Chief Manygame say, game should be free, like buffalo

Chief Manygame say, game should be free, like buffalo.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking commie


Living as a native American before the euros arrived must have been peak quality of life.

Chief Cums-in-Hand say, porn should be free, like beaver.

>a life without Christ
>peak quality
I think not.

Chief So-Fucked-Up agrees.

nawh having wendigo corrupt your people to cannibalism or just dying from wolves or being dominated by a higher test tribe while they scalp you, murder your children and rape your women while claiming your territory must not have been fun.
>natives, natures cuck

With a life expectancy of 27 years or whatever, maybe.


Squaw give um thread but thread day old

Should Chief Freshposts get new squaw?

>somebody makes a creative post
>decides to repost it
>eventually will be reposted until it burns into the ground
this is why I hate meme culture. It's like if you had a coworker tell you a joke, and then he repeated the joke everyday for 20 years. It's not funny. You don't care about the joke anymore, you're just doing it for (You)s but you're also too braindead to come up with another joke.

But chief, all the buffalo are dead!

Game should be like buffalo, game should all be dead

Chief Anonymous has spoken!

I'm sorry, it won't happen again

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Chief Buffalodung say, pussy should be free, like like your mom.

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>unable to reply to any post ever because if you do it will upset an user
Propose an alternative or kill yourself.

Chief Clhp'xwlhtlhplhhskwts' say, OP is faggot, like the Tlingit.

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at least you didnt have to worry about your future


>implying the peace after the Flood wasn't peak quality
smoothbrained mong

>Best nation in the game are a bunch of backwards savages

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My alternative is I'll always be mad

To quote IH
>Here's the thing about boomer humour; they don't know how to let a joke go. When something is funny, it remains funny to them for YEARS.

Even though I'm smoothbrained, Jesus still loves me.

>A life without the false kike messiah
As a white man who hasn't cucked out to worship a disgusting jew abomination, sounds great. Leave your false idol god to yourself, Schlomo. Jewsus isn't white. He's a disgusting hooked nose kike with a mutiliated dick who refused to bathe, and I'd rather burn in Hell with my white ancestors then step foot in kike "heaven" to hang out with Moses and David for one microsecond.

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But they are

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While the east coast were mostly settled farmers the more migratory pre Colombian plains Indians abandoned their elderly when they couldn't keep up anymore with the group.

This was most of history for all peasants. Giving the masses the reins of their own lives and asking them to decide their own future and path to take is the main reason for all current social ails including mass underemployment, mass depression and anxiety, mass social retardation, etc. Most people cannot plan out their futures themselves with little to no guidance and that is no fault of humans. They need an authority that's honestly looking out for their best interests (or at least the best interests of the nation) to guide them through life.

Native Americans actually had cool stuff going on, not just talking about the super complex civilizations down in central/south america

Even in what's now the US, you had a variety of groups that had sedentary agriculture, with towns and even early cities. The Southwest obviously has a bunch of stone architecture built into cliffsides and such, but there's also straight buildings built from scratch; often multiple room complexes housing dozens of people

You actually had a straight up river valley civilization around the Mississipi, the Missisiipians, who had dozens, possibly hundreds of towns with earthen pyramids, class systems, long distance trades, some of them growing to have urban population densities. Cahokia for example, see pic, had 30,000 to 40,000 people. These probably weren't formal political states/goverments yet, but they were well on their way, and were (cahokia's huge size aside) basically at the same level, say, the Olmec were back in 1400 BC, before they developed into more complex central american civilizations; or like Sumer in 5000-4500 BC when it was first becoming a city-state; or like the vikings/germanic cheifdoms.

There a variety of other mound builder sites much older then the Missiissipians, and Spanish explorers coming up from mexico like de soto reported finding dozens of towns and such even though the missipssians supposedly collapsed before then, indicating that these sorts of settlements were actually somewhat common... but then when de-soto came backs, all of the towns were in ruins and overgrown due to diesases they spread wiping them out

What people don't realize is that by the time the French and the British arrived to colonize the continent, there had already been huge population losses and destablizationj from diseases from the spanish, the British/French were already seeing a sort of post-apocalyptic continent

fancy that nation

It really sucks to be interested in the history of other cultures. The modern attitude is 'yeah they/we were so great, better than you white people, so give us your stuff and let us come to your countries white people.' If it weren't for that shit I would have become a historian.

Very good user.Native Americans deserve more credit than they get in pop culture.

As for the Missisipian mound builders there is a theory that they did not die out before European contact that the natchez people and kingdom continued the tradition of mound building and temple building.And were the direct decedents of the earlier mound builders.

Some other interesting peoples was the Calusa who had a kingdom in Florida whose tools and weapons were all exclusively made of spears and tomahawks and knifes made of clam shells.

Based and Jesuspilled

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The anti-white stuff is mostly present in anthropology and sociology. History is still mostly ok.

>'yeah they/we were so great, better than you white people, so give us your stuff and let us come to your countries white people.'
You don't get out much, do you?

Idk every history class I took in university had an undertone of 'poor jews/minorities.' The modern european history class I took for example focused an entire 1/5 of the course on the Dreyfus Affair.

Kill yourself incel.

can ypu say anything without being a retarded faggot loser
u dontegektmemwmocis tod yoi
fucking retard lmao make a fucking ppint without being an insecure sarcastic loser

>takes modern european history
>whines about modern politics being in it

What did you expect you idiot?

>youre not allowed to complain about bad things because you knew the bad things would be there
truly why Yea Forums thinks ds2 is good

For a single 'antisemetic' incident to be one of the 5 major foci of European history from 1750-1914.

>I took in university had an undertone of 'poor jews/minorities.'
How is that anti-white?

based intellectually dishonest poster

Might be dependent on the prof and the university i guess. I had done an elective anthro 101 course that was pretty much basically "white man evil" the course. History courses at my uni were generally devoid of any obvious anti-west and anti-white agenda thankfully.

>whines about politics being in it
Not him but where did he even say this?

Cheif Sweeney say, free game stolen, like land.

quality not quantity.
growing old actually sounds and looks like shit. imagine not being able to do even the most bare basic of functions like walking,jumping and sometimes even basic thought process.
imagine your MAX HP is so low that things that would slightly discomfort normal you (like a fall from a medium height) is now outright fatal.
Imagine having to pop 20 pills a week just to keep your body functioning.

I honestly hope I never get old. Heres to dying in my sleep in my late 50's.

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Only on the west coast.

I'm hoping that somebody figures out how to keep the human body from deteriorating so that we can effectively never die of ageing. Not holding my breath though also i'll probably be too poor to afford the treatment.

literally just perfect brains tranplant surgery and robotics then combine the two.

I want to keep my organic dick and balls though. Also the brain would still deteriorate from ageing wouldn't it?

