Honestly, is there any hopes for this game or is it a 110% confirmed disaster?
Honestly, is there any hopes for this game or is it a 110% confirmed disaster?
Other urls found in this thread:
>"E-e-excuse me, miss, so sorry to bother you this evening, but I was just wondering if I may perhaps feed on your neck just a little, I am ever so hungry and I swear I'm a nice guy"
>"No you may not, incel!"
>have to search for another npc to feed on
Great game
What happened? I haven't read anything about this game since it was announced.
then start reading friend (:
>What happened?
Just another instance of sjw parasites feeding on the games industry by forcing politics into our video games.
>published by paradox, one of the greediest publishers out there
>developed by remnants of zombie studios, a developer who made nothing but shovelware
this game never had a fucking chance in hell
>hurr including themes is the same as forcing diversity to appease rainbowhaieed landwhales
do you have a source from a human?
lol this
Not touching this with a 10ft pole.
It was dead before it was announced.
The only interesting thing about it is whether it will be a bigger flop than Cyberwoke 2077 or not.
>tfw trannies tried to shill this on Yea Forums but you broke them instead
let me guess this is thumbnail used by that fat fuck neckbeard theQuarterin or whater its called
>tfw 2 is such a shitshow it ruined the comfy VtmB 1 threads on Yea Forums
No one gives a shit about political themes in entertainment. It's when you start preaching a topical agenda to the audience that you've turned your product into shit.
No one has ever cared about women and faggots being in video games. It's the fact that now you can't have a woman or a gay in a game without it being about feminism and LGBTQZT that's the problem.
I'm hoping it'll be good, yeah. I'll definitely play it at least, I want another WoD game and the mobile game wasn't exactly filling that void. Don't really give a fuck about whatever woman said some shit.
good morning tranny
It's late afternoon and I'm a straight white guy, you cheeky tyke.
unironically have sex
Cyberpunk may or may not be shit, but it sure as fuck won't be a "flop". It's already outsold The Witcher 3 in preorders.
As for VTMBL2 the original game was a massive failure that would have been completely forgotten about if not for a dedicated cult following, so I can't imagine this sequel being successful.
shut the fuck up tranny (:
they didn't make it racist friendly so now the game is objectively ruined
>its not easy being gay and arab
>i'm not in the closed
fucking what the hell happened man??
A quick test.
Is the studio based on the west coast?
Is the studio based in Yurop?
If yes it will be a SJW shit fest.
This game is dead
>Toreadors getting changed from silver tongued socialites to gay niggers
Guess i have to find a new clan to play as then
I wish people would stop putting old names on games that have absolutely nothing to do with them.
The predictions for the marketing gamble on this game are going down to a T, namely
>The Clan hype train marketing was always about hyping up what ultimately was leading to cut content, so had only a temporary effect
>Most people were holding out for gameplay footage from E3, which was disappointing in the dialogue and facial animations, the bread and butter of VTMB
Ultimately I think the game will launch to middling controversy, ultimately end up as a 60/100 and be remembered as an average game but unworthy successor to VTMB1. In a very best case scenario this will rekindle some interest in VTMB's world, and perhaps open the door for a future game down the line. It's certainly already had the effect of totally shitting up the VTMB1 discussions and fan community which Paradox were banking on selling this game for them. I guess we shall see but certainly no pre-orders from me.
what if you took all the time you spend collating dumb shit to sit at your desk seething about and instead put it to some kind of productive use
I believe the devs are in Sweden
I agree. This should really be called Vampire the masquerade: -something else-, its not a bloodlines game.
Is this shaping up to be the ultimate monkeypaw example of vidya? Cult classic that people wanted to see continued for over a decade comes to fruition but shits all over the same fan-base that made it possible?
the fact that a technical ruleset book has this model-like artwork, just show how shit this new edition is.
And of course, SJWs are to blame
Essentially WoD has gone down the shitter with woke garbage and Bloodlines is looking to follow in it’s footsteps
That’s really the root of the issue. It’s always topical and in your face, zero subtlety. It never comes off as genuine, it’s some shit badly slapped on to score points
Paradox and Hardsuit labs have really sucked the life out of this franchise.
And unlike a vampire, this one is not coming back.
