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not an incel


i got tired of buying a console for one game after the wii u

But I do. I'm about to play Splatoon 2 right now

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I like to actually play games, not ports.

Don't care for bing bing handhelds anymore.

I bought a Switch after skipping the Wii U and I'm feeling your pain bro.

My 3DS has as many games that I could buy for it now as Switch has ever had to offer. 45 hours on Smash and 10 or less on everything else.

I require at minimum 25 good exclusive games to invest in hardware.

I do have one, but I basically just watch youtube on it.

I want to play Persona games

I do, you dumb bitch.

I like to take showers.

I stopped living with my parents years ago

Waiting for a price drop

Gimmicky tablet with paid online and Wii U ports for games?
No thanks, I'm done with Nintendo.

because i joined discord.gg/d5mK8Y i dont need a switch. im fucking staceys now.

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PC is my main platform and I own a Bloodbornestation so all my gaming needs are covered.

grown men don't play with baby toys

if i buy one it's going to be for smash, so its not worth the money

Planning on hacking it tomorrow after I get bored of Hero

yes you are

So you've never owned any hardware besides a PC and maybe a PS2?


waiting on the NEW! nintendo switch XL

>gaming computer expensive
>games are free or dirt cheap
>console cheaper
>but games are stupid expensive

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Got one
Was dissapointed

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want Rin to step on me.
I want her to beat me up and break every bone in my body.

If you have a hacked switch games are free too.

Nintendo Switch is the best gaming system on the market right now.

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Like others said I only want it for smash and party games in general with friends, price is low enough for the little use I'd get out of it. Using it alone would be a massive bore

I own a PS4 and a Switch.

I have to admit I've barely touched my PS4 in over a year but I play my Switch all the goddamn time. Its just great.

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Because I don't want to bother spending that much money for Nintendo exclusives only.