Chief Littlegames give Bignose at Buffalo Stop many Buffalostation 4 games in exchange for firewater.

Good trade?

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Better than the current flavor of the month that has finally taken hold after over a year of 'jerking of is bad for your brain' bullshit


t. Rousseau

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>quality not quantity.
This is true. However, I'd prefer the option of living to 50 and just killing myself if it sucks then living to 27 and missing what could/are great years.


I've always been fascinated with the idea of living off the land like them or living in the wild west. Though despite how much I think I'd love that, I'd get tiring and I might die after two weeks.

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You can do it partially. Getting completely swept up in politics and society and technology is very bad for your mental health. Sometimes it's good to take a step back and remember that all of this is just shit we made up. Nature was here before us and will be here after us.

Chief Wolfgange say Karen take kids, now chief Wolfgange pound drum

>tfw great great great grandmother was half Cherokee

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>native american
Don't some of them prefer indigenous peoples instead? Because the area wasn't always called america, that was only what white imperialists called it.

Get off Yea Forums Warren

My people have had enough of being forcefully relocated.

It means the same thing.Some prefer first nation rather than a tribe as their people where a kingdom with a royal family or a nation of different tribes like iroquois who were a democracy made of 6 tribes.


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Cap'n Cheetobeard be assertin' that games should be free, like treasure, savvy?

Who gives a fuck?

Bear who shits while palying vidya remembers the time before the pale face ruined gaming.
He remembers how the mario used to jump and grab the coin.
He remembers how the sonic used to run fast.
But most of all he remembers the time when consoles didn't hold back gaming and games were games and not shitty movies with dlc.
Anything or anyone who prefer gameplay over cinematics, consumer experiences or political commentary now goes to gamer reservations to be used as an example and then be abandoned there.
Bear who shit's face when :

You don't see that within the field of history. It's uneducated faggots who either push the "WE WUZ KANGZ" narrative or the "hurr durr mudhuts" narrative.

Whites and blacks ruin everything

>tfw no vidya set on the pre-colonial/early colonial North-West Coast

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as long as you weren't living in the Aztec Empire or any Mesoamerican civilization it was ok, not comfy but ok.


Most Mesoamerican civilizations were ok.

If you lived in any of the empires you probably had a pretty comfy life, for a medieval person at least, all things considered.

They had a special club called a slave killer club

Reds are too weak to protect themselves.

>accomplish literally nothing aside from basic survival for thousands of years
>everyone treats the decline of your race as a tragedy

NWC people did not fuck around.

Fuckin injuns used to spook whole herds of buffalo off cliffs and let the majority rot.

They're still pretty alpha even today getting whale hunting rights.

>north american ooga booga tribes
I sleep
>aztecs, mayans and incas

got any meth, paleskin?

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how much real shit you want?

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what about Mississippian mound builders?

>song of great ancestor plays during install

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Oh great chief manygame, I bring you these blankets for your people as a symbol of peace.

Poor lads had a bronze age collapse of their own. The aztecs were on their way to restoring the prosperity in the region right about the time the sp*niards arrived. I'll never not be salty about those fuckers burning the Aztec libraries and banning them from learning latin when they found out that the natives were a lot smarter than they initially expected.

based injuns

The white men have no soul.

this seems to be a good thread to post the nightwolf trailer
>that outro
his headpiece looks retarded though


Was this the comfiest place of the ancient world?

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Tfw live in caddo parish

Its thanks to the Franciscan friars that so much of aztec history and mythology was saved and written down.It was the asshole bishop in 1528 that lead to a lot of the mass idol burnings.

Redskin fetishists are such faggots.

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such peaceful times....

ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha

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>play Aztecs in EU4
>unite the lands pretty fast and last time I played Aztecs they lost all vassals during reforms instead of half + 1 like they do now
>jerk off while speed 5ing for a few decades, convert everything to nahuatl and culture convert everyone to aztec to ensure that if some filthy wh*teoid conquers the land the rebels will be mine instead of mayan or zapotec or whatever
>a hapless spaniard lands in panama
>I press a single button
>my entire empire instantly gets a dozen techs, embraces three institutions, learns how to build boats
>use banked up mana to catch up on techs entirely
>numba 1 superpower in the world lmao
Why didn't Aztecs just press that reform button, huh?

I know this is bait but still

Native Americans were pretty based, it's a shame what subhuman wh*toids did to them

old world whites
>living surrounded by shit
>hate the idea of taking a bath
>no aqueducts
>filled with the worst diseases
>rely on magic and jew gods to heal their diseases
>bathe daily
>have primitive but effective medicine
>clean cities

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A christian? That doesn't make any sense, user!

Before european settlers, native americans had a high quality of life, living as long as 70 years. On average native americans were 3-4 inches taller than europeans at the time, indicative of good health. This is because of a relative lack of airborne and waterborne disease in the americas compared to europe, a people who were more spaced out and less likely to spread disease, an effective system of disease treatment through natural remedies (natives identified and cured the europeans of their scurvy using teas brewed from cedar), and a less sedentary lifestyle compared to the settlers.

The height thing isn't as simple though. It should be noted that human (mediterranean to be precise, later everyone else's) height in general dropped like a rock during the shift to agriculture as the main way of producing food, humans were generally a lot taller when we were hunter-gatherers, because that diet is far more nutritious, but unfortunately not really compatible with developing civilisation, since everyone's energy goes towards securing that food, which, unlike crops, may actively fight back. And the ability to produce a surplus of food (however shitty) is a pre-requisite for separation of labour to form, which is the pre-requisite for civilisation.
So if we compare europeans that come from relatively densely populated areas that relied on agriculture for many generations by that point to nomadic hunter gatherers, then yeah, the hunter gatherers will be taller.
pastoralism is also somewhat conducive to civilization, but to the lesser degree, since unlike agriculture you can't actively expand pastures by burning down forests or anything, this gave them a somewhat hard "cap" on population, which meant that when they ran out of space for pastures they usually set off to conquer everyone around them, settling down with the conquered peoples in the process.

there's no agreement, some prefer Indian, or native, or indigenous, or first nations, some don't give a shit

I'm "native" and that's the term I use but really white people are the ones who get the most twisted up about this

Which native people are you from? Do you speak the language?


mikmaq from eastern Canada, and nah I'm not in touch with my roots very much, nobody in my immediate family speaks the language that I'm aware of

But games are a product made by someone, therefore that someone deserves compensation.
No game should however cost more than 15 bucks

I wonder how the european-american relations would have played out if they weren't mostly wiped out by disease

have any alternate history stories been written about something like this?

