Thoughts on getting one of these?

Thoughts on getting one of these?

Also what key do you guys use to bind inventory to?

Attached: 71rXY6v4DRL._SX466_.jpg (466x466, 30K)

Fancy gadgets won't make you any better.

Those are only useful for FPSs like TF2 and CS. Inventory is always binded to I.

What if I want to press P?

yeah sure if youre missing that half of your keyboard already

This is fucking useless

Chopping your keyboard in half is a stupid idea no matter how many lights you put on it.

that's even more retarded than the keyboards without a numpad

why even bother with making it with normal keyboard buttons and letters? why not make it an ergonomic design to fit one's hand.

have had one for roughly 5 years. These thigns are 101924571295x better than a keyboard. Get a small keyboard as well to compliment it. mechanical versions. Dont get that version of the gamepad get one with a triangle spacebar that is angled.

the only use I can see for this is if your space is incredibly fucking limited, like if you have a walk mounted monitor and no desk and you have to use your armrest as a desk

This is stupid. Keyboards are superior because they are useful for much more than playing video games. You know, like posting here?
If you want a compact gaming input device, get a controller.

>You know, like posting here?
opinion discarded

>not using text-to-speech to shitpost 10000 characters a second
*laughs in poor voice rec*

dt w sees e t wd be d f tg

>half a keyboard
>bizarre rim shapes are just a reason to inflate the price for "style"
>faggoty rainbow light
trash. just get a cheap keyboard that fucking works or maybe if you like lights on the keyboard atleast get a fucking full one

Back in lineage2 days these were pretty insane. Not only you can fit everyhting you need there but also there's usualy a way to macro stuff
And in lineage2 the spiritshots were bugged. Spritishots are the item that you use before every spell cast, but if you put them on "auto" (ingame feature) they activate during the cast, not before. They amplify the matk of the cast but also the cast speed, but if you activate them during the cast, you only get the matk bonus
But with these keypads you could guarantee the spiritshot use before every single cast consistently, increasing your strength in pvp by a shitton
All top mages had those or full keyboard with similar macro possibilities

then you reach down
what are you, a girl?

Gotchu OP, just get this and you're set. You may not like the red color but it's cheap as hell, works great, and doesn't look gay like whatever that shit you posted is

Attached: Screenshot_20190802-123659.jpg (1080x2160, 636K)

The fuck is the point/ benefit of this thing? Honest question.

I was unironically thinking of getting one because I needed more keys for games like tarkov without having to break my fingers or make awkward reaches but then I just decided to use an MMO mouse. Shit is based and I don't even play RPGMMOS.