The butts of vidya

the butts of vidya

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Other urls found in this thread:


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pound for pound the most impressive due to sheer athletic mass. Chun and Cammy aren't on this tier.

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Onions Gamer


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>I'm not an addict! I'll show you by doubling my addiction! h-haha stay mad t-trannies!!

>t. faggot


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fuck yeah

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Stay jealous tranny

It's absolutely tragic that estrogen has killed both your sexual desire and your penis but don't step into our court and expect us to change because you're infertile now.

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Sex, have it.


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lipstick marks are god tier

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This is gay but I actually got aroused from it, wtf Yea Forums?

based brapposter

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Just like you cant cope with low T

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>hmm i hate spammers i know what i'll do ill just spam even more
this board is so fucking shit
even Yea Forums is better than this shithole

Quit liking girls you gamer

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What do you meant wtf
Anyone sane would get hard from a cute blonde boy with a big soft butt presenting to them, right?

is that her butthole?

also cope


post muslim women

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Because traps are not gay

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>haha seethe tranny i'm going to keep posting blatant porn on a video games board and not talk about video games because i love stroking my dick with my bros
it's either tranny shit or gay shit with you fucks

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>still convinced it must be an outside attack
>still think posting porn repels us
dumb normalfags
it's Yea Forums who doesn't want you here
you are just redditors who come to Yea Forums whenever you want to fap and shitpost


OP is a real gamer

Is this an autismbrain?

ok, white knight redditor

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haha yeah except exhentai is dying

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>Wearing a hijab
>Has a bikini tan line
Who drew this idiocy

I want to sniff Grunty's butt until my lungs are completely filled with her scent.

That is all.

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c*mbrain general

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holy l33t this thread is killer my sneed bros

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Retard alert.

ok, cúmbrain
that insult really gets to you, huh?


>spams another waifu porn thread
>spams another waifu porn thread
>spams another waifu porn thread
>spams another waifu porn thread
>spams another waifu porn thread

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yes please call me a gamer, i can't get enough of the feeling

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>spams a faggot meme

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>say word
>gamers get mad

I want to climb that giant ass.

>NOOOOO I thought I belonged here... People called me based!! Howcome people won't accept my porn addiction..? It... It must be an outside attack!!! It must be uuuh.. uuh.. *picks a paper out of a hat* ....TRANNIES!!! YES IT'S THE TRANNIES!!! and the uuuuh *pulls another paper* CATHOLICS!! ...I'll show them!! I'll post more porn! hehee I bet th-that will.. trigger them!! Hahaahaaheehehe
their burnt out minds are literally starting to break... is this a little cruel? Maybe we should just let the fragile porn posters be...

I love arisu

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>Reeee stop this immediately, I'm not addicted!
>Starts spamming porn

and we are the snowflakes

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Taking ass requests

traps r gay
u r gay

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post ass

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It's the catholic feminists feom Pol and resetera who DDOSed exhentai to oppress oue gamer sexuality

Kumatora pls

>what a fucking loser junkie methhead you are
>*shoots extra dose of heroin and pisses himself

This is the reality

Top kek.
Jizzheads short circuiting right now.

But Kumatora is underage

Last line before the chorus could use some improvement. Semen doesn't really rhyme with insane. Still pretty funny.

>it’s another patreon art shill thread
Zzz sage

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>t-this is totally an organic meme, bros!
>nevermind that it's never been so actively used until August
>nevermind that it's hitting this place full force around the same time the panda came back
>but besides that it was totally natural
Not even a week and it's already going the way of "incel".


Yeah, exactly.

if you hate these threads so much why don't you make a thread that you want.

it's so fun watching cumskulls squirm and scream now their shame is under the spotlight
Every softcore porn posted is another cúmbrain seething hard enough to retaliate. It's so fun to see... hey maybe I'll turn into a cúmbrain too from enjoying all these porn posts from seething porn posters?

not him but is exhentai fine now?


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it's totally natural but you cúmbrains accelerated it massively by getting so triggered so it spiralled out of control fuelled by all the butthurt.

Yes friend the slavs saved us

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you can flood my games with lootboxes and p2w items
you can assfuck me with a thousand preorder bonuses
you can release unfinished games at full price

but if you take away my sexy virtual girl thread...
if you call me the c word...
then god help you...

from my wrath...


that's it cumboy... keep it CUMMING lol! Be a good little slave... a slave to your weak broken mind.