>copy pasting my post
>with the "pic related" including
>without using the actual image that goes with it

The idea the Mesoamericans or the Aztec speffically were a nonstop orgy of violence and slavey is a meme. If you lived in the Aztec capital even as a commoner, you still had access to clean water, high sanitation standards (the aztec were hyper autistic about hygine), bathed regularly, had huge markets to buy shit from and at least some degree of disposable income to do so even if not a lot; you had a varied amount of food and crops, albiet not much access to meat; you could play or bet on ball games or board games for recreation, had communal events, and kids had access to public education.

I talk more about daily life in the Aztec captial here:

The main issue is just classism, as a commoner you had very little social mobility (if you had military success during the earlier years of the city's history or were excptionally skilled and got noticed in schools and were allowed to enter a noble academy) and even if you managed to accrue wealth, you couldn't really do much with it in terms of raising your socio-economic status or diplaying it due to stumpary laws.

Attached: Cahokia.png (1022x1552, 2.73M)

>I wonder how the european-american relations would have played out if they weren't mostly wiped out by disease

I mean we still had fucking guns. If they posed any actual threat a legitimate English or Spanish Armada would have sailed over and genocided them manually

tfw no comfy woodhenge to hang out at during the summer solstice with my redskin bros

>unironically shilling revisionist history for indians
Killed each other for land constantly. (revisionist retards will pretend they had no concept of ownership of land)
Burned down most of the fucking land. (which retarded revisionists will pretend was controlled fires done for the sake of the environment)
Had shit-tier "civilizations" that get played up by revisionists as well-developed democracies with modern demographics and with the architecture to back it up despite the archeological finds speaking against it. (with the notable exception of 2-3 mesoamerican ones that also flayed kids alive for kicks)
Try and find any actual archeological finds to back all that nonsense up and you'll find fuck all. It's all just reiterating romanticist ideas from 1900s adventure novels that similarly romanticist movements like the boy scouts and gangs latched onto. Same reason why commies pretend they had egalitarian communes and actual archeological finds of sacrifical basins were viciously attacked for ages until too many were verified beyond doubt.

natives managed to independently develop functioning examples of huge aqueducts and using the technique of sinking wooden supports for building on unstable terrain

Only dumb conquistadors get in the west indies box. We'll let you deal with all the plagues and "massively graves missionary work and come plunder or buy it up later.

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Chief Gaben see Chief Sweeney work for yellow man. Yellow man's company is arm of tribe. Many furs traded to steal games from Chief Gaben's wagon.

is graham hancock lurking in this thread?

Hey Rabbi, whatca doin?

you know what would make living off the land easier?


This thread has mostly devolved into argumentation than humor, it's already lost 50% of it's value.

>On average native americans were 3-4 inches taller than europeans at the time

What the fuck am I reading? Even today their closest relatives, literal Indians or mestizos, are short and squat as fuck.

they were just an interesting culture that didn't last very long so they're exotic and mysterious to modern people

a lot of what you said can be applied to gauls or any number of peoples in history, they're still interesting to talk about

>the state of /pol/
Big yikes

im native and i hate my people

Actually here's a average day for an aztec commoner another user I collaborate with made

>Wake up before sunrise to the drum beats of the local temple
>Wife starts the fire of the hearth as an offering to the Sun with copal incense
>Get ready to go to work (farm, workshop. or public work)
>Have a drink of Atole for breakfast
>Wife makes a packed meal usually a cold atole and toasted flat maize with seeds or other ingredients
>Wife begins domestic labors
>As you leave with your son, you set off via canoe on the canals of the city
>Give son some cacao beans to go to the market and buy some things for the home
>As you do your work, you hear the drum beat which announces lunch break
>Eat lunch
>Son brings mom house stuff and goes to rejoin father
>Wife eats bits throughout the day and starts weaving on the backstrap loom making clothes for the family or excess ones sold at the market
>Stop to use the public bathrooms on bridges of the streets. Neighborhood cleaning crew comes to pick up waste or burn it
>Continue working with your son and relatives, your brother reminds you it's almost time for your son to begin school
>Wife takes bath
>Local temple announces the evening hour with drum beats, wife begins dinner while you and your son finish off the days work
>Quetzalcoatl temple drums announces end of of the days work, you return home with your son
>Your wife meets you on the road home and walks with you
>Wife washes your feet and asks you about your day
>Wife prepares table for dinner everyone washes their hands and mouth before hand
>Men of the family eat first, then the women join (no talkiing allowed between non-married men/women at table)
>After dinner you take a bat
>Hang around the fire at night and tell stories with your grandfather talking about war stories and that one time he took two captives in battle and crack some jokes
>Local temple announces bed time
>Have sex with wife and sleep on reed mat

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Dude, the Tlingit are not faggots, come on. I don't like this meme anymore. Fuck you!

Miren a este gringo loco

This sounds like a wonderful day.

well our people are mostly drug addicted hicks these days so that's understandable

>flayed kids alive for kicks
fuck kids and fuck human rights

it was literally all sex and fishing until whitey ruined it all
>the most common stereotype of indigenous peoples is old wrinkly chiefs
>"lol they died young"

this user not so smart
squawks like parrot

>Wife washes your feet and asks you about your day
>Wife prepares table for dinner
This sounds like an unfortunate order of events.
I know you've repeatedly made note they practiced routine hygiene, but still.

>south american mestizo larper
not quoted but most of you fags have more cuban in you than you do native american

>Not faggots

Im just a fan of your work user

We had this thread yesterday.

Is this the non-whites pretend their ancestors were anything more than 60 IQ savages thread?

No that's /pol/

Cheif Manygame they have capture me in the act of liberating games and cut and held my connection hostage as they demanded i get i turn over the games i freed What do i do the white man stolen what was rightfully mine again Chief i need your guidance

The Iroquois Confederacy
>google it

I'll take that as a yes.

For a bunch of savages, you shitskins seem to want to live with us pretty badly.

Are you actually Haida user?

Graham Hancock's a quack. Read 1491 by charles mann; it'll cover a lot of the same stuff and instill the same sense of wonder except it's not bullshit.

I previously debunked that image in my posts here:

>take a bat
*take a bath

Not gonna comment on the rest but

>Had shit-tier "civilizations"'ll find fuck al

You have no idea what you are talking about. It's almost fucking impossible to do construction work in any town or city in mexico without hitting some sort of ruin, it's one of the most archeologically dense places on the planet.

I can name litterallly dozens of major metropolitian centers and their ruins off the top of my head: Tenochtitlan, Teotihuacan, Texcoco, Cholula, Tlacopan, Itzpalapa, Xochimilco, Monte Alban, Mitla, Tututpec, Tzintzuntzan, Kaminaljuyu, El Mirador, Copan, Caracol, Palenque, Tilkal, Calakmul, Uxmal, Mayapan, Cempoala, Tlaxcala, Huextozinco, Angamuco, etc: All of those are cities I named without having to check and had tens of thousands to low hundreds of thousand of citizens. Pretty much notable, Maya site had insanely complex water mangement systems; etc

Seriously, try me, I dare you to claim those were small villages or whatever, to give me an excuse to talk about about surving intellectual works/manuscripts showing complex economic, scientific and legal systems, r LIDAR scans and how they are showing cities were even BIGGER then what you already think is "revisionism",Speaking of, the Conquistadors themselves all endlessly talk about how large and clean and well organized the cities were. Even Iztapalapa, which wasn't particularly huge 10,000-30,000 people, probably closer to the low end, has them floored at the gardens and frescos they see built into noble homes, etc.

