Just woke up. Everyone's more riled up than usual. Gimme the rundown
Just woke up. Everyone's more riled up than usual. Gimme the rundown
why haven't you joined the winning side yet, Yea Forums?
>once upon a time a Discord group decides to raid Yea Forums for teh lulz by forcing a new buzzword: the CB-word
>since Yea Forums likes to fap but a large part of Yea Forums is also contrarian, this buzzword was bound to rustle some jimmies
>they proceeded to false-flag Yea Forums intensely by filling the catalog with threads with a lewd image in the OP, and then calling the OP the CB-word in the first post, on top of spamming the CB-word in every other thread where applicable
>this gave the impression that this was a big problem on Yea Forums, which resulted in two things:
>1) people who were actually tired of lewd threads proceeded to spam the CB-word to call Yea Forums out on this
>2) underage shitposters unaffiliated with the Discord group saw that the CB-word was going to be the next epic buzzword like "have sex" and "incel" and proceeded to spam it as well for (You)s
>within hours, the Discord group managed to control a good portion of Yea Forums to their whims, and so Yea Forums was filled with the CB-word
>anons who were just waking up were wondering where the hell this new meme came from all of a sudden
>but then a miracle happened, at the peak of CB-posting, sadpanda rose from the dead
>by spamming the CB-word so hard, they only CB-spammers only jinxed themselves
>with their beloved porn haven back, it was time for cunny and /ss/, and all the cumchads just laughed at the CB-spammers
>and then another miracle happened: the mods got off their asses for once
>being unable to ignore the sheer forcedness of this meme, they wordfiltered it to gamer
>instead of plunging Yea Forums into a new era of chaos, the Discord group found that Yea Forums wasn't so easy to control after all as their efforts had been thwarted by a turn of fate
>as everyone laughed at their failure, they're still seething to this very day, trying to get lewd threads banned by spamming them in the same fashion
>and their raid went into history as an epic fail
it was the first of posts it was the best of posts
>must now redownload whatever I saved off nhentai from the sadpanda
At least it wasn't a lot.
>Discord server raids Yea Forums with "CUMBRAlN" posters, who were creating threads and then replying with their buzzword
>full-on raid, like 3000 or so buzzwords in 8 hours
>Mods decide to filter the word to gamer in an attempt to stop the raid
The end.
replace the drink with Monster Zero Ultra and it's perfect
Why haven’t you taken the /NOFAP/ pill yet? Discord trannies need to be hanged, but they might be right about this “gamer” shit
Also test: gamer GAMER
i still havent seen any evidence of this supposed "discord raid" but what i have seen plenty of evidence for is underage weeb fags being triggered over being made fun of for being addicted to porn
Keep seething discord tranny
>dude its a conspiracy of discord users who are doing this nobody is really sick of our retardation!
>uhh yeah ok do you have any proof of this?
>uhhhhhhhh keep seething discord tranny
lmao yeah this is classic CB alright
Seriously wtf is the cb-word
I’ve seen that word used on Yea Forums for months now as an insult. I can’t believe Yea Forums managed to get it filtered in a day
Fapped twice today already and I'm planning a hat trick. You really should go fuck yourself too.
You're the latest in an endless stream of tumors killing this website, I don't care how you do it but you need to do yourself a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool. you and your ilk need to be fucking killed like the roaches you are
You too, stop posting fucking buzzwords, you're no better than the people you're trying to insult
still waiting for that proof
keep seething about the meanies making fun of you in the meantime
) people who were actually tired of lewd threads proceeded to spam the CB-word to call Yea Forums out on this
They are the one true casualty in all this. RIP in piece people tired of lewd posting overshadowing discussion.
Who you tryin' ta mess with ese?
Don't you know I'm loco?