>VTMB sold less than 80000 copies at release
More like not woke, got broke then
In some ways yes, in others no. To say yes: there's someone with clearly very far left political leanings as a lead writer, who has been critical of the first game in the past. There are also some posts from some sort of discord talking about vampirism and consent, which uh I'm not actually sure they are official and not just Yea Forums retards. The studio as well has not really produced much of note other then a string of mediocre games. This combined with some cut content in the form of clans and a disappointing E3 showcase spells trouble on the horizon.
On the other hand, the original writer from the first one is back, so is the lead musical director. Paradox has also been hyping it up and in the PC gamer magazine interview stated that they knew the expectations. The studio also doubled in size to take on this production, so its not like they aren't trying. Also there is a culture war on, so 'this isn't SJW' or 'This is SJW' is an inherently political discussion, so there is lots of misinformation flying about to prove this or that side wrong. Bottom line is- its not been confirmed to be shit. There are things going for and against it, and whilst I am not pre-ordering I might still buy it later depending on reviews.
VTMB's IP is valuable because of the dedicated fanbase its had over the years. That's what made this game financially viable to develop.
Aren’t they alienating that very same fanbase with this obnoxious bullshit
>let me present my stupid uneducated moronic opinion as fact
>gamers LOVE pandering
There's nothing more cancerous and cringe than pandering. AM I RIGHT, FELLOW GAMERS?
>financially viable
I loved Vampire Redemption
I loved Vampire Bloodlines
I will not be buying this garbage. I'm highly unlikely to even pirate it.
What the fuck is this shit?
The nosferatu are supposed to look hideous and that is incredibly average human looking.
come off it m8, you know as well as I do that this game could have the most subtly crafted transgender themes to ever grace media but as soon as the cavemanchildren on Yea Forums cottoned on there would be endless threads about tranny SJW propaganda dilate discord tranny faggot etc etc etc
Yes. But the model they are doing- of cut content and DLC later was always going to do that, so I suppose they are going to at some point broaden the marketing. To be honest I am confused by it, but I'm not in the marketing dept.
Totally fair. I still haven't decided at this point, it might just be that VTMB was lightning in a bottle.
>complaining that Degeneracy: The Masquerade is woke
Nos being ugly is offensive to ugly people
Also malkavians aren't crazy anymore out of respect for real mental illness
no I'm not making this up
Gamer. Read.. then.. rise..
For me its not exactly that it will lean one way or the other in American politics. Because clearly BL1 leaned a particular way. The problem at least to me is the sanitation of an inherently grimdark, unfair and unjust WoD setting. Vampirism is predatory, people die horrifically as nothing but pawns in thousands of year old chess games and vampires in general lead pretty bad existences. That is something that at least the E3 demonstration was lacking in, and if this 'Vampirism and consent' leak discord thing is real then legit I will probably not even pirate.
This is pretty bad SJW fanfiction white knight writing. One of the keypoints that made masquerade fun to play was the lack of morals and predatory nature of the vampire world.
Hopefully it doens't turn into a politeness contest.
>vampirism and consent leak discord is real
read the right side of this image under chronicle tenets >None of the tenets allow characters to use and abuse humans. Even the hard-boiled "Street Code" set includes the tenet "Respect others, and demands respect." Removing someone's consent is never respectful. This is intentional.
back to trannyera
VTMB2 is already confirmed to not be based on V5. V5 was also so shit that Paradox dissolved whitewolf, so really I'm not sure what your getting at.
pls dilate
>VTMB2 is already confirmed to not be based on V5
I think you mistyped this given that VTMB2 is confirmed to have been developed alongside V5. They were literally created for each other and this is confirmed by Mitsoda.
You've been pushing this lie for months so you should know by now I will always be here to expose you
What are you even talking about. Source that Mitsoda claim now and I might believe you.
Why do trannies keep telling normal people to dilate?
We can't, you're the only one with an axe wound in your crotch.
the delusion
>you should know by now I will always be here to expose you
this definitely sounds like something a sane person would say
Is it designed by Americans? Then there is no hope.
The sad thing is you can't even argue with these people. They have been so effectively brainwashed and demoralized through their "education" that there is no common sense left.
lol, get a load of this incel. also, get a real hobby, nerd
Aah, so THIS is what resetera meant when they said, "Video games are over".
They literally said it in the fucking announcement interview you retard
You will never be a woman
yeah it's only ok when we do it
>Be Venture
>Use dominate
Problem saved stupid anarchs, fucking consent would be found nowhere in that kind of world.
