The monster plans to trap those men on the web... AND EAT THEM AFTERWARDS!

The monster plans to trap those men on the web... AND EAT THEM AFTERWARDS!

EDF thread! Post lobbies, screenshots, webms, and weapon recommendations!

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Other urls found in this thread:

oh no, theyre eating people
then theyre gonna eat me

>want to farm some weapons so I can farm some weapons more efficiently
>now strugging to get the weapon in itself, let alone increase the stat I want
The new weapon system is a double edged sword. If it guaranteed at least one upgrade per one that dropped it'd at least be a little more lenient.


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It gets harder and harder when your weapon is more upgraded. You could get 3 inferior versions of said weapon that all go straight into the trash.

If the EDF is so smart why haven't they invented grindbusters yet?

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I don't even want a GOOD upgrade, I just want to upgrade my hell flame revolvers so they dont have fucking 6 second spin up time (when the chart says they have .5x at max).

Any piratefags hosting?


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>autoshotgun that you can pray and spray
>150 meter range
>fires at full power for 50-60 shots
>shreds bees
Destroyer blaster is pretty fuckin neato

>they took out this line from 5
I'm sad now

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>getting grabbed by a full health blue tadpole

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that motherfucker picked me up, flew me to the other side of the map, literally in the corner between 2 invisible walls and fucked off

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My moment of glory


lobbys where?


Hooligan cannon is literally it.

What's the best loadout for wing diver for mission 109, the one with the mothership?

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you know what would've been super great? if hooligan cannon was a dlc air raid that punched through shield bearer shields and transport ships like it does in the regular campaign.

They will come for revenge

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>finally reached 55% completion
>finding lobbies to finish all Hard missions with all classes is now getting impossible
>burned out pretty hard and not sure I'll be able to get that 60% completion before moving on to Hardest

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Closed laser is nice, it's low damage but it's cheap to spam. Then a dragoon lance or whatever for the enemies at the start.


oh no, NOT AGAIN

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Hold the fuck up, is that a red queen?

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He doesn't know about DEATH QUEEN

I want to do the 100% completion, but I feel like I'll get it done sooner offline than online and then have to do it all over again. Also, in saying that, you'd unironically have an easier time doing hardest if you did full hard > inferno, then came back for hard with limiter off.

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Mission 101
vdf, rage, buyfrogs

Get in here scrubs

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Try eating my Nix, you bitch.

>you'd unironically have an easier time doing hardest if you did full hard > inferno
I wouldn't have the weapons to back me up on Inferno, and I imagine my armor value would be pretty low for it. Some Inferno missions cap the armor at over 15k and I don't even have a third of that on Fencer and that scares me. Also people might just kick me out for it anyway.

Fucking 10/10

Honestly if you 100% offline then just cheat the completion for online, there's no sense in having both completion values be separate like this to begin with.

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>the rocket doesn't explode immediately after hitting the target
>it goes into textures instead
That triggers me every time.

dynamarisa sequel when?

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That's amazing, I hope you are going to finish this.

I just took it from a previous EDF thread.

If the hitbox was the entire missile you'd never actually hit the intended target with it

Is this actually a decent edf clone?

absolutely worth playing, though it shares similar problems with randomized weapon stats

1 slot open, 102

Well, I hope someone is going to finish this. We have to summon our resident drawfag.

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Finally, Normal done with Ranger, Hard with Wing Diver. Should I do Hardest with Air Raider and Inferno with Fencer? Or the other way?

Do hard with air raider and fencer so you get 3x the medals. Hardest and Inferno only gives you one medal for their respective difficulty.

>just got an EDF5 key from the twatter raffle
I'm coming home bros.

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Thats worth a medal!

its cool guy

I wonder what those glowy eyes are

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Its not ded, just restin

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I wish this game would never die.

I wish I had the mental resilience to keep playing after randoms doing silly things causes the mission to fail multiple times

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>Get a sick new rifle that's ten levels above the one I was using already
>Damage: 2.8 (1*)
>Range: 30cm (1*)
>Magazine size: 1 (1*)
>Accuracy: ZZZ (2*)
>Firing delay: 14s (2*)
>Reload time: 14 minutes (1*)

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Why are The Spriggans such bitches?

