n shiiet

>get the Crash bundle in the pit stop
>have enough for the Baby Coco bundle
>a few off for Sabertooth Pura
>come back after two races
>N. Trance replaced Krunk
>3 hours left for refresh
>bought him immediately
I don't know what happened, but sorry Pura

Attached: tumblr_o2lzr5wqCG1uj6lrro1_1280.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

Stop using the fucking babies

Attached: Amibraps.png (218x176, 90K)

this is unholy

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Attached: nintensoyd.jpg (400x600, 335K)

Stop screaming about MTX here and scream at Activision. Shut the fuck up and talk about something good for once below this sentance is the official Activision feedback page
Just shut up, I don't care, I don't care, I DO NOT CARE.

So i updated the game, and apparently the 1.7k nitro i inadvertantly earned last night while playing doesn't count towards the grand prix, but the challenges themselves are still marked as finished?

Is this fixable, or did i literally get 1.7k of nitro permanently deleted from my bar?

Well, I hope everyone who bitched about how clocks and warp orbs should spawn more frequently are happy. You got your easy accessible catch-up mechanic, is it as wonderful as you imagined it would be? Are you finally able to make the podium now?

Attached: 4b6.png (1300x1300, 748K)

based. i hope the rest of unpopular characters also get it, in the future

>Shill has resorted to talking to himself

Attached: L4.png (444x521, 367K)

I've seen worse and I wasn't even in first.

make the most of that weekend bonus for the future kart

Attached: 8D5FBE2F-4C91-4639-A189-6F5CD8A1BD47.jpg (338x306, 36K)

>there's now an invisible wall on thunder struck

Attached: 1539281700841.png (142x138, 843)

Racer Crunch is smug as fuck. I can see the appeal.

>is known for forgettable vehicular levels
this is where you know this user is full of shit

It's been there since the previous patch.

Thats been there.

I think it's just because he got a new skin this prix.

Because straight men like Bandibabes. Not sure about Crunch as hes a pretty shit character.

Attached: smug teth.png (620x545, 475K)

If we're going to get another Warped Cortex skin, it had better be Sheriff Cortex.


Attached: 0176fab883.png (610x139, 10K)

>get more fan-favorite skins and karts, but microtransactions are introduced
>GP is bugged so last month's winners get the new decal automatically, but weekend bonuses were delayed
>retarded GP challenges are back, but you can AFK grind points and coins again
>characters now have more accurate stats, but item distribution is weird again

Attached: 1453849884180.jpg (680x684, 46K)

Sorry if I prefer straight up platforming as opposed to riding a braindead bear 3x to corny music. I will admit though that the motorcycle levels in Warped were kino.

that's what i meant. i hope charactes like Geary get one, in the future

Maybe people like using certain characters.

my mistake then

let me guess, you're a shitter at those kinds of levels, aren't you?

That's true, it was the case for the Nitro GP in the five or so days between its end and the start of Back N. Time.

I'm pretty sure wrong effects are a thing. I could've sworn I've been flattened by Warp Orbs, and just the other day I didn't spin out after hitting a green beaker. Instead it was as if I was hit by a green shield.

Which CNK characters do you think deserve an October/Halloween legendary skin?

So you should save your money to get all the stuff later for cheap

This would solve the lack of Cortex players overnight

Attached: 496 - Crash Bandicoot 3. Warped - 9 - 31-10-1998 - Platformer.jpg (640x361, 54K)

>you can AFK grind points and coins again
you can ? I tried to do the usual "get in battle mode, 3 lives, only 3 missiles, 2 players only" but it didn't register after the 4th one

I've done them dozens of times and got all platinum relics on them so no. I just hate vehicular levels.

>drop Nitro Crate behind me
>spin out as if I hit a green beaker
>no items in front
>significantly ahead of next racer

>"Beenox please buff warp orbs so they actually do their job"
>"add more warp orbs?"
>"no, just make it so they actually hit 1st before the end of the race-"

Attached: orb.jpg (297x211, 18K)

Polar was just boars with worse music.

The Norms, with Nash getting one in September and Geary getting one in November, Real Velo getting one in December. That's my prediction, anyway.

Wrong trick. Grinding in Battle Mode hasn't worked for weeks. Farm NPs and WCs in Crystal Challenge (preferably in Lab Basment on Hard).

Men in Black Norms.

Attached: Qi2LRtX.gif (480x368, 1.75M)

I'd love to see a lobby full of Sheriff Cortex with 1 Biker Tiny and 1 Biker Crash on Dingo Canyon

What about this?

Attached: e82s01el2rk21.jpg (678x374, 85K)
at least the music is awesome

Attached: giphy-1.gif (500x333, 413K)

Coco's already in the game, retard.

I really don't want to do these fucking battle arena challenges anymore

alright, thanks

Real Velo could get one, since he's similar looking to a Gremlin. maybe both Norms could have skins referencing the many horror movies villains. Freddy and Leatherface come to mind
assuming characters will get a costume based on a character of the Spyro universe, what would Nash be?

Be fucking grateful that we even listen to you, you fucking pricks.
If you don't fucking like it, go play Race With Ryan or Sonic cart shit. Fuck you!

Attached: 1560186503934.png (134x171, 40K)

Why did you post a picture of Coco?

>Men in black intro
You sir have superior taste

I got the T-Rex so I guess I don't need to play for 25 days; the baby characters creep me out.

Attached: drake.jpg (260x225, 12K)

They are aggravating but at least they allow you to multitask. You can do the capture the flag challenges, specific-item challenges, and character-based challenges all at once.