>no source
Yeah sure thing buddy
a game based on an extensive tabletop rpg based on a mythololgical creature that was literally designed to symbolise repressed sexuality has gays in it
>no source
Okay buddy go on lying then
They said it in the very first stream, you're a marketer so you don't need a link
Insane samefags like yourself are why these threads have gone to such shit
>the marketer is calling me a samefag
wew there tranny
>everyone who isn't a spacker like me is a tranny
seek medical help
They aren't worried about the fags it is the niggers they want out dumbass
I'll give you credit for a reasonably novel insult i guess, tranny
Source is Piero
>ctrl+f only 9 results for tranny
step it up folks
Allow me to play doubles advocate for a moment, but you haven't exactly done anything to prove him wrong.
Its a failure of magnitude 11
You men are fucked
Oh no, this is hilarious. Did they forget that Nosferatu embraces are always done out of spite? Like Nos are literally the hentai orcs of the vampire world?
all rectonned
>campaigns against a game
>claims to do it for free
>accuses others of marketing
You're see-through faggot.
suck on my fat dick marketing biscuit. I killed your game for free and I'd do it again for the lulz
last good Gan his faggots released was Victoria 2
>Got woke
The series has always been "woke" you mongs
I'm sick of the word "take".
oh come on, i do hope those shitty costumes aren't actualy in game.
some of the female one's look decent or good. but all the male costumes look like faggot shit
that are supposed to be nosferatu?
someone fucking firebomb sweden
I refuse to believe this is real
None of those have anything to do with the game.
thank god for that then
Stop lying marketing biscuit, they are the source material for the game
download the core book on piratebay if you dont believe it
Change the pants and bike brujah looks ok
Can someone actually just say what the problem is without resorting to spewing out buzzwords?
Is Yea Forums overreacting again?
>Is Yea Forums overreacting again?
Do you remember how hard people tried to shit on DMC5, only for everything they said ending up wrong?
>entire thread full of reasons
>ok but UGH but just like guys i cant even can someone PLEASE without the buzzwords just UGH
Will we ever get a good hunter the vigil rpg video game bros?
this can't be real. it reads like some kind of pink haired naive fanfiction. written by someone who has never read anything about history or politics or race relations or anything nonfiction
VTMB wasn't a masterpiece but at least there were interesting conflicts between the factions.
this game is DOA if this is real
the entire sourcebook is like that
pic related
you says that because you haven't read beast the primordial.
>This isn't so bad, ok, guy goes camp and goe--
>activism for minorities what
>practices Muslim faith and queer? What's that even...
Amazing. I haven't even seen gameplay and I'm already done here.
That's okay, VTMB has a nice modding scene, doesn't it? I'll get my kicks after a Malk run like that.
this is unironically my favorite troll image on all of Yea Forums
Its almost like when a opinion is presented as is its ok with people, but constantly shoving one down peoples throats and calling them names when they disagree doesnt..
>we should be less afraid of communism
>even though communism was responsible for the titular apocalypse war
>but constantly shoving one down peoples throats and calling them names when they disagree doesnt..
name a game that does this
I mean you're right I've never read beast the primordial, but I also have no idea what that is so you're not really helping me here.
I'm not going to watch some shitty clickbait video and give them views or read incoherent images with tiny text to try and string together why I should be upset.
Yea Forums is mad because the developers think trans people shouldn't be stoned to death
Everytime a lefty opens their mouth
Never said it was in game.
>but constantly shoving one down peoples throats and calling them names when they disagree doesnt
>types "nigger" on chat and proceeds to shit a thousand threads on how he got banned and why this is a political outrage
psssh.,.. nothin' personnel, /pol/cel
We know. Because you're a marketer.
why did you reply to the original imagine with examples from video games then?
>he had to resort to some deranged strawman
looks like we're done here
Wow, you people are beyond fucking delusional.
I'm a marketer because I ask what the problem is and you can't give a straight answer? Holy fuck you're dumb.
If you have trouble giving a simple short answer that says just how utterly fucking weak your case is.
Combat looks worse than the original and a lot of people don't like the change in atmosphere. The political stuff and writing from the books doesn't really factor into it, even though whoever keeps spamming these threads with images wants that to be a reason. Even the HUD looks like shit with it having a compass, objectives onscreen the whole time, etc. and it doesn't really feel anything like the first game IMO except for them both having vampires.
I will be buying it just to spite you specifically. I don't know what this game is about except for vampires but you sound like an incel. Congratulations, you got the dev a sale. Oh and have sex.