As a further point: if you're doing it offline (for whatever reason, like me), you can actually 2 player split screen it for double the medal acquisition rate if you dont mind having shit viewing area.

because everybody in storm team is a badass asshole.
>grim reapers
>whoever the fuck the others are
unless sarge is in his own team, and just hangs with you because you just work so well together.

Sarge and his squad actually admit you're good when you help them survive the shitfest that is mission 40.

"it's an honor to fight with the spriggans"
>she says, in the same cadence one would say in reference to someone else, and not themselves


He just wanted to take you to a safe place.

Who is gonna win?
A man and his gauntling or a bunch of balls?

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The balls will get hit by a bullet and fly off in random directions until the man and his gatlings are surrounded by BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS of steel.

room is back up

It doesn't make a bit of difference guys, Dende's gone remember?

>we can't deafeat those, we have to get THE railgun
>it's actually dogshit
I was doing fine with gunships, thank you.

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I am reminded in a sense that piercing attacks dont pierce shield bearers, such lame.

if you have your shield up you cannot be knocked over

Been playing 4.1 again with friends since we dont have 5, into the dlc for the first time now and its gettin reel gud
Is 5 a good successor?
I usually see mixed reactions

That sounds possible to mod in a la the 4.1 weapon mod. It would basically just be a cannon shot that you spawn that has piercing and max damage. Hilariously overpowered so you'd have to make it fairly expensive.

The only shitty things about 5 is the song and some of the DLC stages.

Fun fact: on the mission Berth, if you destroy all enemies before the mobile base comes around and drops new enemies, you can finish the mission early, avoiding having to deal with any of the enemies that thing drops.

Hard mission 88 to as far as possible for medals, 'Earth Defense Farce' no pw, experimental setups welcome.

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There are many QoL improvements over 4.1 but the EDF theme in 5 is worse.

They have a massive inferiority complex and they're also perpetually embarrassed by their uniforms.
>Sarge here, we're moving in to rescue the ladies
>Grim Reaper, where are the damsels in distress?

>UGH, fucking men, we don't NEED your HELP, THANK YOU

Also buyfag, I am a dummy thank you.

Look at that Fencer with his arms outstretched like that, he's having the time of his life!

What are the conditions to turn off armor and weapon limit online? Clearing the game online?

Sarge is the best fucking guy, his teammates complain a lot but otherwise they're good too. The Grim Reapers don't talk except for their team leader who is obsessed with death. The Spriggans have massively fragile egos for some reason and can't handle banter, they're fine and even recognize your talents when you fight with them, its not until the Grim Reaper leader teases them that they go full on defensive mode.

Having a 70% or more online completion rate. Good luck with that.


Oh yeah? Well where is that "safe place", Sarge? Right behind that other horde of monsters? While I get the standard issue weapons and you get the blazer?

More like all of them. DLC stages in 5 are barebones compared to 4.1.

I remember hearing NPCs cry as they get melted by gold ants and there's a mission with nonstop airstrikes and you have to avoid them.

You'll get to use the blazer soon

>tfw keep doing super-high jumps as fencer by accident
>have no idea how to manually replicate it
>don't even know if it's a bug or not

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No Earth Eaters is gay, the doomed feeling that shit being up there is huge.
and for no Air Raider complaints they could of just let shit pierce like they do anyway for crap like the mothership, they already got rid of any mission preventing call ins.

Does anyone know which missions HQ/intel supposedly talks about Sarge's weapon? I don't remember that.

Don't press any direction when you jump, it'll propel you straight upwards.

You jump will be way higher if you stand still before jumping.

have you tried not holding any direction and jumping

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Jump without pressing WASD, i think.

Ah, okay. Thanks anons.
Is this feature mentioned anywhere (outside of the manual maybe) and I just missed it like a dingus?

wage gap

They haven't gotten a good dicking in quite some time

Don't you mean thigh gap?

Play Idolmaster Theater Days

The Slugger type ARs for Ranger really should have penetration.


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Can't believe there are actual tryhards here who kick on silly builds

It's obvious if you try to reach some high place, or just use your jump as a way to gain a clear view on the enemy.

where the fuck is everyone

Welcome to any videogame, especially multiplayer with Yea Forums. If you're not using 100% serious meta builds you'll probably get kicked by nofunallowed fags.

lo/v/bys are maximum fun, its pubbies the try hards

Sadly, EDF threads can't last forever.