Pic related for example shows a single valley (a very populated one tbf) and it's adjacent areas. This is still excluding small villages and hamlets.

Attached: sadsasad.png (1259x954, 1.88M)

>Tfw no Gun 2 and scalping mini game

Always makes me laugh.
They had 12k people total at their height.
Athens, the dinky little city state that practiced democracy a thousand years before, had 350k+ people. They had 5x more voters than the the Iroquois Confederacy had people total.

Blatant Ignorancy is a sin you know


You either live a day as a pilot, or a hundred years as ground crew. Your choice.

Aztec-user i just want to say thank you for all of this :)

>It's almost fucking impossible to do construction work in any town or city in mexico without hitting some sort of ruin
Reads to me like he was talking about north americans since he mentioned mesoamerican ones as an exception.

Post the real one you dingus

Attached: 1555349525671.gif (123x150, 81K)

Here you go
>tfw when i go into town to scalp pale face

Attached: Scalping.jpg (354x480, 53K)


Better that way, I'm keetoowah and its prime nightmare fuel.

Imagine having a rich history and the only thing you talk about at council meetings is how to get more money from the government.

Don't get me started on the rampant poverty, alcoholism, and drug abuse.

Nah I'm just LARP'ing.

Also the "name" is a Nuxalk word.

So why are there daily Injun threads on Yea Forums now?

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your music is a disgrace for the tribe, now join to me in the dance of our ancestors song

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Oh damn I thought I found another Haida bro on Yea Forums
Although I bet you know more about my tribe than I do by the sounds of it.

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>Try and find any actual archeological finds to back all that nonsense up and you'll find fuck all.
It's actually illegal to dig in the states because the government knows that people will start finding things and then the people will get upset about it. And practically all major American cities are built on top of large Indian settlements.

It's quite disgusting the extent ot the genocide, it's so bad you have people like yourself who have the idea that there was literally nothing in a fertile land such as North America. It's ridiculous beyond words, and yet we've been fooled into that train of thought.

Wait is that image seriously suggesting that black people went to America?

If you're christian, you aren't White.

Not just blacks but all kinds of asians and whites as well. You can see these things in museums.

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Aztec-shill shilling his fetish mostly.

I'm mostly into the language side of things. The NWC cultures are really interesting, both linguistically and culturally.

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>it's just the law that stops the evidence for my position from being unearthed!
Someone's been fooled alright.

nah he was speffically still tlaking about mesoamericans in that line

wrong post?

WHat exactly is the 350k figure for athens including, precisely? I've never seen a figure for Athens as a city come close to that high, are you including like the entire province and any depedent rural settlements around it? I',m not thqt familar with Hellenstic urbanism so I'm not sure exactly how "city" is defined in that context

In Mesoamerica cities are notoriously non-obvious with where they start and end, often having suburbs extending out from the city center for many to dozens and even sometimes hundreds of kilometers, see pic; so I'm wondering if you are doing something similar and are basically including the entire sprawl there for Athens as much as if I was counting the entire interconnected sprawl here for Tikal, Uaxctatun, and Zotz (which would have had like 1-2 milliom people IIRC, potentially more depending on whatg precisely the reporting for this finding is including)

I hope not, i'm too busy to be checking and replying to this shit all day every day

I WISH I had the fucking time to make false flag bait threads to then infodump in.

Yes, some we-wuzzers/afrocentrists argue that mesoamerican civilizations were actually black because some groups in the region, especially around the gulf coast like the Olmec had big lips and broad noses in their art.

Attached: tikal 3 step zoom.jpg (2936x2064, 3.31M)

what in the world is an Aztec shill? literally clown world we're living in

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There's a canadian user that I've seen on /pol/ that'll fill up threads with this stuff if you mention pre-columbian north america
see for yourself, this guy's channel is amazing. there are dozens of books on the topic too.

>especially around the gulf coast like the Olmec had big lips and broad noses in their art.

Fuck me that's stupid.

Couldn't just be because they like stylizing shit, no, if they got them big lips they have to be straight out of Congo.

I think he's talking about me and am implying I make these threads to then infodump/post my multi-paragraph multiple-post long replies in; like how barneyfag would intentionally post MLP images to then shitpost in.

But no, I'm not the one making these threads, and them coming up super often is a huge pain in the ass.

A month or two back there was a mesoamerican thread every day for like 5 days straight and i literally got 6 hours of sleep across those 5 days because of it. I felt like I was fucking dying

There were blacks. Even if you ignore all the PAINTINGS showing blacks, and the figures like this, in 2015 there was that Australoid genetic link. The Polynesians have been scientifically proven to have come down here, and you don't even need genetics tests to see that, they literally look polynesian in some tribes. I can post pictures if you want.

Attached: Scan_20170415 (77).jpg (1402x2013, 790K)

Ancient Aliens tier bullshit

You.. you don't have to reply. The indoctrination on these subjects is so thick that people literally will NOT learn about them. It doesn't matter what you say, they'll argue.
What in the world does this have to do with aliens? It's archaeology and history.

Attached: Scan_20170415 (74).jpg (1395x2005, 922K)

any of you fellas know any good Native american games?

Red Dead Revolver.

Attached: Scan_20170415 (219).jpg (1370x1997, 761K)

This is an Indian in one of the tribes linked to the australoids.

Attached: Arawak-.jpg (500x354, 186K)

Here is the song of our elders please honor them

This is a so-called Mayan mural, notice how it's exactly like a very famous Egyptian scene where the pharaoh is grabbing minimen.

Attached: il_794xN.488931201_tr8f.jpg (794x1191, 256K)

Life was simpler before gun. Smashing your enemies head on a rock was better. Spear them was cooler.

there's a more dynamic Egyptian scene but this is close enough.


Attached: ab5b377054bd2ee37f7effb2f164d661--memphis-egypt-visit-egypt.jpg (474x533, 99K)

>they didn’t have a lot of meat
Interesting how you neglect to go further into it. Lack of meat was a major problem for mesoamericans and eventually they all resorted to cannibalism because they practically killed off the majority of wild game near their civilizations.

*hits peace pipe*

Attached: Scan_20170415 (72).jpg (1383x2009, 1.09M)

>Two scenes of a man stabbing downwards

Oh wow, definitive proof that the Mayans travelled back in time and became the ancient egyptians.