Nothing. The devs just said consent is important even if you can play as a monster, but they mean real life consent and not in-game but people took it the wrong way.
>read the thread
>sounds like you're a marketer trying to clumsily hand wave all this valid criticism
They put black people in their game.
Because the backlash against those bottom games and not the top are because of how its being presented, not just in game.
If the game dev and writers are calling me a bigot nonstop why would i support their game or point out their bullshit?
the /tg/ threads were hilarious
>why would i support their game or point out their bullshit?
but user, you don't
>it might just be that VTMB was lightning in a bottle.
It's this, but also the only people from the original working on 2 are a writer and composer. The original even had more writers that aren't working on this one. Most sequels just never work out too well when you have an entirely different team, and the previous work of this team doesn't show them doing anything particularly great either.
What. the. Fuck. Is. This......
Are you fucking serious with me right now? This is real? Look, I know what the problem is. No regular dudes must want to be hired at these game companies anymore. It's so obviously like women's studies college girls and far left wing gay dudes that are seeking jobs in gaming. They are shoving their current hot topic political ideals into their work. Is there anybody left in the game industry that just likes cool video games and vampire tabletop role-playing games? Why do they feel the need to virtue signal 24 hours a day?
Normally there is a simple reason why people are upset, like
>they removed feature X
>they dumbed down the dialogue system so you can only say yes or no
>there are only 2 classes in the game, compared to the originals 8
Yet you can't even name a single thing. Meaning that there is nothing to be upset about and you're just a gigantic delusional sperg that is too close-minded to realize how utterly fucking wrong and pathetic they are.
You're literally resorting to logical fallacies while deluding yourself that you're somehow correct despite you not even being able to back your own shit up. You can't even fucking point to any individual posts because you 100% know that there is nothing you can point to. So instead you say
>somewhere in the thread there has to be something to be upset about!
Which makes it come across as you yourself not even knowing what there is to be upset about.
You're 100% a huge idiot.
No I dont support them
And yes im going to point out their bullshit
But you faggots acting shocked their is a backlash or desperately trying to tell yourselves its only "because dey put black folk in it and wont murder trans babies" is dishonest bullshit
You know damn well why people are shitting on current games pushing politics opposed to past games.
But hey, you guys keep making the same mistake over and over, only hurting yourselves.
You can totally make a good sequel with a different team, but you need the right kind of people.
Most of the time when new teams make sequels most people on the team haven't even played the prior games.
vampire the masquerade has always been a sjw-friendly game. Even when it was first released in the early 90s
and it got worse
does this actually work, according to your marketing lead?
This is true, and the original books also had shit people didn't like that didn't get put into VtMB. That's not really the major issue with why 2 looks bad, even if some people want to push that as the reason. 2 just looks like a low quality game that is missing a lot of what made the original great.
And that was how many years ago?
Those sjw's act a hell lot worse now friend.
I accept your concession.
Feels good to have idiots like stroke my ego and reaffirm that I'm 100% correct.
By all means continue to not prove me wrong by not countering my arguments. All you're doing is further stroking my ego and proving how vastly more intelligent I am to you.
I don't like giving shitty clickbait videos clicks. The title alone tells me it's retarded clickbait video.
Summarize what the problem is. This is not hard.
This guy is a huge faggot and is also literally acting as a parasite with political pandering to make money. The E3 video showed enough to be wary of the game and show that it's not going to be great and none of it had to do with politics.
Dude you are not helping whichever side of this you're on tbf. Look at the thread
You can replace "you" with "hook" in the link to view through a mirror, to not give it views I think, or at least not give it any ad revenue. He definitely only makes clickbait videos though, and it's probably not worth watching.
""sjw-friendly"" in reasonable 2000's way not 2019 batshit insane full blown mentally ill way like they do now
This is absolutely true. The Brujah were basically the Antifa of the camarilla lmao. "Noble philosophers and warrior poets" lmao. That RPG invented LARPING. Fuck that shit
I don't care, the idiot is stroking my ego and basically reaffirming that I'm more intelligent than him.
I have given the idiot several chances to voice even a singular issue with the game yet he can't even do that.
That alone suggests that there isn't really a big issue with the game worth getting upset about.
happy to stroke your ego anytime fren just stay in the thread, i love having you here, please keep posting and make them good long angry posts (:
SJWs back then weren't socially inept retards like they are today though. You can't look at that character bio and say it's good writing by any measure.