I was watching Thunderbolt Fantasy and downloading exhentai stuff to save. I can host a pirate lobby in a bit if anyone wants to join.

If you bring level 0 weapons to a late hard lobby then people might kick you.

I believe it was a night level, 63 or something maybe (recapturing the industrial area)? Sarge is like "shit man I wish I had a blazer"

Private profiles are auto redflags

1 spot, 107

I would kill for another mission like Last Bastion and God's Army. Also no DLC mission in 5 in and open field saddens me.

The safe place that sarge leads you to is EARTH

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4.1 dlc stages were way better. Bombs Away was a fun level.

I was just about to get on, if you host a pirate lobby i'd join





W-What do they do with the women?

It doesn't appear to be 63, Sarge hardly talks at all in this mission.

Stop that depressing crap!

Man, inferno is satisfying but you sure can't binge it like hard and hardest.

I think it's 50, the industrial night mission with drops ship and surprise mystery monster visit.

Then, how about this one?




I wasn't too sure, it's the one where godzilla shows up out of nowhere for a while, then leaves.

Zapped like a moth

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owned b*tch

yeah sounds like 50
Night time, teleport ships, red ants and BEES, after you destroy two ships Spikey boy shows up
I wish I had my Blazer!
Spoilers: He actually uses it in later missions
There was actually a ranger squad that would show up in late game 4.1 missions with high powered lasers, probably the same thing

Room up, buychads only.
Mission 12 hard


Hardest 2

Here it is. From posts in other threads, I thought I missed Intel asking "Sarge where the hell did you get that gun?", but it's just his soldiers.


Slugger shotgun should have a better range than regular shotguns, not the other way around.

Actually is HQ who ask the intelligence lady from where the fuck sarge got the Blazer. She doesn't know either and HQ assumes she's lying.

Different mission then.

slugger as in up close puncher, rather than slug shooting
just me guessing

i think its another night raid/archelus mission.

I cant do hardest or below anymore. It's just too easy.

I want kids with that Gumball

I keep seeing anons joining inferno and hardest rooms with sub-15% completion and about 25% of the armor cap and expecting to be carried. This is a perfect chance to fix bith of those problems if you're a shitter. Slots still open.

Do people farm weapons on some easier missions on Inferno? I've been essentially playing the game linearly Hard>Hardest>Inferno through the missions and every once in a while on Hardest there's that one brutal mission. My weapons are always about 10-15 levels below the limit, though everything has been "beatable" so far.

It's mission 78 (offline), Monster Extermination, that sarge gets his blazer. It's right before the base reclamation missions.

I still believe that sarge got the gun by just looking at the ground hard and long enough until the blazer just appeared out of thin air.

>Upgraded blood storm

This is a bit too good for something so low level.

later versions aren't as nice.

They do, but you don't really have to.

Hmm, it's not in that mission either. Sarge says at the beginning "take it up with brass" to a soldier who says he wants a Blazer, but that's it.

Cool. Been playing online with just one other person so it can get tough some battles. Fun as hell though.

That, I think, is somewhere near the start of the first base reclamation mission. One of his squad members is the one who says he wants one.

Because they're good at long range attacks, but have no armor at all. Like a metaphor for women IRL.

Yeah it's in mission 78 like I quoted.

Are any of the cheap dlc things worth picking up in 4.1 or 5?
Already got mission packs just curious

Not at all.

>his teammates complain a lot but otherwise they're good too
there's a saying in the military, it's only when your men aren't complaining that you should be worried

the probe types for the ranger and the cores for the WD. they are worthless after 2 hours of playing, but if you are new at the game, they sure help.

Does anyone play on a controller? I mostly play Wing Diver and I like the new air dash a lot but I know I still can improve. Flying around feels natural on a controller to me but I can aim much better with kb+m. Which do you prefer and why?

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Mouseaim makes turbo cores and jet cores incredibly fucking strong because you can do instant 180 turns, and your directional boost is basically an "any direction" boost

now on mission 98, 2 slots

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1 slot left

1 slot open here

>The Spriggans have massively fragile egos for some reason and can't handle banter, they're fine and even recognize your talents when you fight with them, its not until the Grim Reaper leader teases them that they go full on defensive mode.
implying this isn't sexual tension

the spriggans are smug assholes and the fencers don't like the WDs after that competition the NPCs fencers say from time to time.

