You're just easily riled up by fake news, idiot. That's why people are mad ooblets is going to epic, obviously.
When did PR die?
You're just easily riled up by fake news, idiot. That's why people are mad ooblets is going to epic, obviously.
When did PR die?
How does that dismiss all of their other comments that are just as bad if not worse?
>game funded by patreon cuckies
>gets funded by epic and immediately starts shitting on patreon supporters
piratechads win again
>cucklord says something
Who cares?
Based retards and chinks paid for my game. Nice.
>we don't need to coddle angry gamers
He says after leeching off patreon
I'd be mad at the kike but I'm more mad at people who donate to kikes
>When did PR die?
when you get paid enough chinkbucks to not worry about staying afloat with sales
I refuse to believe Yea Forums actually gives any remote fuck about this game and is just using it as a platform for more mindless shitflinging.
I love animal crossing and pokemon and harvest moon and totally would have picked this game had the dev not gone full retard
Oh dear, looks like the last thread went down. What a shame.
Still at work on that wonderful piece of fanart, though~!
>he did the thing
>Why would we ever need to cater to customers when we can have giant corporations determine what is or is not worthy of being successful?
I hope people are doing chargebacks and asking for refunds for behavior like this. I get it, he's set now from getting bought out, but that doesn't mean people should leave their money is his hands. I can't imagine acting like that. I don't even know what he looks like but I can tell from his avatar he's a balding numale faggot that finally found a way to gloat.
If he thinks the biggest problem with EGS is that people have to install another launcher then he clearly doesn't have a need to know context and I don't see why anyone else should for what he says.
They should be apologizing for the hard bait&switch though
The thing is, if your game is not available for purchase on Steam, then I am not going to pay money for it.
>angry gamers
Most of the people who were supporting them were gaping mouth latte sippers
Most people either a) didn't give a shit about the game or b) were in full support of it. People only got mad when they announced exclusivity in the most childish fucking way possible.
Jesus Christ screaming in agony on the goddamn cross modern indie devs are fucking cancer
He's making a game called "ooblets" under a screen name "perplamps"
Anything this guy wants to create comes out as baby talk.
They offer full refund for patreon supporters. And around 20 people refunded so far
this game looks like shit anyway who cares
never heard of it until right fucking now but i'd put money down that it has some kind of transgender or nonbinary character or characters somewhere just based on how it looks and how these people act
>Developers shits all over original supporters
I hope they got enough money from Epic because that's how you burn your bridge for crowdfunding
It should be obvious to anyone that all these threads about this literal who and his equally literally who game are being created and pushed by the developer himself to drum up fake controversy.
Ask yourself if you've honestly heard of this piece of shit before he started shitting on his consumer base.
a few times yeah
The game was shown at Microsoft's E3 conference.
who the hell is this and what happened?
Is that the Y2K RPG retard?
I mean it's just like every other monster tamer kickstarter-- STILL NOT FUCKING OUT
Feels good to have never given anything Kickstarter or Patreon or to have never even bought an early access game.
Will this guy be the next phil fish?
>Now that we have Fortnite money, we don't need you anymore
>Fuck off
What did he mean by this
Have you all donated for your cat pictures yet?
ooblets seems like a garbage game so assuming someone wouldn't like it is just playing the odds
It died when the average person was able to express their opinion on the internet without someone smarter to filter their words first.
In this example, an indie dev who's been drinking the koolaid too hard and has a loudspeaker but no intelligence to use it properly.
There's a very good reason that engineers are not allowed to talk with customers directly in most companies.
>inb4 "WE SOLD 500.456 COPIES GUYS"
>"How many were guaranteed Epic sales?"
>not even a day after they announce the Epic deal
>they just start utterly shitting all over their fanbase
Holy hell do these people have some pent up seething.
Huh? Their PR is working. You now know what Ooblets is.
>never heard of game until news reports they're now an exclusive
exactly,it looks like cold garbage,not even hot
Well, I'm now aware the game exists, looks like complete shit, and that the developers are raging cunts with a superiority complex. So I guess?
Shit like this is why most big companies have dedicated PR people. Notable exception being Epi Games, that also has issues with it's CEO going on twitter and making an ass of himself and dragging the company's reputation down every time he opens his mouth.
holy hell,le climate change,human rights abuses.These motherfuckers are raging liberals who needs to tell people what to do.
and I will never buy it or any other game they ever make. Nicely done?
I know what gonorrhea is too, but that doesn’t mean I’d pay money to have it.
In this day and age it absolutely does work. It'll get them headlines on Kotaku or whatever, they can probably get a second article about the gamers harassing them and you fell for it hook line and sinker.
But that won’t actually do anything to help sell the game.
Yeah, it worked for Mechwarrior 5 when they announced their Epic exclusive deal, then had to go onto twitter not even hours later to beg people to stop refunding.
Dear Gabe, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you're changin' gears
I ain't mad, I just think it's fucked up you don't answer peers
If you didn't wanna talk to me about the 70/30 split
You didn't have to, but you coulda at least Tweeted about it
That's my little Store Front man, he's only six months old
We waited at the E3 conference for you
For four hours and you just said, "No."
That's pretty shitty man, you're like my fuckin' idol
I want to be just like you man, I like creators more than you do
I ain't that mad though, I just don't like bein' lied to
Remember when you hired the guys who made those mods?
See I'm just like you 'cause
I never made my money bein original
I just didn't hire the people who did it all
I can relate to what you're doin' with your store
So when I have a shitty day, I buy a timed exclusive and tweet some more
'Cause my store aint got shit so that shit helps when I'm depressed
My biggest game was when I copied PlayerUnknown
Sometimes I try to see if I can make my own
It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me
See every dollar you make is real, and I respect you 'cause you own every cent
My wife's jealous 'cause I only own 51 per cent
But she don't know you like I know you Gabe, no one does
She don't know what it was like for people like us comin' up, you gotta call me man
I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose.