VtM was sjw in that it was like LA-- hugely diverse, completely degenerate, and amoral. Modern sjw shit is all of the above PLUS autistic dialogue straight from some fan fiction website.
The ONLY reason anyone liked VtM was because of the dialogue. If they can't do that, it's dead in the water.
He is playing you like a fiddle dude lol.
It's certainly not getting my money. What should I spend my new $60 on, lads?
>Video games shouldn't have ham-handed political propaganda
Fixed. When people say they don't like politics in x media, they're saying they don't like being lectured to like a little child. If you want to do politics, do it well.
For example, Alan Moore HATED Rorschach as a character and wrote him as a parody of conservative beliefs. Yet, he wrote him so well that he's the most popular character in all of Watchmen. Modern day sjws could never do that, if they had a conservative character, he would be dressed head to toe in Nazi paraphernalia and would be stomping on a gay trans minority in every scene just for good measure.
I went over the video and I'm struggling to find any issues. The guy is basically just reading impressions from literal who's.
Overall that video was a waste of time.
The biggest "issue" seems to be that the game will tackle politics.
Newsflash. Politics in games is not bad and is even extremely prevalent in many games Yea Forums loves. Like Fallout New Vegas.
What generally IS bad however is propaganda. But that's not politics.
Anyone that gets triggered over "politics" doesn't actually understand what that even is. They come across as uncultured and frankly ignorant.
>can select to identify as trans in char creator
Who the fuck cares. This is a non-issue.
>some drivel about one of the writers
Only potentially wierd statement is to try and make this game less of a male power fantasy than the first game, whatever that means.
Stopped after like 12min in because he just started rambling.
There's barely fucking anything to get upset about.
>losing an argument hard is someone playing
Uh huh, the old "I was only pretending to be retarded"
summertime saga?
Were you? That would actually be a relief
Sadly, that's most of Yea Forums. Ignorant, close-minded and delusional. It's why no mature or reasonable discussion is possible here.
>Ignorant, close-minded and delusional. It's why no mature or reasonable discussion is possible here.
>>>/reddit/ and stay there
Case in point. Thanks for being a live example of what I'm talking about.
I'm on the clan quest mod- whats the name of the quest with the person who somehow has the body of their lover? And how do I get to it?
stop samefagging, faggot. go back to your safe space
>but they mean real life consent and not in-game
Then why mention it at all?
I don't believe you. It makes no sense.
watch how no one will address this post and pretend there still are reasons to be mad
>stands up against the misogynistic elders
>encorages the adoption of progressive norms
>combination of islam and queerness
TOP KEK. It's funnier because it's real!
>against mysogynism
One of this doesn't fit together with the rest. Guess which.
did your boss really think this would work?
WOD was always SJW shitfest, the fact that first VTMB wasn't a fag fiesta was a miracle
You meet them in Chinatown after a certain point I think. I forget the name.
cheers senpai
Says the one goading people to watch his clickbait video. How many dollars did you earn?
he's lying
see on the rightmost sidebar chronicle tenets
>What's without resorting or spewing buzzwords.
Transgender is a mental illness. They should be treated as mentally ill rather than endorsed. Their meddling with social customs and the law to fuel their delusions impedes on everybody. Videogames should not be used as a tool to explain to people that trannies should be accepted.
none, i already told you i killed your game for free
>Transgender is a mental illness. They should be treated as mentally ill rather than endorsed.
So you can't play as a mentally ill person when roleplaying?
I love how triggered white incels get over this game. Fragile white masculinity is totally a thing.
Why would you want to?
Seriously? Is there source? What did they do to nosferatu? Rats all day? Because NO ONE would consent to them.
Not him but they specifically said they're completely reworking malkavians to be less crazy, so as not to offend real mental illness
>Why would you want to?
What are Malkavians? Did you even play VtMB?
>malkavians are on the levels of trans
Just straight up no
>Giovanni unplyable
>Tzimisce unplayable
>Lasombra unplayable
I hoped 2 will at least expand our options, if we're gonna play vampires why not go all the way with the edge factor
Are Malkavians mentally ill or not? They're widely regarded as flat out crazy in-world yet apparantely they're not mentally ill?
>oppressed minorities
>vampire society
jesus christ lmao it never ends does it. i don't even understand, are they like vampires from minor houses and thats why they're minorities? or do vampires hate niggers as much as normal people do lmao. cumhead soibois will defend this
You're kidding if you think 99% of people care. Even Wolfenstein Youngblood was moderately successful.
