How much emphasis do you put on character design?

How much emphasis do you put on character design?

Attached: 1543215815269.jpg (1282x2047, 410K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A ton when it's an MMO.

None when it's not an MMO.


more posts like these = more trannies offing themselves in the name of 40%

keep the coming


Attached: grug.jpg (800x450, 42K)

Real women don't look like this

Ain't it great?

MMOs have shitty character designs though

That's the point.

Attached: 155606642772.jpg (630x630, 82K)

Reisalin thread?

Attached: 1564055228742.jpg (1061x1500, 167K)


VOX is such a disappointment

Don't blame me, I voted for ADÑ

Attached: ryzaa.png (392x720, 178K)

Attached: D_C6pJX4AAQXd3.jpg (850x1200, 194K)

I don't get the point. The game isn't even out, why are there daily art dump threads? ( ´∀`)

Make peepee hard and big=Good.
Make peepee soft and small=no good.


Brains full of cum

go back to twitter


Attached: 1564027444830.jpg (1200x1644, 415K)


stealth advertising

because Reisalin is cute! C U T E!

Attached: 1561323552523.png (903x1400, 1.28M)

but is she funny?

but what if it wasn't trannies behind the attack at all and you're just adding more fuel to the fire?


Not as obsessed as a cum mind is with porn

Why are CUMBRAlNS so fucking salty today, Yea Forums?

very much so!

Attached: 52dcaee1f4f1af964be73408be9c5656.jpg (883x1200, 106K)

It's pretty important. Who wants to stare at ugly people all day? If I wanted to do that, I would just go outside.


Attached: 564767611464.png (990x920, 344K)

lol cum.brains getting mad because they get called out of their null intention of talking about videogames over Porn.

The word is just too based. It hit the core nerve of so many porn obsessed fags. The word that destroyed Yea Forums.

They can't handle the truth - that their posts are off topic, their "conversations" mind-destroying, that people ACTUALLY want to talk about vidya without waifufagging, and most of all, that people that have browsed this board for years don't like their antics.
Why do you think they have single word responses for this shit?
>discordfag, etc
Because they can't handle other men reminding them how fucking pathetic it is to claim you are full of vim and vigor while posting weeb shit and not actually doing anything with their testorone.
>but this is what I like, if you don't like it, fuck off of Yea Forums, only I get to decide what is or isn't Yea Forums content
They reason like children. Watch how many single word replies I get because they think that ACTUALLY gets anyone other than retarded manchildren like them mad. They are afraid of dialogue because it displays their stupidity. They unironically need to have sex, but they are too scared of real women.

post more sexy girls please

Not even close


Attached: 1560085873578.jpg (2508x3541, 3.08M)

>why are people not talking about video games
>proceeds to not talk about video games

Attached: 1534375448753.png (383x594, 179K)

Attached: 9BF6ED49-F20A-4B1B-9C11-BE32BE0F5FB0.jpg (1500x704, 79K)

holy shit, normalfaggots seething

Attached: e3146e3e6165e3c66c4e18bad26cc7df.jpg (1450x1024, 1.46M)


in what sense? if you go to the beach during summer you'll probably see plenty of brown/blond haired girls with big tits

>No bush

Muh penis

Truly based post.

how can you take this so seriously
it's worrying

Cûmbrains are mentally ill

Attached: 1564714138604.jpg (1024x867, 85K)

fuck you pedo

cute but also funny

Based and cunnypilled

I like that this thread is trigerring GAMER poster so much.


>no u
Pretty sure your obsession is why it got wordfiltered.

Anime girls wearing clothes =/= porn

Funny you reddit fags have been saying "you can just watch porn" for years...Now you are trying to spin us as the gamers?

Attached: x2.png (760x1200, 1.57M)

Attached: __shirase_sakuya_idolmaster_shiny_colors_and_etc_drawn_by_flip_diiolive__608b730bd41b43117af90fe2b75 (944x1190, 779K)


Because he wants to nut, obviously.
So do I.

Why do you keep making the same thread?

Anime girls wearing revealing clothes = NSFW


Kill your family glownigger

>browsing 4channel at work

>wants intelligence
>comes to Yea Forums

About a 7/10. I haven't picked a game up because of it, but I've ignored games completely if they're fanservice gamer bullshit.