Is it ...armed!?

now post a mission where balls don't come from only one direction

>be air raider
>put marker for spritefall
>as soon as air strike starts all wing divers fly towards the area like moths at light
>"wtf stop aiming at us"

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Just excuse yourself with a "Watch out for the airstrikes"

This. Slugger AR can decimate up close. Definitely what they're going for.

101 now, 2 slots

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Yea Forumsaliant infantry
Pass is the usual
Gonna do mission 18 and then skip to 32+

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multiplayer is too hard

what does it smell like bros?

>The Grim Reapers don't talk except for their team leader who is obsessed with death.
Besides that one coward that wants to back out cus "the battle is to one sided"

The real question is what mission does the blazer drop?

DLC mission pack 2



What's so special about Gold ants? They don't seem too dangerous

what difficulty are you playing on? They do insane damage on inferno.

u just stand still and press jump lmao

>they're good at long range attacks
shitter detected

This should be obvious, but if you're spritefalling an open dropship, you basically just guaranteed that the dropship gets to live for an extra drop cycle. The same goes for high HP targets, spritefall does piss damage against single targets, and in some situations, they'd die a lot faster if it wasn't instant death for a player to get in attack range of them. The worst one is when you have an alien disarmed and about to die, then a spritefall comes in, and you're forced to back off while the ayy regrows his gun arm and starts shooting your team. Spritefall also doesn't do very good damage against pylons on difficulties above hard, you should be using a bulge laser instead, or maybe just doing nothing instead of friendly firing with an ineffective weapon.

Attached: spritefall vs pylon hardest online.webm (500x280, 2.84M)

help, i'm dying squirtle
ded game
ded thread

People too busy playing to post

>but if you're spritefalling an open dropship, you basically just guaranteed that the dropship gets to live for an extra drop cycle
But that is a valid strategy(with small enough spritefalls/bulge lasers) . Spritefall the TP ship, it kills all the spawning monsters and it gives lets whoever is under the ship enough free space to kill the thing.

You can send a gunship on top of it.

yeah, all the ones that are left are playing. Before these threads were pretty busy. Now, not so much. Sorry mate, your game is squirtle

>Be wing diver
>rush an ancor at the start of a mission
>shoot it down with phalanx
>as it explodes AR calls a spritefall on top of it
>get shot for 90% of my health
>have to retreat
>AR gets swarmed because nobody protects his ass
>all team dies
>mission failed
Just be more aware of your surroundings ffs. I'm not even talking about all the times they just aggro the entire map because they have to spam phobos/spritefall every second.

non artillery trash need to fuck off out of the red circles and let the only class that can actually kill bugs and ayys do its fucking job without listening to bitching.

Unless you have a WD flying right into it ready to take it down in one cycle.
If you have fencers and rangers camping below, then yes, it's actually helpful to spritefall.

>sterring a tempest into the underside of a dropship
>goddamn red ant gets in the way
>mfw manage to kill it with gunship fire and redirect the missile back upwards into the dropship
also, do the missiles sometimes seem to just clip into the ground a few feet without detonating or is just me?

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Yeah the hitbox is in the center of the missile so when you call in tempest it dives into the monster for like half the model first

2 slots open, doing mission 20 now.

In that case yes, its the fault of the AR for not seeing that the WD is going to kill the thing.

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You sure can, and you should do that.

You know what, that sounds like a really good ranger strategy. Too bad you have to learn how to cooperate with more than just rangers in this game. Creating a no-fly zone around the enemy while you have flying units is a way of directly preventing your flying units from being effective. And all you have to do to change this is just target the dropship while it's closed. That clears the monsters that have already spawned. Then sit back and watch as the WD kills the dropship seconds after it opens, and hopefully someone will mop up the 2 monsters that managed to spawn.

Unironically good advice. Artillery strikes show up on radar and on the ground, but advance warning that a chunk of the battle zone will turn into an instant death field is awfully polite.

under what menu is the phrase located? i've tried to find it to no avail.

Communication > warnings


Air raiders dps is not good dude. Hes crowd control and little else.