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>it's totally natural
okay retard

>Mfw gamer posting may just as well bring a revival back of that character that's the starfish amoeba thing that's vagina is on the base of the back of the skull and therefor is literally getting brain fucked

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Gamers in a nutshell.

>its totally natural

someone cant be this fucking retarded

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good! more!
why are you reponding to me without one of your cúmbrain pictures? come on be a good boy now!

Is C******* the new N*****?


i've seen these same posts in an ERP thread on /trash/

maybe I'm one of those spooky reddit trannies! here to take away your Yea Forums porn threads! ooooo!

wanna cum in that brain

It's unironically the most based meme to come from v in the longest fucking time
Porn addicts are being shamed and they literally have nowhere to turn

Hold up
>faggots spammed an unfunny meme on Yea Forums to stop porn posting
>faggots spammed an unfunny meme on Yea Forums to stop porn posting

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>thinking people will stop posting lewd images because someone decided to start forcing a meme extra hard this week

shiggy tbqh

you go to /trash/? not a surprise for a cúmbrain but wow you guys are discrediting yourselves I don't even have to do anything
this is such a great day

Why would Cunny be the new Nigger?

>he uses the c word with a hard N

I too am a discord tranny, impeach blumpf, amirite?

t. coffee drinker

Typical kumbrain response

>dozens of meme words and insults are hurled every day countless times with no good reason for months or years
>but c-brain produced so much salt that it needed to be wordfiltered in two days

>thinking cúmbrains can ever break their addiction
nobody thinks this user, it's just funny when they get angry

bit too girly imo

really makes you think about how half of Yea Forums feels about themselves to react so strongly

Well, they maybe could hide away in the NSFW boards but that would apparently ruin the culture of Yea Forums or some shit.

step right up

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really shows the misogynistic ways of gamers

>he doesn't go to /trash/

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Oue gamer sexuality is under attack.

Dunkey showed the kind of oppression us gamers face every day just because we video tape our wives getting fucked by blacks.

This gamer holocaust cannot continue. We have to figgt back.

Will you take up arms foe youe gamer breathren and fight back against the /pol/ feminist cheistian tranny boomer zoomer discord republican russian bot kiwi farmer jews?


>cunnyfag can't count because all the semen fluid in his brain has rotted away his faculties

its filtered because its being spammed across multiple boards by bots/dedicated autists

>obviously forced memes are frowned upon

what a shock

reminder that porn posters are either porn addicts (CBs) or reddits on their shitpost break from upvoting onions posts

/trash/ is like the new Yea Forums

Solution: wordfilter the newfag meme words too

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this shame thing sounds like projection though I do get not wanting as much ecchi content on Yea Forums
on the other hand it's about all Yea Forums is good for anymore anyway

The difference here is one is a yellow board and the other is a blue board for video game discussion.

no "forced meme" has ever got this strong a reaction, which only encouraged more of it

best posts ITT

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And the difference with literally every other meme buzzword is...?
Sneed gets spammed into every board on this site but c brain is too much?

Unlike every other meme in this shithole, right?

Complete ballers you say?

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>tfw Mojari abandoned lolis and is into cows now

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Just for clarification you mean CUMBRAlN right

And threads about video game characters are okay, and NSFW posts are removed when janitors/mods see them. Please shut the fuck up.

>forced memes
>frowned upon
apparently not, judging from the amount of cope dilate have sex oh no no and soijak i see these days


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Imagine being so mad your dick doesn't work you organize a discord raid on a board to try and shame people who like to jerk off and play video games.

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Holy fucking based

When is tranny getting filtered?

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that's correct

gamers = faggots
gamers = trannies

All it does is make the ones who are not okay with it leave. You end up with just people who like it and embrace it. Like degenerates for traps. After a month or two it was literally used in the starting posts of thinly veiled trap threads

post more link butts

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they used to be until all the newfags got here



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Just filter every word that can possibly offend someone
Yea Forums (video games sub) is a safe space for all kinds of people. We don't need hate here

does c.umbrainposters mean posters who are c.umbrains or people who post the word "c.umbrain"?

Hopefully it gets filtered to man.


