Defend this game. I dare you.
Defend this game. I dare you
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Music is good.
Patch tweaker makes it fun
>Level design
It's better than 5 and 7. Also best OST since 1.
Shadow Armor is based and uhhh that's all I got.
i liked the upgrade system
Commander Yamarck is cute!
You liked the permanently missable reploids and grinding Dynamo for souls for 3 hours?
There's no Axl in it
yes but unironically
It bleeds atmosphere.
That’s it.
This. Also I'd say it's better than X3.
>alright story
>godtier ost
>Zero's moves are fluid
>armors are nice
>better than 5
If only the devs weren't massively crunching, it could've been the best in the series.
The soundtrack is great.
The upgrade system is good.
The armors are probably the best in the series.
What is that?
It was always exist as a shining beacon of how fucking terrible a mega man game can be if not supplied the right amount of effort and talent.
No other game even comes close. I've played through X5 like 30 times yet I've only touched X6 thrice and I hated it every time.
It was the MMX game I had the most fun with when I did a full MMX series playthrough 3 years ago. I had only played X1 and X2 as a kid, so I played the rest. X6 was the most challenging one as all other games were piss easy cakewalks. Plus the armors were awesome and the music was fantastic.
Great soundtrack
Alia is optional
Sequence breaking is fun
Doesn't hold your hand and is actual challenge
Refined animations and controls
Stages look interesting such as the waste disposal plant
Is willing to experiment
Also upgrade system is still an improvement over 5.
Has any other franchise aged as badly as Megaman?
5 is the best of the PS1 X games. Why do people hate it so much?
>alright story
>better than 5
Actually, yeah.
I have shit taste and I must scream
Could be worse. Could like Bara
Shit taste.
It's existence might have prevented them from making Zero 1 have the actual X as the villain instead of a copy.
For that it deserves to exist.
Its armors are also cool.
>its existence stopped a really interesting a unique idea
I like X5 too user, but Alia stopping you non-stop to tell you shit doesn't do the game any favors.
Compared to that slowdown fest that was 5? Absolutely but it's not by much, though.
I'd rather a slow game (even if Alia really isn't that much of a bother) than a game that's unfair even on easy mode
The soundtrack is God-tier and the story would have been good if it wasn't for the retarded translation.
I can't. I can't defend any game past X4 for that matter
Music is good
Difficult is very good.
Cool weapons.
Nice armors
Zero new moveset is good.
Its not a mobil game
I've never played any megaman game so I'll just say the cover art looks okayish
>Zero new moveset is good.
The only good moves were his basic saber combo, the other shit was just copied stuff he's had since X4, and even a move that made him commit suicide on ropes.
Great soundtrack, I can't get over how good that intro stage music is.
Zero's movement is fun.
Decent artwork/sprites, in fact it's a better game aesthetically than X5.
Overall I just think X6 is an average game, it's just considered bad because of MM's pedigree.
the level design is really, really bad
it basically negates everything else that's good about the game
So we can all agree that X has the worst story in the series right?
>Cain just dies
>we're supposed to feel sorry for Iris and Colonel (something that BN6 actually achieved)
>they had a whole game (Xtreme 2) to fix the above issue and yet they did nothing with it
>Alia and Signas, along with the other new hunters, appear out of nowhere
>Zero just comes back in X6, ruining all the development X and even Alia could've had
7 and 8 are surprisingly okay in terms of story but still
>Cain just dies
He's an old man, old people die.
Was going to post this.
daily reminder that alia is a pithless assassin, who killed almost every maverick in x6
It's fun in my opinion
She was just following orders bro.
Cool boxart
best X character
>has dialogue
>has emotions
>has a personality
>has interactions
>is playable
Yes, character.
>brown robot underboobs
Best girl
Alia>that qt in X5's good ending>Cinnamon>Nana>Marino>Palette>Layer>MHX navigator>Berkana>Iris>the one blondie from the manga>the one whip lady that killed herself
Yeah I agree, but we can all agree that the ___Zero Series has the best story right?
all the lady bots are equal.