>What are Malkavians
They're "hollywood mentally ill", which is always "cool mentally ill" like hollywood blind people are with their white eyes and 6th sense bullshit.
Split personalities, the ability to hear voices that sometimes tell facts? That's all cool shit.
Actual mental illness is like people shitting in their hands and eating it, believing everyone is out to get you or cutting your penis off and trying to become a woman. It's not pretty, or fun.
>Even Wolfenstein Youngblood was moderately successful
And this children, is bait.
Malkavians are mentally ill. The user here asked why you would ever want to play as a mentally ill person.
Allowing some fucks to selet gender neutral options from a drop-down menu is something I couldn't give less of a shit about. It's a non-issue and would technically be a part of roleplaying.
Vampires can't reproduce unless they're thin bloods and Brujah blood automatically makes you nigger tier regardless of how high your IQ was in life. So basically, vampires have zero reason to carry over race-relations into their new undead lives.
>Even Wolfenstein Youngblood was moderately successful.
LMAO 6,000 max players on Steam. Sure, Bethesda PR.
Lol low level bait
I want goths m8, fucking goths, not modern club whores, I want shit goth bars, with shit underground goth music, I want pale titties with long black dresses dancing in a shit bar.
You ignored the point that Malkavian "mental illness" is le joker tier snappy edge, what socially awkward goth kids think when they say they're "insane lol".
Trannies aren't comparable, no one wants to play them, not even trannies (Why would someone who considers themselves "disabled" carry that over into their fantasy roleplay character?)
It's #2 in the UK sales charts, likely similar in other countries.
>that gameplay they've shown
>that FUCKING gameplay
You can't POSSIBLY defend this garbage. Imagine still holding out hope.
they have to try, legally, until their marketing contract ends
>50,000+ for what is basically an AAA game
No, that's not good. This game is also 30 dollars, mind you.
>Why would someone who considers themselves "disabled" carry that over into their fantasy roleplay character?
Maybe it just helps to externalize it sometimes, if you can't ignore it completely.
That's stupid. Sounds like you're probably a woman trying to justify trannies instead of an actual one.
Why aren't we allowed to make fun of this shit anymore, mods?
I will be distributing pirated copies ;)
The whole thread is making fun of it
>No goths
Goths are an important aspect of VTM, Whitewolf can suck a big fucking cock for not making a game for goths.
>New combat looks like shit
I wouldn't mind the change if they used good games as basis for the combat, like Zeno Clash, Condemned or Dark Messiah, but the combat is basically "Press X to Awesome move".
>Voice actors aren't bringing their A game
Compared to the original performance, the current voice actors sound lazy and bored the whole time.
>Andromeda-tier facial animations
Source had an amazing facial animation tools, but, rather than talking with Valve and licensing a new Source engine, or creating tools for the facial animations, they preferred to use the stock settings on UE4.
>Vampires are a serious business, no jokes allowed
Basically, if the interviews hold any truth, B2 is not going to be a satire, you won't be able to call bullshit on every NPC, you will only be able to "punch up"
>The writing is amateurish
The dialog in the demo sound something an edgy teenager would write, its dry and full of unnecessary curses, the antagonizing options are just stupid.
>WhiteWolf autism
Whitewolf have an iron fist in the setting, B1 had Caine as a "major" character, but WW said, no, fuck fun things, Caine was in the desert, B1 was a homebrew setting not an official version, which royally pissed WW.
They hate fun things, and they normally work for WW, they think crossovers are stupid because, fuck fun things, very low chance for fea, ayys, mages, or eastern creatures.
Because we actually unironically have trannies seething about it.
Think about it, if we didn't would anyone unironically get mad about a shit looking game being further shit because trannies?
Ever notice that most games that do this shit are already bad games at their core? So the idea that these TRUE and HONEST heterosexual aryan Yea Forums posters dedicated to videogames are TERRIFIED that this potentially five star game is being hated because nobody wants to deal with tranny shit is a fucking joke.
No, there is no one on Yea Forums that is getting upset because Yea Forums shits on a game over an issue that isn't gameplay. This is merely a cover for people who agree with said issue seething that Yea Forums doesn't like it.
I'm not a tranny but I have some other issues and it does help me sometimes to kind of play a character with similar issues and get them through a game with their own struggle.
That last trailer I seen was bad enough for me to lose interest, animations snapping, people walking on the air. Also there were several interviews and the writers were saying some alarming shit like "We have to be very careful with Malkavian and their madness because we don't want to offend people with mental disabilities", paraphrasing of course.