It’s different when it’s soft core garbage spammed on a video game board for replies and basically /e/ dumps you fucking mongoloid.


It's the new Have Sex that's for sure


>until all the newfags got here

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Based gamer spammer

These threads are indeed pure cancer, when you have numerous boards to post your weeb porn on.

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Did incel and dilate get filtered yet?

sneed is organic and an integral part of Yea Forums culture

why haven't you joined the winning side yet, Yea Forums?
>once upon a time a Discord group decides to raid Yea Forums for teh lulz by forcing a new buzzword: the CB-word
>since Yea Forums likes to fap but a large part of Yea Forums is also contrarian, this buzzword was bound to rustle some jimmies
>they proceeded to false-flag Yea Forums intensely by filling the catalog with threads with a lewd image in the OP, and then calling the OP the CB-word in the first post, on top of spamming the CB-word in every other thread where applicable
>this gave the impression that this was a big problem on Yea Forums, which resulted in two things:
>1) people who were actually tired of lewd threads proceeded to spam the CB-word to call Yea Forums out on this
>2) underage shitposters unaffiliated with the Discord group saw that the CB-word was going to be the next epic buzzword like "have sex" and "incel" and proceeded to spam it as well for (You)s
>within hours, the Discord group managed to control a good portion of Yea Forums to their whims, and so Yea Forums was filled with the CB-word
>anons who were just waking up were wondering where the hell this new meme came from all of a sudden
>but then a miracle happened, at the peak of CB-posting, sadpanda rose from the dead
>by spamming the CB-word so hard, they only CB-spammers only jinxed themselves
>with their beloved porn haven back, it was time for cunny and /ss/, and all the cumchads just laughed at the CB-spammers
>and then another miracle happened: the mods got off their asses for once
>being unable to ignore the sheer forcedness of this meme, they wordfiltered it to gamer
>instead of plunging Yea Forums into a new era of chaos, the Discord group found that Yea Forums wasn't so easy to control after all as their efforts had been thwarted by a turn of fate
>as everyone laughed at their failure, they're still seething to this very day, trying to get lewd threads banned by spamming them in the same fashion
>and their raid went into history as an epic fail

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another gamer thread
take it to /h/

typical newfag response

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It means low testosterone/dopamine infected men that killed their libido with porn

dilate and have sex, you kumbrained incel

is this cropped? if so, source?

I prefer midriffs and abdomen and the like but I do have this.

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To be fair the overwhelming amounts of porn did kill Yea Forums I haven’t posted on there in probably 10 years and now it’s totally unrecognisable
Literally just insecure normies comparing their wives and cock sizes

that's really sad
why are so many people ending up like this?

Is that sweat?

This is true. TV manages to consistently be the most awful board on Yea Forums so it's no surprise. It's on par with pol really

what are you implying, faggot?

Oy vey, shut it down

And what about sneed?

>people make fun of porn/lewdposters for being off-topic faggots spending too much time masturbating
>said posters (aka gamers) think the Nazis have invaded Yea Forums and are actively oppressing them in order to build a new world order on the internet and real life

>mods filtered something as stupid as “cúmbrain” before they filtered incel
lmao what a fucking joke

no wonder the "”””””””””””””””””””””””"”””””””””””””””””””””””vidya"”””””””””””””””””””””””"””””””””””””””””””””””” tits/ass/feet threads never get deleted, mods are in on the whole thing

It is unironically nothing but porn now
All day every day
The last meme to come from there is some weird shit about Andy sixx eating shit logs and that was a couple years ago
This place is going that way too soon

Just ignore the shitposters

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Ahhh my eyes!!! My (cum)brain!!!! Aghhh nooooo Janny save meeee

Yea Forums please, i can't masturbate to R63 TMNT again.

1. Because it's easy
2. It takes no effort
3. No gf

>he wants board integrity when smash threads exist, when e-celeb threads exist, when twitter threads exist, when console war threads exist

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Holy shit, I think you're on to something... Could it be... Lewd video game threads have always been a part of this board?

sneed works as an immune system

>K-12 School starts up in less than two weeks
Everyone be nice to the underages, they’re going back to their internment camps soon enough! Then they’ll have to wait till the end of the day to do their ebin Discord raids after finishing their homework

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