Who is the anime presented here

Who you tryin' ta mess with ese?
Don't you know I'm loco?

To da one on da damn
Boy I'm soft
I just post some THICC, something from Japan
Like spam
It's starts when I come in
Damn, I feel like watching another man
libido is wrecked - hectic
Blacked got me goin' like hitachi - Electric
The lights are blinking I'm not thinking
Dopamine only when I go out drinking
Makin' my mind fuzzy,
That's why I don't fuck wit da big jann-ee
I got ta' get leavin'
'Cause a nigga like me is blowing semen

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Do you not fucking know what porn means you underage?

Attached: 1564291633726.jpg (1277x1029, 527K)

Feel like you're affecting something?

Attached: 1468341512848.png (399x526, 132K)

me on the right

Good designs can't make a shit game good but it can make an okay game fun.

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Have fun with calluses on your dick

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Cumskull thread.

Is 2 good? I played the first one and got bored halfway because of grinding and encounters you get for exploring dungeons. I played other dungeon crawlers and the first one takes the cake for the encounter rate.

Attached: small think.jpg (600x511, 19K)

Softcore porn as design is usually a crutch for when your game is shit. As in, if your game isn't interesting and has shit gameplay, toss in some loodshit to get free clicks.

It's a lazy tactic, but it obviously works on retards, hence the threads on Yea Forums

Attached: cumbrain.png (952x1344, 264K)

So what's with the Atelier series. Like a year ago I heard it was a dying series and that they wouldn't dub any more games? Now it seems they're releasing 3 games a year.

op is a cumbraın and a spamming faggot

>Softcore porn as design is usually a crutch for when your game is shit. As in, if your game isn't interesting and has shit gameplay, toss in some loodshit to get free clicks.
Holy crap... This is some hard-hitting stuff. I'm gonna have seriously rethink some sh*t...

Cry all you want, anime tiddies will ALWAYS be part of Yea Forums

Attached: __reisalin_stout_atelier_series_and_etc_drawn_by_cruel_gz__47af19eba11c019e72197c076c3306cb.png (1504x1456, 2.09M)



Attached: __shirase_sakuya_and_tsukioka_kogane_idolmaster_shiny_colors_and_etc_drawn_by_ohako_ohako1818__7af26 (1412x1191, 1.6M)

HMMMMM she's too good. The next Totori. Post moar

I checked all those articles before and none of them prove that porn rots your brain
sensation-seekers are firstly outgoing and interesting and it's a pre-existing condition, prolactin spikes after cumming which is part of why you feel tired but it's not chronically elevated (it lowers your libido), 3 is just the "you do stupid shit when you're horny" effect not something permanent, 4 is a question of the chicken or the egg effect, the drug effect just means that your lust for drugs can be vanquished and your libido recovered (not that meth is less addictive than porn jesus christ)

This is me rn

Attached: __reisalin_stout_atelier_series_and_etc_drawn_by_konka__9f708c0da38eb48f4db6958f7987fccb.jpg (850x1200, 734K)

Shit, now you really got me going dont stop

>Penis head is purple now

Is it too late for me Yea Forumsros?

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>actually live near Cumbria
this shit has a completely different feel for me

Attached: 1559961051645.jpg (1002x1000, 169K)

No, fap more to fix it

>why isn't Yea Forums like my r/gaming????

>shit getting spammed
>gets filtered
>gets spammed even more as a result
>people make even more lewd threads in retaliation, so there's more to spam
When will it end?

Alchemists should be cute and frilly, not fat and lecherous.