To da one on da damn
Boy I'm soft
I just post some THICC, something from Japan
Like spam
It's starts when I come in
Damn, I feel like watching another man
libido is wrecked - hectic
Blacked got me goin' like hitachi - Electric
The lights are blinking I'm not thinking
Dopamine only when I go out drinking
Makin' my mind fuzzy,
That's why I don't fuck wit da big jann-ee
I got ta' get leavin'
'Cause a nigga like me is blowing semen
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
Semen in the membrane
Semen in the brain!
imagine being this triggered over being made fun of
So what you're saying is that the CB guys were accidentally and unintentionally doing a summoning ritual for the Sad Panda by spamming it all day? Gotta say those gamers are pretty based in that case.
"lel no proof of raid xddd" You're posting this in every single thread that even mentions any of this situation, I'm mad about buzzwords period you fucking ignoramus, but good job ignoring the other part of my post. I sincerely hope you get gassed, you and everyone like you should've been aborted. Please though, tell me how "no proof of raid xdd" showing up in every thread mentioning any of this isn't proof of a concerted effort and is instead just happens to be a bunch of different people posting the same thing at almost the exact same time
No, you dont get it.
It's all a big conspiracy by the discord trannies from resetera who are also feminists who want to condemn male sexuality by mocking the absolute most pathetic of porn addicts. It's an attack on us gamers coordinated by the feminists but also /pol/ because they keep bullying me just because im a cuck!
Has is ever occurred to you that you can be mad about someone spamming shitty reddit buzzwords, even if the spam in question doesn't apply to you?
>discord raid
I've been seeing that word for months on other boards but none got so triggered to the point of getting it filtered
vee trannies really can't take any heat, but I rather have less shitposting material than more so it's all for the best
How is this place suddenly full of people who are insanely triggered by pictures of anime girls overnight? If you're not just being disingenuous, why can't you just go to literally any other forum on the internet where that kind of thing is not allowed? Like holy shit this is the place that had a porn general on Yea Forums for most of its life.
Summer is almost over. Gotta make most of it.
you guys are the ones making the claim, it's up to you to back it up
but as pointed out you fags can't even keep your story straight
I'm sure the raid happened, but honestly I've gotten pretty exhausted with how much ""stealth"" porn spam threads have taken over the catalog.
Yea Forums was getting tired of most threads just being softcore porn with no video game discussion
a new buzzword proved to be highly effective at upsetting these porn posters and so it became viral very quickly
the porn posters were so shocked by this that they assumed it must have been an outside attack, and started blaming random parties like discord, twitter, trannies, resetera, summerfags, women, gays, asexuals, normalfags. there's so many different things they randomly accused in their confusion, they can't comprehend that it's actually Yea Forums users that are agains their constant porn posting ways which turns Yea Forums into reddit's toilet.
The event became so huge that mods filtered this buzzword and porn posters and the people who fell for their crazy accusations are coutning it as a victory, but as you can see it hasn't stopped anything. Porn posters are now trying to rebel by increasing their efforts, posting as much softcore porn as they can get away with. They think this repels whatever group they imagine started this, but in reality the buzzword spammers are enjoying the event.
chastity belt
>Yea Forums was getting tired of most threads just being softcore porn with no video game discussion
Must have missed the memo
you hate sex because you're an involuntary celibate
what does sex have to do with cartoon porn?
There’s the problem, idiots tried to fight spam with more spam, like a Sonyfag going apeshit in the catalog because a gorillion Smash threads popped up
Also, attaching a wojak because these people fucking live and breath wojak edits
>this patreon shill faggot “art”fag cope
Get a real job or become a neet you pathetic faggot
only involuntary celibates spam anime porn on Yea Forums and are constantly thinking about sex though
dont worry, if you ever actually have sex you'll realise its not really such a big deal and then we can talk about some video games
they filtered the word CVMBRAIN
jannies are seething cvmbrains
buzzwords and wojaks are all normalfags can understand
that's why there was such a response when it took off
normalfags don't want to admit they don't belong here and are addicted to porn
they will lash out at you and try not to think
about it instead
The first post, and also the best post.
Your memes are shitty wojak edits.
Resetera and patreon shills have been spamming their shit on Yea Forums for years but exponentially worse after the bowsette Nintendo cancer.