Before epicbucks
>we love you guys, the game wouldn't exist without your patreon support, you are great, amazing, thank you
After epicbucks
>lol I'm glad I don't have to cuddle a bunch of manchildren to get money anymore, just download EGS you shitter lmao
I'm glad I didn't support it on kickstarter, I'm pirating this shit now. It's ok tho, EGS already paid for it.
"No such thing as bad publicity" no longer applies in the Age of Communication. We live in a time where insane amounts of information can are available to you with a few button presses. Yes, people know Ooblts exists now but they also know it's a piece of shit that's not worth investing in.
What the fuck did you expect?
Reason why so many indiefags get mad at Steam is because they expect Valve to do free PR for them once they're in the store and get mad when nobody gives a fuck about their game and blame their failure on animetiddies and other shitty indiegames
>It'll get them headlines on Kotaku
Who actually reads Kotaku nowadays?
He's not making shit. His girlfriend is doing all the work and he's just the PR guy who apparently does writing for the game.
Imagine a game developer where the women do all the work while the men stir up shit and act like retards on twitter
Thus is the age of nu-males
Yeah and I'm way more aware what an idiot the dev is and don't expect anything worthwhile from that studio.
>hurr paid exclusivity is the same as console exclusive
There is a difference between a game that was produced by someone and someone just making a deal to sell a game (for a limited time) which was being made nonetheless
i saw it at E3 and yes, totally forgot about it
but it's just a schaudenfreude thing. we'll root out any retard dev being a retard just to laugh at the lolcow for a week
plus it's related to EGS which has been a lolcow for months now
You'd be surprised how little research people do. They'll read the headline "Oobits harassed by gamers" and then look up the EGS page and buy it.
>mildly interested in a genre mash up of games from my childhood I stumbled across
>stop following for a year because it's crowdfunded nonsense and will take ages to finish
>finally hear some news about it, turns out it's EGS exclusive now
>find out what kind of idiots are making the game
>turns out they babified the whole concept over the past year and it's hot trash moving away from the original pitch
>no longer any interest in their work
Been a fun day. At least the publicity has been educational?
Hahaha no
They’ll hear “Oobits”, search Steam, see the game isn’t available, and maybe drop it on the wishlist.
I would bet you money that the people actually using the EGS to purchase games could all fit in a city bus together.
750 000 copies of war world Z. Cope faggot
what game is this thread even about
why do 44 people care that much about it
It's like Pokemon but instead of Red and Blue it's Tumblr and Discord.
Of which I would wager about 750,000 copies were “guaranteed sales” from Tim’s exclusivity contract. It is a matter of public record that this is how the moneyhatting works; you agree to an EGS exclusive release, they literally buy a pre-agreed number of copies of your game.
Scummy practices in the industry, which does matter whether people like to admit it or not.
What's the game even about?
Why does anyone care about it? The dev looks like a massive asshole anyway.
Just pirate it, they already bought the game for you.
Even worse if I'm being honest.
Not even worth my time. There are gen3 Pokemon romhacks that are more worthwhile than this.
The people that would buy a game because of a kotaku article would've bought it anyway.
Name one.
It's amazing how game devs don't think ahead a couple of months.
I don't think this guy understands the Epic deal, they're offering devs money because they think their games will attract users to their store. Even if they throw enough at you to completely cover the cost of this game it still needs to sell enough to justify your worth as a developeror or they won't be interested in your next game. So you'd need to fund it yourself and in turn "coddle angry gamers" to ensure it breaks even.
Someone has to be buying these games.
>Why do I as a game developer have to cater to the market of gamers?
Why are so many devs like this?
Tim Sweeney is. You agree to exclusivity and Epic just buys a bunch of copies of the game. That’s literally how the deal works.
Our lord and savior Tim buys all the games for us.
Most developers just want to make games, they don't actually care about the demands of fans, and I mean that in a very straightforward and (generally) non-malicious way. You have to think of it in terms of artist vs consumer, the one who buys and the one who creates. It'd be like ranting to a Burger King employee about shitty ketchup, and all he's paid to do is pretend to give a shit until you calm down and leave the store.
>buying product because creators were harassed
People like this shouldn't be given credit cards money.
Dont even know too b honest
It just looks like a tubmlr game and i want the retarded devs to burn for making it so im using them joining sweeney the meanie's store to rationalize my insatiable gamer rage
Yet you’re not there to teach them how to look further. Some of those people are willing to listen, but they’re sometimes scared to question it alone. We need to out there work together.
Never heard about this game until devs decide to be a massive cunt.
>I'm not mad, you're mad!
Ooblets? More like Goblets.
dropping the salt mine
>750,000 copies of world war Z sold
>I've never even seen a Yea Forums thread about anyone playing it
>hardly any streams of it
>very little marketing
Shut up and go spam your irrelevant porn thread gamer. This is videogame.
For a guy who is supposedly the writer for the game that second post is massively disturbing. How do you claim to make a living writing and fuck up they're and their?
Tim Sweeney can’t play all 750,000 of the copies he bought at once, user.
Didn't they get Shroud to stream that game and tried to use the total views as the number of copies sold?
imagine being so pathetic that you have to doctor screenshots to make a dev look bad, and all because they aren't releasing a game you never wanted to play in the first place on steam
>Part of the Epic Deal is that I don't have to make anything worthwhile because I know my game wasn't going to sell well anyway.
>imagine being so pathetic that you have to doctor screenshots to make a dev look bad
Go away Ben you're doing a fine job of digging your own hole on the discord.
More like 10,456
I mean, it’s true though. Imagine someone walked up to you one day and said “here’s $1 million dollars to never publish a book”. Wouldn’t you take it? It’s fucking free money.
>Creating his own version of reality
Steamdrones are mentally ill holy shit
This is Ben Wasser AKA perplamps, and that is Rebecca Cordingley AKA nonplayercat. They hate gamers and they are rich, they moved to Seattle. Please buy their game, Ooblets, it's a boring game but please buy it, so they will stop making game.
Based devs telling us they don't need any more money since Tim's spotting us. Thanks Tim!
I don't doubt that indie developers aren't being given a life-changing sum, but I doubt they're being given enough money to set them up for life. If their isn't actually good enough to sell and get people on the EGS, their second game won't be getting similar treatments.