>let the only class that can actually kill bugs and ayys
laughing my ass off

Attached: 3shots.webm (696x392, 2.91M)

>not even 2 pages of lobbies

ded game?

yes user, yes. its a dead game. now fuck off.

Post wing divers being horribly killed

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anyone want to play with someone just starting hardest

>Hur dur blur lets make a class with a cool jetpack.
>HUR DUR LUR BUR lets make all the weapons drain jetpack energy

Spritefalling big anchors works though because the thing is so big that 90% of Spritefall's shots will hit it. That is, if the AR knows where to aim to maximize the area of effect on it.

where da rooms @

Just left this Give them a hand

tfw they're on the last level
whats the point

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why you so mad bro?

Oh no, i'm not mad, just answering the user's question. Now fuck off as well.

Gonna need an open lobby, lads

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What about me user?

user, it's a PORT of a 1 YEAR OLD relatively obscure japanese game. It's not gonna have thousands upon thousands of players

I don't know, what's you question? what troubles your mind?

room name: veedf
pw: rage
just starting hardest at mission 1, come play your favorite escort mission

Attached: welp.png (262x366, 125K)

Should i, too, fuck off?

>in order to play hardest or inferno difficulties, you will need to complete the final mission on easy, normal, or hard difficulty first


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it depends, do you want to fuck off? is so, yes, feel free to fuck off.

You were gonna be deadweight anyway then

Yeah, this does work, but it depends on which spritefall you use. Spritefall R actually has the best damage/area ratio, but people prefer later unlocks which are less likely to do enough damage to a single target. To me it just seems like the wrong tool for the job, though, especially if you have aerial units, and considering that single-target beams work perfectly.

Thanks user! You're the best

It's ogre. Thanks for the games lads.

what weapons do you even use on ranger? everything but shotguns seem terrible and useless

grenades and c4 can be devastating if you use them right

ARs can be fun and they stunlock frogs and ayys to death with their sustained fire.

>hit an alien once
> begins playing
>he's now on the other side of the map

shotgunner is scary

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I'm guessing strafing would've helped here.

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Nah, you were fucked, m8. The only way you could have come out of that alive would have been with an AR with penetrating bullets to stunlock the whole pack.

It's weird how much like us they look. I don't think I'd be able to shit it.

did they get rid of flamethrowers?
magma cannon was what you used in 4.1, that shit melted greens like green butter

man, I've been playing with a controller
its going to suck when I get to green ants

Perfect time to insert into WD's butt

Inferno Lobby
Mission 107
vdf, rage, buyfrogs

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They're still there

Crossover when

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I don't get it

Room finished. Good games anons.
>make room specifically to get armor for lowbies
>get to Plain of Conflict
>tell lobby to prioritize looting because of 128 item cap on the map at one time
>only me and 1 other person actually loot a single thing
>air raider and ranger never move from the spawn point despite saying we needed to loot several times
>see at least 70+ tightly clumped items the other user and I didn't have time to loot
>after the mission ranger tells me rangers can't loot
>then goes out of his way to avoid boxes as he runs through clouds of them in the next mission
>is a low-HP-guy the room was intended to help help themselves
>lose all motivation to play EDF
Bleagh. I'll probably have a room up again later tonight.

>rangers can't loot
Has he read a single loading screen?

GATE is a manga/anime where a GATE opens up in modern day japan and a fantasy army comes out and kidnaps a load of people before the JSDF fights them off
Then the JSDF travels to Fantasy land and destabilizes the local government, with the help of fantasy characters like dog and cat people, a loli death goddess, a loli magician and big titty elf and dark elf goodness
also there's a bunny girl that gets raped, but fuck that bitch

tl;dr its about the JSDF and that's what the EDF is based on.

magma cannon is still in the game and I believe is the only ranger weapon that can shoot through shield screens but I doubt you will ever find a good use for it in using it that way.

I couldn't tell you, user. I didn't want to turn the lobby into shitposting after that nugget got dropped.


People don't read manuals anymore
They don't read loading screen hits either, which is basically what replaces the manual now
EDF5 has both, accessible in game
Still people refuse to check and either remain ignorant, or ask people online who also haven't read the manual.
It is a noble goal to teach people the way of teaching themselves, but sometimes its just so hard at how wilfully ignorant people can be.

waiting for 4 before we start, 1 slot

The thing is, it's the same type of person who joins hardest or inferno with 25% of the armor cap, always goes down, and doesn't ever consider that they're the problem because they got some 2* level 90 drops a few days ago so they think they're geared.

