Thanks Tim!
why the fuck do i need to create an account reeeeee
>paid for alan wake on steam
>free on EGS
fucking epic games reee give me a refund on this. You can't give something I paid for away for FREE. Thats like printing more money. You're going to destroy the economy REEEE.
because giving free games is a scheme to get people to create Epic accounts, duh.
Why is For Honor such a huge fucking game holy shit
I wonder how long they are going to keep giving away games. The stuff they give away is better than PS+... It's kind of insane, honestly. I still can't believe they gave away Enter the Gungeon.
Jokes on him I only download the free games and pirate the rest.
Thanks Tim!
Bless you, Tim
both retarded shit games
i rather get free cancer
You can't get something you already are
you and your retarded as hell games are cancer
>for free
>once you uninstall it its no longer free
"free" lmao
That's not even how it works
You own the game forever though.
For Honor is unironically the best fighting game of the last two decades.
I have a 13 years old account on Steam and I'm starting to love Epic platform because of these free games and the fact that I can play Journey on there.
I don't need to hate Steam, I can simply love both.
However, this thread will turn to shit since it's about something good and Yea Forumsirgins hate that.
What the fuck are you talking about? Once you link your EGS account to uPlay, it's on your uPlay account. It's free forever (on another platform)
At least get For Honor. You don't need to use EGS to access it ever again.
EGS is shit because it's not even competitive with Steam as it was 10-12 years ago.
I got Alan Awake and American Nightmare FOR FREE on Steam.
Also I'm pretty sure For Honor was FOR FREE on steam too.
>Hey, here's a 10 year old game and a ded gaem, please use our system and spend money here... please
For Honor is pretty fun until the "breaking point" where you have to actually try hard to improve. Definitely play it.
I've gotten both freely on steam before, for honor has been free twice even
You're delusional if you think For Honor is a dead game. It gets updated literally every week and is slightly less popular than R6Siege
Yes, that happened. Still good to have free games.
>EGS is shit
Only place where I can play Journey, so not shit for me.
China has been generous.
You got the starter edition for free. This is the full game without the restrictions.
Also this month's humble is pretty neat
>muh exclusive
It's so alive that jewbisoft themselves gave the game for free one year ago.
You realize you would be able to play Journey on GOG and Steam which are both objectively superior platforms if not for EGS, right?
Thank you based china for buying exclusivity to a game that was coming to PC either way :^)
Alan Wake was free on steam and gog years ago
>they gave away a trial for free so it must be dead
Nice 2000s mentality boomer retard
Jokes on you I have one since the UT alpha.;__;
Stop misusing that word, retard.
I got the base game for honor on steam (the starter one)
Is this one the full 60 euro version but for free?
You realize you would be a bicycle if you had wheels instead of legs, right?
I don't care, user, I just play the game.
I don't understand what you're implying with this muh exclusive thing. Too much time on the internet, buddy?
>one is 100% DRM free with more features
>the other has more features
And it's not objectively superior how? Dumbass
EGS has less features than it's competitors, that is a fact.
>I don't care, user, I just play the game.
I do too. I just don't pay for access to a game on an inferior service. I might buy it for $2.99 when it comes to Steam. We'll see.
>a trial
No, it was literally the whole game. I still have it on Steam.
I know it was the whole game, but it's the starter edition with higher unlock requirements. This version is objectively superior to the one you got free on Steam.
>Epic gives you free games
>Valve calls you an exploiter for opening the crates you earned
For honor was already free on ps+ and alan wake only cost 5 bucks 10 years ago.
Doesn't matter. The P2W heroes are locked behind DLC anyway.
Valve has given THEIR OWN games for free, let alone other people's games for free. Let alone shit like universal controller support.
Not sure you know what free means.
>playing a fighting game on consoles in TYOOL 2019
>paying for PS+
>owning a Playstation
Now I know you're a retard
Steam has been giving out free games since forever.