You could change the headline of that photo to “Paul Giamatti to marry his niece” and I’d believe it
If you’re spineless and you have no faith in your project maybe. Real men would be able to think two steps ahead of that offer.
Believe it or not, they fucked.
They don’t look human.
>we are in a late capitalist dystopia
Can this guy have a heart attack any sooner?
I believe it. His wife is straight up cute and funny. Look at those braces.
Yep, he looks just as cunty as I imagined he would.
Is this company, dare I say, based? I'm thinking they are.
Can we lock these kinds of people in cages and set them on fire?
That filename dou
basedboy and weeb feminist
Man I remember the trailer for that looked interesting enough as a premise, did it just not have enough interest or did something happen with the devs?
>implying they're married
wtf based
I don't fucking get Stonetoss. I just don't understand it.
They can be complicated
Hell, just play Zanzarah if you want a PC Pokemon game.
Why do they all look the fucking same?
Why does Yea Forums suddenly care about this "tumblr art game that looks like shit anyway"? Lashing out like this is usually driven by... fear. A fear for what? That Steam won't be the premier place for PC games?
Or, is it more likely that you won't be able to "punish" the game by not buying it or leaving negative reviews until you get your way?
If you've ever read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Yea Forums reminds me of the AI who loves to torture and abuse the ones he thinks he has control over, but is instantly worried that he'll lose his play things forever.
The devs look like steamdrone. That facial expression, it matches. Entitled dev lmao.
is all you need to know
He's obsessed with poop, I remember that.
It's less lashing out and more like laughing at these fucking retarded söyy slurping devs.
Oobkeks are going to be irrevocably BTFO
Does that mean she’s fair game?
Cuz I’d like to do the thing and put my 500,000 exclusive copies all over those braces if you get my meaning.
Well shit is gonna completely hit the fan after this. RIP chances of the game and devs ever recovering I guess.
Upvoted!!! Us consumers need to stick together in such trying times. Our freedom to buy product is at stake! Imagine a world where us, the consumer, couldn't freely buy toys like Funko Pops to have on display behind us while we read the front page of r/gaming.
nice try gamer
thats so ironic, gamer.
This looks like some weird bizarro version of Stepfords. There is absolutely nothing genuine about these people.
he might be a faggot but hes right
customers are not "entitled" for wanting a good product
>KYM filename
>le funny pig capitalist man from a piece of literal Soviet propaganda
>Implying the game is even worth the hard drive space
Just look at the gameplay man
They're now trying to copy Slay the Spire
Why are Steam drones so cringe?
>he didn't buy Space Engineers in Early Access
>he didn't buy Ion Maiden or Factorio before price increase
I'd really wish all of this exclusivity bullshit would stop.
But fuck Tim and his scummy Chinese business practices.
>space engineers
Don't hurt me, user.
why are these type of people attracted to southern words
literally because it doesn't offend trannies without sounding unnatural like using "they"
It will stop with. The death of steam
It amuses me how he manages to be the most stereotypical nu-male and screeching Yea Forumspol/-tard at the same time.
you are cringe
It started as a pokemon game but then the devs saw how profitable card games are and made it that instead
Then EGS would literally be the monopoly you complain Steam is, you fucking slant-eyed bastard.
the "its just a launcher" people remind me of the "it works fine on my pc" people
It will stop when Tim gets tired of losing money accomplishing nothing.
Well, I was kinda interested in this. What are some alternatives?
>I'd really wish all of this exclusivity bullshit would stop.
Steam shouldn't have set the precedent
I bought killing floor 2 in early access but 1.0 release reset refund timer so I got the money back.
Now post the original.
this is worse then don't you have phones guy
The games they were inspired by. Try some Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, and Temtem.
Who was the one who started bribing publishers to put games on his shitty platform?
Who is a scummy piece of shit who takes chink government money?
Who looks like that fucking dog that chewed the remote?
>that low tier edit of it obviously being EGS
>that full cope and seething
In her defense, she’s clearly 11 years old, she might actually not know.
Remember the number 1 rule of all communist justification.
>It's only okay when we do it
>11 years old
So Ben is a pedo who fucked an underage girl?
Is the question about the why the icon is a shopping cart or why someone would use the cart functionality to buy multiple things at the same time?
>EGS destroys steam
>becomes the sole proprietor of the marketplace
>start buying out exclusives away from GOG
>"no see this is okay because GOG inherited steam's original sin(tm)"
I love how they didn't even try with the hat.
I hope he remembers this next time he tries to sell his next game and Epic isn't going to provide him and his wife fun bucks. You don't get rich after one game.
Temtem and Monster crown look decent
What the hell is wrong with this guy?
He got alcohol-related brain damage?
I wonder if there's any chance EGS tells these stupid assholes to shut the fuck up and stop generating ill will toward their product
I mean it certainly looks that way.
>wall of text
Was this made by the Chinese government?
Because leftists can't meme.
all PR=good is a myth you brainlet
There's a story here. Tell me.
Great, gonna submit a tip to FBI, hopefully they caught him with his filthy CP stash.
the latter
I guess I just won't play his games then. It's ok, there's plenty of others.
>Let me just evoke the ghost of the biggest clusterfuck of confused identity politics in the history of the internet because I decided in my own head that all of the people who disagree me on this one widespread issue are all part of the same tribe of gross entitled gamers™
Holy shit, dude. Just stop typing. Put down the keyboard.
You're done digging that hole. You came out the other side of the planet, and now you're continuing to tunnel through the atmosphere, hurtling through space.
>The way you wrote this
Go back to Neogaf
I'm sure he's a pedo, and he browses resetera. I'm 100% sure.
About 1000 of the coocks is happy to suck their fat cock anyway
>climate change
>human rights
>I have a gf you don't "argument"
>white entitlement
It's literally a walking meme
C'mon now
>I know you're upset about us launching on Epic and that's totally understandable
Then proceeds to tell anyone that voices their complaint that they're an entitled baby gamer that clearly isn't a part of their community.
It was closer to 3000 a day ago.
