Steam "friend" only gives one word answers

>steam "friend" only gives one word answers

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>steam "friend" can't take the hint that he is an annoying faggot and I don't want to engage with him from my one word answers.

quit annoying me dipshit i just want to play video games at 640x480 resolution so i can get more than 20 fps and your chat messages take up a third of my fucking screen

So call him a woman and unfriend him
Like this passive-aggressive cuckold. You think your life will get worse from letting people like this rot?

>havent talked to friend in months
>chat him up, ask him how he's been
>only talks about himself, doesnt ask how you are
>when you say what you've been up to he never responds again

I'm not writing a fucking novel for you, shithead.

At least you guys have Steam friends

>received two giveaways from random Yea Forums faggots
>they added me on Steam
>can't bring myself to delete them

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Sup Niesan


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>steam "friend" plays stupid fucking meme songs through the discord bot
>steam "friend" asks me dumbshit questions and gets mad at me i don't give a dumbshit answer
>steam "friend" gets mad at me because i told him "dont wait on me, im playing tf2" and he thought i meant something else
>steam "friend" bails out of the discord and removes me on steam because i was "doing the woman shit where you say one thing and mean another"

Yeah ok fuck you too Raul

Take a hint and dont talk to them anymore

>because i was "doing the woman shit where you say one thing and mean another"
So don’t do the woman shit you fuckhead

I made myself permanently invisible on Steam a long time ago. I don't have this shit installed to talk to people, there's a million other programs I can do that in, I just want to play some fucking games so I preemptively shut out all means to reach me while doing so.

What part of "dont wait on me, im playing tf2" is meant to be interpreted as something else?

based and cuckpilled

>Steam friend introduces me to another friend
>Not even a day later they're trying to erp with me

Who knows, that user is clearly a woman

Lol what, never happened to me.
Even though, how the fuck you find these people like that.

For me it's maplestory 2
Degenerate central.

You seem stressed.


I have no idea, maybe I joined some bad groups or I'm just one friend away from erp central.

Not when they only want you to eat things, including garbage while wearing high heels.

Sorry, I'm socially retarded and am unable to open up to people I know and interact with. Anonymous online imageboards are the only place where I can express my thoughts and feeling and even on here I'm often reticent to answer when people talk to me directly.

>hear 7 really simple words leaving a person's mouth
>misinterpret them as something completely different
>get mad your own misinterpretation doesn't match reality
DoNt Do ThE WoMaN SHiT

this. take a fucking hint and stop messaging me. wow, i went offline as you were sending me more pointless bullshit? no, i definitely didn't set myself to invisible so i would stop getting your messages, why would you think that?

>steam autists getting mad at autists over trivial bullshit
fantastic video games guys

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I generally accept any request, because it's often people who want to know how my mods work, and I don't mind sharing how-to.
>half of people who sent me friend requests never send any messages after I accepted
I don't really get this one. I'm still pretty far from limit, so no biggie, but why did they bother?

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why would you? Unless you're at contact list limit, but that's like 300 or so for low-level acc

>steam "friend" only wants to play shity free games
>steam "friend" speaks for hours about his shit and when i try to tell him how my day was he responds whit: honestly, i dont care
>steam "friend" insults you using realy personal things that you tell him just minutes ago, only because he dont know shit about english and misunderstood; ``keep you waiting hu?`` as a insult to his mother
>steam "friend" always insults and denigrates you when speaking whit a third person, trying to behave like a chad, being the saddest beta ever
>steam "friend" thinks tha he knows how to ``argue`` and brags about hwo he constantly wins intelectual fights whit his MOTHER, but what he dosent know is that everione gives up arguing whit him becasue he refuses to accepting the fuking truth, reaching levels when he negates the diccionary when discussing the word ``apocalipsis``
>steam "friend" calls you ``fake`` when you tell him that you never liked his stupid jokes, while he fuking lies to you for 2 FUCKING YEARS about how he is going to coledge and about how he is a 6.5 fit as fuck boy, (spoiler) he dropped fucking elementary school for being ``bullied`` and weighs 200 pounds and is a blo0dy 5.10 midget!
Fuck you, fuck you giovany

They just want to have you in friends because they appreciate your work, baka

my only mistake with making steam friends was adding people from Yea Forums.
dude was a stoner pothead with nothing going for him and was a huge contrarian faggot to boot.

>he responds whit: honestly, i dont care
I would unfriend such scum in a heartbeat, you are retarded if you were talking to that dumbass for so long.

>Steam friend is a spunkhead

>steam "friend" insults you using realy personal things that you tell him just minutes ago
How long were you friends with this guy? Something like this should be an instant "fuck you faggot" along with an instant unfriend and block

manipulating people is the only thing that he knows to do, i didnt had more frinds at the time, and he knew how to use me as a lisening to you problems machine, i was weak, and probably would fuking pucnh him into a coma before blocking him, if we had met in person

>i didnt had more frinds at the time
In high school, I had a "friend" just like the guy you mentioned in your post. He would ask me what games I was playing and then a few weeks later he would make fun of me that I was playing those games, usually in front of other people. Pissed me off to no end, and made me feel adverse to sharing things with people.