>shitty spammer is from Yea Forums
what a surprise, that shitty board really should be deleted already

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when Yea Forums is free of smut of course


Attached: 1492625398842.gif (480x480, 198K)

Until you go back to where you came from, more like

Retard. As expected of a gamer.

not nutting for about a week triggers a noticable but extremely temporary boost due to your body being like "hey dude you should go breed" and then after that it falls off and by a month+ of no nut you actually drop noticeably

Attached: 1563010984753.jpg (750x1250, 161K)

>so cute
>I can't wait to transition and finally become a qt little girl *squeeeees in catgirl*
>I want to go to sleep overs and play making out games, maybe the girlies want to be naughty 0_0
>No more masturbating in my nee-san's panties, I just hope the next cute girl I talk to isn't a TERF

Attached: 1519137869312.png (866x900, 159K)

>yfw you whine about men at the same time you whine about men trying not to be men

But how am I supposed to not nut when there are constant lewd threads every day here? Now I need more anime tiddies

I've been here longer than you cunt

very based post

You should nut, if you don't nut your T will unironicly drop, the cumhead shit thats getting spammed is another lowkey attempt at trickery, all the links to yourbrainonporn are all paid adverts, and theres even a disclaimer that the site is no endorsed by any real doctor

Attached: 1563530035938.jpg (850x1201, 164K)

why is Yea Forums just where r/gaming comes to fap?

At least, not until I saw atelier's new game.

>posting ugly bastard
opinion discarded

Im trying, but there isnt enough tiddies or thighs being posted right now, Im losing it

so many based posts today

Aside from the eyes, yes they do. Stop believing the fatty agenda.

/e/ and /h/ are dying because you want to come to Yea Forums for anime tiddies. Your brothers need you before your home is lost for good.

anime website

>anime = anime tiddies
the cum is clouding your brain

Attached: 1564529516770.gif (400x600, 684K)

"talk about vidya" doesn't mean anything and the people who say it are least equipped to have valuable opinions about anything

thats it,more like this

Nice panties

Attached: 1564535978507.gif (1280x720, 2.94M)

I have to self insert as the ugly bastards because the normal dudes they draw have babby weiner and I can't relate


unf, god i love huge anime tiddies

Me in the back on the left

if I should really nut then you should post some Passionlip


Attached: qt.webm (1280x720, 939K)

>tfw no Ant-Man

Which is why 2D>3DPD

huge tiddies in office clothing is even better, niceeee

I self insert as the girl but I am not gay.

Something tells me she doesn't take alchemy SERIOUSLY!

>I self insert as the girl but I am not gay

Attached: Animals.jpg (894x1024, 135K)

>Implying the sudden influx of anime and porn threads isn’t a reddit false flag
nice try cunt

based MUA3 poster

Attached: 1563673290384.jpg (1493x873, 237K)

Me too. People who cannot self insert properly don't get it.

Can't we all just relax and masturbate to 2D girls together?

Attached: 1564777839646.png (819x1157, 807K)

Tawawa is GOAT

Attached: 1563903861495.png (715x1000, 263K)

I do both, I'm kinda gay tho

go to the beach sometime

>I self insert as the girl but I am not a tranny


Attached: Smug Hat Kid.gif (88x128, 103K)

Thank you Based ANTS

Sure, that's the reason why.

he truly is
im leaking over here, just need a little more push

Attached: 1561937235489.png (1690x704, 666K)

>Not edging for hours on end

Attached: 1563835791971.jpg (600x845, 117K)

What kind of push

Attached: 75118946_p0.jpg (626x886, 250K)

The highest I've ever gone was four hours. I was very bored that day.

high iq post

Mine was 8+.

Attached: 1564524710771.gif (585x700, 325K)

iv been slowly keeping at it for almost an hour now, i really need to let it out now
more ryza thighs will definitly help me out

like what the fuck does "talk about vidya" even mean
if you want valuable shit you're going exactly the wrong way to get it
I've been beating this drum since two thousand fucking twelve and no one's gotten any wiser
there's fucking twitter clones that have more valuable shit to say about games than this board. literal microblogging personalities. the technology is the wrong technology to get what you say you want, and you can't get it with technology anyway

no one fucking listens, no one enages. you're all bots.

I am leaving this here.

Attached: 8217547214.jpg (411x381, 53K)

like everybody wants their fucking content mine and the only users who get to influence policy are the ones who want it to become more of a content mine
but they don't even understand how to run that

That's why they're worse.

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Attached: 279cff15d54ca4da87eedcc58a873d06.jpg (800x1130, 444K)

Go for it dude. Squirt.

Attached: 1564778458014.jpg (1400x1050, 543K)

>Only one hour

Attached: 1558045616922.jpg (250x247, 12K)

The gameplay looks kinda meh. Really flashy but it looks like you only press 2 buttons and your characters auto attack the enemy 20 times.