Yep. Ancient Aliens tier

Attached: VfJUS.jpg (1310x762, 238K)

next on the menu is:

We Were Indians as a Matter of Fact

>getting cucked out of your land by pasty unfit manlets with DESIGNATED-tier hygiene
>the miasma of diseases the filthy goblins have been cultivating kills you all

Is there anything sadder?
Better keep a watch on the literal Indians when antibiotic resistance ramps up again. All that bathing in the Ganges could make for a potent bioweapon.

One night me and running horse went down to hurt Mexican across land of nothing. Kill three we did. Fuck Mexicans, ayaayaayahaa

We can't trust the dating of sites like this. For example some megalithic sites are vitrified implying they're older than we can really imagine. Remember how the Indians said we are living in the 8th cycle or whatever? Their history went a lot further back than 500 years or whatever the fuck quack scientists taught you in school.

the fuck is that?

Attached: inca-mummy-2.jpg (530x337, 70K)

>Caricaturesque representation of a Semite.

Okay that got a laugh out of me.

Attached: Le happy mesoamerican obsidian salesman.png (335x362, 295K)

forgot my picture.

Attached: Alaska mummy.png (2272x926, 643K)

Yes, because since then health in those communities has declined greatly whereas whites enjoyed greater health and were able to grow taller over time (coupled with introduction of growth hormones into food).


Notice the blonde hair on this mummy, there are lots of them. Red hair as well. The genetics say they're from the Black Sea area and iirc 1500+ years old though I might be wrong on that.

Attached: dmisrab10-1.jpg (2592x1944, 978K)

Attached: chauchilla-red-hair-40.jpg (935x719, 107K)

These are the so-called Cloud People of Peru, they are responsible for Easter Island looking statues(they house bodies) as well as a dope city on top of a mountain.

Attached: lv50fd3931.jpg (400x311, 126K)

It's called Kuelap or the Great Wall of Peru

Attached: kuelap.jpg (1229x922, 310K)

iirc it housed 3,000 people. Or 300 maybe I forget.

Attached: kuelap-1.jpg (800x600, 775K)

El palenque. Some people say it's an ancient astronaut/alien

Attached: palenque 6.jpg (460x729, 148K)

they also had elongated skulls

Attached: chachapoya-red-hair.jpg (579x434, 79K)

Yep, 100% pure bantu heritage confirmed.

Here is a NATIVE MAN of Easter Island.

Think for yourself. The reason people say it was aliens is because they're so fucking brainwashed that they believe history as it's taught to us by completely corrupted governmental bodies.

There's no reason to believe some lost civillization couldn't have had a zoomer or whatever that is. Or it could just be a weird piece of art and believe you me there are a lot of weird pieces of art.

Attached: nicolas-pakomio-1.jpg (276x438, 22K)

I'm saying these peopel ar white you illiterate fuck. They left a genetic marker in at least one area in Peru. The Spanish also talked about several different white tribes and they either died from diseases or were killed off, evidently.

Attached: gringuitos-5.jpg (600x400, 35K)

Similarly to the Melanesians with blonde/red hair, these children come out looking bright and the hair color fades away as they age.

Attached: 4205686_orig.jpg (278x415, 31K)

next up, chinese

Attached: 1543449666120.jpg (721x5336, 1.91M)

lots of Chinese looking mesoamerican artwork

Attached: Chinese Votive Sword Found in Georgia.jpg (1202x606, 56K)

Attached: Baby_face_at_Jade_Museum_(Museo_Nacional_del_Jade)_-_San_Jose,_C_R.jpg (1361x1681, 1.58M)

the stupidist part of it is that if you look at the more rural, more ethnically indigious populations around those area, they obviously resemble the art too, see pic

But yeah it's dumb. I've even seen it (olmec being black) in a school curriculum before, though I doubt that's that common

Nah, that's a decades old hypothesis that's been pretty definitely debunked. The guy who proposed it made errorrs in his math and was also drastically misunderstanding mesoamerican dietary practices, ignoring a lot of the protein sources they DID have access to.

Traditional Red meat was basically reserved for the wealthy, but commoners had ample access to legumes (why do you think beans are such a big part of mexican cuisuine today?), poultry (they indepedently domesticated fowl), protein rich algae (Spirulina) which they harvested into mats; other protein providing grains like amaranth (which actually got banned by the Spanish in the colional period due to it's religious associates) as well as, while not an every meal sort of thing, fish, shellfish, reptiles, amhibians; as well as Dogs, which were raised as a foodstuff.

There's also the matter that there's not evidence of widespread, commercial scale cannibalism. In fact by all accounts cannablisim was limited to specific ritualistic contexts where it was actually pretty cvonceptually analogous to christian communion, taking in the flesh of somebody who was thought to be an avatar of a god. Outside of that context it was seen as barbaric and a savage thing to do. There's also studies that have shown that it wouldn't actually be a sustainable way of getting meat anyways.

It's plebbit, but is a pretty good post explaining why the protein theory is shit.

pls go with your /x/ tier shit.

Attached: olmec facial features.jpg (667x847, 99K)

china had a complete world map in the 1400s~, too lazy to find and post it though.

recorded histories about them sailing to aus, nz, and to america

Attached: Olmec-Art-Fish-Vessel-847x1024.jpg (847x1024, 151K)

>as long as 70 years
Average. Not max. Because someone out there is 117 now - but it what a joke would it be a joke to judge the longevity of people based on That One Guy.

Don't exclude all those 0s from the equation.

Attached: history_logo390.jpg (388x375, 22K)

Those look like Finns to me.

Are they leftovers of the Greater Finnish Khaganate?

I always imagined them as naked fucks running around the forest wrapping whatever they could find in big ass leaves and smoking it while squatting with both hands.
It was an illustration in a textbook I had in 5th grade and it stuck with me. Just some squatting Indians in the forest smoking whatever they could find to get high.

This isn't remotely /x/, it's physical evidence and scientific research lol.

You're a brainlet. There are HUNDREDS of books on this topic. I don't blame you for not knowing about it but saying it's /x/ is ridiculous when I'm presenting evidence

Attached: 1564504889219.jpg (640x640, 86K)

This isn't remotely /x/, it's physical evidence and scientific research lol.

There are HUNDREDS of books on this topic. I don't blame you for not knowing about it but saying it's /x/ is ridiculous when I'm presenting evidence

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 210K)

when Europeans first arrived on Easter Island(very hard to get there keep in mind), they drew the people they saw because it was before cameras were invented. Here's what they look like

The Maori also talk a lot about these same people. Tatood white people with colored hair. The Maori get their tatoo culture from them.

Look like Picts to me.

Attached: easter-island-chief.jpg (253x300, 69K)

How would her hands be dirty if she's WASHING your feet??