X3 is top tier though
Help he’s literally impossible in X3
>shitty soundtrack
>garbage weapons
>most of the bosses have the same back and forth attack pattern
>crap upgrades
Nax, X3 is weak.
X3 is garbage
Why would anyone buy the X Legacy Collection 2 over 1? I understand those that buy the bundle, but deliberately buying X Legacy Collection 2?
Metal Shark Player is the best X level we've seen since X2.
>Not using the X collection on GameCube / PS2 instead.
The only real reason to buy is so you can lob money at Capcom.
Spics love X5 and X6 for some reason so maybe them
All the games from XLC2 work natively, compared to XLC1 where X1-3 are emulated
I need X9. Only for more fanart of best girl
X being the villain would have been fucking lame. Copy X was a better solution and gave us an interesting antagonist.
Not really, they just scrapped it since they knew Capcom would not like it
X8's okay.
>X1 that low
Yeah, now I know you're bullshitting.
I unironically don't need to.
It's a great game and only absolute retards say bad things about it.
I have you covered senpai
>shitty soundtracks
granted. But the PS1 version sounds good
>garbage weapons
Neon Tiger, Xrush Crawfish, and Tunnel Rhino's weapons are good.
>most of the bosses have the same back and forth pattern
Granted, but some of them, like Sigma and Godkarmachine O'Inary as well as Vile MK2 were fun to fight
The force field, gold armor and zero's sword were great. Also the double ait dash was nice too. Only flaw is the X Buster upgrade.
I would say the worst aspect of X is the fact that some levels had some bland sections. Everything else from ride armor to being able to use zero was great. But if they just designed a better game around it, and the music was good, then it would
easily be one of the top few.
>from ride armor
That you needed to get in a roundabout way and after you can use them they're only helpful for getting upgrades. I think the longest section of any stage where you can use a Ride Armor is in Gravity Beetle's and even then it's for a whole ten seconds.
>Level design
X6 final stage was creepy as fuck
>really like x6 because it gives a challenge
>a challenge that while artificial forces you to get good or try another method
>fuckups have actual consequences
>exploration has actual reward
>understanding the game's mechanics and powerups had real payoff
>play it on psp just because its so goddamn good
>X legacy collection comes out
>load up X6
>no life it
>and its cheevos/trophies
>notice its a slightly different build with new bugs, but nothing else is changed
what a fucking masterpiece
they're still kind of fun to use. Like I said, if a better game wqs designed around these fun things, it would be top tier. With that said, those fun mechanics are what bump it up past PS1 and PS2 titles, at least for me.
Though I really liked X5, X4 and X6 didn't really do much to tantalize me. X4 went back to just having one armor, the level design was average, story was garbage and got in the way. Honestly I felt like it was a step down from the SNES titles
>Ramming lmao.
>Zero can't be used past a stage's mid point.
>Destroying 10 crates in Blast Hornet's stage.
>Elevators in Gravity Beetle's stage.
>Damage output.
>Half of the enemies are bolted to the ground.
X3 is the easiest game to nitpick, moreso than X8 so it ends up on mid tier for most.
X5 is the worse out of all of them.
well holy-goddamn
Oh X8 has been nitpickes to death, trust me. I've seen people here bitch and bitch and bitch. Yeah X3 isn't as good as X1 and X2. Personally my favorite X games go like this
X1=X2> X3 = X8 > X5 > X6 > X4 >7
X4 is the least ambitious of them all. X5 and X6 were more bold in their approach
X4 boss art style was top notch, though, it went waaaaay beyond the simple pixels in the original 3.
It brought back best boy sporting his best look, unlike MegaBabies Zero amount of style.
The story is ok at best and that's only with the hidden scene that's impossible to get.
>X6 is challenging
Maybe when you play it for the first time and don't know about the bullshit parts.
>No other game even comes close.
You know the series didn't end at 6, right?
>the bullshit parts.
AKA the whole game?
the best
all of the music in this game is fucking amazing
>Least ambitious
>Introduced a completely different playstyle that became a staple for the series and produced not one, but 2 spin offs.