I was in an inferno vdf room yesterday that had "15%+" in the description. An user with 8% and 1.9k hp on a fencer joined. What the hell is going through someone's mind who does that? We soldiered on and cleared a few missions, but now I'm sure that just reinforced the idea that he never needs to improve his character.

Yea Forumsdf

I'm at 3400 and I feel like it's barely enough on hardest.

Some people think they're hot shit, they be like LOL JUST DON'T GET HIT *dies*

Theres not much point in spending time picking up boxes when you can just grind boxes on pillbugs so easily. You can pretend it saves time but youre just spending extra time picking them all up at the end of the level so whats the difference?
Also you need to take it easy and dont get hit :^)


1 slot open still. We've been doing other missions waiting for 4 people.

name: Yea Forumsdf
pass: rage
starting from mission 1 on hard
let's get some medals

fucking greens ruined my grenades+c4 only build

Attached: i have no guns and i must scream.jpg (1920x1080, 611K)

Fantasy EDF would be pretty cool. We already got dragons in 4.1 though.

Just have two alien invasions at once, one using the insects and aliens, while the other uses fantasy creatures and Hectors, with the EDF caught in between that.

>cave mission
what unholy bullshit difficulty is this

What mission was this

Earth eater was the worst part of 4. It had too much rng on where they would aim.

Earth Eaters were gay

hardest the cave mission with tons of queens

still 2 open

I can understand the C4, but whats the grenade for originally?

Earth Eaters > Pepsiman

Prove me wrong.

insane damage, radius and range. pretty fun to nuke enemies and your friends

Deserved it for wearing the shit WD outfit.

At least pepsiman didnt force me to carry long range weapons or completely invalidate some of my air strikes as AR

Attached: e-edf.jpg (1920x1080, 415K)

You can punch pepsiman on the face.

At some point in Hardest (as a Ranger) you're so under-powered that grenades become more viable than your other explosives

Attached: Rangers are usele-.webm (800x450, 2.9M)

Yeah man, why bother playing the game when you can just grind it in the most boring way possible instead? Let everyone else pick stuff up, you've figured out the golden ticket. Brainlet.

Good use of grenades is always fun
I like to try bringing the faster throwing impact nades to fight Queens, but it never ends well cause my team mates always die for some reason
No its not my fault, its theirs for pulling like 5 Queens at once


Attached: Thanks.webm (700x392, 2.94M)

Can you? I tried Barga against it and it seemed all my shit was phasing through him.

yeah you can. he's just a really dodgy fucker and will evade you most of the time

name: Yea Forumsdf
pass: rage
mission 2 hard

Are blink balls just free, but slow plasma cannons?

>thread has been up for twelve hours without even hitting bump limit

Like here, this guy. This is mission 102, Tornado, and the player is using the Lysander F which is level 62. On hardest 102 allows up to level 75 gear and 5136 armor for ranger. The player has 1321 armor, which is a cunt hair over 25% of the armor limit, and is talking about how the class itself is under-powered. Not himself, not his character, but the whole class.


Attached: 1563696549655.jpg (631x745, 77K)

Idk man just because you can grind doesn't mean you should, or that you need to. Hard and hardest can be tackled without grinding at all if you know how to play a videogame, and the overall aesthetic of EDF is inferior firepower somehow defeating a superior force. So going in with megaweapons and tons of armor kind of undermines that experience. I don't want total newbies in an inferno lobby, but I don't really make gear demands like it's some ilvl check in WoW either.

so it's not my imagination, everything really is faster on the unlockable difficulties.

Yeah they do
Just watch a frog walk in inferno, its insane

>nobody will play low levels with me
feels bad

What fucking grenades are those?

this must be that "yeet" that lil zoom zoom is always telling me about

DNG3 I'd assume

so how does progression work?
I finished mission 99 in someone else's room when I'm only up to 85. If I go to start my own room I can start it with 99 but not 100. If I start my own room and finish 99 in it will that unlock 100?

I can easily understand this games appeal, and I did have fun at times, but I had to drop it. Maps are far bigger than they need to be especially early on when you have fuck all. This is one autism simulator I just cant get invested in.