Finally Yea Forums got bored and is currently driving them out, this Made the j*nny Seeth since they always lean to the left. They filtered cum.brain.
Now falseflagging patreon fags and people that want to keep Yea Forums docile and offtopic are desperately trying to damage control
>hates wojak
Out yourself harder
The lefty Holocaust is here
cartoon porn is a depiction of sex, brother
like the fox and the grapes, you hate what you can't have
That has to be the fastest word filter I've ever seen. Does anyone have screengrabs from the discord or any alleged proof that a "raid" occurred?
Can someone vocaroo this with the “next time on dragon ball z” music along with the voice? I swear it would work.
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
Bowsette got sent to porn boards
>People will ignore this
The timing for this raid is crazy to a degree I feel is personal. WTF
Any proof?
Hey, hey discordfag.
She was just a fad
Sadpanda came back and the subhumans raiding us for the past week have been losing their shit about it.
there is no proof of a raid because a raid didn't happen
look at all the retards claiming there is raid. is it /pol/, resetera, feminists, trannies? they can't even keep their fucking story straight
the reality is people got sick of this shit and finally found and effective buzzword to trigger these fags and they can't stand it
replace the dash with c
Two things could have happened here:
1. It's all a big conspiracy by the discord trannies from resetera who are also feminists who want to condemn male sexuality by mocking the absolute most pathetic of porn addicts. It's an attack on us gamers coordinated by the feminists but also /pol/ because they keep bullying me just because im a cuck!
2. People find it funny to mock porn addict cucks
I have no beef with Wojak as a concept, I just don't like endless spam of shitty rehash edits.
Haha, I made funny picture of man with tiny head because dumb!
There isn’t one. Degenerate opportunists are trying to spin this in the favor to literally kill Yea Forums and take advantage of the shitty moderation under chinkmoot
Seek help you fucking degenerate
Sounds like you're the one who can't have it if you're obsessed with pictures of it lol
Child born :-DDd
>c.umbrainfags start with the pretense of trying to “improve board quality”
>eventually drop the act and admit they just wanted to le BTfO Yea Forums
what was even the point?
Now send bowsette posters to the grave
kinda dumb af that mods decided to filter gamer but not tranny, dilate, have sex, etc. theyre all just as forced and spammed to hell and back
So much of a fad that the mods personally stepped in to throw it into porn boards
It’s almost like mods are inconsistent or something
woah its almost like the mods have an agenda or something
>being made fun of for being addicted to porn
this sounds pretty cool actually, porn is fucking poison to your brain
>we just want video games
>spends hours in /e/ threads rather than fucking off and making non-/e/ threads or actually playing videogames
>ignore gay threads, indicating that they were the real CBs all along because they can't ignore a little bit of /e/ and this was never about board quality
>cbrains claim it's about ethics in porn consumerism
>come out to admit they're just upset about being made fun of for being literal interracial cucks
You want to lend me a hand?
I'm clueless like the OP, so a bunch of people tried to save this board from the endless spam of porn? good fuck all that blacked spam too.
>porn is fucking poison to your brain
So is Yea Forums
Dilate and have sex both have actual uses, so the filters would have to be specifically for when they're used alone, at which point people will just start using them with other shit to get around it, making the whole effort pointless. There's no excuse for tranny not being filtered though.
Of course you can, just call it jizzbrain or spunkbrain.
That was the pretense. They were in reality just raiders trying to troll Yea Forums.
I like how there isn't a single consistent narrative of where this came from
>Uh it was Discord
>No, it was /pol/
>No it was on /ic/
>No it's from twitter
>No it always existed, it just suddenly got popular
>No it's leftists
>No it's right wingers
>No, it's just people annoyed about porn threads in blue boards
Love it, it just makes the meme all the more wholesome
that's a cute boy
‘cause a nigga like me iz goin’ insane
insane in tha membrane
seminal fluid encephalon
Out of every other board has Yea Forums required the creation of the most word filters?
And watching the tv, the internet, the phone and many other things.
Porn is fucking poison, nothing wrong with trying to help a few anons.