>2 games that introduced half baked that never come back or are stolen from other titles such as the part system, straight out of Mega Man 8/Rockman and Fortr
Fire Emblem
The physics are still good, due to the engine being the same as X4 and X5. The level design and underwhelming armor upgrades are the main things that make this game inferior. X8's physics are all over the place, and this game is better in that regard, though I'd probably still play X8 over it. The only game in the X series I consider truly terrible is X7.
Muh Alia
Mostly stuff like finding a secret path and having to waste all your 9 lives since you can't progress without using something you don't have
>Overall I just think X6 is an average game, it's just considered bad because of MM's pedigree.
This, same with MN9.
Yes but its stupidity is charming. The stuff you mentioned is all fine to me except for Cain passing and never being mentioned ever again.
It's playable. I can't say that about X7.
Is this gay. Cause the scared looking semen demon on the left looks fine
Not the best character, not even best girl, but easily best-looking girl.
You would be right if 3 was released directly after 1.
Even though the quality is lower, I used to play the games in 2 more so that's the one I go back to the most.
Honestly 3 had the worst bosses, least interesting enemies, blandest level design, blandest level layout, worst music, and it's still better than 6.
Jump over him, cling to the wall, and fire the buster wave at him.
Next stage, aim a little higher than you think you should. The hitbox is kinda funny.
I wanted to finally play X7
I enjoyed it, but understand why people consider it shit. The real crime is that if they fixed the camera, open up the level design, make the controls more responsive and faster like the 2D games, you would have a fun as fuck 3D action platformer template to base a bunch of sequels out of. There are a total of two sections in the entire game that let's you run wild without having to worry about camera issues and they are the most fun moments in the game, but they last less than a minute and most people rush through it. I wish Capcom would give it another shot.
X6 is just an X5 that dropped out and never completed its degree, the only ambition it had was trying to release in less than a year.
Music's good.
Graphics are good.
Armors are mostly good.
Nothing else is good.
Those are features.
Your point?
If a real X9 was gonna happen, would you prefer Sigma coming back yet again or prefer him to stay "dead"?
>Normal/Shadow X can air-dash
>Zero's diving slash attack is remapped to the sub-weapon button to avoid accidental triggers
These two fixes alone are gamechangers.
It would feel weird without Sigma but it could definitely work. Also I hope they never do Elf Wars, that thing is just fine as a slightly vague situation without Capcom attributing a shitty hackjob version of it to something that should be epic. X games should do their own thing that pertains to X and the Hunters and the world around them instead of more Zero wank.
I'd like it if they kept him dead, but if they're still trying to keep continuity alligned with MMZ we know he's going to keep coming back until the Elf Wars.
Wasn't there a timeline split after X6?
Man, i sure want Sigma as the main villian for the 11th time (12th if you count mahvel)
Sigma will be back somehow. They're not going to put out the first new MMX game in 15 years without its chief villain. I would expect him to have a downplayed role, though.
DMCV put Vergil back in so we're probably stuck with the bald man whether we like it or not.
Never in my life will I defend x4-6 in any capacity
Vergil was ambiguous, X8 said he was friggin dead and you saw his crippled body collapse into a heap with Lumine finishing off his corpse. Command mission didn't need Sigma, neither does any future titles.
X9 should make Sigma a playable character after you beat him.
>X4 needs defending
Since when?
When the game was a boring clone of X1 but with an extea character. The REXE: OSS of X games.
>Couldn't dash in X1
>Couldn't be Zero in X1
>Character doesn't fight an unwinnable boss in the intro stage
>radically different stage design and weapons
>Giga attacks and saber techniques introduced
The only thing shared is that the game starts on a highway, you are actually retarded.
Don't aim for his head when he's in his big-ass mech form. Try aiming for those red shoulder things instead, and see if you can't hit him with the charge shot easier doing that.
It's been a hip cool thing to hate X4 recently
I thought the Shadow and Blade armor were pretty cool even if the former was just a retreading of the Gaia armor with Crescent Grizzly's weapon and you can't really beat Gate's levels with it because of the wall clinging and no air dash unless you cheese it using a fucky technique
I like that Maverick Hunter X tried to tell it better, though it made some weird decisions like Sigma's uprising killing Cain even though he's supposed to appear in X2 and 3 but that's not even that important so whatever, kill him I guess. It also made him way more sickly by having him on a life support system.
