How come MMOFPS don't succeed?

How come MMOFPS don't succeed?

Attached: FireFall Open World.jpg (1024x571, 116K)

the shitty repetitive grind of MMOs become so much more apparent in a shooter


That game was a mess.

Destiny has the right idea. I don't play, but I know it at least keeps both parties interested enough to keep playing. I think it actually fails at getting the mmo or fps crowd entirely though. What it does good in one place it fails in another.

Every new mmo will be playing catch up to older mmos that have been around for years.

FireFall was an awful, janky shit show. Regret ever buying a founders pack for that shit.
That Em-8ER knock-off is never gonna see the light of day either.

>How come MMOFPS don't succeed?
Pic related was promising but the retard ceo spent money on a fucking bus.

no one wants to waste their life on one game anymore

Is there any other MMOFPS out there then?

MMO's cost a shitton of money to make and keep supporting, so if there's not that big of a playerbase the game is either gonna go bankrupt or pay2win
Gaming trends have shifted from putting in time to unlocking items to rewarding player skill - Counter strike and rainbow six, for example. MMOs simply aren't meant for most modern gamers.

awwwww man

Planetside 2

What the fuck would you ever merge the two and think it's a good idea? Fucking retards.


Attached: Ricardo Milos part 1.webm (500x280, 1.21M)

because post WoW MMOs are fucking cancer

Planetside 2. It's fucking awful but it's the only game of its kind.

Attached: Ricardo Milos part 2.webm (500x280, 1.34M)

Spellborn was great but ruined by publishers.

This is what happened to wow. Vanilla was not really a hard game, just tedious and time consuming. The reward was seeing how much more powerful your character got and the friends you made along the way. It was a fundamentally social experience. Now it's heavily esports centered. It's a way better "game" but much less of an "experience". I don't know if games can ever go back to that with how much the internet has changed.

Nigger choose one
only MMOFPS alive is Planetside2 But but only for a while