How about fucking honking at the starting line?

you know they will be bundled with coins right?

>Get Baby Tropy for 6.99 and 1000 Coins
>Normal Price for 1000 Coins, $10 bucks

What a DEAL

Now get his skin

Always reminding Yea Forums that Liz is best girl.

Attached: Waifu Liz 6.jpg (164x206, 6K)

>not using them to get rid of the stupid "hit X with Y Z amount of times as Fuck Bandicoot on Shit Car" challenges

It showed up after I bought Baby Coco

>2 Grand Prix
>Papu doesnt get a skin
>Nash doesnt get a skin
>Oxide shower cap has never once appeared
>Penta doesnt get a skin
>Krunk gets a new skin with new animations

Attached: download-41.png (540x299, 222K)

hold on, you mean I have to farm the "grab the 20 crystals" on adventure mode ?
with nitro crates all over ?

>Oxide shower cap has never once appeared
I had that shit in the shop the entire month. Didn't even bother.

>Oxide shower cap has never once appeared
i don't see any Oxides at all, for that matter

Nope, they will maintain the discount
after the Prix
you will have to pay full price for the stuff

Some paints cost like 2500, they were discounted as 1750.
(I wrote like shit)

no dingus
it's a battle mode option. look at how many there are.

>Men in black Norms
>Norms are technically aliens
Big think

Attached: Razzle.jpg (480x409, 30K)

I wish the neat prehistoric kart wasn't the one that took the longest to get, though I guess it is incentive to keep playing during the Prix.

>assuming characters will get a costume based on a character of the Spyro universe, what would Nash be?
Nash - Metal Sharks from Aquatos
Polar - Moneybags
Komodo Joe - Nestor
Zem - Gnasty Gnorc
Zam - Gulp

Absolutely based. What's our favorite Liz skin Lizanon.

No, go to the bottom of the screen after you select "Local Arcade" on the main menu. THAT crystal challenge.

oh yes, and the level doesn't even exit in adventure mode
sorry for misusing my 40 IQ points

Attached: 1562353960163.png (500x686, 288K)

its not adventure
its local arcade

Aquaria Towers*

why the fuck would you go to adventure mode, drive up to the specific battle challenge, and then do it when it's in a menu

Norm is pretty laid back so I could always see them as blues brothers

I guess, but I'm offline only; think I'll be able to go gold with just daily and weekly challanges?

>pass items
>opponent gets three missiles
>blasted off ramp
>literally impossible to get back
great game

Last GP I unlocked everything without online. Just do your daily/weekly shit and you'll unlock everything by the end.

rate the new track

Thanks. Guess I'm grinding out some coins.

I'm already at 13 thousand nitro, I think the kart is at like 21 thousand

what's the screenshot meant to be showing

Clusterfuck start/10. You either get lucky at the start with that first ramp and keep your lead or get absolutely demolished. I guess that's a lot of tracks though.


-the blue boost pad is right at the start
-the only other one is right at the end so it's entirely useless
>whoever doesn't get hit at the beginning gets a huge lead and wins
-the corners are really easy so you can hold the boost for an entire lap very effortlessly
It's like Twilight Tour again, except worse with the boost placement

Cool, at least it's fair; kinda regret not trying in the last prix now.

N Trance without the Body?

First person to get USF wins

Isn't the 2nd one a tier 2 super turbo pad?

It's Twilight Tour except now the boost is at the beginning
Music isn't that good either


I think both of them are equally fast. Wouldn't really help you catch up either way

i like it

Attached: 1564361002769.png (448x453, 397K)

Making Isabella a mommy.

Attached: 1562285993501.webm (438x900, 2.93M)

Horribly unbalanced. If you can get USF at the start and keep it you usually win right there as you can keep building a huge lead in such a long track. Anyone getting hit at the beginning gets their second chance at the very end of the track at which point it's already too late. All of this is made worse by the fact that the first set of crates is right at the beginning before the first USF pad.

>In second, maintaining USF with 1st
>Go for item box
>Next item box
>Next item box
>Next item box
>1st gets a shield and I get clocked

Attached: WC7cMLT.jpg (1064x1088, 296K)

They really don't seem to understand what things make or break a track. Just makes me think that even if this game got a sequel, all the tracks would suck

All of the flags i don't get are gone

>meanwhile first gets Aku-Aku and a shield


Fake crash fucking everything in sight in the past is great
The shortcuts are fun to pull off and i like the one requiring USF
The sprial jumps/drifting right before the final jump are great

Really enjoyed it, don't know what people are complaining about

Attached: huh.jpg (225x225, 6K)

They'll come back later.

at full price

the only one I didn't wind up getting was brazil, huehuehue

A 3/5 track that could have been 5/5 if it didn't have USF pads.

does the airplane mode exploit work

3/5, the second USF pad should be at the half-way point, not at the end where it's insultingly redundant. Especially now that clocks are so much more frequent, it's way too easy to get fucked with no way to recover.

>Prehistoric Playground and Electron Avenue show up
>everyone votes for Electron Avenue

Oy vey. No Israel flag for you

Everyone needs that cash money for the DeLorean pack. We're all in this together for the first week or two.

What the fuck happened with them? They were based for adding so many USF pads to CNK tracks to actually chain the oversized sections together.

Now they can't seem to keep turbos in balanced locations so races are actually much easier to snowball

Attached: 1561397801287.png (640x359, 189K)

>dude on first place still miles ahead
>warp orbs will do jackshit to them, but instead will only make the life of people who's behind worse
why is this still a thing