I wouldn't go that far but he definitely has some difficulty with self-introspection, at least when he feels cornered.
Why do these people STILL have GamerGate on the brain?
Is it the same reason these kinds of people keep bringing up C-ville and the obese lady who was in a crowd of dickheads blocking a road?
>4channel avatars are attacking us!
>damn you 4channel!
No it wasnt, see OP faggot. People like you the reason this shitfest getting cleaned up so easily.
Number of patrons in Jul was 1192.
Don't forget
>looks like a generic nu-male with beard and glasses
>literal who makes literal who game
>I'm supposed to care
Redditors spammed his subreddit with shit, stop blaming Yea Forums for everything jesus christ
literally what are 4ch avatars
They've never been above 1200 they have lost about 80 subs since this whole mess though.
Someone redpill me on this minimum sales guarantee. So Epic buys a certain amount of copies to make it look like the game was successful? Does that mean 500k sales worth of revenue go to the devs? Or is this paying them back for the exclusivity money? Or is that separate entirely?
If you don't care go post in the other thread, you have your freedom and human rights doggo.
my guess is anime girl pfps
remember if ur on twitter and have an anime girl pfp you must be from 4channel
Gamergate is the holocaust of gaming. Remember the 6 trillion. Remember the 5 guys.
I'll explain it with this pic.
I dunno, have you seen his wife?
Dev says "I am expecting to make 500k from all platforms that this game is sold on"
Epic then says "That seems reasonable we will pay you 500K for exclusivity rights for your game"
There may be certain provisions in the contract that say Epic takes a bigger % until it is payed back it's money but there is no way to know without looking at the actual contract.
reading all of this and remembering that I tried to warn him when he started taking questions. First that trying to answer questions from shitloads of people at once on discord was a terrible forum and nobody is going to leave happy, and second that responding in such an overtly hostile way was going to bring more heat on them.
It's such a shitty feeling when you support someone / a project when nobody else does and once they get popular they ghost you, completely.
And how many of these were pre-bought by Epic?
Then I'll just shitpost here
That will be sufficient. Thank you user.
just like battleborn, and lawbreakers, and fez and
Let them enjoy their shitty 5 sales:
The sales ARE the exclusivity “money”. They guarantee minimum sales for exclusivity. If you sign the deal for 500,000 copies, say, then whether your game sells 8 ACTUAL copies or 499,999 ACTUAL copies, you “sold 500,000 copies”. That’s the money you generated.
It’s not immediately clear whether it works in exactly this way, or it’s more of a “bonus check” (i.e. sell 8 copies, and you “sold 500,008 copies”) and that may be something that is negotiated differently with different devs/publishers.
The key takeaway is that it’s not just a cash payout for exclusivity, it’s a promise of actual SALES, meaning what you report to your shareholders when discussing how the game performed (and it also lets Epic lie through their teeth about how games are performing on their store).
Holy fucking kek this could not be more perfect. He never responded.
Also funny how he went from "we want to meet your standards" to "we don't owe you shit"
That's disgustingly devious, but it sounds exactly up their avenue.
It’s not just a promise of sales, but a promise of PREORDER sales, which is also significant to devs/publishers.
Fez WAS successful.
There are no games exclusive to steam besides valve's own
>Steamcels say your game can only sell if it's on Steam
>Game isn't on Steam
>Sells 500,000 anyway
Add the Epic exclusive payment and the game is a HUGE success
>trolled steam drones with tweet about selling only 8 copies on EGS
>steam drones actually thought what they sold that much and started to celebrate, posting on news sites and reddit about games failure to sell
>steam drones brain was too small to realize that was a joke and they got dabbed on
Absolutely based Coffee Stain blowing the fuck out of Steamcels
Why is this so often the go to "argument" of any complaint someone voices for anything?
>hurr durr you aren't owed anything
What's your stake in the game other than being a consumer gamer cum.brain?
Nice copypasta, human
You can stop pretending like those 500,000 sales don’t constitute the Epic Exclusive Buy, we all know they do.
>new buzzword
Post discarded
are these people genuinely autistic?
Why would they think a catty tone would be appropriate for an announcement that they know will be unpopular?
And who said anything about being owed anything braindead /pol/ack?
From how I understand it they buy a set number of copies they expected it could have sold if not exclusive up front to secure it for their store. As they are treated as sales of your game on the platform you end up with only the % you'd normally made from a normal sale.
The way the smaller devs word things there's some kind of a grant involved, but considering how educated they are in money I'm doubtful it's a grant and that's just Epic PR talk to suck them into the deal. They likely need to sell over the initial buy-in to begin making profits again and have to survive off the exclusivity money for a year after launch.
So in the case of these developers they're now living off presale money and need to seriously budget for the next 2 years because once it dries up it's gone. Releasing it won't let funds trickle back in for a while because of the exclusivity already covering the first load of sales. Sounds great if you're broke and can't afford basic essentials, but if you're in that situation and didn't budget well in the first place it's almost a death sentence on future aspirations. It sounds great for a bigger studio with proper budgets who can last out exclusivity and use the presales to fund their next project right away though.
>are these people genuinely autistic?
Naw just your average smug Seattle hipster
>When did PR die?
It didn't die. Everyone wants to be the next disney/netflix/marvel/ea and just tell your audience (when white males) that you hate them and how X product is not for them. If a product is a success, it's because minorities (ignore the fact that white males bought your product). If a product is a failure you blame white males for "not being ready" and make articles about the problems with the "fandom of ___".
Based Tim dabbing on third-world weenies. It's like, move to a real country already
Everyone, save his post, and in the future, when not even epic is touching his shit anymore.
you shall remember them.
hahaha holy fuck
Who's pushing this gamer shit that it's already filtered on day one?
place "gamers" with "sjws" and how fast would he be deplatformed/unpersoned/fired/smeared
MGS2 was right, gated internet communities are ruining everything
dude thought his usage of gamerstm was an obvious reference to the specific kind of harassing toxic gamers and that people would get it
why would you even put that in a pr statement wtf
omg it's a regular wh*te genocide!