Loved the campiness of it though.

Attached: go_team_venture.jpg (2667x2000, 368K)

Iirc you have to progress solo

I thought this game was about shooting bugs and aliens, not picking up colored boxes. Please dont act like picking up all the drops at the end when theres one harmless enemy left is any different than grinding an entire harmless level.

I'm completely against grinding for this one. There is zero need. Playing through the campaign on hard for each class, then trying hardest or inferno after that, works just fine with no grinding and no superweapons. I'm not saying gear demands, just pointing out that the player in that .webm has 25% of the armor limit on a class whose ONLY defense mechanic is his armor and is telling other people the class is under-powered. There's a reason ranger gets more than everyone else. Would you tell fencers to play without boosts, or wingdivers to play without flying?

>especially early on when you have fuck all.
This, mobility is a big issue early

Babbies' first EDF, someone lied to you or you're fucking retarded. Make sure to play through to mission 110 with your starter weapon and starting armor then and don't pick up any colored boxes. You know, like all the previous EDF titles had you doing.

^ I usually only use AR and this WebM is meant as a joke, not a serious statement. As for the dude with C4 and grenades, that was mission 32 if i remember correctly.

Also, apart from the G&M with an auto-click, what are some weapons that can rival the other classes' firepower around those levels?

awful lot of needless hostility in this thread. virgin alert imo


If we're going to get hyperbolic now maybe you should try getting to 110 without shooting anything huh?
Its not like im saying to avoid picking anything up, but obsessing over boxes in the middle of a level is pointless. Just pick up whats near you and go about your business. This game even moreso compared to 4.1; i havent grinded at all, yet my classes are all over the armor limit for hard by now. So obviously i have been picking things up, but i assure you i wasnt licking brutal battlefield clean in the middle of the mission.

Attached: 1541358611320.gif (256x192, 344K)

you can only progress if you've cleared EVERY mission prior to the one you're going to, so in your case you need to clear 85-99 before you can unlock 100.

Well shit dude, I thought this game was about shooting bugs and aliens, not picking up colored boxes. Grinding the offline campaign so much and picking up so much loot that you're over the beginning difficulty's limit, how do you find time to shoot bugs?


Wow, you're a fucking asshole. I agree with you, but you're a complete shithead. Shut your mouth, idiot.

I said i didnt grind at all though. Ive only done mission 1 offline. Ive just been filling out my hard mode stars.
You need to relax though dude. Im genuinely not trying to make you mad or anything but it feels like youre going to pop a blood vessel.

If you enjoy the campiness then you might like the ending where it turns into a really heartfelt rallying cry to protect the last of humanity. It sounds cheesy, but after 70 hours of campaign, you really feel it.

I thought that the story chatter in the last mission was kind of rushed and stilted

Like, are there any survivors? What about Joel from New York? Did he make it?

>number of deployable units

any buyfag lobbies? anyone want to host?

how do these people exist

Attached: e93aZQF.png (918x135, 104K)

the ending slideshow says only 10% of humanity remains. It only plays offline[t/spoiler]

trying again, still hardest mission 1

That doesn't sound TOO bad...

I will, but not today.
I have to go to bed.

>do not join
>has passcode anyway
Retarded as fuck

I don't understand why the "Do not Join" is necessary when the room is pass only already.

I saw this lobby the other day, before they had the passcode on
Maybe someone joined and told them about passcodes?

>NPCs have a voice line telling people not to stand in front of them

Attached: 1532272918721.png (393x505, 214K)

I saw one earlier that was open publicly and said STEAM FRIENDS ONLY. Some people are special.

no more grinding lads

Attached: getting a 10 star drop.jpg (284x178, 12K)

Is the green/purple fencer a reference to something other than thanks doc? I've seen some around

I'd like for the chat commands other than song & dnace to actually affect NPCs. "Don't stand in front of me!" and then they stop doing that unless you move too fast for them to compensate.

I'm using Green and Purple for purely personal reasons
I was in Green house
Purple is my mothers fave colour

forgot to attach my webm

Attached: Thanks Doc.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)




Oh, okay. So you played in games with other people who picked stuff up, but you yourself never did, so you think that's what works. Sure, if you're going to leech off of others' work, then you can get by doing nothing. That's not the same thing as what you tried to present it as, though.