/m/'s response to sadpanda shutting down with hundreds of anons all coming together to save the thousands of /m/ artbooks is about 10 times more wholesome than this shit troll attempt.
>hundreds of buzzwords every day that remain unfiltered
>Have sex, dilate, yikes, cringe, oof, rent free, based (and redpilled), cope, seething, (discord) tranny, boomer, zoomer, incel, resetera, reddit, SJW, cuck, etc
>some specifically designed to derail on-topic threads (sneed)
>the buzzword that gets censored is the one targeted towards off-topic threads and posts
Really gets the noggin joggin
It honestly just seems like the natural culmination of people all ready to start mocking low IQ retarded porn addicts.
Of couese these people can't comprehend it and have to claim it's not natural and it's actually just one spammer... uhh i mean /pol/... uhh i mean the feminists... because how could anybody ever find the type of person who masturbates to cuck porn pathetic and worthy of mockery?
If you wanted to help a few anons, you’d convince them to leave Yea Forums
Don't lie and try this stupid appeal to ethics, you're not trying to help anyone and no one asked to be "saved".
Something about the Yea Forums specific mods and jannies is just off
Compared to other boards ours have an agenda
I really don’t believe it because you won’t find an organized attempt to shut down all the other shit that plagues this board
The worst mods for the worst board
Pretty fitting
Yes, “save the child porn” was so wholesome
>artbooks of gundam concept art
>child porn
You're fucking off your rocks, mate.
Read, faggot
Actually, I wonder how many people think that sadpanda is exclusively for porn even though it’s home to a large number of pirated artbooks that you won’t EVER see again
Do normalfags ever think about this?
My gamer shitpost for easy (You)'s contributed to a large scale ritual to revive the panda. I am quite pleased with my efforts.
Here you go
>discord group figured out how to get bots to run on Yea Forums
>from /g/ we discovered a canadian (part of the discord group) having a server run a shitload of bots to post here, reddit, and twitter.
>turns out the discord has been posting here since 2016.
>some of the mods helped /g/ and we all discovered that the group is lead by Canadian government officials
>From what we know they want to divide all of Yea Forums and make more political threads. They don't care about video games.
>the discord group spams a new buzzword to get people to turn against porn threads. They already created buzzwords for derailment.
>less than a week the mods do their jobs and filter it
>discord group is very mad now and shitpamming even more
>some people got banned.
>now we are here
Leave Brian out of this!
>pretending most of the effort wasn’t spent trying to save lolicon porn
This is your brain on cum.
>Do normalfags ever think about this?
If the retard you're replying to is anything to go by.
Why are the Canadians doing this? Is trudeau involved?
You are factually incorrect.
Cool fanfic
Fuck you kikes, not today.
It's like that spongebob episode where squidward dances on the destroyed pineapple and causes it to grow again
You can go check for yourself
All we know is that someone in Canada who's ip address is coming from a government building really hates Yea Forums.
That goalpost moving.
Lmao ok
Explain why convincing people to leave Yea Forums instead of letting them get addicted to the dopamine from (you)s and wojaks is a kike trick
I'd just like to shout out all the discord predatory gay dudes that were VEHEMENT that the word "CB" would never get filtered. haha retards get fucked. Back to your hormone replacement therapy group chats peace out.
What the fuck is a gamer?
Is there a source to this? That sounds just stupid dnough to be true.
testing gamer
>propaganda from a pornsite
Why are you so mad that you dont know something?
testing cum_brain
People are mad about the CB word because it hits home. Especially for mods.
>Any corner of the internet that engages with wrongthink must be stamped out
>explain why that's a bad thing
Sorry pal, nice try tho.
>convince anons to leave
>”stamped out”
This is funny and true for many posters on v right now but dont overuse it and make it moot
unironically seething. That'll be a yikes from me dawg.
Nothing wrong with this.
Ask on /g/ or go though the archive. I don't have the link saved on this pc.
/pol/ isn’t a shining beacon of light, I can tell you that much.
>not a leg to stand on
>purposefully acts retarded and confused
Nice try tho