If it sold so well why does nobody ever talk about the game? It only ever gets brought up in shill threads.
lol dude get off the internet
Pokemon Gaia
>suddenly hiding her income, only showing number of patrons
she knew what was coming. this was planned a long time ago, although not long enough
When has steam ever bought the rights to solely publish a game?
The only true exclusivity is waiting for denuvo to be cracked
Because it sold great, but only one guy (Tim) actually has any copies of it. He has 500,000 of them. But he can’t sustain discussion alone, even with all those copies.
>lower prices
>improve your store
Epic has done none of this.
>mfw twitter acc and anime avatar so they're kinda right
I don't care about their opinions though, they're losers
>gated internet communities are ruining everything
Other way around.
I want to know the story behind this too. First saw the trailer freshman year and was hyped at the time.
Go back to era
Ahahaha stay mad.
Why ate you in this business then?
>thanks for paying our bills for months but we don't need you anymore now fuck off
imagine actually giving someone money on patreon
Pretty sure it happened with the digital distribution of Darwinia, nearly 15 years ago. Possibly a few other titles? Though this was at a time where you could still buy physical copies of PC games, including Darwinia.
I know for me, I like shopping carts in steam sales because my cucked bank plan has a limited amount of transactions per month or else they charge extra
I give money to someone on Patreon but I get physical art out of it monthly. The problem is all these retards giving people money for nothing.
aww is the white snowfwake twiggewd? Mwuffin...
Fucking yo-yos
Treat that shitty feeling as a valuable lesson
Meanwhile on Steam, twice as much in one third the time.
What the fuck do you accomplish with a post like that other than making your opponent look more reasonable and mature?
Devs literally posted they no longer need patreon bucks and they still have supporters, I wish I could get a cabal of morons to huff my farts that deeply.
What's with this argument that they're just two indie devs that are strapped for cash? First of all, they moved to one of the most expensive cities in the US to live in last month. Second of all, they have more than 1000 monthly patrons. Third of all, it's completely feasible that one of them could work on the game full time while another gets a part time job. And finally, dev teams of equal size or smaller have made much more impressive things with less dosh and support.
you now remember that hopoo was born and raised in /agdg/
lol keep telling yourself that my seething incel
so fucking what?
it's a disaster happening in real time, and Yea Forums LOVES disasters
Schadenfreude is delicious
Even if nobody on Yea Forums wanted this game it's not about whether you personally wanted the game or not. It's about an industry trend of devs just actively shitting on their playerbases.
Little faggot.
Just because they put themselves in the situation purposefully and don't see the need to make it more manageable doesn't make them any less oppressed.
I actually do but it feels bad to not support those who actually need it.
>tfw even Mark Kern is weighing in now.
what a shitshow
You just proved him right good job
Out of all of the things they could put up to showcase the game, they choose a shitty animation on a cheapass mocap machine.
>One of the biggest EGS shills is now calling them out
They REALLY fucked up.
>tfw the bull finally got your wife pregnant and you're getting a new console for it
>Space Engineers
but it's garbage?
>A known Epic bootlicker telling oobletdevs they goofed
oh nononononononono
That's what happens when you do mocap without any proper tweaking to fit the model. shit just stretches
>sent the webm with the caption "mfw I finally have enough money to buy avocado toast and pay for my wife's son's education" on the discord
>get banned
everybody knows epic pays the devs for exclusivity through pre orders and buying game copies THROUGH the store. only like 15 real people at most buy anything on epic games store.
Fake news is the reason why we've got a literal fascist in the white house
Fake news is the reason why those dev good reputation is being ruined
I think Yea Forums moderation should clamp down on fake news
>you damned 4channelers at it again LE DAMN YOU SLASH VEE DX
I bet he thinks we're gonna come light his van on fire too.
if they no longer need the patreon money and publicly admit to it, why keep it up?
somebody should call him on his "white entitlement"
>Turning away free money from idiots
They're not even exclusive to Steam, the Orange Box released on 3 platforms. So did Portal 2.
whatever helps you cope
At first I wanted to write something like "why not just animate yourself in blender?", but then I re-read the thread and realised the true motive behind this game.
Fuck those guys. and fuck their shitty cash grab. This is why we need a new industry crash.
>Devs hold a kickstarter for a spiritual sequel to Supreme Commander
>It's massively successful
>Game comes out
>It has practically no content, dreadful optimization, remains in Early Access for a long time and costs an absurd amount of money
>Almost none of the issues have been addressed by the developers
>A couple of years and a shitload of negative reviews later
>They re-release the entire game with some added content as a completely new game, with it's own Steam store page (presumably to "clear" the game's poor review score)
>They decide to charge money for it
While all this is going on - they essentially decided to abandon the game and started the development of another one, which is the one the user posted. The funniest part is that
it's very likely that their new "game" wasn't even a game, at all, as they showcased precisely zero minutes of actual gameplay, so it's very likely that it'd been another pump and dump K$ cash-grab.
what was the original game called
Planetary annihilation
Jesus fuck, that brings back so many memories. All my friends in middle school wanted me to buy it and pressured me hard (they did the same shit with space engineers) but I didn't have enough to buy it ever. Did it end up being terrible?
Who is this "Yea Forums"?
The first version had a decent premise and ok core gameplay, which was nowhere near the level of Sup-com. I never bothered with Titans (the re-release), but I heard that they actually managed to fix some of the game's issues.
Vote with your bullets, not wallets
It’s because they got caught and have to run damage control.
Charlottesville was the same shit. They were in the wrong
a timid subreddit
god that pissed me off so much, finally buy the game and then badabingbadaboom the update is released as a new game
its unironically bigotry, and prejudice lol
>When did PR die?
2012, with the Mass Effect 3 debacle/entitlement meme. Game devs and journalists realized that they could knowingly sell sub-par products and still make a profit in the end, so long as they attacked/silenced/belittled the consumers who were rightfully mad about it.
>just come to our safe space discord where everything that isn't praising us gets deleted in 2 minutes
>Mass Effect 3 debacle/entitlement meme
those were good times and by good i mean depressing, but still a little funny in retrospect
Is this guy a communist? I bet he's a communist. Every one I've known always ends up being a greedy, opportunistic fuck when you get to know them.