>Goths are an important aspect of VTM, Whitewolf can suck a big fucking cock for not making a game for goths.
That's more because WoD was always rooted in the '90s. You see this across all game lines starting with trench coats and katanas to save the planet environmental agendas. If you divorced WoD from that by time skipping you've essentially made an entirely new game. Which is what they did with v5.
Correction, LARPfaggots, fuck them.
>V5 thinbloods
Fuck them, fuck them in their asses
>No equipment system
Weapons are temporary pick ups, you won't create a supernatural vampire ninja, gunslinger because fuck RP in a RPG
>You don't feel like a vampire
At least in B1, certain attack could cause certain enemies to fly across the room, was part of the combat, everyone had the chance, but the feeling was important.
>Quest markers
In a interview they said, fuck quest markers, you must explore and feel the world, and they went back on their word.
>It's a sequel for a 15 year old game
They already have fucking DLC planned.
Removed two clans on release because laziness.
Just another person that doesn't get it. There's politics in almost every game (Metal Gear has it, Dragon Age has it, Resident Evil has it...) it's the agenda and the lecturing what bothers people (which is also a cause for bad writing).
I don't know, man, I liked Fear Effect and I believe that Hana and Rain were impliticly homosexual. So there you have it, womyn and gay and nobody complained about the game.
>being such a hypocrite that everything beside hetero sexuality should be subtle. Like, what the fuck do you nerds mean?
Admit that you just don’t like having other sexualities and gender expressions in your video games instead of being a bitch about it and perform all this mental gymnastics.
>nobody cares about X
Ah yes, you sure don’t care about this topic at all. Hmmhmm
>mods dare delete RUDI
they are wise to fear him
People without 4chanx deserve to be hostages to jannies.
But the Brujah signature character is black. hell, he's a former plantation slave. do these people not read the source material? WoD is progressive as shit.
>Game removes two of the best clans featured in the first one
>gives us fucking thin bloods which are hardly interesting beyond "lol we at least we can have children on rare occasions"
>We will never get to play as Lasombra assholes, Giovanni Jews, Tzimice Draculas, Ravos mind rapers or any lesser clan.
How many times do you see characters loudly proclaim how hetero they are and how frequently does it happen in comparison to a character proclaiming how homo they are?
Scott Pilgrim was a comic where you had a straight dude sleeping in the same bed as a gay guy and Deadpool 2 had a lesbian couple on screen throughout the movie, and even Loud House had two dads and an episode with two female characters going on a date, yet nobody on either side of the debate gave a fuck because a) them being gay was handled as being no different as them being hetero and b) the writers weren't beating you over the head with how gay they were either.
That's the issue here, when every other series is going woke and trying to proclaim how minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ are normal people that are no different than anyone else, when you already had shows that handled those subject matters already in an era before this bullshit started getting forced, it really just makes people rather not include those types of characters in anything at all, because it feels less like you're treating them as people and more like you're treating them as tokens that you can cash in to appear inclusive to vapid morons who themselves only ever talk to other (white) progressives on twitter and facebook.
>Also malkavians aren't crazy anymore out of respect for real mental illness
dropped so hard
how does that woke ad from gillete went again?
oh right, 8 bi loss...
as tradition
>I went over the video and I'm struggling to find any issues
>Stopped after like 12min
so you didn't watch it, eat shit, politics don't belong in games
>Paradox games
It was obvious from the day 1.
Cause that's really fucking dumb
Isn't the insanity thing kinda the selling point of Malks?
gamer located
This is just fucking embarassing to witness man. I knew vampire as a tabletop edgy goth badass game with people murdering eachother and plotting their demise with the most cold heart and evil smile possible
Now niggas think this is some fashion parade? Since when a book needs fucking EIGHT different "styles" for each "class"? What the hell is this fanfic shit with "muh gender"? Niggas in VampireTM want to survive, to kill, to dominate everything and everyone around them
Fucking game is dead (just like the dumbed down D&D 5ed for quantity instead of quality)
Fuck off, amount of concept art is theone thing you should have no fucking reason to complain about.
hahah SJWs amirite fellow gamers
literally seething
indeed my fellow gamer
Don't just believe everything people say. Malkavians are still crazy. Only difference is they were saying they want to be more "sensitive" to people with real mental health issues by not making as many jokes with it like they did in the original. Even though a lot of people liked that, even people who actually have mental health issues.
oh shut the fuck up, that pages and pages of concept art is the cringiest shit possible in a game about vampires murdering eachother
You bitch never played VtM in real life probably or just played to pretend you are something you wish in real life.