Take it from me, it is better to have no friends at all, than a toxic friend. Being alone is the tits, you just have to find the positives of it.

in all seriousness, you shouldn't think of people you know only online as "friends", and trust them with things you wouldn't say to a complete stranger. They can be whatever they want to be in your eyes. Also, trust is earned.

fuck off with your normie shit

play games or shut the fuck up

Thats women shit baka

I am a horrible friend who disappears for weeks at times, it's for the better I dont add people desu

Sadly, you dont realize that there are this kind of people in the world, i hope that you can understand a guy hwo was hit in the face whit a hard and cold jar of reality for the frist time, i can learn from my mistakes, before i was sad whit bad company, eating a placebo every day thingink that i had friends, that keps you on you trak for a while, but the efect gets worst whit the time, when your ealize waht the fuck is happening, on the other hand now im sad and alone, whit the knowledge that i was fukin gretarded a while ago

Then it's time to leave from them.

Fuck you

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He's not your friend and he thinks you're an autistic retard.

>having Steam "friends" in the first place


You fucking passive aggresive little bitch. Delete them if you don't like them. Wow, so hard.

i can hear this

no fuck you leatherman

You both sound like shitty smelly spics and I'd delete you both instantly.

what are you, married to him?

im glad I have none of you clingy assholes for friends, jesus christ

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I would punch you in coma because of your retarded grammar, talk like a fucking adult

I honestly don't understand how people even meet these "friends" that they are talking about. I have a tight crew that I've known for years, and I have people that aren't so tight. I accept friend requests but I keep my friends list clean so if you aren't memorable after a few months, you're gone. Do people just not know what they want out of other people, and what red flags to look out for?

You just set of my fag red flag, so we can't be friends sadly.

That's not a problem since I didn't post contact info, but thanks for your consideration.

>talking is being a normie
Let me guess, you spent 90% of your time in silence hating yourself and everything around you

No, I spend 90% of my time playing video games. If I wanted to have a heart-to-heart with someone, it wouldn't be on Steam, in a text chat.

>steam "friend" wants you to drop whatever you're doing and join his game asap because it's so important
>random people add you to carry them because you're good
This is why I've always been a solo player even in team based games.

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This post is a red flag that you're a faggot. I had a "friend" like you who posted on my steam, "Cleaning friends list, add me back if you want." Like I should give a fuck and think it's a privilege to have him on my list.

This is pretty much gay asian men on tinder. It's impossible to start a conversation with them.

Only add people you know in real life on steam.

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>asking how someone is doing is heart-to-heart
Thank you for confirming my previous post

I would agree, that shit is really fucking gay. I'm self-important but I don't pretend like everyone else should think I'm important. I've had a few people do that to me and I don't even bother responding. A handful of times they actually ended up crawling back, lol. But that's besides the point. I'm here to play video games and if we play something occasionally, great. But I don't want people that are strangers in every sense of the word cluttering my list.

>steam friend you were close to starts talking like that and hardly responds after getting pissy over something meaningless in a game resulting in them unfriending you while you are away then adding you back some time later, even going out of the way to block you on twitter

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>But I don't want people that are strangers in every sense of the word cluttering my list.
How is that a problem at all. This is self-important speak.

I know this feel. Sometimes I wonder why bother.

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Yeah, I said I view myself as self-important. I just don't expect other people to treat me the way I would treat myself.
Maybe I'm just using the word wrong.
>How is that a problem at all?
Autism probably. When I have a "friends list" and people that I don't consider potential friends are on it, I start getting angry. Not like 0-100 angry, but over weeks I'll start resenting these people (over nothing) and eventually remove anyone I don't recognize without a word. I realize it's a bad habit and that I should probably reach out to them to play some video games before it gets to this point, but I can't seem to get myself in the mentality to do that yet.

Autistic people aren't meant to have friends, autistic people are full of hate and bitterness.

What's the logic here? OP is so buttblasted he went on an anonymous imageboard to complain about someone he personally knows.

Fuck all of you annoying clingy nerds.Get the hint.

Probably because you're too busy jerking yourself off over how it's a privledge to know you

FYI, you're easily replacable and I can probably find 5 insecure people exactly like you in 10 minutes here. Lower your self worth, you people are annoying as fuck to interact with.
You probably have quotes on your steam profile.

>but that's like 300 or so for low-level acc
+ no one that isnt retarded will ever reach the limit

>adding people to steam you dont know irl
>having more than 10 steam friends
its not a social media platform

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What's wrong with classing up your steam profile with obscure quotes from people much smarter than you, my intellectual inferior?

Just ghost

please neck, ty
95% sure i know you, unfortunately

i'll show YOU who'se the boss of this gym...

I only have three steam friends and all of them are from work. We don't even talk because we see each other in real-life.


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Do you ERP?

>only 10 friends active last 2 years
>the most active one joined 4 months ago
>i still open up steam daily

>FYI, you're easily replacable
Yeah, I know which is why I don't put up a fuss if someone has a problem with me or the way I treat people. I realize it's retarded but it's just how I do my thing.
>You probably have quotes on your steam profile.
Only from shit that I've seen online myself. Stuff that I genuinely found funny so that I can remember them for years to come, not gay shit like intellectual faggots.