Nostalgic revival of an old series though.
Using Sigma as the villain is a safe choice.
Besides he lives on through any remaining new gens or literally a back up body anywhere else.
It's very easy to bullshit him back unless you delete the virus from the entire world.
>introduces a new character who is your ally and has a full head of hair and his name is Miasg and his symbol is a big M
>reveals himself as the big bad guy and flips the M turnways
Why hasn't anyone tried to fix the glaring issues with this game yet? I mean the fanbase is there but no ones even attempted it.
X9 would probably be a soft reboot like 11 so I'd be okay with Sigma coming back. I like Vile the best but Sigma's cool too.
You best not have Ferham that low in your list, boy.
That would require level design reworks mainly.
But someone is trying on a rom hacking front to tackle the other ones.
See this user's post.
Combat is the best in the series
Rest fucking sucks ass
Vile as the last boss with Sigma being a secret boss. It's the only way.
Also ditch the MMZ storyline completely.
There's a thousand other antagonists to choose from than Sigma regardless of the "safe choice" unless they go earlier in the timeline. Sigma himself was unable to propagate himself further because he was on the moon. They also already did the bait and switch with Sigma right before the lunar palace involving a new Gen, so instead I would think bring back Vile and give him a gang.
It'll never happen but I'd like to see them branch the timeline. One that continues to CM and the other to MMZ.
Vile's putting together a team.
Why do people think they can't coexist with CM being early 22XX and the fact that Zero sealing himself has no definitive date?
Let this fucker rot in the moon
So Light's an AI these days right?
Anything stopping him from further upgrading X or even just studying Zero's schematics to figure out how to make him a proper armor instead of just a Black mode?
Zero I guess is basically a walking Virus but if he made X immune to it, I'd like to think Light's capsule is too considering how it's often in very virus dense areas.
Despite being a rushed mess it is something of a noble failure. On paper, the Nightmare system took the stage changing effects in X1 and tried to turn them into an actual mechanic. Unfortunately, the game was so rushed that not only does much of the level design feel like it got little more than a few minutes worth of attention, but an equal amount of "care" went into the implementation of nightmare effects as well, resulting in an ambitious mechanic that needed attention to execute well simply being thrown together with reckless abandon, and that's the crux of why the game can feels so unfair sometimes. That said, I would say that X6 is still somewhat together when you parse all the bullshit out for yourself and figure out how all of these mechanics are supposed to interact. To that end, it makes a godawful first impression but can actually stand to be more tolerable, if still incredibly flawed, on repeat playthroughs.
>On paper, the Nightmare system took the stage changing effects in X1 and tried to turn them into an actual mechanic.
It was already a mechanic in X1, with some stages changing completely. It's half-assed in X6 with random ass effects that don't really so anything significant to the layout design.
Which can be somewhat implied by the very next sentence. And X1's implementation is definitely more situational than X6's, where stages can be impacted by effects in multiple, sometimes extremely obnoxious ways.
Not saying that it couldn't, but I just prefer it that way.
It's good for MMX vets unless you're a pussy
Great variety of armour and playstyles
Cool bosses except H*max
Great music
No fucking gay ass MMX5 time limit
X6's successes are not due to it's own attempts though. It has a solid foundation built by the games before it. If it's the least bit enjoyable, it's because of those games, not X6. The bullshit is all X6 has to offer.
I dint know why anyone uses difficulty level as an excuse for X6 being a good game. The game isn't even hard. It hits a difficulty spike at the Gate stages but that's it.
It's never hard for a good reason anyways. If its not retarded enemy placement, it's non-playtested interactions between stage and nightmare effect (see: silhouette effects on Metal Shark Player's stage).
I Fucking never ever heard of this patch, maybe because my standard for games are low and this game is not absolute garbage, but I'm not lying that i found this game actually harder than X4 and X5. Probably because i got butt fucked by nightmare stages
I'm will give it a try.