Like those fags who will play Bloodlines just to pretend they are men/women because every single motherfucker in the planet knows that in real life they are not
Jesus Thebull94 you really spend every minute of your life thinking about CDPR?
>Women are more than just a piece of meat, they're people with thoughts and feelings
SJW's again
>We need to disrobe and display our naked bodies to protest the notion that wearing skimpy outfits is an open invitation.
>What do you mean it muddies our message?
Wasn't this shit contracted out?
Absurd and reads like parody.
Look pretty good to me. I think I'll reserve judgement till the game is out. Please direct all hysterical screeching at me.
There's a narrative reason why Nos are out since in this game you start as a thin blood who chooses their clan, and no would choose to be a nosferatu.
And Gangrel are out since Gangel the wrestler now 100% owns the name and Werewolf the Apocalypse is still in development and they offer a similar experience
Touhou is shit and you're shit for liking it
could make for a great gameplay
Not liking this doesn't make you cool. It's ok. It looks like you have a lot of growing up to do.
stop talking to yourself
Never in my life would I see the day Yea Forums hate Touhou.
This literally can be a thing now. No joke
Fucking hell..
thats EXACTLY how we can find a strawman and say the game will not be same, thanks user
only Yea Forums, and Yea Forums is contrarian
Hey you said to hysterically screech at you so I called out your shit taste, no need to get offended after the fact. Btw being a tranny doesn't make you cool either!
Must be a big shock venturing outside /jp/
her trunks look like they`re about to snap like in that leg lock video.
who would a Nazi Vampire even feed off of
It was put up for pre-order before anything was shown, a near year before release. If that doesn't ring alarm bells then I don't know what else to say.
I remember the good old days when vampires fought for the heterosexual nuclear family, the bible and the republican party. What went wrong, bros?
I take it you don't frequent /tg/, or even know who White Wolf is as a company.
I miss the days when vampires didn't have to ask for consent like here:
>quarter pounder
to fucking ledditera you go faggot
based literally-schizo user
This is exactly what's wrong with the current WoD books; self-inserts and fantasies by bullied writers who put an ever-increasing authoritarian stranglehold on their work, leading to the detriment of the series.
he's right.
It's not saying they HAVE to ask for consent.
>None of the tenets allow characters to use and abuse humans. Even the hard-boiled "Street Code" set includes the tenet "Respect others, and demands respect." Removing someone's consent is never respectful. This is intentional.
>And Gangrel are out since Gangel the wrestler now 100% owns the name and Werewolf the Apocalypse is still in development and they offer a similar experience
I call bullshit on this one, and I don't really care about furry game specially if is not related to glass walkers.
>There's a narrative reason why Nos are out since in this game you start as a thin blood who chooses their clan, and no would choose to be a nosferatu.
Also bullshit, haven't you seen the nossiewaifu posting recently ? People would love to fuck a nossie.
Nazi zombies
Mayhaps m'lady might share a drop of her divine essence?
another game that will fucking bomb.
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>Mortal kombat 11
Did some of those games really bomb, though? Obviously Lawbreakers did (which doesn't strike me as an overtly SJW game, just a game released in an oversatured market).
and that is gonna be part of the game because....?
because the game is based on v5
keked hard
An autist is shitposting about the game relentlessly on Yea Forums
>1 year preorder
>remake/modern adaptation
>AAA game
>obvious burger undertones
It's shit.
what the fuck eat man has an anime?
I hate this guy, outrage youtuber that doesn't know what he's talking about and makes a 10 minute video reading one tweet.
Just makes it sound like you take a morality/humanity hit for acting like a predator, which kind of makes sense.
"Gender-neutral" bathrooms have always been a thing.
They're just called bathrooms.
This is peak virtue signalling.
seething Yea Forumsirgins be like pleeeeaaase let this game be bad the devs don't like us :(
All it takes is one sin and the SJWs will eat you. Oh wait
Is this from the creators of Ooblets?
keep bumping the thread
lol, if you play as a nazi, read Fascism chapter in the same page of the book
he brings good news to the table. you can always mute and just read what he have yourself
based Vavra
>It takes place in the future, unlike the past you envision
Imagine the fucking entitlement of this faggot