Why would the Chinese breed with subhumans?

You're drawing comparisons needlessly, I'm presenting evidence.

here's one of their bearded statues.

Attached: atamu-tekena.jpg (1024x768, 645K)

When the Europeans came again, they took photographs.

Attached: kaitae.jpg (340x500, 131K)

Attached: nicolas-pakomio-3.png (286x409, 19K)

Nah that is definetly a 100% purebred prussian.

If by peak quality you mean constant warfare, then sure.

>St. Regis Mohawk
not small enough. nothing but nepotists and drug runners.

The artwork of dragons in Mesoamerica is telling of Chinese visitors. American historians say the natives didn't know what a dragon was because they weren't connected to the old world.

Attached: Mexico_Aztec_Serpent_Jade.jpg (300x200, 17K)

what is that some sort of WE WUZ for white people?

>be raped and killed

A swastika made out of dragons. What a COINCIDENCE

It's un-pozzed history. I hope you're learning something.

Attached: Dragon Swastika.jpg (945x830, 110K)

Did nazis travel back in time to become chinese mesoamericans?

Corn in India? Chickens in Pacific islands? 90% of Indians having significantly darker skin than 90% of the Asians in the old world? What could it all mean?

Attached: maize.png (701x1023, 318K)

didn't this guy just debunk you?

>kill blood enemy
>take blood enemy's daughter as wife
>not a good life

A good 80% of the Indian oral legends talk about arriving by sea too. And you have guys looking like this, straight out of Hawaii or whatever but completely American Indianized.

Those are both me, what do you mean

Attached: Tupi.jpg (675x450, 118K)

you said they were white but the dude in that photograph clearly isn't white

I'm willing to accept the lame explanation that all of mankind has a basic understanding of vaguely serpentine/cat-like/flying super predators as the default idea of a predator for reasons of his early exposure to predators all being mixed up in our often mushy heads. Snakes, large cats, and predatory birds are dangerous.

Reminder that the native americans practiced brutal murder rape and slavery pre-euro contract, also that the entire american "great plains" were because they spent a thousand years starting wildfires burning down every tree and forest so they could hunt buffalo easier

But of course this is carefully hidden and you have to actually dig past the white guilt liberal literature to find it

Can you tell me anything about the Cherokee?

But predatory birds aren't dangerous to humans.

He's clearly mixed up, but he's definitely not your typical polynesian.

Attached: kalinago-amerindian-family-at-kalinago-barana-aute-tourist-village-CNXCFJ.jpg (945x1390, 215K)

Attached: te-haha.jpg (840x1240, 206K)

sounds pretty based desu

This just show all your posts are bullshit. That wasn't a dragon. It was a serpent. Serpents thaf are common in latinoamerica.

>90% of Indians having significantly darker skin than 90% of the Asians in the old world? What could it all mean?

Ay dios mio, let me tell you the story passed down by my ancestors, of the being known as la creatura...

Attached: 1513366110429.jpg (749x761, 231K)

you think this guy looks white? something's wrong with your eyes bro

Jesuit lies. They were exactly as brutal to their enemies as they were supposed to be. If only modern day Europeans had their courage.

Can you explain the desire for such a cope though?

Attached: Olmec Jade Face.jpg (474x485, 38K)

Still is, you get like $30k when you turn 18 as the government's way of saying sorry for killing your dudes a couple hundred ago

We know what causes it and we know how to stop it, we just don't have a practical way to do so.

Is this a Jojo reference?

It is -literally- a Chinese dragon.

Attached: Tlatilco_-_Fisch.jpg (1734x1741, 681K)

Will nature grow back if we kill ourselves with global warming? I know it can pretty much survive a nuclear holocaust

He's probably american, by their standards that gentleman looks 100% european.

Forgot to mention wide eyed Indians too.

Go on....

Attached: tupi girl.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

The point is that it isn't a Polynesian. These people are obviously a mix we've never seen and probably will never see again.

Attached: maria-gracia-pate-pakomio.png (423x600, 117K)

also forgot to mention this means that the native americans are responsible for one of the biggest deforestation in HUMAN HISTORY and probably irrevocable altered the environment for the worse

It's not, retard

I cannot, I'm really speffically interested in Mesoamerican history (Aztec, Maya, Olmec, Mixtec, Purepecha, etc; see piic); and while I tangentially know more about other parts of the precolumbian americas; I don't know really anything about the cherrokee, sorry

Mind clarifying on the great plain deforestation thing? My understanding was that great plain indians weren't even a thing prior to euros showing up coming up from mexico, and the diseases they spread destablizing sendatry settlements and they reverted back to nomadism, which then british and french explorers encounteres as they moved westward

Maybe it's diseases detablize populations > revert to nomadism > do deforestation in an attempt to cope

It is, and these is more evidence of China coming over here too. Whatever you say won't change facts. It's a shame you won't acknowledge them.

Imagine choosing ignorance, it's baffling.

Attached: ychsma-heads.jpg (300x201, 14K)

Attached: mummy-red-hair-1.jpg (634x416, 45K)

We're not going to dance around this.

Yes or no, if you went to a friend's house for lunch and they were washing their partner's feet, the locations and situations they were in unknown to you, and then got the table ready, would you eat without hesitation?
I can guarantee whatever anyone claims here, most people after seeing that would just say they already ate to dodge.

She should either make the table then wash feet, or just get the boy to do it. There's no reason everyone at the table should have even a 0.01% chance of papa's foot water droplets getting anywhere near them.

Attached: early rendition of taino people.jpg (600x630, 117K)

Chinese dragons have arms.
They always have.

Native/aztec/Egyptian aesthetic is fucking kino.

Fuck midevil shit that's been done to death. Dark souls with Egypt aesthetic when

Attached: 240px-Osirians_Thothan.jpg (240x180, 11K)

Chinese dragons have limbs you ignorant

it's one of those things where you realize how dumb mankind is.

>injuns are just asians
>b-but why do they look completely unilke asians?
>shut the fuck up you conspiracy theorist stop talkinga bout aliens

>samefagging and coping
alright pal looks like you win

Attached: Waorani Indian In Amazonia, Ecuador.jpg (2048x1346, 1.19M)

Heyayayaayayayyaa Wowawowowoao

Attached: 92DFCBF1-F4B5-4274-AAE0-272F2873B026.jpg (448x335, 38K)

Nah just hivemind.

Attached: Image 001.png (382x139, 10K)

I don't really like American murals and what not but the stonework and all the miniature statues are top tier, best on earth.

Attached: Bonampak-bloodletting-56a025d85f9b58eba4af24ee.jpg (3484x2637, 2.9M)

Based chief, DRM are a curse.

Attached: 5b7818f06c349b85b8fea2d4c9a1c48b.jpg (1500x1200, 1M)

Do zoomies even know what natives are? Or is this a thread of confused children spamming gsearch?