>you people considered racist
>you guys considered sexist
marxism turns white people into niggers, the lack of thinking of the future is one of the intended effects.
That's what is the sleeziest part of this whole thing.
EGS is about greasy ass executives at epic games publishing helping other greasy ass executives at AA and AAA publishers line their pockets with salary bonuses when these games sell X amount of copies to trigger bonuses.
Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Tenscent has some deal with the Chinese government where they get some sort of subsidy or payment when they sell X amount of copies.
But guy is gender non-specific. Why would they claim something is what it isn't?
The resulting Worst Company in America nominations were pretty great, wasn't worth the overall damage to the industry though.
Butt hey DID lower their prices and DID improve the store
You can tell this was edited by an insect with no knowledge of English
Can't find pics of "her". "She's" a coder. It's a tranny.
when you are part of a group that understands capital the best, you also become the ones that know how to work within that system the best. the ability to play the game ok does not mean they don't also want to destroy the playing board, if that makes sense.
Right here
God damned brainlet
I think that one is the worst out of them all. Just the balls to say something like that, dismiss the support the people gave you because you got a loaded pimp "now" to fund you. Someone creates that cutesy baby-talk game, but in the end is a total heartless sell-out who doesn't give a single fuck about the people who were there to help them. Absolutely disgusting and spineless.
>yeah bro, i'm just playing the game rn, once we smash the system i'll totally be a legit commie, you can trust me, comrade ha ha
>Jesus fuck, that brings back so many memories. All my friends in middle school wanted me to buy it
holy shit im getting old
you guys are insane if you thought charlottesville came out bad for the left
>it's very hard to navigate the steam store
Man epicucks are pretty stupid and lazy.
It released, what, 7 years ago, user? I might be conflating early high school with late middle school.
some obese fat fuck getting a heart attack is not the fault of a car driver
oops meant for
Pretty much. I've used steam for years and never have trouble finding games that look interesting.
The issue is everyone has made a pastel animal crossing/Pokemon/harvest moon game.
Everyone has made a pixel metroidvania.
Everyone has made that souls like rouge like.
You have to be very very exceptional to get noticed anymore because on Steam you are competing on an open PC platform where people literally have the entire history of gaming at their fingertips.
>nonplayercat is acting as abig of a smug cunt as peplamps
>supplicating manginas upvote her because she's a woman
I hate white knights so much
Who cares about this tumblr game?
it's true, though.. what's infuriating is that they say this while simultaneously thinking they are owed a purchase. typical leftist 'rules for thee, not for me.' mentality
I don't see why you'd fuck over your patreon fans. Arguably they're your biggest fans, considering they're willing to fund you each month for something they could just wait and get for a single price come release day
Glad Skatebird got turned down by Epic.
>giving money to someone with an avatar like that
lmao you deserve it
this guy unironically sounds like someone on a uppers binge
it has to be drugs
well you have to make your living in capitalism somehow. not everyone can be a neet. most have to labor for their wages. what do you expect? do you want them to live in the woods?
based foresight-having Nips
is this shopped?
The smiles remind me of that cat with the fake neutral expression that does :|
Quartening, the one guy I can always count to bust retarded devs. I guess the guy who punched him that time killed himself, after he realized that he created a monster.
Really not digging this future of PC gaming where I gotta hop between like five different launchers just to play my games. Smgdh when did we become consoletards.... ugh.
>ha, who needs fans? mega corporations will always have my back!
>the gamers did this...
I can't see EGS as Epic Game Store. I always read it as Ember's Ghost Squad.
This thread just got mentioned on the developer's discord. Prepare to be showered in hate speech.
pics or it didn't happen
Hey cuckdev, if you're here
We've been having at least one thread up since yesterday anyway who cares if the chuckle fucks see it
Hi, this is my first time on 4 Channel, but I just want to pop in here to defend the devs. Yes, they could have gone about their announcement with a little more tact, but they are only human. Everyone needs to relax. PC gaming needs to change and Epic will help us to usher that change in. The days of entitlement and toxicity needs to STOP.
shitty bait
>mfw one of the cuckdevs reads this and spills his söy all over himself
Oh shit the faggots are here. Put on your cool face
>Don't have to coddle angry gamers
Why do so many indie devs feel the need to shit on people who fucking play video games?
It's just like if the director of some anime started shitting on his own potential audience before it even hit the screens.
nobody here gave them money. they're just getting mad on behalf of others, like the other sjws they hate
These toxic entitled baby gamers need to stop whining and instead fix global warming before they even *think* about complaining about how I chose to publish my wonderful game.
time to use the blind hate here to justify ignoring the genuine criticisms of your actions eh
Who and what?
>who did this
Hmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder
Because blacks use them too.
Hey, you guys should be thanking us. Without angry entitled Yea Forums avatars to point the finger at you might actually have to acknowledge the masses of reasonable people you pissed off.
Some cuck indie dev making some game that would have flopped and Epic being retarded like usually decided to continue the trend of scrapping the bottom of the barrel and paid them for exclusivity.
Basically just call the dev a nigger and dip, nobody will remember him or his game in a week.
> being mad over a launcher
Tfw they deleted every post on their reddit page from the last 24 hours
>that running animation
jesus christ and people shat on my fighting game
Don't forget Nintendo E-Shop!
thats fucking creepy
>Steam and GoG
This all we need, cope.
wow I wonder why gamers are so jaded and hateful nowadays?
Risk of rain 2 is worth every penny
Must be because they're dicks!
We developers dindunuffin
>Yea Forums avatars
Um this isn't "Yea Forums" it's 4channel.
Because they're inherently subversive cultural vampires.
>angry gamers
aka steamlets. He could have worded it a bit better, but basically steam has a monopoly on retards.
Life sentence + 400years
>angry gamers
Funny way of describing people who gave you money to help make your shit game.
It might have been true if the dumb nip had released it at the same time as the console version.