Art style looks cute though. I hope they come out with a demo.

>tfw they are playing in saliva
>tfw I have no face

Attached: 1558759183020.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

fuuuuuuck its getting close just one more

i don't know why but i started laughing loudly like a retard when i openned it, thanks user.

Just imaging having thigh sex with Ryza

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Attached: 1564778870493.jpg (3974x2869, 2.21M)

Easy replies

the reward for being the 60%

Thighpussy Ryza

Uh, wait. That wasn't even the image I posted.


Attached: 1562200358490.jpg (540x558, 34K)

Phew, that was a messy load, thank you kind strangers.


Attached: niggatry.jpg (583x322, 54K)

character design is pretty important depending on the genre.
you can get away with more on multiplayer shooters, but fighting games and games that rely on their characters more than actual gameplay like RPG's live by making their characters look interesting at the least.
otherwise you get BALLZ or breakers revenge

Attached: 500330-ballz-the-director-s-cut-3do-screenshot-turbo-vs-an-ostrich.jpg (720x480, 57K)

No problem.

Attached: __princess_peach_super_mario_bros_and_etc_drawn_by_robert_porter__280716a6ec551a81eb96dcc16f93c38f.j (1440x1800, 126K)

I can fap to those balls

Nice Peach hips

>in 2019
>for an atelier game

Attached: 1537131113690.jpg (1280x720, 254K)

Did mommy cover your eyes everytime a sexy woman was around?

just don't respond.
don't respond to people responding to themselves
just don't respond and make the thread what it should be, that's how this goes away.

Attached: EliseArtBoF6.png (499x747, 512K)

most of that is false
there is no drop. just a different way your body starts to utilize hormones

us gamers amirite bros?


Some of them have great designs

Attached: faith.png (1102x620, 1.03M)

Attached: bx7v8jifx1d31.png (719x720, 661K)

raise your dongers

Attached: 1548168682855.jpg (720x540, 71K)

quite a bit. that's why I'd never pay money for a game with the characters in op. nor would i download it even if it was free. i'm not even going to click on the thumbnail. fuck off and die weebtrash i hate you and your kind.

>stealth cum,brain thread

Attached: 35A471A9-BA20-4F1B-AFE1-F71B5218699D.jpg (200x209, 7K)

gonna need the card for that please

Attached: 7e89zcsq4cb31.png (944x579, 982K)


Shut up before I shove up some icecream down your throat

>gamer OP image

I want to pet a cute boy!

what a shame to waste such nice sheep girls

Attached: Amelia-bof6-fullart.jpg (700x1400, 89K)

>They already put a word block on it
Har fucking har

I got it off the booru. Have fun.

The Incel is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a weeaboo, neckbeard, degenerate, virgin, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an Incel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Attached: q9uk27ukjac31.png (1754x986, 1.9M)

i'm gonna say it.
a reality where people couldn't lewd would not be a happy reality

Attached: 1562737699021.jpg (210x240, 18K)

I agree
Yea Forums is for vidya though
There are plenty of other board to post and browse for lewd though


>Yea Forums is for vidya

Attached: Dog.png (485x519, 239K)

when was Yea Forums for vidya
"Yea Forums for vidya" resulted in the years 2011-present
is that what you want, is that your idea of a good time

this is something that has been a thing since the early days though.
it's not new, and it's only been fought against relatively recently.
so instead of trying to force one of the pillars that the site was founded on out, how about you just learn to live with it and only participate in the threads you actually want to respond to like an actual person instead of being an eyesore

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Attached: 1564188076903.jpg (668x498, 303K)

incel and virgin are the same thing though

Attached: 1561675102897.jpg (1332x850, 288K)

a virgin is someone who has never had sex
an incel is someone who will never have sex.
you're thinking of permavirgin


based grug

i actually like a lot of pokemon's character design in a non-lewd way

Attached: 1561559556828.jpg (734x950, 124K)

Attached: ID.webm (640x360, 1.4M)

Same, they just also happen to be extremely fappable.