Attached: D4nGXWDWwAAfwH3.jpg (668x1200, 149K)

the so-called Moche artwork is absolutely beautiful.

it seems I've lost twice

Attached: 16173816090_544401d187_b.jpg (1024x821, 168K)

fucking asians

Attached: Fellatiomoche.jpg (765x732, 66K)

vidya doesn’t make itself, and even then there aren’t that many buffalo left these days

Attached: 3d8312adfe33b248f773cda4565f9eda--inca-civilization.jpg (236x314, 8K)

Attached: Moche Dragon.jpg (721x635, 49K)

>Some post that one imagine of those big titty Asians girls in native clothes kissing

Attached: 1-erotic-sculpture-moche-epoch-tony-camacho.jpg (598x900, 54K)

You aren't looking aqt the right murals/frescos then, pic related for example

Attached: cltl1.jpg (2534x2446, 918K)

White people created the world.
The sooner you niggers stop coping and acknowledge this the sooner we can get back to being immortal and engaging in recreational astral projection intercourse.
Sigh, the depths mankind has fallen to appease these non-whites.

Yep, it's an American gif alright.

It's pretty damn ugly. These ones are comic though. Here we have two blacks gutting a white.

Attached: chichen itza.jpg (718x410, 102K)

>Be Amerifat
>Genocide the Natives
>Doesn't count
Can't wait until you 2nd class animals kill yourselves in your next civil war

>letting brain dead savages live
worst thing wh*ty ever did.

I like these ones because they follow the exact same art style as our Virgin vs Chad comics.

Attached: aztec chad lunch.jpg (474x507, 80K)

>No taxes
>No government telling you that you can't sell something without a lisence
>not having to pay illogical insurance on everything you own
>Just fuck your injun waifu, hunt, fish and relax

Southern tribes had it made. Northern tribes not so much

and a central mexican (aztec, teotihuacan, etc; though this one in particular is very teotihuacano speffically aristically) example rather then a Maya one

Shit taste, that's gorgous as fuck, looks like a traditional japanese painting almost (oh shit i'm giving the conspirtard ideas)

Attached: uweduerr dotcom need to change resolution url part to as high as possible Museo+Nacional+de+Antropol (2500x1668, 1.1M)

Attached: Codex Ixtlilxochitl.jpg (716x615, 136K)

I've got both of them in my folder. In their defense, a lot of their artwork is destroyed. But I don't like what I've seen.

Since you're interesting in this stuff, do you see the Egyptian influence in this here? Or like in the hair grabbing image I posted earlier?

This is -exactly- how the Egyptians/Phoenecians/Sumerians/etc did their murals. They even border them on the top and bottom.

Attached: Hammocks_and_Ruins_Blog_Riviera_Maya_Mexico_Travel_Discover_Explore_What_to_do_Ruins_Bonompak_30.jpg (500x375, 56K)

Chief Cunnyman say, age just number

Attached: Lillie.jpg (850x1062, 147K)

the chad aztec

Attached: Quetzalcoatl_magliabechiano.jpg (812x750, 93K)

the virgin chinaman

Attached: Codex_Magliabechiano_ritual_sacrificial_combat.jpg (738x852, 366K)

Attached: Codex_91.jpg (823x1189, 481K)

Don't listen to me in , you caught me samefagging.

Attached: Capture.jpg (296x81, 7K)

and aztec,

This isn't not based on a specific site/building unlike those examples which are fascmiles of existing murals at archeological sites; but is rather a hypohetical set of desaigns/layout based on various different mural fragements/art pieces.

I'm less informed on the Maya then i'd like to be so i'm not exactly aware of the symbolic context, but as far as the hair grabbing thing, that's a very common convention in aztec/central mexican art. Soldiers explictly had specific hairstyles based on their rank which ofdten involved tufts or brainds that could be grabbed, which tied into the whole captive taking thing. Seeing a soldier holding another one by their hair in manuscripts and tribute rolls can basically be used for symbolic shorthand for the conquest of a city; you basically just put an Aztec soldier next to a foreign one and then the foreign city's glyph and that represents the conquest of that city.

What's neat is in some documents you can see the same convention applied to europeans, where you have drawings/art of spaniards holding aztec's by their hair.

I do think that central mexican archtecture resembles mesopotmian archtecture a bit, but it's not any evidence of contact or anything.

Attached: Aztec noble homes, from Reed 1 Year, museum catalog book on the work of Scott and Stuart (2546x2926, 3.51M)

>where you have drawings/art of spaniards holding aztec's by their hair.
Can you post some?

I don't study mesopotamian architecture at all but I think I see what you mean from that picture.

Attached: IMG_0364Gosh.jpg (1800x1200, 60K)

nah. living in most of the north american tribes would suck. being an aztec/mayan would've been great assuming you didn't get sacrificed.

Here's an Olmec with that big ass Australoid/Ainu nose.

Attached: Surui Abo Cousin Big Nose.jpg (594x446, 56K)

Attached: mexico-nuevo-leon-monterrey-museum-of-mexican-history-murals-in-mayan-A7ER08.jpg (1300x953, 294K)

Wh*te devils time is coming soon they shall pay for their sins

das rite

Attached: Indigenous face of America. .jpg (500x623, 70K)


Attached: Chief Thunder Bird with daughter Elizabeth Bess of the Shinnecock Nation.jpg (400x533, 54K)

Attached: Little-1890.jpg (504x641, 60K)

no one is white, the only real white people are albinos

Attached: kids-1.jpg (624x500, 77K)

Attached: 3c06280v.jpg (820x1024, 99K)

they're not indigenous
they're migrants from russia

das rite

Attached: fb_img_1481372877294.jpg (480x480, 29K)

cute girl

I can do better

I have an art drive here which will eventually get folded into this mega here which already has book scans, and a bunch of other stuff; that link also links to a plebbit post with a ton of resources, such as booklists, primary source lists, askhistorians lists, reccomended artists/youtube channels, etc

For the hair thing, check out the Codex Mendoza/The Essential Codex Mendoza (the annointed version/notes) in the primary source folder of the mega; it's a conquest/tribute list.

also here's a bunch of prior posts of mine

>Daily aztec life and OP here
>Info on sacrifice, speffically for the last link there with the 20 post series, see also as a disclaimer
>Info on Aztec warfare:, an updated version here I never finished, and
>Info on on metallurgy, watercraft, and briefly on politics and administration:, way more info on politics here
>Info on why the Conquest of Mexico was extremely lucky and how itt easily could have failed and shorter version:
>An overall summery of Mesoamerican history: Albeit the posts posts 11 to 16 in the main reply chaiin is made obsolete by; see also pic related
>A brief overview of city sizes, hydraulics, sanitation, and botany: and a much, much longer version which I never finished here:

Attached: mesoamerican history summary.png (1457x1520, 348K)

have you watched Galaxy Express 999? Be ready to live in slums and get hunted down by robot-rich-people

no, seriously, watch it. It is exact concept you two described and is a 10/10

Attached: Galaxy Express 999.png (640x480, 242K)

Some guys from Norilsk I know do look like legit Native Americans though.