I hope Trump pardons him.
because some good indie devs will make more than 1 game in their life time worth buying
Haha these people are fucking pathetic
Im midly mad about Borderlands 3 being exclusive at lauch but cant say I give a fuck about a shitty game I never heard about.
Hes not a famous rapper so unlikely to happen
>i going to burn any hopes my game has of making a profit because epic will pay for it
so epic will pay for your next game too? and the one after that?
cause im pretty fucking sure if epic DOESNT pay for it. those entitle costumers you shat all over wont pay for it.
Conservaboomers are getting banned and pushed into obscurity by the millions by big tech, Trump is too senile and clueless to do shit
That's what I dont get lol, epic isnt going to fund your next game if they dont make money off the game they just funded. What kind of retard gets funding and then tries to sabotage their game? Epic should probably stop giving these retards money because their shitty games arent bringing people to egs.
>heart attack
Sure it was, user
>doing anything
Common sense says money won't last, but bad publicity will. And let's face it, this indie trash isn't significant enough for Epic to put too much money into. Probably in the tens of thousands, likely less than 50.
I wish to be of your same opinion user, but i know there are various steam groups full of epic shills and they're ok with every shit the industry throws to them
>they're in this thread
The most retarded thing about this whole ordeal is them asking why most of the people that were complaining had just joined the discord, when both the devlog and the mailing list email gave a link to ask people to talk about it there. Almost like they invited people who would have legitimate concerns only to tell them to fuck off because they aren't TRUE fans.
I'm gonna actually seed it just so people always have a way of getting it free.
they were acting like people talking about and disagreeing with the decision to join epic was akin to harassing them full-stop
at least, ben was, he's the one who's been going full tilt from step one
Oh I'll most certainly be seeding it. I just won't install or play it.
They don't believe it's unpopular though.
fuck pixel indieshit games and fuck discord niggers
that's what living in a leftist echo chamber does i guess
>like the other sjws they hate
rent free
>heh capitalism is such a corrupt system because people are evil
>they even let benevolent and angelic me be as evil as I want to
>god I am such a good person
Based Tim giving developers Fortnite bux so that piracy is not considered morally bad since you can't use the argument of "developers need the money to pay for rent and food" anymore. Tim is making piracy great again.
Even Jim Sterling is shitting on them for their attitude and he's all for indie devs taking the deal.
yes, now instead of
>ive never heard of your game and wont buy it
its now
>i know of your game, will still not buy it AND avoid you and anyone associated to you like the plague
what kind of fucking name is Ooblets anyway, sounds like a fucking show for toddlers
What's the point of motion capture when the result looks strictly worse than doing IK by hand?
These devs need to neck themselves.
I think the ooblets are those little animal things that follow the main character around?
Because if he turns into a full EPIC shill he will have nobody watching his constant shitting and paying his patreon, really, all he does is digging on shit games he hardly have a point when he shits on steam
Is the bearded creature modeled after the dev?
The only games I ever funded were Factorio and Underspace.
Just be smart and you don't get cucked.
Never even heard of this game until all of this.
Pretty obvious those models are the self inserts for the devs.
Like most of the games being cucked by EPIC, it just shows nowadays even INDIE devs ( I hope a minority of those ) love cash as their AAA friends
>Shitting on your customers
This woman will do just fine conducting business.
no one here has
>I have no problem with keeping the lights on, jobs intact, and being able to deliver the game you promised.
Here's to all you faggots propping up indies because they're not douches like the AAA.
When have they not? People will sell out because everyone loves jewgold.
OP here, I started this thread because i had legitimate questions in the discord and they banned me, so I hopped on my sock puppet and have just been watching for dev responses to save and use against them. Almost like censoring people is a bad idea.
Its almost as if the internet doesnt forget people pulling shit like this. This is going to bite them in the ass in due time.
Thanks for the free game indie queers, go eat shit on your faggot games store lamo
it was at E3 last year and people promptly forgot about it, for good reason.
Name 1(One) single other industry where the creators/sellers of goods act so directly hostile to their consumer base.
It's not possible. It stands in defiance of even the most base theories of economics and marketing.
already is, literally 90% of people in the discussions of this game right now never heard of it till now
no fuckin way anyone walks away with a good impression of these fucks now
Well there's Dick's Last Resort but that is more of a gimmick
>implying normalfags give a single fuck
Try to remember the target demographic of the EGS
the people brigading their chats and forums aren't their consumer base though, they're just coming in to shitpost for a game they hadn't even heard of before yesterday
You're not wrong, their core base doesn't seem to give a shit regarding it considering their Patreon
>people with complaints about our game being egs after we told people it would be steam don't have arguments
fuck yourself you faggot game developer. you people are shit thats why no one at a decent company would hire you and you had to beg for money like a nigger on the side of the road. Get fucked.
Update, in the last 12 hours Ooblets lost 2 supporters on patreon.
Baseline number 1159
Current number 1109
Overall lost of supporters 4,4%.
We are clearly winning bros
It was never really about winning or losing. If anything, it was about the drama.
A lot of people take this shit seriously and they think bitching about it is going to make a difference. I'm just here to laught at these people
They all want to be the next Miyazaki, bbut deep down they know that even their hatred for their own audience will always be shallow and mediocre
And yet the developer is whinging about those Yea Forums avatars anyway
I don't think anybody seriously expect their basedtrons to stop. It does however poison the well for when they release to the general audience.
Well, the dev clearly said he doesn't give a fuck about the patreon, most likely those who will remain will be childs who had access to their mom credit cards
Miyazaki hates out of love, if that makes any sense. His hatred has SOUL
To be fair otaku culture ruins alot of animes. I sware to fucking god if i have to watch one more fucking beta faggot self insert character act like a fucking autistic nigger when women are literally grabbing his cock and ass i'll fucking neck someone.
this has to be an edit I don't believe this is genuine
that's not really otaku culture
Exactly, which is why they know that they'll never be him
>When did PR die?
with indie games becoming increasingly popular you have very small operations consisting of less than four people cropping up and having to juggle multiple aspects of managing a business resulting with people in the teams that have no idea how to do good pr being thrust into PR roles
>tumblr the game
A slightly addendum, the game was Early Access trash and in no way even close to a 1.0 release. However the devs got bored and wanted to work on a new game so they took the existing game, slapped a 1.0 "final" tag on it, dumped the game and launched another Kickstarter for their next game. They were asking for $1.4 million despite having raised like $2.4 million during their original kickstarter plus whatever profits they made from Steam sale.