>can't tell the difference between a pleb filter that's always been a part of Yea Forums and r/gaming shenanigans
Hint: the normalfags complaining about cumskulls aren't from here. Like you.

so the same thing

Attached: BRRRRRRKKKT.gif (510x287, 2.75M)


>implying thats a bad thing
3DPD is a curse upon man and 2D shall save us


Attached: 1555946266972.jpg (739x988, 117K)

It kinda is a bad thing. Hags would be still be hags, but they'd be worth something if they actually looked good.


Yeaaaaaa french city in the house!

Just do it.

Attached: 1544080102419.jpg (2006x2833, 1.1M)

You give no choice, I guess

>he doesn't know about the official japanese designs of the characters in Ballz

Attached: Ballz 3D.png (640x500, 418K)


Who you tryin' ta mess with ese?
Don't you know I'm loco?

To da one on da damn
Boy I'm soft
I just post some THICC, something from Japan
Like spam
It's starts when I come in
Damn, I feel like watching another man
libido is wrecked - hectic
Blacked got me goin' like hitachi - Electric
The lights are blinking I'm not thinking
Dopamine only when I go out drinking
Makin' my mind fuzzy,
That's why I don't fuck wit da big jann-ee
I got ta' get leavin'
'Cause a nigga like me is blowing semen

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!

again? i just did that

That's what I like to hear. You know you wanted to anyway.

Attached: 1556015654107.jpg (827x1260, 219K)

>cypress hill
beyond cringe

What's the point of having cows in a game when they can't be bred and milked?

I guess you're right. Can't help it.

I can only hear that song in richards voice now, so this is double hilarious


just remember
Most of those kids if not all are dead

Kinda curious why people didn't go with cumskull initially, since that already rhymes with numbskull. And I'm sure you could have hours and hours of merry-making with that.

I'm pleased to hear that you can readily admit it.

Attached: 1563189884624.png (699x900, 288K)

I'm pleased to see more titties

Attached: 1.jpg (850x1360, 141K)

I'm pleased that you're pleased.

Attached: 1534477342206.jpg (800x1119, 222K)

Mutual pleasure is nice

Bless you

Attached: __io_euclase_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_minaba_hideo__7b6f4a95ab38270473571031b83867ae.png (960x800, 293K)

Should I jerk off?

Post lolis

Attached: 1546795564342.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

That's a glorious pit

le bump

Maybe in the USA

Attached: obesity.jpg (882x1090, 152K)

You fucking gämęrš need to have sex.

Attached: 6C994A31-E9B3-46D5-A701-AE985E6DCE06.jpg (604x604, 46K)

Do I just drop the image into a folder, and the filename determines what the character looks like?


I tried 2 Ateliers, but I got bored. Should I give them another chance or just wait for this one?
The girls are such cuties


Attached: 59721813_p0.png (1800x2600, 2.21M)

Attached: 4Kuma.jpg (695x900, 135K)

Depends on which ones you tried, but odds are this series just isn't your cup of tea and that's okay.

What's the main draw of the Atelier series? Besides cute girls, I mean.

This game will be exactly the same as all the previous ones. They make a new game every fucking year with tiny budget and limited human resources.

Atelier is shovelware. Just make Ryza in Koikatsu and fuck her brains out.

character design makes or breaks a game. compare skyrim to oblivion

You need to put her card in the female character folder and have all the mods for her from the 2.7 HF patch. If you try to load her card up without the mods you're gonna wind up with some unfuckable nightmare fuel.

Attached: ryza.png (448x720, 192K)

Literally never heard of the series until Thighza popped up

Attached: ce25129607295322f55675df3ad8f171.jpg (708x1000, 144K)


Think of the advertisers!

I've tried Ayesha and Rorona
Thanks. I'll just stay here for the cute girls then.

Anyone got the Totori and Meruru dlc for Lulua?


If you didn't like the time limits then be on standby for Ryza but check it out on sale at best. Otherwise, probably a safe miss.

god I love girl's assholes but I love drinking a girl's pee that she would give me after eating her out

rise up

fug, why does ugly guy with hot girl work so well? i'm not sure if it's the juxtaposition or the degradation part that makes my weiner twitch.

because for some reason "dadbod" is hot now so you can have a spare tire gut and girls will still find you hot