Attached: 1558717891515.jpg (719x768, 129K)

Thanks man.

Yeah a lot of them definitely came from over there.

Attached: hm.jpg (265x300, 11K)

You tell 'em goy

Attached: j460.jpg (460x276, 8K)

/pol/ will always be the definition of pure evil, soulless to no end, no matter your religion or even if you have none at all. How does it feel to be objectively a bad person through and through?

Being an Aztec was the shit so long as you weren't an enslaved savage

In reality Jesus wasn't a kike or white.

Based and redpilled

Good hearted people, I hope they will be a happy family. Thanks for the uplifting picture, but this discussion has nothing to do with video-games so I recommend you stop this discussion and continue it elsewhere.

Complete we wuz tier bs

Attached: 1458750756.jpg (343x400, 28K)

Feel free to guess the age of this man.

Attached: John Smith.jpg (379x480, 26K)

Or this person

Attached: f6143d7b761eae3b1a061b9da3f30972.jpg (474x632, 60K)


survivor bias, feel free to guess the age of these guys here

Attached: CahokiaMound72massPit.jpg (1046x1579, 410K)

Fucking based

Also here's a quick example of what I mean, albiet this is from a page demonstrating military rank progression rather then using it as symbolism for conquests of towns/cities

Attached: An Aztec Youth captures his first enemy soldier, the Codex Mendoza.jpg (575x515, 115K)

>no grocery stores
>no houses
>no internet
>no modern medicine

the glorification of primitivism needs to stop.

>a mass grave is indicative of natural deaths

the weak should fear the strong

Attached: Arizona_indians_1.jpg (922x1338, 378K)

also I want you to know I wasn't the other guy, but his claims aren't that ridiculous as I've shown. That Indian was supposedly 128 years old. And the Spanish talked a lot about giant Indians.

>living surrounded by shit
>hate the idea of taking a bath
>no aqueducts
>filled with the worst diseases
>rely on magic and jew gods to heal their diseases

imagine listening to pop culture as your history source.

t. 450lbs autistic virgin

you wouldn't survive a day without modern conveniences

now he's projecting his pathetic life onto others

prove me wrong faggot.

>picture on the left
>"what if there was a funny little creature that appeared before you-"

All of your work was a great read and I applaud your efforts to bring knowledge to us

Eat my shorts, jew!

There is nothing wrong with pirating video games

Khan Tiki

also more examples of similarity to mesopotamian archtectyre

Attached: View of the central ceremonial city plaza in the Aztec captial of Tenochtitlan, Scott and Stuart Gen (1668x1174, 1.36M)

please dude, the original was a good thread, don't ruin it by posting this every day

While that's true, I think you have an obligation to support creators of things that you enjoy, if you're a productive member of society. If you're just a student, or you don't have a job that's excusable, but as a responsible adult, if you can budget time for games, you can budget money for them too.

White man came
across the sea
He brought us pain
and misery
He killed our tribes
killed our creed
He took our games
for his own need

Just out of curiosity, but did you learn all of this on your own or did you take university classes/read recommended books from your professors? This just a fun hobby for you or do you intend to become a professor of Native American history? This is all fascinating stuff, just curious about why you study it.

Admit it: Charles was based

Attached: 0943854095i.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

It's just stuff i've learned on my own via the internet and increasingly books and studies/papers I read on my own time, reaching out/networking with archeologists online, etc.

I'd love to pursue it professionally, but doubt it's feasibile given how much the field suffers from no-jobs-ititis, even for people with PHD's from top schools, and i'm not in a position to really risk aiming for it, I feel. It's something I need to consider more and make a decision on.

I need to know a lot of the Taino people. Other than the Christopher Columbus killed most of them and they have merge with white and blacks in Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

Your best bet to pursue it "professionally" is probably, unfortunately, a youtube channel and a patreon when you got subscribers. You got any books to recommend? The only book I think I've read that really talked about Indians was Facing East From Indian Country.

I'm much more retarded than he is but I study this stuff because I think it's important for people to start thinking about where we come from.

I saw a neat video where this guy hunted down a pure blooded Taino grandpa, it was kind of interseting. I don't think it's wise buying into the merging with white and blacks story. The Spanish said the Caribs were negros and depicted them as such.

Recently they got recognized by the government or something like that, since they didn't actually die out.

Attached: Taino native from the mountains of Hispaniola, as described by early explorers of the New World. Han (846x1390, 348K)

That ls pretty typical of spearchuckers

>getting eaten alive by other tribes is good

Attached: 2006_NYR_01775_0046_000().jpg (512x555, 21K)

check out the plebbit post linked in the desuarchive alongside the mega.

I really need to get around to updating those post series of mine, adding shit to the mega, and working with the guy on reddit so his lists can be more organized tho

I used to know a guy that was Indian. He was built like a truck and he was really strong. You couldn't move him an inch.

cool story bro


not reading that shit, go talk to someone boring enough to care.

Attached: me and my bitch.jpg (422x500, 67K)

Jesus is imaginary.

>bragging about being a zoomer

Look at that smug son of a bitch.

This what happens when give good string to read-about-it tribe

Why the hell did I just watch a cowboy movie after reading this thread

this is you

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Of all the arguments against Christianity, Jesus’s existence isn’t one of them. He definitely did exist. Whether or not he was who he said he is is another story

this is me...

Attached: pn0112_Sex_Keramik_Moche.jpg (2000x1334, 564K)

There is zero proof of his existence.

>constant warfare with other tribes
>unbelievable tortures that not even euros could think up

the bible isn't fiction beileve it or not

Attached: e1.jpg (360x414, 16K)

No, there are records of him. Attack Christianity from literally any other angle. You have more of a case there.

>people living inside a whale
>not fiction

If Burgers didn't kill all the Indigenous they would probably have become commies, or at least some form of anarcho-socialists.

Aztec user is that you?
did you check your disposable email? :(

Chief Copypasta says, threads should always be reposted daily.

Thanks, Stallman.


I haven't had time to reply over there yet

>come to longhouse expecting fellow chiefs
>it just white devils talking about tribes they butchered

Attached: PotablePhysicalApisdorsatalaboriosa-size_restricted.gif (377x289, 3.42M)

Kk :)

>brutal tribal warfare
>peak quality of life

this thread was fun....once....

>injun cries instead of running
r.i.p. in peace

Attached: cant bteath.jpg (1462x1462, 287K)