The original dump-and-run of the original game pissed off all the original backers who vowed never to associate with Uber Entertainment agian. The original kickstarter had ran for nearly a month year only raised a measly 27% of its target, and rather than face the shame of letting it run the full 30 days and end in fail Uber cancelled the Kickstarter and reluctantly went back to work on Planetary Annihilation, releasing a paid DLC that was mediocre as fuck
And southern people are right wing and yet they get mad people use their words
Isn't that the guy that put low key lolicon into all his movies?
>low key
Are you posting from 2010?
because one of the biggest fucking problems of the egs not having a shopping cart is having your account locked out during a sale when you would be purchasing alot and having to contact support after 3 or so transactions.
which is a huge fucking mistake because your supposed to have as few distractions or roadblocks in completing transactions because you don't want to give purchasers any time to reconsider their purchase because it could be your fucking game they pass on.
Wonder how many people actually bought the game instead of activating a cd key from amd gpu purchases. Have a copy myself from buying a cheap RX570.
Oh I see you came from the discord channel, welcome new friend :^)
There was that one guy which was blocked from buying games for 10 minutes before they lifted it. I'm unable to understand why people use it as an argument. Small fuck ups like this are happening all the time, you can even get blocked on steam in the same way. 3 days ago valve destroyed the whole TF2 economy. But let's ignore that, a single guy got fucking blocked for a few minutes. NEW ARGUMENT AGAINST CHINA OVERLORDS
Personally, as someone who'd never heard of this product before, I'd probably have seen it spreading around if it got popular and checked it out to see what the hype was about. Which is exactly what I've done now, except rather than it being because most of the people who were invested are saying "wow this game is really good" it's because they're saying "wow fuck these devs".
I'm unable to understand the argument against having a shopping cart in your digital storefront in this day and age.
this but unironically. tumblr has been dead ever since the porn ban, they all moved to twitter. stop using its corpse as a bogeyman
Mostly when the deplorable customers got tired of crowdfunding disappointments like Mighty No. 9 and vaporware like Psychonauts 2.
It's going to be hilarious to watch EGS crash and burn when they run out of Other Peoples' Money, as all systems that take control of the means of production from the deplorable customers and give it to the workers inevitably must.
It gets brought up because it was a direct result of not having a basic standard feature in a store that is supposedly "bringing competition" to steam.
Loving every laugh
>Mostly when the deplorable customers got tired of crowdfunding disappointments
This will never happen. Gamers are retarded
>It's going to be hilarious to watch EGS crash and burn when they run out of Other Peoples' Money, as all systems that take control of the means of production from the deplorable customers and give it to the workers inevitably must.
I'm not fucking sure in what school of economy you belive in. But you are one of the biggest retards on the entire world.
Epic as much as you may hate isn't in any fucking way related to socialism or communism
Even normal fags know epic is complete shit.
Based as fuck
I can guarantee 90% of the stuff you're wearing and using is from china
There's nothing wrong with supporting chinese businii, grow up
Imagine supporting this game for years on patreon then being told you're an entitled toxic fuck because you want to play their game and to fuck off
What the fuck is wrong with these devs, jesus christ
I see the faggot saying the game reflects their faggot personalities.
Is it true? I want to see it
Hey sweetie, people who are genuinely good don't ask for anything in exchange for their acts
If they do, they aren't good people
I don't know nor do I really care if we are gonna be honest here.
>People who are good at their jobs work for free!
Uhm.. honey..?
Valve also fixed the TF2 economy shortly after yet it's ok to dismiss a laundry list of problems just because people collectively hate the intention behind it. Whataboutism doesn't help make Epic look better, since people still get hacked, doesn't help the end customer just dev/publisher, and the fact that everyone still collectively shits on it for those reasons and many more is why this "Paint Steam as greedy kikes" narrative is a joke
imaging giving someone money for a product years in advance and you dont even know what the product will be.
I mean, have you seen any of its media? Just check out the website I guess.
Many people didn't know this game exists until they see the dev being massive cunts.
Imagine taking money years in advance for a product then changing what your promised and not giving refunds, then calling your customers entitled
>tfw they replaced battles with a dance off because muh violence
It wasn't in ea.
Please don't porn of children, my mom is with me
i need the sauecaroo on this qt
Ok that was pretty good
Yo, Perplamp, just so we're clear here if you're still in the thread: You didn't piss off the angry Yea Forums virgins. We didn't care before, and now we're laughing at you because you started a shitstorm and seem as if you deserve it. The people you pissed off were your fans who supported you. Never forget that.
New thread
New thread
>They ruined Monday Night Combat after striking gold with it
>Then they make Super Monday Night Combat and run that into moba failure
>Then they release a cash and grab project
>Then they try to drain more pockets because they're horrible at management
...and now we're here. After ruining your golden goose, you should have known this was going to happen. You failed to push out updates, you failed to fix the issues that you kept making, and you left the home systems to rot while the PC version updated at a snails pace.
Then you make money grubbing choice after money grubbing choice, and now you have the aducity to plead not guilty? Get fucked.
fuck off
>The future of gaming is Epic buying your game, not the customers.
Ah, I see...
It's easy to say that if Epic gives you a buncha money instead of your customers.
If people want to not support Epic games and especially don’t want to support Game devs that put out really bad responses like these guys did, why still insist that “I’m gonna pirate it”
Isn’t it more principled to just not get the game, period? Just spread the word of their assholery and ignore the game.
>tfw god at SMNC
>used to average 11k1d11a
>valve accidentally marks game as released on steam
>uberbros roll with it
>servers cant handle it
>game shuts down
Wish there were a similar game out there that wasn't a dotaclone. I enjoyed the TPS aspects mixed with the level designs being vertical.