Ubi's starter editions are basically fucking scams anyway
Answer me, you neck-bearded fucks!
Too bad it's still unbalanced, the reworks lackluster, the team behind it shrinking and the game dying.
Every mode except Dominion might as well be shut down.
Tim please! Your making me use so much space on my hardrive!
I didn't know Artifact was free. Oh wait, it's not.
Where did they call people exploiters?
And don't bother posting that faked steam support bullshit.
Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 have been free. Half Life, Portal, I'm pretty sure I got Portal 2 for free.
How will Steamcucks ever recover?
You can't tell me vanilla BP wasn't OP before the nerfs.
I thought For Honor was F2P?
thanks tim
the fat gabe can't even give the standard edition
Only an underage didn't already have these games years ago.
I may be the odd one, but I don't really get free single players games.
You pay since you want to support a game; if you want it for free you can just pirate it.
how's that shopping cart going, Tim?
It is. But you get 8 more heroes directly unlocked.
Still leaves 12 to either grind for or buy though.
Alan Wake is also free on The Pirate Bay.
Based Tim!
They made all their money off zoomers and are desperately trying to pull those 80% console fortnite players into the PC market.
Not an argument. I already played For Honor and Alan Wake on Steam. and if you haven't your underage ;)
The game was free already on steam .
I'm Tim Sweeny and you should hate the Epic platform, it sucks.
Isn't journey a literal walking simulator?
wait is for honor free forever? actually based
>putting For Honor and Alan Wake on the same level as Half-Life and Left 4 Dead
You're not fooling anyone kid
>on the same level
Yeah, I dropped them down to your shitty argument's level.
I humbly accept your admittance of defeat.
Thanks for the final (You) admitting that (You) lost hard as fuck.
>2 games I already got for free on 2 different platforms
Uh thanks I guess?
I love Epic Game Store (EGS). They are treating and caring us with love. New games for free all weeks, great (regional) prices, great value, superb exclusives (Shenmue 3 is an example) and so on. EGS is my first option to play PC games!!
It's the standard version. I think it's $40 on Steam right now. It's less of a grind than the starter version it just doesn't have the season passes.
can you get the season pass characters for free by grinding or do you need to pay ?
You can unlock them through grinding.
A bit. It's to jump start people's librarys so people get attached to the store.
Most based man in video game industry
But honor and dignity is not free.
why are steam drones seething over free games ?
Mentally illness, it's a known fact
Ive had mine since Shadow Complex came to PC
For Honor has been given away for free many times now though
What are this month's free games on steam?
Fuck off Sweeney
Everyone and their moms already have it for free claimed in others plataforms.
Too late Epic.
I pirated Alan Wake for free already but thanks
For Honor is dogshit
>Every mode except Dominion
no cheevos, no play
>ubisoft login required
I dunno lads, they couldn't pay me enough to use that shit launcher and have my information being sold to ching chongs or leaked in another "breach".
On that note, play Alan Wake, its pure twin peaks kino.
imagine thinking epic games just a kind company and these games are really free
Explain how they aren't free
It was already free you just gotta pirate it and don't feel bad tim already paid for our copies
Who the hell didn't already buy Alan Wake when it was getting taken off the Steam store and was going on sale for like $1?
permission to pirate
wow free games that are you can get for $2 each
I actually really like For Honor. Even the story mode is great. MP is good for a while, then you just get people who cheese all the game mechanics.
Wait, can I upgrade from the starter edition I got from steam to standard edition or am I stuck grinding for enough steel to unlock the characters?
good joke but i played it for free when it was released
Only costs you all your private data and banking information
Egs is inferior to steam in almost every way possible. By giving out 'free' games they're building your game library on their shitty platform so you would actually have a reason to log in and use it over steam. At some point most people will have more games at Egs than on Steam and will be more compliant buying their exclusives even considering how bad the store is. So by giving free games they basically buying you into something you wouldn't use otherwise.